
Chapter 252: Dispatching Li Tianyu2024-01-15 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan also ate happily, although the food at home has always been good.

  But for hot pot, the atmosphere is also very important.

  "Auntie, the noodles you made are so delicious and chewy."

  Qin Yue smiled and hurriedly reminded everyone: "If you like it, eat more, there are still a lot."

  "Okay, I won't be polite."

  Zhang Kaiyang said, glancing at Fan Qing next to him.

  "What's wrong?"

  Fan Qing's eyes were red, and he was obviously in a bad mood.

  As the host, Jiang Yuan had to care about him.

  "Qingqing, what's wrong, is it too spicy?"

  "No, no..."

  Fan Qing shook his head quickly and a tear suddenly fell.

  "I'm sorry, it's too delicious, especially when Auntie is here, I miss my mother a little."

  As he said, he took the tissue handed over by Ye Mianmian and wiped his eyes.

  "I'm sorry to make you laugh."

  "Oh, don't think too much, come over and sit more often in the future."

  Qin Yue didn't know how to comfort her. In this situation, everyone is not doing well.

  The communication was cut off, and she was not the only one who couldn't contact her family.

  This situation of being in danger is not an isolated case.

  But there is no other way. In an era when it is difficult to protect oneself, everyone needs to be strong.

  As soon as these words came out, the other people also had solemn expressions. They probably missed their families.

  "Eat quickly, the meat will get old if you don't eat it!"

  Jiang Xingzhi shouted, and everyone became lively again.

  After all, it was in someone else's house. Even if you are sad, you can't show it too obviously.

  Besides, with delicious food in front of you, everything else is secondary.

  Especially for Liang Kang's family, they usually eat until they are eight-tenths full, and the slightly better things are left for the children.

  This kind of big meal is really hard to come by.

  However, the two of them ate normally and didn't eat like a wolf.

  Relatively speaking, it was still very elegant.

  This meal, intermittently, actually took two hours.

  Everyone's stomach was round and quite satisfied.

  After the meal, regardless of gender, they all helped to clean up, and the main point was that everyone participated.

  "After this meal, you don't have to eat at night."

  "Yes, one meal is equivalent to two meals."

  Zhang Kaiyang laughed foolishly, and Fan Qing elbowed him.

  The rest of the people laughed along.

  When everyone went back, just as they went out, they heard someone knocking on the door on the 19th floor.

  "Who is it? Let's go and see?"

  Liang Kang didn't dare to make a decision on his own, but asked everyone's opinions.

  "Let's go."

  Song Yi said, and went over first.

  It was Li Tianyu. It's been a long time since we last met.

  Fan Qing was annoyed when he saw this person.

  "What are you doing here again? Get out of here."

  "Qingqing, don't get me wrong. I came here to find Sister Yuan this time."

  "Looking for me?"

  Everyone was shocked. What
  did they want to find her for? "Yes, Sister Yuan, I came here to buy some things from you this time.

  You should have seen that the snow is abnormal now, as big as cotton balls.

  I know you sold some things before, so I want to buy some from you."

  His attitude was good, but it was a different time.

  This must be what the group of people on the 15th floor told him, or they knew they had no face, so they let Li Tianyu come.

  After all, he was the only outsider.

  But they forgot that Li Tianyu was also a person that everyone here hated.     "I'm sorry, I used to sell clothes and other things, and I don't have any left. You can ask other people."

  Li Tianyu was anxious when he heard it: "No, Sister Yuan, I know you all have food at home, just give me a little bit, any money is fine, it won't affect me.

  I know I did bad things before, don't bother with me.

  I came here with sincerity, you see..."

  As he said that, he opened the backpack he carried with him.

  There was money in it, stacks of Mao Zedong's banknotes.

  I have to say, it was really a lot.

  "Sister Yuan, see what you can give?"

  Still not giving up, it's really annoying.

  She is not short of money now, even if she is short of money, she will not deal with him.

  "I've already said, don't pester me anymore, it's meaningless."

  "Wait a minute..."

  Song Yi stood in front of Jiang Yuan and faced the somewhat nervous and excited Li Tianyu.

  "She said no, can't you hear it?"

  "No, sorry, Brother Song, I just, just..."

  He didn't know what to say, and glanced at Fan Qing next to him, and immediately came up with an idea.

  "Qingqing, please help me say something. I'm sincere, please."

  Fan Qing rolled her eyes and ignored him. She turned around and said to Zhang Kaiyang, "It's so cold, let's go back!"


  The two of them walked away as if nothing had happened. Jiang Yuan didn't plan to stay any longer and pulled Song Yi's sleeve, "Let's go too!"


  "Sister Yuan, Sister Yuan, don't leave!"

  Ye Mianmian was at the end, looking at him and sneered, "You should leave quickly. This building is not peaceful. You're alone here, and you might die soon. You're

  so brave to hold these things."

  Li Tianyu quickly tightened his backpack and looked around nervously.

  "Hahaha, go home, go home..."

  She didn't expect that this person was so easily frightened, and she laughed to death.

  Turning around, Jiang Yuan was waiting for her here. She quickly ran a few steps and went over to hold her arm.

  "Let's go, Sister Yuan..."


  It was a small episode that didn't have much impact.

  Everyone went back to rest. In addition to 1501, there was also the eldest sister on the thirteenth floor in this building. I don't know if she is still alive.

  After agreeing to get up tomorrow morning and continue sweeping the building, Jiang Yuan didn't want to think about anything else.

  Qin Yue packed up everything and was about to watch TV.

  Jiang Yuan also brought a tablet over so that Xiao Nuan could watch cartoons.

  She took the opportunity to go to the bathroom, and the work in the space had to continue.

  A lot of seedlings had grown up, and they had to be planted separately, otherwise it would affect the growth rate.

  Moreover, if the seedlings were too tall, it would not be easy to pull them out intact.

  After all, the root systems of these things are relatively developed.

  After being busy for about half an hour, she hurried out and took a tender cucumber by the way.

  "Xiao Nuan, take a break, otherwise you will become nearsighted."

  "Okay, mom, hey, what is this?"

  "Shh, this is a cucumber, for the baby, try it quickly."

  The little girl used to like eating this kind of cucumber, and Jiang Yuan often bought it for her, but later she rarely ate it.

  At this moment, she was still very happy.

  After taking a bite, it was crispy and refreshing.

  "Mom, is there any more? I want to talk to grandma and grandpa..."

  Uh, this child...

  "Xiao Nuan, be good, you eat first. Grandma and grandpa have fallen asleep. My mom will get them more later. We still have a lot at home."


  The little girl smiled with curved eyebrows.

Chapter 253: Chaotic Relationship2024-01-16 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Cotton-like snowflakes fell for a week, and Jiang Xingzhi had to go to the terrace twice a day.

  He was afraid that there would be a backlog. There were gaps between the tarpaulins. Although they were put together, they were not strong enough to support the ground.

  Jiang Yuan would also go to help, and it seemed that life had suddenly stabilized.

  She would exercise for a while every day, including her parents.

  Xiao Nuan and Jingjing would also exercise for a while on the rack sent by Song Yi. For the sake of physical fitness, Xiao Ling would also teach them some simple dances.

  Anyway, jumping around was effective.

  Jiang Yuan found that her daughter's appetite had improved a lot in the past two days.

  She could eat a big bowl of rice every time. It really worked.

  The day when the snow stopped was already the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month.

  The accumulated snow submerged the twelfth floor, which was nearly 20 meters deep.

  I don't know what the situation is in other places. In their community, there were still people cleaning up at the beginning.

  If it was on the plateau above, the situation would probably be even worse.

  The blizzard mentioned before was really a blizzard, and it was extremely severe.

  Jiang Yuan was also worried about when it would end!
  They basically swept the entire building several times.

  All the furniture that could be used was collected, and only the eldest sister of Building 13 and the family on the 15th floor were left.

  Fan Yao has now moved to the 18th floor. He had been on the 12th floor before and didn't say anything. He

  didn't open the door when anyone knocked, probably thinking of hiding secretly.

  However, when the heavy snow flooded her floor, she was still scared and wanted to come and live with Fan Qing.

  But she ignored this person, so there was no choice but to settle for the next best thing and live on the 18th floor.

  Because the upper floor had been locked by them, the 18th floor was the closest floor to them.

  The house in 1802 was not closed. I don't know if the sound of moving affected the people in 1501.

  They actually wanted to help, and Li Tianyu and Fan Yao knew each other, so the two families became close.

  Fan Yao was guarding 1202, so there must be supplies. If she was alone, she would probably be able to live a comfortable life.

  But, how could she not have ulterior motives when she was with the group of people in 1501?

  That day, just after lunch, there was a quarrel downstairs.

  Jiang Yuan felt that there were only a few houses left, so she had to go over and take a look. A boring life also needs some adjustment.

  Song Yi also came out and called Ye Mianmian. Fan Qing didn't go because he heard Fan Yao's voice.

  They didn't go down either, but listened on the 19th floor. There was a door blocking this side, so the situation could be better.

  "You shameless man, I will definitely beat you to death today..."

  This was a voice she had never heard of before, and she didn't know who it was.

  Jiang Yuan looked at Ye Mianmian, who also shook his head, not knowing what was going on now.

  "What nonsense are you talking about? You don't take good care of your own man, but come here to cause trouble for me. Do you have any shame?"

  It was Fan Yao's voice. She was hooking up with someone else again.

  It shouldn't be like this. Who else is in this building?

  Li Tianyu is now the boyfriend of the old woman's daughter, it can't be him.

  "Is there a family that we missed that we didn't observe?"

  "It shouldn't be. We all walked one floor at a time. We didn't go below the seventh floor, but it was frozen over there and no one could live there!"

  Jiang Yuan didn't understand, but Song Yi spoke lightly.

  "That old lady has a son."

  "Yes, but she has a wife, he..."

  Oh my god, isn't this a large-scale scene of catching a mistress?

  Ye Mianmian and Jiang Yuan were both a little unbelievable, looking at each other with unspeakable expressions.

  "What's wrong with her? She is so cheap, and she has nothing to eat?"

  "I don't know, I guess she enjoys the feeling of being sought after."     Jiang Yuan was also a little speechless. This kind of dodder girl was incomprehensible to her.

  How could there be such a person? Isn't it good to be self-reliant?

  Moreover, the old lady's son is an old uncle. It's better to go back to Li Tianyu.

  It's really unheard of.

  "It's all your fault. I'll beat you to death."

  "I'm afraid of you!"

  Then there were all kinds of fighting sounds and men's vomiting.

  "Stop making trouble, wife, don't trouble Yaoyao.

  She is a girl and needs to be taken care of.

  Don't worry, the situation is different now. No matter who else, they can't replace you."

  My God, no wonder the old lady behaved like that, her son is the same.

  This family really has a throne to inherit. He

  actually wants to enjoy the blessing of all the women, but he doesn't even see if he deserves it.

  "Let's go. It's better not to listen to this kind of rubbish..."

  It's better to go back and watch idol dramas. It's really boring.

  Jiang Yuan went back and really found one and watched it with relish.

  After dinner, Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing came to visit.

  Qin Yue made honey water for everyone, and then went to the bedroom, leaving the space for the young people.

  "Sister Yuan, do you know that Fan Yao is really awesome..."

  "What, you didn't go downstairs to see again?"

  Unexpectedly, she suddenly changed the subject, and Ye Mianmian waved her hand quickly.

  "No, no, Fan Qing went downstairs, and she came back to tell me."

  Jiang Yuan glanced at her calmly, and the girl was still soft-hearted.

  "Sister Yuan, don't get me wrong, I think she lives downstairs from us now, if she keeps making trouble like this, it's not a big deal.

  So, I went to see the specific situation and warned her by the way."

  "That's not the point!"

  Ye Mianmian came over slyly, looking quite gossipy.

  "Sister Yuan, do you know?

  Fan Yao actually took down the old lady's son, and now he is like a dog, so obedient."

  What the hell, wasn't he awesome during the day, and he still wanted to brainwash his wife.

  "Very cool, isn't she?"

  Ye Mianmian gave her a teasing look, but she didn't say anything too explicit.

  "I'm speechless about her, too. She's the type who would die without a man."

  Fan Qing was a little angry. Although Fan Yao had nothing to do with her, it was too easy to associate the two of them together.

  It turned out that the people from 1501 noticed Fan Yao on the day she moved.

  Because she took a lot of things, and she was alone, it was easy for people to keep an eye on her.

  Originally, Li Tianyu should have gone over, but her daughter wouldn't let her, so she had no choice but to let her son go.

  The man didn't use force, spoke politely, and helped with the work.

  Although Fan Yao's character was not good, she was not stupid, and she knew what this man was up to.

  So she let him help with the work. 1501 knew exactly how many things she had, so they wanted to get them and take them for themselves.

  The man went over to show his presence a few more times, and for some reason, he was seduced by Fan Yao.

Chapter 254: The Elegance of Dodder Flower2024-01-16 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "This guy is really capable, he never refuses anyone who comes."

  Jiang Yuan didn't know what to say, but this kind of flexible person can also be considered a talent.

  In the end times, people who live long are powerful.

  "That's not all, she may even be promoted."

  Ye Mianmian added fuel to the fire, sharing desire is a necessary quality for gossip girls. Jiang Yuan

  blinked and looked at Fan Qing next to her.

  She sighed and nodded.

  "But I don't think Fan Yao will go there. She is alone now. If she goes to 1501, the whole family will have no freedom."

  This is what she said herself. Why go there and make herself unhappy?

  The old woman is not easy to deal with. If she puts on the mother-in-law's money and asks her to serve.

  She will go there if she is crazy, and she may even lose the supplies. It is really unnecessary.

  Now, she lives alone and can still attract her son's soul.

  Every time she comes, she must bring something, otherwise she will not open the door.

  In addition, his wife is making a big fuss and doesn't want to stay at home.

  This also made it convenient for them, but Fan Yao was not stupid.

  As soon as it was time to eat, he would drive people away.

  There was no other way. He would go upstairs to fiddle with the rice, noodles, and even firewood in the house.

  Jiang Yuan "tsk tsk" twice, it seems that she should not be too love-minded.

  This man will pay for his behavior sooner or later.

  "You don't know, I think this Fan Yao is not simple, I guess she is still in private contact with Li Tianyu..."

  "Maybe, but it won't be blatant..."

  "That's for sure, that's her sister-in-law's boyfriend."

  Ye Mianmian was particularly disgusted with this kind of man, who changed girlfriends more frequently than changing clothes.

  However, for Li Tianyu, there should be no way.

  He was injured at the time and was rescued by others.

  If he didn't hold on to this thigh tightly, he probably wouldn't have a good life in the future.

  To please her daughter is also to stay alive.

  Fan Qing couldn't help but sigh again, with a somewhat tangled expression.

  "Qingqing, you are not still in love with that scumbag, are you?

  I tell you, don't be stupid, Kaiyang is better than him anyway, don't let it go!"

  Ye Mianmian was a little nervous and tried to persuade her.

  Receiving her eyes, Jiang Yuan quickly agreed.

  "Yes, for a man who is not in love, why keep him? Just listen to me, there is no need."

  "No, you misunderstood."

  Fan Qing sighed, as if she had made up her mind.

  "I'll tell you the truth, Fan Yao said that Li Tianyu did come to see her, but she ignored him.

  She said, she said..."

  Seeing her hesitant look, Ye Mianmian was anxious: "What did she say, you say it!"

  "Well, she said that Li Tianyu is not only her daughter's boyfriend, but also her mother's boyfriend."

  "Whose mother?"

  Ye Mianmian had a questioning look on her face, clear and stupid.

  "Oh my God, are you talking about that old lady?"


  Fan Qing nodded, and Jiang Yuan's values ​​were crushed.

  What the hell, she must be sixty years old.

  Ye Mianmian's pupils also dilated, and she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

  "What the hell is going on!"

  "It is said that Li Tianyu accepted everyone who came, and let the old woman find a second spring.

  She wanted to persuade her daughter to let it go, and I don't know how the two of them talked, but in the end they reached a consensus.     In order to enjoy this pretty boy together, he served the mother and daughter day and night.

  The daughter was okay, but the old woman was really unbearable!

  Otherwise, she would not have come back to find Fan Yao. "

  Jiang Yuan was shocked beyond words. In this way, Li Tianyu's situation was also miserable enough.

  There was no one else in the building now, and because of the heavy snow, he could not get out.

  If he didn't please her, his life would be in danger. It was also very difficult for him.

  "We don't have to pity them. They are all self-inflicted. Besides, this matter was said by Fan Yao, and the authenticity has yet to be verified."

  Fan Qing said this deliberately, but it didn't make everyone feel relieved.

  On the contrary, the madness of this world has reached an unimaginable level.

  "If you ask me, Fan Yao is probably laughing to death now.

  After all, Li Tianyu is not as good as him.

  Although he depends on men, it is true that he is nourished. "

  "Mianmian, Qingqing, don't go to her again in the future.

  It's not certain what will happen. Fan Yao is a very thoughtful person.

  You must protect yourself, understand? "

  "Well, don't worry, Sister Yuan, it won't happen again."

  "Neither will I. Even through the door on the 19th floor, I won't eavesdrop."

  The two people made assurances again and again to reassure her.

  "There are only a few households left in our building now, and they are actually having so much fun.

  If this goes on, it's better to just separate from them and have some peace and quiet."

  "Sister Yuan, what do you mean?"

  Ye Mianmian thought of the killing, and Fan Qing was no longer surprised at this point.

  "Nothing, let's talk about it later..."

  Anyway, it's very annoying.

  If it's not dealt with, it'll be like a thorn in the throat.

  "The New Year is coming soon, so let's do it together then!"

  "Yeah, there's still some power in my computer, and there are a lot of movies in it."

  "By the way, when you mention movies, I thought of something."

  Fan Qing suddenly smiled, as if he had discovered a secret.

  "What's the matter? "

  "It's just that we found a doll on the eighth floor before..."

  That's what happened. It fell out of the cabinet and scared her.

  "Zhang Kaiyang, he said that Song Ge didn't have a girlfriend and was lonely and cold.

  So after he brought it back, he hid it and planned to give it to him secretly.

  As a result, when he went there yesterday, I don't know what he said, but he was beaten by Song Ge.

  He also threw the doll downstairs. I saw it fall directly into the snow pile. There is no way to get it out." "

  Song Yi is really something. We are all adults.

  Even if you don't want it, you can't be so angry!
  "Is it seriously injured?"

  "Not seriously, just a punch, panda eyes, he deserves it.

  I told him before not to take it, Song Ge probably doesn't have those fetishes.

  But he said that I don't understand their men's interests. "

  Fan Qing rolled his eyes, not feeling sorry for this at all.

  "No wonder, when I asked him, he said he bumped into it accidentally, this kid, really..."

  "Sister Mianmian, he feels embarrassed and is too embarrassed to say it..."

  But it's quite funny to think about it, what is going on in this kid's head.

  Song Yi has been a soldier for so many years, and there are no girls in the barracks. He is indeed worrying too much.

  "Okay, let's go back and don't worry about what's happening downstairs anymore..."

255. Chapter 255 Truth or Dare2024-01-17 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "How about spending the New Year together, Sister Yuan, do you agree?"

  Ye Mianmian looked at her expectantly, and Jiang Yuan nodded.

  "I'm fine with it, it's up to you."

  "Great, then I'll go ask the others."

  The two girls went back happily and chatted for a long time, all of which were shocking things.

  However, spending the New Year together is not impossible.

  Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing have strong execution ability, and everyone unanimously decided to spend the New Year together.

  At that time, everyone will bring some ingredients and cook together.

  Jiang Yuan thought about it, her home is safe and warm, why not just stay at 2101.

  In the end, Song Yi got there first, which was fine, just next door, it wouldn't be a problem.

  Everyone prepared in advance, and she also brought a lot of things.

  Mom pickled sauerkraut, some frozen vegetables, the meat is the wolf meat from before, and Ye Mianmian brought the last ham.

  The rest of the people brought a lot of things.

  She didn't bring anything special, because she was afraid that she couldn't explain it clearly, and it wouldn't be good for others to see it.

  The two children were in the living room, playing ball with the little one.

  Today, the main thing is to make dumplings. There are not many dishes, but there are plenty of dumplings. There are pickled

  cabbage and meat, mushrooms and cabbage, and assorted vegetables. They all use whatever is available.

  After mixing the fillings, they roll the dumplings in the living room.

  Song Yi is actually rolling the dough, and his speed is quite fast.

  "Brother Song, you have this skill. It's not that you can't cook."

  "I can't cook, but I can roll the dough. In the past, during the Chinese New Year, the company also had to make dumplings."

  "Then you celebrate the Chinese New Year in the army. Isn't it fun? There are also programs and so on?"

  Maybe every man has a military dream.

  Zhang Kaiyang wanted him to talk about it, but Song Yi just nodded and concentrated on rolling the dough.

  I guess he missed his former comrades.

  I have never heard him mention it, but the people in the rescue center are obviously from the same place as him.

  Jiang Yuan has thought about this question before.

  However, she didn't have the nerve to ask him for details.

  Several people were playing and making noises, and they were very fast. Zhang Kaiyang said that he would sing and perform for everyone later.

  Qin Yue was in a good mood when she saw the group of children making noises.

  After making dumplings, the remaining dishes were cooked as much as possible.

  A large table was considered delicious .

  Everyone was amazed. It was supposed to be a family reunion day.

  Who would have thought that it would become like this now.

  However, they had food and drink, so they should be grateful.

  After dinner, Zhang Kaiyang suggested playing games. Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue didn't want to participate, so they went back first.

  The two children were not sleepy, so they stayed and regarded it as a night watch together.

  Several people decided to play truth or dare. They took a spoon and turned it in the middle. Whoever pointed to it was the winner.

  It was a bad start. The first round was Zhang Kaiyang himself.

  He chose the big dare. Ye Mianmian smiled and asked him to kiss the hair of the man next to him.

  Next to him was
  Liang his wife was still here. In the end, he asked him to do 20 push-ups, but Liang Kang had to accompany him.

  Because of the current situation, it's not good to be too noisy. Everyone is also very careful. They dare not make too loud voices...

  The atmosphere has risen, and everyone's eyes and heads are shining.

  Even Song Yi is no longer a stranger.

  The next round started, and it was Jiang Yuan.

  She chose truth or not, and no one wanted to embarrass her. They

  just asked a random question and passed it.

  As the one who got caught, she was the one who turned the spoon this time.

  Unexpectedly, it stopped at Song Yi.

  After three seconds of silence, everyone started to get excited. Only Jiang Yuan was trembling with fear. If this person held a grudge, it would be terrible.

  "Brother Song, what did you choose?"     Zhang Kaiyang looked at him excitedly, looking somewhat expectant.


  "Then I can think of a good question to ask you, but you can't afford to play!"

  Zhang Kaiyang gave him a shot of precaution in advance. Normally, he didn't dare to be so presumptuous.


  Song Yi stretched out his hand and made such a gesture, and the others began to think hard.

  "Yes, that's it.

  Mr. Song Yi, do you have a girl you like?"

  "Oh my god!"


  The people below began to make a noise, Zhang Kaiyang was really exciting enough.


  Song Yi uttered a word calmly and calmly, Jiang Yuan winked at Ye Mianmian frantically, and then showed a teasing smirk.

  "Who is it, do we know each other? Brother Song, tell us quickly?"

  Song Yi turned his head and looked at Zhang Kaiyang who was excited, and said seriously: "This is the second question."

  "Hey, Brother Song, just tell us, let us listen, we don't know what kind of girl you like."

  Acting coquettishly is ineffective, men acting coquettishly, ineffective plus three...

  Zhang Kaiyang had no choice, who knew that the next time, it would be him again.

  "Damn, God is really helping us, Brother Song, answer the last question quickly."

  "Get out of the way, you asked so many questions just now, how can Brother Song answer.

  So, Brother Song, just tell me if the person you like is possible among us?"

  Fan Qing asked in a slightly guiding way. She did not confirm, but asked if it was possible.

  That is to say, if it is not one of them, then will there be a relationship between them later?

  After all, whether you can see the person you liked in the past again in the future is also an unknown.


  Song Yi still said one word, but everyone was very excited.

  Later, everyone was looking forward to his turn, but it was not once, which was really a pity.

  At nine o'clock, Xiao Nuan and Jingjing were sleepy, and Jiang Yuan was not going to play.

  Let them continue to keep watch, she was going back.

  Liang Kang and his wife were also going to go back, the child was too young, there was nothing they could do.

  There were only three people left in 2002, so they didn't stay, sorry.

  Song Yi and Jiang Yuan sent the people downstairs, and when they arrived at the door of 2101, she was going to go back.

  "Jiang Yuan..."

  "Well, what's wrong?"

  "I can control that spoon."

  "Ah, what does that mean?"

  She didn't understand and asked back.

  Song Yi sighed, not obviously.

  "Nothing, Happy New Year..."

  "Uh, Happy New Year."

  It was a bit confusing, but she didn't think much about it.

  Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue watched the Spring Festival Gala of previous years at home.

  In the past, she was only interested in crosstalk and sketches, and basically skipped the rest, especially the singing and dancing performances.

  Now I think it is precious and like the lively atmosphere.

  Jiang Yuan took Xiao Nuan back to the bedroom, changed her clothes, washed her up simply, and let her lie on the bed to sleep.

  Then, she went to the living room to fill the hot water bottle.

  The little girl is very well-behaved, holding the strawberry bear, and she is very quiet.

  After the New Year, she will be four years old and a big baby.

256. Chapter 256 Avalanche2024-01-17 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan put the water bag away, took the story book and coaxed her to sleep.

  It was uncertain what would happen later, so she was greedy for the beauty of this moment!
  Her daughter fell asleep quickly, and Jiang Yuan was also ready to go to bed. It was meaningless to stay up all night to celebrate the New Year .

  Outside, Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue also took the tablet back to the bedroom to watch.

  It was better to lie in bed to keep warm than to turn on an electric heater in the living room.

  It was very quiet at night, and there was no change even during the New Year.

  She was sleeping soundly, when suddenly a very bright flame exploded in the sky.

  It lit up all the windows, which was strange.

  She was sleeping, but she woke up instantly.

  Because the sound insulation at home was good, she didn't know what was happening outside.

  Jiang Yuan's heart skipped a beat. It was so bright, it couldn't be some destructive weapon.

  She didn't understand those things, but it was definitely unusual to be so bright.

  She got up quickly, without even having time to put on her clothes.

  The silence outside the window had returned, as if what had just happened had never happened.

  It was exactly twelve o'clock, and the first day of the Lunar New Year was here. Jiang Yuan wondered if she had just dreamed.

  Just as she was about to go back, suddenly, another beautiful firework rushed up and lit up the entire night sky.

  "Oh my god..."

  This time she saw clearly that it was indeed a firework, because it exploded when it reached the sky.

  It turned into a gorgeous firework, which was set off from above.

  Those who can have this ability are probably some larger villages with more people.

  Or, it is the unfathomable and ethereal world.

  However, is such a big show really good?
  In addition to this, there will probably be some other firecrackers, but they can't be heard here.

  Jiang Yuan sighed and hurried back to bed. It was too cold.

  The next morning, they still ate dumplings, but this time they were dry dumplings, dipped in a vinegar dish. As soon

  as they finished eating, Song Yi and others came to the door.

  Everyone said Happy New Year to each other, and Xiao Nuan also received a red envelope.

  Although money is not valuable now, the sense of ceremony cannot be reduced.

  It was ten o'clock, and everyone exchanged a few words. Jiang Yuan wanted to talk about what happened last night.

  She called everyone to the corridor. The window was open and it was a little cold outside.

  "You saw it too, Sister Yuan?
  I thought I was dreaming, someone really set off fireworks."

  "Yes, there are firecrackers."

  As she was talking, there was a lot of noise in the distance.

  Hearing it here, Song Yi hurried to the window, trying to find the specific source of the sound.

  "Where is this? Why are there firecrackers on the first day of the new year?"

  Zhang Kaiyang didn't know the local customs and customs here, but he thought that in the end of the world, there was still this mood, which was also very particular.

  "This is playing with fire, everyone hurry back and pack up the important things. If the sound is too loud, it will easily cause an avalanche."

  "Brother Song, what are you kidding, it's just a few firecrackers, and it's so far away from us..."

  Zhang Kaiyang even laughed. Jiang Yuan was a little scared, and didn't wait, and ran back directly.

  "Dad, Mom, Xiaonuan, hurry over to the balcony..."

  Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue didn't know what was going on, and they didn't have time to ask.

  I ran over first, and saw Jiang Yuan had opened all the curtains.

  It had been a long time since I had seen such light, and I was still a little uncomfortable.

  "Girl, what are you looking at?"

  Their location was very good, close to the mountains and the water, although not very close.

  But it was perfect for retirement in the city.

  From here, you can see the university town on the mountain, and the undulating plateau above.

  "Oh no..."     Jiang Yuan saw something white moving on the mountain. It was not noticeable because everything around was white.

  But she still observed it with a high-powered telescope.

  What you fear will come true. That white, fog-like thing is getting faster and faster.

  It seems to be coming along the road ahead. The village below is probably going to be buried.

  Jiang Yuan's heart was in a knot. It was terrible. It was really terrible.

  "Oh no, oh no, there is really an avalanche.

  Mom and Dad, you hold Xiao Nuan and stay here. You can't leave me for a moment..."

  Jiang Yuan thought. Now is the critical moment.

  It depends on whether the snow can come to them. If it really comes, she will take her parents and Xiao Nuan into the space without saying a word.

  If not, thank God, the house can still be saved and they still have a place to stay.

  The feeling of the avalanche is like a stream of snow, surging forward madly.

  Before she could react, it came to her.

  She was scared and uneasy, and her palms were sweaty.

  "My dear, no, I'm going to get something."

  "Don't go..."

  Jiang Yuan's voice was so loud that it was a little out of tune. She put down the telescope and grabbed Jiang Xingzhi's hand.

  "Just wait here, don't go anywhere."

  Just after she finished speaking, she suddenly felt that the whole house was shaking.

  The chandelier on the dining table began to sway from side to side. When she turned around, the snow flow had already come down along the road in front.

  It was at the fork in the green belt. With a telescope, it was right in front of her.

  It's over, Jiang Yuan knew that it probably wouldn't work this time.

  Just as she was worried, the snow flow suddenly slowed down, then slowly flowed and stopped near the bus stop in front.

  What is this?

  It's over?
  She couldn't believe her eyes and watched it several times in a row.

  Jiang Xingzhi was also very anxious next to her, waiting for her telescope.

  "My dear, has it stopped? How about I go to the corridor to take a look?"


  Her voice was sharp and a little aggressive.

  Suddenly, she felt a little too nervous. She took three deep breaths and then said, "Dad, I'll go with you. Not only that, Xiao Nuan and Mom will follow..."

  Now, everyone in the family must be within her reach. They can't be separated for a step.

  "Let's go!"

  When they reached the door and just opened it, snow particles rushed towards them.

  "Oh my God!"

  Jiang Xingzhi quickly closed the door. A lot of snow had already flown into the house.

  "It's really close. I guess there are still a lot of snow in the air. Fortunately, we didn't go here, otherwise it would be more serious."

  "No, the window must be closed, otherwise how can we go out later!"

  Jiang Xingzhi said, and was about to go out in the snow.

  Jiang Yuan couldn't pull him in time, so she had no choice but to follow him.

  My goodness, the corridor is full of snow, and I can't even open my eyes.

  Not to mention talking, I can't open my mouth, unless you want to eat snow.

  After finally reaching the window, I reached out to pull it, but I couldn't pull it up.

  Jiang Yuan was anxious, not knowing what was going on, and wanted to go over to help.


257. Chapter 257: Hands Frozen2024-01-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Xingzhi struggled to say a word, and he felt countless snow particles coming into his throat.

  Jiang Yuan looked back at him. She was too nervous just now and didn't pay attention to her father's expression.

  Of course, his eyes were narrowed and there was no expression.

  Following his gesture, she saw her father's hand.

  At this moment, she also reacted.

  Without gloves, one cold and one hot, he must have been frozen.

  This is not a good thing. She hurried back to get some hot water. She

  had heard a lot of such things before, especially when exploring, it is easy to freeze people in the ice and snow.

  People say that once the skin touches an object, the temperature must be increased.

  Once, she saw such a story in a magazine.

  A group of people went on an adventure and suddenly encountered a heavy snowstorm and the temperature dropped sharply.

  A girl wanted to urinate, but she was next to the car and was frozen.

  There was no choice but to let the boys in the car come over and urinate on the joint to save her.

  At that time, she still felt very disgusted.

  But when it really came to the moment of life and death, what did this disgusting thing matter.

  There was boiled water at home, in a thermos. For convenience, she also brought the thermos.

  "What's wrong, girl? Where's your dad?"

  "Mom, don't worry about it. Take Xiao Nuan and hide in the house. Don't come out. I'll explain to you later."

  The situation was urgent and now was not the time to talk.

  Dad's hands were frozen. The temperature was so low that if he got injured, he might have problems in the future.

  It would be terrible if he got disabled.

  When she came out, the snow particles in the corridor were increasing, and no one could be seen.

  She stretched out her arms to block it and walked forward with difficulty.

  "Woof woof woof..."

  Hearing the noise, it turned out that Song Yi and Xiaobudian came out.

  He walked over quickly with an umbrella and blocked Jiang Yuan with his body.

  Then he put the umbrella at the window, and the "pa pa pa" sound of it hitting it was particularly obvious.

  Song Yi motioned for her to come over and hold the umbrella handle, and Jiang Yuan quickly did so.

  With this, it really worked a lot.

  However, snow particles still hit the gaps around.

  Moreover, even though it is small, it is still hard to hold the umbrella.

  Song Yi got some free time and hurried over to get the thermos.

  Pour the water into the thermos, which has a small spout, which is more convenient.

  In addition, it is small in size and easy to operate.

  "Uncle, bear with it, I'm going to pour the water."

  "Okay, Xiao Song, it's okay..."

  To be honest, Jiang Xingzhi is a little numb now, and he has no feeling at all.

  It looks red, and I don't know what's going on.

  I just pray that it won't die!

  Before, there was a person in their village who drank in the middle of the night and fainted on the road.

  When his family found him, he was half frozen to death.

  Many parts of his body would not move. The doctor said it was muscle necrosis and he couldn't be saved.

  Just now, I really should have listened to my daughter.

  Oh, I regret it!

  Song Yi poured the hot water slowly along the aluminum alloy frame of the glass.

  I didn't dare to go too fast. What if it didn't flow down along the window and scalded him again?

  I poured half a pot of water first, but it didn't work at all.

  Song Yi was also a little scared, and hurried to pour another half pot.

  At this time, he couldn't stop.

  Otherwise, the water would freeze, and the consequences would be even more terrible.

  After pouring it three times, Jiang Xingzhi's hand was barely able to take it off.

  Seeing this, Song Yi put on thick gloves and suddenly exerted force to close the window!
  The corridor was already full of ice chips.

  The three of them were also very embarrassed.

  Jiang Yuan took a look at the umbrella, which had a hole in it. It was really terrible.

  "Hurry, go back quickly."     Song Yi was worried about Jiang Xingzhi's frostbite, so he didn't care about anything else.

  The three people and the dog hurried into the house. Jiang Yuan took the thermos bottle, and Song Yi supported her father.

  As soon as they entered the house, warmth hit them, and they felt like they were in two different worlds from the outside.

  Qin Yue hurried out and saw the embarrassed appearance of the three people and Jiang Xingzhi who was supported, and she was immediately scared.

  "What's wrong? Sit down quickly."   As

  she said that, she led him to the sofa.

  She was scared to death just now, and she couldn't leave Xiao Nuan behind, otherwise she would have run out long ago.

  "Auntie, push the electric heater closer." "Hey, hey..."   Qin Yue hurriedly did as she was told. Song Yi kept stroking Jiang Xingzhi's hand.   He should be massaging it to help him regain consciousness quickly.   "Is there a reaction here? Does it hurt?"   "No..."   Jiang Xingzhi shook his head, and Song Yi changed another place.   "Here?"   As he said that, he pressed hard.   He asked several places in a row, but he didn't react.   "Alas!"   Song Yi's expression was very solemn, Qin Yue poured a glass of water over.   "Drink some water to warm up, and you can also cover your hands."   She saw that Jiang Xingzhi's hands were red, obviously frozen, and it should be better to cover them.   "Don't do that, excessive cold and heat are most likely to cause problems.   Let him come little by little, don't be anxious..."   He explained to his mother, and then asked Jiang Yuan to push the electric heater closer.   "It's okay, don't be too anxious, I'll be fine after a while."   "Jiang Yuan, come here, just like this, press uncle, use some force.   Let the blood flow, understand?"   "Yes!"   She watched carefully, quickly took her father's hand, and pressed it carefully.   Song Yi took the little one back, and in less than a minute, he brought two tubes of ointment.   It was frostbite ointment, she really hadn't paid attention to this medicine before.   Apply a layer on Jiang Xingzhi, and then continue to press.   Replace Jiang Yuan, and then let her change clothes.   "Go!"   Qin Yue also asked her to go quickly, it was useless to wait here.   She was covered with snow particles, which melted after she came back. If she didn't clean up, she would catch a cold easily.   Jiang Yuan quickly went back to wipe herself and changed into dry clothes. Then she went to the living room and found that Song Yi was still wearing the clothes he had just worn.   "I'll do the massage, and you should also go back and change your clothes quickly to avoid catching a cold."   Hearing her concern, Song Yi's nervous mood instantly eased.   "I'm fine, don't worry."   Then, he massaged Jiang Xingzhi more vigorously.   "Oh, it seems to be a little bit felt."   "Really?"   The three of them became excited and looked at him with a good look.   "Well, for a while, the fire couldn't be pulled..."   In their local dialect, it means a little hot.   "That means it's conscious, great, uncle..."   As he said that, Song Yi stopped and asked Jiang Xingzhi to warm up in front of the electric heater.   At the beginning, it can't be too close, and it has to be heated up little by little.   Later, Qin Yue also heated a hot water bottle and prepared it for him.   "Song Yi, thank you for today."   "You're welcome, it's what I should do."

258. Chapter 258 Emergency Preparation2024-01-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  What should or shouldn't be done? There are

  people who should be saved. I've never heard of that. "Thanks to Xiao Song today, otherwise I would be scared to death. Auntie will cook dinner at home tonight!"

  "That's not good!"

  Song Yi said, glancing at Jiang Yuan, as if he was very afraid of her.

  She wasn't that stingy, why did she react like that?

  "Don't be polite, Xiao Song, just eat at home, there's nothing special, just don't be disgusted."

  Jiang Xingzhi also hurried out to speak, after all, he is the head of the family.

  "Yeah, my mother cooks well, just stay!"


  Jiang Yuan spoke, and Song Yi suddenly became happy.

  Fortunately, there was no one else, otherwise she would definitely be accused of being stingy.

  It's lunch time now, and everyone was scared just now.

  It's okay now, but Jiang Xingzhi's hand won't heal so easily.

  Maybe there's still a possibility of frostbite, now we can only observe and pray that it will be normal first.

  Even if it's frozen, as long as there's no big problem, they can accept it.

  Song Yi was watching over there, massaging him from time to time.

  Seeing that there was nothing she could help with, Jiang Yuan went to the kitchen to help cook.

  There were guests here, and they were lifesavers. Plus, it was New Year's Day, so they had to have a good meal.

  Even if it was the end of the world and conditions were limited, they had to bring out the best.

  This was the code of conduct of my parents. People who had been kind all their lives were full of sincerity and simplicity.

  I had just come over here and hadn't helped yet, but there was a knock on the door. It must be someone downstairs.

  Qin Yue asked her to open the door, and Jiang Yuan didn't hesitate.

  "Oh my god, Sister Yuan, what's going on in this corridor?"

  Zhang Kaiyang looked at the snow particles all over the ground, which had begun to freeze. Apart from anything else, it was really slippery.

  "The window was open just now, and the snow particles flew in. How are you, are you all okay?"

  "It's okay, I just came up to see you and report that I'm safe."

  "It's okay, come in quickly!"

  "No, no."

  Zhang Kaiyang waved his hand quickly: "Since it's okay, that's fine, I'll go back."

  As he said that, he was ready to go out.

  Song Yi suddenly stood up and came to the door.

  "Wait a minute, Zhang Kaiyang, go back and tell everyone to pack up those important things.

  Put them in one place so they can get them anytime when they leave."

  "Brother Song, why? We are fine now, why do we have to leave?"

  "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be prepared. There is no harm in preparing in advance."

  Song Yi's expression was serious. He would only be like this when he encountered a big problem.

  Zhang Kaiyang did not dare to underestimate it, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

  "Okay, I'll go back and pack it up."

  At this time, what else is important?

  It's nothing more than rations. Money and other things are relatively useless.

  Zhang Kaiyang left, and Jiang Yuan was also a little scared.

  The two walked to the living room and sat down in front of Jiang Xingzhi.

  "Song Yi, why do you say that? Are there other dangers?"

  "I don't know, but in this situation, it's better to be careful.

  You know, such a big thing happened up there.

  I guess many people will be in danger, but definitely not all.

  If there are still those who don't have eyes, we will probably be affected?"     Jiang Xingzhi knew what he meant, but he couldn't believe it.

  "Is it that serious? Didn't it stop at our door?"

  "Uncle, this time may be lucky, we have to prepare for the worst.

  It's best if it doesn't happen, but once it happens, being prepared and not being prepared are two different things."

  After he said this, the father and daughter understood that everything else was nonsense.

  Survival is the most important thing.

  "Song Yi is right, we have to prepare too."

  The mountain above them is the kind without a peak, which the locals call Yuan.

  It is high, but it is relatively flat, and the overall altitude is still very basic.

  With so much snow, the situation is not good to begin with. If you are not careful, it will be a disaster.

  Although they cherish their lives, no one dares to guarantee that everyone is like this.

  There are too many forces in the village above. They

  are entrenched in different places, which they have never understood.

  For example, the place where they encountered the wolf pack last time was basically more organized.

  This time the avalanche came down along the road, basically in a straight line.

  The affected villages and towns are all nearby, and there are still many villages around.

  Qin Yue was struggling when she called everyone to eat.

  Most of them were prepared beforehand. She specially stewed a fish and thawed it in advance.

  Every year has surplus, no matter what time it is, we must have a good start.

  The staple food is still dumplings. It is the most appropriate to eat during the Chinese New Year.

  Jiang Yuan was a little absent-minded. Song Yi sat next to him and gave him a chopstick of fish.

  "Eat more..."

  She came back to her senses and felt a little embarrassed: "Thank you, you should eat more too, don't be polite..."

  Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue looked at the interaction between the two, looked at each other, and didn't say much.

  After dinner, Song Yi said goodbye.

  "Dad, Mom, I think what Song Yi said is very right. We have to prepare and can't sit and wait for death."

  "That's right, my daughter, you go back and clean up.

  Wait a minute, your dad and I will go back and clean up."


  Jiang Yuan also meant this, be prepared for danger in times of peace!
  "Um, Dad, how are your hands?"

  "It's a little itchy, but it feels much better, don't worry..."

  This should be the sequelae of being frozen. The temperature in their hometown is relatively low in winter, and they have seen people with frozen hands and feet.

  Jiang Xingzhi's hands are particularly red. As long as he has consciousness and can move without any problem, then there is no problem.

  Jiang Yuan took Xiao Nuan back to the bedroom. Now they have to pack up, and the little girl has to participate.

  In case there are problems later, she also needs to know the current situation.

  After thinking about it, she decided to put all the things into the space in advance.

  These materials were obtained at great cost, and not a single bit can be wasted.

  However, in order to conceal her tracks, she still has to prepare some urgently needed personal items and put them in the open.

  She can't let everyone stay in the space all the time. The principle of sustainable development must still be followed.

  "Xiao Nuan, this schoolbag is yours. We may live outside in the future.

  Now, go find your things and put them in your schoolbag.

  You need to put the things you can use often, which are also important, such as food and books, okay?"

  Jiang Yuan squatted on the ground, holding her daughter's hand, and explained word by word.

  The little girl didn't understand, and her round eyes were filled with big question marks.

Chapter 259: Xiao Nuan Enters the Space2024-01-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Why do we have to go out? Didn't mom say that home is the safest place?"

  "That's true, but home is not safe now.

  Look, the snow outside is so heavy that grandpa's hands have been frozen.

  We must be prepared. Once we can't live at home, we must leave quickly."

  The little girl nodded, with a silly and cute face.

  "I know, just like when we went out for a trip before, we should prepare our own things."

  "Yes, that's what I mean. Xiao Nuan is really smart."

  There was no problem with the daughter, so she asked her to take out all the things she needed and put them on the bed.

  Then, she would select them and fill a backpack.

  The most important thing was that she could carry it on her back.

  Jiang Yuan also acted quickly. She took a backpack and a woven bag that she had used to find supplies before.

  The backpack contained a strong light flashlight, beef jerky, ham sausage, chocolate, milk slices and other small emergency foods...

  lighters, warm baby stickers, and a dagger...

  There was no need to put too much of the rest. You could just take them from the space when the time came.

  Inside the woven bag was a set of clothes, which was thicker and took up most of the space.

  In addition, she also put some simple tools and food. For ease, she put more bread, instant noodles and other things.

  There are many things in the house, and Jiang Yuan doesn't think too much about it now.

  If it can be put away, put it away, and take it out later.

  In the past, for convenience, she also put a lot of cash outside. In the cabinet are her clothes and the things she hoarded before the end of the world.

  Now, put away the previous things, mainly cash.

  The rest of the small things are also put in. After thinking about it, she wants to put this set of large cabinets in the bedroom in.

  After trying twice, it didn't work.

  There is no way, this is custom-made, and it has a fixed place on the wall and the ceiling.

  It was originally very large, but now there is no way to take it away.

  Fortunately, there is no shortage of wardrobes in the space.

  Jiang Yuan directly chose a bedroom, which is on the second floor of the space, and was originally prepared for her to live in.

  For convenience, the few times she went in, she was in the most original room.

  I didn't know until I cleaned it up, and I was shocked when I cleaned it up.

  In order to save space before, the wall cabinets were stuffed again and again, and there was basically no gap at all.

  The same is true for the bottom. There are no clothes hanging at all. They are all stacked up just to fit more.

  Now take them all out. There are really a lot of them.

  Just put them there. There are still a lot of supplies in the house. In addition to the ones I stockpiled before, there are also those I moved down from the attic last time.

  Jiang Yuan is very careful and didn't miss anything.

  "Mom, I've packed it..."

  The child has a lot of things. Jiang Yuan asked her to pick the most important ones and put them in until it is full.

  Then she got busy too. No matter what it is, she can't miss it.

  "Xiao Nuan, can mom take you to a place?"

  "Where are we going? Aren't we going to organize things?"

  The little girl was also very curious. She always felt that her mother was a little strange today.

  Sometimes like this, sometimes like that...

  "It doesn't matter. We will organize it there..."

  "Okay, I'll listen to mom."

  "So good..."

  Jiang Yuan touched her daughter's head, then asked her to close her eyes, took her little hand, and pressed the space code.

  The next second, it was a place with spring flowers blooming and birds singing.

  "Wow, this place is so beautiful, Mom, is this your farm?"

  "Hahaha, yes, it's Mom's and Xiao Nuan's..."     This child is really imaginative.

  If you raise some small animals, it will be a real farm.

  Jiang Yuan didn't have time to let her daughter visit, so she took her to the room upstairs.

  It was very warm in there, and the thick clothes worn by adults and children had to be taken off.

  She washed some of the tender cucumbers and tomatoes she had picked before, put them on the table, and let her daughter eat.

  Then, she started to organize things.

  This room is not small, and the wardrobe is also large.

  I plan to do it all at once. It is still very cold outside, so all the thick clothes that are often worn should be hung up.

  In addition, I found a place on the side and picked some thin clothes and put them in it.

  In this way, when it gets warmer later, there is no need to clean up a lot, just wear some.

  Xiao Nuan just ate a tender cucumber and came to help. The little girl had a baby voice.

  She brought a lot of hangers over, and Jiang Yuan was very warm.

  The wall cabinet was very high, and she couldn't reach it, so she needed to go up the ladder.

  The little girl would also help her hold it, and even bring the prepared clothes to her.

  A good housework expert, she was comforted to see her daughter like this.

  Later, she still had to cultivate her daughter's ability to live independently.

  In this end times, she was not sure if she could live safely until tomorrow.

  Her ability to live independently was better than anything else.

  Moreover, she had to tell her the password of the space in advance in case of emergency.

  The little girl was very happy and busy.

  The temperature here was high, and she was wearing warm underwear, and her little face was flushed.

  Jiang Yuan had finished cleaning and was ready to put other things in the house.

  "Xiao Nuan, put on your clothes, we are going back."


  "By the way, does the baby like it here?"

  Jiang Yuan was looking forward to her daughter's answer. This space was created by her, and it was arranged according to her pastoral life in her heart.

  In the future, her daughter will probably come here often. If she likes it, it would be great.

  "I like it, mom, it's not cold here, and there are many vegetables and flowers.

  Mom used to come here often!"

  Uh, so, her previous behavior was still discovered by her daughter?
  "Yes, Xiao Nuan is really smart. This is a secret between you and your mother.

  You can't tell anyone else, understand?"

  Xiao Nuan nodded seriously. In fact, she would agree to whatever Jiang Yuan said.

  In order to make her realize the seriousness of the matter, she continued to remind her.

  "Xiao Nuan must not tell others, because if others know, they will want to come in. If

  others come in, Xiao Nuan will never be able to come in again.

  It's so cold outside, we can only live in the snow, how terrible..."

  She didn't know how to say it, and she didn't know if her daughter would understand.

  But she knew how cold it was in the snow and had a personal experience.

  "Well, I won't tell you, it's a secret."

  After saying that, he even made a pinky promise with her, so cute.

  The two of them put on their clothes and returned to the room.

  It's definitely not comparable to the comfort of the space, so it's a good opportunity to take another wave of education.

  Now, it's the supplies outside.

  First coax her daughter to sleep, then she will go out.

Chapter 260 Her Secret2024-01-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  There are a lot of things outside, and it is quite difficult to pack them up.

  Jiang Yuan roughly estimated that in addition to the things in a few rooms, there are also some shelves, refrigerators, freezers and so on in the attic upstairs.

  In addition, there are some stored vegetables and pickled cabbage jars, which need to be taken away.

  On the terrace are solar panels, storage boxes, and water purification systems.

  These can still be used at home, if the sun comes out later.

  It saves trouble. The most important thing is that the installation is very troublesome. Although she is in the building materials business, she has no experience in this.

  At that time, she deliberately left the instructions and so on, just in case there were any problems later.

  However, there are more important things to do now.

  Jiang Yuan came to Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue's room, and the two were still busy packing things.

  "My daughter, are you done? Where is the child?"

  "Xiao Nuan is asleep, I have arranged everything, don't worry."

  Because of what happened in her previous life, she was very careful and never let her daughter alone.

  Now she is asleep, with the electric heater on, and a hot sleeping bag under the quilt.

  She was at home, so there would be no problem for a while.

  "That's fine. Look, your mom and I packed a woven bag.

  And these two backpacks are really a problem.

  We each have a backpack, your mom holds this big bag, and I hold Xiao Nuan, there will be no problem."

  Jiang Xingzhi was very satisfied with his arrangement, and smiled happily, showing a mouthful of big white teeth.

  Jiang Yuan was a little touched. Her parents really cared about her wholeheartedly.

  Whatever they did, the first thing they thought about was her and Xiao Nuan.

  This is a family, a real family.

  "Dad, Mom, don't pack up, I have something to tell you."

  Seeing her expression so solemn, both of them stopped what they were doing.

  "My daughter, come and sit here. Tell mom what happened."

  Qin Yue motioned her to sit at the end of the bed, and the rest of the place was filled with more or less things.

  It's just that this place is clean, with nothing.

  Jiang Yuan did not sit down, but moved a chair from the living room, and took a cup by the way.

  Dad and Mom didn't quite understand, looking at her, looking forward to what happened.

  "Dad, Mom, what I'm going to say to you next may be a little bizarre.

  But these are all true, you have to be mentally prepared."

  After saying this, she glanced at Jiang Xingzhi and then at Qin Yue.

  The two looked at each other, knowing that Jiang Yuan was not the kind of child who would make a fuss.

  Although the current situation is not very urgent, it is definitely not optimistic.

  She is like this, it must be true.

  "Daughter, tell me, your father and I have lived for most of our lives, what can't we bear, just tell me.

  No matter what happens, we have it."

  Tsk, it's a misunderstanding.

  "It may not be that bad, don't be too nervous, in fact, it may be a good thing for our family."

  Jiang Yuan said, and took the glass cup just now.

  "Dad, Mom, look..."

  Both of them looked at the cup, and Jiang Yuan's other hand gently rubbed the bracelet on her wrist.

  Then she activated her mind, and the cup disappeared in an instant.


  Jiang Xingzhi was a little surprised, and quickly raised her arm.

  No, there was nothing.

  Qin Yue also found it incredible, and she was not so nervous at this moment.

  "Girl, where did you learn this magic trick?"

  Both of them had stars in their eyes, and they were obviously confused and curious.     "Mom, this is not a magic trick, look..."

  As she said this, she stood up.

  Her left hand touched the woven bag they had just packed, and her right hand touched the wrist of her left hand, and the bag disappeared in an instant.

  "Oh my god, my daughter, you are so amazing, where did you hide such a big woven bag?"

  Qin Yue knew that magic tricks and magic tricks on TV were all deceptive.

  They just used specific props to hide the things that were transformed.

  Small things are okay, but such a big woven bag can be transformed, that's a great skill.

  Obviously, she was still very proud of her daughter's ability.

  "Alas, it's not a magic trick.

  Let's do this, dad, you pull mom..."

  "Why pull, you are so old..."

  Qin Yue was a little reluctant, especially in front of her daughter.

  Jiang Yuan couldn't help but hold her forehead, what's the connection.

  Her space must be entered by herself before bringing others in.

  Moreover, physical contact is a necessary condition.

  "Mom, just listen to me, I really have something to do."

  Seeing that her daughter was a little anxious, Qin Yue quickly agreed.

  "Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll hold it."

  She reached back and quickly grabbed Jiang Xingzhi's hand.

  "Tighten it, don't let it go, and then close your eyes. I won't let you open them, you must not open them, understand?"


  Seeing her father's perfunctory look, Jiang Yuan instantly became serious.

  "Dad, do you remember when I was a child, you told me the story of Jiang Ziya's earth escape?"

  Hearing this, Jiang Xingzhi was stunned.

  Someone didn't listen, opened his eyes halfway, and finally died in the earth escape spell.

  Could it be that her daughter had some great supernatural power? Seeing her nervous look, her guess in her heart deepened.

  "Daughter, you..."

  "Don't say so much, hold it quickly, close your eyes."

  Jiang Yuan knew that he had heard it, and she didn't dare to be careless.

  As for whether there would be any problems in the middle, she didn't know, anyway, it was just

  a matter of a moment. If you are prepared, it will definitely be better.

  Jiang Xingzhi really quickly grabbed Qin Yue's hand, using a lot of strength, and his mother's expression was a little distorted.

  Then he closed his eyes, tightly, with wrinkles all over his body.

  Jiang Yuan held her mother's hand and dialed the password. In a few seconds, they arrived at a paradise.

  "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

  Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue heard their daughter's words and tentatively opened their eyes.

  The long-lost sunshine was warm and gentle, and it was very comfortable to shine on the body.

  Looking at the green vegetable garden and the wide yard in front of them, the two were stunned.

  "My daughter, where is this? I am not dreaming!"

  Qin Yue couldn't believe it. Such a good place might not have existed before.

  "It's not a dream, mom, this is the secret I want to tell you."

  Now, the two people are even more confused.

  "My daughter, tell Dad quickly, what's going on?"

  "Dad, Mom, don't worry, come and sit for a while."

  Jiang Yuan greeted the two and sat on the rattan chair in front of the house.
