
  Chapter 391 Agreement

  The strong aura cannot be ignored. He sat directly next to Jiang Yuan and stared at the man.

  Jiang Yuan was a little puzzled. He looked at him and then at Jiang Yuan.

  "Is this your husband?"


  Jiang Yuan was confused. What was Song Yi doing? He must have misunderstood.

  "No, no, I'm divorced and didn't tell you. This is Song Yi.

  Song Yi, this is my classmate Jiang Yuan. " Oh my

  god, it was a little embarrassing.

  "Dr. Jiang, hello, we meet again..."

  Song Yi greeted mechanically, with a wary look in his eyes.

  "You, do you know each other?"

  Jiang Yuan asked back, otherwise, why did she know that he was a doctor.

  Everyone did call Jiang Yuan like this.

  "Ah, yes, when we came here, it was Song Yi who was responsible for picking us up." So

  that's why, no wonder.

  Seeing that the situation was not very good, Jiang Yuan immediately began to say goodbye.

  "Yuanyuan, let's talk when we have time. I'm leaving first..."

  "Okay, then you go back and pack up, and talk again when you have time..."

  The two of them were doing well, and Song Yi next to them didn't speak.

  "Um, Song Yi, aren't you going to eat?"

  "You care about me?"

  Crazy, Jiang Yuan rolled her eyes and prepared to leave.

  Qin Yue came over just in time.

  "Xiao Song, I brought you the food, please eat quickly."

  "Thank you, Auntie~"

  Qin Yue looked around and found that Jiang Yuan was gone, and she was a little anxious.

  "Yuanyuan, where is Jiang Yuan?"

  Well, this topic can't be moved on.

  "Mom, Jiang Yuan went back."

  "Oh, let him go back. This child is really getting more and more promising. He is more handsome than when he was a child.

  Come back, but you should get in touch with him more. He is still single now."

  Qin Yue said to herself, not noticing Song Yi next to her. Her face was already dark enough to drip water.

  "Mom, don't ask too much, and don't mention this matter again in the future. Do you hear me?"

  Why do you all think about those things?

  She is pretty, rich, has space, and a precious daughter. It's not good to be single. It's speechless...

  "You, you just don't know what's good for you..."

  "Okay, Xiao Nuan, Jingjing, have you finished eating? Let's go back after eating."

  The two children followed her obediently.

  Qin Yue was so angry. Seeing Song Yi next to her, she suddenly got an inspiration.

  "Xiao Song, tell me, why is Yuanyuan so stubborn? Jiang Yuan is such a good guy, but she won't let me say anything!"


  "What's wrong, Xiao Song, you look so bad, are you not feeling well?"


  I don't know what my mother talked about with Song Yi, but she was so lost after she came back.

  Jiang Yuan asked, but she didn't say anything. She

  just kept saying it was okay and didn't let her ask more.

  It was really strange.

  In the evening, Ye Mianmian came and knocked on the door, saying that Song Yi was looking for her.


  "Yes, Sister Yuan, you should go quickly. She seems to be in a hurry. Don't be in trouble."


  After instructing her mother and the two children, she hurried out.

  Song Yi was waiting for her at the outer door of the bunker. There were already a circle of light bulbs.

  But there were not many people. No one liked to come out.   

  Although it was a lot warmer, it was still cold overall.

  "Song Yi, what happened?"

  The other party was in a much better mood when he saw her coming over. He was extremely nervous just now.

  "I forgot to give you this..."

  As he said that, he took out a boiled egg from his pocket.

  Since he started working there, she has received one boiled egg every day.

  At first, she refused, so he gave it to Xiao Nuan.

  Later, she got used to it. Although there were eggs in the space, there were not many.

  Every time, she gave them to the two children. Now think about it, it has been almost a month.

  "I thought something happened. You scared me to death."

  She was really relieved, but also a little angry.

  Song Yi naturally put the egg in her pocket, and then looked at her with resentful eyes.

  "What are you doing, what's this?"

  "That Jiang Yuan, what's going on, does he like you?"

  Oh, oh, this little expression, like a bullied young wife.

  "Don't talk nonsense, we are just classmates.

  That's all my mom said. Because our names are very similar, she has a deep impression of him. Don't take it too seriously."


  After she finished speaking, she regretted it. What was she explaining?

  "But, he treats you~"

  "That's even more impossible. He has been a child of other people's families since he was a child. He is excellent in every way.

  How could he be interested in me? He didn't have it before, and it's even more impossible now, hehe."

  The reality is that she is divorced and has a child, and now there is Jingjing.

  Jiang Yuan is so outstanding, there is really no reason for him to be interested in her with a family.

  "But, you are very good, Jiang Yuan, don't question my vision."

  What nonsense is he talking about?
  "Song Yi, talk nicely."

  "I'm telling the truth. I really feel bad when I saw you two talking and laughing today.

  Jiang Yuan, it's been so long, and you still don't believe me."

  Oh my God, she really doesn't want to discuss this topic.

  "Song Yi, I told you that I don't want to talk about feelings.

  Not only you, but also others, do you understand?"

  He sighed, and at the same time felt fortunate.

  "So, you won't have anything with Jiang Yuan, right?"

  This guy is a little too persistent.

  "Yes, don't worry, I say the same thing about Jiang Yuan.

  We are just classmates, there is no other relationship, don't worry."

  "Okay, I understand.

  Jiang Yuan, if you want to fall in love in the future, can you consider me first?"

  Song Yi's tone was a little pleading. Jiang Yuan looked up and met his eyes.

  The light shone down, and his fine eyelashes cast a shadow with star-like light.

  Jiang Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and she nodded for some reason.

  The other party was naturally very happy, and they chatted for a long time before going back.

  If it wasn't a girl's dormitory and boys were not allowed, Song Yi would probably have sent her to bed.

  When she went back by herself, she was still dizzy.

  She really didn't want to fall in love, she just wanted to be beautiful alone.

  This Song Yi was also a little speechless, as if there was some magic that made her unable to control herself.

  Ye Mianmian was waiting for her at the door. As soon as Jiang Yuan appeared, she was immediately pulled into the room by her.

  "Sister Yuan, tell me quickly, did Brother Song confess his love to you?"

  Fan Qing was so anxious, he looked like he was gossiping.

  "Yes, yes, tell me quickly, are you together?"

  My goodness, these two people, really.

  "No, don't guess, I don't date."

  Chapter 392 The snow is going to melt

  "Ah, why, Sister Yuan, Brother Song is so nice, just agree to him."

  "Yes, when he came to me just now, he said that you talked to someone during the day, and that you looked like a lemon.

  He really cares about you, Sister Yuan, you have to get over the past!"


  Jiang Yuan sighed and looked at the two people in front of her.

  "I know what you mean, but my current situation does not allow it, so don't mention it in the future."

  "Oh, Sister Yuan~"

  Ye Mianmian wanted to say something, but she looked at her and the other party stopped talking.

  "Okay, it's warm these two days, and I think the ice and snow outside are about to melt."

  This is true. They need to go out every day when they go to the restaurant.

  They also know something about the situation outside.

  "Will spring be here soon? Normally it's April now.

  In previous years, it was already full of flowers and green willows.

  This year there is no movement at all, it's late enough."

  Jiang Yuan sighed. What Ye Mianmian said might be the past that they can never go back to.

  "Don't think too much. The situation here is relatively stable now. We can live a few days of peace here."

  If the weather is warmer, it will be a good thing for the construction.

  Now the weather is cold, and their construction period is greatly hindered.

  Just this "freeze" is already the biggest problem.

  After the ice and snow melt, there is no need to worry about frozen soil and some mud, which will be much better.

  Jiang Yuan didn't stay for too long, Qin Yue was still waiting at home.

  If the living area is built, it will be a good thing for everyone.

  At least, the family can live together.

  "My daughter, you are back. What did Xiao Song want to talk to you about?"

  "Nothing, just forgot to give me the egg today."

  As he said, he took out the egg from his pocket.

  "Oh, this Xiao Song is really thoughtful."

  Jiang Yuan didn't want to say much, and asked everyone to rest quickly.

  It was late, and she also needed to go to bed quickly. The

  current work and rest schedule is much more normal.

  Work during the day, there is no entertainment at night, and the day is ordinary and fulfilling.

  The weather is really getting warmer, and you only need to wear one thick coat.

  The previous three layers inside and three layers outside are no longer needed.

  A set of warm underwear and a thick coat is enough.

  The snow on top has also changed. It has a tendency to melt during the day.

  But it is not very obvious. It loosens a little. When the temperature drops at night,

  it will freeze again. After a few days, the change can be seen.

  That day, Jiang Yuan told her something while eating.

  "What, you mean that a group of new researchers are coming?"

  "Yes, the temperature here is changing now. To put it bluntly, it has warmed up.

  In the northwest, we also need to strengthen the facilities in agriculture.

  When they come, we will start preparing to cultivate new things.

  By then, everyone's table will be richer, and life will slowly return to the past."

  Jiang Yuan said, and he was very happy.

  "What about you, will you leave here?"

  "Not yet, everything here has not stabilized yet, we still need to continue to observe, don't worry."

  "Well, okay."

  To be honest, under normal circumstances, she and Jiang Yuan basically have no chance of meeting.

  This time, it can be regarded as a pleasant surprise.

  "Yuanyuan, I've never asked you why you got divorced before?"   

  Thinking of Xia Chaoyang, she was a little speechless.

  "Nothing, don't talk about those, it's all in the past."

  "What about you and Song Yi?"

  He asked carefully, for fear of causing Jiang Yuan's dissatisfaction.

  "Didn't I tell you before, okay, I have to go busy, you should go back quickly after dinner."

  These two people, why are they talking about her and Song Yi, really.

  However, there will be new researchers coming.

  Does this mean that there will be more jobs.

  Then do they have to change jobs?

  In the restaurant, how should I put it, it's not bad.

  It's just a little tiring, but now I'm used to it.

  As long as that group of people don't do something as scary as the human red mushroom like the previous Dr. Li.

  Thinking about it now, my scalp still tingles.

  Jiang Yuan told Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing the news, wanting to hear their opinions.

  "I won't go, I won't go even if I die.

  Now I have a shadow on this agricultural research.

  I won't go even if I die."

  Fan Qing's choice is reasonable. After all, she almost died at the hands of Dr. Li, more than once.

  "I won't go either. I think it's good here. It's simple.

  There aren't so many complicated people, no intrigue, and there's food to eat."

  Ye Mianmian also expressed her opinion, and Jiang Yuan nodded. This was basically what she thought.

  "By the way, Sister Yuan, I think the snow will melt in a few days.

  When we left, there were green grass tips over Yueban Lake.

  I don't know what it's like over there now?"

  After Fan Qing reminded her, she also reacted.

  "That's right. I haven't heard from there for a long time, and I don't know the specific situation."

  At that time, everyone was gone, including Chuyi and Chuliu. She missed the two children a lot.

  Then there was Xiaoling, who was buried there forever. Jingjing often cried secretly in the middle of the night, and she knew it all.

  "How about this, why don't we go back and take a look."

  "Can I?"

  I don't know why, but I just want to go back.

  "Sure, Mianmian, I'll ask squad leader Cheng to see what procedures are required."

  It wasn't long since they came here last time, so even if they walked over, it wouldn't take long.

  "Okay, let's go back and take a look. I'm also very curious."

  Fan Qing also agreed, waiting for Jiang Yuan to make the final decision.

  "Well, the main thing is to let Jingjing go to pay homage.

  This child, I think she misses her mother a little bit recently.

  She often cries secretly in the middle of the night. I dare not say it, for fear that she will feel uncomfortable."

  Speaking of this, both of them sighed.

  It's a poor child, and she has never been very talkative.

  However, whenever she comes, she will help with the work.

  The more sensible, the more people feel distressed.

  "Okay, I'll tell Kaiyang and the others later. If Brother Song is okay, he can just send us off."

  This is indeed possible.

  "Don't say that. The fuel we use now is all public property.

  Besides, they have tasks to do, so we can go there by ourselves.

  It's just a small matter, don't let others poke your spine."

  Chapter 393 Paying Homage to Xiaoling

  Fan Qing nodded and agreed immediately.

  "I see, Sister Yuan, I didn't think it through.

  I'll tell Kaiyang when we eat later."


  Jiang Yuan didn't know how they communicated. What she needed to do was to ask for leave from Squad Leader Cheng.

  "You want to go to Yueban Lake?"

  "Yes, that's where we came before.

  Jingjing's mother is dead there, and we want to go and pay homage to her."

  Jiang Yuan explained her reasons, but she didn't say anything about the green grass tip.

  Squad Leader Cheng didn't know so many details either, he was just thinking about whether their departure would affect the work.

  "It's okay, but you're all in the restaurant.

  So many people left at once, I'm afraid it will delay everyone's meal."

  Jiang Yuan had thought about this problem in advance, so it didn't affect it.

  "It's like this, Squad Leader Cheng, we'll go to work tomorrow morning and go out after lunch.

  We'll change with the people on the early shift, it won't affect it."

  Squad Leader Cheng listened and nodded with a smile.

  "Okay, since you have all made plans, then go ahead. Just don't delay your work.

  However, you must pay attention to safety. There is no telling when there will be danger outside."

  "Okay, I got it."

  Jiang Yuan was also very happy. She didn't expect it to be solved so easily.

  "Well, Jiang Yuan, I have something to ask you."

  Seeing her hesitant look, she was a little curious.

  How could such a dashing and heroic girl suddenly have such a shy moment.

  "What's the matter, squad leader Cheng, tell me."

  "That's right, I see you are very close to Song Yi. Does he have a girlfriend?"


  This is a favorite of Song Yi.

  She was a little embarrassed. She couldn't tell her that she liked her.

  "It seems that there is no, and I'm not sure about the details."

  Hearing this, squad leader Cheng was a little disappointed.

  But he immediately returned to his usual self and continued to talk to her.

  "Well, I see you are often together, or come here together.

  I thought you knew, alas!"

  Jiang Yuan smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

  Hearing that others like Song Yi, why do I still feel a little empty.

  But, I don't want to fall in love, so naturally I can't interfere with other people's normal lives.

  After secretly making up her mind, she stopped thinking about it.

  "By the way, Jiang Yuan, do you know what his hobbies are? What do he like to eat?"

  Speaking of this, she really didn't know, so she could only shake her head.

  She had been with Song Yi for quite a while, but it seemed that she really hadn't noticed what he liked. He wasn't picky about food, and he rarely expressed himself.

  "Okay, I'll ask him later."

  Although squad leader Cheng was disappointed, he was full of fighting spirit and didn't say much.

  Jiang Yuan got the nod and started planning.

  Jingjing must go, and the others were Fan Qing and Ye Mianmian.

  Qin Yue stayed here, the base was safe. Xiao

  Nuan also went with them, otherwise her mother wouldn't have so much energy to take care of her.

  In the evening, Fan Qing brought the news.

  Zhang Kaiyang and Song Yi were going with them, and the plane could take them.

  They set off at two o'clock in the afternoon, and Zhang Kaiyang was quite excited.

  "It seems that we haven't acted together for a long time, and suddenly I miss my previous life

  a little bit." Fan Qing patted him directly, a little unhappy: "Life is so stable now, don't talk nonsense."   

  "Yes, yes, isn't this just about missing the days when we were together?"

  Zhang Kaiyang was not annoyed at all, but was smiling.

  "We are together now, seeing each other every day, what's wrong with that?"

  "What's wrong with that? Of course we can't live together, don't you know that?"

  Good guy, this was said so bluntly that the others didn't dare to reply.

  Fan Qing also felt embarrassed and hit him twice more.

  In Jiang Yuan's opinion, it should be just flirting, and there was no substantial harm.

  Yueban Lake is not far away, because the helicopter is not small, so it is parked in the village below.

  This time, there is also someone following, Comrade Zhang Tiezhu. After getting

  off the plane, there is not much change here from when I left before.

  Because it is flat land, it looks very spacious.

  It is hard to imagine that this was still a noisy village a month ago.

  They even sleep and eat here.

  Jiang Yuan sighed, holding a child in one hand.

  Jingjing knew that she came to see her mother, but she didn't dare to cry.

  She was afraid that everyone would think she was troublesome and dislike her.

  The specific location could not be found, so she could only find a place based on her memory.

  Ye Mianmian took the plastic bag she brought and put out two steamed buns.

  There was really nothing else, and this was what they saved from their rations.

  "Jingjing, kowtow to your mother."


  The little girl was very obedient and knelt down directly. Xiao Nuan saw it and knelt behind her like her sister.

  Jiang Yuan did not stop her. Xiao Ling had a master-disciple relationship with her.

  This kowtow was also necessary.

  "Mom, I miss you so much.

  Don't worry, everyone is very nice to me. I live with Aunt Jiang Yuan and Xiao Nuan now.

  We have food to eat, a bed to sleep in, and Uncle Song will give us eggs to eat.

  Mom, are you cold down there? Have you found your dad?"


  The little girl was still talking, and Jiang Yuan couldn't hold back her tears when she heard the words "Are you cold down there?"

  She saw how cautious this child was. She

  was naturally happy to come and see Xiao Ling.

  She had never left her mother, but now she actually said this, so sensible that it made people cry...

  Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing's eyes also turned red. They were both good people.

  Living in such an apocalypse, there is no blessing.

  Jiang Yuan calmed herself down and went over to wake up the child.

  It was still quite cold that day, and her knees could not bear it after kneeling for a long time.

  "Mom, I'm going back. I will definitely come back to see you often.

  You have to be well. Aunt Jiang Yuan said that there is food to eat, no cold, and no need to worry. You are going to enjoy yourself.

  Jingjing is very happy. Jingjing hopes that her mother can live well.

  You must wait for me and Dad. When I grow up and get old, I will come to find you.

  By then, our family of three will still be together.

  Mom, you can't forget!"

  The child didn't cry, but she sobbed softly at the end.

  "Jingjing, don't cry, good child."

  Jiang Yuan couldn't bear it, and hugged her in her arms.

  Xiao Nuan also came over, patting her back with her little hands, giving her silent comfort.

  "Aunt Jiang Yuan, why didn't mom answer me? She and Dad will wait for me, right?"

  Chapter 394 It's already spring in Yueban Lake

  Jiang Yuan pursed her lips and tried to hold back her tears.

  "Of course, Mom will definitely wait for you. She and Dad love you the most.

  Jingjing must be well, so that they will be happy. Let's stop crying, okay?"

  The little girl was really sensible. She still had to persuade them for a long time before they were satisfied.

  Several people were in a very heavy mood. Zhang Kaiyang stopped making a fuss and squatted quietly beside them.

  In fact, there were so many people she didn't know here.

  In fact, several of them had only met once.

  For example, Chuyi and Chuliu, as well as their parents, Teng Erye, and those who came with them.

  Now they are all sleeping under the land under their feet. She was very emotional, but she didn't know how to express it all.

  The dead rest in peace, the living long peace, perhaps this is the best result.

  "Jiang Yuan, don't be sad, let's go to Yueban Lake to take a look."

  After Song Yi came over, he spoke softly.


  It was already afternoon when he came here. Time is the most important thing now, and there is no delay at all.

  When going up the mountain, you have to walk. Zhang Tiezhu stayed behind to guard the helicopter.

  If it was lost, it would be the end.

  This is an important treasure in the entire base.

  The rest of the people walked up the mountain.

  When they arrived at Yueban Lake, everyone was shocked.

  The stones were still in place, and the surrounding area was already green.

  The highest temperature during the day is still around minus 30 degrees Celsius. It

  is full of vitality here, just like spring.

  "Oh my God, is this real?"

  Zhang Kaiyang opened his mouth with disbelief.

  "It's amazing, it looks like a painting here..."

  Fan Qing looked ahead, it was really spring, just like the picture book, it made people yearn for it.

  "Look, these trees seem to have buds."

  Jiang Yuan looked in the direction of Ye Mianmian's finger, and the big trees in this circle actually had crimson buds.

  "It's amazing, there are also here.

  Look, what has this tree become, it can still bloom."

  It's no wonder Zhang Kaiyang said that, the tree was really only left with branches.

  The rest of the branches should have been blown away by the wind.

  Anyway, it was bare, and it felt strange to suddenly have flower buds. Just

  as I was watching, a breeze blew by, as if the situation here was better.

  Even the wind was gentler.

  "Song Yi, what do you think about this?"

  He hadn't spoken since he came here, and I don't know what he was thinking.

  Hearing Jiang Yuan asking him, he hurried over.

  "Is this the so-called rebirth?" This is what

  his senior sister wrote in her notes, so Yueban Lake is really a new beginning?

  Doubtful and uneasy.

  "What does that mean, is it a rebirth starting from here, or only here?"

  As if they knew some secret, everyone's mood was like a roller coaster, ups and downs.

  "Then this place is too strange, only this side has changed, and it's not far from the village, it's like two worlds."

  Who said it wasn't.

  With this temperature, there can be so many vegetation, and it has to be the kind that blooms.

  This comparison is naturally unacceptable.

  However, for Yueban Lake, this is not the weirdest thing.

  There is no way to explain the sudden appearance of the lake water now.

  Therefore, whatever happened here was reasonable.

  "Let's not get close, let's go back."


  The others also had no objection.

  When they arrived at the village, they didn't find Zhang Tiezhu.   

  "Hey, where did this guy go?"

  "Could he be looking for a place to poop, hahaha."

  Fan Qing retorted to Zhang Kaiyang, but his words were not unreasonable, and this possibility was indeed possible.

  "Let's look for him, Jiang Yuan, you take the two children up first."


  She knew that Song Yi was deliberately taking care of her.

  But there was no way, the two children were too young, and they were really tired after walking for so long.

  "Zhang Tiezhu, Brother Tiezhu..."


  It's said to be looking for someone, but there's actually nothing to look for.

  This place has been razed to the ground, but there are some big rocks, which are meteorites that fell from the previous meteor shower.

  And there are not many, you can count them on one hand.

  On the plane, Jiang Yuan took out a blanket and covered the two children.

  "Are you cold?"

  "No, Aunt Jiang Yuan, where is Uncle Tiezhu going?"

  "I don't know, he should be looking for a place to go to the toilet.

  Don't worry, Jingjing, he will be back soon."

  She advised like this, but the little girl actually looked tangled.

  "Jingjing, tell your auntie if there is something wrong?"

  The little girl looked up, her eyes full of innocence.

  "Aunt Jiang Yuan, when we were going up the mountain, I saw Uncle Tiezhu going up."

  "Going up?"

  "Yes, that's over there..."

  Jingjing was referring to the back mountain. She was carried up the mountain by Zhang Kaiyang.

  When the adults walked forward, her face was facing backwards, and it was normal for her to see the situation in the village.

  But why did Zhang Tiezhu go over there for no reason?

  Jiang Yuan frowned, unable to figure it out.

  "Oh, no, that's Yueban Lake!"

  She suddenly had an idea and remembered it instantly. It's impossible to

  go up there. It was said that there was a very deep ditch before.

  If Zhang Tiezhu went in that direction and didn't come back for so long, he wouldn't have fallen down.

  "Song Yi, Song Yi..."

  She was a little anxious and shouted quickly.

  Song Yi didn't know what happened, so he ran over quickly.

  "What's wrong, what happened?"

  "Jingjing said that she just saw Zhang Tiezhu going to the back mountain."

  Hearing this, Song Yi looked up and immediately understood.

  "Okay, you wait here, I'll go over and take a look."


  Without further ado, everyone was called over and they headed towards the back mountain together.

  Jiang Yuan was worried about staying behind.

  "Jingjing, Xiaonuan, can I take you there?"

  The two little girls knew where "there" was, and they also knew that everyone was looking for Zhang Tiezhu, so they nodded quickly.

  "You two stay here obediently, don't move, just play with your toys here, there is food on the table.

  Don't fight, just wait for me to come back obediently, okay?"

  "Aunt Jiang Yuan, I will take care of my sister, don't worry."

  Jingjing looked like a little adult, and Jiang Yuan touched her head with relief.

  It is absolutely safe to put it in the space.

  Moreover, she can sense the situation inside at any time.

  As long as the two children don't do anything dangerous by themselves, there will be no problem, and she can come in at any time.

  After settling down, she put on the sleeve arrow, put a dagger in her pocket, and went to the back mountain.

   Chapter 395 Zhang Tiezhu is missing

  Song Yi and his group walked fast and didn't even look back at her.

  Jiang Yuan didn't run because she was afraid that if she didn't see the two children, Zhang Kaiyang and Fan Qing would become suspicious.

  Later, she planned to find a corner and said that she would let them wait there.

  Soon, they started to climb the slope.

  This side is just below Yueban Lake, and the slope is steep.

  Jiang Yuan looked at the side and vaguely saw a small path.

  There was a relatively flat land on it, which should have been opened by the villagers.

  This road was probably also walked out.

  She took out the hiking stick and started to walk up.

  Over there, people had already reached the deep ditch.

  Don't ask her how she knew it, it was because the people over there didn't move, just watching in front of her.

  They must have reached the place, so she had to speed up.

  Soon, they caught up.

  "Sister Yuan, you are here too?"

  "Well, how is it, did you find it?"

  "I didn't see anyone, I don't know where he ran off to."

  As she said that, Ye Mianmian looked at what was in front of her.

  Jiang Yuan also looked over, and it was the deep ditch that Master Teng had mentioned before.

  However, the ditch was not very deep.

  Moreover, it was not the kind that could not be crossed.

  It could even be said that if a tree was cut down and placed across the middle, one could walk across.

  "Is this the so-called deep ditch?"

  Song Yi saw her and hurried over.

  "It should be. It's different from what you imagined, isn't it?"

  "Well, it's really unexpected.

  If that were the case, Master Teng wouldn't have had to say that.

  Moreover, if they wanted to go over there, they could just build a bridge. There was no need to take a long detour."

  Jiang Yuan blurted out her doubts in one go.


  Song Yi agreed, and looked down.

  There were broken branches all over the ground, forming a thick layer that was about to be filled up.

  "There are too many branches here."

  "What's the big deal, Brother Song? They may have been blown down by the strong wind.

  You have seen the strong wind at that time. The trees were even uprooted. This is nothing."

  "That being said, they can't all be here."

  Song Yi felt that such a wide ditch was full of trees, which seemed very man-made.

  But the people in the village were gone, so it didn't make sense.

  The others also thought of this and began to think.

  "Could it be that the branches fell down before, and the villagers wanted to fill it up, so they brought all those things here?"

  Zhang Kaiyang made a hypothesis, and the others did not respond, because no one knew what the truth was.

  "Okay, don't worry about it so much, it's important to find someone."

  "Yes, hurry up, it will be dark soon."

  Jiang Yuan also echoed, and then started to get busy.

  "Zhang Tiezhu, Tiezhu~"

  The echo echoed between the mountains, but no one responded.

  "Wow, look at these trees, they are really strange."

  Over there, Zhang Kaiyang saw a pile of trees.

  Why do I say it is a pile? Because there are six trees, all growing side by side.

  They are crowded together and it seems that they have been there for quite a while.

  These trees are not as tall and straight as other trees.

  Instead, they are crookedly crowded together, especially the three trees in the middle.

  The branches in the middle are all twisted on the trees opposite, so densely packed that the details cannot be seen clearly.

  "It seems that no one has taken care of these trees, and they are too dense, so they are like this.   

  That's why he wasn't blown up by the wind."

  Fan Qing gave a professional explanation, and everyone agreed with it.

  Now they are looking for Zhang Tiezhu, but there is no trace of him anywhere.

  "Could it be that he didn't come over, and Jingjing saw it wrong!" At

  this moment, Ye Mianmian was also a little anxious.

  "It shouldn't be, Jingjing is already six years old and has her own judgment.

  Besides, she is not a child who talks nonsense."

  On this point, Jiang Yuan still believed her.

  "Could it be that Zhang Tiezhu came up and then went down again?

  We were up there for quite a while, enough for him to go back and forth."

  For now, this statement is the most reliable.

  "But where did they go? There is no one nearby.

  Did they encounter danger?"

  Although she didn't want to say this, Jiang Yuan had to face the reality.

  Ye Mianmian's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly explained: "How is it possible? It's so quiet around here, there is nothing.

  Except for the few of us, there is not even a breath. I guess he ran away to play somewhere. Let's look for him again."

  "But we have looked for him, and there is really no one. How can this person disappear out of thin air? "

  Song Yi, who had been silent, now expressed his opinion.

  "Zhang Tiezhu has a good physical condition. Even if he is in danger, he will at least shout a few times.

  We are not too far away, and we haven't heard anything. He should be safe.

  Let's look for him again. Look at the ditch behind you. It is possible that he slipped and fell."

  Then, he fell on his head, so there was no sound.

  Song Yi didn't continue to talk, but everyone could guess it.

  "Okay, let's take action."


  Jiang Yuan was about to go over there to take a look and reached out to pull Ye Mianmian.

  With a "squeak", she felt something was wrong and quickly looked down.

  She stepped on a small branch, and when she raised her foot, she saw a silvery thing.

  Under the refraction of the sun, it emitted bursts of light.

  "What is that?"

  Jiang Yuan also saw it, and Ye Mianmian bent over to pick it up.

  "It's a game coin. I gave it to Zhang Tiezhu. He must have been here."

  Seeing her panic, Jiang Yuan was a little confused.

  "Mianmian, what's going on? "

  "Sister Yuan, he gave me an egg before, and I felt embarrassed.

  I happened to have this game coin in my hand, so I gave it to him.

  He joked that it was a token of love and he would definitely carry it with him.

  Now it's suddenly here, I'm a little scared."

  Song Yi took a look and felt a little heavy.

  "I saw him holding this and couldn't let it go.

  It's impossible for him to just leave it now. Something must have happened."

  "Oh, don't worry too much, everyone. Maybe it's lost. Zhang Tiezhu is anxious and looking for it everywhere. Maybe

  he has gone back."

  This situation seems possible.

  "No, we are still here. He can't just leave without saying a word."

  The main thing is that Ye Mianmian is still here.

  The reason why he likes that game coin is because Ye Mianmian gave it to him.

  How could he leave a beautiful woman for the game coin? He is putting the cart before the horse!

  "Hurry up and look for it, with this place as the center."

  Song Yi gave an order, and everyone got busy.

  "Brother Song, look here, why do I feel something is wrong?"

   Chapter 396 Man-Eating Tree

  Zhang Kaiyang pointed at the three trees in the middle. He didn't know why, but he felt something was wrong.

  Jiang Yuan also came over. Apart from anything else, these trees did look strange.

  Especially the round lump in the middle. Even if it was crisscrossed, it shouldn't be to the point where you can't see anything inside.

  "Do you know what kind of tree this is? I don't think I've ever seen it before."

  When he said that, it was really a bit unfamiliar.

  "I can't tell what kind it is either. Song Yi, have you seen this?"

  Hearing this, Song Yi also shook his head, indicating that he had never seen it.

  "Let's go and take a look."

  All five people took out their weapons for self-defense and approached carefully.

  There was a dark mass in the middle, and nothing could be seen.

  The branches opposite were like ropes, woven together to form a huge ball.

  Song Yi had a short knife in his hand. He pulled it out and stuck it into the branches outside.

  It was like a rubber band, and it bounced back by itself.

  "So elastic?"

  Not only Zhang Kaiyang, but Jiang Yuan was also curious. What kind of tree is this? Why haven't they heard of it before?

  He tried to hold the short knife horizontally to cut the branch.

  He used a lot of strength and rubbed it back and forth in the middle, but it didn't break. It was very tough.

  Song Yi's weapon was also extremely sharp, comparable to her Tang sword.

  This situation was indeed a bit unexpected.

  Jiang Yuan also took out a dagger from her pocket and went to help.

  She didn't bring a Tang sword, and it was hard to say what would happen if she suddenly took it out now.

  Following Song Yi, the two of them didn't break the branch.

  This is a real knife, it's so strange.

  The two of them picked up their weapons, and the branch was directly retracted like a vine.

  The five people looked at each other and were shocked.

  This thing is like a spirit, knowing your thoughts anytime and anywhere.

  The more this happened, the more they felt that there was something fishy.


  Song Yi said, and the five people took out their weapons and started to chop the branches.

  However, they could pull the branches down, but they couldn't cut them.

  "Look, this is Zhang Tiezhu's clothes~"

  Zhang Kaiyang shouted, because the branches were pulled apart, revealing the color inside.

  Although it was only a small part, it was still recognizable.

  "Oh my God, this tree actually eats people."

  Zhang Kaiyang was so nervous that he was a little out of tune. This was too weird.

  "Zhang Tiezhu, did you hear it, Zhang Tiezhu~"

  Ye Mianmian was a little anxious and shouted twice, but she didn't get a response.

  She was in a bad mood and waved it hard a few times.

  The branch was actually soft and weak, and it retracted itself.

  I have to say, it was really magical.

  "Okay, don't cut it, this thing is not afraid of knives."

  Continuing, it would be useless.

  "Then what is it afraid of, Zhang Tiezhu is still inside, what should I do?"

  Ye Mianmian was really anxious. This feeling of not knowing whether to live or die made people feel anxious.

  Jiang Yuan could see that the girl should be moved.

  "The tree branch is wood, and wood is afraid of fire. Why don't we give it a try?"


  Song Yi agreed immediately, mainly because there was no other way.

  He had a lighter in his pocket, so he just pressed it and went to the branch.

  "It moved, it shrank a little."

  Zhang Kaiyang was a little excited, but the flame was too small and had no killing power.

  Without being told, he ran to the side and found a larger branch.

  Several people quickly got some torches. At this time, time was life.   

  I don't know what's happening with Zhang Tiezhu now. There's no movement at all. It's so frustrating.

  After finally lighting the torch, several people separated and took each side.

  It can't be too hot. We saw him just now, which proves that he's not far away.

  If it's too hot, Zhang Tiezhu will get hurt.


  Song Yi gave an order, and everyone burned it together.

  Sure enough, the branches shrank and began to shake wildly.


  A large ball fell out of it and fell directly to the ground.

  "Zhang Tiezhu..."

  Ye Mianmian hurried over to check the situation. Because they didn't have Song Yi's order, they didn't stop.

  The branches began to swing wildly, and they could even hit the people next to them, as if they were attacking them specifically.

  If this goes on, they will get hurt too.


  Song Yi shouted, and everyone quickly took down the torches.

  The branches were still swaying and dancing in various ways.

  "How is it, Zhang Tiezhu?"

  Song Yi came over, first sniffed his breath, and then patted him on the face twice.

  "He's still breathing, don't worry~"

  This was obviously said to Ye Mianmian.

  Jiang Yuan also came over and looked at Song Yi.

  "Can you make him wake up?"

  Song Yi tried to pinch his philtrum, but there was no reaction.

  "Now, take him back quickly, I can't say for sure."


  Zhang Kaiyang looked at the tree over there, in a bad mood. He was flailing his teeth and claws just now because of the burn.

  Now, he has returned to the way he was at the beginning.

  "It's really strange, just like a spirit, let's go quickly."


  Everyone got busy, and Song Yi carried Zhang Tiezhu on his back.

  Halfway through the walk, Jiang Yuan felt bad.

  She left the team directly and went under the stone next to her.

  She had to take the two children out, otherwise what would she say when she went back.

  After some explanation, the two children nodded obediently, and she hurried to the plane.

  It's impossible to delay their treatment because of herself, this is a life-threatening matter.

  "Hurry, Sister Yuan~"

  Zhang Kaiyang called her, and then helped to carry the two children up.

  They hurried to the base. It was already past five o'clock and it was dark.

  There was a temporary clinic here. Seeing that it was a plane, no one dared to be careless.

  Everyone got busy. Even two great doctors who had gone back to rest were called over.

  "Jiang Yuan, you take the two children back. We don't need so many people here.

  Fan Qing and Ye Mianmian should go back too. Zhang Kaiyang and I will stay here."

  "Let me stay too. I want to take care of him here."

  Ye Mianmian's voice was a little pleading. She was really worried.

  "Mianmian, be obedient. Song Yi will tell us if there is anything. Go back first."

  It's not that she is not allowed to stay. She still has her own things to do tomorrow.

  Moreover, Song Yi and the others belong to the same department, so they have a legitimate reason.

  Ye Mianmian's presence is just icing on the cake. It's better for her to go back and rest.

  "Sister Yuan~"

  "Be obedient. There are only boys here. It's inconvenient for you to stay."

  In the end, she followed Jiang Yuan and went back obediently.

   Chapter 397 Applying for Investigation

  After returning, she first settled the two children, and then went to see Ye Mianmian.

  "Sister Yuan, please persuade her, she has been crying there."

  Fan Qing was also helpless and didn't know what to say.

  "Mianmian, don't cry, it's a blessing, it's not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

  After going through so much, don't you understand?"

  Hearing this, Ye Mianmian raised her head and looked at her with a face full of grievance.

  "Sister Yuan, I know, I'm just very scared, what if he never comes back?"

  What can I do, just let it go.

  "Mianmian, are you in love with Zhang Tiezhu?"

  Hearing this, Ye Mianmian was stunned for a moment.

  "I, I haven't thought about it.

  I just think he is different, not so many thoughts, I..."

  "Okay, don't say it, I know."

  I didn't expect that such a beautiful woman like Ye Mianmian would fall for him.

  I have seen so many boys before, and many of them are outstanding.

  In the end, I was moved by his innocence, which is really ironic!

  "Mianmian, take a rest quickly, don't think too much, go over there tomorrow to see the specific situation.

  You can't help much like this, understand?"

  Ye Mianmian nodded mechanically, she should be struggling with her feelings now.

  In the past, she went to work every day, and her life was not standard and fulfilling.

  Now, life is dull, and naturally she noticed the inconspicuous Zhang Tiezhu.

  Jiang Yuan hopes that she can figure it out.

  This era is no longer the past.

  Emotions and other things are secondary.

  After she went back, she explained a few words to Qin Yue and went to the space.

  Although the situation over there was strange, she couldn't ignore the space.

  Recently, Jiang Xingzhi was not there, and she and Qin Yue had different working hours.

  When she came back at night, she was tired again, and many things were not packed.

  Those grains, oils, rice and flour were exposed to the sun, which was naturally not okay.

  Before, my parents packed up some of them, using that electric tricycle to transport them back and forth.

  She couldn't handle those heavy things, so she packed up the light ones, which was still okay.

  She also used an electric tricycle to put the things in first, then rode over and moved them to the house to arrange them.

  She didn't do too much, and went over to pick some of the grown vegetables and put them in the kitchen before coming out.

  Qin Yue had fallen asleep, so she went over to pick up Xiao Nuan, and the two of them went to sleep in the space.

  This way, they would have more room.

  The next morning, Ye Mianmian was still absent-minded.

  She was on the noon shift, but she got up early in the morning and went directly to the health room to see Zhang Tiezhu.

  Jiang Yuan knew her, so she got up and followed her.

  The two children were sent to the space, and if others asked, they were just in the dormitory, which didn't affect them at all.

  They ran into Song Yi, and the three of them hurried over.

  "Brother Song, how is Zhang Tiezhu?"

  "It's okay, he woke up last night, and a doctor accompanied him, so we went back.

  We couldn't get through the female dormitory, so I didn't tell you."

  In fact, when he woke up, it was already four in the morning.

  In a few hours, it would be dawn, and there was no need to go there.

  "I'm glad he woke up. I was so scared~"

  "Are you going to see him?"

  "Yes, let's go see him."

  Ye Mianmian nodded, without any objection or embarrassment.

  "Then let's go to the dining room first and prepare some food for him.

  Jiang Yuan, come with me to the laboratory."

  "Where are we going and what are we going to do?"   

  "Looking for Jiang Yuan..."


  He didn't particularly dislike him, and he was still on guard against him, so why did he suddenly want to look for him.

  Before she could react, Song Yi pulled her up and left.

  The rest of the people went to the restaurant together.

  "Song Yi, let me go, why are you looking for him?"

  I haven't talked to Jiang Yuan in the past two days, he shouldn't be looking for trouble.

  "Yueban Lake is too weird, Professor Jiang must go over to take a look at it now."

  Uh, she was mean-spirited.

  It was a bit embarrassing that I actually thought of that.

  Fortunately, Song Yi didn't say much, and the two of them arrived at the laboratory quickly.

  There are not many landmark buildings here, just a row of temporary mobile cabins.

  Jiang Yuan was still quite surprised that the two people appeared together.

  "What are you doing?"

  He had just started work and hadn't had time to put on his coat.

  "It's like this, we went to Yueban Lake yesterday."

  Jiang Yuan didn't know what Yueban Lake was, but he could tell that it was business.

  "Come in first..."

  He let the two in, and an assistant immediately came over to pour hot water for them.

  "Tell me slowly, what is Yueban Lake?"

  Well, this is a long story.

  Jiang Yuan was still thinking about where to start, and Song Yi spoke first .

  "Yueban Lake is in the northeast of the base. The lake over there has only been flooded in the past two days. It was dry before.

  We went there yesterday, and the lake over there was not frozen.

  Moreover, the grass next to it is green, and the surrounding trees have also sprouted flower buds."

  Jiang Yuan looked at Song Yi with an expression of "Are you sure?"

  "In addition, there are several very strange trees over there that can actively attack others and wrap their prey in their branches."

  Jiang Yuan nodded repeatedly. It was indeed the case.

  "If so, it would be amazing."

  "Yesterday, Comrade Zhang Tiezhu, who went there with us, was attacked by that tree.

  When we rescued him, he was almost dead.

  He said that when he went there, he smelled a strange fragrance.

  Then, he was attacked by those branches."

  In fact, he felt that the branches were strange and reached out to touch them. He

  found that there seemed to be something inside, so he reached inside.

  As a result, tragedy happened.

  "Professor Jiang, do you want to study it?"

  Jiang Yuan had seen many unusual things. Although he was surprised at this moment, it was okay.

  "I see. I'll report this to the leader.

  I'll go over and take a look later..."

  He was mainly interested in the unfrozen lake and the early spring there.

  If someone else said it, he might not believe it, but Jiang Yuan's words were another matter.

  After explaining the matter, the two of them prepared to go see Zhang Tiezhu.

  "What are you looking at me for?"

  Jiang Yuan's little action was discovered, but she was not embarrassed.

  "Nothing, I just think you are a very sensible person."

  Song Yi also smiled, and did not stop.

  "In the future, you will find more advantages of me."

  "I said you were fat, but you were panting. It's really..."

  The two talked and laughed. It was a rare moment of relaxation.

  When they arrived at the health room, Zhang Tiezhu was eating because Ye Mianmian came to see him.

  He was so happy that he drank a bowl of porridge in one breath.

Chapter 398: Strange Village

2024-03-23 ​​Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Eat slowly. Is there anyone trying to snatch food from you?"

  Ye Mianmian said angrily. Then she saw Song Yi and Jiang Yuan.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, you are here."

  After saying that, she stood up and greeted them.

  "Well, come and see Comrade Zhang Tiezhu. How is he? Is he feeling better?"

  "Well, he is fine. Thank you all for yesterday.

  If it weren't for you, I would have died there."

  It was a pity to say that he was lucky and had a good life. He was actually fine.

  "Tiezhu, what happened yesterday? Tell us in detail."

  Song Yi and Jiang Yuan just told her a general idea. She listened to some of it, but it was not very specific.

  Now, seeing that Zhang Tiezhu was in good spirits and had finished his meal, it was okay for him to tell her about it.

  "It's like this. After you guys went up yesterday, I was sitting alone on the plane.

  Then I wanted to pee. I saw that there was nothing around, only a few trees behind, so I thought of going there."

  So Jingjing really saw it, and her judgment was not wrong at all.

  It was also thanks to this child, otherwise they would still be looking around aimlessly.

  "When I got there, I just finished my work and saw that those trees were a little unusual.

  Moreover, there was a faint fragrance.

  I was curious and went to take a look.

  The branches over there were crisscrossed and didn't look like they grew naturally.

  I was curious, so I took a closer look.

  Later, I always felt that the fragrance was inside.

  I wanted to go up and take a look, but who knew that when I just pulled them apart, those branches actually entangled my arms.

  I wanted to get rid of them, but it was too late.

  That thing was very fast, running along my arm, running everywhere, and even into my mouth. I couldn't even speak."

  No wonder he didn't shout for help in that situation.

  Moreover, he was with his companions and not far away.

  Now that I think about it, everything can be explained.

  It's not that he didn't want to shout, but he couldn't shout.

  "Those things are too soft, I can't do it at all. Even if I kick them away, they will continue to stick to me.

  Later I was hung up. By the way, how did you know I was there?"

  He was also very curious about this matter.

  "It was Jingjing. She saw you going over there, so we went to look for you."

  "Yeah, this time it's all thanks to that kid. At first, we thought you fell into the ditch next to us.

  Who knew that you were eaten by the tree? It was so scary."

  "Mianmian, I made you worry."

  Zhang Tiezhu said, and he actually laughed, quite happy.

  Ye Mianmian rolled her eyes, a little speechless.

  Song Yi, who had been listening beside him, also spoke up at this moment.

  "What's the matter with the fragrance you mentioned? Tell me more about it."

  "Yes, when we went there, we didn't smell any fragrance."

  Zhang Kaiyang also felt confused. It didn't make sense that only Zhang Tiezhu could smell it!

  "I don't know either. I just felt that the smell was light, but very fragrant and intoxicating. I couldn't help but want to go over there."

  Everyone looked at Song Yi. He was knowledgeable and didn't know if he had any ideas.

  The other party frowned and didn't say it was very good.

  "In the tropical rain forest, there are carnivorous plants, the big ones.

  They are like trumpets, and they also have some fragrance to attract prey.

  When you pass by, they will surprise you and take your life."

  "Oh my god, this is too scary."

  "But there are very few such things in inland areas.

  They are trees, and there are several trees together, which is also very strange."   

  Zhang Tiezhu was a little scared now, and he dared not to be curious anymore.

  "By the way, why do they eat people? They are just plants."

  Song Yi looked at him and explained patiently: "Plants also need nutrients. They have their own rules of life, and we can't interfere."

  Jiang Yuan suddenly remembered that she had watched some similar documentaries before.

  Many plants and animals in the rainforest are very dangerous.

  "I remember one thing. Do you still remember the family we lived in the village before?"

  "The two old people?"

  Ye Mianmian asked back, and Fan Qing nodded immediately.

  "Yes, I still remember that the old lady couldn't hold the bowl steadily.

  She said that she was old and should have gone to the back mountain a long time ago.

  At that time, the old man was angry and didn't let her say it.

  Now think about it, there is no grave in the back mountain, so what did she go to the back mountain for?"

  At first, she thought it might be a ancestral grave.

  But now, there is really nothing.

  Zhang Tiezhu was also shocked beyond words, and stammered: "It can't be used to feed the trees!"

  Although he thought so in his heart, it was still surprising when he said it out loud.

  "Oh my god, these trees are like spirits.

  The earthquake was so severe that the whole village was destroyed, but those few trees didn't even have branches broken. It's terrible."

  No wonder he said that. When he thought about it, it was true.

  "So, there is a possibility that the people in that village

  sent the dead to the trees, right?"

  "Not only that, they believed in Master Teng very much. They

  even risked their lives to save him. This is only the case in some particularly primitive villages, or in places where the village chief has a special mission and everyone in the village knows about it."

  When the young commander came over, there were indeed people who did not care about anything just to save Master Teng.

  His explanation was reasonable.

  Speaking of this, Jiang Yuan also had a question.

  "I haven't said it before, but it was Wu Zhiqing and his wife who were rescued by Teng Erye and others when they got here.

  At that time, I thought it was very strange.

  Mo Qi's group had real guns and bullets, how could they be suppressed by the villagers so easily?

  Not only that, they also surrendered their weapons and locked people up.

  There were many things to do at the time, so I didn't think about it carefully. Now I think it's really unusual."

  Song Yi nodded, and seeing Jiang Yuan so entangled, he also frowned.

  "Okay, don't think too much, there are too many secrets in Yueban Lake.

  Whether it's the lakeside or the village, there are too many secrets.

  Now, there are no people over there, and we can't understand it.

  Let's wait for Professor Jiang and others to go over and see what the situation is first."


  At present, this is the only way.

  "Comrade Song Yi, I knew you were here."

  Speak of the devil, the devil will appear.

  "Jiang Yuan, what are you doing?"

  Looking at his impetuous appearance, his face full of excitement, it is very different from his usual elegance and easy-going.

  "It's approved, let's go over and take a look now.

  Song Yi can fly us and lead the way.

  Yuanyuan, you guys just stay at home and wait for news."

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 399: The Bug That Came Out of the Body

2024-03-23 ​​Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  After that, he looked up at Song Yi again.

  "Comrade Song, is there a problem?"

  Of course there was no problem, Song Yi was not such a person who could not distinguish right from wrong.

  "Okay, you go back first and wait for me to come back."


  Jiang Yuan nodded, knowing that it was business, and she had to go to the restaurant to work during the day.

  So she didn't say much, watching the two of them leave in a hurry.

  "Sister Yuan, do you think they can succeed?"


  "It's over there in Yueban Lake!"

  Fan Qing murmured, not knowing how to say it.

  "I don't know, but if it succeeds, maybe we will have spring here."

  Spring, what a good word!

  If it really comes, then this cold winter can be over.

  The earth will warm up, and crops can be planted, and life will be normal.

  Just thinking about it makes me feel beautiful.

  "It's almost time, we should leave, Tiezhu, take good care of yourself, and come to see you later."

  "Ah, are you leaving now?"

  Zhang Tiezhu glanced at Ye Mianmian reluctantly, with a wronged look on his face, like a bullied little wife.

  "It's okay, I'll come to see you in the evening."

  After getting the promise, she immediately became happy again.

  "Then you have to promise that you must come to see me, don't stand me up."

  Ye Mianmian rolled her eyes at him, said nothing, and left with Jiang Yuan.

  On the way, Zhang Kaiyang was going to his office, and the three of them went to the restaurant.

  "Mianmian, what's going on with you about Zhang Tiezhu?"

  It's been a night, and this man probably figured it out.

  "I'm not sure, anyway, I think it's okay."

  Well, what else does she not understand.

  "Okay, if it's possible, let's try to get in touch.

  If you can have a good home, I'll be relieved."

  It can be regarded as living up to Grandma Ye's dying wishes.

  "Sister Yuan, I..."

  "Don't think too much, I understand.

  I don't object to you having a relationship, but you must have your own bottom line and know what you should do and what you can't do. Do you understand?"


  Ye Mianmian nodded vigorously. She was very happy with Jiang Yuan's consolation.

  Most people would say this to you when they are crazy.

  At least, in Jiang Yuan's eyes, she treats her as a sister, the kind of sincere one.

  At noon, everyone was eating.

  The staff also came out with their plates. They were the last group to eat.

  The restaurant was deserted at this time. Jiang Yuan took her two children and sat with Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing. Qin Yue went to get the soup.

  "Goose, goose, goose~"

  A strange cry, although not very loud, but it felt like a duck.

  They turned their heads and saw a woman holding her neck, as if in pain.

  Before they could react, squad leader Cheng and another female comrade rushed over.

  The two of them were going to come over to get food. They were busy today and came out late, and they happened to see this scene.

  "What's the matter? Is it stuck?"

  The woman opposite, her face was blue, staring at her with her eyes wide open, looking very painful.

  "Goose, goose, goose..."

  Jiang Yuan couldn't sit still anymore, so she hurried over to see if she could help.

  "Mom, look after the two children."


  She was afraid that things would get chaotic and no one would take care of the two children.

  If something happened again, it would be troublesome.   

  Without saying anything, squad leader Cheng went around to the woman's back.

  With his hands folded, he hit her abdomen hard.

  This was the Heimlich maneuver, which she had learned when she gave birth.

  After one blow after another, squad leader Cheng was also very anxious, mainly because the other party's condition did not improve.

  The blue veins on the neck became more obvious to the naked eye, and even extended to the face.

  The purple meridians, I don't know if they are tendons or blood vessels.

  In short, it was very strange, reminding her of the evil sword fairy in the TV series.

  "Wait a minute, squad leader Cheng, she doesn't seem to be stuck, let her go quickly~"

  Jiang Yuan just shouted, and the action over there has not stopped.

  Just a little longer, the woman actually spurted out a mouthful of blood.

  Squad leader Cheng was scared and quickly let go, and another companion supported the woman's body.

  Because she had already fallen softly.

  "Quick, let her lie flat, you two, go to the health room to call for help."

  Jiang Yuan's voice was very loud, and at this time, she didn't know what to do.

  The two men who were named ran out very quickly.

  Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing were also beside them, helping to lay the person flat.

  An older sister in the restaurant brought a blanket.

  They used it to cover vegetables, and now it was on the ground.

  The woman was in a very bad condition. She had fainted, but her body was still twitching.

  Especially the purple lines on her face, which were becoming more and more obvious, and there was even a tendency to move towards her head.

  Squad leader Cheng was also confused, like a child who had done something wrong.

  "What's going on? It seems like she has a virus."

  Fan Qing pointed at the meridians on her face and was a little scared.

  "Don't talk nonsense, wait for the doctor to come..."

  At this time, it was still very important to stabilize people's hearts.

  Fan Qing subconsciously shut up and hid behind Jiang Yuan.

  No one dared to step forward. The previous experience told her that it was definitely not a good thing.

  "What's wrong, where is the patient?"

  Four people in white coats ran over, and the two behind them also brought a stretcher.


  The doctor came, and everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  The woman here was twitching even more severely.


  A shrill scream was deafening, as if she had experienced something painful.

  Then, she suddenly opened her eyes, and the meridians rushed to the top of her head at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  No one knew what was going on, and the doctor had never seen such a thing.

  Out of professional ethics, he hurried over, checked her eyeballs, and then shouted twice.

  Seeing that the woman did not respond, he called the two people behind to come over and take her away.

  Jiang Yuan did not leave, thinking about whether she could help.

  "Oh my God, what is this?"

  A medical staff screamed, and she saw a red worm coming out of the woman's head.

  It was only a little bit, twisting wildly.

  Then, it pulled out a little bit.

  It was as long as a thumb, blood red.


  The woman's screams were also higher and higher, and she looked extremely painful.

  As the worm fell to the ground, the sound stopped abruptly.

  Everyone present was in a state of extreme shock.

  After the red worm fell to the ground, it did not die, but quickly crawled towards a medical staff in front of it.

  Although it was a worm, its speed was not slow at all.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 400: Human-Insect War2024-03-24 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  In a few steps, it reached the man's feet.

  The red body looked quite scary.

  Everyone stepped back in fear .

  The nearest medical staff was not afraid.

  After coming over, he raised his foot and stepped on it.

  "It's okay, it's just a bug."

  As he said that, he smiled.

  Jiang Yuan was a little unbelievable. Did he die?

  Sure enough, the next second, the man felt a little uncomfortable.

  He suddenly raised his foot to see that the red bug was not on the ground.

  There was not even a trace of death.

  "Where did it go?"

  The others also began to get nervous.

  The doctor who ran over first actually squatted down, looked at the ground, and observed carefully.

  "On your feet..."

  With a shout, the medical staff suddenly fell to the ground.

  This time, everyone could see the details.

  The bug twisted its fat body and started to drill up from under his feet.

  It had already gone in half, otherwise the man would not be so uncomfortable.

  Jiang Yuan couldn't believe it. He was wearing shoes. This thing was really magical.

  "Get out of the way..."

  The doctor next to him said, and he started to get busy.

  He put on disposable gloves and wanted to pull the worm out.

  As if sensing his intention, the worm went in with a whoosh.

  The doctor was left standing there awkwardly.

  The man's condition was not very good. He began to twitch and his whole body was shaking.

  His chest was rising and falling violently, as if he had been electrocuted.

  No one knew what to do. The worm could enter and exit the human body at will.

  This was completely beyond the inherent cognition of human beings. Everything became confusing.

  "Oh no..."

  Jiang Yuan looked at the man and began to cover his neck. This was not a good sign!
  "The woman just covered her neck and died later."

  Squad Leader Cheng shouted, and they all reacted, but there was nothing they could do now!
  The doctor was also panicked, watching his colleague's veins exposed.

  Moreover, the top was still rushing up.

  "That's it. This spot should be the bug. Can we pick it out?"

  At present, this is the best solution Jiang Yuan can think of.

  "Scalpel and tweezers~"

  the doctor shouted. They brought these things when they came out for emergency treatment.

  The people behind him were frantically looking for them. The degree of surprise was beyond words.

  He took the scalpel and tweezers, but he couldn't do it. The man was shaking too much.

  "Come over here, hold him down..."

  There was no expected effect. The male doctor was stunned.

  No one came forward, including Jiang Yuan.

  She witnessed the whole process of how the bug just now got from one body to another.

  Now, no one dared to joke with their own lives.

  "I'll do it~"

  Squad Leader Cheng took the lead, and it was obvious that he had also had some ideological struggles.

  The person who came with her also stood up.

  "Too late~"

  It was too late. The bug had actually reached the top of his head, and this time it was faster than before.

  No one expected that this thought would cost a person's life.

  "Oh no, get out of the way."

  Sure enough, the next second, a red bug emerged from above his head.     This time, the body seemed to be bigger, and the color was darker, close to the color of cherry.

  Jiang Yuan was worried about the two children, and hurried to find Qin Yue.

  The mother was also nervous, and took them to hide in the back kitchen.

  There was no danger for the time being, and soon, the whole insect came out.

  The man also twitched for the last time, and there was no movement.

  The fat body of the insect fell directly to the ground.

  With a somersault, it turned over and began to look for its target.

  The people in front of it scattered like birds and beasts.

  The door of the restaurant was pushed open, and Jiang Yuan and Song Yi, who were exhausted, came in.

  There were four people following behind them, probably because they wanted to eat.

  For those like them who have no fixed time for missions, they can cook temporarily after they come back.

  "Song Yi, Jiang Yuan, be careful of the insects on the ground."

  Seeing the little red thing moving towards the door, she was also scared.

  Hearing this, Song Yi and the others also lowered their heads. The little insect was very fast and had already walked half the distance.

  "It can get into people's bodies, so don't let it touch you."

  After hearing what Jiang Yuan said, several people quickly stepped back.

  Song Yi took out his short knife immediately.

  The red worm sensed the resistance of the person on the other side and moved faster.

  Song Yi threw a stone and hit it accurately on its body.

  Such a small thing, and it was still moving, this accuracy is amazing!
  Before he could sigh, the worm twisted a few times, as if it also felt pain.

  But it didn't last for a few seconds, and it went back to its original target.

  Song Yi took his time and took out a lighter from his pocket.

  He lit a notebook in his hand and threw it directly.

  The worm was also afraid of the fire, and suddenly turned around and ran behind him.

  Seeing that it was afraid, Jiang Yuan quickly took out his notebook.

  He tore off a few pages from it and handed it to Song Yi.

  This time, he lit them separately and surrounded the worm.

  It ran everywhere in a hurry, but it couldn't escape the circle of fire.

  The last stack of papers was thrown directly on it.

  The bug twisted wildly, as if it was about to jump out.

  The colleagues behind him also filled the fire with paper very attentively.

  Let the fire continue.

  Finally, there was a small sound similar to an explosion.

  "Oh my god, this bug actually exploded~"

  There was a hint of shock in Ye Mianmian's voice.

  The rest of the people finally had the courage to move forward.

  On the ground, in addition to ashes, there was a pool of red blood.

  Or it can't be said to be blood, but just the mucus of the bug.

  Anyway, it was blood-red and looked scary.

  "Song Yi, are you okay~"

  Squad Leader Cheng went over immediately and stood beside him.

  There was some admiration in his eyes.

  Just now, if he hadn't remained calm in the face of danger, the bug would probably still be running rampant.

  Song Yi's ability is obvious to everyone.

  Soldiers like her like strong people from the bottom of their hearts.

  However, the man didn't even look at her, and politely replied, "It's okay~"

  and walked towards Jiang Yuan, his eyes showing his concern.

  "How are you, are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, both of them are dead, all because of the red worm that broke out of their heads."

  (End of this chapter)
