
Chapter 401: Could it be a Gu worm?

2024-03-24 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan quickly explained the situation to him. Jiang Yuan had already squatted down.

  Looking at the pool of blood, he frowned slightly.

  "Xiao Liu, take a sample~"


  Seeing them busy in and out, Jiang Yuan was relieved.

  The insect was really weird. She had to go and see the two children quickly. She was still very worried.

  Soon, it was handled over there.

  Jiang Yuan did not let the people here do it. They followed the people who came over and cleaned up the place.

  By the way, the two dead people were also taken away together.

  "I'll go and take a look first, you rest assured, we'll talk to you in the evening."


  Song Yi is like this, at least he will explain to you.

  Jiang Yuan started to work in the kitchen. Squad Leader Cheng looked at the intimacy of the two and felt a little uncomfortable.

  What's wrong with this person? Didn't he say that he had nothing to do with it!


  When they were in the restaurant, it spread quickly.

  Everyone was a little scared, and even when they were getting food at night, they would ask a few specific questions.

  They also held a meeting here for a while and were not allowed to say anything more.

  Such a weird thing, everyone is scared in their hearts.

  If you are not allowed to talk, you will definitely not talk nonsense.

  Jiang Yuan is the same. Whenever she meets curious people, she always smiles calmly and then shouts: "Next..."

  Curiosity kills the cat. Isn't Zhang Tiezhu a living example?

  Finally, she waited for the group of people to leave, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

  Coincidentally, Song Yi also came over.

  She hurriedly served him food, and then she also took the plate out.

  The two sat at the table in the corner. Zhang Kaiyang, Fan Qing, and Ye Mianmian also came over. The main point is that no one can be left behind.

  Qin Yue took the two children to a table in the back.

  "Brother Song, tell me quickly, what's going on over there?"

  "Yes, yes, I've been worried about it for the whole afternoon."

  Ye Mianmian was very curious and looked at Song Yi with a good look.

  This person was not in a hurry. He peeled the eggs and stood up to pass them to the two children.

  Then he began to talk slowly: "It's nothing serious. Professor Jiang is studying the red worm now. There is no conclusion yet about the specific situation."


  A little disappointed.

  "Brother Song, do you think this thing is very similar to the Gu worm I heard about before?"

  Zhang Kaiyang began his own analysis mysteriously.

  "Gu worm, what era is it, you still believe in it?"

  Fan Qing said sarcastically, and then he also felt something was wrong.

  "Can it be true?"

  "I heard before that that kind of thing is just a worm, and each Gu worm is different.

  But it can control people's bodies and do some strange things."

  "You said it so scary."

  Ye Mianmian still couldn't accept it, hoping to get Jiang Yuan's approval.

  "I'm not sure about this. I had a college classmate whose family is from Guizhou.

  He once said that in some areas there, there are still people who cast Gu.

  So, they never give away their old clothes that are too small for them.

  It is said that you can just take the clothes, which have your smell on them."

  "Oh my god, this is very scary."

  Zhang Kaiyang has begun to tremble, and even began to doubt whether he was right.

  "But the worm today is really strange. It can find the next target by itself.   

  Moreover, when it came out of the second person's body, it was obviously bigger.

  Moreover, it can even pass through the sole of the shoe, weird, isn't it? "

  She saw what happened today with her own eyes. If someone else had told her, she probably wouldn't have believed it.

  "It's indeed a little unusual, but there are too many unusual things. It's better to be careful recently."

  Everyone nodded. Although they were not together, they still had more respect for Song Yi than ever before.

  "By the way, what did you say when you went there today?"

  Song Yi quickly ate the rice in the bowl. He knew that Jiang Yuan would definitely ask.

  "It seems that the grass there is different every day. The grass is greener, as if it has grown a lot overnight.

  Professor Jiang didn't know how he went back and took some samples back.

  The temperature there is the same as outside, but I don't know if it's a humidity problem."

  To be honest, he didn't understand those things very well.

  But he had told her what he knew exactly.

  "What about those trees, did you go there to see them?"

  In comparison, Zhang Kaiyang was still more curious about this.

  "I saw it, and it's still the same as before, it can't be cut down, but it's a little afraid of fire.

  Today, it almost dragged a little brother in the laboratory into the lab. "


  With so many people following it, it actually wanted to commit a crime blatantly?"

  Zhang Kaiyang was so upset that he even stood up from his chair.

  "Hurry up and sit down, listen to Brother Song..."

  Fan Qing went up and pulled him down, his movements were very rude.

  "Brother Song, hurry up and tell me what happened?"

  It turned out that after today, Jiang Yuan wanted to take samples.

  However, he couldn't get them down.

  The branches were still swinging around when they were injured, and it was very painful to hit people.

  They thought it didn't work, so they wanted to use other methods.

  This little brother wanted to try again, but he was drafted.

  Fortunately, everyone was nearby, and Song Yi lit a fire in the first time and rescued him.

  "Kaiyang, don't be too excited.

  Plants don't have thoughts, and they probably think they have an opportunity.

  Fortunately, there were no casualties, which is a blessing in disguise."

  "That's true, but I have a very bad impression of those trees. "

  He sighed, thinking about getting nutrients by eating people, he felt mixed emotions.

  "Jiang Yuan didn't say what kind it was?"

  Jiang Yuan asked, still curious about the tree.

  "No, he hasn't seen this either, he said he would go back and check it out...

  Also, the tree over there won't be left, a report has been made, someone will go and clean it up tomorrow."

  "That's great, so we don't have to hurt anyone else.

  Sister Mianmian, go talk to Tiezhu and make him happy."

  Ye Mianmian rolled her eyes at him and didn't say much.

  Everyone started packing up and preparing to go to the dormitory.

  Ye Mianmian still had to deliver food, so Fan Qing and Zhang Kaiyang went with her.

  Jiang Yuan took the two children back, and just after she separated from Song Yi, she met squad leader Cheng.

  "Jiang Yuan, I want to talk to you..."


  "Okay, wait a minute, I'll send the kids back first."

  "Well, go ahead~"

  Not knowing what to do, Jiang Yuan settled the two babies and went straight to her duty room.

  (End of this chapter)

402. Chapter 402 Their Affairs

2024-03-25 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Come on, sit down!"

  Squad Leader Cheng's tone was very good, and he even poured her a glass of water.

  Jiang Yuan was not polite and sat down directly: "Thank you."

  Then, there was endless silence.

  After about five minutes, Squad Leader Cheng finally couldn't hold it in anymore.

  "Jiang Yuan, do you know that I confessed to Song Yi this afternoon, and he said he liked you."

  "Really? I know about this!"

  I didn't expect this person to be so direct, but she couldn't pretend to be stupid, otherwise it would be even more disgusting.

  "I didn't tell you last time because we were really not together."

  Squad Leader Cheng smiled sadly, but he didn't look angry.

  "You should have told me earlier."


  Jiang Yuan thought she had heard it wrong, and asked back involuntarily.

  "You should have told me earlier, I can think about this matter.

  Of course, feelings can't be forced.

  Song Yi is very good, you should accept him."

  She didn't expect that Squad Leader Cheng was such a transparent person, which made her like him a little bit.

  "You just said that feelings can't be forced.

  I just want to live a good life now, and I don't want to talk about feelings."

  Her words were also sincere, and people couldn't find fault with them.

  They knew squad leader Cheng as soon as they came in. He also knew each of them and their specific situations.

  "Jiang Yuan, you are right, but Song Yi is a good person, you must not miss him."

  "Thank you, I will think about it carefully."

  The two did not talk for too long, and Jiang Yuan went back.

  Qin Yue was still very happy in the house.

  "My daughter, your father said that the situation is stable now. There is a building in the living area, which has been almost cleaned up.

  The previous quotas are for staff members. He has signed up and submitted our names.

  If the estimate is good, it won't be long before the house over there can be lived in."

  "That's really good, our family can be together."

  In fact, recently.

  She also knew that her mother had been missing her father.

  The two had been together for decades, and it was naturally difficult to adapt to the sudden separation.

  "Yeah, I heard there are two bedrooms and one living room, and three bedrooms and one living room.

  I don't know what kind of house we can get.

  The hardware facilities there are not very good, and many things are missing.

  If we take them out rashly, it's probably hard to say."

  Qin Yue was already enjoying the things behind, and in a blink of an eye, she noticed Jiang Yuan's expression .

  "My daughter, what's the matter, what does squad leader Cheng want to talk to you about?"

  "It's okay, mom, don't worry."

  Qin Yue said, touching his head: "Your child, whatever you encounter is written on your face, and you have been like this since childhood.

  What can't you tell your mother, huh?"

  Well, this matter is really hard to say!

  "Mom, it's nothing, don't think too much, pack up and go to bed quickly."

  Qin Yue sighed, and no one knows a daughter better than her mother: "Is it about Xiao Song?"

  "You, how did you know?"

  Jiang Yuan was a little caught off guard. Qin Yue was a little too powerful.

  "In fact, we all saw this.

  Xiao Song is a good kid, you can consider it."

  I saw it, when did my mother see it.

  She was asking about Jiang Yuan a few days ago. Did someone remind her?

  "Mom, I don't want to think too much now. As long as we are all fine, I will be satisfied."

  "But Yuanyuan, you should also think about yourself. You are not even thirty yet.   

  Don't blame me for being fussy, I see some things more clearly than you do.

  I know you were heartbroken by Xia Chaoyang, but Xiao Song is indeed different.

  Your dad and I both hope that you can start a new life.

  As for Xiao Nuan, the child is still young, and Xiao Song is a good person, so there shouldn't be any problem."

  Jiang Yuan nodded, not wanting to continue the topic.

  "Mom, I will think about this matter carefully, don't worry about it. "

  As she said this, she was about to go to the space.

  There have been too many things happening recently, and she hasn't thought about how to get along with Song Yi. She

  used to think that everything would come naturally, but she always felt that something was missing.

  If she had feelings for him, she was not sure, but habit was real.

  Since Lushan Yayuan, the two have been together often. They have experienced so many things, so they are naturally different.

  But when it comes to love, the kind of intimacy, I always feel that something is missing.

  She herself is also very troublesome. After thinking about it for a long time, she still can't figure it out.

  She simply stopped thinking about it and went to pack up.

  This space needs to be cleaned up.

  After a few days, if we can really live together, everyone will clean up together.

  Dad is the main force and has helped her a lot.

  Now we have to do a little bit every day, and we can't do nothing.

  Dad is also very hard-working, and she knows it.

  The next morning, they just came over for dinner and ran into Song Yi.

  "Why didn't you go out today? "

  They rarely fly planes, and with Zhang Tiezhu sick, they fly even less.

  Normally, they should be very busy.

  "Yes, I'm going to go to Yueban Lake with Professor Jiang later.

  They will have to hold a meeting, so I came to see you.

  What's wrong? Didn't you sleep well?"

  "No, I was fine."

  In fact, I was thinking about them all the time yesterday and didn't fall asleep until the second half of the night.

  I didn't think it was a big deal before, but now I'm used to going to bed early and getting up early, so it's a little uncomfortable.

  "Well, I'm glad you're okay. Pay more attention. You're the pillar of the family!"


  Jiang Yuan was successfully amused, and the atmosphere relaxed.

  "When you get the results, remember to tell me..."

  "No problem, I'll tell you as soon as possible."

  Song Yi was also very happy. She didn't ask Jiang Yuan, but asked him to tell her, and the closeness was immediately apparent.

  "By the way, Mianmian, how is Zhang Tiezhu?"

  This day, I was really worried about everything.

  "It's okay. I guess he can go back in a day or two. "

  The place where they are now is a temporary medical area.

  Generally, people who are not in serious condition will be sent back to recuperate so as not to occupy public resources.

  "Well, that's good..."

  After the meal, several people started a new day of work.

  Song Yi also followed Jiang Yuan to Yueban Lake. She always felt something was strange.

  Seeing that she was absent-minded, Ye Mianmian couldn't help but show concern.

  "Mianmian, do you think this place is strange? It was supposed to be the Northwest Base.

  We have been searching for people nearby for the past two days, but there is no one from other provinces, or even from other cities.

  Moreover, we haven't seen any big leaders or the like. Isn't it a bit unreasonable?"

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 403 The Secret of the Flower Bud

2024-03-25 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "That's true, but it's hard to say about this kind of thing.

  Think about it, the search and rescue is very difficult now, and there are not many people alive.

  It's better to start from the nearest place. It's probably not the turn of other places yet!"

  Jiang Yuan sighed. She thought so before, but she felt something was wrong recently.

  "That being said, have you ever thought about it? If it's a national one, there

  can't be only these few people. I always feel that we are just a branch, not the kind that is not taken seriously."

  "Sister Yuan, why bother so much? Our life is not bad now.

  Let's not talk about having food and drink for the time being. The humanistic environment is quite different from that in Changmingzhuang.

  Let's live a peaceful life for a few days."

  Yes, she didn't bother about it.

  Even if there is a problem, we can still go to the space, right?

  Moreover, the life now is already very stable, and we should cherish it.

  These days, Song Yi has been busy going to Half Moon Lake with Jiang Yuan.

  After researching and researching, there is no major result.

  And the red bug seems to have just erupted temporarily.

  After that, he never appeared again. It should be said that it was a good thing, but Jiang Yuan was always worried.

  On this day, Song Yi came back very late and didn't have time to eat dinner.

  He was given a bucket of instant noodles as a reward.

  It was already nine o'clock in the evening, and he wanted to see Jiang Yuan.

  She was shocked when he asked squad leader Cheng to come and call for help.

  But he didn't care at all and asked her to be careful.

  At this time, many people would rest, after all, there were no entertainment activities.

  Song Yi couldn't have been unaware that he must have something to do when he came to see her so anxiously. Jiang

  Yuan didn't dare to delay, so she put on her clothes and went out.

  The male and female dormitories were on both sides of this underground base, and there were many offices and laboratories in the middle.

  There was also a huge workshop-like thing, which they had never entered, so they didn't know what it was used for.

  It was just that the place was relatively large and they passed by it at ordinary times.

  In the middle, there was a place similar to a hall, which was connected in all directions and could go anywhere.

  It was also the place where the two agreed to meet tonight.

  Song Yi had arrived a long time ago, and when he saw Jiang Yuan, the corners of his mouth curved.

  He was busy these two days, and he actually missed her.

  "Song Yi, what happened?"

  "Don't be nervous, come here and sit down."

  There is a table and two chairs here, which were used for registration before.

  There will be people on duty here during the day, but now they have been sent away by Song Yi.

  Jiang Yuan didn't understand why, but she still sat down obediently.

  "It's so late, I hope I didn't disturb your sleep."

  She really wanted to roll her eyes. People were already up, and she was still entangled in these things. What's the point? Speechless.

  "Let's talk about business, the child is still waiting for me."

  "Okay, okay, it's like this. We are going to Yueban Lake in the next two days. You know about this, right!"

  "Yes, did you find anything?"


  It looks like spring over there now, even more like it than the last time we went there.

  When we went there today, we found that a flower bud over there was about to bloom.

  There was a research institute that found it novel, so they used a cotton swab to poke the bud.

  Do you know what's inside?"

  Song Yi looked at her seriously and earnestly, and Jiang Yuan was so angry!

  "Why don't you tell me now? Why are you keeping me in suspense?"

  "I'm not keeping you in suspense. This is just too unbelievable.

  There was actually a larva inside the petals, and it was pink all over.   

  We suspect that it should be the same species as the big one."

  "What the hell?"

  Jiang Yuan widened her eyes, a little bit unbelievable, this is too scary.

  "You mean, the bug is in the flower bud?"


  Song Yi answered firmly, and it was obvious that he was not joking at a glance. No one would joke about such things.

  "Oh my God, are you injured?"

  When she said this, she was still a little nervous, looking up and down at the people in front of her.

  She didn't even realize that she really cared about Song Yi.

  "Don't worry, we are all fine.

  The bug is just a larva, not big, and the flower bud was destroyed by humans, so the little thing is not so lethal, and we killed it."

  Fortunately, Jiang Yuan patted her chest.

  "But, didn't you say that the flowers over there are about to bloom.

  That's not just a tree. If everything goes smoothly, there will probably be tens of thousands of bugs, or even more. "

  When she thought of the brutal appearance that day, she was a little scared.

  This place is not far from Yueban Lake. If the larvae have grown up, it is estimated that this place will not be safe.

  "Yes, so we will probably go there to strangle those larvae tomorrow.

  Jiang Yuan has already reported it and will be out tomorrow.

  There is not enough manpower, and it is very likely that they will be transferred from other places."


  If this is the case, then she will also go to see it.

  It's not curiosity, but she always feels that she can only feel at ease after watching it being eliminated with her own eyes.

  "It's true, it depends on the specific policy tomorrow."

  Song Yi didn't want her to go, but he didn't want Jiang Yuan to be unhappy, so he didn't say it.

  Going out tomorrow is also voluntary, it depends on what she chooses.

  "But why did that big sister suddenly get the insect?

  Did she also escape from Yueban Lake, or did she come into contact with that thing through some medium?"

  "I don't know about this, but that big sister works at the power supply place. "

  There is electricity here, which is generated by burning coal.

  If this elder sister works there, it proves that it is usually very warm there.

  "So, the bug may have been on her body for a long time.

  It's just that she is often in a warm environment, so the bug was awakened in advance.

  Just like Yueban Lake, only when the flower buds open, the bug will grow up.

  It won't work if it's earlier."

  Song Yi nodded, and he and Jiang Yuan also concluded.

  "Oh my God, does that mean that people who have come into contact with her will also be in this danger.

  Or, in other words, people who are in the same place as her also have this kind of bug.

  It's just that it hasn't broken out yet, so we can't even suspect it now."

  Song Yi sighed, Jiang Yuan guessed correctly.

  "That's why I had to call you out. You

  must be careful recently, we don't know if we have bugs on our bodies.

  At the same time, we must always pay attention to other people around us.

  If something really changes, you must get away quickly.

  The bug will only come out when it has sucked enough, and I'm afraid that the people next to it will become the second host. "

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 404: Fire on the Lakeside Trees

2024-03-26 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Oh my God!

  She saw it with her own eyes. Song Yi was not exaggerating.

  Moreover, when it came out of the first host,

  the worm had already undergone its first metamorphosis and was no longer a fragile larva.

  Its speed and destructive power were second to none.

  "Okay, don't worry, I will pay more attention, and so should you.

  Go back and tell my dad and Zhang Kaiyang that we can't get into trouble now."

  "Don't worry, I will tell them everything." After

  the two of them finished talking, Song Yi let her go back.

  Although she still wanted to stay for a while, it was really late, and the weather was cold, and he didn't want Jiang Yuan to feel uncomfortable.

  After returning, she told everyone about this.

  No matter whether they were asleep or not, no one would complain about saving their lives.

  Qin Yue also explained again and again, and the two little ones did not let it go.

  Make sure everyone understands, and wash your hands every day, love cleanliness, and disinfect before it is over.

  Although I know that this may not be very effective, at least I can feel better.

  The next morning, someone really came to mobilize, and he spoke passionately.

  Because the meal was concentrated, they talked in the restaurant.

  Jiang Yuan signed up without saying anything.

  Ye Mianmian was allowed to go with the rest, and the rest of the people were here to avoid being too busy.

  Fan Qing and Qin Yue had no objections, but they just told them to be careful.

  This time, there were fifty people going.

  They walked there, and the helicopter was only given to the top few people.

  Jiang Yuan was not among them, and Jiang Yuan came to find her.

  There were many scientific researchers there, so she didn't ask for special treatment.

  It was good to go with everyone, so she refused.

  Unexpectedly, the pilot there was temporarily replaced.

  Zhang Tiezhu, who had just recovered from a serious illness, went into battle, and Song Yi came to accompany her.

  This man really can't say anything nice, and he is all in action.

  However, it's good this way, with him around, I feel a lot more at ease.

  The road is still relatively easy to walk, all of which are mountain paths. It took

  them about an hour to get to the place.

  Jiang Yuan was ready and got a lot of wood. They were preparing to attack with fire, and directly burn these flower buds and trees to death.

  Considering that the living tree would be a little wet and difficult to light.

  They got some dry firewood and also took out a bucket of gasoline from the base. This is a precious material.

  This bucket is not a small amount.

  "Everyone come here and help arrange the firewood.

  Remember, don't let yourself touch this branch, especially the flower buds on it.

  Also, if you see this flower bud that is about to bloom, you must report it immediately and eliminate it first!

  At the same time, you must never do it yourself. Do you understand?"

  "I understand..."

  The group of people who followed had heard about this red bug before.

  They also knew what they were doing here today, and they sincerely agreed to this reminder.

  After all, everyone came here to work, and no one wanted to die.

  Everyone got busy, and Jiang Yuan watched from the side.

  This time, we really have to cut the grass and root it out, otherwise the situation will only get worse.

  No one knows whether this tree will produce flower buds in the future.

  This is the second time Jiang Yuan has looked at these things up close. They are much larger than last time.

  But the color is much lighter, no longer dark red.

  This is exactly the opposite of the color change of the bug.

  One is getting darker as it grows bigger, and the other is getting lighter as it grows bigger.

  Also, the flower bud looks a bit like peach blossoms.   

  If it weren't for the bugs inside, the flowers would be very beautiful after they bloomed.

  Soon, everyone laid out the firewood, and the staff in the laboratory poured gasoline on them.

  Jiang Yuan also prepared the firewood and waited for the fire to be lit.

  After everything was ready,

  everyone was called to a position about 20 to 30 meters away from the circle of trees, for fear of hurting innocent people.

  Jiang Yuan calmed down and threw the match down.

  At the same time, there were six other people around, and they all lit firewood in different positions.

  Then, they quickly retreated.

  They had all seen the power of these trees and did not dare to get too close.

  Adding gasoline had a different effect, and the flames rose instantly.

  After the firewood burned, it was the trunk, and then the flower buds on it.

  "Sister Yuan, that's great, it's almost over."

  Ye Mianmian was very excited, and so were the people next to her.

  I always feel that if a big problem is eliminated, everyone's life will be better.

  Just when everyone was excited, there was a crackling sound over there.

  It was that kind of small sound, like frying something and it suddenly bloomed.

  "Oh no, those flower buds are actually blooming.

  Everyone, retreat quickly!"

  Jiang Yuan shouted, and everyone here was startled.

  They started running out, as if they were escaping for their lives.

  Song Yi came over and pulled Jiang Yuan up, and she quickly pulled Ye Mianmian. After

  running for more than 20 meters, when I looked back, I always felt a whistling wind blowing across the back of my neck.

  "Don't be afraid, everyone, find some branches and light them."

  That thing is afraid of fire, so instead of running away, it is better to find a way to save yourself.

  Many people brought lighters, and they didn't care about anything at this time.

  They picked up the branches that were suitable, and soon, one piece of firewood after another was burning.

  Looking at the fire in my hand, I felt a lot more at ease.

  I mustered up my courage and started to move back.

  It turned out that only a part of the flower buds had bloomed.

  Those were the ones that were about to bloom, and the small ones were burned to death directly.

  The insects that fell out were not doing well either. There were a lot of firewood placed below, and they were basically swallowed by the flames below.

  The rest, some of them, were either dead or injured.

  Jiang Yuan saw this situation and called on everyone to go and root out the problem.

  As soon as they approached, there began to be crackling sounds. I don't know if it was the explosion of sparks or the problem of the flower buds being burned.

  Then, the tree over there actually swayed.

  There was also a burst of stench, and everyone covered their noses involuntarily.

  Jiang Yuan was not sure whether the smell was poisonous or not, but he couldn't go forward anyway. He

  was also afraid that there would be fish that slipped through the net. Now he was really in a dilemma.

  He looked at Song Yi, wanting to ask for an idea.

  The other party nodded and motioned for everyone to retreat to the east.

  There was a light breeze here, and the smoke went to the west.

  It is safe here, and everyone will be fine here.

  However, the stench in the air is really hard to erase.

  It's like the corpse of an animal that has been dead for a long time, rotting and smelling in extremely hot conditions.

  And you happened to pass by and encountered it, disgusting and terrifying.

  Jiang Yuan thought about it and pretended to take something out of her backpack.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 405: Lake and Insects

2024-03-26 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  He took out several packs of masks and asked Ye Mianmian to help distribute them to everyone.

  Everyone was very grateful, and then they all cast their eyes to express their gratitude, but they didn't say anything.

  The smell was really unbearable, and Jiang Yuan even felt a little nauseous.

  The crackling explosions by the lake continued, and Jiang Yuan brought people from the laboratory.

  He crouched and moved forward little by little, wanting to see if there were any remaining insects hidden.

  Among the fifty people, twenty were guards over there, specially sent to protect Professor Jiang's safety.

  Seeing this, he also went to help.

  The remaining people didn't know whether they should go forward.

  The crackling sound became louder and louder, and it even seemed to hear the crying of a child.

  All the branches of the circle of trees by the lake swayed wildly, as if they wanted to shake off the fire on their bodies.

  This reminded Jiang Yuan of the sacred tree they passed by.

  Or it could be the "sacred tree" mentioned by Chuyi and Chuliu...

  I don't know if the trees here will retaliate?

  They are all executioners.

  Faintly, it felt like there was wind around.


  The person in front screamed.

  The person behind didn't know what was going on, so he quickly shouted, "What happened?"

  Jiang Yuan was a little scared, but she didn't dare to go forward. She was worried that the bug had drilled into her body.

  If that happened, it would be too dangerous.

  Before the person in front answered, a stream of water suddenly surged up, just like the tornado before.

  With a vortex, it lifted the water droplets in the lake and flew high.

  Then, it hit the tree next to it.

  Just now, it was just not so obvious.

  The man was splashed by the water. The water droplets that passed through the flames suddenly increased in temperature.

  When it hit his body, it felt like being scalded.

  "Look, what is that?"

  The vortex in the lake was getting bigger and higher, which made Jiang Yuan a little incredible.

  Yueban Lake was really weird.

  The next second, a huge wave of water hit it and extinguished all the trees.

  "Oh no!"

  Song Yi ran to the front, and Jiang Yuan and his companions all sat on the ground.

  The water was coming from all directions, with great impact, and it was very likely to bring flower buds.

  At this time, sitting on the ground was very dangerous.

  Jiang Yuan also thought of it and ran over.

  "Get up quickly, get up quickly~"

  Jiang Yuan was there, but his glasses were wet, so he took them off and wiped them with his sleeve.

  And right in front of him, there was a pink larva.

  Jiang Yuan was so scared that her voice was a little out of tune: "Jiang Yuan, get up quickly, back off~"

  The other party realized it later, and she was so anxious that she went crazy.

  "Oh my god, what's going on?"

  She got to the front, but the little bug didn't move.

  It twisted its body, turned its head, and went back.

  Song Yi also ran over and grabbed Jiang Yuan.

  "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

  "Nothing, look at this bug, it actually ran back?"

  Without a host, could it be that it felt that it was not time for it to bloom yet and wanted to find its own bud?

  She was deeply confused, and Song Yi saw it and was equally shocked.

  "Look, these bugs are running back~"

  I don't know who shouted, and I saw that the bugs that were beaten outside just now.

  All hurried to the tree. The distance was not very far, but for the bugs, it still took a while to crawl.

  These larvae are basically pink.

  The ones that crawl faster are darker in color and should be more mature. The

  ones that crawl slower are lighter in color and probably have not grown for many days.   

  However, they all ran towards the tree at the same time.

  "Professor Jiang, what's going on?

  Do you want to grow back?"

  Someone from their laboratory came over and asked, also with a look of confusion.

  "I don't know. If that's the case, then this tree should be able to provide them with nutrients."

  However, the tree is now almost completely burned.

  If we continue to burn it back, it can't be said that it has no effect, it's true that it doesn't have much effect.

  Moreover, these insects can't grow back.

  "So what should we do now? Or let's just burn these insects to death!"


  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to make a decision. A whirlwind suddenly rose up and just happened to extinguish all the surrounding trees. If

  you tell others about this kind of thing, no one would believe it.

  However, it really happened in front of us. This Yueban Lake is definitely unusual.

  It seems that there is a mysterious force protecting the surrounding trees and insects, but it is something harmful to humans.

  "Song Yi, what do you think?"

  After a few days of contact, he also developed a certain trust in this person.

  "If it is not resolved, there will be endless troubles~"

  These few short words also made people breathless.

  Everyone knew the consequences, but there was no way to move forward. Who could understand this feeling?

  Jiang Yuan suddenly thought of something and quickly took off her backpack.

  Song Yi knew that she might have an idea, so he went over to help block it.

  Indeed, she wanted to take something from the space.

  Soon, a lighter fell into her hand.

  This was something she had picked up in the snack city before, just in case it would be useful.

  Song Yi immediately understood and took it out of his backpack.

  Then he aimed at a small insect in front of him and ignited it directly.

  This lighter is used in restaurants.

  Once it is turned on, a very strong flame will come out, and it is very long.

  The blue flame that can be seen with the naked eye is like a beam of light.

  With this, you don't have to get too close, and it is relatively safe.

  Song Yi was quick-witted and everyone around came to help.

  The little insect was suddenly surrounded by the heat unexpectedly.

  It began to surge up and down and struggled in various ways.

  However, the flames followed it like a shadow, leaving it nowhere to hide or avoid.

  With a "bang", the little insect couldn't bear it and exploded.

  A pool of red liquid was left behind, and then a foul smell came.

  It turned out that they were all brought with them.

  Jiang Yuan pressed the mask on her face, and she could obviously smell the smell.

  Song Yi looked at the bug, and then looked at the swaying branches on the opposite side, as if demonstrating to him.

  "Look, those bugs~"

  Jiang Yuan's assistant shouted, and everyone looked over.

  Those bugs didn't climb up the tree, but passed through the trees next to them and went into the lake.

  Just now, everyone was watching the burning of this single person and didn't pay attention to the situation of the insect swarm.

  Now suddenly discovered, in addition to shock, it was still shock.

  Jiang Yuan adjusted his glasses and followed Song Yi to the tree.

  Jiang Yuan and others also followed carefully.

  "Oh my God, those bugs have actually entered the lake."

  The clear lake water is now pink.

  "No, the number is wrong!"

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 406: Going out again

2024-03-27 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Song Yi stared at the insects in the lake, looking surprised.

  It was indeed not right, how could there be so many.

  "What should we do now?"

  Jiang Yuan obviously had no idea, and he was a little scared when he saw the scene in front of him.

  "Retreat first, it's not safe here."

  Song Yi didn't even look at him and started to give orders.

  Jiang Yuan was also very scared. Those insects gathered at the periphery of the lake.

  If they didn't go to the middle, if they attacked in groups, then the fifty of them would not be enough.

  Now, they didn't dare to speak too loudly, for fear of startling those insects.

  Who can be sure that they are not in a state of wartime preparation?

  She pulled Ye Mianmian, fearing that if something happened, the consequences would be unbearable.

  The group began to walk back.

  Unlike before they came, this time they were in a gloomy mood, and even their faces were full of fear and terror.

  In order to avoid accidents, Song Yi asked everyone to go back.

  Although Jiang Yuan was the leader, his leadership temperament came out all of a sudden.

  This matter could be big or small, and they had to report it as soon as they returned. No one knew when they would start over there.

  Not daring to act rashly, she could only report to her superiors.

  After Jiang Yuan returned, she immediately went to the restaurant to find Qin Yue.

  The two children were very happy to see her and rushed over immediately.

  "Has grandpa come to eat?"

  "No, grandpa hasn't come yet."

  Jingjing was old, knew a lot, and spoke in an organized manner.

  Qin Yue also came out with a plate and was also stunned when she saw them.

  "I thought it would take a day. Go get you some food."

  "Mom, don't eat anymore. Go and tell Master Chen that you need to take a leave in the afternoon.

  Hurry up..."

  Qin Yue didn't know what happened, but there were so many people here that she couldn't ask.

  "Okay, wait a minute."

  Jiang Yuan also began to pack things for the two children. When they came here every day, they would bring some books and toys.

  They didn't bring snacks because they were afraid that others would miss them, but they still brought water.

  Ye Mianmian was with her. After they were done, Qin Yue also came over.

  "My daughter, Master Chen has already said it. What should we do now?"

  "Go back to the dormitory, hurry up."

  She thought about sending everyone into the space in other hidden places.

  However, that was not very safe.

  Several people began to rush to the dormitory. It was lunchtime now, so it was not too abrupt.

  After returning, she briefly explained what happened there, and then took her mother and two children to the space.

  "Sister Yuan, what should we do next?"

  It was agreed that the group would gather in front of the laboratory at three o'clock.

  It was already two twenty, and the time was not optimistic.

  "Go to the living area and find my dad. Mianmian, from now on, you must follow me closely, and you must not be too far away, understand?"

  "Well, I understand~"

  Ye Mianmian said firmly. She also knew about the situation today.

  Jiang Yuan was worried about any unusual movements, so she sent everyone to the space.

  She took Ye Mianmian to the living area. Since she sent clothes to her father last time, she has not come here again.

  Now, the living area has changed a lot.

  The first building has been cleaned up.

  Some construction waste outside has also been cleaned up, and there are still many stones piled together.

  Then there are red bricks, which are neatly stacked.

  They walked to the front, where there was a temporary duty room, also a mobile cabin.   

  Jiang Xingzhi was inside and saw Jiang Yuan at once, and hurried out to greet them.

  "My daughter, Mianmian, why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

  As expected, the father also felt that something was unusual.

  "Dad, it's a long story. Go and ask for leave quickly, this afternoon and tomorrow."

  She thought, if it's possible in two days, then it will be solved.

  If not, the group of insects will also start to fight back.

  "Okay, you wait."

  Jiang Xingzhi didn't doubt it and hurried over to tell his colleagues.

  They just need someone here, and there are not many things to do at ordinary times.

  The three people left in a hurry and went behind a pile of bricks. Jiang Yuan sent Jiang Xingzhi into the space.

  The two of them also hurried to the laboratory. When they arrived, it was already 2:53.

  Song Yi and Jiang Yuan were discussing something. After seeing her, they came straight over.

  "Jiang Yuan, you don't have to go later, it's too dangerous."

  "It's okay, we don't make special arrangements."

  Among the fifty people last time, some were women. It's unreasonable for them to suddenly not go.

  Jiang Yuan wanted to persuade her, but Song Yi knew her temper and stopped her.

  "Okay, you can go, but you must pay attention to safety, okay?"

  "Don't worry, go and get busy."

  Seeing the two people so close, Jiang Yuan felt a little embarrassed.

  They took the small road this time.

  In addition to the fifty people before, there were fifty more people, and some weapons.

  They walked in the past, but this time they walked very fast, and it took only half an hour to reach the destination.

  Half Moon Lake seemed more terrifying than before.

  Faintly, there was a breeze blowing, as if it was demonstrating.

  "Sister Yuan~"

  "Don't be afraid, you will be in front of me later, don't run around, okay?"

  Ye Mianmian nodded quickly, and following her was the safest.

  The people over there had already started to act.

  This time, they brought a lot of gasoline.

  The trees that had been half-burned before were propped up with dead branches and firewood.

  Their task was to find firewood nearby, preferably dry.

  Jiang Yuan thought of the deep ditch, which was full of dead branches and so on, so she led everyone over.

  Because of the huge number and the fact that there was nothing left to burn nearby, the appearance of this deep trench was like timely help.

  Because it was right below, it would be quick to get there.

  Song Yi knew Jiang Yuan's intention, but he didn't say anything.

  Now, it is indeed only there that has enough firewood.

  However, this deep trench is really deep.

  Although there is a lot of firewood in it, it is not within reach.

  "How about this, let's find a few people to jump down and throw up the branches below.

  What do you think?"

  One of them suggested, and the others thought it was feasible.

  So they took out the rope and prepared to go down part of the way.

  "Wait a minute, we're not sure if there is any danger below, so let's not act rashly."

  Jiang Yuan frowned and looked at the situation below. She was the one who brought everyone here.

  However, there is no guarantee that this side is safe now.

  "It should be okay, these are all fallen branches, and there won't be any insects or flower buds."

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 407: Saving People from the Deep Ravine

2024-03-27 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Although that's what they said, no one dared to bet.

  The man who spoke was a little embarrassed when he saw everyone's reaction.

  "Hahaha, you guys, you only have so little courage.

  I really don't know how you survived.

  I'll set an example for you~"

  As he said that, he jumped down directly.


  Jiang Yuan didn't react at all. Just when she wanted to stop him, the man had already gone down.

  The rest of the people were also very nervous and looked at him carefully.

  The man didn't even use a rope, he jumped down directly, and he was also very nervous when he landed.

  Then, he became proud.

  "Look, I told you it's okay, why are you so nervous, a bunch of cowards."

  As he said that, he picked up a branch under his feet and threw it up.

  "How about it, is this firewood dry?"

  Then, there was a hearty laugh.

  Jiang Yuan sighed, it's good that nothing happened. At this time, no one wants to have an accident.

  This is also human nature, what's there to laugh at.

  "Since it's okay, let's go down a few more people to help."

  The person who spoke was the captain of a guard team.

  Not knowing what the army here was called, Jiang Yuan still followed her previous habit and called these people the guards.


  Someone immediately agreed, and then began to take the rope and put it on the people going down.

  Jiang Yuan and the others were not going to go down, so they just watched from the side and did not need help.

  The one below pinched his waist, looking smug.

  "Just jump down, why bother so much, it's really boring."

  The slightly teasing tone made everyone feel a little uncomfortable, but no one refuted anything.

  After all, he was really courageous. However, he

  was not happy for two seconds.

  He became a little uncomfortable and began to scratch something on his body unconsciously.

  It was like scratching an itch, but his expression was much sadder.

  Jiang Yuan didn't know what was going on, but he always felt that it was not good.

  "What's wrong with you, are you okay?"

  Hearing the noise, everyone looked over.

  The people who were busy with the rope just now were also scared and ran to the edge of the ditch.

  "What's going on?"

  "Captain, captain, I..."

  As he said that, he covered his neck, and the action was exactly the same as that of the big sister in the restaurant.

  "Oh no, there must be a bug."

  Jiang Yuan shouted, and everyone retreated in fear.

  The captain was really unwilling to give up. How could he abandon his teammates?

  He took a rope and threw it over.

  "Quick, grab it, I'll pull you up."

  He almost shouted, but the young man below couldn't control himself at all.

  Jiang Yuan looked at the blue veins on his neck, which were getting higher and higher, and was also anxious, unable to do anything.

  He seemed to realize it and wanted to reach out to pull the rope, but it was too late.

  His body fell straight down, and then his eyes were staring, looking extremely painful.

  "What should I do, what should I do now?"

  Someone next to him had collapsed, a female comrade.

  Jiang Yuan had seen this scene before, but now she was helpless.

  It seemed that the people above also noticed the situation here, and someone ran over.

  It was Song Yi and Jiang Yuan who took the lead. She seemed to see hope, but what could they do?   

  Song Yi came up to him and jumped down without saying anything, followed by Jiang Yuan.

  The former landed steadily, while the latter fell.

  Jiang Yuan was a little worried. There were big tree branches below, and walking was not smooth.

  In this situation, blindly jumping down was not a wise move.

  "Song Yi, Jiang Yuan, be careful!"

  The two quickly walked up to the young man. Now the purple veins had reached the ears.

  Song Yi was also surprised by the trend.

  "Jiang Yuan, I'll hold him down, and you pull the worm out."

  "Okay, brother, I'm sorry."

  At this time, trying might lead to death, but if you don't try, there is absolutely no hope of survival.

  The people who ran with them also jumped down one after another to help hold him down.

  Jiang Yuan was also very worried and started to move forward to see the specific situation.

  The people behind him had the same idea and followed him forward.

  Jiang Yuan didn't even have time to disinfect more, so he took the scalpel and cut a hole in his face.

  Just in case, it was at a position where the bug had not yet arrived, but was about to arrive.

  Everyone was staring at it.

  It was getting closer and closer, and just when it was about to come out.

  The bug suddenly stopped, and the people below didn't know what was going on. They didn't dare to breathe, and stared at the situation in front of them.

  Suddenly, the bug seemed to realize something and began to retreat.

  Jiang Yuan didn't expect that it could be like this.

  However, it was obvious that it couldn't turn around and could only retreat.

  So, at the first time, he used tweezers to block the way behind.

  The bug was also a tough guy. He rushed several times but failed.

  Then, it stopped again, thought for a long time, and actually started to move forward again.

  When it came to the wound, Jiang Yuan deliberately didn't deal with the blood stains.

  This thing was running around in the blood vessels, and it should like the smell of blood.

  Sure enough, when it got here, he hesitated for a few seconds, and still tried to drill out.

  At first, it was just a small head, and the color was darker than the body.

  Then, it began to come out little by little.

  After reaching halfway, for some reason, he wanted to go back.

  It happened in a flash.

  Jiang Yuan took the tweezers and quickly, accurately and ruthlessly grabbed it.

  However, this twisted insect was unwilling to give up.

  It struggled desperately, and he also used force on this side. Suddenly, the whole thing was pulled out.


  The young man screamed miserably, which scared the people above to death.

  Thinking that he had failed, Jiang Yuan was even more worried, fearing that the insect would hurt Song Yi and Jiang Yuan.

  "Haha, it can't escape this time, Xiao Zhao~"

  Jiang Yuan turned around and was about to take this as a specimen to study.

  It actually broke free, not because he let go.

  But the insect was actually broken into two pieces.

  It must be said that he has a temper and is also very irritable.

  "Be careful!"

  Song Yi pulled Jiang Yuan for a while, and directly took out the lighter that Jiang Yuan gave him with his right hand.

  With a "click", the flames flew out, and the half of the insect body was ignited, making a crackling sound.

  Then a pool of pink liquid fell on the branch.

  Another part actually ran into the gap between the branches.

  So, it is possible to survive like this.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 408 Surrounded by Bugs

  Moreover, the bugs seemed to be conscious.

  They knew how to avoid risks and judge the existing environment.

  They were like spirits. "Come up quickly, there is danger."

  In fact, it goes without saying that everyone knew it.

  The half bug just now had already run away. Maybe it would come out from some gap.

  Who wouldn't be afraid? The example in front of us is not superstitious!

  The people above also took action and threw the rope down.


  Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian also ran over to help. They brought a lot of ropes today, so it was not difficult for them to come up.

  However, there was still a patient, which was quite troublesome.

  The rope was thrown down, and the people below just pulled it, and they hadn't used any force yet.

  Jiang Yuan saw that there were dots of red in the dense pile of firewood just now.

  One by one, small dots, densely packed, she was scared to sweat.

  Pointing to the bottom, she shouted loudly: "Hurry up, the bugs are coming~"

  As soon as she finished speaking, the people below also looked down.

  Just one look and I was scared to death. What the hell is this?

  "Oh my god, run, don't get hit."

  These bugs can get into the skin through anything. They are extremely scary.

  Song Yi also became nervous. He pulled Jiang Yuan's collar and started running to the side.



  Some people have been hit, and some have even grabbed the rope and climbed up two steps.

  Now they have no resistance and all fell down.

  Song Yi was the same. He was still holding Jiang Yuan.

  The other party had never seen such a scene, and was being pulled by the collar, making it difficult to move.

  "Let me go, I'll run by myself."

  "Shut up!"

  Song Yi roared loudly. Jiang Yuan saw that they were at the side.

  He pulled up a rope next to him and ran over.

  Ye Mianmian saw it and understood her intention, so she came to save people.

  "Song Yi~"

  She shouted and threw the rope down, but there were bugs under their feet, so it was impossible for them to get up.

  Jiang Yuan was so anxious that tears came out in a flash.

  She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't control her tears.

  Song Yi saw her nervous look and smiled.

  He turned on the ignition gun and the flames started instantly.

  He shot back and forth around him, and it really worked.

  Those bugs have already started to run for their lives.

  At the same time, some were burned, but he didn't stay for long, just played a warning role.

  After that, those bugs will continue to crawl over.

  Jiang Yuan suddenly thought of something and quickly took off her backpack. Soon three ignition guns appeared in her hands.

  "Song Yi, take it~"

  She threw it over, and the other party was also very powerful and caught it at once.

  She handed it to Jiang Yuan casually, and the other party was silently moved for a while.

  "Here are more~"

  As he said, he threw down two more.

  Now everyone has two, and the old woman with two guns is no more than that.

  With the blessing of weapons, the two people also let go and began to attack the bugs under their feet indiscriminately.

  In some places, they even caught fire.

  "Hurry up, come this way~"

  Jiang Yuan had already hidden at the edge of the ditch and began to guide them. As long as they could get over there and be pulled up with the rope, they would be safe.

  The two did not dare to move too fast, and they moved little by little, making sure it was safe before taking a step.

  The surroundings were basically all on fire.

  In addition to branches, there were also some leaves and other things.

  "Jiang Yuan, you go up first."

  "You go up first, I'll cover you."   

  "Don't talk nonsense~"

  Song Yi's attitude was very tough. When he got to the rope, he just asked Jiang Yuan to go up first.

  "This time, you must go up first."

  Jiang Yuan didn't let him go either, leaving hope to the other party.

  "Don't fight, the ignition gun will run out of gas in a while."

  Jiang Yuan was speechless. Was it saying that the two of them had problems with their brains, or that they were of noble character.

  At this time, they were still being humble.

  "Hurry up~"

  Song Yi pulled the rope and wrapped it around his arm.

  "Song Yi, you must be careful!"

  The person above started to exert force, and Jiang Yuan was quickly pulled up.

  It wasn't particularly deep in the first place. If the two people hadn't been humble, they might have come up long ago.

  Jiang Yuan took another rope and asked Song Yi to come up quickly.

  When the two met in mid-air, Jiang Yuan was speechless.

  Since there were two ropes, what were these two people doing just now?

  Soon, the survivor escaped from the deep ditch below.

  "Song Yi!"

  Jiang Yuan was really scared to death, and so was the other party. He went up and hugged her.

  She did not push him away. Just now, she really felt like she was parting from death.

  His embrace was so tight, as if he wanted to rub her into his bones.

  Then, Song Yi quickly let go.

  "I'm not sure if I'm clean. Stay away from me."

  So, he was worried that there were bugs on his body.

  If they were brought up, it would be a disaster.

  Jiang Yuan was also prepared. She took a bottle of disinfectant and sprayed it.

  After confirming again and again that there was no problem with the two of them, she stopped.

  Except for the two of them, all the people who had just gone down were gone.

  Now it was even more terrifying. Their bodies were covered with large and small red bugs.

  If you have intensive phobia, you can't bear this situation.

  "What should we do now?"

  It was obvious that the bugs here had already taken shape.

  With the nutrients that were delivered to the door just now, it was even more powerful.

  If it was not handled in time, it would be more serious than the one in Half Moon Lake.

  "Burn it, go up and get all the gasoline."

  Song Yi gave an order, and the people behind him got busy.

  The bugs here are the most urgent, and they are more serious than those over there.

  Maybe they will come to attack in the next second.

  Jiang Yuan was speechless when she saw the scene in the ditch.

  She didn't expect that there would be obstacles at every step. When will this strange world end?

  Before, Master Teng tried every means to stop everyone from coming here.

  Did he also know that there was something in this ditch?

  Now that there are no people, there are more mysteries in this village.

  Moreover, it is the kind that cannot be solved.

  Just thinking about it, the people over there have brought down the gasoline.

  Just on the opposite side, they will fall down anyway.

  Another wave of people came and sprinkled these evenly.

  After everything was ready, everyone stood apart.

  "Are you ready? Light the fire~"

  Song Yi gave an order, and everyone threw the matches in their hands down.

  The flames soared instantly, and the insects inside also became anxious.

  The fire was set separately, just to prevent them from having room to turn around.

  There was a crackling sound from below, which was the sound of insects exploding.

  The bottom of the ditch was also very lively, and even more and more.

   Chapter 409: Poking the Insects' Nest

  "Song Yi, something is wrong. Aren't there too many insects..."

  Jiang Yuan's voice was trembling. If only a part of them came out just now, there were still many insects underneath that had not yet appeared.

  Now that they were burned, the insects underneath all came out.

  If there were enough of them, they could put out the fire. Who knows!

  "Yes, there are too many insects."

  Jiang Yuan's scalp was also numb, and the red flesh worms were surging wildly.

  Before, Master Teng said that this was an insurmountable ditch, but no one knew how deep it was.

  They had a preconceived notion. Seeing so many dead branches in it, they thought it was that deep.

  "Could it be that there are insects underneath?"

  Ye Mianmian was also very scared, and she began to swallow her saliva when she spoke.

  The people below also began to stir.

  "Or, let's run quickly!"

  "Yes, there are so many insects that they can eat us."


  There were more and more echoes around.

  "You go first, I'll guard it~"

  At the critical moment, Jiang Yuan made a decision, and everyone looked over.

  "No, we have to go together, Professor Jiang, we won't abandon you."

  The one who spoke was the captain of the guard team.

  Just now, in order to save people, everyone in the laboratory, except Jiang Yuan, had been wiped out.

  "No, you run away quickly~"

  "No one can escape~"

  Song Yi's words shocked everyone.

  "There are so many insects now, and they are so fast, and everyone around will suffer.

  No place is safe, and it is urgent to find a way to kill them."

  When he said this, some people got anxious.

  They were all idle personnel. Although the guards were afraid, they were still very organized and did not disperse or whisper to each other.

  "What should we do now?"

  Jiang Yuan had no idea and began to ask Song Yi.

  "Zhang Tiezhu~"


  Comrade Tiezhu's voice was loud when he heard him being called.

  "Call two people and go back to get gasoline immediately. The more the better."


  He didn't dare to delay, called two people, and started running towards the flat land on the other side of the village.

  Now, time is life!

  "Leave one person behind according to the previous position.

  The rest of you should all find something to burn, and be quick!"


  Everyone was busy in an orderly manner.

  Jiang Yuan also held a position, and Ye Mianmian was next to her, three meters away.

  She understood what Song Yi meant, that is, to be ready to light a fire at any time.

  The insects were surging from the bottom, and except for the dead ones, the ones above came over to suppress the flames.

  Without air and oxygen, the fire naturally could not continue to burn.

  The only way now is to wait until the insects are extinguished and then light it again.

  If you want to burn quickly, you need to use flammable materials.

  It is best to use clothes, which are big and burn quickly.

  Zhang Tiezhu went back to get gasoline. This is certainly a good choice, but it takes too long and he may not be able to come back in time.

  The rest of the people ran to find branches and the like.

  It is not the best plan either. It burns too slowly, especially the thicker ones.

  In addition, it is still uncertain whether it will burn or not.

  Moreover, there are no dead branches around.

  This method is useless.

  However, the insects below are already unstoppable.   

  Jiang Yuan's mind was spinning, and suddenly she remembered something, so she pulled Ye Mianmian and ran.

  "Sister Yuan, what's wrong?"

  "Don't talk, follow me!"

  The two ran all the way to the big trees. Song Yi and others saw them, but they were not in the mood to stare.

  "Mianmian, you watch here, I'll go in~"


  To be honest, if there were other obstructions, Jiang Yuan would not want to come here.

  Ye Mianmian also knew the weirdness here, so she didn't get too close to the tree, but just stood by to keep watch for her.

  After entering the space, Jiang Yuan was also non-stop.

  When she was in Changmingzhuang before, she took a lot of quilts and other things, all of which were military green. There

  was a lot of cotton inside.

  In addition to the new ones, there were also a lot of old ones, because Qin Yue said that the cotton was still good, and it could be covered on it when cultivating seedlings in the future.

  So she brought a lot back, and they were neatly stacked in front of the courtyard by her parents.

  At this moment, she couldn't care so much. She

  couldn't hide in the space by herself, and no one else would care.

  It's not that she is a saint, and the fall of this place is a small matter.

  The speed of those bugs is really amazing, plus there are so many of them.

  If the rescue base is occupied, it will be the end. They will have no place to

  live and can only live in space. If there is enough time, it will be fine. If not, then where should this family go?

  In addition, this is the nest of bugs.

  If they come out later, they will still be in this place, so the danger is always there.

  Since there is a chance, why not fight for it, saving others while saving yourself.

  It is estimated that there are more than a dozen beds. Ye Mianmian understood immediately when she saw it.

  "Sister Yuan~"

  "Just say that it was found last time, on the tree."


  The two did not dare to say more and hurriedly got busy.

  They ran outside with the quilt in their arms, and the words were also ready.

  Last time they came over, no one knew what was on the tree.

  Only Jiang Yuan had seen it. When he was surprised, he could say that it was in the tree above.

  After all, this tree is too evil.

  Anything is possible.

  "Song Yi..."

  She shouted, and the man turned back nervously, looked at what she was holding, and ran over immediately.

  At first glance, I knew it was in the space.

  Although it was risky, it was the only way at the moment.

  "Go help~"

  Jiang Yuan also reacted. Some people had just come back one after another.

  Now it was just the right time to go over and help and move the things over.

  This batch of quilts was too timely, and the flames were basically extinguished.

  Light them up quickly and throw them down.

  The insect swarm that had just gained the advantage was now suppressed.

  They dared not move too fast. They had to light the quilts first and then move when they were almost done.

  Otherwise, it would be easy to extinguish.

  This kind of resource is rare and cannot be wasted.

  After all the quilts were thrown down, the situation in front was still very bad.

  The ones over there had burned out, and the insects had a tendency to retreat.

  "What should I do, there are no more quilts~"

  Moreover, they were not completely covered just now.

  If Jiang Yuan went over to get them again, it would be unclear.

  What should I do, what should I do?

  "Da Da Da~"

  At the critical moment, the mechanical sound of an airplane came from overhead.

  Not just one, but three, and everyone saw hope in an instant.

   Chapter 410 The reinforcements are coming

  "Here they are, Zhang Tiezhu is here~"


  The people below began to cheer. Zhang Tiezhu is now a triumphant hero. In addition to bringing back gasoline, he also invited reinforcements.

  Hearing the voices below, he even whistled as a response.

  The atmosphere suddenly changed. Looking at the insects again, they have begun to cover them.

  The quilt has been burned, and some are even crawling to the side.

  As long as they come up, they will be in danger.

  "Get out of the way~"

  Zhang Tiezhu shouted, and the people below immediately scattered like birds and beasts.

  I saw two helicopters started to get busy, dripping.

  Another one stopped at the village opposite.

  "Everyone go over and take a look, help move things."

  Needless to say, there must be gasoline.

  "Strange, what are they spreading?"

  "It's something like combustion aid and phosphorus powder~"

  Jiang Yuan patiently helped Ye Mianmian answer questions and doubts, and he also breathed a sigh of relief.

  Zhang Tiezhu not only brought gasoline, but also brought other things.

  This time, they are really saved.

  At this moment, the people who went to get things also came back.

  Sure enough, they were all gasoline, and there was quite a lot of it.

  Song Yi called on the others and started moving.

  The spraying over there was over, and everyone got busy according to their original positions.

  At the same time, about twenty young men also ran over.

  Each of them was carrying firewood on his back, panting.

  "Professor Jiang, we are here to support."

  "Great, we came at the right time."

  With firewood, gasoline, and combustion aids.

  No matter how powerful these insects are, they can't make any waves.

  When the first batch was thrown down, it gave these little things a fatal blow.

  The sound of thunder and snapping came one after another.

  Then, bursts of stench came out.

  This is the unique smell emitted after the insects exploded.

  Jiang Yuan quickly tightened her mask. They were in a relatively forward position, and they had to be careful to prevent any fish from slipping out of the net, so they naturally couldn't take it lightly.

  At the same time, it was particularly important to protect themselves.

  Song Yi took a look and was very pleased to see that she had a strong sense of prevention.

  The first wave of insects had been destroyed, and those below would soon crawl up.

  They were busy and it took six waves to finish the

  work. It took three hours, and with the previous ones, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

  The temperature was very low, the flames were soaring, and the stench was spreading widely.

  A radio station was brought over, and people continued to deliver firewood.

  "Brother Song, Professor Jiang, it should be OK, now we can't see anything.

  We are out of gasoline and accelerants, what are the next instructions?"

  Obviously, the captain of the guard regarded them as leaders.

  Jiang Yuan glanced at Song Yi, and he was unsure!

  "Let some people go back first, and the rest will wait until this is over."


  Since they got the order, it would be easy to work.

  Jiang Yuan looked down, the fire was still burning, but it was only the last one, and there was a red area below.

  In addition to the exploded bodies of insects, there were also charcoal.

  "Be careful..."

  Song Yi came over and pulled her, fearing that she would fall.

  "It's okay, I just took a look.

  No wonder Master Teng said this was a deep ditch, it's really deep."

  "Yeah, I didn't expect it to be used as a nest by insects."

  Now it seems that there are still 20 to 30 meters inside.

  Before, she thought the villagers were making a fuss.

  If they build a single-plank bridge on both sides, they can cross it.   

  Now it seems that it is indeed correct not to develop it.

  If someone really falls down, there will be no way back, and the possibility of survival is very small.

  Apart from other things, how can a person jump from a building of more than ten floors and be safe?

  Besides, it is not easy to rescue people here.

  Song Yi suddenly looked at her leisurely, with a smile on his face.

  "Jiang Yuan, what happened to you just now?"

  She turned around and saw the man's tough yet gentle face.

  "What happened to me just now?"

  "You are very nervous about me, aren't you?"

  Well, in an emergency, she was really excited at that time.

  "It's normal, you are going to die."

  Jiang Yuan stiffened her neck and said with reason.

  Song Yi laughed softly, exuding a joyful atmosphere all over his body.

  "I don't believe it, you must be reluctant to let me die~"

  As he said that, he took a step forward, really wanting to say something in private.

  Jiang Yuan strode over, looking anxious.

  "Song Yi, it's almost time now, let Yuanyuan go back with you, it's so cold."

  Damn it, the good thing was interrupted, Song Yi gave him a knife in the eye.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "It's okay, it's okay. If that's the case, I'll go back."

  "Well, Zhang Tiezhu is going to fly a plane, you guys go back with him."

  This "you guys" refers to her, Ye Mianmian, and a few other idle people.

  "By the way, Yuanyuan, where did you find so many quilts just now?"

  I've wanted to ask this for a long time, but I never got the chance.

  "It's by the big tree..."

  Jiang Yuan said, and pointed.

  "There are quilts there? Why didn't we find it when we came here before?"

  Jiang Yuan was a little suspicious. He really didn't see it.

  Moreover, Jiang Yuan took out so many at once.

  "It's up there, we all saw it.

  You guys came here last time, so many people, but you didn't find it?"

  Jiang Yuan looked incredulous, as if he was telling a big joke.

  For a moment, it was hard to say.

  "Okay, go back quickly. Professor Jiang probably didn't wear glasses last time."

  Although Song Yi was joking, he confirmed that the things were taken from there. Jiang Yuan

  looked at Jiang Yuan with a puzzled look on his face, and said nothing, pulling Ye Mianmian down.

  "We really didn't see it~"

  He argued unconvinced, Song Yi sighed, shook his head, and patted his shoulder.

  Immediately afterwards, he also went down.

  There are a total of six people going back this time, including Comrade Zhang Tiezhu.

  Later, most people will walk back.

  "By the way, Song Yi, that tree is also unusual.

  Make plans early and don't leave it to the last minute."

  "Okay, go back and rest first!"


  Jiang Yuan reminded him that tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

  There must be people from the research institute stationed here, except for these trees.

  The Yueban Lake above is the most terrifying.

  Now the insects are in the lake, and everyone can't get close.

  It's not certain what will happen later. Unexpectedly, this place is so unpeaceful.

  When she arrived at the base, she saw that a lot of people gathered nearby, all of them were ready to go.

  "Sister Yuan, what are you doing?"

  "Not sure, probably going over there, let's go back quickly."

