
121. Chapter 121 Mother and Daughter Seeking Revenge2023-11-16 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  I couldn't sit idle either, so I went downstairs to move things.

  Grandma Ye was at home, so she could keep an eye on them. Besides, they were going back and forth not too long apart.

  Zhang Kaiyang's condition was not bad, he wasn't fatally injured, he just needed to be well taken care of.

  The gas tanks were all very heavy, Song Yi and Jiang Xingzhi had to carry two at once, and they had to climb the stairs, if they did it too many times, they would definitely not be able to handle it.

  Besides, my dad was old, and Jiang Yuan felt sorry for him.

  When they got to the seventh floor, the place had already been simply cleaned up.

  "Sister Yuan, how is Zhang Kaiyang?"

  As soon as they came down, Ye Mianmian hurried over to ask her about the details.

  "The bleeding has stopped, let him rest now, grandma is watching him, he's fine."

  "Oh, it was scary."

  When she heard that he was fine, she was relieved.

  "Mianmian, where are those people just now?"

  Jiang Yuan was referring to the dead ones. There was no one on the ground now, but the bloodstains were still shocking.

  "We threw them down, there was no way, there was no place here."

  She said it with confidence, but throwing them down now was different from when there was water before.

  There was ice below, and if someone fell on it, their brains would probably explode.

  Fortunately, it was only the seventh floor, otherwise it would be even more terrifying.

  "I'll help move the things first, and we'll talk later."

  Time waits for no one, and if you delay, something might happen. It's better to hurry up and get the things back to be safe.


  Ye Mianmian also knew that now was not the time to chat, and she was not idle here either.

  Pick up everything outside to ensure that when others come down, there are things to take away.

  In this way, there will be no delay.

  Jiang Yuan had some difficulty carrying two gas cylinders, but when she got upstairs, she could put the things into the space.

  There was an empty can inside, so she just

  took it out to pretend. If you hear footsteps, take it out quickly.

  Now that the number is limited, she dare not go too far, otherwise it will be bad if she is discovered.

  After going back and forth three or four times, there are not many things downstairs. If everyone is together, they can go back in one trip.

  She just walked to the tenth floor and heard crying and cursing. She secretly said in her heart that it was not good, and she hurried down.

  Song Yi and Jiang Xingzhi had just gone up, and it was estimated that they had just arrived.

  "I'm going to kill you to avenge my husband."

  She didn't expect it would come to this.

  There were two women on the other side, one in her forties and the other in her twenties.

  At this time, the middle-aged, slightly plump woman was grabbing Ye Mianmian's hair and slamming her against the wall.


  She hurried over to help, and the young girl directly blocked the entrance to the stairs.

  "What do you want to do? Let me tell you, this has nothing to do with you. Get out of here."

  She stretched out her hands, as if she was robbing someone.

  "Get out..."

  Jiang Yuan gritted her teeth and shouted loudly.

  "Don't toast...ah..."

  She would not tolerate this girl, and she kicked her.

  The girl wanted to scare her, but she didn't expect a sneak attack and caught her off guard. After

  kicking her sideways, Jiang Yuan wanted to go over, but the girl didn't fall down, and she was angry now.

  "I'll fight you..."     As she said that, she rushed towards her. Because they were in a hurry, the two of them were close to each other.

  Jiang Yuan didn't have time to dodge, and she was scratched by her. What a coincidence, the scratch went along the ear and hit her face.

  Just now, she was climbing the stairs up and down the stairs, and she felt a little hot, so her nose and mouth were exposed. It was really an unexpected disaster!
  "Fuck you..."

  She backhanded and slapped her in the face. The physical training these days was not in vain.

  The girl was stunned directly. Jiang Yuan was still not satisfied, so she went up and kicked her twice.

  Ye Mianmian couldn't resist the strength of the gossipy woman. At this time, she was hit. Seeing the situation here, the man was also worried about the girl.

  Jiang Yuan hurried over, picked up the ice pick next to her, and hit the dead gossipy woman's butt directly.


  It really hurts, but she didn't let go, and still grabbed Ye Mianmian's hair tightly.

  Jiang Yuan continued to exert force, and she didn't believe it.

  Sure enough, when she hit the third time, she couldn't avoid it and could only cover it with her hands.

  However, it hurts more when the stick hits the hand.

  With a scream of "Ah...", she let go of Ye Mianmian's hair. She

  had tied her hair into a bun, but now it was all messed up, like a madman. There were also a lot of broken hair on the ground, which should have been pulled by the woman. She was really killing her.

  This reminded Jiang Yuan of the school bullying she had seen on the news before. This person was definitely not a good person. There was murderous intent in his eyes.

  The young girl behind her actually spoke first, hysterically.

  "You killed my father, and now you want to kill me and my mother?"

  So, this is revenge.

  Ye Mianmian walked quickly to Jiang Yuan, and while the woman was in pain, she didn't hesitate, picked up the ice pick in her hand and hit her directly.

  "I asked you to pull my hair, aren't you going to kill me, come on..."

  She was probably in too much pain, and she was actually a little crazy at this moment.

  The young girl next to her saw it and begged for mercy: "Don't be so loud, don't hit me..."

  Jiang Yuan didn't know what to do, so she just waited by the side.

  Song Yi and Jiang Xingzhi also came down. The girl thought it was a neighbor in the building, so she quickly crawled over and tried to pull Song Yi's trouser leg.

  As a result, the other party was a person who was more opposed to others touching him, and he kicked the girl out.

  The kick was quite strong, and the girl slid directly to the opposite wall.

  Good guy, I haven't said anything about the previous stop.

  However, Song Yi is so unsympathetic to women, a straight man.

  Over there, Ye Mianmian had almost vented her anger, and the woman was extremely embarrassed.

  However, she was still angry.

  "I don't know who your husband is. The people who died just now were those who wanted to rob us and pulled out knives first.

  You two better take care of yourselves. Next time, it won't be as simple as it is now."

  Ye Mianmian didn't do it in the end, and straightened her messy hair.

  She followed the others to take the things back, and did not let go of the wooden board, which could be burned for heating.

  "Mianmian, are you okay?"

  "It's okay, Sister Yuan, luckily you came in time. When the two of them came over just now, I thought they were all women, so I didn't guard against them.

  Who knew that these two gossips actually wanted to kill me.

  If you knew, I wouldn't let the little ones go back and would bite them to death."

  Ye Mianmian was still angry, but Jiang Yuan was a little uneasy.

  "You'd better be careful, that mother and daughter don't seem to be easy to deal with."

  Ye Mianmian didn't care. Now she was so angry that she didn't calm down even after beating them just now.

  "Don't be afraid, if they dare to come, I will kill them."

122. Chapter 122: Injured2023-11-16 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  She was really angry. It was just like what Song Yi said. No one can be sympathized with in the end of the world.

  Several people still went to 2002 and went to see Zhang Kaiyang's condition first. He fell asleep, so they didn't disturb him.

  Jiang Xingzhi saw the scars on Jiang Yuan's face and immediately became angry. He was so distressed.

  "My daughter, it hurts, wait, dad will go upstairs to get you medicine!"

  "No, it's nothing, Dad, don't worry, I will go back with you.

  Mianmian, how are you?"

  "I'm fine, Sister Yuan, you should go back and rest."

  Ye Mianmian also had scratches of varying degrees on her body, mainly on the face and the back of her neck.

  Hair is also a key, and her forehead was hit twice.

  However, she fought hard at the time, so the degree of injury was not great.

  Grandma Ye also looked at her with great distress, touching her messy hair, and tears fell.

  "The medicine box is here, deal with it together, and then go upstairs."

  Song Yi spoke first, and several people had no objection.

  "By the way, Dad, you go back first. My mom is home alone. She was busy getting medicine for Kaiyang just now. I didn't explain to her.

  She must be worried. Go back and tell her."

  "Okay, then if you have any problems, just call me."

  Jiang Yuan was fine, and Jiang Xingzhi was relieved. He could go back and make some delicious food for his daughter.

  Song Yi went to get the medicine box and found cotton swabs, iodine and Yunnan Baiyao Band-Aids.

  "Jiang Yuan, come and sit down."

  His tone was light, which made her subconsciously want to refuse.

  But seeing Ye Mianmian comforting Grandma Ye, she let it go. It was not easy to go to someone else's bathroom.

  Otherwise, she could clean up in front of the mirror.

  She sat down quietly, and Song Yi first cleaned her up with a cotton swab, and then applied some iodine.

  The cold feeling made her feel a little uncomfortable. She stretched out her hand, but didn't touch it.

  "Does it hurt?"

  "No, it's a little cold."

  "Bear with it, I'll put a Band-Aid on you, otherwise it's easier to get frozen in such a cold weather."


  Song Yi was very patient and helped her get it done bit by bit.

  The two were quite close, and Jiang Yuan could see his strong jawline.

  Damn, what was she thinking? She quickly looked away.

  Fortunately, the wound was not big and was quickly cleaned up.

  In order to hide her embarrassment, she quickly got up.

  "Mianmian, come here, I'll check you out."

  "Yes, yes, yes, take a look and apply some medicine."

  Under the urging of Grandma Ye, Ye Mianmian sat in her previous position.

  This time Song Yi did not do it himself, and asked Jiang Yuan to apply medicine to Ye Mianmian.

  Most of them were just a few small scars, not very serious, and they would be fine after spraying Yunnan Baiyao spray for two days.

  "Okay, Mianmian, you should pay more attention to keeping warm, don't let the wound touch water, and don't eat irritating foods for the next two days, okay?"

  "Well, I know, Sister Yuan, you should be careful too, you have injuries on your body too."

  Jiang Yuan touched the Band-Aid on her face and smiled indifferently.

  "It's okay, these are just minor problems."

  She didn't notice that Song Yi was in a low mood.

  "Let's go!"

  "Okay, then we'll go back first. You and grandma should pay attention to Zhang Kaiyang."

  "Don't worry!"

  Song Yi walked in front without looking back, feeling weird.

  There were still two steps to the stairwell when he suddenly stopped.

  Jiang Yuan didn't understand and subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?"

  Song Yi turned around and looked at her without saying a word.

  His eyes were full of inquiry, and her heart suddenly jumped. Oh my god, could he have discovered her?     This time, she didn't use the space.

  "What's wrong? There are words on my face?"

  Song Yi sighed, as if he was disappointed with his friend.

  "Jiang Yuan, why aren't you waiting there?"

  So that was the problem, it was so scary.

  "I didn't see much, and it wouldn't be safe for you two to come back, so I saw if I could get rid of it.

  As a result, Ye Mianmian and I were quite capable. Look, we got everything back without leaving a single one."

  Song Yi was speechless, this woman was really fearless.

  "This is very dangerous, you know?"

  Nonsense, of course it was dangerous.

  Now, the only thing that was not dangerous was the dead, and she couldn't die.

  "I know, but there's nothing I can do. I can't just sit there and wait for death."

  Just now, Ye Mianmian mentioned to Song Yi the incident with the person he met on the side of Building 15.

  Hearing that the two girls were in danger, he was still very anxious.

  "Jiang Yuan, I hope that next time, you can be obedient."

  Speaking of which, it was not the first time she had done this, and Song Yi always felt a little uneasy.

  "Don't talk to me like that. We are a team. I know you and Zhang Kaiyang think you are boys.

  You want to take care of me and Ye Mianmian in every way, but it's not fair to you.

  We are not porcelain dolls. It's impossible for us to do nothing."

  Song Yi wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

  Jiang Yuan saw him like that and understood. She was probably worried.

  "Okay, it's nothing. Go up quickly. It's so cold!"

  Hearing her say it was cold, Song Yi opened the door quickly and they both went home quickly.

  Qin Yue heard the noise and ran over quickly.

  "Daughter, let me take a look."

  "Mom, it's okay. It's just a minor injury."

  Band-Aids were applied and nothing could be seen now.

  "My daughter is so beautiful. That damn guy actually bullied me like this."

  "Okay, let my daughter come back and eat something. She hasn't eaten for a day."

  Although it was a bit exaggerated, she was really hungry.

  "Your dad is right, daughter, come quickly. Mom cooked sour soup dumplings for you. Since

  you are injured, I didn't put chili in it."

  Even so, the taste was also crunchy. Jiang Yuan went back to wash up first.

  As soon as she walked out of the bathroom, she saw Xiao Nuan sitting on the corner of the bed, as if waiting for her.

  "Baby, what's wrong?"


  Jiang Yuan said as she picked up her daughter and kissed her on the forehead again and again.

  "Mom, does it hurt?"

  "No, I'm fine now. Is Xiao Nuan being well behaved?"

  "Yes, Xiao Nuan is very well..."

  Jiang Yuan carried her out, and she was still very happy.

  The daughter was soft and cute, and the key was that she was very obedient, where can you find such a good one.

  The two of them hurried to eat, the soup was the best to warm the stomach.

  "Daughter, you see there is no room at home now, so don't go out these days."

  "Yes, it's not peaceful outside either. Look, everyone is ready to move."

  Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi were both worried about her safety, but what they said was also true.

  "Yes, it's true. I'm staying at home recently and not going out.

  But, mom and dad, there is a supermarket about to open on the mountain, just above us. It's only about one stop away by bus."

123. Chapter 123: The Door Is Open2023-11-17 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  The two of them didn't know much about this place.

  But one stop away, it's really not far.

  "Girl, do you want to go?"

  Although Jiang Xingzhi was reluctant, he still asked Jiang Yuan's opinion.

  "It depends on the situation. If there is nothing serious, we should go there.

  Although there are a lot of food at home, there are not many vegetables. We have eaten a lot of the ones in the refrigerator.

  Moreover, there are fresh fruits. It would be great if we can buy some."

  In fact, she wanted to go there to have a look, and it would be best if she could get some money.

  Now the bank is closed, and there is no money in the ATM.

  This is the situation on the mountain, and other places are probably not much better.

  Now that we can move around, it will definitely be very popular there.

  Moreover, only cash is accepted.

  She still has a lot of clothes in her space, and she can't wear them all. If she can cooperate with them, or find a way to exchange some money, it would be great.

  The main thing is that she has no other choice at the moment.

  "That's right, fresh vegetables and fruits, we take as many as we can.

  I'm afraid that there are not many there, and when the supply is limited, one person can't buy much."

  Well, this is indeed a problem.

  "Let's talk about it after we're done. Dad, you should go back and rest for a while. You must be exhausted today!"   "

  I'm fine, but you should go back and sleep." In fact, it was still early, but she really had to go back and rest for a while.   Qin Yue had already plugged in the electric blanket for her, and now the bed was warm.   The electric heater was also working, and she had just finished her meal, so she was warm.   Jiang Yuan was not sleepy, so she lay on the bed and took out her mobile phone.   Since there was no signal, this phone was only used to check the time and act as an alarm clock.   It was a rare leisure time, so she turned it on to read a novel, which was also considered entertainment.   Xiao Nuan played for a while and ran back. Jiang Yuan found a cartoon, and the mother and daughter enjoyed their own world.   At nine o'clock, Jiang Yuan was ready to go to bed, and Zhang Kaiyang's voice came from the intercom.   "Help, we are surrounded."   She was afraid of danger, so she turned it on after she came back.   I thought everything was fine, but I didn't expect it to happen.   It was just when I was sleepy that I was really angry.   "Hold on, we'll come down now."   It was Song Yi's voice, and he knew it.   "Got it, don't be afraid."   Jiang Yuan also quickly replied to reassure them.   "Xiao Nuan, mom has to go out for a while, let grandma come to accompany you."   "Mom, can Xiao Nuan go with you?"   "No, when Xiao Nuan grows up, she can go out with mom."   She said as she put on her clothes.   Now she has packed everything and came to talk to Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue. She   also hurried out, but this time she didn't let Jiang Xingzhi follow her because it was not very safe upstairs.   When she went out, she saw Song Yi. It was obvious that he was waiting for her. She   could hear the sound downstairs in the corridor. There was a lot of force knocking on the door, and there were also impatient calls on the door.   The two did not dare to delay and hurried downstairs.   "What are you doing?"   The place was full of people, dark, and Jiang Yuan brought a large night light.   

  Many people were not used to the light, and it successfully attracted everyone's attention.

  "It's them, these two people are also murderers, none of them can be let go." The one

  who accused her was a middle-aged woman, and it seemed that she was probably also a family member of the victim!
  They came down the stairs, and the situation here was still very clear.

  In the afternoon, the mother and daughter who hurt Ye Mianmian were also in the crowd.

  So, this is a team coming here for revenge.

  "I want to see who is not letting us go?"

  Her voice was loud and majestic.

  "Director Sun, you can't ignore this matter. Now they are still threatening us. What do you say?"

  "Yes, we must give us an explanation today. My man can't die in vain."

  It seems that there is still a bit of indignation in the crowd, but where is Sun Yian?

  She didn't notice that at this time, the door of 2002 was also opened.

  He should have heard the noise and came out to unite with them.

  Even Zhang Kaiyang came out, wearing a loose cotton jacket to cover the wound on his arm.

  "Ahem, everyone, stop arguing and listen to me."

  Sun Yian's voice came, and Jiang Yuan saw that he was on the stairs coming up from the 19th floor.

  No wonder she didn't see him just now.

  As he said that, he walked up, followed by four or five people. He

  really has the feeling of a boss, and those who don't know him would think he is a "local emperor"!

  "Song Yi, Jiang Yuan, Zhang Kaiyang and Ye Mianmian, you really went too far this time.

  There is nothing that can't be discussed properly, but you actually committed a crime with a knife. Don't you know?"

  Jiang Yuan was a little amused, and the look in her eyes when she looked at Sun Yian was also full of hostility.

  "What does it have to do with you whether we know or not?

  Besides, it's not the first day you know who we are, why are you pretending to be so big and powerful."

  After saying that, she rolled her eyes at him.

  Sun Yian was a little displeased. He adjusted his glasses and said solemnly, "Jiang Yuan, don't say those nonsense. If you don't give an explanation for what happened today, there is no way to settle it."

  Jiang Yuan was not to be outdone. She was born in sales and made a living by talking. How could she be afraid of him?

  It was simply a joke.

  "What nonsense? If I didn't see it wrong just now, you have been hiding downstairs.

  As a building manager, you don't set an example and let so many female comrades take risks alone. You are really good!"

  This ridicule did not leave him any face.

  Let others come forward. If Zhang Kaiyang and others opened the door and a conflict occurred, he could stay out of it.

  When it's almost over, he will come up and pretend to comfort them. He

  has both face and money, and he hasn't paid anything. This is a good thing.

  Now that Jiang Yuan has exposed it, there will definitely be people who have opinions about him.

  "Hmph, stop talking about those useless things. None of you can escape today. Killing someone means paying with your life. Catch them."

  "Ah, what are you doing?
  I just said one thing to him and you quit. Now your husband is dead, isn't that what you want?

  But I remember that Lawyer Sun also has a wife. Knowing the law and breaking it is not what a lawyer should do."

  She deliberately "tsk tsk" twice and looked at the two of them with a scrutinizing look.

  "You are slandering me. There is nothing wrong between us. How can you talk nonsense here?"

  The woman was anxious and pinched her waist, like a shrew ready to scold in the street.

  "Ah, since you are innocent, why are you in such a hurry?

  Explanation is covering up, and covering up is telling stories!"

  (End of this chapter)

124. Chapter 124 Chapter 124 A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water

2023-11-17 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan's tone was really playful. It was nothing, which made the woman angry.

  Sun Yian was calm and spoke first.

  "Sister Liu, stop talking. She is making trouble. There is nothing between us, so there is no need to explain."

  "Yes, why explain to her? Who does she think she is?"

  The woman seemed to have found her backbone and suddenly became proud.

  "What a noble person! You are the building manager and you have no private feelings. We all know that. Do a good job and keep going!"

  She also deliberately made a "powerful" gesture, which really pissed off Sun Yian.

  Why does it feel like this Jiang Yuan is different from usual, and she is weird.

  "Don't waste time. How can you kill people today? These are the families of the victims.

  I want to mediate, but there is no way. You must give everyone an explanation today."

  Sun Yian also disliked Jiang Yuan and his group. They were lawless and difficult to deal with.

  "What do you need to explain? If they hadn't had evil intentions and robbed us, would they have ended up like this?   Don't you think I don't know what you're thinking? Why are you pretending to be so powerful?" Sun Yian glanced at them,

  and   Sister Liu next to him received the signal and started crying.   "Oh, you killed my husband. How can I, an orphan and a widow, live?   It's so unfair, God!"   Jiang Yuan rolled her eyes. If this group of people took turns to fight, they would probably be frozen for a long time.   "Then what do you want?"   The woman paused and started to cry again.   "We have old people and young children, and there is nothing to eat at home. My husband said he was going to find food, but he didn't expect you to...   This has cut off my family's livelihood!"   Damn, if she said they hadn't communicated before, she would never believe it.   "Oh, so you've laid so much groundwork just to get supplies. Why didn't you say so earlier? Is it necessary to make such a big fuss?"   This time, it was the other party's turn to be surprised.   Is it so smooth?   "You agree?"   The person called Sister Liu had an incredible look on her face and forgot to cry.   "Ah, that's impossible. It's a misunderstanding. I am a timid person. Anything that enters my house has zero chance of getting out. No one can do anything about it."   "Jiang Yuan, what do you want to do?   Now that you have done something wrong, you must find a way to make up for it."   Hehe, this is a shameless mother, opening the door for shamelessness, shameless to the extreme.   "Is self-defense wrong?   Sun Yian, don't be too outrageous, okay? You and I have always kept our distance. Do we really have to tear each other apart?"   When she spoke, she half-squinted her eyes and looked solemn.   "What are you talking about? After all, you have killed someone. If it were in the past, you would be sentenced to death.   Now, people are willing to forgive you, you should be grateful.   Don't be stubborn, it's not good for everyone."   Song Yi remained calm, but Ye Mianmian was anxious.   "Shut your stinky mouth, you fake gentleman, stop preaching here.   Everyone knows that you are the most evil-hearted person.   You know you dare not go to the 21st floor to cause trouble, so you come here to bully us. Didn't we refuse to distribute things with you two days ago?   Let me tell you, we are not easy to mess with. Even rabbits bite when they are angry."   Sun Yian didn't expect that the spearhead is now directed at him.   Jiang Yuan saw that Ye Mianmian was really angry, so there was no need to be too polite to this group of people. What kind of people are they?   "Sun Yian, you also know that things are different now, so why should we indulge you?"   "If you talk like this, then there is nothing to talk about. We are also doing this for the good of everyone.   If you have supplies, take them out and save lives.   

  There are only so many people in our building. When the weather is hot, many elderly people die

  of starvation on rainy days. Do you know how many people died of freezing in the extreme cold weather the past two days?

  Only half of the people in our building are still alive.

  Jiang Yuan, do you have any sympathy?"

  His accusation was actually a bit tearful.

  The people around heard it and looked at them with hatred.

  "Stop it, don't fan the flames here, we have to work hard and pay with our lives to eat. If

  you want it, just take it. Your face is bigger than your butt. It's really hard for you to say such things."

  Sun Yian looked like he was disappointed in Jiang Yuan, and he was really angry with Jiang Yuan in his heart.

  "In that case, I don't care. You can settle your accounts yourself."

  "Why, you can't show your own arrogance, so you start to incite others.

  You are both a leader and a loser. You are worthy of it. "

  Jiang Yuan wanted to expose his true face. If they were not allowed to, then no one would have a good life.

  "And you, you said that your husband died and you came here to ask for an explanation.

  My explanation is very simple, that is, you deserve it.

  Whoever covets my family's things in the future will end up like them."

  As she said this, she took out a dagger and shook it.

  The threat was very obvious.

  When Sister Liu heard this, she was not going to do it anymore and immediately squeezed over.

  "Sisters, don't be afraid of them. No one can leave without supplies today."

  Although she said so, no one came forward.

  Among the women, there are those who are heartbroken and hate them more.

  But in the face of interests and life and death, it is obvious where to go.

  Sister Liu saw that no one moved, and she was a little embarrassed.

  "Let's go together. I don't believe we can't kill them."

  Silence, eerie silence.

  The feeling of no one responding was really embarrassing.

  "Okay, put away your hypocritical mask. Your man is dead, and you are still so jumping around. I absolutely don't believe that you are sad.

  Moreover, you are such a bad person, inciting everyone to fight me.

  Who do you want to make life difficult for?

  You are so scheming, I advise you to keep quiet, Director Sun, but you are so quiet. "

  Pulling and stepping on others is her style.


  Sister Liu was speechless after being rebuked, and she didn't dare to step forward when she saw the dagger in Jiang Yuan's hand.

  She covered her chest and pretended to fall down.

  Someone immediately helped her up: "Sister Liu, Sister Liu, are you okay!"

  Jiang Yuan knew she was pretending when she saw her like that.

  She didn't say anything either, because they were all standing in one place, and she could walk over in two steps.

  She raised her foot, stepped down hard, and then crushed it.


  Sister Liu got up all of a sudden, and the look in her eyes made her want to torture her to death.

  "Oh, you woke up, so fast, this is much more effective than

  a panacea. Remember to pretend more realistically next time..."

  (End of this chapter)

125. Chapter 125 Self-preservation becomes a problem2023-11-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Aiya, aiya..."

  Sister Liu now knew that it was not the time to fight head-on. Jiang Yuan and her group were all armed.

  Although they had more people, they were not well prepared and had no chance of winning.

  For now, they could only go back first.

  Sun Yian was also a coward. He really didn't care and put all the pressure on her.

  He had instructed them to rob things before. It was absolutely impossible for him to ignore everything.

  The people next to him could see it clearly.

  "Sister Liu, how are you? I'll take you downstairs to apply some medicine!"

  After saying that, he helped her away in a hurry.

  The rest of the mob also left very quickly.

  Jiang Yuan also paid special attention to the mother and daughter before. The other party's eyes were full of resentment.

  At least, it was much better than this group of hypocritical people.

  "Tsk, I think you are just looking for trouble on purpose, get out of here!"

  Zhang Kaiyang shouted, also very contemptuous.

  "Let's go, let's talk inside."

  Song Yi still had a faint expression. Fortunately, everyone was very obedient.

  After entering 2002, Grandma Ye was worried. Seeing that everyone came back safely, she hurried over to greet them.

  "Hey, Mianmian, are you okay?"

  "It's okay, grandma, we are all fine, don't worry."

  "That's good, that's good, Amitabha, Amitabha..."

  The old lady was really scared. When Ye Mianmian came back during the day, she cried for a long time.

  She felt a little helpless that her granddaughter, who she had raised by herself, was bullied like that.

  "Grandma, we are all tired. Can you help us make some ginger cola?"

  "Okay, wait, grandma will go right away."

  There were quite a few drinks collected before, including a lot of cola.

  Zhang Kaiyang also took out his share and put them all in the kitchen for everyone to drink together.

  "Is it okay?"

  Jiang Yuan asked tentatively, looking towards the kitchen.

  "It's okay, let her do some work, and it can also divert attention."

  Well, if that's the case, then she won't say anything.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, do you think this group of people want to do something?"

  Nonsense, isn't it obvious!

  "You have to be extra careful these two days, Zhang Kaiyang, you are injured. You can't let other people know about this, understand?"

  "Yeah, I hid it very well, and it's not a problem."

  He touched his arm, eager to prove that he could do it.

  "In the final analysis, we still have to scare the group of people outside. Did

  you hear what Sun Yian said? The situation is not very good now. Half of the people are dead.

  I guess the situation in other buildings is similar to ours."

  Jiang Yuan began to analyze, and Ye Mianmian didn't know why, but took out a notebook and a pen from the drawer of the coffee table and handed them to her.

  "Sister Yuan, what do you want to do?"

  "Let me tell you, my own opinion!
  The purpose of this group of people coming here today is very obvious, that is, they want some supplies.

  You see, even if their husbands die, they are not that sad, and they still want supplies more.

  We have what they want in our hands, and they come here to ask for it.

  Now we still have a legitimate reason and stand on the moral high ground.     But we won't fall for it. If we're pushed into a corner, we won't care about anything."

  Ye Mianmian agreed and nodded repeatedly.

  "Yeah, you see, those who came to rob supplies these two times were really robbing without any reason.

  We are the fat meat now, and the fat meat that is being targeted."

  "Well, at worst, we can just fight them. There are only so few people in the building anyway. If we can't do it..."

  The rest of the words haven't been said yet because Grandma Ye came over.

  "Mianmian, quickly get cups for everyone. Drink something to warm up..."


  Disposable paper cups were used, and Jiang Yuan also helped to distribute them. To prevent Grandma Ye from doing it, Song Yi took the teapot and filled everyone's cups.

  "Grandma, you should go back and have a rest. It's so cold here. Don't catch a cold. "

  As he said, he helped her into the house.

  Jiang Yuan also brought in a cup of ginger cola and placed it on the bedside for the old lady.

  Ye Mianmian didn't want her grandmother to know about these things, so she always sent her away.

  Compared to herself, she still made her parents worry about everything, which was really unfilial!

  When he came out, Zhang Kaiyang was analyzing how many people could be left in the building.

  Theirs is a small high-rise building with a total of twenty-one floors, two households on each floor, and a total of forty-two households.

  The situation of each family is different. There is one person living alone, such as himself.

  There are families with children, such as Jiang Yuan, so on average, it is calculated as a family of four.

  There are only one hundred and sixty-eight people in total, which is definitely less in reality.

  According to the base number of a family of three, the total number is one hundred and twenty-six.

  If half of them died, it proves that there are only about sixty to eighty people left in the building.

  Anyway, it won't be more than a hundred.

  "Now, it is probably unrealistic to defeat them one by one. Our number is limited. We have to think of a permanent solution to protect ourselves. "

  Yes, but, will there be a group of people going to the survivor rescue center

  in the next two days? Didn't the two young men go there by themselves two days ago?

  I don't know if the mother and daughter who lived on the eleventh floor have left?"

  Jiang Yuan expressed her thoughts. If many people went there, there would be even fewer people left in the building.

  "I don't know. I didn't stay at home and didn't observe the specific situation outside."

  Zhang Kaiyang was telling the truth. They were also very busy in the past two days.

  "I guess that grandson Sun Yian won't give up so easily. We still have to be careful."

  "Mianmian is right. Look how smart he is. When something happens, he just says a few words and doesn't step forward at all. He just waits for others to take the lead and he reaps the benefits.

  Next time, no matter what the situation is, we must find a way to deal with him."

  "Of course, that troublemaker, I have disliked him for a long time."

  Zhang Kaiyang really hates him. After all, he is a real dog!
  "We have made a lot of enemies now. Next time we encounter problems, we must not be indecisive. "

  Yes, only by cutting off all possibilities can we temporarily save ourselves."

  Song Yi said this, and everyone fell silent.

  How could it become like this? It was really hard to accept.

  "Alas, we must wake up some people. If they come back this time, it will be devastating.

  Whether it is day or night, we must be vigilant and keep the intercom on at all times in case of emergency."

  Jiang Yuan looked at Ye Mianmian and Zhang Kaiyang. The door of their house was a relatively ordinary one.

  If she paid more attention, she could still win a glimmer of hope.

126. Chapter 126 Public Enemy of the Whole Building2023-11-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Well, Brother Song, Sister Yuan, you should also be more careful.

  Those people are not good people.

  They targeted us downstairs because they know you are not easy to mess with, but Sun Yian is the most insidious and cunning person, so we have to be on guard!"

  Zhang Kaiyang's words were very true, and Jiang Yuan agreed with him.

  "I know, we all have to be careful.

  The world has changed, people's hearts are not the same as before, and all morals have been lost."

  A simple sigh is even more intriguing.

  "Sister Yuan, it's okay. Since life is like this, we can't change it, we can only try to cater to it."

  "Yes, Mianmian is right, let's all work hard, cheer up, and live well, which is better than anything else."

  "Yes, by the way, there is still some floor wax left from last time, why don't we apply it on the steps to the 19th floor?"

  Jiang Yuan's statement immediately won approval.

  "Okay, let's paint the right side of the upper part this time, leaving the part for ourselves to go down. What do you think?"

  "Okay, why not? At the critical moment, it's better to have it than not to have it. It can also be regarded as an extra guarantee." They

  did it right away. After discussing for a long time, there was no other good way except defense.

  Jiang Yuan felt uncomfortable, but when facing the horror of this environment, she could only rely on herself and strive to move forward.

  What about being sad and sad is simply nonsense.

  Song Yi went back to get something, and she and Ye Mianmian went to prepare a mop. The one they took last time was the one downstairs.

  This time it just came in handy. In addition to the stairs, the entrance was also painted.

  The effect of the tile is much greater than that on the cement floor.

  After doing all this, the two went back. It was almost twelve o'clock after all this tossing.

  When they arrived at the corridor, Song Yi suddenly stopped her.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing, Jiang Yuan, I just saw you quarreling today and felt that you were very powerful."

  "Do you think I have the potential to be a shrew?"

  Song Yi smiled, fading his usual cold appearance.

  "Very good!"

  "What do you mean very good? I'm speechless."

  Jiang Yuan rolled her eyes at him. Why is this man like this? It's better to be cold.

  "If we encounter this incident today again, it will be a fierce battle.

  Be more careful next time you go out and carry weapons with you."

  This is a serious problem, and she can't ignore it.

  "Well, you too, we all have to be careful. The 20th floor is just an appetizer. This time they returned empty-handed. I always feel that they are holding back a big move."

  Jiang Yuan was worried, and the feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

  "That's right, the good days will be gone in the future!"

  There was some indescribable emotion in Song Yi's eyes, which she couldn't understand.

  "Song Yi, tell me honestly, do you know something?"

  The other party smiled bitterly, and then returned to his usual appearance.

  "It doesn't matter whether you know or not. Life has become like this. What is there to look forward to?

  Go back quickly, it's getting late."

  After saying that, he walked back to his house.

  This is the first time. Before, she was asked to go back first.

  Jiang Yuan shook her head and hurried home. Sure enough, her parents didn't sleep.

  "My daughter, how are you?"

  "It's all right now. The family members of the group of people who stole our gas tanks are here to seek justice."     When she said that, Jiang Xingzhi understood immediately.

  That's right, it's normal to ask for an explanation when one's family member is gone. It's

  abnormal to ignore everything.

  "Hey, my daughter, what about you? Did you fight?"

  "No, in this situation, they are not here to make us pay with our lives, they just want some food."

  "Oh, that's good, why don't you give them some, it's not easy for them."

  Qin Yue has been sighing after hearing about what happened during the day.

  Giving something

  is better than being hated by others. "Mom, what a terrible idea you have.

  They don't have any people of their own, can they give up such a big hatred for a little supplies?
  It's just a delaying tactic under the special circumstances now. Believe it or not, this group of people will do it again after one time.

  And it will become more and more excessive, and this hatred is still insurmountable."

  Jiang Xingzhi looked at Qin Yue and understood Jiang Yuan's current mood very well.

  "They had bad intentions before, and they clearly robbed the things. They were the first to start, so no one can be blamed.

  If they hadn't resisted, my daughter and the others would be lying downstairs now."

  Qin Yue's scalp was tingling, how could it become like this now.

  "I know, we can't be soft-hearted, but if so, we will become the public enemy of the whole building."

  The public enemy of the whole building, it seems to be the case.

  "Mom, we have supplies, which makes us the object of hatred of others.

  It's the same for others.

  People are greedy, why don't they think about how we got them."

  "Yes, don't be soft-hearted, those things were exchanged by my daughter with her life.

  They want to get something for nothing, their starting point is problematic, and they don't deserve sympathy."

  Jiang Xingzhi said this, she was very relieved, no matter how soft-hearted her mother was, she couldn't beat her coquettish words.

  "I'm just afraid that this group of people will come back in the next two days. We have offended Sun Yian. He is not a good person.

  Dad, mom, we must be alert. The intercom should be turned on all the time. In case of anything, we will not be completely in the dark."

  She had given Jiang Xingzhi one before, but her father was afraid of wasting electricity and never turned it on.

  "Okay, don't worry, my daughter. Your mother and I have lived for most of our lives and have seen everything.

  You don't have to worry about us. We can think of anything.

  Okay, go back to bed quickly. It's so cold. Don't leave Xiaonuan alone."

  Qin Yue was sleeping with her just now, and she came out when she heard her come back.

  "Well, you should go to bed quickly too."

  Jiang Yuan came back, took off her clothes, and got into bed.

  No one said it clearly today, but they all had a lot of opinions about the people in Building 13.

  If you can't get along well, you must take the initiative. Waiting for them to bully together, that would be troublesome.

  Thinking of this, I don't feel very comfortable.

  There were enough things at home, but there was still a lot of money missing. If she didn't go out, she would be unwilling to do so, and she was also afraid that it would be more difficult to collect cash later.

  However, if she went out, she would be worried about her family.

  It was really a problem of the century. She simply gave up thinking about it and would talk about it tomorrow to see what the specific situation was.

  Xiao Nuan slept very soundly, which made her feel a little satisfied.

  Her daughter was her last bottom line, and she must be well.

  "Jiang Yuan, get up quickly, there is something going on, Jiang Yuan, please reply if you receive it."

  She was half asleep, and she heard a voice coming from the intercom. It was Song Yi.

127. Chapter 127: Killing Spree2023-11-19 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  She got up quickly. It was still dark, and it was really hard to live.

  Song Yi was not the kind of person who would look for trouble when he had nothing to do. There must be something important at this moment.

  "I'm here, I'm here, what's wrong?"

  "There's someone outside, get up quickly.

  Zhang Kaiyang, Ye Mianmian, check what's going on outside your house.

  Please reply if you receive it, please reply if you receive it."

  Jiang Yuan quickly put on her clothes. Jiang Xingzhi also heard the noise and came to find her.

  Song Yi called twice more, and there was finally a reply from the other side.

  Hearing the voices of Ye Mianmian and Zhang Kaiyang, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

  Jiang Xingzhi went out immediately, and she was watching the situation from the surveillance.

  Damn, this group of people actually brought a lot of wood and pressed it against the door, and it was already lit.

  Are they trying to burn them to death?

  Knowing what was going on, she didn't dare to delay any longer and hurried to the corridor.

  There was already a lot of smoke inside, and Song Yi and Jiang Xingzhi were ready to go over to open the door.

  The little guy was also anxiously going back and forth at the door, scratching his head.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, someone is trying to break our door. What are you doing?"

  It was Zhang Kaiyang's voice. The noise was quite loud, and I wonder if the people outside heard it. Song Yi quickly replied.

  "Hurry up and get up. Today is going to be a fierce battle. We can't just sit and wait to die."

  After saying that, he turned around and said solemnly to her and Jiang Xingzhi.

  "They want to use smoke, and their hearts are damned. Since they have brought tools, let's fight our way out."


  Jiang Yuan pulled out her Tang sword directly. It was probably because she hadn't slept all night. It was only about five o'clock now.

  Knowing that the door here is not easy to break, they used smoke. They wanted to smoke them to death, right?

  If this brain is used in the right way, there is nothing it can't do.

  Song Yi suddenly opened the door. The fire outside was not small, and more thick smoke rolled in.

  The people outside were also startled, but they couldn't see the specific situation clearly.

  Now the fire has started, and it is placed next to the door, and the door handle is hot.

  "They used gasoline, cover your mouth and nose."

  Song Yi shouted loudly, then quickly opened the door outside, went up and kicked the burning wooden boards out.

  However, there were too many, and he couldn't finish them all at once.

  Jiang Xingzhi also came out at this time. He ran back just now. Jiang Yuan thought he was going to change tools or tell his mother, but who knew that he actually came out with a quilt.

  Seeing that it was still dripping with water, she knew what it meant.

  We have to hurry up, otherwise it will freeze and the effect will be bad.

  Spread the quilt on the fire, and it will be isolated from the smoke in an instant.

  The quilt is very large and completely wrapped up the wooden boards.

  "Xiao Song, open the window."


  Song Yi hurried to open the window. Jiang Yuan stood at the entrance of the corridor going down, watching the people below vigilantly.

  Dad wrapped up the charcoal neatly, and then threw it down with the quilt at lightning speed.

  Without a source, the smoke rushed out of the window.

  With the light of the big night light, everything gradually became clear.

  "Who came up with this idea? Don't you want to live a good life?"

  She held the Tang sword and began to walk down the stairs one by one.

  Over there, the door of 2002 opened with a bang.

  It was Zhang Kaiyang and Ye Mianmian who came out with good equipment. Because they were close, the one who pried the door was hit.

  He was screaming "Ouch, ouch", which seemed a bit weird in this atmosphere full of dust, many people, and a bit dark.     Jiang Yuan held a knife, with the blade touching the ground. Every step she took emitted a cold light.

  The people below were scared and began to go downstairs.

  Some ran in a hurry and accidentally fell on the stairs downstairs.

  For every one that fell, two people would fall. The worst thing was that when the person above fell, the people below would be knocked down.

  For a moment, it was like dominoes.

  They went all the way to the 20th floor and met up with Zhang Kaiyang and Ye Mianmian.

  The five of them were all armed and looked like they were ready to kill anyone who stood in their way.

  "Jiang Yuan, Song Yi, don't struggle. Today, all the people in our building are here.

  Hand over the supplies and we will let you go. We can also forgive the previous murders."

  Sun Yian issued a final ultimatum in the crowd.

  "Sun Yian, you bastard, come over and tell me that you are the one who instigated this incident today.

  You idiots, you are being used as a gun by others, and you don't even know it. You deserve to be cannon fodder."

  "Stop talking about those useless

  things. Hand over the supplies and we will spare your life. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude." Sun Yian was afraid that Jiang Yuan would continue to sow discord, so he quickly defined her and repeatedly mentioned the supplies.

  It was to warn everyone not to forget the purpose of this trip.

  "Okay, I'll see. How do you want to be rude?
  Are you rude, or are others rude?

  Sun Yian, hide your fox tail. I can smell the smell here."

  "Don't talk nonsense here. I'm doing this for everyone's good."

  "Tsk, for everyone's sake, do you believe it yourself? Do you dare to say that you didn't embezzle everyone's supplies? Do you dare to let us go to your house to look for it?"

  Of course he didn't dare, because most of the confiscated supplies were in the hands of a few people.

  "Since you insist on doing so, don't blame us for being rude. Go ahead to fill your stomach!" As soon as

  he said this, some people really didn't care about their lives. He

  chopped over with a kitchen knife. Jiang Yuan's Tang sword was much longer than his.

  The knife skills that Song Yi taught her were used today. With just one strike, the man fell to the ground instantly, without even touching the corner of her clothes.

  "They are not human. Today, we will capture Sun Yian, the bastard, alive and cut him into pieces to make soup for everyone."

  Jiang Yuan said, without caring about anything else. Anyone who came up was her target of attack.

  After all, when an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent. Since

  this group of people came here, they were rushing to the lives of several people, and no one was spared.

  However, most of them did not expect Jiang Yuan to be so disrespectful.

  Moreover, her knife skills were very fast.

  Some of them came here to join in the fun and did not want any physical conflict.

  Song Yi also took his own knife. He was more fierce. He chopped one by one like chopping melons and vegetables.

  Zhang Kaiyang, Ye Mianmian, and Jiang Xingzhi also started to move, with an explosive feeling, they were bloodthirsty.

  Even the little guy was holding on to someone tightly.

  For a while, there was wailing everywhere.

  The corridor was already crowded, and it was even harder to escape.

  Jiang Yuan was sharp-eyed and saw Sun Yian in the crowd.

  "Catch him!"

  Song Yi waved his hand, and the other party fell down.


  The stone in his hand flew out, and the aim was great.

  The people on the 20th and 21st floors were killing each other, and the corridor became a Shura field.

  The crowd that was dark just now, some ran away, and some lay down.

128. Chapter 128 Cleaning up the battlefield2023-11-19 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "What do you want to do?"

  Sun Yian began to retreat, his usual calmness gone.

  Just now, someone bumped into him while running, and his glasses fell off.

  He took a step back, and Jiang Yuan and the others took a step forward.

  "Sun Yian, is this fun?

  You didn't want us to pay the price, but you did it. Now everyone regards us as enemies."

  She was really gritting her teeth, and that group of people just now did not resist.

  Jiang Yuan's ability is limited, and the current situation is not very good.

  They can win because that group of people have no backbone.

  And they have reached a desperate situation and are fighting with their backs against the wall.

  All this is thanks to him!
  "No, I didn't mean it. If you let me go, I will make everyone stop bothering you."

  Seeing that Jiang Yuan was unmoved, he became even more flustered.

  "Well, I can make the entire Building 13 obey your orders. From now on, you are the boss here..."

  "Humph, I don't have such a bad taste as you."

  Jiang Yuan said, and kicked him in the stomach.

  Just now, she was also kicked by someone, and now she must let Sun Yian have a taste of it.

  Song Yi walked over and looked at the person in front of him with murderous intent in his eyes.

  "What happened today?"

  "Hurry up and tell me..."

  Seeing that he didn't say anything, as if he was thinking about something, Ye Mianmian went up and kicked him.

  "I said, I said, everyone thought you had a lot of supplies, so they wanted to grab them.

  I was also forced. They asked me to take the lead, and I had no choice."

  Jiang Yuan quickly caught the key point: "Who are they?"

  "Old Xu from 0801 and Old Wu from 1202 came here twice. They are strong and can fight. I can't beat them."

  He looked up at Song Yi, not knowing how to deal with it.

  This building No. 13 may not look small, but there are many twists and turns inside.

  "What I said is true, you have to believe me."

  "No matter what, you always come here to take the lead and make trouble, and we can't do anything about it. Sorry."

  A huge fear struck his heart, and Jiang Yuan said so, and Song Yi threw the knife directly.

  Stabbing straight at his chest, Sun Yian's face was full of horror. Unfortunately, the incident had already happened and he had no way to deal with it.

  "Zhang Kaiyang, what's wrong with you? Why are you bleeding?"

  Following Ye Mianmian's anxious voice, Jiang Yuan also ran over.

  "It's okay. I used too much force just now. The wound is probably broken."

  "Then go back and deal with it quickly."

  His wound has not yet begun to scab. If it is not handled properly, it will be easy to cause problems later.

  Now that no one is working in the hospital, we can't be careless.

  "Sister Yuan, you go back with him, Brother Song and I will clean it up here."

  For now, this is the only way.

  The ground is a mess, even worse than before.

  It won't work if we don't clean it up.

  "Let's go..."

  The two hurried into the house. His condition was indeed not very good, and the wound was bleeding.

  Bring a clean towel over, wipe it clean first, and then use hemostatic powder. After a long time, it was wrapped with gauze.


  "Hurry up, put on your clothes, don't catch a cold."

  It's indeed a bit long. In this temperature, no matter how good your physical fitness is, you can't stand it.

  "Thank you, Sister Yuan. I see your hands are all bruised. Are you injured?"

  "It's nothing. It was too chaotic just now. I don't know if someone hit me or if I accidentally bumped into it." It

  's more likely that the handle of the knife shook in the opposite direction. Both are possible.

  However, while most people were running for their lives, a small number of people still stood up to resist.     Jiang Yuan was touched, but none of the injuries were fatal, so it didn't matter.

  "Do you have any other injuries? I'll clean them up for you."

  "It's okay, this is the best."

  Zhang Kaiyang said, and he was already dressed. He changed into the previous one and took out the three-layer quilted pajamas he had given him before.

  This one is loose and comfortable to wear.

  "I'll go out and see how they are cleaning up. You can rest in the house for a while.

  By the way, why didn't I see Grandma Ye?"

  The two of them came back for a long time, which was really a bit abnormal.

  "Mianmian was afraid that something might happen, so she gave Grandma two sleeping pills. Don't worry, she will be fine after a good sleep. It's nothing serious."

  So that's how it was. It was really difficult for her.

  Jiang Yuan didn't say much and hurried out. It took a lot of cleaning outside.

  As a result, someone came to help.

  Hearing the movement, the man turned around and looked at the door.

  It turned out to be the man next door. What's going on.

  "Hello, Jiang Yuan, hello, I'm here to help."

  "Oh, thank you."

  She walked up to Ye Mianmian and wanted to ask what was going on.

  Song Yi was the first to speak: "How is Zhang Kaiyang?"

  "He's fine now. I asked him to rest at home."

  After all, there were other people around, so she would better talk briefly.

  "Well, it's almost done here."

  Indeed, the floor had been mopped, and now there was a thin layer of ice, mixed with blood, which was a bit sad.

  "Brother, thank you for your help. I'm sorry that it has caused you a lot of trouble."

  Seeing Song Yi so polite, the man from 2001 was not so reserved.

  He waved his hands repeatedly: "It's okay, it's okay. Their behavior also affects our family.

  We are all neighbors on the same floor, and it's only right to help each other."

  "Well, when you go out, be more careful. There is also a supermarket on the mountain that is about to open. If you can go out, you can go and have a look."

  When he heard this, he also became interested.

  "Really, that's great.

  Are you going? Can I go with you?"

  His little thoughts were obvious. This group of people all have fighting skills. It is absolutely safe to team up with them.

  At least, it is much safer than going out alone.

  "We don't have any plans in this regard for the time being. Sorry."

  Song Yi refused without thinking.

  The man from 2001 was a little disappointed, but he didn't say anything. After

  saying hello, they went home.

  Jiang Yuan and Song Yi came to see Zhang Kaiyang, and seeing that he was fine, they said goodbye and went upstairs.

  At this moment, it was only eight o'clock, and many people hadn't gotten up yet.

  "Jiang Yuan, are you injured today?"

  Although he didn't appear to be injured, he couldn't help but ask.

  "It's okay, just a few bumps and bruises, they're all minor problems."

  "Then come with me, I have safflower oil at home, just apply it, it will heal soon."

  "No need, Song Yi, I also have safflower oil at home."

  "Then go back and apply it, it will probably be quiet for the next two days, don't come out if you have nothing to do.

  Keep the intercom on at all times, and communicate in time if there is anything."

  "Okay, you should pay more attention too, the little one is also exhausted today, remember to give it a snack!"

  "Okay, no problem, you should eat more too."

  Song Yi gave her a smiling face, and Jiang Yuan realized later whether this was a hint to her.

129. Chapter 129 Sun Yian's Family Came to Visit2023-11-20Author : Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Song Yi really found it funny. This person always said something to ease the atmosphere when he was very serious.

  Jiang Yuan thought that the little guy was also very capable, so she didn't bother with him.

  She hurried back home. She was sleepy in the morning and was disturbed by someone.

  Sun Yian was really a piece of shit. It was a great blessing to get rid of him now.

  "Daughter, come on, are you hurt? Let me see..."

  Qin Yue was very nervous, and even had tears in her eyes.

  "Mom, it's nothing. Is Xiao Nuan awake?"

  "Yes, you go back and clean up. I cooked a meal. Eat a little and then take a nap."


  Qin Yue couldn't restrain her emotions, but was afraid that Jiang Yuan would feel uncomfortable.

  She could only do something else to divert her attention.

  The atmosphere at home was still quite solemn, and Jiang Yuan didn't dare to say much.

  After a long time, you can always think it through.

  She went to the bathroom to change clothes, actually entering the space.

  It was warm inside, and she didn't worry about being cold after taking off her coat.

  She was also kicked and beaten by several people today, and there were several bruises on her body.

  The worst part was on the waist. I took the safflower oil and applied it myself, then spread it evenly.

  It's not a big problem, just take care of it.

  The only bleeding place should be the base of the thumb.

  I don't know if it was rubbed or shaken.

  I'm wearing gloves, otherwise it would be more serious.

  After I cleaned up and came out, my mother's meal was also on the table. It was preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

  With a few dishes of pickled vegetables, Jiang Yuan's appetite was instantly excited.

  "What's going on? Why is there a smell of safflower oil? Girl, are you still injured?"

  Qin Yue was very excited and came directly to check on her.

  When she applied the medicine just now, she felt that the smell was too strong. She didn't expect that her mother would find it so quickly.

  "Mom, it's okay, I bumped into the back, it's not serious at all, I was afraid that the back would be uncomfortable, so I took precautions in advance, don't worry."

  How could Qin Yue not worry, how good could the situation outside be?
  Jiang Yuan's previous facial injury had not healed yet, but she couldn't help at all.

  "Mom, it's really okay. I'm hungry. Let's eat quickly."

  "I'm hungry. Hurry up. Dad will serve you some food."

  Jiang Xingzhi also cares about his daughter, so he can't say much at this moment.

  Jiang Yuan is different. She is afraid that the old couple will worry. All they can do is turn a blind eye.

  "Wow, this is delicious. Xiao Nuan, blow it. It's a little hot."


  She talked to her daughter as if nothing had happened, just to divert attention and not make the atmosphere so solemn.

  After eating, she went back to sleep.

  She told her parents not to be careless. To be honest, the results this time were not particularly good.

  Many people below ran away.

  Although Sun Yian is gone, there are still Zhang Yian and Wang Yian. The remaining group of people will still unite together.

  Now they are also seriously injured, but it also means that they have made more enemies.

  Those family members must still be dissatisfied in their hearts, or want to deal with them secretly.

  Before, my mother said that they were the public enemy of the whole building, but now they are the real public enemy of the whole building.

  In the end times, she had no choice. If she didn't take action, they would be the ones lying down. The strong prey

  on the weak, and everything returned to the original starting point.

  Jiang Yuan was also very tired and fell asleep quickly, but her dream was not peaceful.

  It was the scene of Xiao Nuan's death in her previous life. She ran frantically, with tears frozen on her face.

  Then, she fell down and couldn't move.

  Suddenly, a hand reached out.     So warm, she opened her eyes and saw that it was Song Yi.

  "Ah..." She

  woke up suddenly, what kind of dream was this, it was all mixed up...

  It was already half past eleven, and she had slept for more than two hours.

  Her whole body was aching, especially her wrists, which were a little hard to lift.

  It seemed that she didn't exercise enough in her daily life. This intense exercise stretched her muscles and made her body sore.

  Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi were not in the living room either, only Xiao Nuan was watching cartoons there.

  "Baby, where are grandma and grandpa?"

  "They went out, and came here to curse?"

  What a mess, Jiang Yuan was a little confused.

  Suddenly she glanced at the surveillance screen at the entrance, which was actually on.

  Dad and Mom were at the door, and there were people outside, and this one was muted.

  There was an old lady outside, leading a boy and a girl.

  They were cursing and threatening to die, especially the old lady, beating her chest and stamping her feet, which was quite touching.

  Song Yi was also at the door, and the three of them were silent.

  "Xiao Nuan, put on your hat and go out with mom."


  The little girl ran to the house to get her hat and gloves. Jiang Yuan put them in order for her, and the two of them opened the door and went out.

  "Daughter, why did you come out? Did I wake you up?"

  Qin Yue didn't call her to let her sleep a little longer.

  "No, I woke up by myself. Mom, what happened?"

  She didn't know the specific situation, and Song Yi spoke at the right time.

  "When Sun Yian's mother and his two children went down to find him, they were all smashed beyond recognition.

  This family couldn't stand it, so they came and smashed the door."

  How to say it, it's reasonable, but if he didn't mean to hurt others, how could he get such a consequence?

  "I'll go and argue with her."

  Jiang Yuan said, and wanted to open the door, but Song Yi stopped her.

  "No, now that Sun Yian is gone, their family's life is not much better.

  We don't need to take action, and this group of people will not have a good end."

  Qin Yue agreed with it and didn't want her daughter to go out and face these.

  "Yeah, Yuanyuan, just listen to me. This old lady doesn't seem to be reasonable. She probably won't listen to anything you say to her. She's

  making us unhappy, so let's just pretend we don't know.

  When she gets tired of scolding,

  she'll naturally leave." Jiang Xingzhi also agreed. In that case, let it go.

  Several people went home one after another, but Jiang Yuan did not forget to continue monitoring, fearing that the old lady would have an extreme reaction.

  She kicked the door at first, but no one paid attention to her, so she just yelled and scolded.

  "My daughter, I think we should not go out recently, and don't go downstairs.

  We have offended so many people, and I guess many people are waiting for our mistakes."

  Now they dare not make any problems at all. If they go wrong, they will lose their lives.

  "Your mother is right. It would be better if they can't come up."

  Jiang Xingzhi sighed, a little helpless.

  Jiang Yuan's eyes lit up, as if she thought of something.

  "Mom, you take care of Xiao Nuan, I'll go back to find something."

  After saying that, she hurried back to the room.

  (End of this chapter)

130. Chapter 130 Installing a door on the 20th floor2023-11-20Author : Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Before, she had bought some locks in case of emergency.

  She couldn't remember where she put them, and after searching for a long time, she finally found two.

  This kind of lock is the simplest one, and it comes with five keys.

  After taking the locks, Jiang Yuan went out.

  Qin Yue saw that she was in a hurry, and wanted to ask another question, but this guy disappeared.

  Song Yi didn't expect that Jiang Yuan would knock on the door again so soon.

  "What happened?"

  "No, I went back and thought about it. Didn't we get a few door panels back before?

  Find one and lock the stairwell on the 20th floor. What do you think?"

  Song Yi looked at her, a little speechless.

  "You forgot that each floor has its own protective door, just lock that one."

  "That won't work, that door is just a joke, you see ours, it has been deformed.

  Not only is it unsafe, but one more layer also provides an extra layer of protection."

  Song Yi frowned, but didn't say anything else.

  "Look, I brought two locks.

  Let's go down and take a look. I think the people in 2001 are willing to do it."

  The people in the building came to seek revenge, and they were also trembling.

  This is a good thing for both families.

  Moreover, he frequently showed goodwill to everyone in the hope of contact.

  "Okay, then go down!"

  When Ye Mianmian reached the 20th floor, she had just laid down and heard a knock on the door, so she hurried over to see the details.

  The people in the cat's eye were Jiang Yuan and Song Yi, and she was relieved and opened the door immediately.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, come in quickly."

  Jiang Yuan didn't hesitate and directly explained her purpose.

  "Okay, it would be great if we can install one more door, so that no one will come to disturb us."

  In their community, the corridor is connected, but there is a fire door on the staircase on each floor.

  However, this was installed by the property management, the quality is not good, and there is a guardrail on it.

  I don't know what they thought, but they called it a fire door.

  Usually, no one would lock that door.

  After all, it is a public place. It is ok if the neighbor is easy to talk to. If not, then

  it will be troublesome if you have the key or not.

  "Hey, it's really you who came down. I thought I was dreaming."

  Zhang Kaiyang came out from inside, obviously just woke up.

  Because of the injury, Ye Mianmian has been taking good care of him recently, and basically doesn't let him do daily things.

  Just now, his condition was the most serious.

  Ye Mianmian herself was not well. She was pushed down and hit the corner of the fire hydrant next to her.

  It didn't matter because she was wearing thick clothes. It was just a cut and the skin was broken.

  So, she didn't say anything, for fear that Jiang Yuan would worry.

  "We want to install a door on your floor as well. After this incident, I guess your door will not be quiet."

  "Who said it wasn't? No one can stand it if they come here to cry every day!"

  Zhang Kaiyang was outspoken and spoke from the bottom of his heart.

  "Okay, then I'll go ask next door. Song Yi, you and Zhang Kaiyang go pick out the doors."

  "No need, the doors I removed during the renovation are still there."

  Jiang Yuan raised her eyebrows. Song Yi was quite generous.

  "I was just worried that the ones we brought back before were not of good quality. Now they are all right. Let's go and get to work."

  "Yes, we've taken advantage of Brother Song again. Why don't you come to my house to eat hot pot tonight? There's still a lot of bacon and ham."

  Ye Mianmian's proposal was immediately supported by Zhang Kaiyang.

  The experience last time was really great, and it was unforgettable!     "I agree with both hands. After eating it last time, I kept thinking about when to have it again. It's so great."

  "Let's not do it. It's too extravagant.

  Look at the group of people in the building. They lost their lives because of a little food.

  Although we have food in stock, we have to save it. We don't know how long this kind of life will last."

  Jiang Yuan was hurt by a bite of food in her previous life. Now she knows how to cherish it.

  "It's okay, Sister Yuan, we just eat it once in a while. These two days have been so thrilling. Just treat it as a reward for ourselves. Eat it!"

  Zhang Kaiyang actually acted like a spoiled child. Jiang

  Yuan's face was full of black lines. This idea of ​​drinking and enjoying it today is not a good idea.

  Zhang Kaiyang pulled Song Yi's arm. Song Yi looked at the situation in front of him and knew that this hot pot must be eaten.

  "Then eat it, Jiang Yuan, everyone is greedy, so let's relax, okay?"

  Why ask like this, as if she is so unkind.

  "Oh, there's nothing I can do about you!"

  "Great, Sister Yuan, you agreed."

  "Even if you agree, no, I'm greedy now."

  Zhang Kaiyang said, and deliberately wiped his saliva.

  Several people were amused. What a funny guy!

  "Okay, let's get down to business first."


  Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian went to the next door and knocked on the door. At first, there was no movement. The two were not in a hurry and waited at the door.

  A minute later, the door opened.

  "Neighbors, what's the matter?"

  It was the man from his family who came out. He should have done the peephole investigation.

  "It's like this. We want to install a door here in the corridor and ask for your opinions."

  She got straight to the point and explained her purpose directly.

  "Yes, brother, the situation in Building 13 is not very good now, and we have offended many people.

  If a door is installed, both of our families will be safe."

  The man nodded quickly and had no objection to this proposal.

  "Okay, that's great. When will it be installed? I'll come to help."

  As soon as the voice fell, Song Yi came down carrying a door.

  "Hey, slow down..."

  The man was very honest and went up to help carry it. He was the kind of person who had good eyesight.

  The situation here was not complicated. The previous door itself was not of good quality.

  Reaching in from the guardrail outside, it can be opened with or without a key.

  Jiang Yuan asked Song Yi to install a saddle bag so that he could put on another lock.

  There are five keys in total, one for each person, just enough.

  The door of Song Yi's house is installed inside, and this one is also password-protected, which is very convenient to use.

  Basically, the three men were working, and Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian went back to clean up the food. They were going to have hot pot in the evening, and it would take a long time to prepare it.

  She went back to get some dishes. Qin Yue felt that it was not very good to eat at someone else's house.

  Moreover, the current situation was special.

  Jiang Yuan also knew it, so she took some more things to make up for it.

  A bunch of small green vegetables, a plate of shiitake mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, a bowl of noodles rolled by herself, and some dried kelp shreds and day lily.

  Xiao Nuan also went with them, and the old couple did not plan to join in the fun.

  Song Yi also brought a lot of dishes, because he felt that it would be inappropriate to eat with only one mouth.

  "Sister Yuan, what are you doing? We have these here too, take them back quickly..."

  (End of this chapter)
