
   Chapter 381 Meteorite Fall

  Jiang Yuan was a little shocked. After Fan Qing fell, Ye Mianmian's smiling face appeared.

  Good guy, this girl is really discerning!


  Without further ado, everyone quickly gathered together.

  This time, Jingjing was sober.

  No one wanted to do that to a child, and she was very young, not quite the same as Zhang Kaiyang and the others.

  Everyone bumped into each other, including Xiaobutian.

  In an instant, they all entered the space.

  "Sister Yuan, this is not a solution.

  It will definitely not work if we knock them out every time.

  This morning, Fan Qing told me that his back hurt."

  What Ye Mianmian said made sense, but there was no other way now.

  "We can't just abandon them. You know what happened before.

  I don't want them to know this secret."

  Before, Fan Qing hid his intentions from everyone, which was obvious to all.

  Zhang Kaiyang liked Fan Qing to the point that he was willing to give up everything for him.

  If, by any chance, they really coveted this space, then it would be over.

  They would definitely do something that would be unfavorable to Jiang Yuan.

  "Mianmian, we have no other way."

  Ye Mianmian nodded. Anyway, she had Jiang Yuan's approval, which was enough.

  Song Yi also understood the importance of the matter, so he had to find a safe place as soon as possible so that this kind of day could end.

  Jiang Yuan didn't want to say much, and quickly sat down to feel the outside world.

  Dad and Mom would help to deal with the rest of the things, so she didn't have to worry too much.

  No one dared to clean her up, and silently did their own things.

  The situation outside was very bad.

  Those meteor showers actually rushed towards the ground.

  Then, there was an uproar.

  This meteor looked small, but when it fell, it was devastating.

  Not to mention the impact of flying down, and the kind of stone that was enlarged several times.

  Now, they should be called meteorites.

  The ground was smashed into big holes one by one.

  Jiang Yuan felt frightened. After this disaster, would the earth be riddled with holes again?

  Or is it that only above them will there be this meteor shower.

  There is the sun during the day, and the stars can reflect light at night.

  In this way, they can see it from below.

  In other words, does it mean that those stars have always been there?

  It's just that they can't see them.

  Oh my God, I thought of those huge stones, ready to wait until most people are dead, and then fly down to give people the final blow.

  This is really too terrifying, Jiang Yuan was frightened by her own thoughts.

  "What's the matter?"

  Song Yi has been watching from the side, afraid that Jiang Yuan will be like before.

  However, her spirit is still okay, just a little tired.

  "It's okay, those meteor showers have all fallen, and the ground is full of pits.

  Song Yi, this time, there are probably no survivors."

  Hearing this, the man's scalp numbed.

  If Jiang Yuan didn't have this space, they would not have a chance to survive.

  "Don't be so pessimistic, there will always be people who survive, we don't know so many things.

  Ensuring your own safety is the most important thing."

  Jiang Yuan nodded, and suddenly thought that if there were only a few of them left in the world, it would be really terrifying.

  The harm of nature has left humans nowhere to hide.

  The whole world began to reshuffle, and new creatures began to breed again.

  Before, it was said to be an ocean civilization, so what is the next civilization?   

  She really dared not think about it, and always felt that it was beyond her brain capacity.

  This time, Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue did not go back, and everyone sat in the yard next to them.

  "Yuanyuan, drink some water!"


  She drank some honey water and ate a piece of chocolate.

  This time the perception time was not long, and it did not consume a lot of energy.

  Everyone was still nervous.

  "With the situation outside, are we going out?"

  "Go out, we have to go out.

  Apart from anything else, the time in this space requires money, and I don't have much in stock.

  If possible, we still have to find a suitable place to survive as soon as possible.

  This place can only be used as a light key to save lives at all times."

  Jiang Yuan said this, everyone should understand.

  Don't take her space as a place where you can live for a long time.

  Even if there is still some money, it should be left for Xiao Nuan.

  She can't, after everything is used up, let her daughter face those dangers.

  Especially, this child should also be reborn, she feels even more distressed.

  "Okay, get ready and rest first, we'll go over there tomorrow morning~"


  There are enough rooms, but Song Yi and Zhang Kaiyang didn't live in the main house.

  A temporary room was also built in the side room next to it.

  I didn't think about it so much before, and it's not bad to use it as a guest room now.

  The next day, early in the morning, Jiang Yuan brought everyone out.

  The place where they were yesterday was hit by a large meteorite.

  A deep pit was smashed out, and the remaining firewood was scattered around.

  It should have been hit, otherwise it wouldn't be like this now.

  If they hadn't left yesterday, it would be terrifying to think about it...

  There are many such pits around, and there are naturally many big rocks.

  "Sister Yuan, look, there is also a big meteorite in the lake."

  Following the direction pointed by Ye Mianmian, everyone looked over.

  Oh my God, how could this happen.

  A huge rock actually fell in the middle of the lake.

  Moreover, it has already emerged from the water.

  On it were written three big characters: "Yueban Lake".

  "So, besides us, there are other people in this place?"

  When Jiang Yuan said this, everyone was horrified.

  "No way, I didn't see anyone!"

  "But, the three words on the stone in the lake must be man-made."

  If a stone fell from the sky with such words written on it, Xiao Nuan probably wouldn't believe it.

  Then, there is only one possibility, that is, man-made.

  Someone went over and wrote it after the stone fell.

  "It's not possible. You see, this stone is in the middle. If you want to get through,

  you need to use some tools. Otherwise, you can't get through with one person alone."

  "That's true."

  Jiang Xingzhi agreed with Song Yi's statement, so he said that the words on this stone were a bit incredible.

  "Let's leave here quickly. The sudden appearance of the lake and this stone tablet.

  I always feel that this place is too weird."

  When Jiang Yuan said this, everyone was a little scared.

  Zhang Kaiyang and Fan Qing also woke up and heard a tail.

  "But, if not here, where else can we go?"

  Chapter 382: The tip of green grass appeared suddenly

  "Mianmian, don't worry about this.

  As long as we are together, we can definitely find a suitable place to live."

  Originally, they wanted to stay here, after all, there is this Yueban Lake.

  In addition, whether it is frozen or not, with water, many problems can be solved.

  However, after observing for the past two days, this place is too weird. Maybe

  , before they settle down, this group of people will just die here.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, what happened again?"

  Zhang Kaiyang touched the back of his head, a little speechless.

  "Are you awake?"

  Ye Mianmian seemed to have just seen him, and looked at Fan Qing next to him.

  "Qingqing, you are awake too, that's great.

  How do you feel, are you still uncomfortable?"


  It is indeed very uncomfortable.

  "I have a headache, as if I was beaten, I don't know what's going on."

  Fan Qing said, and Zhang Kaiyang also touched the back of his head.

  "Yeah, I feel the same way, it hurts."

  Faintly, it seems that there is still a big bag.

  "Yes, a meteorite fell behind us yesterday, and the rocks flew over and knocked you unconscious.

  But we were scared to death, it's good that you're okay."

  Ye Mianmian's acting skills are really great, Jiang Yuan silently gave her a thumbs up in her heart.

  The two people seemed to believe it, and Jiang Yuan told them everything that happened outside.

  Looking at the strange stones in the lake, my scalp was tingling.

  "Then what should we do next?"

  Okay, the topic turned back.

  "Let's take a look around and see if there is any place to go.

  If not, just go all the way south."

  "Go south, why, Brother Song?"

  "Because the south, under normal circumstances, will be warmer than the north."

  After Song Yi finished speaking, Jiang Yuan took over the conversation directly.

  "Besides, spring will come earlier, if possible, we can even get rid of the current severe cold."

  This is the case in theory, but it requires a very long distance.

  Without any means of transportation, this cannot be achieved.

  "Look, is there a small grass here?"

  Qin Yue's voice was loud and everyone heard it.

  In front of a deep pit next to it. There was actually a little bit of green, and it really looked like the tips of grass.

  It stands to reason that it is normal to have green in Xishi at this time.

  In the past, there would be greenery in winter.

  Even the grass under the community was green.

  But after the extreme heat, everything was different.

  How could new life be born in such a temperature of dozens of degrees below zero? This is simply nonsense.

  "Look, there are some here too."

  Ye Mianmian actually found green grass tips under the stone next to her.

  "There are some here too..."

  "I saw them here too..."

  Zhang Kaiyang and Fan Qing found a lot more one after another.

  "What's going on? Rejuvenation overnight, it's impossible!"

  Jiang Yuan was confused and looked at Song Yi.

  He didn't survive the earthquake a few days ago, and knew nothing about the situation afterwards.

  Moreover, in his previous life, he had never been to Yueban Lake, and didn't know what would happen here.   

  "I don't know, but the appearance of green does it mean that winter is about to pass."

  Not only winter has passed, but also the endless cold.

  "The grass has strong vitality. Every spring, after the grass begins to turn green, other things begin to revive one after another."

  Jiang Xingzhi has lived in the countryside for many years, and he is no longer surprised by such things.

  "So, has spring really come?"

  Ye Mianmian's eyes were full of stars. She felt that if this was true, life would be better in the future.

  Even if it was not so cold, it would be a good thing.

  "Did you notice that this green color seems to only exist under the meteorite, all in this deep pit.

  Moreover, the closer to the stone, the more luxuriant it grows.

  In other places, it is becoming increasingly sparse.

  When it is outside the pit, it is gone."

  Zhang Kaiyang hurried over to check, and it was really like this.

  "Sure enough, Sister Yuan is right. It is only in front of the meteorite. What's going on?"

  "Could it be that this green color was brought here by the meteorite?"

  Ye Mianmian asked, but no one could answer her question.

  Fan Qing frowned. She didn't know much about meteorites.

  "Is it possible that the meteorite itself has no temperature?

  But it slides down too fast, and after friction, it will increase the temperature.

  It is precisely because of the temperature that the grass here can grow like this, what do you think?"

  She looked up and looked at everyone.

  It seems that this explanation is reasonable at present.

  "No matter what, I feel it is a bit weird. Let's leave quickly."

  Jiang Yuan suggested this, but Song Yi disagreed with her.

  "Listen to me, this meteor shower is not only here, but also nearby.

  In this case, no matter where we go, we will face the same dilemma.

  It's better to stay here, what do you think?"

  Although there are different opinions, Song Yi respects Jiang Yuan.

  He is also willing to listen to her opinions. The most important thing is that the two of them discuss and discuss.

  "That's right, Yuanyuan, if it doesn't work, let's stay here first.

  Other places may not be so good."

  Jiang Xingzhi also came to persuade her, and Jiang Yuan nodded.

  So everyone decided to stay here.

  Of course, we can't just let it go.

  Everyone has to take action. The women went to collect firewood and waited to use it for heating.

  The men all had knives in their hands, and Jiang Xingzhi also took an axe, which was taken out from the space.

  In order to conceal their tracks, they only took the head, and the handle at the back was made temporarily.

  In this way, everyone can cut down thicker trees.

  Zhang Kaiyang held a hand saw and couldn't help sighing: "Uncle, you are Doraemon, you have everything..."

  "What is Doraemon?"


  Jiang Yuan was also very busy here, leading two children and their mother. It

  was also very cold during the day, and everyone had to light a fire, and then start to think of ways to get some hot water and food.

  At this time, Qin Yue's small pot played a huge role.

  "Jingjing, come here to Auntie..."

  The little girl heard it, put down the firewood in her hand, and ran over quickly.

  "Auntie, is there anything I can help with?"

  Before, she had told her not to tell Zhang Kaiyang and Fan Qing about the space.

  The little girl is already six years old and is sensible.

  "No need to do anything, Jingjing, you just sit next to me and roast the fire with Xiaonuan sister, you don't need to work."

   Chapter 383 Survival in the Wilderness

  "Auntie, I know you are good to me.

  I can take care of Xiao Nuan, don't worry."

  This child is really distressing.

  "Jingjing, I don't mean that. You know what's going on in your family.

  We will take care of you later."

  "Thank you, Auntie, I will be obedient."

  My God, this child seems to have grown up overnight.

  Jiang Yuan sighed. The general environment is like this, and she has no choice.

  Without parents, it will be difficult for this child in the future.

  In this situation, she can't just ignore it.

  I hope this child can live a few more years. In fact, she herself doesn't know how long she can live!

  Jingjing didn't sit down, but dragged the firewood that Qin Yue and Fan Qing had sorted out.

  Over there, several men also came back.

  They got a lot of tree trunks, and I don't know what they want to do.

  "Dad, what are you doing?"

  "Yuanyuan, I've thought about it. Let's make a few sleds.

  In this case, it's not very convenient to go anywhere. Let's make some of these, and we can also help pull things."

  Jiang Xingzhi expressed his ideas, and everyone thought it was good.

  "Uncle, if we stay on the mountain, the road will not be easy to walk on.

  Don't make the sled too big, otherwise it will be troublesome."

  "Qing girl, don't worry about this, we have just discussed it.

  This time we will make a small one, but it will have a hook at the back.

  If a larger sled is needed, it can be connected at any time."

  This idea was proposed by Song Yi, and Jiang Xingzhi agreed almost immediately.

  With such a smart brain, it is no wonder that people say that this is the world of young people.

  "That's good, at night, we can rest on it!"

  The ground is really too cold, even with a quilt, it is not possible.

  Song Yi looked at her and continued, "We are also planning to build some small sheds, which can shelter us from the wind and rain."

  Uh, small sheds?

  "Are you planning to live here for a long time?"

  Jiang Yuan said half-jokingly, and Zhang Kaiyang immediately took over the conversation.

  "Yes, Sister Yuan, Brother Song said that since we have decided to stay here, we must live every day seriously.

  At least, we must make you girls feel comfortable!"

  "Then you must perform well, we are waiting."

  Jiang Yuan smiled, her eyebrows curved, and her smile was very sweet.

  Song Yi saw it, and he was really happy in his heart.

  It seems that since the two of them met, there has always been something going on.

  There has never been a leisurely time. Although there are unknown risks now, it is still possible to have a moment of leisure.

  Do it as soon as you say it, but you must cooperate with Jiang Xingzhi to make a sled first.

  The ones in Lushan Yayuan before were all put in the space by Jiang Yuan. It is not a good idea to take them out now.

  Zhang Kaiyang and Fan Qing are still here. It just happens that there is time, so let's do it.

  This can not only be used as a means of transportation, but also as a bed for sleeping, killing two birds with one stone.

  It will not be too late to talk about other things after this is done.

  This day was busy, but fortunately they had food, so it was not too difficult.

  When she had nothing to do in the afternoon, Jiang Yuan would go and observe the newly grown grass tips.

  Although she didn't know why, she always hoped to find something.

  "Sister Yuan, do you think the grass will freeze to death tomorrow?"

  "It's hard to say, the temperature at night is very low.   

  We can only find out tomorrow."

  After saying that, she stood up and prepared to make dinner.

  "Sister Yuan, don't leave yet, I have something to ask you."

  "What is it, Mianmian, tell me."

  She didn't know what it was, but she felt that Ye Mianmian was a little nervous.

  "Sister Yuan, it's Jingjing, are you really going to raise her by yourself?"

  So that's the problem!

  "In this situation, we can't chase other people's children away!"

  If she really doesn't care, then this child will be dead.

  If she doesn't know, it's fine, but since she has encountered it, what can she do.

  Everyone came out together, and other people's parents are all gone, she can't just sit back and watch!

  "Oh, that's the truth, Sister Yuan, don't blame me for being nosy.

  I just think that this child is not young anymore, and she knows everything.

  I guess she understands the affairs of her parents, so she still has to be more careful.

  Especially her and Xiao Nuan, don't be alone together, don't forget about Fan Yao and Fan Qing. "

  Jiang Yuan widened her eyes. Before, she really hadn't thought so much about it.

  She just thought it was a convenient thing to do, and it was also a child she knew.

  However, after Ye Mianmian said this, she was a little scared.

  "I really didn't expect it. Don't worry, Mianmian, I won't joke about Xiao Nuan's safety."

  That's her life. If Jingjing is the second Fan Yao, she will definitely not tolerate it.

  "It's not that this child is bad. It will definitely be good for us to take precautions in advance. "

  Well, I understand..."

  This trust made Ye Mianmian happy.

  The two of them returned to the campfire together. It was almost four o'clock now.

  They had to cook and eat immediately. If they ate too late,

  they might attract something else. There were many animals in the forest.

  Their ability to resist disasters was much stronger than that of humans. It would be troublesome if some of them were alive.

  They could not withstand the slightest disturbance.

  Qin Yue took some noodles and dried vegetables to cook, including soup and water.

  After three pots, it was barely enough for everyone.

  "By the way, should we go out and find something to eat?

  If the food is gone, it will be very troublesome later."

  Fan Qing was particularly aware of the need to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Even if there was some food in Qin Yue's backpack,

  there would not be enough for so many of them for a few days.

  All the people in the know looked at Jiang Yuan, as if waiting for her to make a decision.

  It was so embarrassing. Should she be so obvious?

  However, she still pretended to be calm.

  "Qingqing is right. We still have to find something to eat in the next two days!

  There isn't much left, and it may not last for a few more days.

  Without food supply, we will be in trouble."

  She thought it was simple. She would go out and bring some things back, and then say that she found it, and there would be no problem.

  "Yeah, why don't we go to the village downstairs tomorrow to have a look.

  Although it has been razed to the ground, maybe we can still find food.

  I remember that people in the Northeast like to bury food in the ground or in the snow.

  Let's go over and have a look, maybe we can find something leaky."

  "Yeah, Kaiyang is right, let's go and have a look tomorrow~"

   Chapter 384 People on the helicopter

  Jiang Yuan agreed with her mouth, but she was already very happy in her heart.

  This is the perfect excuse, isn't it?

  There are so many frozen vegetables and so on in the space, it's so convenient to take them out.

  There was no unusual movement at night, Song Yi kept listening, and spent the night peacefully.

  The next day, they really went to the village below, just to find food.

  Those who came were all women soldiers, and the men were still busy with their own things.

  She was still quite sad to step on the land here again.

  Before, there were houses and tile houses everywhere, and there were many people.

  But now, everything is different.

  If it was empty, it would be better, but there was nothing, which was really dazed.

  She also looked around, thinking about what would be more suitable to take out from the space.

  "Buzz buzz buzz ~"

  There was a roar of an airplane above their heads, from far to near, and they were more or less conspicuous on such a spacious flat ground.

  It was a red helicopter, just above their heads, not much higher than the trees in the distance.

  "Sister Yuan..."

  Ye Mianmian was a little nervous. What did it mean to encounter an airplane at this time?

  It may not be a rescue, but it may be a massacre.

  "Xiao Nuan, Jingjing, come here quickly~"

  She was also afraid, called the two children, and started running to the back.

  Exposed, definitely exposed.

  I just don't know what the people inside are doing.

  The speed of the few people is very fast, but the speed of the helicopter is even faster.

  They quickly stopped in the open space in front, and then three people got off.

  "Wait, wait, don't run, we are good people~"

  Oh my god, they actually chased after me.

  I said I was a good person, why is it so wrong!

  Jiang Yuan didn't care about anything, just thinking about whether she could quickly send this group of people into the space first.

  Or, when is the right time to send them in.

  The three people were well-trained and quickly caught up.

  "Hello, please wait a moment, big sister..."

  As he said, he ran to them and blocked the way up.

  "Big sister, hello..."

  As he said, he saluted straightly.

  For a moment, Jiang Yuan was a little confused. Are they really good people?

  No, you can't believe them easily, you still have to be vigilant.

  "Big sister, hello, we are the Northwest Rescue Army, responsible for the survivor rescue plan in the Northwest.

  Here is my ID, please take a look."

  After he finished speaking, he took out a work ID from his jacket pocket.

  "Zhang Tiezhu~"

  Jiang Yuan looked at the photo on it, and it did look a bit like him.

  However, this name is so casual, it feels like it was written on the spur of the moment.

  Besides, she didn't recognize this ID!

  "Give it back to you~"

  She was still on guard, without any relief.

  "Big sister, do you believe what I said now?

  We are here to help you, don't be afraid.

  Now, there is a rescue base nearby.

  You guys come with me, I'll take you there."

  What the hell, just come up and take them away?

  This won't do...

  "What rescue base? How come I've never heard of it.

  It's only been a few days since the earthquake, and you've built a base?"

  "Yeah, you're just talking nonsense, fooling fools?"

  Ye Mianmian was also unconvinced. She used to think that everyone in Changmingzhuang was a good person.

  Who would have thought that they were all wolves in sheep's clothing.   

  Now, she didn't dare to believe anyone.

  "It's true, big sister, this is what happened."

  "Wait a minute, who is your big sister? Do I look that old?"

  Uh, her focus was actually here, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but feel ashamed.

  "Sorry, big sister, because you are too tightly wrapped.

  I couldn't recognize you either. I'm sorry, don't be angry.

  We are really here to do rescue. The current rescue base is in a former abandoned military base.

  Follow us and your safety will be guaranteed."

  Although she said so, Jiang Yuan still didn't believe it. How could it be such a coincidence.

  Moreover, the earthquake just ended, wasn't it too fast?

  "Jiang Yuan~"

  Someone called her, and it sounded like Song Yi's voice.

  Three men were running over here.

  They should have seen the helicopter fall just now and were afraid that they were in danger.

  As they were talking, they came to the front.

  Song Yi held her shoulders and looked up and down nervously: "How are you, are you injured?"

  This full of concern was about to overflow from his eyes.

  Jiang Xingzhi was still a little puzzled. What happened to this little Song, and he suddenly cared so much about his daughter.

  "No, don't worry, I'm fine.

  These people said they are here to take us away?"

  Seeing that she was indeed fine, Song Yi turned around and looked at the three people opposite.

  "Brother, don't get me wrong, we are good people."

  As she said that, she wanted to take out her ID again.

  Suddenly she remembered that the man just said she didn't know him, so she put her hand down.

  "Take it out and show it to me~"


  Zhang Tiezhu didn't expect that Song Yi would actually have this request, so he quickly took it out and handed it over.

  He prayed silently in his heart that he must be someone who knows what he is doing!

  Sure enough, Song Yi knows more than them.

  After asking about everything, he actually felt that he was not bad.

  "Please wait a moment, we need to discuss it."

  "Okay, then we'll go over first."

  The man knew that Song Yi was also a veteran, and the kind who had performed special missions, and he was also very polite.

  "There is no problem with their identities. This disaster is huge.

  The authorities have temporarily established four large-scale rescue bases across the country. Ours belongs to the northwest.

  It is in the mountains and is a former abandoned military base.

  Generally, there are some living areas next to such units.

  It is very convenient for temporary use."

  The convenience he said means that there is no need to build a house. As long as there are not many people, it can be arranged immediately.

  Jiang Yuan sighed at the speed of the authorities. There should not be many people left this time, and it is estimated that there are not many people left in the authorities themselves.

  "So, you mean that there is no problem over there, and we can go there!"

  "Well, I think it's okay."

  Song Yi nodded and answered decisively.

  At this moment, hesitating for a second longer would make others doubtful.

  "Then go, there is nothing we can do here.

  It is a blessing, not a disaster, and it is a disaster that cannot be avoided."

  "Sister Yuan is right, who cares about the dragon's den and the tiger's lair, we will know after we go there."

  Originally, I was still worried about the food problem.

  Now there will definitely be food over there.

  Zhang Kaiyang was naturally willing to go, and everyone quickly reached an agreement.

  They went back to pack up, and the three people had to go with them.

  When I saw Yueban Lake, I was also very excited.

  "It's not frozen and it's so clear~"

Chapter 385 Underground Base

2024-03-16 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Don't move~"

  Song Yi and Jiang Yuan shouted at the same time, and Zhang Tiezhu was stunned.

  He just wanted to drink some water, there was no problem with that, why did he react so strongly.

  "The water is not clean, you'd better not move."

  "Ah? Isn't it quite clear, how can it be unclean?"

  Zhang Tiezhu scratched his head, with a look of confusion.

  "Brother, there was no such lake here before, and there was water suddenly after the earthquake.

  Moreover, in such a cold day, the lake water is not frozen, don't you think there is something wrong?"

  When she said this, even the slowest person could hear the smell.

  "Oh my God, it's okay~"

  Zhang Tiezhu didn't think about the lake water anymore, and started to help pack up.

  They didn't have much luggage, but it was a pity to throw away the wood.

  Jiang Yuan persuaded again and again, and finally Jiang Xingzhi reluctantly threw away the useless wood.

  However, the three sleds that were made still had to be taken.

  This helicopter can't accommodate so many people.

  Now, there is no way to send other people to the base.

  They had to go separately. Jiang Yuan was the first group to take Qin Yue and the two children.

  The rest of the people went in the second group.

  The distance was not very far, and it took about 20 minutes to get there.

  This used to be a military base, and there were also living areas, but now all of them are unusable.

  It might be the damage caused by the earthquake. Looking around, there were broken walls and ruins.

  Zhang Tiezhu handed them over to a staff member and turned back to pick up other people.

  "Hello, please follow me!"

  "Okay, thank you."

  This was a girl, wearing a military uniform, heroic.

  Jiang Yuan used to like this kind of short hair very much, and always felt very capable.

  But Xia Chaoyang liked girls with long flowing hair, so she always had long hair.

  Later, when Xiao Nuan was born, she had to take care of the child, do housework, and take care of the business in the store.

  She didn't have time to take care of it, so she cut her hair.

  But it wasn't particularly short, not as short as this female comrade.

  It was really pleasing to the eye!

  "Aunt, sister, you guys stay here temporarily."

  "Okay, thank you for your help."

  "It's okay, wait a minute, you guys clean up first.

  When Zhang Tiezhu comes back, he will come to tell you about the specific precautions and so on."

  "Okay, thank you!" After

  seeing off this female colleague, Qin Yue and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

  There is no house left, and they are now in an underground air-raid shelter.

  This is one of the houses, the kind with a large open space.

  It is estimated to be more than ten square meters. If their family of four, plus Jingjing, live in it, it will be very crowded.

  However, in this situation, it is good to have a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

  What's more, it is equipped with bunk beds, a table and a chair.

  You must be content.

  "My daughter, the previous earthquake was so serious, how come there is nothing wrong here, it's really strange?"

  Qin Yue was cleaning up nearby, and suddenly thought of this question.

  "Mom, look here, it's all steel structure, the roof and everything is like this.

  This shows that when this place was designed, earthquakes were taken into consideration.

  Otherwise, people wouldn't have chosen this place.

  I guess there are only a few intact places like this in the whole country."

  "Oh, how did it become like this, it's really..."   

  Jiang Yuan looked at a row of small rooms, just like the dormitory building of a university.

  It was probably used as a temporary rest area for employees in the past. The living area over there should also be mainly for rest.

  Or those who bring their families can live there.

  "Mom, don't think too much. Let's go out and see what it looks like here."

  Jiang Yuan didn't say it too clearly, and Qin Yue knew it.

  Just like Changming Manor, when they first went there, they were also very happy and felt very lucky.

  But in the end, they almost got themselves involved. How could they not be afraid?

  So, they still have to be a little more cautious.

  Soon, Zhang Tiezhu brought Jiang Xingzhi and others over.

  Everyone was safe, and their uneasy hearts were put down.

  "This place is not bad, and there are bunk beds."

  Zhang Kaiyang was very satisfied. In fact, in comparison, the accommodation conditions over there in Changming Manor are better.

  That place is a place for private rental, and the facilities are relatively complete.

  And there are rooms and halls, and the division is very clear.

  However, this place is free and safe.

  Each has its own merits.

  "Everyone, the formalities have been completed. Take these cards. You can use them as entry and exit permits."

  Zhang Tiezhu came.

  He should have helped with the registration. He was really enthusiastic.

  "Thank you, Comrade Zhang. You are really a good public servant of the people."

  Ye Mianmian went up to take the cards and praised him. Who knew that Comrade Zhang Tiezhu actually blushed.

  "If it's inconvenient for you, I'll put it here for you."

  As he said that, he hurriedly took two steps forward, distanced himself from Ye Mianmian, and put the things on the table.

  Ye Mianmian looked at her arm. Alas, it was indeed not very convenient.

  "By the way, I only helped you get three rooms. There are also plans for accommodation here recently.

  When the living area in the back is rebuilt, it will be better."

  "Three rooms, that's fine."

  "It's like this. You female comrades have two rooms, and the remaining male comrades have to go to the next door."

  Uh, doesn't that mean Jiang Xingzhi has to go with them?

  "Comrade Tiezhu, then my dad may not be able to stay. Can he live in the same room with my mom?"


  He scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

  "I'm afraid not. There are only female comrades here. It's not very convenient for my uncle to be here."

  Uh, it turned out to be like this.

  "Okay, then we get it. Thank you, Comrade Zhang Tiezhu."

  Jiang Yuan felt that he had helped enough, and the rest of the matter could be discussed later.

  Now they are all in this space, so even if it is far away, it will be better.

  As long as there is not too much danger, and Song Yi is around, it will be better.

  "By the way, there is one more thing.

  Is there anyone among you who used to work in construction, or other related professions?

  We are now recruiting people for post-disaster reconstruction, and we need a large number of such talents."

  Jiang Xingzhi was about to speak, but Jiang Yuan shook his head.

  The last incident was too dangerous, and we can't continue to take it lightly.

  If you can avoid going out, try not to go out.

  Song Yi also saw it, and quickly said: "We don't do this, if there is a need, we can help."

  "Now we are counting those who have relevant work experience, and we haven't decided how to resettle the rest. We'll talk about it after we finish!"

  (End of this chapter)

   Chapter 386 Song Yi's Little Thoughts

  "Well, if you need anything, just tell me later!"

  Song Yi said politely, and didn't say anything else.

  Zhang Tiezhu also took the men to go there quickly.

  This is the female dormitory, and it is indeed inconvenient for them to be here.

  Jiang Yuan winked at Jiang Xingzhi, and the other party nodded and followed.

  There are also free meals here, right in this base, so there is no need to go out at all.

  They went to get some daily necessities, and it can be seen that except for the bedding, the rest are old.

  It should be used by the people here before, and they didn't take it away, and now it belongs to waste recycling.

  They went to take a few pieces, but they couldn't take too much. They

  all need to be registered, there is no way, there are too few things. There

  will be many people coming one after another later, and everyone has to be taken into account.

  They eat rice porridge and pickles, no matter what, they can be full.

  Jiang Yuan secretly brought some pickled mustard and gave them to Jiang Xingzhi and the others.

  Song Yi sat opposite her, and in addition to eating, he couldn't help but give some instructions.

  Recently, everyone has been together, and they don't think there is anything wrong. Just

  now, when he followed Jiang Yuan to the boys' dormitory, he felt particularly bad when he thought about parting with Jiang Yuan.

  No wonder people say that dating is addictive, he has never experienced it before.

  And seeing that Zhang Kaiyang obeyed Fan Qing so much, and even looked down on him.

  Now, if Jiang Yuan asked him to leave his life behind, he would not hesitate at all.

  This is when she did not agree to date him.

  If she agreed, it is not certain how crazy she would be.

  "I know, you have to be careful too. We are not very familiar with the situation here. We

  should find out more about it later.

  However, forget about work. Last time, my dad and the others were at the construction site.

  There was a sudden storm, which was too scary."

  "Yeah, I know~"

  Song Yi wanted to pick up the pickles in his plate and give it to her.

  Thinking of the many good things in her space, this thing is not nutritious and the taste is not very good, forget it.

  Each person had a small plate, and Jiang Yuan didn't touch her own.

  "Also, we need to figure out the route between our accommodations in advance.

  Once we encounter danger, you know..."

  "Well, don't worry, leave it to me."

  Of course he knew that once he encountered danger, her space was the safest place.

  No matter what others said, Jiang Xingzhi would definitely be brought in.

  They were lucky to be able to go in and hide together.

  After dinner, everyone separated, and Song Yi looked at him several times.

  Zhang Kaiyang found something wrong and went over to hug his shoulders.

  "Brother Song, what's wrong with you? Everyone has gone far away."

  "It's okay, I remembered something and didn't tell them..."

  "No wonder you hesitated to speak, just say it openly, we won't laugh at you."

  As soon as he looked up, he met Zhang Kaiyang's winking expression.

  His eyes sank, and the other party immediately dared not speak.

  However, he did not give up because of this.

  Jiang Xingzhi was still here, he knew that he couldn't say anything, so he found a place where no one was and secretly teased Song Yi.

  As soon as he went back, he got the opportunity.

  Let Jiang Xingzhi rest in the house. There are two bunk beds in their house, and now there are only three of them living there.

  I guess there will be others later, but I don't know when they will be assigned here.

  Two people went out to get water. There is also hot water supply here, but it is timed.

  There is a water heater next to the dining area, where you can get water.   

  Zhang Kaiyang urged Song Yi to go with him, and took the basin with him.

  These were all leftovers from other people's use. Even if you don't care, you have to clean them.

  "Brother Song, tell me the truth, are you interested in Sister Yuan?"

  Song Yi stopped and looked at Zhang Kaiyang with a wary look.

  The other party immediately got scared and hurried over to pull him.

  "Hey, what are you doing? I didn't say anything?"

  "How did you see that?" Oh

  my God, that's what he asked. Zhang Kaiyang rolled his eyes and almost vomited blood.

  "Brother, it's so obvious every day, it's hard not to know!"

  Song Yi touched his nose, feeling a little guilty. He has been very careful, okay?

  "Is it obvious? I'm very low-key!"

  "Oh my God, Brother Song, do you want to listen to what you are saying?

  In broad daylight, you almost glued your eyes to Sister Yuan, and you're still low-key.

  Who is low-key? You are like this!"

  Zhang Kaiyang said, and smiled and moved closer.

  "But I don't know when you started dating Sister Yuan, you kept it very secret..."

  Faced with the teasing, Song Yi felt lost for a moment.

  "We are not in love."

  "What? Impossible..."

  He just felt that Song Yi was talking nonsense and must be embarrassed.

  "It's true, Jiang Yuan doesn't have that intention, what is this called?

  Yes, unrequited love..."

  It was true, and now I miss her a little.

  Obviously there is nothing between the two of them, but I can't stop thinking about her, so strange.

  "Why, you are so good, Sister Yuan has no reason to reject you!"

  "Alas, she doesn't want to think about these things, she just wants to live well."

  Zhang Kaiyang nodded, with a look of understanding.

  "Brother Song, although you are better than me, you don't have as much experience as me in this kind of thing."

  When Song Yi heard this, what did this mean, is there any trick?

  "Kaiyang, tell me quickly, what should I do."


  He just wanted to be mysterious and make him nervous.

  The next second, Song Yi directly grabbed his neck.

  "Hurry up and say it, don't waste time."

  "Brother Song, you are too scary. You are going to kill for money. I really admire you, old man."

  Although he complained, he still said his thoughts word for word.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Of course, you are right to listen to me.

  Besides, we are now with uncle, which is very advantageous.

  If we take down the father-in-law, then his daughter will not be far behind?"

  Song Yi thought that Jiang Yuan cared about her parents and daughter the most.

  Maybe it is really feasible, so he nodded.


  Here, Jiang Yuan and Qin Yue lived in one room with the two, and Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing lived in another room.

  They were all single beds, and although they were with the children, it was still a bit crowded.

  At night, Jiang Yuan woke Qin Yue up.

  Let her go to bed, and she took Xiao Nuan to the space so that everyone could be more comfortable.

  After putting her daughter away, she went to see the supplies.

  Most of the things at the back were not sorted out and were piled in the southeast corner of the yard.

  I took some canned luncheon meat and bread and said I had put them in the cave.

   Chapter 387 Helping in the Kitchen

  Everyone would not think too much about it. If you take too many things from the past, it would be easy for others to find out.

  After packing a backpack, her daughter slept soundly, so she did not wake her up.

  She took a basket to pick small tomatoes, which were the waterfall cherry tomatoes she had planted before.

  Now they are ripe. In addition to red, there are also yellow ones.

  In addition, there is a purple one that can also be eaten.

  These are all seeds purchased online before. They are ripe in this season, thanks to this space.

  The good temperature, coupled with excellent well water, shortens the growth cycle of crops a lot.

  After finishing all this, Jiang Yuan went back to sleep. The quilts were all dried in advance, warm, and smelled of the sun.

  With the curtains drawn, the room was dark, which did not affect her sleep.

  The next morning, after she got up, she went to the kitchen to cook a big pot of shrimp porridge.

  This is nutritious and tastes good. There are still so many frozen shrimps in the refrigerator.

  Then, she quickly fried a small green vegetable and mixed a cucumber.

  Qin Yue and Jingjing came in to eat, although they didn't know where this place was.

  The little girl was very curious, but she didn't look around, for fear of making Jiang Yuan unhappy.

  "My daughter, your dad and the others can't eat today."

  "Yeah, there's nothing we can do now, Mom. I'll leave some here.

  When we find a chance, let my dad and Mianmian come in so they can eat some, too."

  "Alas, that's all we can do."

  Qin Yue was worried about Jiang Xingzhi, and she could understand that young couples are companions in old age, isn't that what they are like?

  "Mom, don't worry too much. If the living area over there is built, we can live together.

  I'll take some canned meat and other things and bring them to my dad later..."


  Seeing that Jiang Yuan was thoughtful, she didn't say anything.

  Now that they don't live together, it's difficult for Jiang Xingzhi to come over to visit.

  I don't know what's going on outside, and it's probably not easy to find a chance to be alone with him.

  She didn't want Jiang Yuan to worry, so she could only take it one step at a time. They

  still had to go out to eat in the morning. Although they were full, they still had to pretend to be eating, otherwise they would be easily suspected.

  However, when they were eating, most of the food was shared with several male comrades.

  Jiang Yuan also took out canned meat, and gave one to each household.

  However, you can't eat it here, you have to take it back to eat.

  It would be bad if someone found out.

  "Jiang Yuan, have you eaten it?"

  Song Yi held the canned meat in his hand, and felt a little warm in his heart. This was given to him by Jiang Yuan...

  "Don't worry..."

  She blinked like a little fox, and Song Yi knew that she must have eaten it in the space.

  That's good, he also laughed.

  Zhang Kaiyang watched the little movements of the two people, and felt happy in his heart. He always felt that he was about to become a matchmaker.

  I thought I could stay quietly for two days. As

  soon as I got back, the female comrade from yesterday came.

  Everyone called her "Squad Leader Cheng", and she is now in charge of the girls' dormitory on the logistics side.

  There were only thirteen people in the meeting, nine adults and four children.

  They have four adults and two children here.

  "It's like this, we have just started here, and many things are not perfect.

  In the next two days, the living area will be cleaned up.

  We female comrades have to help..."

  What the hell, they actually want them to work, it's really drunk.

  However, it is reasonable as this is a special situation.   

  If they don't work, it's really unreasonable to support them.

  "Squad leader Cheng, what can we do? The child is so young." The one

  who spoke was a mother, and her child was still in her arms. It looked like he should be seven or eight months old. He should have

  been born before the disaster. The child is good, but the mother must have suffered.

  She is thin and sallow, and it seems that she has been lacking nutrition for a long time.

  "We just need to do what we can. The child can be taken with us.

  There are not many female comrades in the base, and the kitchen team was temporarily transferred there.

  If possible, I hope everyone can go there to help..."

  To put it bluntly, it means to cook for everyone.

  This job is not bad, and you can take the child with you.

  The other few people were eager to try.

  For them, this way, they can eat more.

  This is a good thing, a great thing.

  "Squad leader Cheng, it's okay, we can all go."

  "Yes, I can go too."

  The others began to agree, and the pressure was on them.

  As a representative, Jiang Yuan had full power of attorney.

  "It's OK for us. As long as we can take care of the children, we should do some work."

  "Great, thank you on behalf of all the staff of the base.

  Don't worry, I will help you get new benefits as soon as possible."

  With the guarantee from squad leader Cheng, working in the kitchen is also a good job.

  A group of people are all beaming.

  Jiang Yuan doesn't care, just don't get too tired. She originally thought she could take a rest, but now the plan is ruined.

  Squad leader Cheng even came to Ye Mianmian and talked to her.

  "Comrade Ye, your arm is not convenient, so pay more attention to it, do whatever you can, and don't be stubborn!"

  "Okay, I know, thank you squad leader Cheng."

  She was also very satisfied, nodded, and asked everyone to go back to rest, and go with her to see the work place in the afternoon.

  There are still some precautions and working hours that need to be explained. In

  addition to the baby just now, there is also a little boy, estimated to be three or four years old.

  It's similar to Xiao Nuan, and she will have to give the two children some advice later.

  Working over there, it is not possible to pay attention to them all the time, and safety issues must be taken care of.

  Besides, the New Year has passed.

  The two children, one is six years old and the other is four years old, they are not too young.

  Some routine things must be known.

  Fan Qing and Ye Mianmian did not go back, but followed them to their dormitory.

  We still have to discuss today's matter.

  "Yuanyuan, if we go to work in the kitchen, do your dad and the others have to go out too?"

  "I guess so. There are not many survivors now, and all those who can be used will probably be used.

  No matter how much work they do, they can't be idle.

  You see, there are quite a few people living here, most of them are in the army.

  The dozen or so who came out today are probably all women."

  Except for the boy, he must be too young, so following his mother is quite humane.

  "In other words, they didn't find many survivors.

  Then this rescue base will not be too crowded in the future, don't you think, Sister Yuan?"

   Chapter 388 Mudslide

  "That should be the case. After we left Lushan Yayuan,

  we encountered storms and earthquakes. These two things alone can basically bury 90% of the people."

  The reason for this is that in the case of collapsed houses, to survive, you have to face such cold weather.

  You must be a person with particularly good physical fitness, or be well protected.

  Just like that little baby, otherwise it would be difficult to survive.

  Even this group of people are protected by the space, otherwise it would be dangerous.

  "Oh, really, but there is nothing we can do.

  We can still be here now and wait for the living area to recover.

  I still think it's a bit dangerous. If there is anything bad, will the situation outside be the same as the previous storm and earthquake?"

  Fan Qing looked at Jiang Yuan, hoping to hear her answer.

  "No one can say for sure. Who knows what will happen in the future."

  Seeing Jiang Yuan's melancholy look, everyone sighed.

  There is no way, the fact is like this, no one dares to guarantee anything.

  After lunch, everyone followed squad leader Cheng to the kitchen squad.

  That is the restaurant where everyone had eaten before. There are a lot of

  rice, flour, grain, oil and so on in the back kitchen. There are also some mustard greens, cabbage, potatoes, radishes and other long-lasting vegetables.

  Seeing that there are not many, they have never eaten them once.

  There are several chefs busy here. Because they have to go to work tomorrow, they don't have to stay to help in the afternoon.

  Jiang Yuan and the others who are with children are allowed not to come in the morning. It is really very humane.

  Qin Yue is worried that it is inconvenient for Ye Mianmian, so she puts Jingjing in the same group with her.

  In the morning, she will come.

  Ye Mianmian is also grateful. These people who go to work in the morning, plus noon, can leave early in the afternoon.

  It can be said that they complement each other. There are people at home in the morning and evening. If the two children are more noisy, it is also a good thing that there are people watching.

  After the explanation, everyone went out.

  There is no wind outside now. Except for the cold weather, everything else is pretty good.

  With the sun out, I always feel that even if it is cold, the feeling is different.

  Squad leader Cheng has nothing to do in the afternoon, so he takes everyone around.

  Jiang Yuan also wants to understand the environment outside and the layout.

  Except for the mother whose baby was still young, the rest of the people followed.

  They were living downstairs now, but the restaurant was on the ground, a temporary mobile cabin.

  You can come up directly from downstairs, so yesterday I thought it was underground.

  Squad Leader Cheng said that the door would be locked later, and everyone would go in and out from the ground.

  There is another row, which is mainly used for receiving people, and there are some offices and so on.

  There are not many, and it is quite spacious outside.

  I didn't observe it carefully the day I came before.

  There are many fortifications left here, and I don't know what they are used for.

  This side of the living area is not far away. I don't know what era it is. It looks like a five-story building, the most common staircase house. There

  are many in Xishi City, most of which are products of the 1970s and 1980s.

  They just looked around and didn't go far away.

  "It's still very dangerous here. If you go out, you can only stay in this range."

  Squad Leader Cheng told them about the situation nearby. There were people guarding the surroundings.

  There were even high platforms built everywhere with sentinels on them.

  Compared with Changmingzhuang, although it is rough, the level of detail is still acceptable.

  Now the time is short, and in time, the situation here will be more strict.

  "Squad Leader Cheng, why do they have to stand guard at such a high place?"   

  "Because this is a mountainous area, and there are more vegetation, we can see a lot of potential dangers."

  "I see, that's what it means, the higher you stand, the farther you can see. Is that right?"

  "That's right!"

  The woman was very happy and talkative, and she talked a lot with squad leader Cheng.

  Jiang Yuan didn't respond. At this time, it's better to keep a low profile.

  Their range of activities is limited, and there are people guarding around.

  With the sentinels on the high ground, safety is not a problem, but if you want to leave, it will probably be a problem.

  I hope everything is normal here, not like over there.

  Doing something as horrible as the human red mushroom.

  With a "bang", before everyone could react, there was a loud noise in the north.

  Then, things began to roll down from the mountain over there.

  It looked like an avalanche, but the main force this time was mud and stones.

  The speed was very fast, pouring down.

  And it produced a lot of dust. The sentinels began to blow the whistle. In case of an emergency, everyone had to be prepared.

  People came out of those offices immediately.


  Everyone wanted to prepare something, but didn't know what to prepare.

  "Go back quickly, it may be dangerous here."

  Squad leader Cheng urged everyone. Jiang Yuan looked around, but there was no sign of Jiang Xingzhi.

  Helplessly, she could only go back first.

  When they arrived at the dormitory, everyone was a little scared and their faces turned pale.

  The four of them were all in the same dormitory. When they talked about what happened just now ,

  they were also very scared. "Isn't this just a mudslide? How come we can encounter anything? I'm drunk."

  Fan Qing walked back and forth. The desire for safety made her unable to calm down.

  Jiang Yuan also understood her. After all, she had died twice.

  Now that she was alive, she naturally had to cherish it.

  Besides, Zhang Kaiyang was not there, and he was still separated from them.

  "Qingqing, don't worry. I don't think the situation over there is very serious.

  It's called a mudslide, but it's not raining now.

  The soil and everything is frozen. Compared with normal mudslides, there are just more stones.

  As long as no one is around, there will be no problem with the lethality."

  "Really, Sister Yuan, but I saw a lot of things rolling down."

  "That's true, but the mountain in the north is still quite far away from here.

  There's no one over there, so it's estimated that it will stop when it reaches the bottom."

  Ye Mianmian nodded. She saw it just now, and it was indeed quite far away.

  "Sister Yuan is right. We still have to be careful in the future and don't go there."

  "Yeah, that's it..."

  Qin Yue also agreed, and inevitably worried about Jiang Xingzhi again.

  "It's okay, maybe this is not a bad thing."


  After this, everyone looked at Jiang Yuan in shock. Was she serious?

  "I'm serious. Aren't we going to renovate the living area now?

  These big stones are the main building materials.

  Now they're delivered right under our noses, isn't this a good thing?"

  "Hahaha, Sister Yuan, you're so funny, but it's true!"

   Chapter 389 No casualties

  Ye Mianmian laughed so hard that tears came out. She really didn't expect Jiang Yuan to say that.

  The atmosphere suddenly became lively. Now in here, no sound from outside can be heard.

  Even if the mudslides over there never stopped, they would not know the situation here.

  "I just don't know how your dad and the others are doing.

  If you follow Qin Yue to the living area, you will probably see the mudslide this time. I hope everything is fine."

  Seeing Qin Yue like this, Jiang Yuan hurried over to comfort her.

  "Mom, it's okay, don't worry.

  We don't have any problems here, so there must be no problems in the living area, don't worry."

  "Yes, Auntie, don't think too much, there will definitely be nothing." There

  was indeed nothing wrong. After dinner, Jiang Yuan met Song Yi and others.

  Everyone sat together and discussed the mudslides during the day.

  "What, you mean it wasn't just one?"

  "Yes, I saw you too. We were in the living area at the time.

  You went in and I was relieved.

  Later, there were several more mudslides over there, but the scale was not particularly large."

  Song Yi explained the situation here to Jiang Yuan with great patience.

  Zhang Kaiyang curled his lips and gestured to Fan Qing.

  The other party didn't understand at first, but then his eyes widened.

  Good guy, his heart was full of disbelief.

  "Then are you going to work over there?"

  "Yes, but there are no requirements. Do whatever you can.

  There are not many people here now, and many things are unmanned. We go over to help, which is also considered to be our own contribution.

  When the living area is built in the back, we will also have priority."

  Song Yi had no other requirements, just hoping to live closer to Jiang Yuan.

  "Then you have to be careful, it's all dangerous work."

  Jiang Yuan said, looking at Jiang Xingzhi next to her, with a worried face.

  "Don't worry, I'm here, I will take care of my uncle."


  Jiang Yuan nodded, still worried.

  "I went around the area today. It's quite simple here.

  The guards are not bad. Many people will come here later, including some scientific researchers, and the medical care will also be improved."

  "So, are you serious this time?"

  "Yes, there are only four major bases in the country now, and ours radiates the entire northwest.

  While encouraging self-rescue, we will also go out to rescue, and it will slowly expand in the future. This is why we are so anxious to build a living area."

  Jiang Yuan nodded, not surprised by the news.

  "But how did you know?"

  Song Yi choked, not expecting her to ask this.

  Pointing to the opposite side, he saw Zhang Tiezhu coming over in a hurry with food.

  "Is there anyone here? Can I sit down?"

  The boy scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

  "No one, you sit down."

  Ye Mianmian looked up and continued to eat the porridge in his eyes, not really caring.

  "Comrade Ye, is it inconvenient for you to do this?"

  Ah, do you still need to ask this?

  Ye Mianmian smiled politely, her voice gentle.

  "It's okay, my right hand is fine, it won't affect my eating."

  "Well, that's good, but you have to eat more, otherwise, the nutrition won't be enough and it won't be easy to get better."

  Looking at the porridge and side dishes in front of him, it really didn't have much nutrition.

  "Here you go..."

  Before Ye Mianmian could say anything, an egg was pushed over.

  She was stunned. At this time, there was actually an egg?

  "I don't want it, you eat it, this is enough."   

  As she spoke, she pointed to the porridge in front of her.

  Jiang Yuan, who was sitting next to her, was also confused.

  What was going on with Zhang Tiezhu? He was openly showing his goodwill.

  After hearing what Ye Mianmian said, he did take the egg back.

  He cracked it, peeled it, and then put it in Ye Mianmian's bowl.

  "Hey, what are you doing? I don't want it..."

  "Eat it. It's in your bowl now. It's yours."

  As she spoke, she showed her big white teeth.

  Oh my god, why is this guy so immature?

  Jiang Yuan looked at the two of them and suddenly felt a little bit good.

  However, she didn't say much.

  Zhang Tiezhu seemed to feel a little embarrassed and buried his head to eat.

  Song Yi, however, couldn't sit still. They were in the same row now, so it was convenient to talk to him.

  "Tiezhu, your meals are different from ours?"

  "Well, because we need to go out to search for survivors, so we need to be more physically fit.

  There is an egg every day, but only one."

  He thought Song Yi wanted to eat it too, so he emphasized it.

  "I can fly a plane, too. Can I join in?"

  "Ah? You can fly a plane?"

  Zhang Tiezhu was also shocked. They really needed people. Rescue was a very troublesome thing.

  Currently, there are only three people who can fly a plane. It is really tiring to work for a long time.

  However, this is different from driving a car. Basically, no one can do it.

  He looked at Song Yi, his eyes were full of stars.

  "After we finish our meal, I will take you to our leader. He will definitely be very happy."


  The two of them agreed directly. Jiang Yuan was a little speechless. How did it become like this?

  Song Yi was very happy. Zhang Kaiyang told him before that he should take good care of Jiang Yuan.

  He also wanted an egg. Even if she didn't eat it, it would be nice to give it to Xiao Nuan!

  After dinner, everyone went about their own business.

  Jiang Yuan settled the two children and took out a bag of small stickers for them to play with.

  She was going to the dormitory next door to find Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing.

  The two were still very happy about her arrival.

  "Sister Yuan, come in quickly~"

  "Well, I was afraid that you guys fell asleep, so I came early."

  After saying that, she put the bag in her hand on the table.

  Fan Qing looked at her and felt that something was wrong, so he asked.

  "Well, it's true. This is cosmetics. I left it before. I brought it here for you to use."

  Ye Mianmian's things were basically not brought out, and Fan Qing was even more so.

  "Sister Yuan, what are you doing?"

  "Well, I just hope you can still put on some makeup.

  Mianmian, you see Zhang Tiezhu's performance today, it's obvious that he is interested in you.

  I'm afraid there will be problems, so we'd better pretend."

  She meant that she was afraid that Ye Mianmian would get hurt. In this case, looking good can easily bring disaster to yourself. She knew it.

  "Okay, I understand. Qingqing and I will both put on makeup when we go out tomorrow."

  "Well, don't make it too ugly all at once. Everyone has seen your true face these two days.

  Do it step by step, so it won't look too abrupt."

  "Okay, I understand."

  "Well, Sister Yuan, don't worry."

  Both of them had no objection, and she was ready to go back.

  Fan Qing suddenly pushed her down on the chair and said teasingly, "Sister Yuan, what's going on between you and Brother Song?"

   Chapter 390 Old Classmate Jiang Yuan

  "What's going on? What's with that expression on your face?"

  Jiang Yuan looked at the two of them, feeling a little embarrassed.

  How did she get caught in the act?

  "Sister Yuan, is there anything you can't tell us?"

  "That's right, there's no secret between the three of us!"

  The two of them were talking back and forth, and Jiang Yuan was a little overwhelmed.

  "Okay, you two, we don't have anything, don't think about it."

  Seeing her like this, they really couldn't get anything out of her, so the two of them were ready to change their minds.

  "Sister Yuan, you can't see how much Brother Song likes you!"

  "That's right, look at that look, he wants to rub you into his bones."

  Fan Qing said, with little stars in his eyes.

  "Ah, why say those things, what's the situation now?

  How can I have so much time to talk about love."

  Ye Mianmian pursed her lips, with a look of disapproval.

  "Sister Yuan, the world will get better.

  Don't be so negative. Brother Song is so good!

  He looks good and has abilities. The most important thing is that he treats you well. Please consider it."

  "Haha, Mianmian, please stop talking. Song Yi is indeed excellent, but I don't want to fall in love again.

  You know about my relationship with Xiao Nuan's father. Now, I don't want to think about those things.

  It's so easy to raise a child alone."

  "Sister Yuan..."

  Fan Qing wanted to say something else, but Jiang Yuan interrupted him: "Okay, stop talking. Don't forget the suggestion I just gave you."

  After that, she got up and left.

  Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing were left looking at each other and sighed.

  Song Yi's road to chasing his wife must not be easy!

  The next morning, everyone went to work.

  Working in a restaurant is not too arduous, and there is no strict system.

  The work is relatively easy. At the beginning, there is someone to guide, and later, they will do it independently.

  The food they cook is also relatively simple, without any complicated styles.

  Jiang Xingzhi and his friends are also okay. At the beginning, there is not much work, just some simple ones.

  Professional engineers came later, they just did odd jobs.

  Because they were old and the first group of people to come, they were more familiar with this place.

  He was appointed as the gatekeeper, and was usually responsible for registration and so on, which was quite easy.

  There were also people to talk to, except that they could not live with them, everything else was pretty good.

  Zhang Kaiyang was good at playing with drones, and now he followed them to search for survivors with it.

  Song Yi followed them to fly the plane and implement rescue as he wished.

  Everything was moving in a good direction, and Ye Mianmian's hand was almost healed.

  It was Comrade Zhang Tiezhu who always came over when he had nothing to do, which made her very annoyed.

  The days passed quickly, everyone settled down in the rescue base, and there were more and more people here.

  The weather was getting warmer, and now there was really a feeling of spring chill.

  On this day, Jiang Yuan was still getting food in the restaurant as usual.

  Then she heard someone calling her tentatively.

  "It's really you, I didn't expect to see you here."

  The other party was very excited, wearing a black leather jacket and gold-rimmed glasses, looking gentle and elegant, and adding a touch of nobility.

  "You are Jiang Yuan?"

  She was a little bit incredulous, and stared at the other person for a long time.

  "It's me, Jiang Yuan, long time no see~"

  "Indeed, wait a moment, I'll..."

  She gestured, and the other party understood immediately.

  "You go ahead, I'll wait for you over there."

  After saying that, she left. Jiang Yuan still had to serve food to others, so there was no more reminiscence.   

  Qin Yue was beside her and was also very excited when she saw it.

  "Yuanyuan, is that your classmate Jiang Yuan? Is this kid here too?"

  "Yes, Mom, I just found out too, it's such a coincidence."

  "That's right, if he hadn't come earlier~"


  Jiang Yuan interrupted her quickly. This matter can't be said casually.

  Qin Yue also reacted. Maybe it was a secret. It was revealed because of their good relationship.

  She couldn't say it casually. It would have a bad influence on others, which would be troublesome.

  The two of them hurriedly got busy and no one mentioned it again.

  Mom didn't know about her rebirth yet, and there was no need to talk about it now, which would only increase sadness.

  However, she didn't expect that she could meet the real person with an excuse she made up at the time.

  It was really too bad.

  After they were done, it was time for their employees to have dinner.

  Jiang Yuan took the plate and went over. Jiang Yuan was still waiting for her.

  When he saw her coming, he immediately stood up.

  "Please sit down. Don't be so polite.

  Jiang Yuan, why are you here?"

  "Are you surprised?"

  The other party smiled, which didn't match his mature and steady appearance at all.

  "Yes, I didn't expect everyone to be alive. I'm so lucky."

  This sentence of being alive expressed the sadness of so many people.

  "Jiang Yuan, I've been fine.

  After the extreme weather came, our institute was specially protected.

  All supplies are the same as before, except that there is no communication equipment.

  I tried to contact you, but you didn't reply. It should be because of the Internet and power outage.

  So this time, I directly chose the northwest region to organize post-disaster reconstruction.

  I didn't expect that I would actually meet you. I'm so lucky."

  Jiang Yuan told her all the situation on his side in one breath, like pouring beans.

  "Yes, it's lucky that the supply is not cut off."

  Think about it, he is a top talent in the world.

  The people with him are also elites. Everyone can go without food, and they must not be hungry.

  "What about you, have you been doing well during this period?"

  To be honest, he was afraid of hearing a bad answer, and he was also afraid that she had experienced too many difficulties.

  "It's all over, it's fine now, isn't it."

  Hearing this, he smiled with relief.

  Yes, it's fine now, isn't it.

  At this moment, Qin Yue also came out with two children.

  Xiao Nuan naturally sat next to her. Because she was not tall enough, Jiang Yuan took her plate and carried her to the chair.

  "This is your daughter, so cute..."

  "Yes, Xiao Nuan, this is Uncle Jiang~"

  the little girl called out sweetly, and Jingjing followed suit.

  "This is Auntie, I remember seeing her before."

  "Oh, you still remember this kid."

  Qin Yue smiled, and was very satisfied with Jiang Yuan's current success.

  "Oh, Xiao Song and the others are back, I'll go get the food~"

  These people were on a mission and often couldn't eat on time. As soon

  as Song Yi came in, he saw a man sitting opposite Jiang Yuan, and the two were talking and laughing.
