
281. Chapter 281 Fainted

2024-01-26 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  He muttered, then looked up and looked at Jiang Yuan in horror.

  The other party gave him a polite smile. There are many dead people outside now.

  Dogs are omnivorous animals, and it is not impossible for them to eat people.

  In addition, this dog is fat and strong, and looks very ferocious.

  It is absolutely possible that it went out to find corpses.

  Those people did not sit with them.

  After being frightened, they were much more obedient.

  There was no fire, and everyone had boiled water in their thermos cups, and they ate some bread or something.

  The people next to them were also surprised when they saw it.

  There are such delicate food now, and they can't help but want to come and see it again.

  The old man glared at his daughter, and the young girl immediately became timid and lowered her head to gnaw on the cold roasted potatoes.

  If you don't plan to stay any longer, you have to hurry.

  Jiang Yuan took out some new hot packs and replaced them for Qin Yue and Xiao Nuan, and then took the two to the back.

  Others just thought she was going to the toilet, and no one asked, so she went into the space.

  I replaced the hot water in the hot water bottle and put on a furry coat. This can keep you warm.

  It can also slow down the cooling of the hot water, which is very useful.

  It is about minus 50 degrees Celsius during the day, and Xiao Nuan spends most of her time sitting on a simple sled.

  But she is warm. After a while, Jiang Yuan will let her get up and walk around to relax.

  When she came out, she was holding a thermos cup in her hand. It was a relatively large one, the same as what they are using now.

  However, it was filled with hot water.

  Seeing this, Qin Yue hurriedly gave the one in her hand to her and put the empty one into the space.

  In less than three minutes, the mother and daughter came back.

  Song Yi asked everyone to pack up and get ready to go.

  It was getting late, so we had to hurry.

  The group of people were fine, and nothing happened.

  "Brother, you don't need to take the map, we know the way."

  His home is not very far from Changming Village, and he has been there before.

  "There is no reference at all now, and you can see it?"

  Song Yi said directly, and the man was not annoyed.

  "The location is probably fine. My dad has been doing business in the streets for many years, and he is familiar with everywhere."

  Seeing his proud face, Song Yi didn't say anything, but still insisted on looking at the map and compass.

  Soon, it got dark.

  Zhang Kaiyang was a little anxious and came to Song Yi for advice.

  "Why don't we find a place to rest for a night and set off tomorrow."

  Anyway, it's not the first time they have spent the night outside.

  "That won't work..."

  The old man came over quickly and directly rejected his proposal.

  "Young man, you don't know that the situation here is not very good. It's colder than in the city at night.

  Moreover, there are no low-lying villages nearby."

  The implication is that the original houses are buried underground.

  "Let's keep going and speed up, and try to get to Changmingzhuang before nine o'clock in the evening."

  "Uncle, can we get there before nine o'clock?"

  Zhang Kaiyang was also worried. If it's after nine o'clock, especially in the second half of the night.

  The temperature is more than 70 degrees below zero, and it's a matter of minutes to freeze to death.

  "Speed ​​up, it won't be a problem. If we waste time looking for a house, it will definitely not work."

  Song Yi looked at the map and made a rough calculation in his mind.

  The old man was right. Now is not the time to be pretentious.

  "Then speed up and try to arrive before nine o'clock."

  After that, everyone continued on their way.

  They were holding strong flashlights, and the other group was holding lanterns with candles inside.   

  It looked quite creepy, but no one said anything.

  Jiang Yuan, Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi took turns pulling the sled, so they were not too tired.

  But the more they walked, the harder it was to breathe, to the point where their breath turned into ice.

  Song Yi was in the front, and he didn't dare to slow down. Once he stopped, he didn't know what was going on.

  "Hold on, don't be discouraged, there are only two miles to go at most."

  The old man encouraged everyone, and his words were also weak.

  "Old man, don't talk, save your energy."

  "Okay, okay..."

  He panted for a long time, knowing that Song Yi was doing it for his own good.

  The group set off quickly. It was said to be two miles, but it might be farther.

  It was just to give them hope. It was already half past eight.

  Time was running out, and there was no room for optimism.

  Finally, they saw a light in front, and everyone got excited.

  It should be a village archway, like many villages here, it is a landmark.

  The terrain here is not low, which is why it is colder.

  In front is a row of trenches, with bags of things on them.

  It should be soil, as a shield, just like on TV.

  Jiang Yuan had played real-life CS before, and there was also this kind of arrangement.

  It seems that they have come to the right place.

  "What are you doing in front?"

  I only heard the voice, but didn't see anyone.

  However, this gave everyone hope!

  The old man hurried out and shouted to the front: "We are from Liujiazhuang. I heard from the robot that we can come over. There is help. Brother, you, you..."

  Before he finished speaking, he fell down.


  Several people next to him quickly reached out to catch him.

  This was because the voice was too loud, and he was a little short of oxygen from shouting, and it was cold here.

  Shortness of breath is a very normal thing, and there is nothing to explain.

  Sure enough, six people came out from there.

  They ran over and saw the old man's situation, squatted down to check.

  "Hurry, hurry in..."

  Saving people first is indeed different from the rescue center.

  The rest of the people were also brought in.

  There is a very large house at the door, which should be a previous residential building, with a large stove inside.

  The firebox is also very wide, and the hot water sitting on it has been turned on.

  "You guys just wait here, someone will come to register you later."

  "Brother, can I ask where my dad went?"

  As soon as they came in, they separated from the old man.

  "The old man has been sent to the infirmary, don't be nervous, just wait here."

  Jiang Yuan glanced at Song Yi, he was calm and didn't seem to care at all.

  The sense of vigilance in his body seemed to have disappeared.

  It seems that he has also made a certain judgment about this place.

  In his subconscious, it should be safe.

  However, she was not at ease.

  Everyone was warming up by the fire here, and Jiang Yuan had to look around vigilantly, for fear of encountering any danger by accident.

  "Oh, you can still make it here in the middle of the night.

  It's amazing. It's really cold today. Warm up by the fire first, and then come to register."

  A talkative man came in, wearing camouflage clothes. It seems that everyone here is dressed in this kind of military green.

282. Chapter 282 Big Bunk

2024-01-26 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  It also gives people a sense of security, and the attitude of the people here is really much better.

  The registration information is more detailed, and they ask about all aspects.

  Even how they survived the past few months, they have to ask clearly.

  Although Jiang Yuan was resistant, she still picked out what she said. The same   was true for

  the other few people. Everyone knew what they could and could not say.   "Okay, let's stop here today. Someone will come and take you to a place to rest."   The man said, and then he left.   When he reached the door, he suddenly turned back.   "By the way, there is no food in the canteen now. Someone will send you some food later."   Oh, there is free food, which is really good!   Especially that family, they were so happy that they took off.   After a while, a man and a woman came in and asked everyone to go separately.   Jiang Yuan glanced at Jiang Xingzhi, and her father nodded to her.   There was no way out due to the situation.   "Song Yi, please help take care of my dad. His arm is injured."   Jiang Yuan deliberately emphasized it, for fear that people would pay more attention to them.   Now that he is injured, it is also human nature to be taken care of.   "Don't worry."   Song Yi gave her a reassuring look, signaling her not to worry.   Men and women were separated, and the one leading their group was a tall and thin female comrade.   Even in the thick military uniform, she was still slim.   "Here, this is instant noodles, one box per person, go to the room to eat."   As he said that, he knocked on a door.   This place looked like a dormitory building, and they were on the fifth floor.   There were many doors inside, one by one, and even numbered.   The one who came in was 0512, which was on the sunny side.   "Wake up, everyone, a few people are coming over here, you guys get along well."   "Don't worry, Instructor Lin."   After instructing them, he said to Jiang Yuan and others: "You live opposite, and there are luggage on the bed. You   must turn off the lights before twelve o'clock at the latest, understand?"   "Okay, Instructor Lin, you've worked hard."   She followed suit and tried to keep a low profile.   After the people left, the people in the room also looked at them curiously.   The woman who had just spoken to them, who was probably in her forties, did not come down either.   With the quilt covering her head, it was still warm in the room.   However, there was no heating equipment, so I don't know how it was done.   "You guys just live across the street. Our place is temporary. We all came here today during the day. We   will be assigned to a place tomorrow, and then we'll have our own place to live."   Assigned to a place?   What's going on? It seems that this group of people are quite familiar with this place.   At least, they know more than they do.   "Thank you, big sister. What's your name?"   Jiang Yuan said, and put her things on the ground.   The rest of the people also started to get busy.   Now that we have a bed, we should have a good rest. We are exhausted today.   Although these beds are all bunk beds, and they are next to each other.   It's the same as the big bunk bed we talked about before.   Fortunately, there are not many people in this room, and they can all use the four beds across the street.   "My last name is Zuo. Since you are not very old, just call me Sister Zuo.   We are all from the same village. By the way, where are you from?"   

  Jiang Yuan smiled. It seemed that the people who came here were all from the neighborhood.

  The old man said that a robot was used to deliver the message.

  They couldn't walk far. It would take time to go to other places.

  "Sister Zuo, we are from the eastern suburbs. We heard that this place can save lives, so we brought our families here."

  "That's right. Your husbands have all gone there!"

  Well, she didn't have any husbands.

  However, she still said "um" faintly.

  Sister Zuo was very talkative and helped introduce the other people in the room.

  Jiang Yuan also introduced the people here. Xiaoling was going to make instant noodles for everyone.

  "Sister, there is hot water there. You can use it."

  As she said that, she pointed to the door. There were

  two thermos bottles there. If you didn't look carefully, you really didn't see it.

  Xiaoling hurriedly thanked them and went to get water.

  "No, no, this is provided by others.

  There is a water room on the far right of the corridor. You just need to fill it up

  later." Xiaoling thanked them profusely and went to make instant noodles for everyone. After

  a day of hard work, it was really rare to have a bite of hot food.

  "I have some beef jerky here. If you don't mind, have one."

  Jiang Yuan was very generous. She gave everyone a piece of the small package.

  "Oh, how can I be so embarrassed."

  Although Sister Zuo said so, she still took it happily.

  "This is all we have. It's fate that we can get together today.

  There will be food and drink in the future, so don't worry. Just share it!"

  This is meat. It has been a long time since they last had it. The people on the opposite side were very happy.

  Although Ye Mianmian didn't know why Jiang Yuan did this, she must have her own reasons.

  She helped to make noodles, put the luggage together, and waited for the noodles to boil.

  "Sister Zuo, what do you mean by unified distribution?

  We came here late and don't know anything."

  "Hey, sister, you came here really late."

  I don't know if it was because of her meat jerky, everyone became active.

  You talked, I talked, and started talking about things here.

  Jiang Yuan also got a general idea. It turned out that this place was also a place similar to a relief center.

  However, pure relief and home reconstruction here are also developing.

  Everyone who comes here has to work.

  According to the nature of their previous work, they find some suitable and competent jobs to do.

  Because there is no particularly sound system now, many occupations are useless.

  However, those who are strong can go over and help build houses, which is physical work.

  In exchange for accommodation and three meals a day, of course, some people do not have to work.

  The elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled must undergo strict review.

  In addition, these people are just not starving to death. How well they eat, even eating enough is a problem.

  However, accommodation can be provided free of charge.

  It is probably here. This house looks quite old. It should have been a dormitory before. They came here and requisitioned it directly.

  It was too dark at night, and they did not see the specific situation here clearly.

  "Wait until tomorrow, let's see what we can do. At least it's better than waiting to die at home, don't you think?"

  "That's the reason, Sister Zuo, fortunately you know a lot, otherwise we will still be in the dark tomorrow."

  Jiang Yuan complimented a few words and started eating noodles.

  Wait a minute, we have to go to bed early, we can't delay too long. The

  lights here are supposed to be turned off at nine o'clock. Because this dormitory is mobile, it is different from others.

  After dinner, Jiang Yuan prepared to fetch some water.

Chapter 283 See You Again

2024-01-27 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  As I said just now, you have to refill it.

  Now that you are here, you have to follow the rules here.

  Ye Mianmian saw her stand up and followed her: "Sister Yuan, I'll go with you."


  Qin Yue, Xiaoling and Fan Qing were making the beds here, taking their two children with them.

  Jiang Yuan and the others came out and went to the end of the corridor.

  As expected, there was a water room, which was the most primitive one.

  I don't know if it was made of stone or cement, but there was a row of faucets on it.

  There was a water heater next to it, which was placed alone at the door.

  There was a toilet inside, which could be flushed, and it was also the kind that was unblocked.

  Although it was not a dry toilet, the flushing was also done regularly.

  It was not clean, but it was much better than outside.

  "It seems to be similar here to when we were in school before. The dormitory we lived in at that time was of this type."

  "Indeed, it should have been temporarily requisitioned."

  Because there was no one else here, if it could be used, it would definitely not be wasted. Among

  these ready-made houses, only dormitories can accommodate the most people.

  Maybe these equipment were also originally there.

  The two of them got water and hurried back.

  She was worried after being out for a long time.

  After all, there were other people in the room, so she had to be on guard.

  Sister Zuo was already asleep, so they tried to move as quietly as possible.

  Qin Yue waved to her, and Jiang Yuan put down the thermos and hurried over.

  "What's wrong, Mom?"

  "Nothing, hurry up and clean up. They just said that the lights should be turned off at a certain time, and we can't delay for a moment." "Okay


  Jiang Yuan turned her head to look at Ye Mianmian again, and she nodded as well.

  There were four beds put together below, which were the simplest steel frame bunk beds.

  The width was about 90 cm per bed, and the distance was 3.6 meters.

  They had two children and five adults, so they couldn't live there.

  Fan Qing and Ye Mianmian slept on the upper bed, so that they could take care of the children downstairs, which was more convenient.

  There was no conversation that night, and everyone closed their eyes and took a nap!

  Jiang Yuan was also very emotional. She had experienced too many things in the past two days, and she couldn't accept it.

  It was like being forced to do something, and now it was like being forced to do something.

  I don't know if it's right or wrong to come here, but there are so many people, so it should be better.

  I hope it won't be the same as the rescue center. The extreme weather doesn't know when it will end. I don't

  know what tomorrow will be like. I don't want to think about it anymore. I'll go to sleep quickly.

  She turned over and found that Qin Yue was not asleep either. She must be worried about her father.

  Jiang Yuan reached out and patted her mother. She looked over, smiled, and didn't say anything.

  The next day, at six o'clock, there was a bell ringing.

  It really took me back to my student days, but it's not even dawn now. Isn't it too early?

  "Sister Zuo, are you asking us to get up?"

  She was also dazed, obviously not well slept.

  "Yes, get up quickly, we only have half an hour.

  After we're done, we still have to clean up."

  As she said, she put on her clothes, and the others got up.

  After tidying themselves up, they also had to make the bed clean.

  Jiang Yuan and the others' luggage were all placed aside, so it didn't affect anything.

  Several people moved quickly. She took a few cotton towels and used the hot water she had collected last night.

  After we wet them, she wiped the faces of several people.

  It would be too troublesome to go to the bathroom to wash.

  The noise in the corridor was quite loud, people were walking back and forth, either going to the toilet or washing their faces.

  It was also very convenient for them.   

  At half past six, Instructor Lin showed up on time.

  He looked around the room and was quite satisfied.

  "Put all your things under the bed, and then come with me to eat!"


  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to ask more questions, and could only obey orders now.

  Sister Zuo was also very fast. Instructor Lin led the way and they soon arrived at the canteen. There

  were not many people here, and they were all women.

  One steamed bun and a bowl of corn porridge for each person, which was today's breakfast.

  Everyone lined up here, no one cut in line, and no one made a loud noise.

  Jiang Yuan began to observe this group of people, who seemed a little mechanical and not very energetic.

  Logically speaking, the living conditions here are okay, and the food is not too bad, so it shouldn't be like this.

  I can't figure it out!

  After queuing up to them and receiving the food, they started to eat.

  "Mom, this is not delicious."

  Yes, it is indeed not very delicious.

  My daughter has always eaten well, even in the end of the world, they also cook in different ways.

  "Xiao Nuan, be obedient, now everyone only has this, eat a little to have strength."

  As he said, he also winked at his daughter.

  Although the little girl was reluctant, she still drank the bowl of porridge.

  After eating here, you need to wash your own dishes.

  At seven o'clock, everyone had cleaned up, and even wiped the tables in the cafeteria by themselves.

  Instructor Lin took a group of them to a place similar to an auditorium.

  Song Yi and the others were also in there, and it seemed that they had just arrived.

  Seeing that Jiang Xingzhi was fine, she was relieved.

  After everyone was seated, someone came up to speak.

  "Welcome everyone to the survivor base, you can call me Teacher Liu.

  I believe that everyone knows the situation here after the training yesterday.

  I have read your information, and we need a lot of people here to help.

  In addition, there is the issue of accommodation. You can live in a dormitory or apply for a separate house..."

  Jiang Yuan listened very seriously, which was related to their quality of life in the future.

  First of all, there is the problem of work. She is engaged in the sales of building materials and home furnishings, and there is nothing suitable for her here.

  Jiang Xingzhi knows some carpentry, so he can be transferred over to work with the construction team.

  "You can choose to live in a dormitory or apply for a separate apartment.

  However, you need to pay for a separate apartment.

  If you live with everyone, you can get a subsidy of 500 yuan per month in addition to normal meals." My God

  , labor is so cheap now.

  You know, even if her father is a laborer, he earns more than 200 yuan a day.

  Tsk tsk, it's really incomparable.

  "I want to live alone, I wonder how much it will cost?"

  Going to a dormitory means that their family will be separated, which is not acceptable.

  "One-bedroom, 500 yuan.

  One bedroom and one living room, 1,000 yuan.

  Two bedrooms and one living room, 1,500 yuan."

  Jiang Yuan was stunned. It was so cheap, no wonder the pay was so low.

  Calculated in this way, the salary of one person is just enough to rent a one-bedroom house.

  Jiang Xingzhi looked over, and Jiang Yuan silently stretched out two fingers.

  Then, pretended to gather her hair.

  "Then I want a two-bedroom!"

  The man gave a puzzled look. There are very few people who have savings now.

  "Think it over. We only accept cash here."

Chapter 284: The Place to Stay

2024-01-27 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "I know, I just have this money."

  If you can't withdraw the money, it's just a string of numbers. There are very few people who can take out cash now.

  "Okay, in that case, then you go over to register and pay the money!"

  Jiang Yuan quickly took out some money from her pocket and handed it to Jiang Xingzhi.

  Surprisingly, the house here is paid monthly, and there is no deposit or anything.

  It's good, probably considering the convenience of moving in the future.

  Song Yi was also recruited into the guard team, but he had a disability certificate and was assigned some civilian work.

  It's also a good place to go. Jiang Yuan found that they treated soldiers, even retired soldiers, with a lot of preferential treatment.

  Even when she learned that Xiaobutian was once a military dog, she saluted him.

  He chose a single room with a kitchen and bathroom.

  Xiaoling became a teacher as she wished, and many people who came here brought their children.

  Now that the adults are out, this child is a problem.

  If no one is watching, it's easy to freeze to death at home.

  So, an emergency study class was set up here.

  It's called learning, but in fact it's helping to take care of the children.

  They also chose to live on their own. They still had some money, although not much. The couple could make money together and support themselves.

  Moreover, if she worked, she could bring Jingjing with her, which was good.

  "Then can those who don't have a specific job apply to live in that house?"

  Zhang Kaiyang was anxious. He had just graduated from graduate school and had no work experience.

  Now his arm was broken, and he couldn't go out.

  But he also wanted to live on his own. If he went to the dormitory, he would be separated from Fan Qing.

  "Okay, there are extra rooms now. If you need them, go and register."

  They were all rich, including Ye Mianmian, who chose a single room for 500 yuan.

  If they lived together, 1,500 yuan for two bedrooms, which would be 750 yuan after being divided, which was not cost-effective.

  The rest of the people had no suitable place.

  Liang Kang was assigned to work with the construction team.

  Jiang Yuan and others were assigned to the greenhouse, which was said to be a place to grow food.

  Including Zuo Jie and others who had no skills, they were also assigned here.

  However, they chose to live in a free dormitory instead of living alone.

  Instructor Lin sent them to their accommodation. Jiang Yuan thought it was a newly built house.

  It turned out to be a self-built house, probably for rent.

  It was eight stories high, with various types of apartments and many people living in it.

  They really know how to make use of existing resources!

  To come here, you have to go through a series of registrations.

  It's quite strict, but it's good that way, so that no dangerous people can sneak in later.

  The rooms assigned to everyone are not very far away, all on the sixth floor. The

  two-bedroom and one-living room that Jiang Yuan and her friends chose are all in the corner. Because there are not many people living there, they asked for a north-south transparent one.

  If the sun comes out in the back, the sunshine will be beautiful.

  Song Yi still took the room next to their house, and the rest of the people lined up in order.

  This time they were all together, and there was no need to worry about upstairs and downstairs. Everyone was still very happy.

  "Okay, you guys clean up here, and at noon, go to the duty room downstairs to get the introduction slip.

  You can have two free meals in the dining room, and tomorrow morning, you will still go to the same place as today.

  Someone will take you to your respective workstations, do you understand?"

  "I understand!"

  Instructor Lin was very satisfied, and said a few more words before leaving.

  Everyone was very happy to have a new house.

  "Okay, let's go back, clean up and settle down."

  Luggage was distributed downstairs, which was quite humane.

  The house was quite new, and it looked like it had just been renovated and had not been occupied much.   

  Qin Yue came in and started cleaning. The facilities in the house were very simple.

  Each bedroom had a bed, a small wardrobe, a table and a chair. There

  was nothing in the living room. The kitchen had a simple basin and no cooking utensils. The bathroom had

  a toilet and a wash basin, and each room had a set of brooms and a trash can.

  She was 100% sure that this must have been equipped by the previous owner of the house. They came here and definitely did not make any modifications.

  "There is heating here. Our life will not be difficult."

  Jiang Xingzhi was very excited. He touched the temperature of the radiator. Although it was not high, it would not freeze people to death.

  Jiang Yuan was also surprised. She hurried over to touch it. It was really warm.

  "Xiao Nuan, come and warm up..."

  The family was happy, and Song Yi also came.

  "Jiang Yuan, let's go get the quilt!"


  She went out and called the others by the way.

  In the duty room, they had already prepared it for them, and the speed was very fast.

  After returning, Jiang Yuan took out a four-piece set of plush and thickened quilts from the space.

  In fact, this quilt is not too thick. She will take out two more when she goes to sleep later.

  If they were to take them out now, it would be too conspicuous.

  There were several woven bags, and mom and dad were packing them there.

  Jiang Yuan brought them into the space, and they also had to take out a little bit of daily necessities.

  Not too much, they had to do it slowly.

  After all, they only had those two woven bags, plus a backpack each, how much stuff could they put in!

  She brought Xiao Nuan to Ye Mianmian's place, and she was also packing.

  "Sister Yuan, come in quickly."

  The room here was simpler. Ye Mianmian asked her to sit directly on the bed, and also took a piece of chocolate for Xiao Nuan to eat.

  "Mianmian, this little house is also very good, and it is convenient for you to be alone."

  "Yes, sister Yuan, to be honest, I am quite content."

  As she said that, she put Grandma Ye's ashes on the table opposite.

  When living with Zhang Kaiyang and others, you still have to be more careful.

  Moreover, there are boys in front of you.

  Now I am the only one left, at least there are not so many constraints.

  "Mianmian, this is the situation. We may have to live here in the future.

  At least, this is the situation now. We have to adapt to it!"

  "I know, Sister Yuan, I am really satisfied.

  Have you touched it? The heating here is warm, warmer than at home."

  "Yes, I touched it."

  Looking at her, she was really happy.

  "If you have anything, you must tell me. I promised grandma that I would take care of you. Don't be polite to me!"

  Ye Mianmian felt relieved. It was rare for Jiang Yuan to keep her promise even though she was dead.

  "Sister Yuan, thank you, I know."

  "By the way, I came here today to tell you something."

  When she became serious, Ye Mianmian did not dare to be careless.

  "Sister Yuan, you talk, I'm listening."

  "Mianmian, we are going to work tomorrow, and we may not meet anyone.

  You need to make up your face."

  When she said this, she touched her cheek nervously.

285. Chapter 285 Eating Alone

2024-01-28 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Sister Yuan, what's wrong with me?"

  To be honest, Ye Mianmian still cares about her face.

  "Mianmian, listen to me, we are new here, and we are not familiar with many things and people.

  We have to go to work tomorrow, and we may not be together all the time.

  You are too beautiful, I am worried."

  Hearing her say this, Ye Mianmian understood instantly.

  "Sister Yuan, don't worry, I will put on a uglier makeup tomorrow..."

  Seeing her so understanding, Jiang Yuan was still very relieved.

  "Mianmian, I'm sorry for you, but you must be on guard against others.

  Now the world has changed. As long as we can survive, we can't care too much about other things."

  Ye Mianmian came over and held her hand, his eyes burning.

  "I know, Sister Yuan, don't worry, I will protect myself and won't let you worry."

  She entered society early and has seen too many ugly human natures.

  Beauty is not an original sin, but being targeted by others is a weapon that kills you.

  "Mianmian, be more careful about everything. You live alone now.

  Do you have the intercom I gave you?"

  "I have it."

  She knew that this thing was very important and was also the key to contacting everyone, so she brought it with her.

  "Well, when you come back at night, turn it on and put it where you can easily get it."


  Jiang Yuan didn't trust anyone, so she hoped that Ye Mianmian would be more vigilant.

  The two chatted for a while and then came to Zhang Kaiyang's place.

  She left some cosmetics for Fan Qing and told her to put on some ugly makeup before going back.

  Coincidentally, she ran into Song Yi in the corridor.

  "Let's go downstairs to get the introduction slip, then go to eat, and talk about other things when we come back in the afternoon..."

  Jiang Yuan looked at her watch and it was indeed time.

  She went back to greet her parents and the group set off.

  They went to eat and it was relatively smooth.

  They all had stewed cabbage, a spoonful of rice for each person, and a steamed bun.

  Children can only choose one staple food.

  For adults, this is not enough to eat, especially men.

  However, it is good to have food, and no one is picky.

  "Young man, it's you guys!"

  The old man they met on the road was very friendly when he saw them.

  "Uncle, are you feeling better?"

  "Much better, girl, thank you for thinking of me.

  We are destined to be together. We will be here in the future. If there is anything, help each other."

  Jiang Yuan also laughed, knowing that it was all polite words.

  But she had to do the job!

  "No problem, uncle, let's get to know each other more in the future." The uncle

  's surname is Ma, and everyone calls him Lao Ma or Uncle Ma.

  "Girl, you are a couple!"

  As he said that, he glanced at Song Yi next to him.

  "No, uncle, don't get me wrong, my brother is still a young man."

  "Oh, that's great, I think this young man is good.

  He looks good and has good skills. If he doesn't have a partner, be my son-in-law!"

  Uh, I never expected that he wanted to introduce him to a partner.

  Jiang Yuan was also stunned, feeling a little guilty, and didn't dare to look at Song Yi.

  But the other party didn't even raise his head, and directly reached out and pressed Jiang Yuan's hand.

  She felt as if she had received an electric shock, and quickly turned her head to look at him.

  The other person was very strong, and she couldn't get away.

  "Uncle, I'm sorry to have embarrassed you. I got a little mad."

  He spoke slowly, and Jiang Yuan understood his intention. He wanted to use her to ward off trouble.

  However, she was also a talkative person, so she helped him.

  Jiang Yuan pretended to be angry, snorted, and continued to eat.   

  This cabbage has no oil or water at all, and we need to have more food when we go back.

  However, no one dared to leave any.

  If you waste food, you will be finished.

  Xiao Nuan ate very slowly, and Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue had finished eating.

  Sitting and waiting for everyone to eat together, the old man also left, and Jiang Yuan apologized to Song Yi.

  The other party turned to look at her sideways, without any emotional waves: "From now on, I'll ask you to pretend to be my wife."


  "Haha, you are really good at joking..."

  Jiang Yuan smiled awkwardly, lowered her head to eat, and never talked nonsense again.

  After eating, several people went back.

  "Dad, Mom, let's go to the inner room."


  There are curtains in this house.

  They didn't hesitate to pull them up directly, and then the family of four flashed into the space.

  "Oh, those meals are really good.

  If you eat them every day, you can succeed without losing weight.

  My dear grandson, you are not full, grandma will make you delicious food."

  Qin Yue said, and went into the kitchen.

  She knew the location of the things she put in there before.

  All the food in the house was brought over, and there were many prepared meat dishes.

  She heated up the braised pork ribs, picked a few cucumbers and mixed them into a cold dish, and then steamed a pot of rice.

  She asked everyone to come over and eat some more. Jiang Yuan was not very hungry, but she didn't want to disappoint her mother, so she went over to eat some.

  In the afternoon, Xiao Nuan wanted to sleep, so she let her sleep in the space.

  Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue went to help her clean up the vegetable garden. Although Jiang Yuan knew how to do it, she was really not very good at it.

  This kind of vegetable needs to be more delicate.

  But she was not idle either. There were still many things that she had brought in before that she had not cleaned up.

  Especially clothes, I really felt that I had hoarded too much.

  Hurry up and clean up. Now that the place is big, hang up what should be hung and fold what should be folded.

  In addition, take out two sets of clothes that are often worn.

  Especially for children, they should change clothes frequently.

  Keeping hygiene should be developed from childhood.

  Dad and Mom pulled weeds from the vegetables and watered them, and then came back satisfied.

  Xiao Nuan woke up at the right time, and Jiang Yuan brought a box of strawberries over.

  "Oh, where did this come from?"

  "I found it in my boss Ye Mianmian's office before, but I never had the heart to eat it.

  Let's improve it today. I also bought a lot of fruit seeds before.

  Let's plant some when we see it later. "


  Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi ate one each and stopped eating. Xiao Nuan ate it sweetly.

  I haven't eaten strawberries for a long time. I ate canned ones at home, which naturally didn't taste as good as this original flavor.

  "By the way, Dad, we will work separately tomorrow.

  You should pay more attention to yourself. We have a way out..."

  Jiang Xingzhi was relieved to see his daughter caring about him.

  "Don't worry, your dad knows the importance.

  You and your mom will go to work tomorrow, but you have to take good care of Xiao Nuan and don't let her run around."

  "Don't worry, I will take good care of the child."

  Today, they also asked specifically.

  The child can be brought with him, and Jiang Yuan will also be paid for working there.

  She guessed blindly that they wanted to continue using paper money.

  And all the economy must be restored.

  If you want currency to circulate, you must have a buying and selling relationship.

  If there is money here later, she will be able to give full play to her strengths.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 286 Assigned to the Greenhouse

2024-01-28 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  The thought of being able to do some small business in the end times made her excited.

  The situation here is much better than it was in normal times, she said, referring to the purchasing power of currency.

  Although other things are not involved now, the rent and compensation are very telling.

  It is okay for the people coming here now, as there are enough dormitories to live in.

  If more people come later, the number of people renting houses will definitely increase.

  They don't know much about this place, so they still need to ask more in the next few days.

  A few people packed up and went back to sleep.

  Here, we have to get up at six o'clock every day, before dawn.

  Jiang Yuan has never gotten up so early in these years.

  Although running a business by herself is a little tiring, it is more convenient to control time.

  Many customers are also unwilling to get up early, so her work is usually concentrated in the afternoon or later.

  The house is not particularly cold, and they can still accept it.

  There is no other heating facilities, so they slept all night.

  After getting up, they hurried to wash up.

  There is a faucet in the house, but there is no water.

  It is too cold, and the water pipes are frozen.

  Hot water is collectively supplied. There is a large water heater downstairs.

  Hot water is supplied 24 hours a day.

  The toilet is also collective, and it is forbidden to use it at home.

  Jiang Yuan doesn't care. She comes down occasionally during the day.

  If she is in a hurry, she will ask her family to go to the space.

  She found that many people who came down were holding a small bucket.

  Then they went to the toilet, and the purpose is self-evident.

  Fortunately, there is temperature in the house. If it freezes, it will be too embarrassing.

  Most people still choose to come out to solve it.

  This bucket is also precious.

  Yes, no one will bring a bucket when going out.

  Why do everyone use the same, and the eyes and specifications are basically the same, what's going on?

  "What are you looking at?"

  When he looked up, he met Song Yi's inquiring eyes.

  "It's okay, get some water, you get up too..."

  "Well, tomorrow, don't come down, I'll help you get water..."


  "No, it won't take much effort!"

  They came late today, and there were more than a dozen people queuing in front of them.

  Because they didn't receive it yesterday, the duty room staff called them when they came in the morning.

  Two basins were given to each room, yes, according to the number of rooms.

  Although she felt that it was more humane to give it according to the number of people, she didn't dare to ask.

  Before she figured out everything here, she still had to be quiet.

  When they arrived, the water was not very hot.

  Jiang Yuan was a little strange. The people in front needed to add some cold water.

  When they took it out, it was warm directly. Could it be that they were using solar energy?

  "Don't think about it, it could also be wind power."

  Jiang Yuan widened her eyes. This Song Yi could actually guess what she was thinking.

  It's not a worm in her stomach, or he can read minds.

  She was really crazy. She could think of such a bizarre thing.

  Jiang Yuan smiled awkwardly, said no more, and went back with the basin. She

  quickly packed up, then went to eat, and had to report together.

  People with main jobs were taken away by their respective units.

  Song Yi looked at her, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and then shook his head.

  Let her be a little confused about what's going on, don't act rashly?

  Before she could ask, he followed the other person and left.   

  With the remaining scraps, a woman in her forties came over.

  "Are these all going to work in the greenhouse?"

  Instructor Lin had a blank expression on his face, but he looked very heroic.

  "Yes, Sister Ying, take them with you!"

  "Okay, follow me!"

  All of them were women, and they all came out.

  Only Zhang Kaiyang was resting at home. His arms were tied up,

  and anyone could tell that he was a patient. Actually, it was hard to tell what the three, two, and one were...

  Sister Ying led them out, Jiang Yuan and Qin Yue each held Xiao Nuan's hand, and Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing followed beside them.

  Sister Zuo's group was also here, as well as the old man's daughter-in-law and daughter. The little boy didn't come with them.

  I don't know if he was sent to a study class or worked with the men.

  She just found out that men without special skills would follow to the construction site.

  As for what they did, it was nothing more than some physical work.

  After walking for about twenty minutes, they stopped.

  There was no village or shop in the greenhouse.

  It felt like the land in the village had been temporarily developed.

  There was a mobile house next to it, and construction was underway.

  "Everyone, look here..."

  Sister Ying clapped her hands, and all the Civics returned.

  "Today, you are all assigned here, so you have to work hard.

  Our greenhouse is mobile, and everyone will come to register later.

  If you don't come the next day, you must tell them in advance, and you are not allowed to let others take the day off.

  Also, we are paid ten yuan a day."

  When they heard that there was ten yuan, the people below began to whisper.

  Jiang Yuan sighed in her heart, the labor cost is too low.

  However, a skilled worker like Jiang Xingzhi only makes five hundred yuan a month.

  Ten yuan a day is really a lot for them, the scraps.

  "Don't talk, don't talk casually when I don't ask you to talk in the future, do you hear me?"

  Sister Ying has never smiled, and her expression now is even more scary.

  Xiao Nuan hid behind Jiang Yuan without a trace, and Qin Yue hurried over and blocked her behind her.

  "Sorry, Sister Ying, we are new here and don't know the rules. Please continue..."

  Sister Zuo laughed, looking like a bootlicker.

  "Okay, just pay more attention next time.

  We are far away from here, so you can go back half an hour earlier for lunch.

  Work starts at two in the afternoon. If you are late once, you will be fined five yuan..."

  Oh my god, half of the day's salary is gone, it's really unfair!

  However, no one dared to speak, and Sister Ying was quite satisfied this time.

  She continued to talk about some routine operations and things that need to be paid attention to.

  "Wait a minute, go and cut the sweet potato vines first, and then plant them in another greenhouse. This is your job."

  Oh my god, my parents just told her about this.

  I didn't expect to encounter it today. Some things are really magical.

  When she got to the greenhouse, Jiang Yuan was still shocked.

  This greenhouse is estimated to be fifty meters long and seven or eight meters wide.

  It is planted with sweet potatoes, and I don't know where so many sweet potatoes come from.

  Do these people have food? There are so many, I guess only emergency granaries can do it.

  It's really not her nonsense, because there are several greenhouses next to it.

  If it is full of plants, the original base number will be very large, which is really incredible.

  (End of this chapter)

287. Chapter 287: Shop

2024-01-29 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "What are you all looking at? Go to work!"

  Sister Ying has a bad temper. She has a stern face and looks bitter and resentful.


  Ye Mianmian whispered in dissatisfaction, and Jiang Yuan quickly elbowed her.

  When is it? The county magistrate might as well take care of it now. There is really no need to be angry with her.

  They started to cut the sweet potato seedlings, and Xiao Nuan was with her.

  It was okay at first, but it became very tiring after a long time.

  This job requires squatting, and hunching over for a long time is too much for everyone.

  It was not easy to get through until half past eleven, and everyone could go to the canteen to eat. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  In addition to them, there were five people in the greenhouse who had come here before.

  It was just the right way to go back, so they went together.

  "Hey, what are you doing?"

  One of the old employees looked at the impetuous Sister Zuo and shouted.

  "Eat, didn't you say you can go early?"

  The man smiled and looked like he understood.

  "It's this way!"

  Sister Zuo didn't understand, and Jiang Yuan was also confused.

  After some explanation, they understood.

  It turned out that they were now employed, and the dining room they went to yesterday would no longer be used.

  "That place is for newcomers and those who can't do their jobs. Our place is better."

  "Thank you, big sister, otherwise I wouldn't know anything."

  Sister Zuo was very good at complimenting people. They were all about the same age, so it was easy for them to have common topics.

  It seemed that this place was not a pure place, and there were still different levels.

  The good thing was that cash could still flow, so even if they didn't go out to work, they could still survive for a while.

  Tomorrow, Mom wouldn't be allowed to come over, and she would just stay at home to look after Xiao Nuan. It wasn't

  a big deal for this child to follow them all day .

  The dining room here was bigger, and there was no one there yet. There was a figure busy in the window, with a little steam coming out.

  When you come in, you have to show your work ID to the security guard at the door before you can go in.

  The food here wasn't that good either. You

  could only choose between rice and steamed buns, but it was the kind that filled you up, at least a normal amount.

  The dish was hot and sour potato shreds, which looked quite appetizing.

  There was also egg drop soup, although it was very watery. But

  having eggs was still a happy thing.

  Jiang Yuan thought it tasted okay, so she asked Xiao Nuan to eat some. She also brought a bag of pickled mustard.

  It was a small bag, mainly for her daughter.

  Others saw it, but did not compete.

  Fan Qing and Ye Mianmian both had it at home, so she did not dare to bring any special things.

  When the main group came to eat, they had already finished.

  They needed to clean the used plates and other things themselves and put them in the recycling area.

  Several people were very fast, and they could go back and rest in time.

  I don't know how my father and the others are doing, so I am a little worried.

  On the way back, she found a lot of people in front of a store.

  "Sister Hong, what are those people queuing for?"

  Sister Hong was with their old employees.

  "You mean over there, that's the canteen, there are a lot of food in it.

  If you have money, you can also go there to buy something to improve your life."

  She was completely shocked. The canteen had everything, so high-end!

  "Are there a lot of things in there?

  There's even a small shop, that's great."

  "The things are OK, they can't be compared with before, but there are some daily necessities and things like that, you can go buy them.   

  For example..."

  Sister Hong came over and whispered a word in her ear.

  Jiang Yuan nodded immediately and thanked her repeatedly.

  What's there to be embarrassed about? We are all women and are used to such things.

  Ye Mianmian was a little curious, but there were so many people, so she didn't ask directly.

  When she got back, she developed a very strong interest in this store.

  "Xiao Nuan, are you full? Mom will get you a loaf of bread."


  The little girl felt that the shredded potatoes were a bit spicy, and she didn't particularly like the pickled mustard. She still liked the food made by her grandma.

  At noon, someone will come over soon.

  Just have a bite first, and then give it to my daughter to eat in the evening.

  Thinking of this, she took out a bean paste bread, which was sweet and sticky, and she liked it very much.

  In addition, there was a box of children's growth milk and three cherry tomatoes, which should be balanced in nutrition.

  These cherry tomatoes were planted by her before. One of the seedlings had turned red, so it was just right to pick them and eat them.

  Qin Yue was also lying on the bed, and she was indeed a little tired.

  "When I was farming at home before, I didn't feel it. Why can't I stand doing some work now?

  I really can't accept getting old! "

  "Mom, you should have a good rest. Tell Sister Ying in the afternoon that you can rest at home for a day tomorrow."

  "How can that be? Don't worry. Our family has planted so many fields before. We have done everything. Just let me relax for a while."

  Jiang Yuan didn't say anything. Now she should rest first.

  There are only two hours in the afternoon. Not a minute can be wasted.

  At half past twelve, Jiang Xingzhi came back, and she hurried to greet him.

  "Dad, how is it over there? Can you adapt?"

  Jiang Yuan said while getting him some water so that he could wash his hands.

  "Don't worry, my daughter. We mainly make tables and chairs.

  There are three other people who are with me. We all get along well.

  One of them is our fellow villager."

  Judging from the look of her father, he should have adapted well.

  Then she was relieved, but she couldn't help but give more instructions.

  "Dad, you should be more careful when you work.

  Your injuries haven't healed yet. Don't do too heavy work."

  "Don't worry, my daughter. I know my limits.

  How are you and your mom today? Are you tired from the work over there?"

  Jiang Yuan did not hide it and told him everything.

  "Dad, this is what I think. I will not let my mom go out tomorrow.

  It is not a big deal for Xiao Nuan to follow us all the time.

  Besides, the food is not good.

  Let my mom stay at home. I have inquired about it. In addition to eating there, you can also spend money to bring food back.

  We can buy it back and eat it later, which can improve the situation."


  As long as it is about taking care of Xiao Nuan, Jiang Xingzhi has no objection.

  While she was talking, someone knocked on the door. She thought it was Song Yi.

  Unexpectedly, it was Xiaoling who came with Jingjing.

  "Come in..."

  There was no furniture in the house, so they let the mother and daughter go to the bedroom.

  "Yuanyuan, I was at the study class today and felt pretty good.

  You are going to work in the greenhouse, which is not an easy life. Why don't you let Xiao Nuan come too.

  With Jingjing, I can help look after her..."

Chapter 288: Changming Manor Map

2024-01-29 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan knew that she meant well.

  However, she was worried about letting her daughter go.

  "Xiaoling, thank you. Xiaonuan should stay at home for the next two days. My mother is also a little uncomfortable.

  I won't let her go tomorrow. She just came here and she is a little uncomfortable."

  Xiaoling nodded to show her understanding.

  "That's fine. Let her come when she is almost ready."


  Jiang Yuan smiled knowingly, her eyebrows curved.

  "I remember Liang Kang studied to be a chef before, right?"

  "Yes, yes."

  It was really because the last time, the wolf meat was unloaded well.

  "I see that the dining room over there seems to be hiring people too. Let's go ask."

  Xiaoling's eyes lit up, because Liang Kang didn't become a chef later, so she didn't think about it.

  If she could really work in the dining room, it would be great.

  Today, he couldn't hold on to doing odd jobs.

  But there was not much money left at home, so he could only grit his teeth and continue.

  "Yuanyuan, then I'll go back and discuss it with him."

  "Okay, go back quickly!"

  This is a big deal and can't be delayed.

  It was almost one o'clock, so she took the time to go to bed and rest for a while.

  Work was due at two in the afternoon, and they had to leave at half past one.

  Otherwise, it would be too late. Just thinking about the five-dollar fine was a headache.

  When she went out, she finally saw Song Yi.

  She didn't know why, but now they were not together, and each had their own things to do.

  She still felt a little sorry, because she was used to the feeling that he was there when she went out.

  This person was too strong, always making people feel at ease.

  "Song Yi, are you going to work? How are you? Are you adapting?"

  Looking at the other person's face full of concern, he was still very happy.

  "It's fine, don't worry.

  How are you over there? If you are too tired..."

  "It's okay..."

  She interrupted him quickly. Song Yi must have wanted to say that if you are too tired, don't go.

  "Since you are here, make the best of it. Don't worry, I'm fine.

  Then I'll leave first and talk to you when I come back in the evening."

  Because Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing had come out, she didn't dare to waste time.


  Song Yi watched her leave, and then went back to greet the little one...

  In the afternoon, she told Sister Ying that Qin Yue would rest tomorrow.

  "Okay, leave your work badge when you leave at night."

  "Okay, thank you."

  She tried her best to be respectful and not let her work badge be taken away. Otherwise, she would not be able to enjoy many benefits. She

  didn't make a clear choice, but she didn't care. The food was really bad.

  After a busy day, her back and waist ached.

  She would bring dinner home. There were insulated lunch boxes at home.

  Or she could rent one there. Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing rented one back.

  Zhang Kaiyang also needed to eat, and he could add some dried meat, spicy strips, etc. when he came back.

  Jiang Yuan hurried downstairs to get some hot water. There was nothing in the house. If that didn't work, she could go to the store and buy some daily necessities.

  After washing up, she entered the space.

  In fact, it was best to wash up in there.

  But if you don't go out often and are clean, others will also suspect you.

  The people in the duty room kept staring at the people who came back, and she had to be on guard!

  Because they got off work early at noon, they had to make up for it at night.

  Jiang Xingzhi had returned a long time ago. The family had dinner in the space and rested for a while

  before coming out to tidy up and prepare for bed.   

  Song Yi came and knocked on the door, saying that he wanted Jiang Yuan to come over.

  She asked her mother to look after Xiao Nuan, and then left.

  This was her first time to Song Yi's place, and the room was also empty.

  "You sit on the bed, the chair is very cold."


  Not knowing what the specific matter was, Jiang Yuan waited for him to speak.

  Song Yi brought a piece of white paper and drew on it.

  She looked at it quietly and did not disturb him.

  This thing looked like a map, but how did Song Yi know it? She was full of doubts.

  "Jiang Yuan, look, I have figured out everything here."

  "You have only been there for one day, and you have figured it out?"


  Without even an explanation, he just agreed.

  "Look, this village is a square.

  It turns out to be only this big..."

  As he spoke, he circled an area on it with a pencil.

  She listened carefully and remembered every place carefully.

  "There used to be a group of garrisons next to this place.

  Later, they merged the village and it became the current situation."

  "So, the people in power here are also the original garrisons."

  "No, this place is not large in scale and was in the stage of self-protection at the beginning.

  Later, it was annexed by another group of troops, and now outsiders are in power."

  Oh my god, he actually found out so much.

  Jiang Yuan quickly gave him a thumbs up, and she gave him a thumbs up with both hands.

  Song Yi was touched by her cute gesture and even smiled.

  "Look at the surrounding area, now it is all surrounded by walls, which is equivalent to a city."

  "All of it?"


  She just wanted to send an emoji now, the beautiful girl was shocked.

  "How could such a large amount of work be built in such cold weather?

  It feels more difficult than the task of Qin Shihuang building the Great Wall!"

  "Your brain circuit is so strange, but it can indeed be understood this way..."

  Song Yi circled a few more places and brought them to her to show her.

  "There are guards all around here. In addition, these places have their people.

  Don't run around if you have nothing to do. It's very dangerous."


  Jiang Yuan nodded quickly. These people have guns in their hands. They are ordinary people.

  Who would go there to seek death for no reason? But if you don't know, it's very likely to run into them by chance.

  "Also, the people here are all from the surrounding areas.

  Now it seems that they are not all free labor, but almost.

  Listen to me, don't send Xiao Nuan to the study class, and don't often skip work.

  Do you remember that in the community, everything we do will be known by others?"

  Jiang Yuan's eyes suddenly widened. Song Yi knew too much, and he reminded her like this.

  They left before they figured out who the spreader in the community was.

  "You mean, this side is also..."

  "Even worse..."

  Song Yi was very serious, letting her know that he was not joking.

  "I will continue to investigate in the next two days. Don't get into conflict with others.

  Even if you suffer some loss, just keep safe. Do you understand?"

  "Well, don't worry, I will keep an eye on them."

  "Also, the greenhouse you are in is researching some new things.

  Jiang Yuan, find a way to sneak into the laboratory. It will be good for you!"

Chapter 289: Unconvinced

2024-01-31 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Song Yi, what does that laboratory do?"

  "I'm not sure now, I'll ask about it in the next two days.

  Also, Jiang Yuan, after work, you must come back early, don't go out.

  This place is next to Qinling Mountains, there are many wild animals..."

  "I know, don't worry."

  Thinking about the group of wild wolves last time, it's still a bit creepy.

  Don't go out, definitely don't go out.

  Besides, he said that, Qin Yue probably has to go to work.

  Rest for a day or two, that's fine.

  Xiao Nuan can't be alone at home, there are so many messed up people, who knows which one is a pervert.

  The next day at noon, Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing came to find her.

  "It's only a little after one o'clock, it's a bit too early to go to work."

  In fact, they were waiting for Jiang Xingzhi to come back to eat together, and they just lay down.

  "Sister Yuan, there is nothing at home, it's very inconvenient.

  We want to buy a thermos, you can go with us."

  Well, it's true.

  "Okay, then you wait for me."

  Jiang Yuan went back, got dressed, and then followed the two out.

  This small store is in the south of the village.

  After they went there, it was also very convenient to go to the greenhouse.

  Yesterday, Song Yi showed her the map, and it felt that this greenhouse should be outside the wall.

  Logically, food is better to be kept within one's own protection range. I don't know what they think.

  The only explanation is that building a wall is too wasteful of manpower and material resources.

  After all, those greenhouses occupy a large area.

  Moreover, there may be more in the future.

  Several people did not dare to chat. Although there was no explicit prohibition to rest in the house here.

  But there was basically no one on the road, not counting the patrol team.

  It was not easy to get to the place. This is a very inconspicuous storefront.

  There is not even a plaque on it, and you can't get in at ordinary times.

  If you want something, you have to wait at the small window, and the staff inside will take it out for you.

  In the era of material scarcity, there is no way.

  At the same time, this is why they chose to come at noon.

  If it was at night, it would probably take a long line.

  At this moment, the small window was also closed, and it should be resting.

  Jiang Yuan took a special look and there was no word about working hours.

  Just as she was thinking whether to disturb them, Ye Mianmian actually knocked on the glass.

  "Knock, knock, knock", in such a quiet environment, it was a bit abrupt.

  Seeing Jiang Yuan looking over, she was a little at a loss.

  "Sister Yuan, what's wrong, shouldn't I knock?"

  Theoretically, yes, after all, Song Yi told her that she should be careful about everything.

  Before she could say anything, the window was pulled open from the inside.

  They unconsciously took a step back and stared at it.

  "What do you want?"

  The one who spoke was also a female comrade, with some impatience in her words.

  "Well, we want a thermos bottle, no no no, three, do you have one?"

  Ye Mianmian was a little scared and couldn't speak clearly.


  The small window was pulled up, and the three people looked at each other, what did this mean!


  The small window opened again, and it took only a minute.

  "One hundred each, a total of three hundred..."

  She had three thermos bottles in her hand, but she didn't hand them over, obviously she wanted to collect the money first.

  "Ah, so expensive!"

  Fan Qing muttered in a low voice, and she happened to hear it.

  "What do you mean, if you can't afford it, don't come and waste my time, do you want it or not?"   

  "Yes, we want..."

  Without this, it was really inconvenient, Jiang Yuan quickly handed over the money.

  The two people behind also took out their wallets.

  After the payment and goods were paid, the man "snapped" and closed the small window. With two

  crackling sounds, it seemed to be locked.

  "Why is this person like this?"

  "Don't say so much, we are ruining someone's good thing."

  Indeed, after they came here, the people they met had a good attitude.

  This is a special case.

  "What good thing, Sister Yuan, what did you see?"

  Just now, she was standing at the front, and the window was very small.

  But when she went to receive the thermos, she really saw some things that she shouldn't see.

  However, these were also her guesses and could not be said.

  "Children should not ask about adults' affairs..."


  Ye Mianmian understood instantly, what else could it be.

  This attitude is not good, except for anger, most of it is guilty.

  "But this is too expensive, a thermos costs 100 yuan.

  Before, it was only about 20 or 30."

  Jiang Yuan sighed, it was indeed very expensive, but there was nothing she could do.

  "This thing is for long-term use, and the quantity should be limited. It's normal for her to sell it at a higher price."

  Even though she said that, she had other thoughts in her mind.

  If this group of people want to circulate currency, they need to buy and sell.

  The medium in the middle is the commodity.

  Those with small quantities must be sold at high prices. Those with large

  quantities are probably not cheap either.

  And the food is not very expensive, mainly because it is related to the national economy and people's livelihood.

  I always feel that the people in power here are not ordinary, and it is hard to guess what they want to do.

  Is there something wrong with collecting currency so anxiously?

  "That's right!"

  Jiang Yuan suddenly became excited, and the two people next to her were startled.

  "What's wrong, Sister Yuan, did you find something?"

  "Ah, nothing, oh, I thought, we took this thermos over there, it was a bit ostentatious.

  Let's find a place to hide the thing later."

  "Yes, it's indeed a bit ostentatious."

  The women in this greenhouse are also competing.

  Sister Zuo is now familiar with everyone, so she wants to get along with everyone.

  Moreover, this morning, the look she gave Sister Ying was particularly bad.

  It was that feeling of contempt, and she curled her lips slightly.

  Jiang Yuan didn't know why she had changed so much, and she didn't dare to ask more, mainly because there was no need.

  Since it was agreed, she took all three thermoses when she arrived in front of the greenhouse.

  "Sister Yuan, I'll go with you."

  "No need, you and Qingqing stay here to keep watch, and be sure to remind me if someone comes."

  "Okay, don't worry."

  It was said to be hidden, but in fact it was put into the space.

  After it was done, the two were called to hurry in.

  This afternoon, we will plant sweet potato seedlings. It's not very troublesome, but it is indeed tiring.

  "Damn, you don't even give me a break for a while, you are just like Huang Shiren."

  Sister Zuo suddenly cursed, and then sat on the back of the ridge.

  Sister Ying saw it, walked over, and looked serious.

  "Hurry up, get up and work."

  Sister Zuo was not convinced either. She was flattering at first, but now she is completely annoyed.

  "Why do you walk around every day without doing any work? What's the right!"

Chapter 290: Thunderous Means

2024-01-31 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Hey, what do you mean?"

  Sister Ying hugged her shoulders, looking indifferent.

  This undoubtedly touched Sister Zuo's most sensitive nerve.

  "I'm talking about you. We have no time to rest all day long.

  But you, strolling around, not working, I don't accept it."

  Sister Ying looked at her like a fool, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly: "If you don't accept it, go to the hall to complain!"

  The hall is the center of power here.

  Sister Zuo, who was furious, didn't care about anything else now, and pointed at her directly.

  In this way, she was undoubtedly a shrew.

  "Do you think I don't dare?

  Wait for me, I must ask for an explanation today."

  After saying that, she was about to leave.

  "Wait a minute..."

  Sister Ying's voice sounded, cold.

  Sister Zuo thought she was showing weakness, and now she became arrogant.

  "What? Are you scared? Let me tell you, I have never believed in evil since I was a child. It would be great if you did this earlier!"

  Sister Ying stared at her as if she was used to it, still with the same cold face as before.

  Someone nearby couldn't stand it anymore. It was Jiang Yuan who came with Sister Zuo. Jiang Yuan had stayed in the same dormitory with her before.

  No one said anything at the time, but I still remember it.

  "Okay, okay, we're all working together, don't make it too ugly."

  "Yeah, yeah, it's not a big deal, why bother!"

  Once there was one, there was another. Ye Mianmian also wanted to go forward to persuade her.

  Seeing this, Jiang Yuan quickly pushed her back.

  What time is it? What's the point of persuading...

  Keep a low profile. In this situation, if you can not participate, don't participate.

  Who knows, this Sister Zuo is actually such a tactless person.

  She didn't come down when she had the chance, but took advantage of it.

  "Don't worry about it. This system is not sound. Now that I'm here, I have the right and obligation to make it better.

  Sister Ying, you should also reflect on it.

  We are all equal. Of course, we should work and rest together. Everyone, say something, right?"


  Although she wanted to, but at this time, no one came out to agree with her.

  Sister Zuo was embarrassed for a moment. She looked at the women next to her and stamped her feet in dismay.

  "Hmph, coward, you are afraid of her, but I am not. Let's go to the hall today and talk about what happened here!"

  She was talking, but she didn't expect that she would go over to pull Sister Ying.

  Jiang Yuan was worried for her. That person was not easy to deal with. She

  was usually so serious, I hope she would not be punished.

  Sister Ying didn't expect that she would come over suddenly.

  Of course, she was not easy to mess with. She threw Sister Zuo to the ground with a shoulder throw.

  "Ouch, ouch, you shameless man, I'm not done with you today..."

  Sister Zuo was anxious, but no one around dared to step forward.

  At this time, Sister Ying's mouth twitched and she calmly took out the walkie-talkie.

  "I'm Qian Ying, there is trouble in the greenhouse, requesting support..."

  "Received, received!"

  A voice came from the walkie-talkie, and Sister Zuo was anxious.

  "So your name is Qian Ying, it's a good thing that you're here, please give us some advice.

  You should have stepped down long ago for mistreating us.

  Your position should be given to someone more capable. I used to be the director of women's affairs. It's easy for me

  to manage this small greenhouse."

  The more she spoke, the more excited she became. After she stood up, she even slowly patted the dirt off her body.

  So she was the director of women's affairs, no wonder.   

  Being used to being a leader, she naturally couldn't stand being led by others.

  As soon as the voice fell, three people appeared in the greenhouse, all wearing camouflage uniforms.

  The temperature inside the shed is much higher, and it is very warm inside even if the door is open.

  Thick clothes can't be worn at all.

  "Sister Ying, what's going on, who is making trouble?"


  Qian Ying pointed directly at Sister Zuo next to her without any hesitation.

  "Oh, you are the big leader, I must have a good talk with you today..."

  Sister Zuo is a smart person, it is impossible for her not to know that this is just a little brother.

  To say so is completely to spray.

  However, the man didn't pay any attention to her at all.


  With a wave of her hand, the two people behind her came directly to hold her down.

  "Oh, you caught the wrong person, it's her who enslaved us, making us work all the time without giving us a rest.

  You should catch her, why did you catch me?"

  Jiang Yuan quickly pulled Fan Qing and Ye Mianmian back. In this situation, it's better to be careful, otherwise it's easy to get bloody.

  "I'm going to catch you, you don't work hard, and you dare to make trouble!"

  As he said, he actually slapped her in the face.


  He used all his strength, and the sound was very clear. Jiang Yuan was shocked when she heard it.

  Sister Zuo was beaten to the side, and then she spat out a mouthful of blood.

  There was clearly a tooth in it.

  "You, you are in the same group, abusing workers and not giving them rest time.

  It's simply anti-human. I want to see your leader, call your leader to me..."

  My God, at this time, he still didn't bow his head, this person is really...

  "Humph, who do you think you are? You can see whoever you want to see. Today I will show you what the consequences of not following the rules are."

  As he said, he waved his hand, and the two people who were holding her down actually beat her.

  They were merciless, and they didn't do anything else, just slapped her in the face, the kind that made a loud slapping sound.

  It was estimated that they had been beaten about a hundred times, and Sister Zuo's face was obviously swollen.

  Moreover, the corners of her mouth and nose were bleeding, which was a terrible sight.

  "Stop beating, stop beating, I won't say anything..."

  Sister Zuo now knew the cruelty of this group of people, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

  "It's too late to know you're wrong now."

  The leading man took an electric baton from his waist and turned it on.

  Jiang Yuan couldn't help swallowing her saliva. What did he want to do?

  Even from a long distance, she could feel the sound of the electric current. It was so scary.

  What was more frightening was Sister Zuo.

  She kept shaking her head, but unfortunately she was held by two people and couldn't escape at all.

  The man smiled evilly and then stabbed the electric baton directly into her stomach.


  It was really a miserable scream. Even the people next to her were so scared that they sat on the ground.

  Ye Mianmian also grabbed her arm tightly. The horror in her heart was beyond words.

  This time, he was still not satisfied, and actually asked the two people to take off Sister Zuo's outer clothes.

  She was now completely stupid and didn't even know how to resist.

  Then, the electric baton was used for about ten minutes.

  Every time, her scalp numbed.

  At the end, there was even a smell of burnt meat.

  He was satisfied when he saw that the person fainted.
