
Chapter 261: Three people sharing the space2024-01-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Then, he went into the house and got some hot water and fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.

  They were juicy and very tempting.

  "Dad, Mom, try them. These are vegetables grown in this garden. They are so tender."

  Jiang Yuan put them on a fruit plate, and Qin Yue was a little surprised.

  "My daughter, keep these good vegetables for you and Xiao Nuan."

  "No, there are still a lot of them. You can't eat them all."

  As he said that, he handed a tomato to his mother and a tender cucumber to his father.

  The two hesitated for a moment, but still took them.

  The green outside was visible.

  They had always lived in the countryside, and they knew what was planted at a glance.

  "My daughter, tell me and your mother quickly, what's going on?"

  Jiang Xingzhi had recovered from his initial surprise and began to ask the main questions.

  "Okay, Mom and Dad, don't worry, take off your coats first, it's too hot in here."

  As he said that, he took off his thick pajamas.

  The temperature inside was indeed different from the outside.

  "This is a space. Although it is magical, it does exist.

  Look at this..."

  As she said this, she took off the bracelet on her hand.

  Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi stared at the bracelet, not knowing what was going on. Jiang Yuan did not hide it and told her parents everything.

  "You mean, this place is in this bracelet?"

  "Well, you can't understand it that way.

  It's equivalent to saying that this is a parallel time and space.

  This bracelet is the key to open this space."

  Her explanation should be acceptable.

  Although it is very mysterious, it is not difficult to understand.

  "Daughter, can we still go back? Xiao Nuan is still at home."

  Qin Yue was a little anxious. Why didn't anyone bring the little guy here in this time and space?

  "Mom, don't worry, it's okay. It's as simple as coming here.

  Moreover, we can hear the noise outside while we are in here. Don't worry." After

  she said this, Qin Yue felt better.

  "That's fine, that's fine!"

  "My daughter, do you mean that you bought this space from the girl downstairs?"

  "No, Dad, I just bought this bracelet from Mianmian.

  She didn't know that this could open the space. I felt a little guilty at first, and always felt a little sorry for her."

  Jiang Xingzhi was a little entangled. In his mind, taking advantage of others

  was definitely not the way he educated his children, but in the current situation, it can only be said that the temptation was too great.

  Jiang Yuan ignored her father's little thoughts and continued to explain.

  "Ye Mianmian is the guardian of the space, and so is Grandma Ye, so this space is destined to me and it is mine.

  They have been guarding it for so long, but it has not been opened. It can only mean that the magnetic field is different."

  Jiang Yuan did not mention the previous bleeding that was sucked away by the bracelet.

  She was afraid that the two old people would be scared. After all, this is a bit similar to some obsessions and the black magic shown on TV.

  "My daughter, how do you know these things?"

  Qin Yue was still worried. She held the tomato in her hand and didn't eat it.

  "Mom, Grandma Ye told me this before she died.

  She told me not to feel burdened. As for this space, it was built by me. It wasn't this big before, and there weren't so many things.

  By the way, most of the space in this house is filled with supplies. I secretly put them in when I went out to look for things."     Now, it's time to confess, and nothing can be hidden.

  "Oh my God, Yuanyuan, you must have suffered a lot."

  Seeing her mother's distress, she was also a little moved.

  "It's okay, Mom.

  This is for our future life. As long as our family can be together safely and healthily, there is nothing to be sad about."

  Qin Yue held her hand, not knowing what to say.

  She just felt that her daughter was suffering, and she couldn't help at all.

  "Then Grandma Ye is gone, does that girl Mianmian know about this?"

  Jiang Xingzhi asked the point at once, and Jiang Yuan shook her head.

  "She doesn't know, and Grandma Ye didn't let me tell her, just asking me to take care of her in the future.

  The situation is unstable in the future, so we take care of her more, which is also an explanation to Grandma Ye."

  "Well, that's right, it's not easy for her as a girl."

  The mother and daughter sang in unison, and Jiang Xingzhi nodded repeatedly.

  This is how things are, and there is no way to deny it.

  "But, Mom and Dad, there is a time limit in this space."

  Jiang Yuan told her parents about the increase in the timer.

  As for the upgrade, forget it.

  It's too complicated, and there are enough things here, and the yard is big enough.

  There is no problem with growing vegetables and food, and there is no need to do more homework.

  "I see, then we can't stay here for a long time, leave some time, in case of emergency!"

  "Yes, that's the reason."

  Qin Yue urged everyone to go out quickly.

  Now time is definitely equal to money.

  Since they left, Jiang Yuan took her parents to pick some vegetables and took them back.

  Both of them were super happy. If nothing else, the joy of the harvest was enough to make people excited.

  "No wonder, every time you cook, I feel that the vegetables taste a lot better.

  Look at these juicy and tender ones, how fresh!"

  Jiang Xingzhi was also attracted by these vegetables. He has been farming for so many years, but he has never seen them grow so well.

  "My girl is really amazing, look at how these vegetables are grown."

  "Mom and Dad, it may be because the sunlight is good here, and the water is also good..."

  As she said, she pointed to the well to the two people.

  However, the two people didn't care and kept praising her.

  After picking some vegetables, the three people came out.

  Looking at Xiao Nuan, the child was sleeping soundly and did not move unusually.

  "Dad, Mom, the reason I told you this is that I thought we should put all the things in the house in.

  If something unexpected really happens, we won't be in a hurry."

  Qin Yue was the first to agree. She had just seen the small courtyard, so why would she disagree.

  "How about this, my daughter and I will go into these two rooms to clean up.

  Later, you put away some clothes and things that are not often used in the bedroom.

  The fewer things left in the house, the less."

  Jiang Xingzhi made an analysis, and both mother and daughter nodded.

  In addition, Qin Yue was also responsible for watching Xiao Nuan. According to convention, the child should wake up soon.

  "By the way, daughter, why didn't you tell me and your mother about this before?"

  Uh, I didn't expect that dad would make up for it.

Chapter 262: People Going Down the Mountain2024-01-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "I'm afraid. You know the situation now.

  I'm afraid that if I know too much, someone will threaten you later. It's too dangerous."

  Jiang Yuan said truthfully. Her parents could understand, but they felt that their daughter had endured too much.

  "My daughter, you should have told your father and me earlier, and we can help you!"

  "Mom, it's not too late to know now. We must make good use of this space and strive to survive."

  They both knew that Jiang Yuan chose to say it at this time.

  She was afraid that if an accident really happened later, everyone would have hope.

  It's really hard for my daughter, alas!
  "Okay, don't talk about that, hurry up and clean up, you take care of Xiao Nuan."

  "Okay, go!"

  The three of them started to get busy.

  Their house has four bedrooms, two living rooms, two bathrooms, a cloakroom and a utility room.

  They were all filled up by them, including a lot of things on the super large balcony.

  Jiang Yuan was in charge of the cloakroom, which was filled with clothes she had bought before.

  There were offline and online ones, and it was full.

  It was definitely a big project to clean up.

  Jiang Xingzhi also knew the situation on her side, so he went to the other two bedrooms.

  Pack out those small things and put them together.

  After Xiao Nuan woke up, she also started to work.

  She felt that it was not going well, so she came out of the cloakroom.

  Just put all the things in directly, and go in to organize them when you have time.

  There were too many things, and it was nine o'clock in the evening.

  Several people hadn't eaten yet, so Qin Yue made dumplings.

  Let everyone have a simple bite, and that's it.

  In the afternoon, no one came over, probably because they were planning the things at home.

  The current situation is not very good.

  They have a lot of supplies at home, and what to bring and what not to bring is a science.

  You have to bring a lot, but you have to be able to carry it, and you have to try to minimize the loss.

  This New Year really makes everyone feel bad.

  To make matters worse, it is the gift of this year.

  At night, everyone didn't sleep well.

  Jiang Yuan was afraid that something would happen suddenly and ruin everything.

  So, she was particularly vigilant.

  On the second day of the New Year, the tense atmosphere did not improve.

  They didn't go out either, and didn't know the situation outside.

  Now that the snow has stopped, there is no need to clean up outside. The house seems even more empty without all the things in it.

  Jiang Yuan still sits on the balcony, watching the surrounding situation regularly.

  Until noon, she found something unusual. It seemed that there were people over there, on the highway on the mountain. Oh my god

  , what's going on, it seems like there are really people.

  "Dad, come and see, is there anyone there?"

  Jiang Yuan pointed to the highway above. Because there are other buildings, they can only see a part of it.

  The distance is quite far, even with a telescope, it is not very clear.

  Their community is located halfway up the mountain. The only buildings they can see above are some buildings on the side of the school.

  The rest are some villages on the opposite side.

  Most of them are covered by ice and blizzards. In slightly higher places, only a head is exposed.

  In addition, the last avalanche has destroyed everything into ruins.

  What about these people?

  The snow outside is so thick, how did they get out?     Moreover, the snow that poured down last time was all piled up on the road.

  The situation is worse than before. What should they do to go out in this environment?

  "That's right. Look, are they skating on ice sleds?"

  Jiang Yuan quickly took the telescope and continued to observe. The movement was slow, but it seemed that they did have tools.

  However, it was too far away to see clearly.

  "Dad, do you think it's possible? With such thick snow, people standing on it will fall directly into the snow pile."

  Jiang Xingzhi was also puzzled. After thinking for a long time, there was no result.

  "Let me go next door and ask Xiao Song. He has a rich imagination.

  He knows a lot of things before."

  Uh, why does it feel that my dad is quite dependent on Song Yi.

  "Okay, then you go, let him come and see too."

  Jiang Yuan couldn't leave. Someone had to continue to observe here and couldn't relax for a moment.

  The people coming down the mountain might be enemies.

  Song Yi quickly followed Jiang Xingzhi and brought his telescope.

  Without saying anything, he joined her camp directly.

  "What do you think is going on with the group of people up there?"

  Jiang Yuan was watching from here. Some people had already passed the blind spot of the building in front and reached the road below, which was also within her sight.

  There were still people coming down from above, and there must be dozens of them.

  "Are they moving on the snow?"

  "Yes, that's right. They are so amazing. Do you know what's going on?"

  Song Yi did not put down the telescope in his hand. He was also a little puzzled when he saw the situation in front of him.

  "Maybe, we can go out."

  "You mean the snow pile is fine and can bear the weight of a person?"

  "Yes, you can say that.

  Don't forget that we experienced an avalanche here yesterday.

  We opened the window, and all the snow particles flew in. We didn't care, and it froze into ice in the corridor in a short while."

  Everyone knew about this.

  Now the corridor is still very slippery, and they haven't gone out to clean it up yet.

  Jiang Yuan suddenly had an idea, as if she had thought of something.

  "I see. The temperature is too low. Our corridor is frozen. The situation outside must be even worse.

  So, the snow may also freeze."

  Song Yi nodded. That's what he meant. Otherwise, how could the group of people outside walk freely on the snow.

  "But I also find that ice sled very strange. Can you imagine it?
  Under normal circumstances, the snow is definitely a trap. Skiing requires the use of tools.

  For example, something similar to an ice sled and a wooden board.

  A little bigger, under the condition of constant gravity, the force area increases, and the pressure will decrease..."

  Jiang Xingzhi listened and understood a little, and followed suit.

  "If you make the surroundings, especially the front and back sides, warp up, even if it goes down a little bit, there will be no problem."

  Yes, even if it goes down a little bit, but the ice sled will not go down.

  The front is directly pressed down, and it will pass with a little force.

  It is equivalent to going over a slope, simple and convenient.

  Several people looked solemn. What is the purpose of this group of people coming out, and so many at a time?

  "I don't know who these people are, what they want to do when they go down the mountain, and whether they have suffered a disaster."

  It's not the previous disaster, but the avalanche two days ago.

  "I think they are looking for supplies or a new place to live."

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 263: Refusing Others' Protection

2024-01-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Is there any place suitable for living now?"

  Jiang Yuan was a little confused, but this is the reality.

  Song Yi turned around and glanced at her, his eyes were gentle, less sharp than usual.

  "Jiang Yuan, listen to me, it's already the late stage of the disaster.

  The authorities have definitely not given up on us, but they also need to do some work.

  When things stabilize, they will definitely come to rescue the citizens.

  Not only Xishi, but also other places, as long as there are people alive, there will be rescue."

  Song Yi used to be a soldier, and his trust in the authorities is unconditional.

  Jiang Yuan can't quite understand this belief, but respect is necessary.

  Moreover, what he said makes sense, at least in theory it is feasible.

  As for when to rescue people, that's another matter.

  "I know, I believe it too, but before they come, don't we have to save

  ourselves?" She is very realistic. Her previous generation didn't wait for rescue, and it's definitely better to take the initiative than to sit and wait for death.

  Although there are different opinions, we still have to look at the situation outside.

  This road is all downhill, even if it's not easy to walk, the speed is not slow.

  In a blink of an eye, we arrived at the community. After

  passing the bus stop, those who came down from the avalanche have passed.

  The road looked much easier to walk on. The group of people who came down first were waiting here.

  About 20 minutes later, the people upstairs also came down.

  At this moment, she saw all the people at once.

  There were about 50 or 60 of them, not too many, but not too few.

  It is estimated that there are not so many survivors in some villages.

  Moreover, this group of people were wrapped tightly and were very agile.

  Everyone carried a tool that looked more like a skateboard than an ice sled.

  Because there was only one layer, it was not that thick.

  Moreover, everyone had a backpack and a weapon on their back.

  "They should have a mission. Whether they are going out to find a place or searching for supplies, they are a considerable force."

  Jiang Yuan was irritated. She really couldn't stay quiet for a few days.

  "See if they will come in. It would be best if they are just passing by."

  Why is it nervous? This group of people have been at the bus stop for a few minutes.

  I don't know what they are talking about. They should be discussing something.

  The two people in front even gestured.

  Then, they turned around and pointed to the community.

  "Oh my god, Song Yi, what are they pointing at here?
  Don't they want to come in for supplies or something? There are so many people, we can't beat them!"

  "Jiang Yuan, don't get excited, it's not certain what's going on.

  Let's wait and see..."

  He comforted her while continuing to observe. The group of people regrouped and came here.

  Now there is no door, they can come in directly, next to Building 15, no one is left behind.

  Jiang Yuan became more nervous, but she kept taking deep breaths and telling herself to stay calm.

  Apart from anything else, she has a way out. Space is something that cannot be taken away by others.

  It's just that the thought of leaving her home makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

  The decoration inside is all made according to the standard of being as solid as a rock.

  They can't stay in the space all the time, and it's not certain how long it will last.

  In addition, she also wants to leave something for Xiao Nuan.

  Alas, there is no way, just fight back!
  "It seems they went to Building 15!"

  That is the building in the front, the closest to the outside of the community.

  "What do these people want to do? We don't have too many people here. Could it be that they want to catch us all in one fell swoop?"

  Jiang Xingzhi was also very excited. At the critical moment of life and death, he was also afraid.

  Song Yi shook his head and said that he would continue to observe.     They hadn't gone out yet, so they didn't know that the snow outside was open for walking.

  "Uncle, please go down and tell them to get ready..."

  "Okay, no problem."

  Getting ready means making wartime preparations, for fear that the situation will be bad later.

  Jiang Xingzhi went out, and Qin Yue also took Xiao Nuan back to the house, leaving only the two of them here.

  Song Yi turned his head and looked at Jiang Yuan.

  As if sensing something, Jiang Yuan also looked back and asked with her eyes what was going on.

  "Are you scared?"

  This question is really speechless.

  "Yeah, it's okay."

  Out of politeness, Jiang Yuan still answered him.

  "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything, I'll protect you."


  Song Yi coughed twice, not like he was pretending.

  "I mean, if there is really danger later, don't be afraid, follow me.

  I will protect you..."

  This "you" refers to her family, including her parents and daughter.

  But she doesn't want to accept this favor.

  Because she has space and can protect herself.

  "Song Yi, listen to me, I have my own way out, I don't need your protection.

  If you really encounter danger, you must take care of yourself and don't distract us."

  Song Yi's eyes faded little by little, and there was a sense of loss in them.

  "So, you refuse my protection?"

  Hey, is this man possessed?
  "Don't get me wrong, I'm serious, we can really do it ourselves.

  You don't have to worry too much, take care of yourself and take care of the little one, understand?"

  He breathed a sigh of relief and didn't say much.

  Jiang Yuan just thought that he might feel a little embarrassed because his kindness was rejected. So

  she didn't take it seriously and continued to observe.

  The group of people should have gone to Building 15 and now they have all gone in.

  There was no big reaction. She didn't know what was going on, and she didn't dare to take it lightly.

  Jiang Xingzhi also came back. His hands were much better, but they were still frozen.

  In addition, he was not idle these two days, and he had been cleaning this and busy that...

  His fingers were a little swollen, and they were very itchy at night. Applying burn ointment didn't make them much better.

  In less than five minutes, a group of people rushed up, each holding a weapon...

  When Qin Yue went to open the door, she was shocked, and they looked ferocious.

  Zhang Kaiyang led the way, and the people behind him filed in.

  Xiaoling also came with Jingjing, not only dressed neatly, but also gave the little girl a big rolling pin.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, what's the situation now?"

  "They went to Building 15, and they haven't come out yet."

  She has been watching them all the time. The last time Lao Xu and his men slaughtered the building, the survivors also resisted.

  Most of them can be seen on which floor they are on.

  No one knows what the purpose of that group of people is now, but the danger is real. It is

  still very necessary to keep track of their movements at all times.

  Zhang Kaiyang took the telescope handed over by Jiang Yuan and began to observe.

  Building 15 was quiet, without any movement.

  They went upstairs from the front, so we can't see them from here, and we can't guess how many floors they went to in the back.

Chapter 264: Stop and Reorganize2024-01-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  It's the hardest time now. We don't know anything and just have to wait. It's so


  Half an hour has passed and there's no movement. Everyone can't sit still.

  "What should we do now? They won't come out. We don't know the specific situation. We're so anxious."

  Zhang Kaiyang walked around, very irritable.

  Fan Qing grabbed him and asked him to sit down.

  "I feel dizzy if you do this. Be quiet for a while."

  He sat down on the sofa, still a little irritable.

  "Let's just continue to observe. If there is any situation, notify others immediately.

  There's nothing to do now, so let's go back."

  Song Yi said, and then they dispersed.

  Although they didn't know the specific news, it was not a solution to just wait like this. It's

  better to go home. It's more comfortable in their own home.

  They agreed on the person on duty, so they didn't have any worries.

  Jiang Yuan felt that she should take a closer look. Last time, there was a problem and it was not discovered in time, which almost caused a disaster.

  I don't know what the group of people are doing. What do they want to do now?
  They didn't dare to take the risk of going to Building 15 to see the specific situation, so they could only wait.

  "Girl, haven't you come out yet?"

  "No, I don't know what's going on."

  Logically, there aren't many people in a building, and every family should come out.

  How come it's been so long, and no one has come down? This is too unreasonable. Or did

  they encounter a more difficult thing or a more powerful person there?

  However, there are fifty or sixty of them. No matter how powerful they are, the human wave tactics will win.

  What's going on? I can't figure it out no matter how hard I think about it. I'm speechless.

  "Okay, I'll watch it. You go and eat quickly. Your mother made noodles."


  Jiang Yuan handed over to her father and went to eat.

  Now is not the time to be hypocritical. Xiao Nuan knows the importance of having a full stomach.

  If a fight really breaks out, they probably won't be able to eat hot meals in the future.

  Now, we must cherish it!
  Qin Yue made tomato and egg noodles, paired with small green vegetables taken out of the space, and the taste was quite wow!

  Jiang Yuan stared at Xiao Nuan while eating. This child must eat more, and it's not certain what will happen in the future.

  "My daughter, they are out, come and see."

  Jiang Xingzhi was a little excited. Jiang Yuan did not dare to delay and quickly ran to the balcony.

  Sure enough, they came out and went outside the community.

  The people in front had already started to organize their equipment, and the people behind were still in the building and had not left.

  There were fifty or sixty people, as if they were a procession to send off the bride.

  She didn't know why she thought of this, but it looked very similar.

  "Why did they leave?"

  Jiang Yuan was also a little confused. She really couldn't figure it out. Did they go to the community just to stay for a while?
  Or had Building 15 been looted by them ?

  Now there was really something going on and they needed to hurry.

  She really couldn't figure it out and didn't want to think about it anymore.

  Anyway, the danger has been lifted now, and that's enough.

  Jiang Yuan didn't want to talk to Song Yi. It seemed that she was a little ungrateful just now.

  So, let Dad tell him the news, it doesn't make any difference anyway.

  Sure enough, he saw it too, but didn't say anything.

  In the afternoon, she was worried and waited for a while on purpose.     Seeing that there was indeed no movement, the family of three was brought into the space.

  Now, everyone in the family knows about this.

  There are no secrets, and they feel relieved.

  Dad and Mom also know her concerns and considerations, and did not say anything.

  When they arrived at the space, everyone knew that time was precious, so they did not waste it.

  This house is reserved for Dad and Mom, and it is much larger than Lushan Yayuan.

  The furniture inside is also much larger, and the wardrobe is also more spacious.

  Qin Yue liked it very much and hurried over to clean it up.

  The clothes and other things that were sorted out before were put into the room, and there were some miscellaneous things.

  In addition, four-piece sets were laid out for several rooms, and quilts and pillows were prepared.

  Jiang Xingzhi was not idle either. There was an electric tricycle in the yard, and those grains, rice, flour, cooking oil, etc.

  were all placed in the house next to the front corridor. These hard work must be done by him.

  Jiang Yuan also had to sort out the clothes in the cloakroom. There is a room dedicated to clothes here.

  Xiao Nuan also helped. She liked it here very much and did not run around.

  The family had a clear division of labor and was busy.

  However, they came out at five o'clock and stayed for more than an hour.

  It was not for anything else. When the group came in, there were too many people and there was no specific number.

  Just now, so many people went out at once, and no one knew if there were any left.

  If someone was lying in ambush, there would definitely be action at night.

  She couldn't watch this happen, so she had to come back to monitor. They had

  eaten late at lunch and were not very hungry at this time

  . Qin Yue took out the tomatoes in the space and gathered around the electric heater for everyone to eat together.

  In addition, the planting of the space still caused some discussion.

  "My daughter, the backyard is not small, why haven't you planted anything yet?"

  "I didn't have time, Dad, I'll have to work hard for you later."

  Jiang Yuan looked ahead with a telescope, without turning her head.

  "Don't worry, your dad is not good at other things, but he has been farming for a lifetime.

  In fact, you should plant crops like corn that are relatively tall and don't need much care in the backyard."

  Jiang Yuan felt a little regretful when she heard it.

  "This crop is not good, there are no seeds, I have planted them all."

  Indeed, it would be a bit of a hindrance to get close to the edge.

  The stalks of corn grow very high, blocking the view of the long corridor and the house opposite.

  "Just plant it, we'll talk about it later. I see you've planted a lot of sweet potatoes. Let's plant sweet potatoes in the backyard this year!"

  Uh, what does that mean?
  "Dad, we don't have many sweet potatoes at home."

  In the past, when I burned firewood, I would roast a few. In addition to the ones I used, I had almost eaten them all.

  The main reason was that I bought some on the grocery shopping platform at that time, and it wasn't a lot.

  "No, I see a lot of seedlings from the ones you planted, so just use that?"


  Jiang Yuan expressed her doubts, she was really confused.

  Jiang Xingzhi, however, was calm and proud.

  "My daughter, you have never farmed, and you were never asked to do any work at home, so naturally you don't know.

  These sweet potatoes can survive by planting seedlings. Let's loosen the soil and make ridges.

  Dig holes on it and plant them directly..."

Chapter 265: Destructive Avalanche2024-01-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Cuttings, if that's the case, then her planting area can be expanded several times.

  That sweet potato will sprout a lot and grow a lot of seedlings.

  "Sure enough, it has to be my dad, otherwise it will be a waste.

  By the way, I also planted a lot of potatoes, all of which have sprouted and cut into pieces. Is there any room for maneuver?"

  Jiang Yuan's hometown has planted this potato before, she has seen it, so she knows the general method.

  Sure enough, Jiang Xingzhi shook his head, that is the best way, it is impossible to change it artificially.

  Qin Yue was also very happy watching the father and daughter going back and forth.

  "Don't worry, we will take good care of them, these fruits and vegetables will definitely be enough to eat.

  In addition, there are still a lot of vacant land, clean them up and plant things, don't waste them."

  "Mom is right, we will find time to go there later."

  If I had known earlier, I would have asked them to come and help earlier.

  The family of four was suddenly full of hope for the future, and always felt that everything was possible.

  It was already nine o'clock, and there was no movement.

  Qin Yue was in a good mood. She made a few fried cakes and served them with seaweed egg drop soup for everyone to eat as a midnight snack.

  "I guess there's nothing to do today, let's take a rest!"

  "Yes, I don't know where that group of people went. Can't we think too much? Go to bed quickly."

  Qin Yue was worried. What if they came back tomorrow? That would be too scary.

  After sleeping well, eating well, and having physical strength, you won't be afraid of anything.

  Jiang Yuan also had the same idea. She filled the hot water bottle with hot water and went back to bed.

  Now, there is no moon or stars at night. The dark feeling is quite scary.

  But it doesn't matter. It's the same after falling asleep.

  The mobile phone is next to the pillow, where you can reach it with your hand.

  If there is anything later, just turn it on.

  She slept until seven in the morning, and she was awakened by a loud noise.

  The whole person instantly jumped up from the bed. What's going on, so early in the morning?

  Before she could complain, there was another loud vibration.

  Then, the bed began to shake.

  It was increasing little by little, at a very fast speed. In just half a minute, it was already out of control.

  She had packed up everything in the room before, so nothing fell down now.

  "Oh my god, there's an earthquake." She

  reacted instantly. When the marginal provinces and cities had earthquakes before, they had also felt aftershocks here.

  It's just that it wasn't so strong.

  Jiang Yuan quickly picked up her daughter and took her into the space first.

  This space is bad in that you must be present in person to bring a living person in.
  Xiao Nuan was half asleep and was awakened by the noise. She is still in a daze.


  "Xiao Nuan, be obedient and wait for mom here. Don't run around.

  Mom will go save grandma and grandpa. Be good."

  Put the daughter in front of the courtyard and let her sit on the rattan chair.

  The little girl was a little scared and didn't understand the situation. Her mouth twisted and she was about to cry.

  "Be obedient!"

  Jiang Yuan shouted sternly, and the little girl's tears rolled in her eyes.

  Although she was reluctant, the situation was urgent and there was nothing she could do.

  She pulled her daughter's hand out and hurried out.

  Seeing her mother disappear in a flash, Xiao Nuan cried out, she was really scared.

  Jiang Yuan had been sensing the situation in the space, and now her heart was in turmoil.

  However, at least it was safe there. Xiao Nuan was already four years old, and as long as she didn't hurt herself, everything would be fine.

  However, it was not certain about her parents.

  The situation outside did not improve at all, but became worse.     "Yuanyuan, Xiaonuan..."

  It was Qin Yue's voice, and she rushed out quickly.

  A large piece of the ceiling board above the living room had fallen off, and it was falling on the way to the second bedroom.

  Looking up, the board next to it was also shaky, and the key was that the house was shaking violently now.

  She couldn't even stand steadily, it was too scary.

  Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi were just opposite, and she shouted "Dad, Mom..."

  In front of her was the falling dust, and she wanted to get through, but couldn't.

  She was so anxious that she didn't know what to do, and suddenly saw the chandelier falling next to her, and she had an idea.

  She held the chandelier and was about to get through.

  Qin Yue saw that she was coming, and hurriedly shouted to her: "Daughter, don't come over, it's dangerous."

  "No, Mom, hurry up, come over here."

  Qin Yue also wanted to try, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, another piece of gypsum board ceiling on the top fell down.

  The whole house was shaking even more violently.

  "Be careful..."

  Jiang Xingzhi shouted, and hurriedly pulled Qin Yue back, and his mother was pulled over.

  But Dad couldn't dodge in time, and was hit on the arm by the falling concrete floor!
  Jiang Yuan also stepped back a few steps and was not hit.


  She was a little anxious, and then rushed up again.

  For some reason, the building began to tilt, and she slid down.

  "Oh no, the building collapsed, hurry..."

  Along with it, there were also things that fell before.

  Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue didn't dare to delay, and began to lean towards her.

  They didn't care about what would happen. If Jiang Yuan fell, it would be over.

  This is the twenty-first floor, and she would be smashed to pieces.

  "Pu La La..."

  An extremely harsh sound rang out, and the three of them couldn't help looking outside.

  I saw that the explosion-proof glass actually cracked a little bit.

  At this moment, everyone saw the situation outside. It seemed like a tornado, and it seemed like something else that couldn't be named.

  It had reached a place where the sky was blocked out, and it became dark in an instant.

  Then, the broken glass finally couldn't hold on.

  "Not good!"

  Jiang Yuan suddenly burst out with great power, and Jiang Xingzhi also yelled. The two of them exerted force at the same time and finally collided with each other.

  She raised her left hand tremblingly and rubbed it on her face.

  Just before the glass shards outside flew over, the three of them entered the space.

  They all collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.

  It was terrible to survive a disaster.


  Xiao Nuan ran over crying. Jiang Yuan reached out and hugged her daughter, stroking her back gently.

  "It's okay, it's okay, Mom is back, Xiao Nuan, don't cry."

  The little girl was very depressed, and she cried even louder at this moment.

  He hugged her neck tightly and didn't let go.

  "Daughter, your hand is bleeding, hurry up, I'll wipe it for you."

  Qin Yue hurried to get something from the house. She had brought the first aid kit in yesterday, and she knew where it was.

  "What's going on? Why did the earthquake suddenly happen?"

  Jiang Yuan also slowed down and shook her head: "It's not an earthquake, it should be an avalanche, an avalanche that is even more severe than the last time..."

Chapter 266 Crazy Song Yi2024-01-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Xingzhi sat on the ground and had almost recovered.

  "You mean, it was a snowstorm?"

  "Well, it was dark later. If it was an earthquake, it wouldn't be like this.

  The only explanation is that we were blocked by something in front of us, so we couldn't see.

  Moreover, the moment the glass shards flew over, I felt that there were countless snow particles."

  The house is all explosion-proof glass, what level, it was so easy to break.

  Moreover, after the glass was broken, it would not have broken into small particles. It would have

  been firmly stuck together, just like today's situation.

  It can be seen how powerful the outside is. It's too terrible.

  "Then this building is tilted. Is the avalanche so powerful?"

  Jiang Xingzhi was a little unbelievable, but Jiang Yuan was sure.

  "A large avalanche is no less destructive than other natural disasters.

  I guess our building is no longer viable."

  Qin Yue also came out, holding a first aid kit in her hand, and was about to apply medicine to everyone.

  "Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan..."

  She had been sensing the outside, and was also stunned when she heard someone calling her.

  "What's wrong, girl?"

  "Oh no, Song Yi is here to look for us."

  "What, what should we do?"

  Qin Yue was a little nervous. If she didn't go out, people would come to look for her with good intentions.

  If she went out, it would be really dangerous.

  "You stay here and look after Xiao Nuan, I'll go out to see..."

  "No, your wounds haven't been healed yet!"


  As she said that, she quickly put on her clothes and shoes and left the space.

  If it was all bandaged, it would be too fake.

  As soon as she came out, it was dark outside. Song Yi was holding a strong flashlight and looking around.

  The house was already very tilted, and the roof had fallen down.

  The broken walls were very scary.

  Moreover, there were broken glass and snow particles everywhere.

  Snow particles kept flying in from the broken windows outside, hitting her body and hurting her.

  "Song Yi, I'm here..."

  Hearing this, the man turned back coldly, but there were too many things in between, so it was difficult for him to get through.

  The little guy was very fast and jumped over in a few strokes.

  Jiang Yuan deliberately fell to the ground to make herself look a little embarrassed.

  Then Song Yi came to her side, and the words on her lips were not spoken yet.

  The other party suddenly hugged her, very hard, as if to rub into the bones and blood.

  "Ahem, Song Yi..."

  Feeling her discomfort, the man quickly let go. When she looked up, she met a pair of scarlet eyes.

  "Are you okay?" "

  I'm fine, you are bleeding."

  Her hand was scratched, and she didn't clean it just now, and now it is freezing.

  "It's okay..."

  As soon as the voice fell, Song Yi took off his coat and put it on her.

  "No, you wear it."

  "I'm fine, put your hands in your sleeves, I have long arms."

  This is because she didn't wear gloves. Although he is usually very indifferent, he is very careful at critical times.

  "By the way, where are the uncle and aunt?"

  Uh, the newcomer is still here.

  "In front, there was a shake just now, I thought it was an earthquake, so I climbed up to the attic to see.

  As a result, the building collapsed, and my parents are upstairs. Song Yi, what should I do now?"

  She deliberately showed a little bit of fear, and the other party immediately felt distressed and softened his attitude.

  "Don't be afraid, let's get out quickly, it's not safe here.

  What's it like up there?"     "It's OK. The wall is fine. We are in the gap. My dad's arm was hit, but everything else is fine..."

  "That's good. We must leave quickly. Let me go back and get some tools. If possible, let everyone come down.

  If not, I'll come over to carry them later."

  "Okay, go ahead!"

  At this moment, the avalanche had passed.

  There was no glass in the house, and it was freezing. Song Yi came here in a hurry and didn't bring anything.

  It just so happened that this opportunity was convenient for her. She

  quickly entered the space and briefly explained the specific situation.

  Qin Yue had known that it would not be so easy to get away.

  She had prepared clothes for everyone and put them on without wasting a moment.

  Several people hurried out of the space and wrapped Xiao Nuan tightly.

  Then she pretended to take out the backpack and woven bag.

  When Song Yi arrived, he was also fully armed, and Jiang Yuan also changed clothes.

  "So fast..."

  "Well, luckily you reminded us to pack up in advance. Let's go quickly.

  The building is like this, it may collapse at any time, let's hurry."

  Dangerous buildings, delaying for a while, will be life-threatening.

  Several people couldn't get out at all. The collapse in the corridor was particularly severe.

  The stairs were gone.

  "What should I do, they are still downstairs."

  Jiang Yuan was a little scared and started to call for help.

  "Mianmian, did you hear me, Mianmian, I'm Jiang Yuan."


  Song Yi quickly stopped her. At this time, they couldn't speak loudly.

  Any loud noise could become their death knell.

  Jiang Yuan also reacted, but she was really anxious.

  "From here, we can go down..."

  Jiang Xingzhi looked at a big hole in the ground, which was exactly where the firewood was placed before.

  There was something blocking this side, so it didn't collapse completely.

  It was just right for him to rescue all the ice carts.

  Just after pulling it down, the whole space started moving again, and the things on the top rustled...

  "No, no more, Dad, no more?"

  The ice carts here were all broken ones before, and she had already put the good ones into the space.

  Song Yi took the lead, put down the things, and went down directly.

  There were also things underneath, half of them fell down, and he needed to lean outward.

  If he was not careful, he would be easily scratched by the construction waste next to him.

  Jiang Yuan held a flashlight to illuminate him, and he was also very scared. If the top continued to collapse, he would die.

  Why did many disaster relief workers fail to come back? Because going deep into the disaster area is a terrible thing in itself.

  It is lucky to retire after success, and it is also normal to sacrifice heroically.

  "Be careful!"

  Song Yi went down, and they were waiting on top, and they were also very worried.

  Especially the little one, who rushed down directly.

  Dogs are indeed the most loyal friends of humans, it is absolutely true.

  "Zhang Kaiyang, Fan Qing, Ye Mianmian..."

  He called softly, not knowing whether the other party was still alive.

  After asking several times, he finally received a response.

  "Great, I'm still alive..."

  This feeling of surviving a disaster is really great.

  "Mom and Dad, you guys take care of Xiao Nuan, I'll go down to help..."

  As she said this, she took out three hot water bottles from the space, all of which were hot.

  Then, she took out a bag of hot baby stickers and gave them to Qin Yue.

267. Chapter 267: Being Hit Under the Cement Slab

2024-01-19 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  These are all heat-generating things, which can save lives in such weather.

  After explaining, Jiang Yuan went down to help.

  The hole was on the wall, and Jiang Xingzhi pulled her down little by little.

  Just when she reached the obstacle in the middle, she accidentally kicked into the air.


  The whole person fell to the side, where there were fallen concrete slabs, and she would be dead if she hit it. "My daughter..."   Jiang Xingzhi hurriedly exerted force, not caring about the pain of the other arm.   Jiang Yuan was also scared, and stepped on it with her other leg, and then swung back with the pulling force.   "Oh my god, I'm scared to death..."

  When   she looked up, she saw her father's nervous expression.   "Dad, let go of your arm, I'll jump down."   Although there were many things below, it was indeed no problem to jump down. Qin Yue was still worried, so she threw down a military coat.   Afraid that she would get hurt, Jiang Yuan didn't hesitate and jumped down directly.   Then she handed over the military coat. This was taken out by her mother to keep warm, and it was no problem even if it was a little dirty.   The situation below was even worse than the top. This side was in the middle of the corridor, only three or five meters away from 2002, and even closer to 2001.   But now, there were broken walls and ruins everywhere, and the ground was filled with construction waste.   Even with a beam of light shining in, it was hard to see clearly.   She held a flashlight and saw that under the beam in front of her, people could still pass.   This wall should be a load-bearing wall, which looked so abrupt.   "Song Yi, where are you?"   She didn't dare to speak loudly, as there was a "woohoo" sound from the little one in front of her.   "Jiang Yuan, are you coming down?"   "Yeah!"   She was worried, but couldn't say it.   "Don't move there, I'll come to pick you up."   Uh...   "I'll come by myself..."   Before she could say the word "OK", the man appeared in front of her.   This side was not far away, but it was a pity that the situation was not very good, otherwise it would be better.   "Follow me, do what I do, and you do it."   "Okay!"   Song Yi walked in front of her, and didn't forget to hold her hand.   Although it felt strange, it was a special situation now, so she didn't care so much.   It takes a lifetime of courage to walk this short distance of a few meters.   After jumping up and down, she finally got through.   "Can't this door be opened?"   "Yes, it's blocked inside."   Song Yi answered her, but there was nothing he could do now, so he could only worry.   "Sister Yuan, is that you, Sister Yuan?"   "Mianmian, don't cry, it's me, don't worry, I will definitely save you." "   Sister Yuan, Sister Yuan..."   Ye Mianmian over there had already broken down emotionally, and she was also a little anxious.   "Mianmian, don't cry, listen to me now, take three deep breaths and calm yourself down."   It's normal to be afraid at such a time, and she was the same.   "Mianmian, listen to me, where are Fan Qing and Zhang Kaiyang, how are they now?"   "Fan Qing, Fan Qing is by my side, Zhang Kaiyang was hit by a concrete slab, and we can't move him now." As   she spoke, she could feel that she was shaking violently. In addition to being afraid, she should also be cold.   "Sister Yuan, it's okay, I'm fine here.   I can hold on, the two concrete slabs have hit each other, I just can't get out, it's not a big problem."   Zhang Kaiyang deliberately said this because he was afraid that they would worry.   "Song Yi, what should we do now?"   "The door was hit by the floor, so it can't be opened. The best way is to smash it open.   But I don't dare to make too much noise."   

  Because Zhang Kaiyang was inside the cement board at the door.

  "I can unlock the door, don't worry."

  She had demonstrated this skill before.

  However, with Zhang Kaiyang in front of her, she didn't deliberately show off her skills.

  She took out a small wrench from her pocket and pulled the door handle open. She was quite strong.

  Seeing this, Song Yi hurried over to help.

  "Oh my god, awesome!"

  He broke the handle with one hand, and Jiang Yuan didn't move much with both hands.

  This guy is really strong!

  Insert the wrench from the gap and find the position of the lock core.

  After a few fiddles, it opened.

  "Click", very crisp.

  Jiang Yuan didn't open it directly, but looked at Song Yi, who immediately came to help her hold the door.

  "Mianmian, the lock is open, I'm going to open the door, be careful!"

  "Okay, Sister Yuan, I'm ready."

  Jiang Yuan nodded to Song Yi, and the two slowly opened the door.

  The sound of things falling inside was very obvious, and she couldn't hold it for several times.

  Fortunately, Song Yi was here, so the situation was not too bad.

  Finally, they pulled away without any danger.

  The cold air outside hit her, and she shivered involuntarily.

  "Mianmian, are you okay?"

  Ye Mianmian stood up, looked at her, and burst into tears instantly.

  Seeing Jiang Yuan, it seemed like she saw hope.

  "Don't cry, wipe your tears quickly, or they will freeze."


  As she said that, she went to wipe her eyes.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, please save Kaiyang quickly."

  Fan Qing was anxious, and seeing them was like seeing a savior.

  The situation was indeed not optimistic. Zhang Kaiyang was at the bottom, although it was not very serious.

  But there were too many things above, and there were actually steel bars in many cement slabs. If you were not careful, it would be a fatal thing.

  There were some small things above, which had been taken down by Fan Qing and others, and now there was this big cement block.

  But it was too in the middle, and the two of them could not get out, and Jiang Yuan and Song Yi could not get in either. If they wanted to move, it would be easier said than done.

  Both of them were thinking about how to minimize casualties.

  "Well, let's find a way to pull the cement block on top and then move it down."

  "Okay, but how do we pull it? It's so heavy. If we're not careful and it shakes the bottom, it will be troublesome." It

  was indeed troublesome. Zhang Kaiyang would definitely be buried alive.

  Song Yi also felt that she was right, but what to do.

  "Ice pick!"

  He looked at the door and the ice pick that Jiang Yuan took down to explore the way, and began to be absent-minded.

  "Lever principle!"

  "Lever principle!"

  The two of them said in unison and smiled at each other. As expected, they thought of the same thing.

  Without further ado, they got busy.

  Ask them to find everything in the house that can be used as ropes. Ropes are the best, but if they can't get them, strips of cloth will do.

  As long as the load-bearing capacity is enough, there will be no problem.

  In addition, the two people outside began to calculate frantically.

  Song Yi was very serious and basically didn't need her to worry about anything.

  "Fan Qing, I remember Zhang Kaiyang had a helmet before."

  He liked to play motorcycles, and there were many such equipment. She had seen it when she helped move.

  "Yes, yes, I'll go find it."

  She also knew what it meant, to protect her head.

  (End of this chapter)

268. Chapter 268 Broken Arm2024-01-19 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Inside and outside the house, the four people were busy.

  Zhang Kaiyang looked at the few people and was not so nervous now.

  Jiang Yuan knew that Song Yi could do it, so she wanted to go back to see Xiao Nuan and her parents.

  Ye Mianmian's rope happened to be fixed, so she helped here first.

  "Brother Song, how should we do it?"

  Song Yi asked her to fold the rope in half, and then throw the two ends over.

  The middle part was to hold the larger cement board.

  "Mianmian, you and Fan Qing come here."


  Ye Mianmian was here. Fan Qing had just put the helmet on Zhang Kaiyang and quickly stood up.

  The two were afraid of delaying Song Yi's work. It was too cold now, and their hands were shaking with cold.

  "Hold this and check it again.

  In addition, take this..."

  As he said, he handed over the ice pick, and Ye Mianmian quickly took it.

  Insert the ice pick and then lift it up.

  Ye Mianmian moved a stool over, otherwise it would be difficult to reach.

  "You must be gentle. If there is any abnormal movement, stop immediately, understand?"


  Both of them nodded vigorously, afraid of missing something.

  This is related to Zhang Kaiyang's life, which is different from before.

  If you are not careful, it will cause lifelong injuries.

  The two people are cautious. Song Yi is pulling the two ends of the rope alone, and he dare not go too fast.

  Jiang Yuan stands by, as an emergency personnel at any time.

  It is also very important to be responsible for watching the situation here and adjusting the actions of both sides.

  "Okay, put it down slowly."

  Now, a lot of cement slabs have come down.

  From the outside, a small part has already left the upper position.

  Song Yi slowly stopped, and then asked Jiang Yuan to help, and began to move it with difficulty.

  This cement slab is with steel bars, which is not convenient to move, and there is limited place to start.

  The two of them are also very embarrassed, mainly because it is very heavy. After moving for a long time, it only moved a little bit.

  However, it is already more than half.

  After exerting force again, Jiang Yuan can see Song Yi next to him, and his veins are exposed.

  He is particularly worried that he will shout out, and then bury everyone.

  "Slow down, slow down..."

  Finally, the cement block moved. It was too heavy when it came down.

  It fell to the ground with a "clang", which was really terrible.

  The things below also loosened and fell down a lot.


  "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

  Jiang Yuan didn't bother to say anything more and hurried over to ask about the situation.

  Zhang Kaiyang spoke calmly, not as angry as imagined.

  "Sister Yuan, it's okay, don't worry.

  A small piece fell down. Fortunately, I brought a helmet, haha."

  He wanted to say that there must be good fortune after surviving a disaster.

  But Fan Qing couldn't control it anymore. He covered his mouth and didn't dare to cry out.

  "Oh, I'm not dead, Qingqing, hurry up, I'm so cold."

  "Here it comes..."

  At this time, I still have to find something for her to do, otherwise she will think about it.

  "Let's clean up the little things in the middle, hurry up."


  The four people, two by two, got busy inside and outside the door.

  When the things above were almost cleaned up, they could see the situation below clearly.

  Zhang Kaiyang was really lucky. A cement board broke in the middle.

  He was right at the junction,

  and although he was hit, the broken board just happened to leave a gap, giving him a place to stay.

  "Push this away, let's..."     Jiang Yuan and a few others moved the piece in front of them, which took a lot of effort.

  They just moved it away and let the person out.

  The other one was much better. They cleaned up the broken pieces. This one was directly pressing him.

  Push it to the side and the person came out.

  "How is it? Move gently and see if it's okay."

  "Hiss~ It hurts..."

  Zhang Kaiyang was numb just now, not sure if it was because of the pressure or the cold.

  Now that he is free, he feels very uncomfortable.

  "Then don't move..."

  After Song Yi put the cement board in place and made sure there was no danger, he came to check on him.

  The conditions were limited, so he could only rely on this experienced soldier.

  "It should be a broken arm..."

  He was crushed underneath, and a broken arm was still a minor injury.

  If things go wrong, comminuted fractures are possible.

  In other words, the whole person was flattened.

  At that time, he was in a hurry to get out, but he didn't expect to be hit when he opened the door.

  "Be careful..."

  Song Yi checked his whole body and made sure there was no major problem with other parts, then helped him up.

  The strip of cloth from before can also be put to use.

  "Bear with me, I'll use the most primitive method to set your bones."

  Jiang Yuan didn't understand much, and she saw Song Yi pinching Zhang Kaiyang's arm.

  Then, the other party should be in some pain, but he tried his best to restrain himself.

  She was afraid of an accident, so she held out her hand.

  "Sister Yuan, if you don't care, how can I bite you?"

  Uh, it was a misunderstanding.

  "Don't bite me, my clothes are very thick, you can bite my clothes."

  "Oh, so!"

  What's the matter, looking at this expression, he is a little disappointed.

  "No, this towel is clean, let him bite this."

  Fan Qing took out a towel from his pocket, folded it, and let him bite it. After

  about twenty minutes, it was finally healed, not like what was shown in movies and TV series.

  Screaming, and then nothing happened.

  Song Yi pulled the rope from before, tied him up, and put a wooden board underneath to fix it.

  With the rope around his neck, the technique is quite professional.

  "Hurry up and pack up. Let's go to the next door to see Liang Kang's family."

  Jiang Yuan said, and walked over.

  The situation in 2001 was even worse.

  Basically, they didn't go to the door. Song Yi came over to help move and pick up things.

  Finally, a way was cleared. The house in this family could be directly entered. There was nothing at the door.

  "Liang Kang, Xiaoling, Jingjing, are you okay?"

  Jiang Yuan called twice, and someone suddenly came out. It was Xiaoling.

  The two were a little surprised when they met.

  "Jiang Yuan, you are here. We are fine. How are you?"

  "We are fine too. Can we come out? Let
  's leave here quickly. This house is not safe."


  As he said, Liang Kang also came out, holding Jingjing. The three of them were not embarrassed at all.

  It was similar to their usual mental state.

  Moreover, the things were packed up.

  There were some things at the door, and the situation inside the house was not very good.

  However, everything was safe after all.

  Jingjing was handed over first, and Jiang Yuan caught it.

  The beam at the door also fell down, but no one was hit.

  "Hey, how come you are not injured at all?"

  (End of this chapter)

269. Chapter 269 Leaving

2024-01-20Author : Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Hearing this, Xiaoling was stunned for a moment.

  "We hid. We thought it was an earthquake at first.

  We hid in the toilet. It's no big deal."

  Yes, they not only knew that it was an avalanche, not an earthquake.

  They also knew how to avoid risks correctly. There should be many such drills in school.

  For example, Zhang Kaiyang's first reaction was to run out, but he ended up with a broken bone.

  It seems that certain professional qualities can still save lives at critical moments.

  "It's good that you are not injured. Hurry up, let's leave here first."


  The couple are now normal and want to leave on their own, so they have almost packed up their things.

  After Jiang Yuan and others came over, they went to the door of 2002 again.

  "How is the packing going?"

  "Sister Yuan, many things can't be taken out. Fortunately, we prepared a lot before, so we can leave immediately."

  Fan Qing was a little embarrassed. At this time, she actually felt reluctant to leave anything.

  After leaving here, she didn't know how to live in the future, so the more things she could take, the better.

  "Qingqing, what about you?"

  "Ah? We, we are fine..."

  Whether there is a problem or not, it can't wait now.

  It's so cold, it's freezing.

  We have to find a way out while it's still early.

  We have to find a suitable place to rest, otherwise we will freeze to death at night.

  "Song Yi, we probably can't get out from underneath now, it's too dangerous."

  What if the building shakes, then we will all be buried, I dare not think about it.

  "Well, let's go up first and leave from upstairs later."


  Jiang Yuan was also a little speechless. With so many people, she couldn't stay in the space. It

  would be more convenient to take this opportunity to find a new place to stay.

  She couldn't stay in the space forever, and she had to hold on if she could.

  In this way, she could leave Xiao Nuan a glimmer of hope later.

  In her heart, she always felt that this doomsday would not end too early.

  Everything still had to be looked at in the long run.

  In addition, she herself was not the kind of person who would get drunk today.

  Everyone was gathered here.

  Song Yi looked at the protruding cement block in the middle, which was suspended below.

  If you accidentally stepped on it or fell down, it would not be a good thing.

  In this situation, any sound is taboo.

  He was so absorbed in watching that Liang Kang also noticed the situation here.

  "Brother Song, how about this? Let's take these broken pieces and use them as pads.

  With the support, the cement board won't fall off.

  We can also use this as a stepping stone to make it easier to get on."

  "Okay, let's do it."

  It was indeed a good idea. Whether it was boys or girls, everyone was looking for smaller construction waste within their sight.

  In less than two minutes, the place was done. Song Yi tried it and it worked well.

  Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue were watching from above, more anxious than anyone else.

  "I'll go up first, and then you guys come up one by one."


  Song Yi knew that Jiang Xingzhi was also hit, so he didn't let him pull anyone up. If he stretched it, it would be troublesome.

  Jiang Yuan's hand was also treated just now.

  Wrapped it with a handkerchief and then put on gloves, so there was no problem.

  It was just a small scratch, it didn't matter, and he could just go back and put on a Band-Aid later.

  Fan Qing went up second, and then Liang Kang dragged Zhang Kaiyang and asked him to go up to the cement block in the middle.

  Song Yi and the others were helping to pull the people up. Since he was having difficulty moving now, this was the only thing he could do.   

  Then Liang Kang went up and carried Jingjing up.

  Ye Mianmian, Xiaoling and the other two were at the bottom, handing over all the luggage.

  After they were done, they went up.

  Jiang Yuan was the last one. Song Yi lifted up several of them, and she was still a little scared.

  If he accidentally let go, she would die here.


  "How do we get down? It's so high?"

  Ye Mianmian sighed. This was a practical problem.

  Now everyone was on the top floor, the 21st floor. It would not be easy to go down.

  The 14th floor had been flooded, and a lot of it should have been left by the avalanche.

  Therefore, they were between the 20th and 14th floors below.

  Although they were standing on the 21st floor, they were at the bottom, and this floor was not counted in the height.

  There were a total of 7 floors. According to the height of 2.8 meters per floor, it was 19.6 meters, which was equivalent to 20 meters.

  In addition to the impact of the avalanche, the whole building tilted a lot, and the height might be less.

  But it was still a hassle to think about getting to the ground smoothly.

  "Everyone, let's fix up first, and then we'll go down with the rope.

  Jiang Yuan, you go back and pack your things."


  Song Yi also wanted to go back. He was anxious to find Jiang Yuan, and except for the little one who ran out with him, he didn't take anything else with him.

  Everyone sat down in twos and threes, and Jiang Yuan returned to the house.

  This fortress that she built was gone, and she felt a little regretful.

  She didn't need anything else, but she still had to take away the solar panels and water purification system on the terrace.

  The way up was not easy to walk, so she stumbled a lot.

  She took out a large pair of pliers from the space and cut off the wires and pipes connected there. She

  kept as much as possible, hoping that they could be used in the future.

  Although these things are big, it's still easy to put them into the space.

  When she came back, Song Yi hadn't come out yet, and Jiang Yuan was worried.

  Out of humanitarianism, she came to find him.

  "Oh my God..."

  The door of his house was also an explosion-proof door, and it was still strong now.

  But the situation was much worse. Many famous wines on the wine cabinet in the house were now broken all over the floor.

  Really, this shouldn't have happened a long time ago. Now I have to worry about getting my feet pierced by broken bottles.

  "Song Yi, are you okay?"

  "Here, in a minute..."

  Jiang Yuan followed the voice and saw him packing in the room.

  There were also three large woven bags full of things. He must want to take everything he can.

  "Do you need help?"

  She asked politely. To be honest.

  At that critical moment of life and death, she really didn't expect that Song Yi would rush over to find them.

  "Help me get this..."

  It was a small bag, and it was very light inside...

  "What is this?"

  "A rope, it will come in handy later..."

  No wonder he looked so confident, it turned out that he had prepared it.

  After Song Yi finished speaking, he went to the side and pressed the password. Jiang Yuan saw the whole process.

  "Isn't this a refrigerator?"

  "No, it's just a safe..."

  Then, he opened it in front of her.

  Oh my god, it's full of cash and gold bars!

  Jiang Yuan unconsciously took two steps forward, with a look of horror on her face: "Song Yi, what did you do before?"

Chapter 270: Find a way out of the building2024-01-20Author : Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Kill people, rob people, do everything, are you afraid?"

  He took some cash and some gold bars.

  But it was not much, so he put them in his backpack.

  "Afraid, I'm scared to death!"

  Jiang Yuan was speechless. If she didn't want to say it, she didn't have to say it. What's the matter!

  It's time now, and he still has the mood to tease her.

  "Let's go!"

  "Leave now? Don't you want the rest?"

  So much money, this man is really willing to give it up.

  "There's no other way. If you want, just take some."

  No wonder he said before that he needed money and could ask him for it.

  It turns out that he really has it!

  "Then you can't do this. If nothing happens later, we can come back."

  Jiang Yuan said, picked up the quilt on the bed, and then went over to cover the safe.

  Song Yi didn't think it was a big deal. Now time is pressing.

  "I'll go fix the rope first, and come down quickly when you're done."


  Oh my god, there is a huge temptation in front of him.

  Song Yi is sorry, even if she doesn't touch this thing, it may be sold to others later.

  Jiang Yuan didn't hesitate and put the whole safe away directly.

  The situation is very complicated now. There are many things in this safe, which can be used later.

  Moreover, her space is a bottomless pit!
  This safe is estimated to be about 1.5 meters, and there are so many things in it.

  She can't estimate the number, but it is really good.

  After doing all this, she hurried out and saw five liquefied gas cylinders at the kitchen door.

  She took them away directly. This kind of thing will be hard to come by in the future.

  If she doesn't take it, she will be too sorry for her large space.

  When she came out, Song Yi and Liang Kang had already found a good position and fixed the rope.

  This is similar to a mountaineering rope, all with hooks, and there is no doubt about its stability.

  "Song Yi, come this way."

  Jiang Yuan originally wanted to go out from the house, but she felt that it was not good, so it was better to go down from the window in the corridor.

  Although this side is a little narrow, the chance of bumping into people is relatively small.

  If you go through the window in the house, you are afraid of knocking down people in the room, which is not safe.

  "Yes, Jiang Yuan is right, we have to be on guard."

  As she said, she turned the hook around again.

  "I'll go down first and take a look. If everything is ok, you guys can come down later."

  Song Yi took the lead and brought the little one with him. There was really no other way.

  The snow below was not sure how much weight it could bear.

  Although the group of people before were fine, they still had to be careful.

  Jiang Yuan was still a little worried because of his agility!
  Liang Kang and Jiang Xingzhi were watching from behind. She and Ye Mianmian were in front of the window. If anything happened, they could see it first.

  Song Yi's hands and feet were very flexible and his speed was very fast. It didn't feel like he was running for his life.

  It was more like a performance, which made them feel much better.

  Moreover, this was the window of the corridor.

  The structure of each floor below was the same, and he could rest halfway.

  "Sister Yuan, look at Brother Song, is he going to the bottom?"


  Jiang Yuan held the telescope and could see it clearly now.

  He didn't rest at all in the middle, and his strength was running out.

  "We're there!"

  The people behind heard it and breathed a sigh of relief.

  This was the first step and their hope of survival.

  Song Yi was very careful and did not loosen the rope after he arrived.

  After testing for a long time and making sure there was no problem, he went down and took two steps.     However, the rope in his hand was still being pulled.

  He himself did not dare to joke with his life, and everything was based on safety.

  "One hand, one hand!"

  Jiang Yuan was a little excited, and Song Yi waved his hand upwards, it was one hand.

  "No problem, great..."

  The people behind him also became excited.

  They agreed that if there was no problem, they would wave one hand.

  If there was a problem, they would wave two hands.

  Because there were other people in the building, they could not act rashly.

  Shouting would definitely not work, so they came up with this method to pass on the message.

  Since that was the case, they would go down.

  However, the current situation was not very optimistic.

  Zhang Kaiyang's left hand was injured, and it would definitely not work to go down along the rope.

  Dad's arm was also hit, and if he used force, it would also be a problem.

  As for the rest, they were all female comrades.

  They were originally timid, and this required a lot of arm strength, which was not an easy task.

  Moreover, there were two children.

  For a moment, she didn't know who should go down first.

  Unless everyone was sent into the space, and then she went down by herself.

  But that would expose her.

  Absolutely not. Apart from anything else, she couldn't guarantee that these people wouldn't be jealous!

  "How about this, Liang Kang, you go down first, and you carry Zhang Kaiyang on your back, can you do it?"

  Everyone looked over!

  Liang Kang hesitated, he wanted to take his daughter down.

  "I don't know, Kaiyang, how much do you weigh?"

  "I'm 120 pounds, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine."

  He deliberately said it lightly, but everyone knew that the situation down there was not very good.

  If one hand fell, it would be over.

  Jiang Yuan sighed, she couldn't force Liang Kang to take people down.

  Thinking of this, she became irritated in her heart...

  "Or, let me try it!"

  As he said, he was going to carry him, but Liang Kang was also thin and tall, if he carried him conventionally, it would probably be no problem.

  Now, he still had to hang on the rope, which was really stressful.

  It was estimated that the only one who could accomplish this was Song Yi, but he had already gone down to explore the way, how could he let him climb up again.

  Going up and going down were two different concepts.

  Song Yi was actually being dragged down by being with them.

  "Mianmian, you go down first..."

  "I, Sister Yuan, I'll help you pack up here."

  She didn't want to go down first. She could certainly escape, but what about Jiang Yuan.

  Seeing her earnest eyes, she wasn't talking nonsense, Jiang Yuan didn't say anything.

  "Liang Kang, how about this, you take Jingjing down."

  "Jingjing should be fine, but what about Zhang Kaiyang?"

  To be honest, he was still a little hesitant.

  If he didn't help, it seemed like he was too unkind.

  You can only share the good times, but not the bad times, but it's really hard to carry an adult on your back!
  "It's okay, let's think of other ways, we can't waste time, we still have to find a place to stay today, hurry up!"

  He didn't refuse anymore, and everyone brought a piece of cloth over.

  Tie Jingjing behind him, so that it would be safer after it was fixed.

  It's absolutely unrealistic to let the little girl hold on to it herself.

  "Jingjing, listen to your dad, mom will come to you later.

  You must hold on to your dad well, and don't move around, understand?"
