
111. Chapter 111 The Extreme Cold Arrives2023-11-11 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Extra, Extra, an old woman on the fifteenth floor fell down and was cursing in the corridor."

  Jiang Yuan sighed, not expecting retribution to come so quickly.

  Serves her right!

  "It was that old woman, are there any others?"

  "Only her, she will be killed if she does too much evil!"

  It was good news, but no one talked about this topic anymore.

  It's not worth wasting the battery of the intercom for such an irrelevant person.

  That old woman is like a smart person, how could she not know what's going on. She

  just didn't dare to come to her to settle the score. If she meets her later, she still has to solve it properly.

  Jiang Yuan cherishes her current life very much. When the extreme cold comes and everyone knows that life will not only not get better, but will get worse, then she will not be able to sleep peacefully.

  Next to her is her sweet and warm daughter, a warm and cute little ball.

  Her eyes softened, baby, in this life, mom will definitely protect you well.

  She slept until eight o'clock in the evening, and Xiao Nuan miraculously didn't wake up.

  Maybe she woke up and saw her mother was still sleeping, so she continued to sleep.

  Qin Yue came over and called the two to get up. They still had to eat dinner.

  Jiang Yuan slept well and was in a good mood.

  She was going to take out the express in the space and unpack it.

  There was a small balcony in the master bedroom, and she had taken some woven bags and put them in it before.

  They were all miscellaneous and not very important things. She just wanted to have a good reason to take them out in the future. She

  wouldn't be suspected by her parents, and this time it just came in handy.

  For safety, she still put the express in the bag and then took it out.

  The curtains in the bedroom were usually drawn. Although Qin Yue often came here, she didn't know how many things were in the back.

  "Oh my god, girl, why are there so many express?"

  Jiang Yuan scratched her head, a little embarrassed.

  She dumped everything on the ground. There was only room for the dining table in the house before.

  Later, because she teamed up with Song Yi and others.

  A lot of things were moved, but the living room was still full.

  This is also one of the reasons why she didn't let everyone come to her house.

  "Dad, Mom, this is what I collected before. I saved it slowly by myself. They all know that I took some express delivery, but they probably don't know there are so many."

  She didn't take out all the express delivery, which would definitely scare the old couple.

  Qin Yue brought scissors over. Women are most interested in opening express delivery.

  Xiao Nuan is no exception, and it's not bought by you, it's definitely a blind box.

  Jiang Xingzhi can't catch a cold, so he helped to pack up the express bags and paper boxes.

  The things are also varied, including clothes, toys, daily necessities, and snacks.

  "Dad, don't throw away that box, keep it for ignition later."


  Jiang Xingzhi is a neat and tidy person. He directly arranged the paper shells and tied them together.

  With this little episode, life is not boring.

  Jiang Yuan followed Qin Yue to see the mushroom sticks she kept in the foam box. The temperature outside was too low, and it would be better inside.

  If you turn on the electric heater, put this box next to it, it can also play a role.

  There are already a lot of mushrooms on it, including oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms.

  It's okay to pick them.

  Qin Yue meant to keep them for two more days, so that they can grow bigger and be eaten more.

  Jiang Yuan was embarrassed and immediately went back to the space to arrange this mushroom stick.

  The climate inside is suitable, as long as the humidity is reasonable, they will grow very fast. If

  you sleep too much during the day, you will not want to sleep at night. Xiao Nuan is fine, her biological clock is relatively standard.

  Jiang Yuan took the tablet, found "Journey to the West", and read it with relish.

  Those people outside are demons and monsters, aren't they? Monkey King's fight is worth watching.     ...

  In the middle of the night, she was woken up by the cold.

  My goodness, the hot water bottle is cold, and I feel my teeth chattering.

  This is, the temperature has dropped.

  Xiao Nuan's condition is not very good either. She was covered with too many quilts at night, and her breath has frosted her eyelashes.

  Jiang Yuan's heart trembled, and she hurried to touch her.

  Fortunately, except for the cold hands and feet, everything else is fine.

  After this tossing, the child also woke up.

  She looked a little unhappy: "Mom!"

  "Xiao Nuan, don't cry, mom is here."

  As she said, she took the three-layer quilted pajamas and surrounded her daughter.

  She didn't dare to wait, and hurried out to see her parents.

  "Dad, Mom, wake up..."

  There was a knock on the door, and Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue also got up.

  My goodness, it's really a matter of talking, and my teeth are frozen.

  "Why is it so cold all of a sudden? It's as cold as the night of the coldest days in our hometown."

  "That's right, it's already minus 22 degrees."

  There is an indoor thermometer in the living room, and now the red mark is particularly obvious.

  Their home is located in the north, so this temperature is reached every year, but it is also the nighttime temperature.

  It is different in Xishi, where the temperature is minus five or six degrees Celsius in winter, and every home has floor heating or something.

  I guess many people can't stand it.

  "Dad, the heater in our room is cold, is the battery dead?"

  The matter of his daughter and granddaughter is a big deal, Jiang Xingzhi did not dare to delay and hurried to check.

  Sure enough, after replacing the new battery, it was just a matter of reinserting the plug.

  Qin Yue also hurried to get the electric blanket and spread it on both sides. Jiang

  Yuan had bought a lot of constant temperature clothes before, and now let everyone wear them to sleep.

  Ordinary pajamas are simply not good.

  Sure enough, as soon as the constant temperature clothes were put on, the feeling immediately improved.

  Then put on three layers of quilted pajamas on the outside, and the father was even more exaggerated, he actually took out a military coat.

  Mom started to boil water, and the electric hot water bottles were all charged and used.

  After a long time of tossing, they finally returned to the quilt.

  Oh no, why did I forget about the others.

  Jiang Yuan patted her head and quickly turned on the intercom.

  An anxious voice came from inside: "Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan, the temperature has dropped, get up quickly..."

  It was Song Yi.

  It seemed that he had also discovered it.

  "Received, received, Zhang Kaiyang, Mianmian, how are you doing over there? Please reply if you received it."

  She also hurriedly called the other two people, but unfortunately, there was no response for a long time, it must be turned off.

  Just as she was about to go downstairs and knock on the door, Zhang Kaiyang replied tremblingly.

  The voice sounded like he was shivering from the cold.

  "I feel it, I'll go see Ye Mianmian now."

  He got up to pee, and now he was also nervous.

  Ye Mianmian was fine, Grandma Ye had woken up a long time ago.

  I don't know why the weather is so cold, but she covered her granddaughter with the clothes of both people.

  Jiang Yuan sighed in her heart, everyone is awake, it's okay.

  I'm just afraid that if they fall asleep directly, it would be too terrible.

112. Chapter 112 All Frozen2023-11-11 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  The next morning, Jiang Yuan knocked on the door of 2002 with an electric blanket.

  "Sister Yuan, you're here so early?"

  Zhang Kaiyang hadn't had a haircut for a long time. He looked like a sloppy old man.

  Ye Mianmian was cooking porridge. She heard the noise and came over.

  They were eating together now. Zhang Kaiyang couldn't eat much by himself, and it could save some liquefied gas.

  "Mianmian, I have an extra electric blanket at home.

  I thought Grandma Ye was old, so I'd give it to her."

  She bought a generator, so Jiang Yuan wasn't worried.

  Ye Mianmian was very excited. She looked at her, not knowing what to say, with tears in her eyes.

  "Sister Yuan, thank you. I was worried. With this, Grandma will be much more comfortable."

  "Okay, don't cry. It's so cold. Be careful not to freeze your face."

  Ye Mianmian loved her face the most, so she covered it immediately.

  She hurried home, but unexpectedly, she saw Song Yi at the entrance of the corridor.

  The other party was standing in front of the door, not knowing what he was thinking.

  "What's wrong? Are you going down?"

  Jiang Yuan looked puzzled and opened the door casually.

  "No, I'm waiting for you."

  Uh, she was a little surprised.


  Song Yi was silent for five seconds, then said slowly: "The temperature has been abnormal these two days, so keep the intercom on."

  "Okay, I know."

  There's no need to be so serious, which made her a little confused.

  Could it be that no one turned it on last night and he was angry?
  This is too fragile.

  "Jiang Yuan."


  "Look outside, everything is frozen."

  Her heart beat violently, and a strong fear spread.

  Outside the window, the sky did not clear up after the rain, but was gloomy, which made people feel depressed.

  The gray sky, and the water below was still unclear.

  Jiang Yuan had astigmatism and did not have a high-powered telescope, so she could not directly capture the situation below.

  "Is it frozen?"

  She got up in the morning and really didn't look closely.

  "It's frozen. After tonight, it will be frozen solid."

  What does it mean, it's still empty now?

  However, think about it, now the seventh floor is half flooded.

  If it is frozen as a whole, it will take some time.

  When I was a child, in my hometown.

  In winter, the river surface will freeze, but not the bottom.

  In some places, you can even clearly see the river water flowing under the ice.

  At that time, people who hibernate during the winter would break a hole in the ice and start fishing.

  Thinking about it now, it is still a good memory.

  The temperature during the day is higher than that at night, but it is still about minus twelve or thirteen degrees.

  "You mean, it will drop tonight?"

  "Yes, it will."

  Her heart was in her throat. If it gets colder, it will be terrible.

  I guess many people will freeze to death.

  She returned home with a heavy heart, not worried about other people.

  But worried about what her family should do in the extreme cold.

  Qin Yue took the electric heater to the living room. When she came in, it was still quite warm.

  This is when she is fully armed, and she probably needs to turn on another one later.     I don't know if the air conditioner can be used.

  "My daughter, come quickly. Mom made sour soup dumplings. I'll serve you a bowl.

  Eat it and warm your body."

  Jiang Yuan followed her mother into the kitchen. Sure enough, there was frost on the corners.

  It seemed that freezing was a sign.

  "It's too cold now. Remember to cover the lid, otherwise the food will get cold in a while."

  Mom was still chattering. Jiang Yuan was worried in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it.

  After dinner, no one went out to exercise today. She turned on the treadmill and asked her family to run for a while.

  The temperature in the house was okay, and they were wearing thick clothes, so it was not bad.

  Outside, it was a different story.

  The exclamation lasted only a moment. Her house was well soundproofed, so she didn't hear it clearly.

  But Zhang Kaiyang came over and told her about it when he had nothing to do in the afternoon. Xiao

  Nuan went to take a nap with Qin Yue. It was too cold, and she didn't dare to leave her daughter alone.

  The living room of 2102 seemed to be having a tea party.

  Ye Mianmian thoughtfully cooked ginger cola. This stuff is good for dispelling cold and is delicious. She will also cook a pot of it when she returns.

  "There are still three or four people in their group. One person went down and seemed fine.

  But the ice was not solid, and he fell down after two steps."

  Zhang Kaiyang sighed as he talked about what happened downstairs.

  "Oh my god, that's six or seven floors away. If it sinks to the bottom, it will be over."

  Jiang Yuan also sighed. When encountering such a thing, humans are really as small as ants.

  "Yes, those companions can't save people. They may not react in time. It's a pity."

  Ye Mianmian clicked her tongue twice, and with some strong hesitation, she drank two large cups of ginger cola.

  "Those who went out yesterday probably got something. Let's see if we should go out again?"

  This is also the purpose of this trip, to discuss a result.

  "The things at home are enough for a while, but the liquefied gas tanks are not forbidden. I want to go to that liquefied gas station on the mountain."

  Ye Mianmian expressed her thoughts, but Jiang Yuan was appreciating her inverted sentences.

  Well said, I'll teach Xiao Nuan next time I go back.

  "Okay, we still need to stock up more energy-related items. What

  do you think, Jiang Yuan?"

  Being called out unexpectedly, she quickly pulled back her thoughts.

  Liquid gas and the like, she didn't care, she just wanted money.

  "I have no objection, but how can we get out now? We go to the mountains, and there is no means of transportation.

  Liquid gas tanks are not small things, we have to think about it in advance."

  Who said it wasn't, but that's the fact.

  The three of them were silent, only Song Yi spoke indifferently.

  "Plan ahead, and when the time comes, we will go out as soon as we can."

  Jiang Yuan remembered what he said in the morning.

  Could it be that it will really freeze tonight?

  Why is he so confident?

  The tea party for four people didn't end until five o'clock. Ye Mianmian had to go back to cook for Grandma Ye, so everyone dispersed.

  Jiang Yuan had something on her mind, so she didn't do anything and went to bed on time. She

  also set an alarm for herself. The next morning, the first thing she did when she woke up was to check the situation outside.

  Damn, beautiful icicles have frozen on the windows, and the outside looks like a blanket of snow.

  Although it's not snowing, the vast sky is emitting an unusual grayish-white color.

  The glass of the building opposite is the same. She looked through a high-powered telescope and it was completely frozen.

  It seems that Song Yi was right. The situation down there is probably better than yesterday.

  The whole world is frozen.

113. Chapter 113: Statistics of Survivors2023-11-12 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan dressed Xiao Nuan in several layers before letting her get out of bed.

  Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi were busy in the kitchen. They were also very happy to see the mother and daughter get up.

  "My daughter, wash your hands quickly. Breakfast will be ready soon."


  Today they had hand-rolled noodles, all with soup, steaming hot.

  Xiao Nuan also ate very fragrantly, her body was warm and she felt very good.

  "Mom and Dad, it's really cold today. Let's wear more clothes and don't get cold.

  If you catch a cold, it will be troublesome."

  Even if she didn't say it, Jiang Xingzhi was ready to tell others.

  "Yes, it's minus 20 degrees during the day.

  Last night, it was probably minus 30 degrees.

  In the past, it would have killed people." After

  he finished speaking, several people fell silent.

  In the past, there were fewer heating facilities. Living in the north, you just burned a kang or a charcoal brazier.

  Moreover, living conditions were poor, and there were not so many warm and thick clothes.

  It was normal to freeze to death in winter.

  Later, material things developed rapidly, and many people forgot what happened decades ago.

  But now, they are trapped in Lushan Yayuan.

  The floor heating is not available, and there is no heating measure this winter.

  It is not like the countryside, where there is a kang to burn.

  In that weather last night, I don't know how many people froze to death.

  Xiao Nuan didn't know what happened. Seeing that everyone looked unhappy, she called out to her mother.

  "What's wrong, Xiao Nuan?"


  The little girl handed over her little bear bowl, and Jiang Yuan happily added more rice to her.

  Eat more to grow up.

  Several people didn't say it clearly, but they all felt uncomfortable in their hearts.

  At the same time, they were particularly fortunate that there were heating facilities and so much food in their home.

  Speaking of this, I have to thank Jiang Yuan again.

  She was afraid that her mother would say those nonsense again, so she made an excuse to go to the corridor to take a look and slipped away in an instant.

  It seems that urging marriage is engraved in the DNA of parents.

  As long as you are single, you can't escape this fate.

  "Wow, it's so cold!"

  When she came out, she felt a biting cold, and she couldn't help but pull her clothes together.

  Seeing the hitting equipment, she immediately felt itchy and prepared to practice. She

  did it right away, but her physical fitness has not yet improved.

  It was about five minutes later that Song Yi came out with the little one.

  He was also wearing a military coat, exactly the same as Jiang Xingzhi's.

  "Are you practicing?"

  "Yes, warming up, otherwise it will be too cold."

  "Okay, then I'll practice with you."

  Song Yi watched from the side, occasionally reminding Jiang Yuan, and the two of them were very harmonious.

  After about half an hour, her body was already hot and the coat was a little hard to wear.

  Jiang Yuan wanted to take it off, but was stopped by Song Yi.

  "It's okay, you won't catch a cold, I'm wearing a lot!"

  "Shh, someone is coming."

  Song Yi put his finger on his lips, made a gesture to keep quiet, and then quietly went to the door at the entrance of the corridor.

  Well, it turned out that she thought too much and was a little embarrassed.

  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to be vague and hurriedly followed.

  Sure enough, there was movement, and it was not small.

  Listening to the footsteps, there seemed to be at least four or five people.     They came up and headed for the twenty-first floor.

  "Jiang Yuan, Song Yi, are you there?"

  It was Sun Yian, knocking on the door.

  Song Yi looked at her and shook his head, and Jiang Yuan received the signal.

  Neither of them spoke, and remained silent.

  Sun Yian did not stop, and shouted again.

  The person next to him, hearing no movement, spoke to him.

  "Are you frozen to death? Why don't you react at all?"

  "Yes, why don't we open the door and go in and take a look."

  I'm afraid he is thinking about the supplies in their hands, and he still speaks so fresh and refined.

  Sun Yian, even more of a sanctimonious hypocrite.

  "Okay, stop talking nonsense, Jiang Yuan and Song Yi are both young people, how can they get into trouble so easily? They probably haven't gotten up yet, let's wait a little longer."

  Waiting a little longer, is it to further confirm whether they have any problems, so as to embezzle their supplies!

  "Building manager, I don't think so. Young people are even less careful and don't even know that the temperature has dropped."

  "That's right, look at how arrogant they are.

  We shouldn't care about them. They are not members of our alliance."

  Good man, when did these people form an alliance? How come she didn't know? Even the well-informed Zhang Kaiyang didn't know.

  "Don't say that. We are all neighbors in the same building. Naturally, we should help each other.

  Don't say those things in the future. Do you hear me?"

  My God, this Sun Yian is really extraordinary.

  "Jiang Yuan, Song Yi, are you there?"

  The knock on the door sounded again. This time, the two did not keep silent, but opened the door.

  Caught off guard, the two groups of people faced each other. Sun Yian was stunned for a moment, and then put on a smile.

  "I'm glad you're all okay..."

  "Not only are you okay, you're still alive and well. Lawyer Sun, what's the matter with you coming here today?"

  Her tone was not good. It would be best if this group of people didn't interfere with them.

  "It's like this, we want to count the survivors in this building. It was too cold last night, and many people...


  Sun Yian looked sad and hesitant.

  "Is it so serious? How are the casualties?"

  "Six people are gone, most of them are elderly..."

  Sun Yian said, and Jiang Yuan sighed in her heart: Sure enough, we still need to increase our body's resistance.

  "We are all fine, so you don't have to worry about it. Goodbye..."

  After saying that, he slammed the door.

  Although Sun Yian was unwilling, he still had patience and maintained his personality.

  "Okay, if you need anything, come to me. We are all in the same building, and I won't leave you alone."

  Oh my god, why does it smell like green tea.

  "They are counting the number of people or something, are they trying to do something else? I feel..."

  Before she finished her words, the door was knocked again.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, are you there?"

  It was Zhang Kaiyang, who quickly opened the door. This time he came up alone.

  "What happened?"

  "That Sun Yian is here too, right? He just knocked on my door. I wanted grandma to open the door.

  But I went there because I was afraid he would keep an eye on me.

  Guess what? He asked me why I didn't live in the house on the ninth floor anymore."

  Jiang Yuan was more certain of her guess. They were really up to something.

  "It seems that he is going to requisition the empty house.

  By the way, search for supplies inside. We have to be careful."

  Zhang Kaiyang didn't care. He spread his hands and said, "My house has been ruined a long time ago. Whoever wants to live there can live there!"

114. Chapter 114 Survivor Rescue Center

Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan was prepared to increase her efforts in practice.

  Song Yi actually knew about swordsmanship and taught her how to use the Tang Dao.

  How to use her weapon to the limit.

  She learned meticulously, and the light key moment, these are life-saving things. Two days

  passed like this, and Jiang Yuan seemed to have forgotten the situation outside.

  She kept practicing, and also asked Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi to join.

  Xiao Nuan was not idle either, and moving could keep warm.

  That afternoon, several people were still training in the corridor, and Zhang Kaiyang ran up in a hurry.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, go and have a look, many people have gone out.

  The ice surface is fine, and no one has fallen down."

  This is undoubtedly a more exciting news, and several people ran to the window to see.

  It is true!

  "Then we have to plan it, time waits for no one."

  So, ten minutes later, the four people gathered again.

  This time everyone was very happy, and they were going out again. Although it was cold, if they got a liquefied gas tank, it would be a great thing, and they would not have to go out for a long time.

  "I see a lot of people went out today, from every building, and they will probably search for supplies nearby."

  "Yeah, they will definitely. I guess less than 60% of people can survive now.

  If they can go out, they will definitely go find food and firewood."

  Jiang Yuan's words successfully aroused everyone's good will.

  "Yes, we should also find more wood and come back to make fire."

  Ye Mianmian was very happy. When she was a child, her family was in the countryside, and she was not opposed to making fire.

  Before, she also used the wood removed from the bedside table to boil water. Now that the weather is cold, she naturally needs to stock up more.

  "This thing is easy to say, there is wood everywhere. I remember that there are many restaurants in front of the university town upstairs, and the tables, chairs and benches inside can be used."

  Zhang Kaiyang is very familiar with this place, and he used to go out to have fun.

  "Or go to the building materials and furniture city again, there are so many furniture there."

  Uh, Jiang Yuan felt guilty.

  It would be useless to go there, most of the things are in her space, and a small part has been used.

  "It's too far over there. Wood is easy to collect. There's no need to go far away."

  Song Yi agreed with her. After all, it's still very dangerous to go out now.

  "There must be a lot of people going out to look for things. We have to hurry.

  In addition, the liquefied gas tank is not a small item, and transportation is also a problem."

  Jiang Yuan sighed. This is the fact!

  "My car is probably scrapped. It's in the underground garage."

  It should be frozen now. Even if it is fine, it can't hold much. It's

  really pitiful. If there was space in advance, her magic car could be saved.

  "Let's talk about it later!"

  After saying that, they went back to prepare.

  Jiang Yuan was still thinking about getting some money. There is a bank nearby. I have to find a way to go there when the time comes.

  Or tomorrow, I can just tell everyone directly.

  It's convenient to act alone. There's nothing wrong.

  After making up her mind, she told her parents about tomorrow's matter.

  She was worried, but she had to go.

  "Then I'll go with you. There's one for us to take care of."

  Jiang Yuan thought about it. It's okay for her dad to go. No, forget it.

  "Dad, listen to me. We can move freely now.

  If we go out, more people will definitely see us. Then they can target our house.   

  I'm afraid my mother can't handle it, and she has to take care of Xiao Nuan. "

  Jiang Xingzhi thought about it, and it made sense.

  "Then you must be careful and bring self-defense items, understand?"

  "Well, don't worry!"

  After comforting his parents, the matter is not over yet.

  It is about three o'clock now, and a buzzing sound can be heard faintly.

  "Open the window quickly, the government has sent people, and there are drones."

  It was Zhang Kaiyang's voice, coming from the intercom.

  When they heard the government, the three looked at each other.

  Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi had a rare look in their eyes. Does this mean that hope has come?

  At least, the government has not given up on them, and the country is still holding on.

  Jiang Yuan didn't have time to think about it, and went to open the window directly. Sure enough, there was a sound.

  They lived on the top floor, and the sound was more obvious.

  "Please pay attention to the general public, please pay attention to the general public. The high-speed rail station in this city is now an emergency shelter. Survivors are requested to go there.

  We will provide you with assistance. The government will not give up any citizen. Please help each other. The rescue center will distribute food from time to time. "

  The broadcast sounded overhead, and it kept replaying. They listened to it three times, and only closed the window after making sure that they had not missed any information.

  This drone should be responsible for an area. In addition to this community, it will also go to other places for publicity.

  Overall, it is a good thing.

  So, five minutes later, the four of them sat on the sofa in 2102 again.

  "Now the survivor rescue center has been built, but it is in the northern suburbs, about 20 kilometers away from here.

  If you walk there, it's not a small distance, and the weather is so cold now, what do you think?"

  In fact, Zhang Kaiyang still wanted everyone to be together.

  After getting along for so long, they already have feelings.

  "Our children are too young, and as you said, it's not easy to get there when it's so cold.

  There are still a lot of food left,

  so we won't go." Jiang Yuan took the lead in stating her position. Everyone has their own ideas, and she won't go anyway.

  "I won't go either. I don't know what it's like over there."

  Song Yi said indifferently, as if it had nothing to do with him.

  "I won't go either. My grandma is in poor health and I dare not toss. "

  The three of them expressed their thoughts and looked at Zhang Kaiyang.

  "No need to look at me, I won't go either. After we find the liquefied gas this time, I can stay at home forever."

  Well, although it's a bit exaggerated, it's very Zhang Kaiyang.

  After the discussion, Jiang Yuan thought about telling everyone her thoughts.

  "When I'm ready to go up, I'll go to the bank.

  Now that the rescue center is officially in use, cash will definitely be needed later.

  So, I want some."

  The three of them thought it made sense and prepared to follow.

  "Didn't we have 70,000 yuan before?"

  Ye Mianmian didn't understand why she needed so much money. If order was really restored, she could just take it out then.

  "I have to hold more in my hands to feel at ease. Then we can split it.

  Each takes what we need, just like before, it won't affect anything."

  "Well, there are a lot of things in the store upstairs, so take a few more bags tomorrow."

115. Chapter 115 Being followed2023-11-13 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Song Yi did not interfere too much. Jiang Yuan had her own ideas, which he had known before.

  After discussing it, several people prepared to go out during the day tomorrow.

  They would not go to the survivor rescue center, but many people wanted to go.

  The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning, several people set out.

  It was not that they did not want to go earlier, but it was too cold.

  Now, the temperature is highest in the afternoon during the day.

  It was about two o'clock, but it was still about minus twenty degrees Celsius. Breath turns into ice. What a concept. It

  gets colder day by day. It's really unbearable to live

  like this. This time when I go out, I must get more cash.

  If it doesn't work, I will bring my parents and Xiao Nuan into the space.

  Therefore, she was under a lot of pressure in this operation.

  Jiang Yuan did not dare to be careless. In such cold weather, she wore thickened constant temperature clothes and pasted warm baby on the outside.

  Then she wore a thickened outdoor warm clothes, a lamb wool vest, and finally a super thick assault jacket. She

  also wore waterproof, non-slip and thick snow boots. Because she was worried, she also put in heating insoles.

  She wore a fur goose down hat, a matching scarf and gloves. She

  was covered with only her eyes. She was covered in

  layers of clothes, and felt like a ball.

  As soon as she got to the seventh floor, she ran into an acquaintance

  . It was Sister Li and her family of three who lived in 1101. Ye Mianmian was quite happy and went up to greet them.

  "Sister Li, are you going out?"

  The mother and daughter were also very happy to see the four of them. The two children greeted them obediently.

  The life-saving grace will never be forgotten.

  "Mianmian, we are going to see the situation outside and want to go to the rescue center."

  So that's the case. The mother and daughter are all vulnerable groups. With the official news, they naturally caught hope.

  "Really? That's fine. When are you going to leave?"

  "If the ice surface is fine, I want to leave today. Do you want to go? We can go together."

  Sister Li made an invitation. If they followed these four people, their safety would be guaranteed.

  "We won't go. It's not convenient at home..."

  Ye Mianmian didn't say much, just enough.

  "Alas, I don't know what's going on over there.

  Even if I'm a little tired, as long as I don't starve or freeze to death, it's fine."

  As he was talking, several more people came over.

  Among them, two young people were going to the rescue center, and they were well equipped.

  The four people were very considerate and made way for them to go down and see what was going on.

  The two young people were both action-oriented, and they might also be afraid that this group of people would target them. After all, they took two suitcases.

  What else could they pack now? If not food and clothes, they had to have valuable things.

  The next second, something happened that surprised Jiang Yuan.

  The two actually rowed away with the suitcases. Wow, this thing can actually be used as a tool.

  The universal wheel is more flexible, and the person is still trembling on the ice, and if he is not careful, he will fall.

  But with the suitcase, the effect is surprisingly good.

  Not only can you use the force to support yourself and prevent yourself from falling, but you can also speed up your progress. It really complements each other!

  Young people are still smart, and she is ashamed of herself.

  Zhang Kaiyang next to him was also eager to try.

  Soon after, three more people went down, without bringing anything, probably to look for supplies.

  "Sister Li, I need to go out for a while, so I'll leave first."

  "Okay, okay, you guys get busy..."

  If the people below are fine, then they won't be in trouble either.     Going out again, Ye Mianmian was still a little excited.

  The ice surface was just under the window of the seventh floor, and it was just a step.

  The four people went out and unexpectedly found that the community was very lively.

  If nothing else, at least it had "popularity". Not

  daring to be careless, they went directly to the small door next to Building 15, which was the shortest distance to leave.

  "Brother Song, there are really a lot of people going out today."

  "Well, be more careful..."

  Song Yi didn't think this was a good thing, but was very nervous.

  As soon as he went out, the situation outside was even more grim.

  The row of shops opposite them had been completely submerged in water and were now frozen.

  There were people coming in and out of the row on the side, the kind of blatant.

  I don't know if it was the owner or someone who came to look for something. Ye Mianmian looked at that place and felt lucky that they had come before.

  Most of the supplies were gone, but there were many small shops over there, and some things could be obtained.

  This was only for the upper floors on the side. The bottom was in the ice, as if it had disappeared.

  People on the road also looked over.

  Even from such a distance, I could still feel the burning gaze.

  Even more people followed them.

  Song Yi did not speak, but took the lead, letting Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian in the middle, and Zhang Kaiyang cover the rear.

  The speed was getting faster and faster, the ground was slippery, and Jiang Yuan almost fell several times.

  Song Yi held her steadily, and the people behind followed, and there were two people from one.

  There were two roads going up the mountain, and the people had to get rid of the two people at the fork in the road.

  There was a bus stop in front of the fork in the road, and next to it was a small flower bed, now half of which was stuck in the ice.

  The green belt in the middle could be used for hiding.

  Song Yi did not hesitate and went straight over. This was a fan-shaped green belt.

  There was a road on each side, both leading up the mountain.

  The two people were not far away, and they also watched them come in. When they got to the side, they hesitated for a while before diving in.

  Song Yi was behind a tree about two meters after entering, and the other three also hid separately.

  "Don't move..."

  The man didn't expect that he was so close. He was focusing on the area with many trees in front of him. He was caught off guard by Song Yi's neck.

  He came in from behind. The man in front heard the sound and turned around to find that his companion had been held hostage.

  It was neither retreating nor advancing.

  Jiang Yuan was the second closest, and she also came out with a military shovel.

  The ground was slippery, and she could use it to gain leverage. She

  didn't put down her Tang sword, but put it on her back and wrapped it in a bag, which was very inconspicuous.

  "Don't get me wrong, we are..."


  Before the man finished speaking, Song Yi twisted his neck directly, followed by a muffled sound when he fell to the ground.

  "You actually, actually..."

  "Shut up..."

  Jiang Yuan didn't do anything, but threatened with the military shovel.

  Zhang Kaiyang and Ye Mianmian both came out. Everyone was covered tightly and nothing could be seen.

  "Dear heroes, please let me go. I just came out to find something to eat. I don't have any other intentions. Please."

  After saying that, she knelt down.

  Ye Mianmian glanced at Song Yi and felt that there was no need to kill this man. She was about to speak.

116. Chapter 116 The supermarket on the mountain is about to open2023-11-13 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian  The man fell to the ground in response, startled. It was Song Yi who stabbed him. He

  was so calm that no one reacted.

  He seemed to have noticed Ye Mianmian's emotions, and the coldness in his eyes was somewhat obvious.

  "If you don't make a decision when you should, you will suffer the consequences."

  Ye Mianmian suddenly felt embarrassed. This seemed to be pointing at her.

  She wanted to explain, but Song Yi had already walked forward.

  "Sister Yuan, that's not what I meant?"

  "Ah? What do you mean?"

  Jiang Yuan was still confused. She was not distracted just now. Why didn't she hear what Ye Mianmian said.

  "Oh, it's okay, let's go!"

  What's going on, it's weird.

  The way up the mountain is not easy to walk, it's too slippery.

  The four people were very glad to choose the green belt here, because it was better because of the vegetation.

  But going up again would be troublesome.

  "From here to the liquefied gas station, it's estimated that there are still five or six miles. Our speed is definitely not enough, otherwise we can go to the nearby commercial street, where there are many small restaurants."

  Zhang Kaiyang's suggestion made the three people fall into deep thought.

  There are banks and ATMs in the commercial street, but I don't know what the situation is now.

  "Let's go up first. You see, the water level here is not high. If we go further up, it's still high ground. I guess there is no water.

  That means there is no ice. Let's see what to do when the time comes."

  "For now, this is the only way."

  Song Yi agreed, and the others had no objection.

  Since we have come out, we can't return empty-handed.

  "Okay, let's hurry up."

  Zhang Kaiyang has a carefree personality and doesn't think it's a big deal.

  Among the four people, he is the youngest and willing to listen.

  Sure enough, not long after going up, the ice on the road turned into a thin layer.

  However, the temperature is lower.

  "Look, that supermarket is actually open."

  Zhang Kaiyang's eyes are good and he found it at once.

  This supermarket is called "Wanjiaxi Shopping Plaza" and is located in the southeast corner of the intersection of the university town.

  There are four floors in total, and the supermarket has only one floor, which is not small.

  In addition to the surrounding schools, there are also dormitory buildings for faculty and staff, as well as several villages above.

  It is a place with a wide range of things and reasonable prices in the area, and its business is quite good.

  Before, when it rained heavily, everyone bought supplies here.

  I don't know what the boss is like, but he has abundant resources.

  "Brother Song, is it open over there?"

  "Not sure..."

  Song Yi looked at the half-open door, and was also very confused.

  "Look, someone is coming out."

  Jiang Yuan hurried over and saw that there was indeed a person coming to the door, or to be exact, from the inside.

  The other party also saw them and did not avoid them. The two sides looked at each other.

  "Let's go and ask."

  Song Yi spoke, and several people hurriedly followed his footsteps.

  This is a middle-aged man, who looks to be in his forties. From his beer belly, it can be seen that this person has been doing well in the previous extreme weather.

  The four people walked over, and the man did not leave, waiting for them to get closer.

  "Are you going to buy something? We just started to organize today, come back tomorrow." Oh

  my god, it's really the supermarket owner. Jiang Yuan thought he was here to find supplies.     I didn't expect to run into the real boss, who was not here to keep watch.

  "Brother, is this supermarket about to open?"

  "Yes, come and buy whatever you need tomorrow, remember to bring cash!"

  "Okay, brother, are there many things in our supermarket now?"

  The man was alert when he heard it.

  "Not many, enough for you to buy."

  "Brother, don't get me wrong, I haven't been out for a long time, so I just want to ask if we have vegetables, fruits, etc."

  Jiang Yuan laughed, still very curious about this matter.

  "Then no, there shouldn't be these goods recently, don't think about it."


  She pretended to be disappointed and pulled Ye Mianmian away. Seeing this, the other two followed.

  The four of them were heading for the commercial street. After keeping a distance, they dared to speak.

  "If this supermarket opens, it will probably be very popular."

  "Not only that, the things will probably be very expensive."

  Jiang Yuan was thinking, the price had already increased before, and all the money was in cash.

  Does that mean that this boss has a lot of money in his hands.

  "But most people don't have money, and mobile phones can't pay, which is too embarrassing."

  Who said it wasn't? If he really aroused public anger, he would be dangerous.

  "Never mind him, let's continue with our plan."

  Song Yi said this, and several people remembered the purpose of this trip.

  When they looked up and looked carefully at the situation in front of them, they were also shocked.

  The situation in the commercial street was much more serious than that in the community.

  The houses here were all self-built houses, and they were much worse than those in Chengdu.

  "My God, how did it become like this?" There

  were too many broken glass. The house upstairs looked very desolate.

  There were also some fine glass shards on the ground, most of which were washed away by rain.

  As far as the eye could see, there was desolation everywhere.

  "I guess these shops won't be good either. What should we do?"

  Song Yi also felt that it was not very good. When he was in the community, at least there was no such embarrassing place.

  "There is a bank over there, I'll go over and take a look."

  Jiang Yuan had said before that if she met it now, she would definitely go in and take a look.

  This bank is not big, it's just a simple office.

  There are three ATMs outside, and two workstations inside.

  The gate was not damaged, but the situation inside was not optimistic, it was a mess.

  It was either washed away by the heavy rain or someone came and stepped on it.

  "No need to go in, there is probably nothing here."

  Zhang Kaiyang was about to go to the ATM, but the machine had been pulled out, and the money inside was long gone.

  The machine was also put back in a frivolous way, and I don't know when it was done.

  Jiang Yuan felt lost, that was money!
  "There is no time to lose, let's hurry up."

  Song Yi understood the urgency of the matter. The situation on the mountain was better than that at the foot of the mountain.

  Maybe, it was no big problem for people to go out during the heavy rain. It was

  also a mystery whether the rest of the things were safe.

  There were many people nearby, and they had almost no chance of winning.

  Several people didn't dare to hesitate. It was already twelve o'clock. If it was later, they probably wouldn't be able to go back before dark.

  It was so cold, who knew if they would freeze to death on the road.

117. Chapter 117 Liquefied Gas Station2023-11-14 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  The location of the gas station is not very far away. The road is not easy to walk on, although there is no thick ice.

  However, the places where water accumulated before have also frozen, and many houses around have collapsed.

  There are some villages above, and there are many old houses.

  For the commercial street, the situation is even worse.

  Several people walked carefully, for fear that if they were not careful, there would be a bump, which would be bad.

  "Look, is it there?"

  Jiang Yuan was a little excited. She had never been to this place before.

  Now she can only rely on offline maps, but the surroundings are too severely damaged and basically can't recognize the whole picture.

  However, one corner of the advertising cloth on the sign is broken and the whole thing is drooping.

  The two words "gas station" can be vaguely seen, which is enough.

  Zhang Kaiyang also became excited. This is a remote place.

  It is far away from the main street in the village and belongs to a small alley.

  They are here, and they will not arouse too much suspicion.

  There are two car washes and two repair shops at the door. The gas station is at the innermost, and opposite is a waste recycling station.

  It is a separate yard, and the storefront in front is only 30 to 50 square meters.

  Zhang Kaiyang was opening the door. This kind of rolling door was easy for him.

  After about three minutes, the door was opened. The four people were excited.

  The storefront was not big. If you look closely, it is about 40 square meters.

  There are liquefied gas tanks and an electric tricycle inside.

  There is a table at the door, which is probably used for office.

  There is also a simple camp bed next to it, which is probably used for temporary rest.

  Song Yi asked everyone to be alert as usual. There is nothing special here, and the place is small, so basically everything can be seen at a glance.

  There is a door on the wall opposite, which seems to lead to the yard at the back.

  She went over to pull down the rolling door and took out the night light from her bag.

  The store was instantly as bright as day, and people outside could not see that there was anyone inside.

  Song Yi signaled to Zhang Kaiyang to go to the back to take a look. The two of them leaned on the left and right sides of the door.

  Because it was not locked, it opened as soon as the door handle was pulled.

  The two of them were also quiet. Jiang Yuan pulled Ye Mianmian behind Zhang Kaiyang in case of emergency.

  The light overflowed into the space behind, which was similar to a small courtyard converted and covered with iron sheets.

  It should be a temporary warehouse, with liquefied gas cylinders neatly placed inside, estimated to be more than 500, simply amazing.

  "It's safe, come and take a look, there are so many, we probably can't take them away for a while."

  Zhang Kaiyang came over and called Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian, and the two were indeed stunned by the scene in front of them, there were too many.

  It would be great if they were all placed in her space, but now they have to worry about storage issues.

  "Oh my god, it can probably be used for many years, they are all full!"

  "Of course, what are you thinking, people save the empty cans."

  Zhang Kaiyang couldn't help but tease Ye Mianmian, and the two of them became visibly excited.

  "There are so many, I guess it's not easy for us to take them away."

  Song Yi is a person who always pours cold water on you when you are happiest.

  "Yeah, think of a way!"

  Jiang Yuan said, and turned to the storefront in front. The table has two drawers and a small door.

  See if there is any small change, this is her purpose.

  Just now in the bank, I didn't find a penny, it was really infuriating.

  Seeing her coming, Ye Mianmian followed her out.

  Jiang Yuan went to search for the table, and she went to look at the camp bed.

  It was very clean here. It was probably because the owner had been here before. There was not even a water cup.     She did find half a roll of toilet paper and two rough-edged notebooks.

  She didn't have a penny for what she wanted, which was embarrassing.

  Ye Mianmian's place was similar, without a quilt, and only a pair of slippers with broken soles.

  "How could this person clean up so cleanly, leaving nothing useful behind."

  Jiang Yuan looked at the half roll of toilet paper in her hand, which was a little damp.

  "Maybe he lives nearby, or when the weather is hot, he moved all his things away."

  Song Yi and Zhang Kaiyang also came over. It was indeed a problem how to transport so many things.

  "Why don't we go around and see if there are any other things that can be used."

  "Yes, we also need to find some firewood."

  Since everyone was willing, they prepared to go out for a walk.

  Song Yi was still a little worried. This was in the village, and there were probably many villagers.

  "It's right in front of here, don't run around, go in pairs."


  He and Zhang Kaiyang went to the place where scraps were collected, and Ye Mianmian and Jiang Yuan went to the car wash next door.

  The rolling shutter here was also a piece of cake for Jiang Yuan.

  But compared to Zhang Kaiyang, her speed was still a little slower.

  "Open, Mianmian, be careful..."

  Ye Mianmian did not dare to be careless. She and Jiang Yuan walked on the left and right, and only breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that it was safe inside.

  This car wash is self-service, with four machines inside.

  "I don't know what's here, Mianmian, you search here, I'll go open the door next to it."

  "Okay, Sister Yuan, you go, be careful, call me if you need anything."


  The second shop next to it was a car repair shop. When Jiang Yuan went in, she was stunned.

  There was actually a box truck inside. It looked fine and the chassis was quite high.

  If it could be used, it would be great.

  Restraining her inner excitement, she began to look for things. There was no cash, but there were a lot of new towels, engine oil, windshield washer fluid, and some car accessories.

  She picked out some of them, and she probably wouldn't use them later.

  It would be best if she could sell them, and wait for the opportunity.

  Ye Mianmian finished cleaning up that side, and when she came in and saw the box truck, her eyes widened.

  "Oh my god, can this car be used? We can use it to pull gas tanks."

  "I thought so too, Mianmian, go and call them over."


  Ye Mianmian was also very excited and ran towards the scrap yard.

  Song Yi and Zhang Kaiyang didn't expect to come across a box of goods. What kind of luck is this!

  "With this car, it will be much more convenient, but I don't know if it can be driven."

  Song Yi didn't say anything, but asked Zhang Kaiyang to help him and started to check the water tank and other things.

  Jiang Yuan took Ye Mianmian to search the remaining shops.

  There was also a car repair shop next door. When the two opened it, they were quite excited.

  However, this place was very ordinary and there were no cars. As

  usual, they were on guard, but they felt something unusual as soon as they came in.

  The area here is not large, and it is in full view. There is a shelf opposite. Jiang Yuan quickly ran over to make sure there was no one.


  Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard a scream.

118. Chapter 118 Encountering a Frozen Person2023-11-14 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian


  She ran over quickly. Ye Mianmian was covering her mouth, staring at the bottom with a frightened face.

  This is a pit. When repairing a car, the vehicle is on top and the bottom is suspended, so that workers can operate from below.

  Song Yi and Zhang Kaiyang heard the sound and ran over quickly.

  "What's going on?"

  "There's someone?"

  She pointed below. There was someone, curled up inside, covered with a piece of clothing.

  Song Yi jumped down directly. He had seen too many things. He knew what was going on in this situation at a glance. His face turned blue.

  However, he still checked it carefully.

  "The person is dead. It is estimated that he was frozen to death."

  Not only that, the body had already stiffened.

  Zhang Kaiyang and Jiang Yuan were on top and pulled him up.

  "Keep working!"

  Song Yi said, and went back to tinker with the car. Zhang Kaiyang followed him.

  Ye Mianmian suddenly saw a person, still in the same state, and was a little frightened.

  "Sister Yuan, why do I feel something is eerie? It's not appropriate for us to

  carry things like this." "What's inappropriate? He won't need it anyway. Just close the door for him later."

  Although she said that, she also felt it was very strange.

  Jiang Yuan didn't want to stay any longer after moving all the useful things out in no time. It

  was still very strange to be in the same room with a dead person.

  There were no abnormalities in the remaining shops, and the little episode passed quickly.

  There was no problem with the car, and Song Yi changed the antifreeze with a lower degree.

  Several people discussed and put the liquefied gas tanks in, arranged them in a row, and put some wooden boards on top.

  Another row would allow more.

  However, this would take two trips to finish.

  "Let's take these things back first, and use these door panels to transport them when we get to a place with ice."

  Song Yi also found a lot of long wood, nailed nails at the bottom, and the simple ice pick was ready.

  When the time comes, you can slide on the ice.

  "I'm worried about another thing now. We took these liquefied gas cylinders back, but there's no room for them at home!"

  Oh, I actually forgot about this!
  Jiang Yuan's house has no room, and these are all heavyweight. It would be better if she could take them out by herself, at least she could put them in the space.

  "Yeah, what can we do? The houses on the ninth and eleventh floors are occupied. Otherwise, we can use them."

  Song Yi also frowned. If there is no place to put them, it would be futile to take them back.

  "What should we do now?"

  Indeed, this problem is too difficult.

  "How about this, let's take as much as we need according to our own needs and the specific situation at home, and try to take them back in one trip.

  The rest, let's put them here!"

  Song Yi was talking about the most realistic problem now, but it was a pity to give up the supplies that were finally found.

  "I agree. This is the only way for now. I don't have much space at home. I'll take fifteen."

  Jiang Yuan took the lead in expressing her opinion. Sometimes, giving up is also a kind of gain.

  "I'll keep ten, what about you two?"

  Ye Mianmian and Zhang Kaiyang looked at each other, and the last one also asked for ten.

  There were a total of forty-five, and they could be loaded into one car without having to make two trips.

  "Okay, let's load it quickly."

  The front of the box can accommodate two people, and the remaining two can be in the back with the liquefied gas tank.

  After the car was loaded, it was already 5:30 in the afternoon, and it was already dark at this time.

  Several people did not dare to delay, as the temperature dropped sharply at this time, and someone might die.

  Song Yi drove the car and let Zhang Kaiyang sit in the co-pilot, as he was more familiar with this place.

  In addition, the two men seemed to have stronger fighting power.

  If you encounter someone with bad intentions, at least you have to think about it.     It was much more daunting than the two of them sitting on it.

  Everything was ready. They drove the car to the entrance of the alley first. Jiang Yuan suddenly remembered something.

  "Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

  The person in front heard it and quickly stopped the car. Zhang Kaiyang got out and opened the back door.

  "Sister Yuan, what's wrong?"

  "I forgot my military shovel. Wait for me to get it."

  She said, and ran out.

  "Can I go with you?"

  "No, I'll be there soon."

  Jiang Yuan said this and hurried to the liquefied gas station. Are

  you kidding? It would be a pity to throw away so many cans.

  There was no time to explain too much. Hurry up and put them away.

  In fact, she had already put the military shovel in the space. This trip only took three minutes.

  She ran back and forth, so it didn't take much time.

  When she arrived at the door, she also put the electric tricycle in.

  If you want to act, you have to do it in full. Take out the military shovel from the space and walk out.

  "Oh my god, I'm scared to death!"

  She just closed the rolling door, turned around, and suddenly saw Song Yi's face.

  She was really shocked.

  This man had suspected her before. If he saw the situation inside this time, it would be dangerous.

  Hundreds of liquefied gas tanks disappeared out of thin air. She couldn't explain it even if she had a hundred mouths.

  What should she do? What should she do? She was so anxious.

  "Oh, hurry up, Song Yi, I feel so cold now, my hands are shivering."

  Song Yi was really moved when he heard it. He hurried over, pulled up her hand and covered it. It

  was really cold. When she collected the liquefied gas tank just now, she needed to touch it directly, but wearing gloves was not allowed.

  The tank was also cold, and now her hand was frozen.

  As soon as Song Yi touched Jiang Yuan's hand, his face changed immediately, and he rubbed it for her quickly.

  It was so cold, it was no joke. It would be a pain if your hands were frozen.

  In order to prove herself, Jiang Yuan was also very satisfied

  at this time. However, she immediately realized that it was not appropriate and quickly pulled it out.

  "Let's go quickly, it will probably be colder in a while."


  Song Yi said, and gave his big cotton gloves to Jiang Yuan.

  "No, I have some here."

  After saying that, she put on her own gloves.

  Her gloves were also very warm, but Song Yi stuffed the gloves directly into her hands.

  Uh, this is so awkward.

  The two returned quickly. When they arrived in front of the car, Ye Mianmian and Zhang Kaiyang also hurried over.

  Seeing the military shovel in her hand, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Here, you still have to drive."

  She couldn't take the gloves, she had them.

  There was no point in taking two pairs.

  She and Ye Mianmian hurried into the car, and someone needed to hang this one outside.

  Jiang Yuan felt it was too dark, so she took out the big night light. There was a small square hole on the back of the box, which was usually used for ventilation.

  Jiang Yuan turned it on and could see the situation outside.

  It was not for anything else, just to see if there was anyone in the supermarket at night.

119. Chapter 119: Blatant Robbery2023-11-15 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Sister Yuan, what are you looking at?"

  Ye Mianmian was a little curious, but the small hole was only a little bit, and she couldn't get through if Jiang Yuan was there.

  "I'll take a look at the supermarket in the morning. I wonder if there will be people there at night."


  She wasn't very interested, so she didn't ask any more questions.

  It was very dark all around, and Song Yi didn't dare to drive too fast.

  The road was not easy to walk on, and there were such heavy things, no matter how good the skills were, it wouldn't work.

  "Tsk tsk..."

  "What's wrong, Sister Yuan?"

  Jiang Yuan closed the small hole, and the wind howled.

  "The boss is really brave. He was really there at night. My God, he even turned on the lights."

  Isn't this obviously looking for death!

  "Oh my God, he is really brave."

  "Who said it wasn't? I guess the noise of the generator is not small."

  Jiang Yuan was worried in her heart. I guess the boss thought it would be the same as before.

  Prepare to work hard and make some money. Wish him good luck.

  Soon, they arrived at the green belt at the fork in the road.

  Several people came down, took down the wooden board first, and then put the liquefied gas tank on it.

  One board can hold about ten.

  There are four boards in total. Song Yi came down and tied two large boards together, and then put thirty liquefied gas tanks on them.

  "Zhang Kaiyang and I will go back first, and you two will wait here.

  If you meet other people, just hide, okay?"

  "Well, don't worry, we can do it.

  But you two, with so many things, you must be careful."

  "It's okay. If someone asks, just say we bought the things in the supermarket upstairs."

  Well, this trick of diverting trouble is somewhat damaged.

  Jiang Yuan silently wiped a sweat for the supermarket owner, and she was really sorry.

  The two walked quickly, using this wooden board as a cushion to reduce friction.

  The speed will be much faster, but the things on it are too heavy, and it is still quite strenuous to walk.

  Moreover, it doesn't look very fast.

  Watching the two figures gradually disappear from sight, Jiang Yuan looked at Ye Mianmian and asked a soul-searching question.

  "Mianmian, I don't think we should sit and wait for death." "

  What do you want to do?"

  Ye Mianmian instantly felt like a little white rabbit being deceived by a big bad wolf, and Jiang Yuan's smile did not diminish.

  Three minutes later, the two of them took out the remaining two wooden boards.

  Then they began to move the remaining liquefied gas tanks with great effort. Well, the strength of the female man should not be underestimated.

  There was no ice in the parking place, and they needed to carry it down about 20 meters.

  Jiang Yuan also wanted to tie the two wooden boards together, but there was no rope. There were some useful things in the space, but she didn't dare to take them out.

  "Mianmian, can you paddle one yourself?"

  "No problem, Sister Yuan, I think this is no different from the ice sled for skating." Yes

  , it's similar. Since you said so, then it's set in stone.

  There are still fifteen left. Jiang Yuan put eight on her side and Ye Mianmian put seven.

  There are also two bags of things searched, which are also placed on her board.

  When they got to the ice and were ready to leave, Jiang Yuan used the same trick again.

  Go back and put the boxes into the space. This car is not small. After some modification, it can be used as a motorhome.

  How can I leave it here? It's too wasteful.

  Simple ice picks, not very useful, but it's okay.

  It was much more convenient than walking. I had limited strength and the weather was cold, so it was really hard.

  Fortunately, this place was not far from the community and the road was all downhill.

  Jiang Yuan led the way and Ye Mianmian followed behind.     One in front and one behind, very harmonious.

  And there is only this way back, so there is no need to worry about missing Song Yi and the others.

  After about 40 minutes, they arrived at the small door on the side of Building No. 15.

  "Sister Yuan, this is too small, we can't get in!"

  Indeed, it is just a passage for people to pass through.


  At this time, we can't waste time, and it is impossible to walk to the front main door, so many people will see it!

  It's too ostentatious, absolutely not.

  Jiang Yuan came down first, and Ye Mianmian followed quickly. The two of them moved the liquefied gas in first, and then moved the wooden board.

  After everything was done, they put the cans on the wooden board and dragged them back, or rowed them back, which would be very convenient.

  The two did not dare to do it in the dark, it was too dark, the kind that you couldn't see your hand in front of you, and there was some movement.

  Just after finishing it, I was exhausted and sweating. I passed the row of buildings in front and it was Building No. 13.

  Victory is in front of me, but there is that blind person.

  Here in Building No. 15, a person actually came out.

  Passing through the road they must pass, it was intercepted.

  Moreover, he came out too quickly, and she didn't have time to react.

  As soon as she came up, she carried a liquefied gas tank and ran away. Jiang Yuan had a bad temper.

  "Stop, oops..."

  It was too slippery, and she fell directly, and slid for a while.

  The man probably didn't expect that this thing was so heavy. He usually used natural gas, which was rarely touched.

  Ye Mianmian was not going to give up, and followed her. Seeing that she fell, she wanted to help her.

  The man couldn't run fast, so she picked up the ice pick in her hand and threw it out.


  Unexpectedly, it hit the back of the man's head directly.

  At this moment, he was covering his head and looking back at the two of them.

  It was not far away. Jiang Yuan slid over steadily, and she had an ice pick in her hand.

  There was a nail on the front, the kind that was very long and thick.

  She went up and hit him, and the man hurriedly dodged backwards.

  Ye Mianmian took the opportunity to squat down and snatched the can. She held a small bottle of anti-wolf spray in her right hand and was about to show her skills.

  But after pressing it several times, there was no response.

  "Oh my god, he's frozen."

  Well, high-end fighting often only requires the simplest methods.

  Jiang Yuan came over waving the ice cone, using all her strength, and the man couldn't dodge in time.

  "Crack", the stick broke.

  Good man, this is a stick as thick as an arm, it hurt her palm.

  The man also fell to the ground in response, and he didn't have time to curse.

  But he cried "ah", which was not prevented.

  "Sister Yuan, what should we do?"

  "Don't care about him, he's frozen to death, let's go quickly, otherwise something bad will happen."

  Such a short distance can cause trouble, and it's not certain how many people were alarmed just now.

  Fortunately, the two were wrapped tightly and didn't worry about anything.

  Without the ice cone, they could only drag it forward.

  Song Yi and Zhang Kaiyang seemed to be in trouble. They didn't move at the entrance, and there was still light over there.

  It was impossible to leave the things here, so they had to bite the bullet.

  "Mianmian, speed up."

  Jiang Yuan was a little anxious and hurried forward.

  "Brother, don't be so stingy. We are all family. We can just buy it tomorrow and return it to you."

120. Chapter 120 Zhang Kaiyang is injured2023-11-15 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "That's right. There are so many that you can't use them all. Give us some."

  As he said that, the man started to fight.

  Song Yi was in a low mood and was already walking back and forth on the edge of anger.

  "Let go!"

  "What did you say? Don't be nervous. I'll take this one."


  Suddenly, the man covered his right arm and screamed.

  Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian heard it and came over. They put the remaining two boards on the ground and ran to the window.

  The man was hit by Song Yi with a stone. This move of his has always been very powerful.

  "If you don't accept my toast, you will be punished. Beat him!"

  The man also gritted his teeth. Seeing that there were only three people and a dog in Song Yi's group, he didn't take it seriously.

  When Jiang Yuan came in, they had already started fighting.

  Song Yi and Zhang Kaiyang were not to be outdone. There was also Jiang Xingzhi, who took up weapons to fight.

  Jiang Xingzhi's red tassel spear, Zhang Kaiyang took the watermelon knife that he had found in the service area before.

  As for Song Yi, he actually took a knife.

  It was not long, but it was also very sharp, the kind that would draw blood.

  The fighting power of the little one should not be underestimated. He would bite a person fiercely if he caught one.

  Moreover, he was very flexible, and it was almost impossible for people nearby to touch him.

  It was a mess, and she was not willing to be outdone. She pulled out her Tang sword and joined the melee directly.

  There was a person next to her who looked fearless and took the opportunity to take the liquefied gas tank next to him.

  Jiang Yuan saw it and went straight over.

  "What are you doing?"

  Her voice was not small. The man heard it and was startled. He did not let go, but dragged faster.

  Infected by the environment, she also had a strong killing intention in her heart.

  She went up and kicked him, but the man was quick and barely dodged.

  And he did not give up, and did not put down the liquefied gas tank in his hand.

  Jiang Yuan took the Tang sword and swung it over. Song Yi had taught her several times these days, and her swordsmanship had obviously improved a lot.

  Seeing that he could not resist, the man panicked.

  "No, I'll give it all back to you. Don't kill me..."

  She didn't want it either. It would be great to live in peace, but it had come to this point and it was impossible to stop.

  "Run quickly..."

  "Don't step on me..."


  There were quite a few people in the staircase. Because of the fight upstairs, the people below were ready to run.

  But they couldn't let go of each other, and those who walked slowly were pushed down and stepped on.

  The stairwell on the seventh floor was in chaos, with wailing everywhere.

  Moreover, there were so many people that there was no room for so many people.

  It was so crowded, and with the bodies on the ground, screams and crying could be heard, which was miserable.

  In less than five minutes, the rest of the people ran away, and only two or three bodies were left.

  The person who led the group before was not dead yet, but was stabbed several times.

  Now he was crawling towards the stairs on the eighth floor in fear, and Song Yi pressed on step by step with a cold look.

  "You, you can't..."

  Before he could finish the rest of the words, Song Yi had already drawn his knife.

  The messy ground, even the liquefied gas tank on it, was not spared, and a lot of blood was splashed.

  "Are you okay, Sister Yuan, Zhang Kaiyang is injured."

  Jiang Yuan didn't have time to think about it and ran over quickly.

  The other party also brought weapons with him, and he subconsciously stretched out his arm to block the knife.

  "What happened?"

  Zhang Kaiyang's right arm was stabbed and bleeding.

  "It's not serious, fortunately I'm dressed well, and the man's knife is a small dagger, so it's just a little blood."     He said that on purpose, but it was actually quite serious.

  "Go up first, I have a medical kit at home, stop the bleeding first."

  Jiang Yuan said this and went to see Jiang Xingzhi again.

  "Dad, are you okay? Are you injured?"

  "I'm fine, girl, hurry up and clean up Xiao Zhang."


  Jiang Yuan helped Zhang Kaiyang upstairs, while Song Yi, Jiang Xingzhi, Ye Mianmian, and Xiaobudian stayed behind to clean up.

  This time, he was sent to 2002 again and asked to sit in the living room.

  Because he was injured, he had to take off his clothes later. If he went to Jiang Yuan's house and got ready before coming down, it would be too much trouble and he would easily get cold.

  Grandma Ye saw it and was also a little scared.

  "Why is this happening? Where is Mianmian?"

  Looking at the old man who was nervously holding her arm, she quickly comforted him.

  "Grandma, don't worry, Mianmian is fine, she's downstairs and will come up soon."

  "That's good, that's good."

  The old man was relieved instantly, and when she saw Zhang Kaiyang, she was busy getting medicine for him.

  Jiang Yuan helped him to the sofa, and looking at the person in front of her, she was already a little uncomfortable.

  "Don't move here. I'll go get the medicine box. Grandma, you watch him and boil some hot water."

  "Okay, go ahead. I'm here."

  There was no other way. It was a special situation and everyone had to move.

  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to delay and ran up quickly. Qin Yue didn't know what was going on. She was

  also shocked. Without time to explain, she took the medicine box and ran down.

  "Zhang Kaiyang, don't be afraid. I'll clean it up for you now."

  In fact, the wound was not big, but it was a little deep. You could already see the white meat inside.

  This man was also deadly. Jiang Yuan was busy stopping his bleeding.

  It was difficult to take off his clothes in this situation, so she simply brought scissors over.

  Cut the clothes directly. This was the only way.

  "Sister Yuan..."

  "Don't talk..."

  Zhang Kaiyang should feel embarrassed. Although the wound was not big, it bled a lot and the whole arm was stained red.

  She had to pay attention. Jiang Yuan was very fast. After the clothes were cut open.

  Grandma Ye brought a basin and a thermos over. He simply wiped it and then started to stop the bleeding.

  She didn't know how to do it specifically, so she could only hold him down with clean gauze.

  After a while, the bleeding stopped.

  However, the wound was too big, and the difficulty was much greater, so she didn't dare to underestimate it.

  Before, at the outdoor goods store, the boss prepared a first aid kit with Panax notoginseng hemostatic powder. She applied a little, but didn't know how effective it was.

  Just then, Song Yi and Jiang Xingzhi came back, each with two liquefied gas cans.

  It seemed that Ye Mianmian and Xiaobudian should have been left behind.

  Also, in that kind of scene just now, it was estimated that no one would go upstairs.

  "Kaiyang, how is it?"

  "I just cleaned it up and applied Panax notoginseng hemostatic powder. I don't know how effective it is. I can only press it like this."

  Song Yi took a look and then hurried upstairs.

  When he came down again, he had a bottle of hemostatic powder in his hand.

  "Use this, it works well."

  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to delay and quickly applied medicine to Zhang Kaiyang again.

  Song Yi had been a soldier before, and it was not an ordinary one. He must have a certain understanding of this kind of wound.

  "You help him keep an eye on it, we'll go down first."


  After the two left, Jiang Yuan helped Zhang Kaiyang back to his room and let him lie on the bed to rest.
