
141. Chapter 141 Song Yi is injured2023-11-25 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  When she said that, Song Yi and Zhang Kaiyang both looked over.

  "My ex-husband is not a good person. I think he must have selfish motives."

  Jiang Yuan told everyone that Bai Mengmeng was dragged away, but he was indifferent and was still thinking about exchanging supplies.

  "My God, this man is such a dog, I look down on him.

  Sister Yuan, what do you like about him?"

  Zhang Kaiyang pouted, really unable to figure it out.

  "Alas, I was young and ignorant at that time. Now I won't talk about it, it's all tears." "

  Then what do you want to do?"

  Song Yi asked the most critical question, and Jiang Yuan roughly told her plan.


  "Sister Yuan, you are right to think so. This man is not a good person. He must pay the price."

  Girls can empathize with girls the most. Ye Mianmian sympathizes with Jiang Yuan's experience.

  At the same time, she also hated the scumbag ex-husband.

  The few people were talking happily when there was a knock on the door and a noise outside.

  It was the door on the other side of the corridor, and it should be impossible to get up.

  "I'll go check it out."

  Ye Mianmian said, then opened the door and went out. She was worried that maybe the neighbor next door went out without taking the key.

  But Jiang Yuan always felt that it was not a good thing. Cursing and crying, there must be something wrong.

  Fearing that she could not handle it, she followed out.

  "Open the door, you are so ungrateful, open the door for me quickly."

  The door at the entrance of the corridor was slammed "pa pa" loudly, and the resentment was too strong.

  Ye Mianmian glanced at Jiang Yuan. The sound should be from the old lady on the sixth floor, Sun Yian's mother.

  This person's visit is definitely not a good thing.

  Song Yi asked the two to step back, and he went to open the door to take a look.

  Jiang Yuan didn't want to open the door, but the current situation is estimated to cause complaints from both upstairs and downstairs.

  Although it is already difficult for them, they still have to face it.

  The old woman's clamor continued. As soon as Song Yi opened the door, the other party paused for three seconds, and then cursed.

  "You little bastards, you killed my son and destroyed our family. Today, I, an old woman, will die with you."

  As she said that, she threw the kitchen knife in her hand.

  Jiang Yuan was right behind Song Yi. She was scared to death when she saw the knife flying through the guardrail.

  Song Yi dodged it with his head turned and grabbed the blade with his backhand.


  Ye Mianmian screamed and covered her mouth. Blood flowed from Song Yi's hand.

  "Song Yi..."

  "Brother Song..."

  Several people were anxious and rushed to see his condition.

  My God, blood was pouring out.

  "Let go, let me see..."

  Jiang Yuan grabbed the kitchen knife in his hand without saying anything. She was afraid that the blade was in the wound, but she didn't dare to use too much force.

  Song Yi stretched out his five fingers, and the kitchen knife fell into her hand.

  "Hurry up, go back first..."

  Several people didn't care. This was the right hand. The wound must be very deep, and there was so much blood.

  Ye Mianmian went with her and supported Song Yi into the house.

  The old woman outside suddenly laughed.

  "Cluck, cluck, cluck," like an old hen, sounded very harsh to her ears.

  "You old woman, if anything happens to my brother Song, I will peel off your skin..."

  Zhang Kaiyang was also extremely angry, and he almost shouted this sentence...

  The old woman also came back to her senses and was very happy.

  "Why can't you bear it? When you hurt my son, why didn't you think about your retribution?

  If you have the guts, just kill me, I don't want to live anyway."

  "Mianmian, go and close the door."     Okay, Ye Mianmian quickly put down the medicine box and went to close the door.

  Jiang Yuan stopped the bleeding for Zhang Kaiyang last time, so she had some experience this time.

  She took out the hemostatic powder, gauze, and iodine neatly.

  "Song Yi, I'll stop the bleeding for you first, just bear with it."


  The other party didn't say much, and she didn't dare to waste time. She

  wiped it with gauze and quickly poured the medicine powder on it.

  The hand was so small, and so much blood flowed, so you can see how deep the wound must be.

  Ye Mianmian also came over to help her.

  "Press it for a while, it will be fine in a while, don't be afraid..."

  Her voice was very gentle, as if she was coaxing a child.

  "This old woman is too much, I must take revenge later.

  Brother Song, you dodged it at that time, why did you use your hand to catch it, it's so scary."

  Ye Mianmian's implication was that if the hand was broken, it would be catastrophic.

  "You are all behind, I dare not be careless."

  When he said this, he kept staring at Jiang Yuan, but Jiang Yuan was fiddling with those medical cotton swabs, preparing to clean him up later.


  I'm so angry, it's too much, I'm going to scold her right now..."

  Ye Mianmian's eyes were already red, she didn't expect Song Yi, who was usually cold, to be so manly at the critical moment...

  "Damn, this damn old lady, it's really damnable, I want to smash her head open to see if it's filled with tofu brain!"

  Zhang Kaiyang came in cursing and slammed the door heavily...

  "What's wrong, is she gone?"


  As soon as Ye Mianmian finished speaking, the sound of kicking the door and cursing rang out again.

  Although there were several doors between them, some of it could still be heard.

  "You said she is so unreasonable, she was the one who spread the word everywhere before, saying that whoever could avenge her son would be given food.

  Look, someone robbed her house last night, she searched for a whole day, but couldn't find anyone, so she blamed us for her anger.

  Is there such a thing? It's speechless.

  By the way, how is Brother Song?"

  "The bleeding is stopping!"

  Jiang Yuan answered simply, so that's how it is.

  When she first heard He Xing say that, she thought this old lady was a fool.

  Now everyone has nothing to eat, but her family has some, but they are not doing it quietly.

  Especially since the man in the family is gone, and they are exposing it in a big way, aren't they waiting for someone to snatch it away!

  "It's what she deserves, she deserves it, why don't you take her away too!"

  Ye Mianmian felt unsatisfied and cursed.

  "I'll apply medicine to you, it's almost done."

  Jiang Yuan didn't want to get involved, there was no right or wrong between them.

  Now that Song Yi is injured, everyone has opinions about the old woman.

  But Sun Yian is indeed gone, so let's each have our own reasons!

  Song Yi cooperated very well. She wiped it with iodine and sprayed a little Yunnan Baiyao around it, not too much, just to prevent the wound from getting infected.

  This situation is not very good, and the bones or soft tissue white meat can be seen inside.

  Jiang Yuan didn't understand it very well, but she knew it was very serious.

  After the bandage was done, the four of them breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Brother Song, you go back and rest..."

  Jiang Yuan also felt that Song Yi should go back, so she went to open the door.

  My god, this old lady is quite capable of fighting. The door outside was kicked so hard that it must have been deformed.

  It looks like today is a fight to the death.

  "Kaiyang, take Song Yi back."

142. Chapter 142 Your son was killed by you2023-11-25 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Her expression was very resolute, as if she was going to settle the score.

  "Jiang Yuan, don't..."

  Song Yi shook his head. The old lady was so angry that he didn't know what she would do.

  "Sister Yuan, you send Brother Song back, I'll take care of it."

  "Don't worry, it's okay. If it goes on like this, the door will be broken."

  2001 next door also poked his head out at this time. Seeing that everyone was here, he asked politely: "Do you need help?"

  "No, go back first."


  The man didn't say anything nonsense. He had been observing here for a long time. Since they didn't need it, he didn't come.

  The old lady was so scary, and he was afraid of being affected!
  "Go up..."

  After being interrupted just now, his mood calmed down a little.

  "Then you should be careful!"


  Ye Mianmian was afraid that Jiang Yuan would be wronged, so she followed. If the old woman went crazy, she could still help.

  When the two left, Song Yi went up the steps and made a gesture to keep quiet.

  Zhang Kaiyang immediately understood that he was worried about the two girls.

  He was worried in the first place, so this would be great. They could stay together.

  In case something happens, there will be someone to take care of it.

  Here, Jiang Yuan suddenly slammed the door, and the door outside was deformed.

  "Why are you howling here? Stay away and stop disgusting people here."

  She didn't expect Jiang Yuan to scold her when she came over, and all her anger came up.

  "Humph, you can't stand it, if you dare, open the door, I will kill you."

  Jiang Yuan rolled her eyes and looked at the old lady, the contempt was too obvious.

  The old lady was not a pushover either, and she was about to come over to hit someone, and her hand had already reached out from the security fence.

  "You two little whores, you instigated people to harm my son, today I will let you be buried with him."

  Jiang Yuan was quick-witted and quickly pulled Ye Mianmian back.

  The old lady couldn't reach her and was a little annoyed.

  "You are so shameless. Your son deserves to die. Who told him to look for trouble?" "You are talking nonsense. You don't know what's good for you.   There

  are so many things. What's wrong with taking out some? My son is acting on behalf of heaven. What qualifications do you have to say that?"   Jiang Yuan was stunned by the old lady's brain circuit. This person must have gone out without a brain!   "Acting on behalf of heaven, you are so bold to say that. How could you kill yourself? God has opened his eyes and took away those who are arrogant and domineering under his banner. It's great!"   She clapped as she spoke, and the rhythm was so angry that she was dying.   "You, you are talking nonsense..."   "I think you are talking nonsense. Those are our things. Why should we give them to you? Who do you think you are?"   Ye Mianmian was getting more and more angry as she listened, and came to help: "That's right, you don't have any shame. Your son came to grab things, and the old mother came to blackmail you morally. You are really a mother and son!"   The mockery was too strong. The old woman had just scolded for a long time and now her mouth was dry.   Before she could catch her breath, she was choked by her saliva and started to cough violently.   "Oh my god, I can't stand it anymore. I'm telling you, you deserve it. Get out of here.   Don't think that just because you're an old lady, we won't dare to do anything to you."   Ye Mianmian was never afraid of such people.   "Then just kill me. My son is gone, and all the things in the house have been robbed. I don't want to live anymore."   The old lady beat her chest and stamped her feet, and this time she cried sincerely.   "The things in the house were robbed, and your family was broken up. It's all your fault.   

  What's the point of coming here to cry now, hum!"

  The old lady's eyes were red and swollen, her hair was messy, and she looked a little pitiful.

  "You are talking nonsense, it's all your fault. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be like this..."

  "What's going on, you know it in your heart. Since you know that we have supplies, you know that Sun Yian came to find us.

  He gathered so many people and wanted to fight violence with violence, but he didn't think about getting himself involved.

  As a mother, you knew he was making a mistake, but you didn't stop him or comfort him. This is your fault.

  Sun Yian is gone, but you don't know how to hide your light and endure the days. You

  also publicized that you have supplies at home, and you were targeted by the bad guys. You deserve it. "

  Sun's mother didn't expect this level, and she actually listened to it and was heartbroken.

  "You, you are talking nonsense..."

  "Whether I am talking nonsense or not, you know it in your heart.

  What's the situation now, you must know that there are no men in the family, and you still don't know how to live with your tail between your legs.

  Your high profile has harmed everyone.

  There is no food to eat, and everyone is hungry, and it's all your fault. "

  Jiang Yuan said so confidently that the old lady was distraught, as if she suddenly realized that she had done something wrong.

  "No, no, they are all my son's followers.

  It's impossible for them to treat me like that, and Xiao He, that's their sister-in-law.

  Impossible, impossible..."

  Jiang Yuan's heart sank, this group of people probably did not just rob things as simple as such a simple problem.

  "What's impossible, who do you think you are?
  He died early in the morning, and

  you still think you are the old Buddha? Why are they your son's followers, what's so outstanding about him, you think too much.

  I tell you, it was you who ruined your family.

  You still come here to commit crimes, okay, you win.

  You don't dare to find the people who really hurt you, so you come to us to cause trouble, tsk..."

  The old lady listened to her words, as if her essence was drained.

  "No, you killed my son, it's all your fault."

  Well, this, she did not deny.

  But saying that it was their fault, it can't be admitted in vain.

  "That's because your son had bad intentions first.

  If he didn't want to kill us, would he be killed in return?
  You know that those who do evil will eventually perish, don't you? "

  "Impossible, my son is a big lawyer, he has been a good student since he was young, everyone envies me.

  He has helped many people with lawsuits, won a lot, and everyone thanks him..."

  Hearing this, Jiang Yuan really sneered.

  She didn't know what kind of person Sun Yian was, the old lady's filter was too serious.

  "Just treat him as a treasure, dare you say that your son has no selfishness at all.

  Why do you still have food in your family when everyone has nothing to eat?
  Is this your fair and just son, a good lawyer?

  Others have given him enough trust, can he bear it?"

  These few rhetorical questions completely revealed the ugly corners of Sun Yian's mouth.

  How could the old lady not know?
  She just didn't want to admit it. Jiang Yuan looked at the hypocritical Sun's mother in front of her. If she

  sympathized for a second more, she would be damned.

143. Chapter 143 Concealing the truth2023-11-25 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "No, no, no..."

  The old lady was in tears, and Jiang Yuan felt that she would freeze in less than a minute.

  It seemed that she was mocking herself, and her whole body seemed to be drained of strength.

  "Mianmian, close the door!"

  She didn't want to kill them all. There was no right or wrong in this kind of thing.

  The consequence of revenge is that both groups are unhappy.


  Ye Mianmian quickly closed the door. The old lady reacted instantly and knocked on the door again, but her strength was not as strong as before.

  It can be seen that her spirit is different.

  The two went directly to the 21st floor and saw the two people in the corridor. They were also a little surprised.


  Zhang Kaiyang stretched out his hand a little awkwardly and greeted them.

  This was a disguised eavesdropping after all, but the two girls didn't think there was anything wrong.

  "Hey, why didn't you two go up? It's so cold!"

  "Isn't it because I'm afraid that you two will be in danger? Sister Yuan, you are really amazing. I guess this old lady is vomiting to death."

  "Just telling the truth."

  If he didn't have the intention to hurt others, Sun Yian would definitely survive to the end.

  The result now is all my own fault, no one else can be blamed.

  "Song Yi, you should go back and rest quickly, and be careful not to touch water."

  Now the wound is so big, plus the temperature is low, it is not easy to heal.

  "I found that the four of us seem to be injured, brothers in distress, haha."

  Ye Mianmian suddenly felt a little funny, and Jiang Yuan thought about it, it was normal to be injured after such a long time.

  Because Song Yi was injured, they went back.

  The old lady downstairs didn't knock on the door anymore, and it was much quieter.

  I just don't know if she went home.

  Jiang Yuan returned home with a complicated mood, but she still didn't tell Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue about those things.

  When she got to the room, she sighed a little.

  She was reborn and knew a lot of things that others didn't know.

  It also forced her to kill decisively, but after all, her ability was limited.

  The time was too short, and apart from stockpiling some supplies, there was no time to prepare many things.

  It was a bit overwhelmed, and the day when she died in her previous life was coming soon.

  What happened later was something she didn't know.

  Jiang Yuan sat on the bed, thinking absentmindedly.

  Carrying such a secret, it is also a bit tiring.

  Fortunately, now that I have the space, many things are different.

  Ye Mianmian is right. All four people are injured. Although hers is not serious, it is better to be quiet recently.

  There is no shortage of food and clothing at home, and the supplies are enough. As long as we keep the house well, it will be fine.

  At present, there is only one problem that has not been solved, that is, the matter of Xia Chaoyang and Bai Mengmeng.

  The two people want to exchange supplies with her. Whether it is one person or two people now, this matter must continue.

  Of course, she also wants revenge.

  Jiang Yuan sighed and patted her face. There are still so many things to do, she can't be discouraged.

  The time she agreed with Xia Chaoyang and others is tomorrow night, and now she has to prepare in advance.

  Originally, they said they would act together, but the three of them became patients, so it would be better for her to go alone.

  While Xiao Nuan was playing in that room, Jiang Yuan hurried to the space to water the vegetables. She

  also repacked the things in the six boxes.

  In addition, the first batch of zucchini can be picked.

  There were fine thorns on the vine, so Jiang Yuan took the scissors.

  She didn't plant a lot, only six seedlings, but the fruit was very thick and could be eaten for a long time.     It doesn't matter if the melons are swollen and old, you can pick them and dry the seeds inside.

  That's how natural seeds come from.

  In addition, the old zucchini can be made into pickles, which are also very delicious. They are crispy and very good with rice.

  Jiang Yuan was still thinking about how to take these fresh zucchini out, and Qin Yue came over.

  She was startled.

  "Yuanyuan, come out and eat quickly. Mom stewed pork ribs."

  "Okay, I'll come right away..."

  Qin Yue said before that the meat in the refrigerator should be eaten quickly, otherwise the weather will get warmer later.

  Although it won't go bad, the taste is not as good as fresh ones.

  It just so happened that she had a new idea.

  Since she couldn't think of an idea, she might as well pretend to be confused.

  Mom made pork ribs stewed with potatoes and a plate of stir-fried bean sprouts.

  Jiang Yuan ate quickly and used the excuse of going to the attic to clean up.

  Anyway, she often went there, so Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi didn't care much.

  In less than an hour, she came down in a hurry.

  "Mom, why don't you eat these vegetables? Look at them, they are all bad."

  Jiang Yuan said, taking out the five zucchini in her hand, as well as a handful of asparagus and a bunch of grapes.

  The asparagus and grapes were taken out of the domineering president's refrigerator.

  "Where did this come from?"

  Qin Yue was also surprised. The only fresh things at home were cabbage, radish and potatoes. The rest were frozen by her!

  "It's in the drawer of the upper refrigerator, Mom, you didn't forget it.

  It's so cold, but it will freeze. Fortunately, the refrigerator is well insulated."

  Since the weather turned cold, the refrigerator does not need to be plugged in.

  The temperature outside is even colder, and it's frozen.

  "Ah? I don't remember it, oh, really..."

  Qin Yue was annoyed and came to check these vegetables.

  And the grapes were amazing.

  "Fortunately, there is no problem at all. Look how fresh they are."

  "Mom, wash this bunch of grapes and eat them. They will be bad if they are left for a long time."

  Now it is wrapped in plastic wrap, which is not ordinary.

  "Okay, Xiao Nuan hasn't eaten this for a long time. I froze the ones I bought before."

  Yes, a lot of grapes were frozen, and I also canned various fruits.

  "Okay! I think this zucchini is also quite fresh. How about we make dumplings tomorrow?"


  Jiang Yuan's requests were usually agreed to, and the family was happy. It

  felt good to get away with it.

  Tomorrow, she would have a face-to-face fight with Xia Chaoyang and Bai Mengmeng. Jiang Yuan was lying on the bed, and she was actually a little excited.

  These two scumbags finally got their retribution, but would Bai Mengmeng come tomorrow?

  She was dragged away, and she didn't know if she would be able to come back alive. Those three people were definitely not good people.

  If she didn't come back, Xia Chaoyang would be alone tomorrow.

  Then it would not be easy for her to seek revenge on Bai Mengmeng later.

  After all, it was unknown whether she could find him or not.


  Jiang Yuan got up early the next morning. She was refreshed today. The agreed time was in the evening, so she was not in a hurry.

  Qin Yue was very diligent. She got up early in the morning and wrapped the dumplings...

144. Chapter 144 Old Lady Sun Hanged Herself2023-11-25 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  It was stuffed with zucchini and eggs, refreshing and not greasy, Jiang Yuan liked it very much. She

  ate a large plate of dumplings with the dumpling soup. Qin Yue cooked it very well, and there was not a single piece of stuffing exposed.

  The soup was clear and refreshing. She hated it the most when she drank the dumpling soup with the dumpling stuffing inside.

  There was a mission tonight, and she was not going to do any physically demanding training during the day. She

  had to save all her energy for the night, which would be a fierce battle.

  "Knock, knock, knock..."

  Jiang Yuan thought nothing happened today, but when there was a knock on the door, she felt as if something had happened again. The

  only person who could knock on the door so conveniently was Song Yi next door.

  That person was also a homebody, and he would only come here when he had something to do.

  Jiang Yuan complained in her heart: Could it be that he wanted to ask her about what happened in the evening? It was very likely.

  However, he was injured, so it was not a good idea to let him follow him.

  After opening the door, it was indeed him.

  "Song Yi, how is your injury?" "It's

  okay. There's someone knocking on the door downstairs. Let's go down and take a look?"

  Yes, in the corridor, some noises can be heard.

  There seems to be shouting, there should be a lot of people.

  "Could it be that old lady Sun has asked someone to come here to cause trouble? Let's go and take a look."

  Jiang Yuan thought so, and Song Yi thought so too.

  Yesterday, the door outside was already in danger. There can't be any problems today. It seems that we have to hurry up and repair it.

  When I went downstairs, Ye Mianmian and Zhang Kaiyang were there.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, Sun Yian's mother hanged herself on the seventh floor."

  "Hanged? Dead?"

  Jiang Yuan was a little bit unbelievable. This old lady was still angry. I really didn't expect it!
  "Yes, she's dead. She deliberately left on the seventh floor. When people found her, she was stiff."

  That's right. Not to mention when she died, it's not a good result in such cold weather.

  "Then why did she come here to make trouble?"

  Speaking of this, Ye Mianmian was a little indignant.

  They had been out for a while and had heard a general idea.

  "This group of people said that the old lady hanged herself because of us, so they moved people here. I'm so angry."

  It turned out that someone wanted to go out to find supplies this morning.

  That place is a must-pass road, and they were seen by others, and this is the result.

  "What a bunch of nosy people, open the door and see what they want."

  Jiang Yuan said so, and Zhang Kaiyang pulled the door open, regardless of the injury on his arm.

  It was really infuriating.

  His strength was very strong and sudden, and the people on the opposite side were also stunned.

  Oh, a familiar face, the leader was Sister Liu who had just come here two days ago.

  "What are you doing? If you touch my door again, I will send you to the west."

  Although she was not furious, the murderous intent in her eyes was still very obvious.

  Sister Liu shrank her neck, but did not admit defeat.

  "What are you so arrogant about? You forced an old widow to death, and you think you're right. You must give us an explanation today.

  Everyone, don't you?"

  She learned her lesson this time and dragged the other person into the water in advance, so that no one would respond when the time came.

  "Yes, there must be an explanation for this matter..."

  "That's right, we can't have the final say in Building 13. You are the ones who killed people, and you are the ones who patted your butts and didn't care about anything. This is not okay!"     The one who spoke was the mother and daughter who had clashed with them before. Jiang Yuan looked at them coldly. There were really many enemies in this building!
  "What do you want to say?
  Did I strangle her to death, or did I hang her up there?

  Don't be too outrageous, okay?"

  Zhang Kaiyang was also unyielding. Looking at the woman in front of him, he had the urge to slap her in the face for the first time.

  "Humph, who is outrageous? You guys have no sympathy. They are full

  of sins. If I were to say, don't waste time talking to them. Bring them to justice directly. It's the best."

  Jiang Yuan rolled her eyes. There are always one or two people who stir up trouble in this group of people.

  "If you can't talk, just shut your stinky mouth, just like eating shit.

  What does the life and death of this old lady have to do with us."

  Before she finished speaking, Sister Liu quit.

  "Who said it doesn't matter? If you hadn't killed Building Manager Sun, his mother wouldn't be like this. You are the murderer.

  What have you been doing in there? Come out if you have the guts!"

  Jiang Yuan looked at her righteous appearance. Isn't this a female version of Sun Yian?

  "Mianmian, open the door."


  Ye Mianmian opened the door outside neatly, and the two parties came into contact more directly.

  "Now that the door is open, what can it prove?
  You say I have no guts, but you have guts, so let me ask you, who brought the old woman's body up here?

  Since the hatred with us is so deep, let's settle it!"

  Jiang Yuan narrowed her eyes, with a look of keeping strangers away.

  Seeing that no one spoke for a long time, she also got angry and asked loudly: "Which shameless bastard is so cowardly now?"

  Sister Liu's face was not very good. Jiang Yuan's indirect criticism was too obvious.

  "We came here today to talk about the old lady's affairs and the compensation for our families."

  "So, you brought her here alone?"

  Jiang Yuan pressed on step by step, not letting her change the subject.

  "I didn't, don't talk nonsense.

  I just talked about the facts and complained about injustice..."

  The combat effectiveness of these people was off the charts, and the reason they dared to come here was because they were the only ones with supplies.

  However, Sister Liu did not want to be cannon fodder.

  "You are complaining about injustice. His son is gone, but he still has a daughter-in-law and grandchildren. It's not your turn to say anything .

  Or are you really having an affair with Sun Yian?" When

  she said this, the others naturally thought of what happened last time.

  Gossip exists all the time.

  Even at this point, there are still many people curious.

  "How dare you say that? Her daughter-in-law was kidnapped a long time ago, and there is food in their house. The two children are only a few years old. How many days can they survive without food and water?"

  Sister Liu seemed to have found a great reason. She hugged her shoulders and her face was full of condemnation.

  Jiang Yuan didn't know that Sun Yian's wife had also been killed.

  It seems that not only other buildings are unsafe, but there are also evil forces in Building 13.

  "You are really stupid. Sun Yian's home is a lesson for you.

  There are not many people left in our building. There are only a few who can do such a thing.

  Today it's Sun Yian's wife, and tomorrow it's you.

  If you don't keep your tails between your legs and lock your doors, you will cry sooner or later."


145. Chapter 145 Bai Mengmeng's Experience2023-11-28 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  She was not exaggerating, and many people on the other side also listened to her.

  In a situation where everyone is in danger, it is better than worrying about them all the time.

  "Then just don't care about it. The old lady is gone."

  Sister Liu's arrogance is getting weaker and weaker, but Jiang Yuan is justified.

  "So many people die every day, and I am responsible for it?

  I tell you, get rid of it quickly, otherwise, I will knock on the door one by one and send it to you."

  "Why are you like this, you are a demon!"

  The one who spoke was the daughter before, with red eyes and hatred in her eyes.

  But she didn't cry in the end. In this weather, if she cried, her face would freeze.

  "I am your ancestor!"

  Ye Mianmian couldn't listen anymore and said something. She still hated the mother and daughter and bullied her a lot.

  "Get out quickly, our patience is limited."

  Sister Liu sighed secretly when she heard it, but she didn't lose in momentum: "Let's go, let's go down first..."

  A group of people came in a mighty way and left in a crowd.

  There were two others who slipped on the stairs because they were in a hurry. There happened to be people carrying old lady Sun in front of them.

  The collision caused their hands to fall off, and they had a close contact with the dead.

  "Ouch" screamed, it was the wax they had applied before that took effect.

  "Haha, it's what he deserves..."

  "Haha, that's right, it makes me laugh to death, this person will have nightmares tonight."

  Zhang Kaiyang and Ye Mianmian felt a little happy, but Song Yi and Jiang Yuan didn't show any expression.

  This group of people came over again and again, it always felt a bit abnormal.

  Moreover, they were very cautious and didn't confront them head-on, what was their way.

  "Okay, go back and rest, there will be a fierce battle tonight."

  Uh, Song Yi should have said that he would accompany her to meet that scumbag and bitch.

  "Well, I thought about it, why don't I go by myself? You are all injured, so don't bother me."

  The first one to quit was Ye Mianmian, who came over and put his arm around her shoulders: "Sister Yuan, what are you talking about? We have already planned it, so we must go."

  "Yes, this little injury won't be a problem at all."

  Zhang Kaiyang also agreed. Jiang Yuan felt a little embarrassed and thought it was too much trouble.

  "Follow the original plan, go back and prepare first."

  Song Yi spoke, and the few people went home. She

  wanted to say something to him, but he had a blank expression, so she didn't dare to speak.

  Just go, and she will help more in the future.

  The friendship between the four people is still relatively strong now, and it can always be used.

  Jiang Yuan returned home, said a few simple words to her parents, and went back.

  Although everyone was very sad about the choice of Old Lady Sun, no one could do anything about it, and this might be a kind of relief.

  She took a black garbage bag and put a cotton jacket in it, which was quite thick and took up a lot of space.

  Xia Chaoyang said he wanted to exchange supplies, but she didn't want to give it to him, so why did she really take it out?

  It was enough to just pretend, but in case of any accidents, she still took out another small bag. She

  put some instant noodles, bread, ham and other things in it, just in case.

  At ten o'clock in the evening, the temperature had dropped to minus thirty-two degrees Celsius.

  Jiang Yuan was very well armed, and after explaining something to her parents, she went out.

  She didn't say anything specific, just said that she would go downstairs with Song Yi and the others to take a look, and asked Jiang Xingzhi to guard the house.

  When she opened the door, she saw that Song Yi really came, and she didn't doubt it too much.

  The two nodded, and Song Yi actually brought the little one with him. In such a cold day, the puppy also wore a coat, which seemed to be leather, and looked heroic.

  The two went downstairs, met up with Zhang Kaiyang and the others, and started to go to the designated place.     This used to be a pavilion, like a corridor, with many vines climbing on it.

  Now it has dried up and died, and there are not many left. Hanging on it is also very scary.

  As soon as they got closer, the three of them hid separately, and Jiang Yuan went there alone with a big bag.

  There was a person standing in the middle, and the figure was very clear.

  The agreed time was half past ten. It seemed that they were more anxious than her.

  Song Yi was afraid that she couldn't do it alone, so he asked Xiaobudian to follow.

  This guy's fighting ability is also very good. The dog can't talk, so there is no need to worry about seeing her secrets.

  So Jiang Yuan accepted it happily.

  "Bai Mengmeng, why is it you?"

  The other party was much calmer when he saw Jiang Yuan coming, but because it was too dark, she took a night light and could only see a silhouette.

  "It's me, Jiang Yuan, are you surprised?"

  As she said, she slowly approached, less than one meter away.

  Then she changed the gear of the night light, and it became much brighter in an instant.

  "Yes, I'm surprised.

  When I came back last time, I met Xia Chaoyang at the door. He said that you and the food were taken away together."

  She answered frankly, anyway, this is the fact.

  Bai Mengmeng sneered, her whole person looked a little contemptuous.

  "You divorced him, it was the most correct choice you made in your life."

  "So you escaped?

  Where is Xia Chaoyang?"

  If they don't come together, how can they be killed at once ?

  In the previous life, these two people were not easy to deal with, and she couldn't let either of them go.

  "Yes, I was humiliated, and then I ran away when they were not paying attention!" What

  the hell, why didn't she believe it?

  Bai Mengmeng was so strong in fighting. Since she was humiliated, she still had the strength to run away?
  "I came here today and want to make a deal with you."

  As she said, she handed over the bag in her hand.

  Jiang Yuan's heart was alarmed, and she always felt that there was something dangerous.

  Seeing that she didn't move, Bai Mengmeng didn't get angry, and directly opened the bag and put it on the ground.

  It was money. Judging from the appearance, it was estimated to be 500,000 or 600,000.

  "This is all the money of the old lady, including my own, you take it."

  "What do you want to do?"

  Jiang Yuan narrowed her eyes and looked at her vigilantly.

  "I want to kill Xia Chaoyang and his unfortunate mother!"

  Bai Mengmeng gnashed her teeth, the hatred in her eyes could not be hidden.

  "Don't worry, I'll give you all the money, and you don't have to give me anything. After I go back, I'll tell them.

  It was you who took the money and didn't give me any food.

  Building No. 9 is in a mess now. We live on the 18th floor. Everyone next door is dead. It's going to become hell soon."

  Jiang Yuan looked at her like this, as if they were going to die together.

  If it was said that Xia Chaoyang didn't care about her and let her be taken away and bullied, and then she hated him.

  It seemed reasonable, but it would never turn out like this. Anyway, she didn't believe it.


  Her eyes seemed to see through everything.

  Bai Mengmeng laughed miserably: "They ate my son."

146. Chapter 146 The Son is Gone2023-11-27 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian


  This time it was Jiang Yuan's turn to be dumbfounded.

  "What does it mean to eat your son?"

  "It means literally, Jiang Yuan, Xia Chaoyang and his mother, they are not good people."

  He was not hysterical, just like discussing the weather with her.

  "What do you want to do?"

  "Don't worry about it, Jiang Yuan, you just need to cooperate with me."

  "Okay, I promise you."

  Bai Mengmeng smiled sadly, always feeling a little terrified, and then prepared to leave.

  "Wait a minute..."

  Hearing the noise, she just turned her head: "What else?"

  "Take this, it can save your life at a critical moment, remember to hide it."

  Bai Mengmeng looked at the two chocolates handed over by Jiang Yuan, hesitated for a moment, and still took it.

  "Thank you!"

  After she left, Jiang Yuan slowly came out, and the remaining three were confused.

  "Sister Yuan, what's going on, why did you let her go?"

  "The plan has changed, let's talk about it when we get back!"


  Now is not a good time to talk, and it's still so cold, so several people hurried home.

  Grandma Ye had fallen asleep, and they didn't want to disturb her, so they went to 2102.

  Song Yi had been turning on the electric heater, and the house was very warm.

  "What's going on?"

  The three people's eyes fell on Jiang Yuan. They had agreed not to let that person leave.

  "Only one person came today. You should have seen it. It was San'er."

  "I didn't see it clearly from a distance. I thought it was that scumbag. She was taken away by someone, so why did she come back?"

  Ye Mianmian really couldn't figure it out. Similarly, the two men were also confused.

  "She said she ran away when no one was paying attention. No one knows the specific situation."

  Jiang Yuan said truthfully. She also felt that this matter was too strange.

  "But this is not the point.

  Bai Mengmeng brought all the money from their family, and she hasn't asked for my things yet."

  "Ah? Is she stupid?"

  Zhang Kaiyang felt a little incredible. How could that kind of person not love money?

  "There must be something wrong when things are abnormal. Jiang Yuan, what else did she say?"

  It was indeed Song Yi. He thought of the key point at once.

  "She told me to keep the money. If the mother and son come looking for her, I should say that she was beaten up instead of being given any supplies."

  Ye Mianmian was even more confused after hearing this.

  "What kind of trick is this!"

  "Is it because that scumbag doesn't care about her anymore, so she wants revenge?"

  Zhang Kaiyang couldn't help but bring up the matter of the eldest sister on the eleventh floor. Otherwise, why would he take a woman away?

  "She told me that the scumbag and his mother ate her son."


  San's face was confused, and she was no less shocked than when she first found out.

  "No, isn't that his own son? How could he eat that?"

  "So what if he's his own son? This woman can't go back, and there's no one to protect the child."

  Jiang Yuan's hatred grew stronger and stronger. This was how Xiao Nuan was in her previous life.

  The reason why she let Bai Mengmeng go back was that she also wanted to see the situation where the two of them would bite each other.     Apart from other things, the child was raised by Bai Mengmeng herself, and she is her spiritual sustenance.

  Now that she has ended up in that situation, can she let it go?
  Jiang Yuan was happy that these people had no good life, and it was interesting to kill each other.

  Moreover, even if she didn't do anything, the group of people would starve to death.

  She was happy to let them suffer.

  When she first heard it, she felt a chill down her spine.

  If she hadn't held Xiao Nuan in her previous life, her daughter would probably not have escaped the same fate.

  And giving her chocolate was also for the same reason, so that she wouldn't be exhausted when she was halfway through revenge.

  So she didn't give her more, thinking that she would hang on to her life at the critical moment.

  As for Bai Mengmeng's future, she would definitely have to clean it up. This person was one of the leaders of Xiao Nuan's death in the previous life and the suffering she suffered. She

  must not be let off.

  "Oh my God, what will she do?"

  Ye Mianmian really couldn't figure it out. Now there are so many people outside looking for food, and there are three adults in their family. If they work harder, they won't starve to death.

  As for doing such a heinous thing, how come I still feel a little sympathy for the third sister.

  "I feel that we should treat people the way they treat us!"

  Jiang Yuan did not hide it and expressed her thoughts. Song Yi nodded.

  For now, it should be the case.

  That's why they didn't let Jiang Yuan give them food and gave her all the money, cutting off the family's retreat.

  "Oh my God, this is too crazy..."

  What happened today was completely beyond Ye Mianmian's cognition.

  How could this be possible? What's going on?

  "Okay, it's getting late. Let's go back and have a good rest. We have been very busy these two days.

  The group of people in our building are not quiet either. Who knows what kind of moths they will come up with."

  Jiang Yuan said this and was recognized by everyone, and they all stood up and said goodbye.

  She tiptoed back home. Her daughter was sleeping soundly, which made her a little dazed.

  Some things are engraved in the bones. Xia Chaoyang is an out-and-out scumbag.

  In the last life, he treated Xiao Nuan so badly, and in this life, he became Bai Mengmeng's son.

  If he could stand up on his own, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

  She remembered that Bai Mengmeng had said before that they were on the 18th floor, and that everyone next door was dead, which meant that after a while, she could go over and inspect the results.

  And if she said that she ran away, she wouldn't believe it.

  The reason why that group of people kidnapped her was definitely not a good thing. How could she escape so easily? She must not have told the truth.

  Jiang Yuan felt even heavier in her heart. She had never thought that such a thing would happen.

  The money that Bai Mengmeng brought her was also real. She thought about it and took it all to the space to upgrade.

  This was originally her money, at least half of it.

  Now, it belongs to the original owner.

  Since she can't sleep, she won't sleep. There are still many jobs waiting for her to do in the space.

  Now beans and cucumbers are blooming, and eggplants and tomatoes have begun to bear fruit.

  She took a few of the sweet potatoes she bought before into the space.

  Spray them with water, and they will sprout in a few days. By then, she can also plant a batch.

  The same operation is done for potatoes. It

  is such a waste if such a large space is not used.

  She also left the seeds of the grapes she ate yesterday. Now she found a small foam box and put some soil in it.

  She planted the seeds, watered them, and waited to see if they could sprout.

  If they could, she would be able to have grapes freely in the future.

  There are still many fruits in the refrigerator, and they are all worth her trying.

147. Chapter 147 The Sun Rises2023-11-28 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan didn't stay up late. There were too many things in the past two days, and she couldn't digest them all.

  Every time, only when she looked at her daughter, she felt that everything was real.

  The next morning, when Jiang Yuan woke up, Xiao Nuan was still sleeping.

  She took out her mobile phone from under the pillow. Since the Internet was disconnected, the frequency of its use has been greatly reduced.

  I don't know what to do, so I took it out to look at the photos and videos I took before.

  Her photo album is full of bits and pieces about Xiao Nuan.

  I have to back it up on the computer. If it is lost, it will be a pity.

  Thinking of this, she got up.

  "Dad, Mom, what are you looking at?"

  As soon as she arrived in the living room, she saw Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue lying on the window.

  Hearing her movement, they were also very excited: "Daughter, the sun is out, come and see it."


  Jiang Yuan was also a little excited. Although the rain has stopped for many days, the weather has been foggy and the sun cannot be seen.

  The mood is very depressed, and the things at home are not easy.

  It takes several days to wash clothes.

  When he got close to the window, the sun was out.

  It was still early, just rising.

  Moreover, it was not as bright as on a sunny day, it was dim, but you could see the outline.

  A few days ago, it was terribly cloudy, but there was not even a shadow.

  "Oh my god, the sun is out, great.

  Dad, let's quickly pack up the solar panels."


  Jiang Xingzhi understood what she meant. There was no sun during this period, and it was cold at home. Electric heaters and electric blankets were very power-consuming.

  Most of their batteries had been used up. If there was no energy supply, it would be really dangerous.

  Jiang Xingzhi was planning to go out and pick up some firewood or something to store in the next two days.

  If it really doesn't work, you have to burn charcoal to keep warm!
  The two of them went directly to the terrace. My god, it was so cold.

  "Now that the sun is out, it should be warmer."

  "Of course, but you still have to be careful, don't get cold." As

  the two talked, they did not stop moving their hands, packing up the things on top.

  Qin Yue didn't come down. She was preparing breakfast downstairs and taking care of Xiao Nuan.

  Jiang Yuan didn't bring gloves. When she came back, her fingers were slightly red and her whole palms were not working well.

  Qin Yue saw it and quickly poured hot water for the two of them to relieve it.

  "Don't dare to do this next time. It will be troublesome

  if you get frozen." Speaking of which, she has never had frostbite. Even when the weather was cold when she was a child, she was well protected.

  The morning time is always relaxed and rare. Today, more people went out to find supplies.

  Jiang Yuan had nothing to do, so she sat in front of the window and watched the video.

  It was some routine medical knowledge. The last time Zhang Kaiyang and Song Yi were injured, she had a sense of crisis.

  If the situation becomes more and more serious, it will be bad.

  She must have some medical equipment, especially scalpels, sutures, and quick-acting medicines.

  Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one!
  This was also in her plan before, it seems that she still has to go out.

  Thinking of this, her mood became heavy.

  At noon, a helicopter flew over her head, and then something fell to the ground.

  Jiang Yuan's house was well soundproofed, but she was still attracted by the falling object.

  She opened the window a crack and saw the official news.

  "Please go to the survivor rescue center as soon as possible. Experts predict that there will be a heavy snowstorm in the future.     In order to reduce unnecessary losses, please go together.

  Help each other, I believe we will overcome the difficulties together. "

  The broadcast sounded, and many people heard it.

  In addition to dropping supplies, it called on everyone to go to the survivors' rescue center.

  It's frozen outside, and if there is snow, it will be too scary.

  If it is a blizzard, it will be difficult to move, that's for sure.

  Moreover, although the sun is out today, the temperature has not risen at all, and the temperature even dropped by two degrees during the day.

  At noon, it was minus thirty-four degrees.

  What a concept, it's just spitting, it's estimated that it will freeze before it hits the ground, which is really scary.

  Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi also heard it, and the two of them carefully asked her opinion.

  "The survivors' rescue center is not that good, Mom and Dad, you have seen that high-speed rail station, but there are millions of people in Xishi, how can it possibly accommodate them.

  Moreover, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and it may not be a good thing to go there."

  Jiang Xingzhi nodded and agreed: "My daughter is right, we have so many things in our house now, and we can't take them away.

  The environment won't be very good if we go there, so we might as well stay."

  Qin Yue sighed. She was a very traditional woman.

  She would go wherever her husband and children were.

  "Forget it, since you two said so, let's stay.

  However, we shouldn't take the things thrown down."

  "No, leave them to those who need them more."

  Jiang Yuan murmured, and saw that many people had gone out downstairs.

  The relief packages thrown just now should have several copies between the two buildings.

  Many people went down, probably to grab things.

  "Girl, look, are those two groups of people fighting?"

  Following the direction of his finger, Jiang Yuan picked up the high-powered telescope and began to observe carefully.

  "Yes, they are grabbing supplies. "

  Within five minutes, a group of people left and ran towards Building 15.

  The remaining two people fell to the ground, with scarlet liquid spreading from under their heads.

  It was very dazzling, and even though it was far away, Qin Yue still saw it.

  She quickly covered her mouth with her hands. How could this happen?

  She didn't understand. They had come to deliver supplies, so why did they have to snatch them.

  Jiang Yuan was also uncomfortable. Seeing this situation, although she knew it was normal, it was quite sad to see it happen so blatantly under her nose.

  "I'll go to the corridor to see..."

  From the corridor, you can see the situation of the three buildings in front. There is an activity center similar to a small square on the side.

  It is estimated that more things will be delivered, and more people will go there.

  What if Xia Chaoyang is there, she can't miss it.

  "Then you be careful!"

  "Okay, it's okay!"

  Even so, Qin Yue still asked her to bring a weapon.

  The impact just now was too great, and they have been watched covetously by others, so they have to be on guard.

  As soon as she came out, she saw Song Yi was also here, looking at the situation below through the window.

  "Hello, what are you looking at? "

  Hearing this, the other party turned around and said: "The fight has started, let's watch the fun!"

148. Chapter 148 Blizzard is coming2023-11-28 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "A fight?"

  Jiang Yuan also became interested and came to the window to watch with him.

  There was a high-powered telescope hanging around her neck, which came in handy at this moment.

  It turned out that it was in the activity center, and many people were snatching things.

  "Tsk tsk...

  this material delivery has become a crime, but there are really a lot of people in this community."

  Jiang Yuan sighed as she watched.

  Song Yi also brought a telescope. Obviously, the two had the same purpose.

  "Look, there are big shots coming."

  It's no wonder Jiang Yuan said that, there really was a group of people over there, forcibly separating the group of people fighting.

  They were pointing and talking below, and no one knew what they were talking about.

  Song Yi also saw it, and opened the window a little. Now he could hear some sounds, but they were not very clear.

  "Oh my god, this person couldn't be another Sun Yian."

  "What, Sun, Sun Yian..."

  Zhang Kaiyang, who had just come up, heard a tail and became visibly nervous.

  "Isn't he dead?"

  "No, he came to find you."

  Jiang Yuan saw Song Yi speaking calmly, and she was a little scared. This guy is really a jerk.

  "Okay, don't scare him. Kaiyang, it's not Sun Yian. We saw someone downstairs, who seemed to be a leader.

  Before, didn't Sun Yian say that every building has a building manager?

  We suspect that the group of people fighting downstairs are also the legendary building managers!"

  "Not the people fighting, but the people who stopped the fight violently."

  Song Yi corrected Jiang Yuan, and Zhang Kaiyang looked down.

  "My God, isn't this the dark force? Look, these two groups of people are fighting too." What's going on

  ? Another group has come. It's really a mess outside.

  "Why are you two here?"

  Song Yi didn't continue to pay attention to the situation downstairs. Instead, Ye Mianmian took the telescope away and watched the excitement with Jiang Yuan.

  "Didn't the drone come here today? I'm not sure what the heavy snow is, so I came up to discuss it with you two."

  Speaking of this, Jiang Yuan didn't look at it anymore.

  She always felt that Song Yi knew a lot of things.

  In her previous life, she didn't know what happened after the extreme cold.

  "Let's go, let's talk at my house."

  The four people were silent, and they didn't even watch the excitement, and went straight to 2102.

  Song Yi also learned from Grandma Ye and took out a bottle

  of Coke to cook. He used the kind of stove with a small gas tank. Jiang Yuan had bought a lot of them before, just like the ones used in Chuanchuanxiang shops.

  This one is relatively small and can be placed directly on the table.

  Thinking of this, I really crave Chuanchuanxiang.

  I will make arrangements when I get home later.

  Song Yi took a pot and everyone watched him cook.

  "There is no ginger slices at home, so just drink it like this."

  In fact, all beverages and water must be boiled before drinking, otherwise you will have to wait to eat ice cubes!
  "It's okay, Brother Song, this little thing is pretty good."

  "Today, experts said that there will be a big snowstorm later. What should we do? Should we go to the survivor rescue center?"

  Ye Mianmian was still very worried and concerned about this issue.

  The main reason is that grandma is too old, and this journey of displacement is definitely not a good thing.

  However, I am also afraid that if I stay, I won't survive this winter.

  "It depends on personal wishes.     If there is a real blizzard this time, the situation will definitely be worse than it is now."

  Song Yi calmly opened the lid of the pot, and seeing that the Coke had begun to bubble, he turned off the fire.

  Then, he used a spoon to scoop for everyone.

  "Brother Song, no one knows whether the blizzard is real or not, and we don't know how accurate this expert's prediction will be!"

  Zhang Kaiyang said all the facts, but the road ahead is dangerous, and who can guarantee it 100%?

  "The temperature outside is very low now, about minus 30 degrees Celsius during the day, and even lower at night.

  If it snows, it will be even worse.

  Moreover, if the bottom doesn't melt.

  With the thick snow on top, it will be difficult to move forward, let alone anything else."

  Song Yi began to analyze what would happen if there was a real blizzard.

  "Yes, not only that, it will probably be even colder.

  It's okay when it's snowing, but when the snow melts, it will be absolutely... "

  Not only this time, but also in the past.

  When the snow melts, it will take away the surrounding heat and the temperature will drop.

  Just imagine, the temperature is more than thirty degrees below zero. If it drops further, what will happen!

  When these words came out, Zhang Kaiyang and Ye Mianmian were shocked.

  The depression in their hearts became more serious.

  "Then what can we do?"

  Jiang Yuan also sighed. Now their lives have come to the time to be tested.

  "I think Song Yi is right. Let's go back and think about it carefully whether to stay or leave.

  This is very important. The conditions at the rescue center may not be as good as here, but there should still be medical care.

  We should be prepared to not be able to go out at home.

  When the blizzard really closes the door, the world will be covered with ice and snow, and it will probably be difficult to walk."

  What a joke, that's a blizzard. If the snow is as heavy as usual, will it live up to the word "blizzard"?
  Ye Mianmian was nervous, and Zhang Kaiyang also fell silent.

  "Sister Yuan, what about you? What are your plans?"


  I have to go back and discuss it with my parents. We have a big family and I can't make the decision on my own."


  Ye Mianmian also sighed. What she was most worried about was her grandmother.

  She was old. If she left, she would be afraid that it would be too much trouble.

  If she didn't leave, if something really happened and she couldn't even get out of the building, she would regret it very much.

  In fact, everyone knows this.

  That's why we don't make decisions for anyone. We are all adults and can think about problems independently.

  "Okay, that's it. There's nothing else to do. Let's go our separate ways. "

  Jiang Yuan stood up as she spoke. The weather was so cold that she couldn't wait to go back and eat skewers.

  The three of them left, and two of them were in a heavy mood.

  When she got home, she told her parents about eating skewers.

  It happened that there was nothing to do at home, so she could eat, but she didn't want to get dressed, as it was too troublesome.

  Qin Yue went to prepare the dishes, and Jiang Yuan came to the attic to find the small stove and gas tank she had bought before.

  Jiang Xingzhi was afraid that she couldn't do it well, so he came to help.

  She also told the two old people about the matter. She really didn't know whether to leave or not.

  "If it were me, I wouldn't go. We have so much food at home. If we leave, will all of it be thrown away?"

  "That can't be possible. This is all earned with money. Besides, food is so important now!"

149. Chapter 149 Ice Car2023-11-28 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Qin Yue looked at Jiang Xingzhi and curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

  "That being said, we can't take all these things away.

  How can we take them? The key is that we can't take them all!"

  The main reason is that there are too many things, and she feels that now she has food and drink, and life is still acceptable.

  "Yeah, we don't know what the specific situation is over there. Even if we go there, it may not be good.

  Moreover, we have so many things, and there may be people with bad intentions.

  The long road is also a problem."

  Jiang Xingzhi just thinks that everyone is hungry, and when they see supplies, they will probably rush in. It

  is naturally not okay for the things they have worked so hard to get to that group of people for nothing.

  Moreover, this is life-saving rations!

  "My dad is right. Many people will go there now, but after all, the place is limited and the conditions are not good.

  I guess food and drink are also a problem. Who wouldn't be jealous of these things in our house?

  But, there are also disadvantages at home."

  Both of them looked at her intently, and even Xiao Nuan put down the toys in her hand and listened carefully.

  "No matter how bad the conditions are over there, there will definitely be a medical team. There

  should be doctors among the refugees in the past.

  If we stay at home, it will be the four of us.

  If there is a heavy snowstorm, I guess we won't be able to go out."

  Jiang Yuan was a little entangled when she said this.

  She had seen a documentary about a blizzard, which was simply too terrifying.

  The snow was so thick that it was two or three meters thick, taller than a person's height.

  It was really difficult to move.

  "This is indeed a problem. If we stay at home quietly, by then most people in the building will have left, so there will be no problem."

  Qin Yue thought simply. As long as you don't get sick, you don't need medical treatment.

  For minor illnesses and disasters, you can just take some medicine, which is not that troublesome.

  "Your mother is right. If we don't have a chance, we shouldn't go out. At least it's more comfortable at home.

  Besides, we are familiar with the surroundings and know the specific situation."

  Jiang Xingzhi felt that there was no problem with supplies, and now there was the sun, so they would definitely have no problem surviving until the beginning of next spring.

  "If we were at home, we couldn't just sit there and wait for death. We have to go to the hospital and get some medical equipment and special medicines in case of emergency."

  "My daughter is right. It will be very cold when it snows. It's better to get some firewood.

  Electricity is too expensive. We have to make preparations."

  Jiang Yuan agreed. When they were young, they lived in the countryside and were not averse to such things.

  "Okay, then we have to collect the things before the heavy snow starts.

  Dad and Mom, let's see. If it doesn't work in the next one or two days, we can go out and look for it!"

  The three of them were silent. They didn't know what the situation outside was like. It would definitely be dangerous to go out.

  However, there was nothing they could do about it.

  Qin Yue brought all the dishes she had prepared over. Jiang Yuan found a piece of hot pot base and put half of it in.

  The small pot was very fast and it opened in a while, bubbling with hot steam.

  The fatigue on their bodies disappeared. Several people ate hot food, and Jiang Xingzhi even took off his coat.

  Qin Yue scolded him twice, and then he just unbuttoned his clothes.

  Going to the hospital and collecting firewood must be put on the agenda. This time, it is not clear whether others will go with them.

  In Jiang Yuan's plan, there are only her and her father.     If conditions do not allow, she can go by herself, which will be much more convenient.

  She took out the map and marked the target places around.

  There are many pharmacies around them, but it is estimated that there will not be any intact ones, so they are not considered.

  The nearest one is a community hospital, at the foot of the mountain, about three kilometers away from Lushan Yayuan.

  There is a small hospital next to it, or the two share the same yard, and people often mistake them in the past.

  So, she can just go there directly.

  The community hospital still has a lot of children's vaccines. Xiao Nuan is only three years old, and there are still many that have not been vaccinated. If they come across them, they can collect them later.

  They used to pass by this hospital when they went out. The terrain is not low, so it will definitely not be a wasted trip

  . What they want are some instruments for surgery, and it is estimated that no one cares about these things.

  Even if they are robbed, there will be a lot left.

  If all else fails, go a little further, about six or seven kilometers away.

  There is a provincial third hospital, which is a high-rise building with 20 or 30 floors, so there will definitely be no problem.

  There are more hospitals farther away.

  Jiang Yuan chose a road, and now many buildings are gone. If the road is complicated and there is no reference, it is easy to get lost.

  Therefore, on a road, we walk in a straight line, which is also convenient.

  There is also a building not far from the hospital that makes building materials and furniture. It is not as high-end as the one we went to before, but they only need wood, which is also OK.

  If you have time, there are many places to visit farther away, such as shopping malls. I just don't know if anyone has been there.

  Suddenly I regretted not going out more often before.

  Now many people can go out, it's really a waste of good things.

  Thinking about it, it's still a pity.

  "Mom, grandpa is calling you over."

  Xiao Nuan said in a baby voice, acting as an errand runner and came to pass the message.

  "Okay, mom will be here soon..."

  Jiang Yuan quickly got up from the bed and followed her daughter to the living room.

  Qin Yue was sweeping the floor, and the floor was covered with sawdust.

  "Daughter, look, what do you think?"

  "Ice car?"

  Her eyes were full of surprise. Looking at the two freshly baked ice cars in front of her, she quickly gave her father a thumbs up.

  "Oh my god, this is amazing. Why didn't I think of this, Dad, it's awesome!"

  Jiang Xingzhi was also happy: "I used the board you brought back before, and I thought about going out, so I made this, it's more convenient."

  "Convenient, it's so convenient, long live Dad."

  He made a simple ice sled. When they were young, they would always go to play on the ice in winter.

  With this, it's convenient to go anywhere, and it saves a lot of effort.

  This ice sled is not small, and it can also be used to put a large luggage woven bag on the back.

  Jiang Yuan was so happy that she looked at this and touched that.

  When the time comes, the ice pick can also be used as a weapon. It's simply a pipe dream for you to catch up with someone skating on the ice.

  With this, you can go to far away places.

  "Dad, now that we have an ice sled, we have to act quickly, but you have to act quickly, you have made two in half a day."

  Jiang Xingzhi smiled with his eyes and teeth, and was grinding the handle of the ice pick in his hand.

  "This is simple, not very beautiful, but it's strong, let's make do with it."

150. Chapter 150 Ye Mianmian asks for advice2023-11-28 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian  Jiang Yuan said "tsk tsk" twice. Dad was so modest.

  "This is good enough. It can hold things and is sturdy."

  Xiao Nuan was watching from the side and said out of the blue, "Grandpa is really amazing!"


  Jiang Xingzhi couldn't stop smiling. How could a child lie?

  "Mom, can I go out?

  I want a skate too?"

  The little girl's big eyes were full of desire.

  Jiang Yuan had no choice. This was not the first time Xiao Nuan told her that she wanted to go out.

  Being trapped in this square piece of land all day would be annoying for anyone!

  "Baby, be obedient. It's too cold outside now.

  When the spring comes next year, mom will take you out to play, okay?"

  Xiao Nuan was a little disappointed, but still nodded heavily.

  "Okay, mom, pinky promise."

  Jiang Yuan stretched out her little finger and pinky promise with her. I don't know if there will be a day of spring next year.

  When several people were being affectionate, the surveillance screen lit up.

  It was Ye Mianmian. Jiang Yuan hurried out to open the door. I'm afraid she came here for something.

  "Mianmian, why are you here?"

  He opened the door and let her in.

  Ye Mianmian didn't go in because she didn't want to disturb the elderly and children.

  "Sister Yuan, I came here today just to ask you what you think about going to the rescue center."

  Seeing her frown, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

  "Mianmian, have you told grandma?"

  "Yes, I did. She told me not to care about her and to make decisions based on how I feel comfortable.

  But how could I ignore her?"

  Ye Mianmian looked worried, and her face was full of entanglement.

  "This matter is not a good choice."

  Jiang Yuan also sighed. She came up to her just to ask for advice.

  But she couldn't make the decision on this kind of thing, and she couldn't interfere with other people's choices.

  "Sister Yuan, I know. Are you going or not?"

  "We discussed it and finally decided to stay at home. We don't know what's going on there. The main reason is that my daughter is too young. I'm afraid she'll catch a cold during the trip. That would be bad."

  "I'm also worried about my grandma. At her age, it's better for her to stay out of trouble.

  But I'm also worried that the environment will be too bad and there will be nothing here."

  In fact, everyone is worried about this problem.

  "Mianmian, you still have to make the decision on your own. Don't refer to other people's opinions.

  Decide according to your own situation and personal wishes!"

  When she said this, Ye Mianmian also knew what she meant.

  It was a matter of life and death, and no one wanted to take responsibility. She could understand.

  "I don't know what Zhang Kaiyang and Brother Song think. They are light-handed and nimble, and it's probably very convenient for them to go anywhere."


  "I plan to stay at home..."

  A sudden voice sounded, and the two turned their heads hurriedly to see that it was Song Yi.

  How could this guy be so quiet? I didn't hear the door opening, and I didn't know how long he had been here.

  "Brother Song, aren't you going too?"

  "Well, I have a little one at home. If I go over there, I'm afraid someone with ulterior motives will target me."

  They both knew what it meant without any explanation.

  When people can't even get enough food, who would keep a dog?

  Besides, the little one's wealth would probably make many people jealous.     For Song Yi, this is a partner and a family member.

  "I see. I'll go back and discuss it. By the way, I'll ask Zhang Kaiyang what he thinks."

  Ye Mianmian left, and only she and Song Yi were left in the corridor.

  "Jiang Yuan, I heard everything just now. Do you want to stock up on supplies before the blizzard comes?"

  Song Yi invited her, and Jiang Yuan also told her about her plan.

  After thinking for a moment, he nodded.

  "This is indeed very important!"

  "Song Yi, I don't know what you lack, but my family is in short supply of medical supplies and firewood.

  Time is running out, and if it doesn't work, we can also act separately."

  Jiang Yuan planned to work alone from the beginning, and cooperation also has disadvantages.

  "I understand what you mean. This blizzard didn't come all at once.

  Let's go together, it's safer. The situation outside is probably worse now."

  Song Yi was telling the truth. Jiang Yuan still recalled the incident in the supermarket these two days, and always felt a little scared.

  That group of people looked like a mob, but if they didn't care about their lives, their fighting power should not be underestimated.

  "Okay, by the way, my dad made an ice sled for us to use when we go out.

  Do you want to come and see it?"


  Even if she didn't say it, Song Yi would find a way to make a means of transportation.

  Jiang Xingzhi showed everyone the ice sled he made, and Song Yi was very excited.

  The two of them didn't know what they said, but when Jiang Yuan went into the house to get an ice cone, the two reached an agreement.

  Song Yi also had a door panel that he brought back before.

  "My daughter, you go back and take care of Xiao Nuan. I will help Xiao Song make an ice sled, and then we can go out together."

  Well, okay, Dad started to show off his skills, and Jiang Yuan was embarrassed to interrupt.

  Since Song Yi stayed, they still went out together.

  How to say it, one more person is also an extra guarantee.

  Moreover, Song Yi's fighting ability is good, she earned it.

  Qin Yue took a look in the house and went back. The old man likes to tinker with these things.

  Now there is more time, it is also good to find something to do.

  Jiang Yuan is not idle either, and still has to select some places.

  Just now, I didn't ask Song Yi what he needed. They should all be marked out.

  With this in mind, she went out to ask.

  His family has a lot of food, and it sounds like the more the better. In addition, there are some commonly used items, no matter what they are.

  Well, then let's look at those places where there may be supplies.

  Both sides were busy, and dinner was soon ready. Qin Yue cooked the small wontons that she had wrapped before.

  It was embarrassing to let Song Yi go back, so she gave him an extra bowl.

  Jiang Xingzhi and the others didn't even go into the house, and they finished in the corridor.

  She knew that they were rushing to finish the work, so she was looking forward to going out tomorrow.

  Zhang Kaiyang and Ye Mianmian didn't come up, and she didn't know what they were thinking.

  Today, several groups of people went there again, and everyone was eager to try.

  Everyone has a choice, and Jiang Yuan didn't play their cards. Just do her own thing. It

  was probably after nine o'clock when Jiang Xingzhi came back. It was terribly cold outside, and then he went to Song Yi's house.

  "Dad, are you done?"

  "Yes, my daughter, I made a big one that can hold some things.

  Xiao Song said that if we have nothing to do tomorrow, we can go out and have a look."

  Jiang Yuan was happy when she heard it: "Okay!"
