
   Chapter 411 Encountering an old story

  . Fan Qing and Zhang Kaiyang did not go to today's event, so they were naturally very anxious.

  Moreover, it was getting late, so they should go back and rest. It was uncertain what would happen tomorrow.

  She found a place where no one was around and brought Jiang Xingzhi out first. She

  had not had time to explain it properly just now, so she just told him the

  general idea. After returning, it was inevitable that someone would ask, so they still had to unify the words in advance.

  After all, he had asked for leave in the afternoon, but he had not seen anyone, so he could not let it slip.

  Ye Mianmian was watching for her, and after they came out, the three of them went their separate ways.

  "Dad, remember what I told you, we will gather here tomorrow."


  "Sister Yuan, will uncle go to work tomorrow?"

  "Well, let's go back first."

  This was not a place to talk, so it was naturally not appropriate to stay for long.

  The two moved quickly, and after arriving at the dormitory, Jiang Yuan gave them some instructions again.

  "Well, I know what to say, don't worry."

  Fan Qing would definitely ask about this matter.

  Ye Mianmian had to answer, and she had to answer in great detail.

  Some things in the middle had to be explained well, otherwise it would be easy to go wrong.

  Over there, Jiang Yuan returned to the dormitory and went directly into the space.

  The two children were already asleep, and her mother was waiting for her.

  "My daughter, did your father go back safely?"

  "Yes, it's okay, don't worry!"

  "Yes, it's okay, come over and eat something, you must be starving."

  Indeed, they haven't eaten yet.

  Qin Yue made some side dishes, all of which were vegetables grown in the space.

  When they came back just now, each of them got a pack of instant noodles.

  There is no need to worry about Ye Mianmian.

  "My daughter, how was it today? Did it go well?"

  For Qin Yue, the bug was too terrifying.

  One can kill a person, let alone so many.

  "We have eliminated some of them, and there are still some. I see that people have gathered outside.

  Mom, don't worry, this is not something we can deal with."

  "Yes, I'm also afraid of problems. It's only been a few days since we had a peaceful life, and we got such a bug. Really..."

  Qin Yue complained like this, and Jiang Yuan also tasted the bad taste.

  Could it be that the insects this time are the same as the extreme heat, extreme cold, rainstorms, snowstorms, and blizzards before?

  They are part of the end of the world, but this time they appear in the form of an insect plague.

  So, no one thought about it.

  It's possible, very possible.

  "By the way, mom, I haven't seen that

  kind of insect. You farm at home, so you've seen a lot of things. Have you seen anything similar?"

  When she said this, mom really remembered something.

  "We don't have this type of insect at home, but I heard a story before, which is quite similar to this one."

  Jiang Yuan immediately became interested and quickly asked her mother to tell her.

  "This is still passed down by the older generation.

  It is said that there was a famine everywhere.

  The crops were harvested and many people froze to death.

  There was a young man who wanted to go to the mountains to find something.

  However, the bark and grass roots nearby were all gone.

  In desperation, he could only muster up the courage to go to the deep mountains."

  Jiang Yuan grew up in the countryside, and there were mountains in their hometown.

  This deep mountain has always been a more terrifying place.

  There are not only birds and beasts, but also mountain ghosts and monsters, which are very evil.

  Locals don't go to the mountains easily.   

  She still remembered that once, a cow in the village got lost.

  The whole village went to the mountains together, but they had to go home at night.

  The mountains at night are the most terrifying.

  Qin Yue looked at Jiang Yuan and continued to tell the story.

  "There are quite a few things in the mountains.

  The man was very happy. Not only did he hunt a hare, but he also found a squirrel's nest and got a lot of hazelnuts and pine cones.

  But he didn't pay attention to the time, and it was night in a blink of an eye. It

  was pitch black in the mountains.

  All kinds of noises came one after another, and the young man was very scared. He

  stumbled and started to walk back~

  But the mountain road was not easy to walk, and it was cold at night. He had no choice but to find a place to spend the night first."

  Jiang Yuan listened, why did she feel like she was going to encounter a ghost.

  "Mom, where is the bug?"

  "Don't worry, let me continue to tell you."

  Jiang Yuan had no choice but to continue listening.

  "Just when he was exhausted, he found a house in front of him.

  He was very excited and knocked on the door.

  The owners of the house were a pair of sisters, who received him very warmly.

  They also cooked a lot of delicious food for him. The young man hadn't had a full meal for a long time.

  Naturally, he wolfed down the food. Later, he felt embarrassed and gave the wild rabbit he had shot to the two sisters.

  The two girls were not polite.

  The next morning, they stewed the wild rabbit, and the young man ate it.

  He stayed here for three days, and he had delicious food and drink every day.

  However, he had parents at home, so he wanted to go back to see them.

  But the two sisters were very kind to him, and it would be rude to leave without saying a word.

  Then, he went to the kitchen.

  They had been cooking for the past two days, and he was waiting to eat the ready-made food. He

  had never been to the kitchen before.

  However, this time he was scared."

  "What's the matter?"

  Jiang Yuan put down his bowl and chopsticks, waiting for his mother's follow-up.

  "He saw an extremely horrifying scene. There were bugs everywhere in the kitchen, including his food, which was all made of bugs.

  The two sisters heard the sound and turned back to see.

  Seeing the young man like this, their true colors were revealed.

  Neither of them was a normal person. They were mountain ghosts or monsters.

  They had a handful of bugs in their hands and stuffed them directly towards him.

  The young man, who had a good physique, couldn't move.

  He watched the two sisters approach..."

  "What happened next?"

  Jiang Yuan swallowed, eager to know the follow-up and what the consequences of eating these bugs would be.

  "Later, he didn't know how he escaped.

  After he came back, he went crazy. People

  were superstitious at that time and said he had encountered something unclean.

  We found an old Taoist priest and performed a ritual for him. They

  actually picked out a red worm from his stomach, which looked very similar to the one in the restaurant."

  "What happened next, mom, tell me!"

  "Later, the Taoist priest burned the worm and the man got better.

  But he was still crazy and didn't look like a normal person.

  At the same time, he didn't survive the winter and confessed everything."

  Jiang Yuan sighed. This seemed a bit similar, but also seemed not very similar.

  "By the way, girl, I remember the story said that the worm could suck people's blood."

   Chapter 412 Let's give it a try

  "I don't know about this, Mom. I haven't heard of this story.

  But it seems to be different. Don't think too much about it. Go and have a rest."

  "Okay, then after you finish your meal, go and have a rest.

  Tomorrow, are we going to work?"

  "Let's not go yet. Let's see how things go."


  Qin Yue didn't question Jiang Yuan's decision at all. This space is a good place now.

  However, it only works if the daughter herself is there.

  They must know each other's whereabouts anytime and anywhere, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

  Jiang Yuan was also a little tired and went to wash up.

  I haven't taken a shower for a long time, and this time it was a comfortable one.

  I changed into clean pajamas, lay on the bed, and thought about what happened today.

  When Song Yi was in danger, she was very nervous.

  Even, she ignored Jiang Yuan next to her.

  It turned out that, unknowingly, this person had infiltrated every bit of her life. He

  also walked into her heart step by step, but she hadn't realized it yet.

  She was unwilling to start another relationship.

  There was Xiao Nuan and her parents, and now it was such an environment.

  How could she think of such icing on the cake? But she was indeed a little tempted by Song Yi.

  Jiang Yuan felt a little irritated, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

  The more she didn't want to think about it, the more she couldn't sleep.

  She was in an extremely irritable state. Fortunately, the child slept with his mother and would not be affected by her.

  The consequence of not falling asleep was that he woke up early the next morning with two big dark circles under his eyes.

  Qin Yue was so distressed, but there was no way, she still had to go out.

  Even Ye Mianmian was a little surprised. Didn't sleep all night?

  She didn't want to explain. It was normal to be afraid when encountering such a thing.

  At least, others would not suspect anything.

  Go to the restaurant to ask for leave from her mother. When they were having breakfast, Song Yi, Zhang Kaiyang and Zhang Tiezhu all came.

  "How was it, what time did you come back yesterday?"

  The bad thing about not living together is that you don't know any news.

  "I just came back and I have to go later."

  Before she started to sigh, Song Yi told them their plan.

  "Jiang Yuan, come with me later. The situation over there is not very good.

  We have seen the special features of that tree. If we go together, we can give some advice."

  In fact, Song Yi thinks Jiang Yuan is a reliable person.

  Moreover, many of her opinions are very reasonable.

  She can also give everyone some constructive opinions anytime and anywhere.

  "Okay, I have no problem."

  Not only will she go, but the others will also go together. The main point is that people who have seen it will go over and give some advice.

  They will go together to complete the task, and Jiang Xingzhi is also in the space, so she has no worries.

  However, she will not take a plane today and will walk there.

  Although she is a little curious, she didn't say anything. Such an important means of transportation should be used to

  the best of her ability. Moreover, Song Yi may have come back to find her.

  "By the way, I didn't go last night. I don't know what happened. Tiezhu, tell me quickly~"


  Zhang Tiezhu was innocent and was pulled to the front by him.

  Fan Qing also said "Oh", and pestered Ye Mianmian to go with her to listen.

  Ye Mianmian was a little embarrassed. Jiang Yuan said not to stay too far away from her.

  But what should we do in this situation?

  As soon as she looked at him for help, Fan Qing pushed her to the front.

  "Why are these people so weird?"

  Jiang Yuan muttered in confusion.   

  Song Yi smiled, very satisfied with Zhang Kaiyang's tact.


  "What's wrong?"

  Jiang Yuan turned around and met Song Yi's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

  "Yesterday, you didn't answer me yet?"

  "Ah, what?"

  Oh my god, at this moment, why did she feel a little socially dead! Why did

  Song Yi suddenly bring this up? It was a different time, and there was no such atmosphere.

  "What do you think~"

  "How should I know~"

  Jiang Yuan pretended to be stupid and walked very fast. Song Yi went up and held her hand.

  "Okay, then I'll ask you again, do you want me?"

  Oh my god, do you have to be so straightforward, her heart can't stand it.

  The man's eyes were too hot, making her a little overwhelmed.

  "Song Yi, now is not the time to talk about this, let's go to Yueban Lake first!"

  "Jiang Yuan, how long do you want to escape..."

  Damn, she was hit in the heart, why didn't this guy give her any face.

  "I am such a shy person, there is no way~"

  Song Yi didn't expect to get such an answer, and he laughed immediately.

  "Well, let me ask it in a different way. Do you hate being with me?"

  Jiang Yuan thought about it and shook her head: "No~"

  "Since you don't hate it, then you like it."

  "You can't say that. I just don't hate it."

  Song Yi didn't care and pulled her forward.

  "You said you don't hate it, so I'll take it as you like it. What's wrong with that?"

  Jiang Yuan was speechless. Why didn't she realize that this person was so arrogant before?

  "Song Yi, you have to think about it. I'm divorced and have a daughter. I don't want to have children in the future.

  Besides, my parents live with me, and I will put them first in everything."

  Hearing this, the other party stopped. He

  looked at the person in front of him with a serious look that couldn't be more serious.

  "I know everything about you.

  Divorce is not your fault, nor is it your shortcoming.

  I will follow your instructions on other matters as long as you are happy."

  When it comes to this, Jiang Yuan is no longer shy.

  "Song Yi, to tell you the truth, I don't know when these days will really pass.

  Everything was fine, and then this bug came. No one can say what will happen next.

  I don't want to discuss so much. We can be together, but don't have too many fantasies about me, okay?"

  Jiang Yuan looked at him, sincere to the point of being unable to extricate herself.

  She didn't want to be bound, nor did she want to promise anything, for fear that she couldn't do it.

  She was also afraid that her selfishness would hurt his heart.

  "Okay, as long as you are willing to let me get close and don't reject me.

  The rest is up to you.

  I know that you have too many things in your heart and there are many ties.

  But don't forget that we are the same kind of people.

  You can tell me everything about you, and let me help you share it."

  His words were not very clear.

  But Jiang Yuan could understand. They were both reborn people, and they all had their own secrets, secrets that could not be told to outsiders.

  "In that case, let's give it a try, Mr. Song~"

  Hearing this, Song Yi smiled, the kind that came from the heart.

  "I will definitely live up to your mission, Miss Jiang~"

   Chapter 413 The bugs have grown bigger.

  The two walked forward happily, as if the place ahead was not a dangerous place, but

  a happy avenue to heaven. Zhang Kaiyang and others saw them holding hands and kept winking.

  "It's done, it's done~"

  Fan Qing was so excited that he couldn't help but clap his hands twice. No

  one had any objection to them being together.


  In the blink of an eye, they arrived at Yueban Lake.

  Now it has been surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside, with a solemn and murderous look.

  Song Yi led a few people and got inside unimpeded.

  Jiang Yuan saw them and hurried over to greet them.

  "Thank you, Battalion Commander, this is the Song Yi I told you about. This is his partner. He has seen the situation over there before."

  "Okay, then please tell us about the situation over there."

  They followed, mainly Zhang Tiezhu told about his experience, and the rest of the people just accompanied him.

  Song Yi followed and communicated with Jiang Yuan about the following things, and Jiang Yuan did nothing.

  "Today we mainly want to deal with those trees. Now it seems that the best way is to use fire."

  Captain Xie explained his point of view and then looked at everyone present.

  It is natural that there is no discussion before there is discussion.

  "It's just a few trees. There is no need for us to be too nervous.

  If it doesn't work, just pull them up by the roots. Why is there such a headache?"

  Zhang Tiezhu actually gritted his teeth. After being plotted against by the tree before, he was very unwilling in his heart.

  He had thought of thousands of ways to deal with that guy.

  "It's not impossible!"

  Jiang Yuan pondered patiently, as if pulling up the roots was also a good idea.

  "If we dig these trees out and then set them on fire, will the effect be better?"

  "I think it's okay~"

  Captain Xie made the decision immediately. He came here this time to fully cooperate with Jiang Yuan. He

  didn't take on too much responsibility and was very polite when speaking.

  He even asked for his opinion.

  Although Zhang Tiezhu's idea was rough, it was also desirable if you think about it carefully.

  The current situation is naturally incomparable to when they were well-equipped.

  Therefore, if we follow this method, it is also very reliable.

  The rest of the people also have no objection.

  Captain Xie went to call people to start the action.

  They came with more people this time, and they all have certain combat experience and first-class quality.

  Jiang Yuan followed everyone and didn't know what to do.

  Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing followed her closely. Anyway, they couldn't help much, so they told Song Yi that they wanted to go up there to take a look.

  "Okay, let's go together."

  Jiang Yuan also wanted to see if there was any movement up there, and now was the perfect time.

  The group started to go up the mountain, and now they still had to go through the previous road.

  Although there was no danger on the deep ditch side, there was no single-plank bridge in the middle. I really didn't have the mood and energy to do that.

  Last time, the surrounding trees were burned to ashes.

  Only some trunks were left, still strong.

  When they were nearby, Song Yi reached out to stop everyone.

  "It's enough to take a look here. Don't get too close, just in case."


  At this time, no one would show off blindly.

  If you don't handle it right, you'll lose your life.

  "Look, the situation in the water seems to be getting worse. Should we take some measures?"   

  Jiang Yuan looked at the situation on the top with a heavy heart.

  "Kaiyang, didn't you bring a drone? My phone still has power.

  Why don't you tie it up and go over to take some videos and come back, and we'll see what's going on."

  Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

  Jiang Yuan actually brought a phone, and it still had power.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Your phone still has power, Sister Yuan, is this true?"

  "Of course, I used to contact customers frequently, and I have three phones.

  Later, the water and power were cut off, and it's not easy for us to generate electricity ourselves. I thought I could at least use an alarm clock.

  So I charged this phone and turned it off. I don't know how much power it has now."

  She explained like this, there should be no problem.

  Anyway, no one would doubt anything, it's reasonable.

  Moreover, the battery capacity of this phone itself is large and the standby time is long.

  It's normal that it still has power after she turned it off.

  "It's turned on, and there's still 61% power, enough."

  Jiang Yuan was very happy. She deliberately picked one that was not full, otherwise it would be too fake.

  Zhang Kaiyang quickly prepared the drone, tied this phone to it, and adjusted it to the video recording interface in advance.

  There is no network now, otherwise, we can still conduct reconnaissance at any time.

  The drone passed by and circled the lake.

  "Can it be lower?"

  "I'll try..."

  Because of the limited conditions, real-time monitoring is not possible now, which is a special test of technology.

  Zhang Kaiyang was also very careful. If it fell on the water, it would be a huge loss.

  About five minutes later, the drone flew back tremblingly and landed steadily on the ground.

  Everyone hurried over and took down the mobile phone on it.

  The scene inside once again refreshed everyone's cognition.

  I saw that the insects in the lake were rolling, as if they were born in a nest, up and down, and shaking constantly.

  Moreover, the color is much darker than before.

  "Look, has the range become larger?

  Before, there was a circle on the edge, and now it is almost in the center of the lake."

  Jiang Yuan did not comment, but it seemed that there were more than before.

  "Not necessarily~"

  Song Yi looked at the screen, thinking.

  "The color of these insects is much darker.

  According to previous experience, they will only get darker as they grow bigger and stronger.

  The reason they are expanding inwards may not be because there are more of them, but because their size has increased."

  This sentence was like a revelation.

  "Yeah, why didn't I think of it? It should be like this."

  Ye Mianmian also agreed. Jiang Yuan pushed his glasses with a serious expression.

  "This is not a good sign. Does it mean that the things in here are much more difficult to deal with than before?"

  Well, it is true.

  "Alas, it seems that our difficulty is getting greater and greater. If it doesn't work, we have to implement the plan in advance."

  Jiang Yuan was also trembling with fear. The group of insects crawled very fast.

  If they really got angry and came out of the lake, then they would all be in danger.

  "Before, they were larvae that were about to open. Now that there is a change, it proves that this lake water is good for them.

  It's only been a short time, and they are so big. If we wait, the consequences will be disastrous."

   Chapter 414: The swarm of insects leaves the lake

  Jiang Yuan's words were not alarmist, and everyone could see the difference.

  "Yes, we can't be careless here. If it doesn't work, let's start at the same time!"

  Jiang Yuan was the main leader here, and he was very effective.

  "Okay, I'll go down and ask, and we'll start here."

  With that, Zhang Kaiyang went down to ask Captain Xie for some people to help.

  They were already digging trees over there, and they had enough people, working in full swing.

  "Jiang Yuan, what are you going to do here?"

  "To be honest, I haven't thought about it yet, Song Yi, what do you think?"

  Good guy, Jiang Yuan asked him, and he asked Song Yi, it would be better for her to ask directly.

  "Isn't it insecticide?"

  "Yes, Professor Jiang, they have brought a lot of insecticide over there.

  If it doesn't work, use an airplane to spray it all in the lake."

  Jiang Yuan didn't know this news before, but now he heard it, and he was very happy.

  "There is such a thing. Our base is really rich in treasures. Hurry up and take action."

  "Jiang Yuan, you guys go over and take a rest.

  When we spread the insecticide here, it will probably be very strong. Wear a mask."

  "Okay, I know~"

  Now, the three girls are not needed.

  Jiang Yuan didn't want to be here anymore. If she could kill the insects at once, the effect would definitely be great.

  How good can it taste?

  She took the two girls down together to see how the big tree was going.

  Song Yi had already gone there first, and Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing came up from the left and right.

  "Sister Yuan, are you and Brother Song together? Tell us quickly?"

  Although there was a sense of ridicule, Jiang Yuan still blushed a little.

  "What are you two doing?"

  "Sister Yuan, tell us quickly. Brother Song was here just now, and I didn't dare to ask.

  In fact, even if you didn't say it, I knew it. I saw you holding hands just now, hahaha."

  Fan Qing was also very happy, and now she looked more like a little girl.

  "We just decided to give it a try together. It's not that complicated. Don't worry!

  Okay, let's go over and check the progress of the work."

  Jiang Yuan immediately changed the subject. She also felt a little embarrassed.

  Just when they arrived, the group of people seemed to be struggling.

  "What's going on?"

  Captain Xie had seen it just now, so it didn't matter if she asked!

  "The soil is frozen, it's not easy to dig, and these trees are quite old, and the root system is complicated."

  "Can it be cut down?"

  Jiang Yuan knew that it was basically impossible to dig out such a big tree intact.

  It was even more impossible in such a short time.

  "We also tried it, and the roots seemed to be soft and could not be cut.

  Even if it was cut, it would follow the direction of the blade, but it would not move or break."

  Uh, so to speak, it was just like the branches above.

  "Logically, it shouldn't be like this!

  Its roots should go deep into the soil and take root deeply to absorb nutrients!"

  I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

  "These trees are unusual to begin with, and we can't think of them in a normal way.

  Let's be careful now. I always feel that something is wrong."

  Song Yi came over and heard Jiang Yuan's words, and also gave an explanation.

  There was a "buzzing" sound over there, and the helicopter started working.

  The people standing began to look up the mountain.

  "What is that for?"

  Someone next to them asked, and they didn't explain.

  They just watched the powder being sprinkled, and didn't care about it.   

  "Why don't we just burn it? I don't think it's likely to be dug out, mainly because the roots are all broken!"

  Captain Xie didn't make his own decision, but said it out loud, wanting to ask everyone's opinions.

  Jiang Yuan also came down. The smell over there was too strong, and they could smell it and were overwhelmed.

  "Okay, if there's no problem, just burn it directly."

  As soon as he came, it was hot.

  "Okay, then I'll have someone prepare it~"

  Captain Xie left, and Jiang Yuan looked at Jiang Yuan, with questions in her mind.

  "What kind of insecticide is this, why is it so smelly?"

  "I don't know, it's said that a lot of things are added, and once thrown down, it blooms inside.

  It's like sprinkling explosive salt in hot water."

  Jiang Yuan frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

  "If that's the case, the effect should be very good.

  But if it's too uncomfortable over there, will the insects rise up?"

  After all, those insects are different from ordinary ones, and they know how to avoid danger.

  "Oh no~"

  Song Yi shouted, and started running up.

  Jiang Yuan also reacted, this is not a good thing.

  Jiang Yuan and others also hurried to catch up, fearing that they would delay anything.

  The powder over there had been spread, and when they ran over, it was already boiling.

  "Look, those bugs are crawling up."

  The pink bugs began to crawl towards the lake.

  Soon, they had a certain scale.

  "It's over, what should we do now?"

  Ye Mianmian was a little nervous and grabbed her arm.

  "Quick, get someone over here and light this side~"

  Song Yi shouted, now is not the time to talk nonsense.

  Fortunately, a lot of firewood has been laid just now, and some people are still busy here.

  Hearing this, everyone took action.

  "Over there, quickly bring the firewood over."

  Jiang Yuan no longer looked as steady as usual, and began to command loudly.


  In a hurry, Song Yi was already lighting the fire.

  However, the firewood was still a little difficult to burn.

  It's better to use a lighter, but using matches is really slow, and you can only worry.

  Jiang Yuan also discovered this problem. When she looked up and saw the gasoline in the distance, she instantly had an idea.

  "Mianmian, Qingqing, hurry up and follow me to get gasoline."


  The two of them said in unison and started to run after her.

  Each of them had a bucket of gasoline, opened the lid, and poured it directly on the firewood.

  It can't be too concentrated, there should be some everywhere.

  The rest of the people were putting out the firewood, and they were also lighting it around the tree.

  "Song Yi, this won't work. If the bugs don't come, we will have nothing left after the firewood is burned out."

  "I know..."

  As he said that, he picked up a lit firewood and directly touched it in.

  There was a crackling sound inside the week, which was the sound of the bugs exploding, and it worked.

  "Now, everyone stand aside and wait for the bugs to come before lighting the fire to avoid waste."

  Jiang Yuan shouted, and the firewood was now spread out.

  A few more people came over to help pour gasoline together~

  As long as everything is in place, the fire can be lit at any time.

   Chapter 415: The Escaped Bugs

  The bugs over there did not move forward, as if they were confronting them.

  Captain Xie was also busy, and it seemed that they were almost ready.

  "Light the fire..."

  His voice was very loud, and it could be heard clearly on the mountain.

  The flames below slowly rose.

  Song Yi was still watching the bugs above, fearing that there would be any unusual movements.

  "Jiang Yuan, if the bugs don't move, are we just going to wait like this?"

  "Comrade Song, if you have any good ideas, please feel free to teach me."

  Sure enough, after two days of contact, he could understand the other party's intentions.

  "How about this, burn these original trees first.

  Then shorten the range inside little by little.

  Now that the living bugs have come up, the ones inside should have died.

  They didn't move forward, they should have anticipated the danger.

  But going back to the lake is also dangerous. While the drug is still strong, we have to hurry up!"

  Jiang Yuan nodded, thinking carefully about this possibility.

  "I think so too. Song Yi's method is to win by being steady.

  Those trees were able to produce flower buds before, which proves that they are not good trees. It is good to clean them up."

  Jiang Yuan also said so. Professor Jiang did not hesitate and directly asked people to do as Song Yi said.

  The firewood was originally placed next to those trees.

  Now that the trees are to be burned, the firewood must be cleaned up to avoid waste.

  Jiang Yuan was also very excited to see that everyone was proceeding in an orderly manner. The problem was about to be solved.

  "Something is wrong. Look at these insects. They seem to be a little restless."

  Just now, they were still standing there motionless, but now they are all wriggling back and forth, as if something happened.

  "Everyone, come back quickly, quick~"

  Song Yi's reaction was already very fast, but the insect still ran out at lightning speed.

  The speed was much faster than before.

  It was like, running for life.

  Everyone retreated, but in the end, there was still a step slower.

  The insect drilled directly into it, and then fell to the ground in pain.

  "Hurry, save people."

  However, it was too late. The people outside could not move forward at all and were passed by the insects running towards them.

  "Hurry up and light the fire~"

  Song Yi shouted, his hands moving non-stop.

  "No, they can still be saved~"

  Jiang Yuan grabbed his hand and stopped him from doing so.

  "If you don't light the fire, no one will survive."

  After saying that, he threw him out directly. Jiang Yuan was a little stunned.

  He was just a researcher and had never experienced such life and death. It was normal for him to be confused about such things.

  However, it was too late to light the fire.

  Although some of the insects had been burned to death, there were too many to say. Some of them had already crawled out through the gaps.

  The flames outside had all burned, but they still couldn't be stopped.

  "Hurry up and leave~"

  There was no other way now. Song Yi went straight over and pulled Jiang Yuan's hand and ran away.

  The people behind him also followed closely.

  There was no way. This thing was too scary. At least you have to save yourself first!

  They all ran towards the path next to them. Jiang Yuan wanted to see where Ye Mianmian was, and kept looking back.

  However, they found that the bugs did not chase them, but ran down the mountain.

  "Song Yi, look, the bugs are not coming~"

  Hearing this, Song Yi stopped, and the people behind him also stopped.

  "It's really strange, what's going on with these bugs?

  Are they going to attack Captain Xie and his men?"   

  Zhang Kaiyang put forward his own opinion, and obviously, everyone had thought of it.

  "Hurry up, let's go over there.

  The bugs have to go over the other side and pass through the deep ditch, so they can't go that fast."

  Song Yi gave the order, and everyone started running down.

  While running, he shouted to let the people below pay attention.

  "Be careful~"

  Song Yi said, and went forward.

  She knew that Jiang Yuan had space, so there would be no problem.

  If he waited for her to come together, he might miss the best time to save the people below.

  Jiang Yuan would not be angry, so he told him to go quickly.

  Ye Mianmian also caught up, and the two ran together.

  The people below had already reached that side.

  Moreover, they also heard the shouting from above.

  Just now, they did not have no results at all.

  At least half of the bugs were burned to death, and half escaped.

  It's just that the base number is too large, and the remaining ones can also pose a threat.

  The group of bugs did not go down the deep ditch, but went around it.

  The trees were right next to it. I don't know if it was because of the fire, so a large branch fell down.

  It happened to be across the middle of the deep ditch, making it convenient for them to pass.

  When Jiang Yuan arrived, Captain Xie and his group had already left the center of the incident.

  They ran back about thirty to fifty meters, and Song Yi was among them.

  "How come those bugs are so powerful that they actually have a single-plank bridge?"

  "Yes, this is too coincidental!"

  Jiang Yuan frowned, always feeling a little incredible.

  "Yes, it's so strange!"

  Song Yi also felt that it was unreasonable, but there was no way to tell the specific situation now.

  Those bugs came over and actually went to those trees.

  Crackling, even if they were burned, they still kept coming.

  They didn't come to them at all. Captain Xie, who had been prepared to die together, was already confused.

  "Aren't these bugs said to be very smart and know how to avoid risks? Why did they run into the fire by themselves? Is

  n't this like a moth flying into a flame, looking for death?"

  Not only Captain Xie didn't understand, but the others also had doubts.

  "I know, there must be something they want over there, or a place they want to go."

  Song Yi reminded Jiang Yuan that it made sense.

  "Could it be that they want to go to the surrounded area and hide in it.

  In this way, they can avoid being burned by the fire."

  Jiang Yuan analyzed, but it seemed a little wrong at the moment.

  Sure enough, the next second, Ye Mianmian felt that it was not true.

  "But the tree over there has already caught fire.

  When they were in the lake, these insects were very smart.

  Now they are like they have lost their souls."

  It is true, but who can understand the psychology of an insect.

  "Could it be that over there is their nest, and they are so anxious to come over to protect it."

  Fan Qing put forward his own point of view. After all, those insects just now also climbed out of their defense line regardless of life and death.

  "There must be something strange about that tree. It's really unreasonable. I'll go over and take a look~"

  "Song Yi~"

  Jiang Yuan was a little worried and reached out to hold him.

  "It's okay, I'll be careful."

  "No, I'll go with you~"

   Chapter 416 Bug Boss

  "No, it's too dangerous."

  There are bugs all over there. If Jiang Yuan goes over there, what if something happens? He firmly disagrees.

  "Don't worry, you forgot, I'm very powerful."

  Jiang Yuan said, winking at him, and the other party immediately understood.

  Yes, she has the space in her hand.

  Going over there is also to protect him.

  "Okay, then let's go together..."

  Jiang Yuan told Ye Mianmian to wait for her here, and followed Song Yi to the trees.

  The bugs here are really strange, one row after another, all going to the three trees in the middle.

  "Song Yi, look, they are all in that place."

  She was talking about the place where Zhang Tiezhu was wrapped before. There may be a large space inside, which can be seen from the outside.

  The branches are crisscrossed and now surrounded by bugs, so dense that she feels sick.

  "If these things don't come, this tree will be finished. Now it's so tense, there must be something inside.

  Let's do this..."

  The other party whispered, and the two quietly retreated.

  There was a plane next to them, Song Yi called Zhang Tiezhu and Zhang Kaiyang to go up with them.

  After explaining to Captain Xie and Jiang Yuan for a while, they came over.

  Jiang Yuan and others brought a lot of gasoline up, and Zhang Tiezhu flew the plane.

  When hovering in the sky, the two boys started pouring gasoline directly on the trees.

  Jiang Yuan looked quite scary, and was afraid that if she accidentally fell down, it would be troublesome.

  Fortunately, both of them were good at fighting, and the gasoline poured down.

  There was no effect at all. It should have knocked down some of the insects, but it didn't.

  Those insects were like they were stuck on them, so firm.

  That's good, just in time to catch them all.

  There were a total of six barrels of gasoline, all poured down.

  "Zhang Tiezhu, find a place to stop."

  "Got it!"

  After finding a flat place to land, several people hurried down. Captain Xie was almost ready.

  He lit a bundle of firewood and threw it directly over.

  The flames instantly ignited, and there was already gasoline.

  "Brothers, work~"

  Here, Captain Xie gave an order.

  After the firewood soaked in gasoline was lit, bundles were thrown over there one after another. There were

  crackling sounds of insects exploding one after another.

  A foul smell came with it, and everyone covered their noses to look at the situation over there.

  After the insects exploded, they fell down, landing on the ground in puddles, and soon a red patch appeared.

  Those who didn't know would think it was a blood stain left by a gunfight.

  "Great, this time, we can get rid of all the insects."

  Jiang Yuan was very happy. He didn't expect that the one in the lake would actually run over on his own initiative, which saved a lot of trouble!

  "Yes, this time thanks to Brother Song for helping."

  Battalion Commander Xie hadn't finished his words of thanks when there was a sudden "bang" over there.

  "Something happened~"

  Song Yi hurried over, and the people behind him followed.

  Listening to the sound, it seemed that something heavy had fallen to the ground.

  Jiang Yuan was very scared. What if there was someone in there before and they didn't find it, it would be troublesome.

  After all, the tree relies on the human body to absorb nutrients.

  "Oh my god, what the hell is that?"

  Zhang Kaiyang shouted, and everyone was stunned.

  A bug actually fell from the opposite side, a huge one. It

  was at least two meters long and as thick as a 200-pound fat man.

  Everyone was stunned. Is this the king of bugs?

  "Oh no, run quickly..."

  The big bug actually crawled over tremblingly, faster than a person running.

  The people here were also very nervous and scattered like birds and beasts.

  Jiang Yuan also pulled Ye Mianmian and ran out quickly.   


  It was Captain Xie who called her. Jiang Yuan turned around and saw a row of guards armed.

  Not only did they have something similar to a shield, but they also had weapons in their hands.

  Well, now there is only one target, and it is a living thing.

  Let it see how powerful humans are, after all, it is just a bug.

  Oh, forget it, with that size, just call it an animal.

  "Quick, Mianmian~"

  Jiang Yuan did not dare to delay, and pulled her to run behind the group of people.

  Song Yi also came over and stood beside her.

  The bug also ran over.


  With an order, everyone was ready.

  "Pah pah pah~" The sound rang out.

  The bullet went straight through, there was no way, the bug's skin was relatively thin, and it could not withstand this kind of impact.

  "Oh my god, it's so tenacious~"

  Ye Mianmian couldn't help but exclaimed.

  The bug was hit by the bullet, but it didn't die, but rushed towards them. It was

  much faster than before.

  "Increase firepower~"

  Captain Xie did not back down, but asked everyone to continue firing.

  The insect quickly turned into a sieve with a "da da da" sound.

  Then, it fell crookedly.

  A lot of dark red liquid came out of its body, emitting bursts of foul smell.

  The stench was so strong that it could suffocate people. Jiang Yuan, wearing a mask, couldn't help but retching.

  "Sister Yuan, vomit~"

  Ye Mianmian couldn't help it and vomited with her.

  Then, many people couldn't stand it anymore and started retching and ran to the side.

  Song Yi also felt uncomfortable, but didn't vomit. He came over to pat Jiang Yuan's back.

  "It's okay, vomit~"

  It was so smelly, it felt like a head.

  "Thank you, battalion commander, ask someone to get some soil and bury it."


  "Let's go over there~"

  Song Yi pulled her to the side, and Ye Mianmian and others followed.

  Zhang Tiezhu was very nervous and brought his water bottle over to give it to Ye Mianmian.

  "Sister Yuan, have a sip too!"

  "It's okay, I have water in my bag~"

  Jiang Yuan waved her hand. It was better to be far away from here.

  It felt like the air was flowing, and there was no longer that suffocating feeling.

  She took her thermos cup from the space and took it out with the help of her backpack.

  After drinking the warm water, she felt more comfortable.

  She gave Song Yi a sip as well, and everyone felt like they had survived a disaster.

  "How could there be such a big bug? I was scared to death. If you didn't know, you would think it was a python.

  However, pythons are much longer than this."

  Ye Mianmian really couldn't understand how such a creature could exist.

  "It's the first time I've seen it, so scary.

  Look at those bugs, maybe they were all spawned by it, and they came here to protect their ancestors."

  Fan Qing murmured, and he also found it incredible.

  "In that case, they came here just for this big bug.

  Then before that, weren't people sent here to be eaten by bugs instead of providing nutrients to the trees?"

  Jiang Yuan's words caused an uproar, and everyone felt that it made sense.

  At the same time, they were also shocked. How could this be?

Chapter 417: Destroying the Insects2024-03-31 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "No way, otherwise, why didn't Tiezhu get eaten for so long last time?"

  Zhang Kaiyang thought it was not used to feed insects, after all, Zhang Tiezhu was missing for at least two hours before being found last time.

  If it was eaten, it would have been eaten long ago.

  "Does it have to wait for him to die?"

  Song Yi said suddenly, and everyone felt as if they were falling into an ice cave.

  "That makes sense. The people sent here before were all dead people. Maybe it doesn't like to eat live people.

  By the way, Tiezhu, did you see this big one when you were pulled in last time?"

  Everyone cast their eyes over.

  Zhang Tiezhu was still a little nervous, but he answered honestly.

  "No, I was unconscious at the time and didn't know what was inside."

  However, thinking that there was such a big thing next to him .

  Moreover, it had stayed with him for so long, and was even waiting for him to die, and then treating him as a delicious dinner, he felt unspeakable fear.

  "But why do the people in the village do this?

  They should know that they are raising insects. This place is really weird."

  Jiang Yuan sighed, always feeling a chill down her spine.

  Over there, Captain Xie had already buried the big bug.

  A group of people came over in a mighty manner, feeling relieved.

  "Oh my god, it's done over there, the smell is too strong."

  In fact, Captain Xie went over and poured gasoline again, burned it first, and then covered it with soil.

  They all looked at it here. Others were more cautious, and they didn't consider it comprehensively.

  "Brother Song, I really trouble you this time. Please think about the matter I told you."


  Song Yi responded lightly, without saying much.

  Captain Xie called his brothers to clean up the battlefield and see if there were any bugs that slipped through the net.

  Jiang Yuan also ran over. Originally, he wanted him to study the reason why spring came early here.

  Unexpectedly, he was involved in a battle between bugs.

  "Yuanyuan, how are you?"

  "It's okay, I've recovered."

  "That's good, there's nothing to do now, I'll ask someone to take you back.

  We still need to wait here for a while, you go back and rest first." Anyway,

  there's nothing to do, just go back.

  Jiang Yuan nodded, just about to refuse his kindness.

  Song Yi took over the conversation directly: "I'll send them back, you go and do your work first."

  Hearing this, Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment.

  "Song Yi, why don't you let the others go, and you stay to help."

  This is to recognize his ability.

  "It's okay, I'll go and come back quickly, and I won't delay."

  Having said this, Jiang Yuan was embarrassed to say anything else.

  "You stay, the three of us can go back by ourselves."

  It should be that only the three girls are asked to go back, and the other men should help.

  Those who came this time are all guards, and they should not go back early.

  "It's okay, there's still time, don't let me worry."

  Uh, okay.

  Jiang Yuan was speechless. This man is good in other aspects, but he is quite strong.

  It can be regarded as a shortcoming. I have to talk to him later.

  I thought I was going to walk back, but Song Yi wanted to fly a plane.

  It turned out to be a quick trip and quick return. She understood instantly.

  When they arrived at the place, Song Yi did not come down. He gave her a few instructions and then set off again.

  "Mianmian, you and Qingqing go to the restaurant to eat first, I'll come over later."

  Ye Mianmian understood that they were probably going to get Jiang Xingzhi out.

  Not living together was troublesome after all.     "Okay, Sister Yuan, let's go first."

  Fan Qing wanted to say something, but was pulled away by her.

  Jiang Yuan found a place where no one was and slipped into the space.

  Dad, Mom and two children were not idle, they were sorting things there.

  A lot had been sorted, and there were not many left.

  "Daughter, you are back, what's the situation outside?"

  The two hurried over and talked to Jiang Yuan. Xiao Nuan was also happy and came over to hug.

  Jiang Yuan looked at the chubby little ball in her arms, and her heart melted.

  "Xiao Nuan seems to have grown taller again. Did you eat well today?"

  "Yes, I ate a lot."


  Jiang Yuan rubbed her daughter's little face, glanced at Jingjing next to her, and waved to call her over.

  The little girl came over carefully and called her softly: "Auntie"!
  This child is pitiful. She is so young and must be longing for maternal love.

  Since she is following them, she still has to do what she can.

  "Did Jingjing eat well?"

  "Yes, my sister Xiaonuan and I ate a lot, and we helped grandma set the table."

  "You are so good, what a good child."

  The little girl's expression relaxed, and she was also smiling.

  Let the two of them go to play, Jiang Yuan still has something to say to her parents.

  What happened at Half Moon Lake can't be hidden.

  Then, I need to remind them.

  Now it seems to be over, but there are too many unknowns.

  The potential danger is the most terrifying when you don't know.

  "Dad, you go out with me first, you can go back later, or go to work.

  But every time you eat, you have to wait for us in the restaurant for a while."


  "Also, when you encounter danger, go to the position between the male and female dormitories, I will find you there."

  "I know, my daughter, you have to be careful too, and you have two children.

  Tomorrow, I will go to ask the house in the living area to see when it can be divided."

  Jiang Yuan nodded frantically. If it is really possible, it would be great.

  At that time, the family can be together at any time, how convenient.

  After taking Jiang Xingzhi out, she returned to the dormitory.

  Her mother had prepared food for her, so she could just eat it in the space.

  When they came out, Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing came over.

  They asked her to go to the next room to chat, as she didn't want to disturb Qin Yue and the two children.

  Jiang Yuan followed without saying a word.

  "Sister Yuan, please sit down quickly. I want to tell you something!"

  "What's wrong, Qingqing, so mysterious?"

  Fan Qing hesitated for a while, and finally said it after thinking for a long time.

  "It's those bugs. When we were by the lake,

  I saw a bug. It seemed to have crashed directly into a person, but I didn't see clearly. They were wearing the same clothes."

  "What, if that's the case, it's terrible."

  Fan Qing looked rather entangled: "Later, everyone ran to the side, and I didn't have time to see.

  I'm not sure if it was a bug or a spark, the color was almost the same.

  Besides, I couldn't find that person.

  Later, everything was a mess."

  Fan Qing looked self-blaming, not knowing what to say.

  Originally, she didn't want to say this matter, and she struggled with it for a long time.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 418: Seal

2024-03-31 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan knocked on the table twice, frowning. This matter sounded like it was not easy to deal with.

  "Qingqing, didn't you see the man clearly at all at that time?

  Or did you have any characteristics or impression?"

  Hearing this, Fan Qing shook her head.

  "No, Sister Yuan, it was mainly because I couldn't tell whether it was a bug or a spark. It was too fast, and I was in a hurry to run, I..."

  Seeing her anxious look, Jiang Yuan patted her hands.

  "It's okay, don't think too much. I'll tell them later. Maybe it's a spark."

  Although they said so, these people knew that the situation was not very good.

  If it was really a bug, they would all be in danger.

  "Yes, don't worry, you see, the people who were attacked by bugs before died instantly. I

  haven't heard anything yet, so it should be okay."

  Ye Mianmian also came to comfort her, but Jiang Yuan felt that it was not that simple.

  Apart from anything else, the bug was different from the ordinary ones.

  After entering, you can get out immediately, but in this case, there is no change.

  Like in the restaurant before, when the bugs on the big sister came out, they were a whole circle bigger. They

  sucked a lot of blood and essence, and coming out directly would only kill people, which would not be good for them.

  Maybe, the bug hid just to survive, who knows.

  I can't tell Fan Qing too much, for fear that she would think too much.

  "We have to be careful, we don't know what will happen in the future.

  I also told my parents today that I always feel that this bug thing is not over.

  Are there other dangers in the future? No matter which one, we have to be careful.

  Do you understand?"

  "Well, don't worry, Sister Yuan, we all know what it means."

  Fan Qing also nodded. This incident still had a great impact on her.

  "Okay, don't worry too much, relax.

  If there is really a problem later, it's not too late to worry.

  We are making money every day now, don't be unhappy."

  She wanted to enlighten Fan Qing, but she didn't know what to say. After chatting for a few words, she went back. She

  was nervous all day and didn't sleep well yesterday. She needed to make up for it.

  After sending her mother and the others to the space, she slept in the dormitory.

  Apart from anything else, if someone else comes, she won't have to rush around.

  She doesn't have to be distracted and use her mind to sense the situation outside.

  Qin Yue took the two children and cooked dinner in the space.

  When Jiang Yuan woke up, it was dark.

  She entered the space, finished her meal, and took out the tablet to check the information about the red bugs.

  Before, she had never thought about it so much, and had no time to do it.

  Now that she is free, she will check it out.

  However, there is no relevant information at all, which makes her sleepless and a little irritable.

  "It seems like someone is knocking on the door, mom, let's go out quickly."

  Qin Yue was also very nervous. This dormitory is only the size of a palm, and she was afraid that she would be discovered by others, which would be troublesome.

  "Squad Leader Cheng?"

  Jiang Yuan came to open the door and saw Squad Leader Cheng standing at the door.

  "Song Yi asked me to come over and call you, and the two girls next door, to go downstairs for a meeting in the laboratory."

  "Okay, I got it, thank you!"

  "You're welcome."

  This squad leader Cheng is indeed a good girl. After knowing that Song Yi likes her, she didn't say anything unpleasant. She just did what she had to do.   

  "Going out again?"


  Jiang Yuan started to put on her clothes. After thinking about it, she decided to let her mother and two children go into the space, otherwise she would still be worried.

  Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing were also ready, and the three of them went together.

  When they arrived at the door, they saw Song Yi and Zhang Kaiyang waiting here.

  Ye Mianmian looked around and didn't say anything. Jiang Yuan

  saw it, but didn't expose her. She should be looking for Zhang Tiezhu!

  But he doesn't live here, this girl might have forgotten.

  However, she was still very sad about the two of them.

  "Let's go!"

  Song Yi came over and wanted to hold hands, but Jiang Yuan refused directly.

  There were too many people, and it was a bit embarrassing and the influence was not good.

  Jiang Yuan had been waiting here, rubbing his eyebrows, about what happened today.

  Or rather, what happened recently, he couldn't figure it out.

  This was somewhat contrary to what he had been exposed to before.

  As his worldview changed, his beliefs were gradually collapsing.

  There was a room in the laboratory, similar to a conference room.

  There were already quite a few people sitting inside, some of whom Jiang Yuan didn't know.

  There was no way to greet them. Fortunately, Jiang Yuan saw them and came over to invite them to sit down.

  On the way, they had already told the two boys about what Fan Qing was struggling with.

  Even if they were to talk about this matter in some occasion later, it would depend on how Song Yi arranged it.

  They sat in the back seats, and the last person who came out was a man in his fifties, with a very strong aura.

  If I guessed correctly, he should be a more important leader here.

  I have never seen him before. Of course, the nature of their work does not require them to see such people.

  Jiang Yuan's assistants did not go with him.

  So now he is reporting today's events to everyone.

  Jiang Yuan listened quietly. If there was anything missing, they still had to add to it.

  The time was really too short, and there was no way, this meeting was also held temporarily.

  "This is what we encountered in the past two days. Who has anything to add?"

  After asking around, no one spoke, and Jiang Yuan did not say anything.

  "Okay, I know roughly. We still need to be vigilant recently. That's it!

  Everyone has worked hard. This matter is a bit unbelievable. It's better not to go out and talk about it. Do you understand?"

  "I understand~"

  She said, what kind of meeting is this? It's meaningless.

  It turns out that it is to shut everyone up. Why do we need to mobilize so many people? It's really...

  Since there is nothing to do, everyone will disperse.

  But Song Yi was actually left behind. She took a look and the other party shook his head.

  Let her go first. Jiang Yuan didn't understand why, but it would be the same if she asked again tomorrow, so she didn't think much about it.

  "Sister Yuan, you said that we didn't say that thing. Is it really okay?"

  "There's nothing wrong. Don't think too much. Song Yi is still there.

  If there is anything, he will tell it. Don't worry."

  Fan Qing sighed, it would be a lie to say that he was not worried.

  "I'm just afraid that because of this matter, something will go wrong later, and it will involve us. That would be troublesome."

  "Well, then I'll talk to Jiang Yuan tomorrow and see what he thinks."

  (End of this chapter)

   Chapter 419 Moving to the Living Area

  After getting the guarantee, I felt better.

  Jiang Yuan and Professor Jiang were classmates, so it was easier for them to talk.

  Several people hurried back to rest. It was getting late and it was very cold at night.

  Now that the problem of insects has been solved and the danger has been lifted, everyone still has to go to work as usual.

  During lunch, Jiang Xingzhi came a little later on purpose, just to be with their mothers.

  "Why are you so happy?"

  Qin Yue asked without knowing the reason.

  "Of course I'm happy. The house over there is ready.

  You can go and take a look in advance. You won't be busy in the afternoon. You can take your daughters to take a look.

  If possible, settle it earlier."

  "Really? That's great. After dinner, we'll go together."

  Jiang Yuan saw the old couple beaming with joy as soon as she arrived. When she heard the news, she was also very excited.

  If so, it would be much more convenient in the future.

  However, this matter has not been told to the public yet.

  But it will only happen in the next two days, so there is no rush.

  Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing also went with them. Later, everyone planned to live together so that they could take care of each other.

  Because of Jiang Xingzhi, several people arrived at the living building with ease.

  "This building has been cleaned up, and the two behind are being cleaned up. It will take a month and it will be almost done."

  Jiang Xingzhi was quite impressed. When they first came here, this place was like a ruin.

  Now, it has changed a lot.

  "Dad, let's go in and take a look!"


  Jiang Xingzhi greeted his security colleague and took everyone in.

  This first living building has five floors and is the simplest staircase building.

  At that time, it was considered more comprehensively, and the overall structure was made more solid.

  The upper and lower units of each floor are the same, and there are houses on both sides of the corridor, a total of 16 rooms.

  Among them, two households have two bedrooms and one living room, four households have one bedroom and one living room, and the remaining ten households have one bedroom without a living room, but the kitchen and bathroom are fully equipped.

  Now the weather is cold, the bathroom cannot be used, the water in the kitchen is not turned on, and the house cannot be cooked.

  All domestic water and toilets are downstairs, there is a public place.

  The dining room is where we eat, and everything is in the most primitive state.

  They first went to a two-bedroom, one-living room apartment. The living room was very small, just enough to put a table, and it was more like an aisle.

  But the bedrooms were OK, both were not small.

  There was no furniture in it, and everything they needed needed to be collected from the logistics department.

  Different things were distributed according to different situations.

  They could take away their personal belongings from the dormitory, but not the beds, tables, chairs, etc.

  "Dad, I think we should take this house. Now go and tell them that we want a sunny side."

  Houses can be registered in advance, first come first served.

  As long as there are enough family members, they will be selected.

  "Okay, then you see, which floor is more suitable for us?"

  "The third floor, it's too damp, the second floor will be a little damp, the fourth and fifth floors are too high, the third floor is just right.

  What do you think?"

  Jiang Yuan also asked Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing for their opinions. Everyone will definitely live on the first floor in the future, so they can refer to it.

  "I think it's okay."

  "That's right, the third floor is just right, Sister Yuan, let's stay here."

  The two girls were also very yearning for a new life.

  "Okay, I'll go down and talk to him. Later on, let Xiao Song go to register as well."

  Jiang Xingzhi went downstairs with a beaming face. He was in a very good mood and even hummed a little tune~

  "Sister Yuan, that's great. From now on, we can be the same as before."

  Ye Mianmian was excited and glanced at Jingjing beside her.   

  The child was quiet and didn't even speak loudly.

  Obviously, she must be missing her parents.

  Now, everything is back to normal.

  Only Liang Kang and Xiaoling have completely left them.

  Fan Qing also noticed it, but didn't say anything more. Several people went downstairs.

  "My daughter, the building manager said that we can move tomorrow. I also told Xiao Song about his situation.

  We can all live on the first floor, and both are sunny."

  "That's great, then go back tonight and pack up quickly."

  Jiang Yuan was also happy, but she had to go to work in the restaurant in the afternoon and couldn't go back immediately.

  In fact, there was nothing to pack, just some small things. There

  were many of them, so they could move it in one or two trips.

  This place is similar to that of an apartment, and the door is very strong. Jiang Yuan just took a special look and it should be safe.

  Many things in the back can also be taken out of the space.

  Life seems to be getting better.

  After dinner, Song Yi also came over, and they were busy all day.

  Knowing that they can move in together, he should be the most excited.

  "Jiang Yuan, I've told them about Fan Qing, and they'll check it out."

  As he said that, he habitually split the egg in half and gave it to the two children.

  "Is it easy to check?"

  After all, it's hard to tell!

  "This is not something we need to worry about, but it's not easy."

  "Oh, it's so troublesome..."

  Jiang Yuan sighed, always wondering why this matter was so difficult to get over.

  "Don't think too much, even if it's true, there's only one. If

  millions of others are destroyed, what splash can it make?"

  Seeing her frown, Song Yi hurried to comfort her.

  This is the only way for now, and Jiang Yuan didn't say anything.

  Fan Qing was a little annoyed. If she had said it earlier, would it have been solved long ago?

  However, the most urgent thing was to move, and everyone didn't continue that topic.

  Instead, they happily discussed tomorrow's affairs.

  Moving is a private matter and can't delay work time.

  They are the first batch of people who came and participated in work, and they can choose houses first.

  As long as the number of people is normal and meets the conditions, it's fine.

  Everyone can go to register tomorrow, and there are no restrictions.

  In the evening, Qin Yue hurriedly packed up.

  There was nothing special about it, it was all packed in a woven bag.

  She had to carry the thermos by herself, and she had to pack the luggage before going to bed, so she would get up tomorrow morning to pack it.

  "By the way, my girl, how will Jingjing sleep then?

  Will she sleep with your dad and me, or with you?"

  Qin Yue had been thinking about it for a long time, but hadn't said it.

  She dared to ask only after the two children were asleep, for fear that Jingjing would hear it and feel uncomfortable.

  "Mom, follow me.

  Two children together will also be a companion.

  You and my dad are getting older, so you should also pay more attention to rest."

  "Alas, it's okay for us, but this child is really unlucky.

  I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for you if she follows you."

  Qin Yue sighed, and Jiang Yuan held her hand.

  "Mom, don't worry, it's okay."

  Chapter 420 The Reappearance of Red Worms

  This child has been with them for a while. She

  is usually very careful, and Jiang Yuan feels distressed when she sees

  this. She also treats her as well as possible, and she also has everything that Xiao Nuan has.

  Jingjing is also very sensible, and takes special care of Xiao Nuan. She eats half of her own food and leaves the other half.

  When Xiao Nuan finishes eating, she shares the remaining half with her sister.

  Jiang Yuan has said it several times, but she is still like this, so she simply stops talking.

  However, she will also remind Xiao Nuan to be nicer to her sister.

  To be honest, she is quite happy to see this phenomenon.

  Later, if they are all gone, it is also good to leave someone to accompany Xiao Nuan.

  Since it has been agreed, she will not think about it anymore.

  It takes two trips to move all the things in their house.

  Mainly quilts and mattresses, which need to be returned separately.

  When going to work in the morning, bring some brooms, rags and so on.

  Mom said that she should go and clean up first.

  When moving things over, there will be no dust.

  She doesn't care about this kind of thing, and listens to her.

  It's just that after breakfast in the morning, time is more tight.

  They could only clean up and then come back to continue working.

  Song Yi would come to eat later now, so that he could be with Jiang Yuan.

  He had been at the base for the past two days and seemed to be very busy.

  Jiang Yuan wanted to ask him why he was left behind that day, but she never had the chance.

  Song Yi did not take the initiative to talk to her, so he kept delaying.

  That day, after the work was done, it was finally everyone's turn to eat.

  Several girls gathered together and happily talked about the move.

  Zhang Kaiyang suddenly stumbled over, and he looked nervous.

  Fan Qing quickly stood up and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you running so fast?"

  "Qingqing, something happened, Sister Yuan, come with me~"

  Such a tense atmosphere was definitely not a trivial matter, and Jiang Yuan had no time to ask in detail.

  After asking her mother to watch the two children, she ran out.

  There were actually many people gathered at the door of the laboratory.

  They finally got to the front and found that it was a person, lying there.

  The rest of the people were around, as if looking for something.

  "What's going on?"

  "That bug is back, it came out of this guy.

  I don't know where it has gone now. Check it out, is it the same one from that day?"

  These words were obviously said to Fan Qing .

  But she didn't remember it.

  The outfit was different, and the guy was wrapped tightly, so how could she tell?

  "I don't know, I didn't see his face that day, he was wrapped in a scarf."

  Fan Qing was also anxious, but she really couldn't recognize him.


  Someone shouted, pointing under the man's shoulder.

  Sure enough, a small red bug poked its head out.

  "Kill it~"

  As he said that, someone took off his shoes and walked over directly.

  Everyone knew about the red bug.

  Even the incident at Yueban Lake was not allowed to be mentioned.

  However, two people died in the base, and this kind of thing could not be concealed at all.

  "Be careful, the shoes can't stop it~"

  Jiang Yuan was particularly scared, this was no joke.

  However, the man didn't care and just slapped it.

  "Oh, it's dead~"

  Sure enough, there was no movement, and the rest of the people didn't dare to breathe.   

  "I said it's not that weird, just a bug, hahaha~"

  He was shocked before he finished speaking.

  Because, the bug he looked down upon had already crawled out of his shoe.

  "Oh my god~"

  He threw away his shoe in a hurry. Barefoot, he

  stepped back repeatedly.

  There was also a person opposite him, and seeing the shoe thrown at him, he was also scared and ran away.

  The bug inside was a deadly thing.

  It really liked this chaotic scene, it jumped out and ran towards the crowd.

  Seeing this big fleshy bug, it seemed to be human instinct to step on it.

  The crowd fled in all directions, and Song Yi and Jiang Yuan rushed over.

  I don't know where I found two fly swatters, and I hit them directly.

  The two people refused to give in to each other, you hit, I hit, and they hit happily.

  This fly swatter is transparent, and you can see the dynamics of the bug underneath.

  It was also painful after being hit several times.

  Both of them put in a lot of effort, and the bug struggled for a few times, and there was no room for breathing.

  A minute later, it couldn't hold back any longer.

  Song Yi stood up and took out a musket from behind.

  Now they just controlled the bugs. If they wanted to completely destroy them, they still had to burn some of them.

  Let it explode by itself, and that would be the end.

  The base was full of people, so they must not be careless.

  Seeing that he was ready, Jiang Yuan quickly made way.

  The bug had been stunned and didn't continue to attack people.

  It was strange that it didn't even break its skin after being hit like that.

  If it exploded directly, it would be the end.

  Song Yi lit the fire directly, and the blue flames went straight to its body.

  Although the bug didn't burn, it tossed and turned, and seemed to be in great pain.

  Jiang Yuan took a notebook, tore off the useless paper, and threw it on its body, trying to make it burn.

  Everyone looked at the bug carefully.

  After about five minutes, it finally couldn't hold back any longer and exploded directly.

  Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, this was the end!

  "Okay, everyone, please disperse quickly. Everything is fine now."

  Someone came to guide the crowd to leave. It was Captain Xie.

  Seeing the things on the ground, he sighed.

  "Our clearing mission is still not thorough!"

  Uh, this seems to treat the bugs as a more serious opponent.

  "Qingqing, do you have any impression of this person?"

  Here it comes again, the same question.

  "No, everyone was wrapped up very tightly that day, and immediately ran to the back, I didn't see it clearly at all." As

  soon as she said this, everyone fell silent.

  Since it is not certain, it may be someone else.

  The danger has not been eliminated, and it is difficult to deal with.

  "There were so many people there that day, and there is no way to check this.

  If we wait for it to come out by itself, it will be too late. If the person who was infected with the bug is different from the others, it will be easier to deal with."

  Jiang Yuan said nonsense, and everyone could think of it, but it was impossible to do it!

  Jiang Yuan squatted on the ground and carefully observed the red liquid.

  "Come here, take a sample..."

  "Yes, Professor Jiang~"

  Several people went out of the laboratory that day, and none of them came back, and there were not many left.

  Is he doing this to do research?

  If it is possible, then can we tell what is different?

  Jiang Yuan did not dare to say much, watching Jiang Yuan and the assistant collect samples.
