
131. Chapter 131 The He brothers and sisters come to say goodbye2023-11-21 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Bring it all, hurry up, it will get cold soon."

  Song Yi also brought a lot of food, luncheon meat and so on, and half a cabbage.

  It was rare to see fresh vegetables, and everyone was very happy.

  Ye Mianmian was busy in the kitchen, and first cooked a bowl of noodles for Grandma Ye.

  She had bad teeth, and couldn't eat anything too hard or too spicy. They

  didn't come to eat hot pot together last time, and it was the same this time.

  Besides, she didn't want to participate in a gathering of young people.

  It was cleaned up quickly, and it was still very rich.

  Ye Mianmian took out a large bucket of orange juice and poured a cup for Xiao Nuan.

  They were all warmed up in advance, and Jiang Yuan didn't stop her.

  The little guy was very happy to be able to come out.

  "Ah, this is the taste..."

  Zhang Kaiyang sniffed, squinted his eyes, and enjoyed it.

  "Okay, hurry up and fill the bowls, the pot is on."


  The atmosphere was very cheerful. In this kind of weather, it was a great blessing to be able to eat hot pot.

  Several people were also very image-free, and the haze that had been connected was swept away.

  "Have you been going out recently?"

  Ye Mianmian asked as she put the bacon into the sesame paste.

  "Why go out? It's so cold, my ears are going to freeze off."

  Zhang Kaiyang answered indifferently, and then quickly and accurately grabbed a piece of luncheon meat in the pot.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, what do you think?"

  Song Yi didn't say anything, but looked at Jiang Yuan. There

  was nothing to be embarrassed about the pressure on her side.

  "I don't know, let's see what the situation is. In fact, I am still very interested in that supermarket."

  She started like this, and everyone opened up.

  Ye Mianmian was an opponent and didn't recommend going.

  "Sister Yuan, we have food and drink now, and there will definitely be a lot of people going out.

  The nearby community, the villagers on the mountain, and the remaining people in the school. When

  there are too many people, it's easy to get chaotic, don't take risks."

  "Yes, now our building is so chaotic, and we don't know what will happen outside.

  People's hearts are separated by their stomachs, so it's better to be careful."

  Opponent No. 2, Comrade Zhang Kaiyang, also came online.

  Jiang Yuan knew what they meant, but didn't argue.

  The main thing is that her motives are not pure.

  She can't say it's for money, then people will definitely ask her what she wants so much money for?
  No matter how she answers, the secret of the space can't be revealed!
  "Well, so it depends on the situation. I also want to go over and see if there are any fresh vegetables and fruits.

  If the situation does not allow, I will not go out.

  Eat quickly, the meat will be old if you don't eat it."

  Jiang Yuan said, and called everyone to hurry up.

  Song Yi glanced at her and didn't say anything. He always felt that she would go out.

  "However, that supermarket is really amazing. Who is the boss? He can open a store at this time.

  He's really brave, really brave!"

  Ye Mianmian rolled his eyes at Zhang Kaiyang. This kid hasn't entered society yet, hasn't experienced the hardships of reality, and takes everything for granted...

  "Don't be sarcastic here. The boss must be extraordinary. He has been doing this for so many years. His connections and ways of purchasing goods are not comparable to ordinary people.

  We're not going there either, so don't think about those things."

  "I'm just discussing it. I don't mean anything else..."

  Jiang Yuan looked at the two people going back and forth, as if they were quarreling, but why did she feel an ambiguity about it?     Didn't Song Yi notice this situation because he was attracted to Ye Mianmian? He is really a taciturn person.

  She silently picked up some food for her daughter. She couldn't control these things, so it was better not to get involved.

  After three hours of eating a hot pot, the soup base was gone.

  "Let's open the window to get rid of the smell. The smoke will go up and no one will notice it."

  Ye Mianmian was still very nervous, afraid that if she was not careful, she would add new sorrows to the old hatred.

  "Of course, it's so cold, who would have nothing to do to open the window? Don't worry!"

  Zhang Kaiyang did it himself and asked everyone to put on their clothes. He wanted to open the window wider.

  Jiang Yuan was afraid that the child would be cold, so she had almost packed up and was ready to take Xiao Nuan back.

  Song Yi was naturally going to follow him. As soon as he opened the door, he heard a knock on the door.

  The sound was very light, as if he was a little embarrassed.

  The two looked at each other, and Ye Mianmian, who was closing the door, stopped moving.

  He reached out and summoned Zhang Kaiyang over, including Xiao Nuan, and the five of them stared at the door together.

  "Knock, knock, knock..."

  Song Yi signaled Ye Mianmian to open the door. He

  stood next to the door to be on guard.

  Zhang Kaiyang followed suit and occupied the other side.

  Jiang Yuan covered Xiao Nuan's mouth and retreated into the house. The door was not closed tightly, leaving a gap.

  After everyone was ready, they gave Ye Mianmian a look and took a deep breath.

  "Who is it?"

  As she said that, she opened the door inside.

  The ones outside did not need to be opened, they could be seen.

  "Hey, Xingxing, Yueyue, why are you here?"

  It was He Xing and He Yue. Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and told Xiao Nuan to sit on the sofa and not make any noise. She also went out.

  "Sister Mianmian, we are going to the rescue center tomorrow. My mother asked me to come and tell you.

  The house has been cleaned up. Thank you for taking us in during this period of time. Thank you!"

  As she said that, she pulled He Yue and kowtowed to her.

  "Oh, what are you doing? Hurry up..."

  Ye Mianmian also opened the door outside and went to help the two children.

  Song Yi, Zhang Kaiyang, and Jiang Yuan also followed.

  "Thank you, brothers and sisters, for saving our family of three. I will repay you in the future.

  We don't know when we will see each other again after going to the rescue center this time.

  Let me and my sister kowtow to you. This is our token of our gratitude."

  Wow, he is only fifteen years old, but he knows how to be grateful.

  He is much better than those who have lived half their lives.

  Ye Mianmian was also a little moved, and quickly helped him up.

  "You are leaving tomorrow, have you thought about it?"

  "Yes, I have thought about it. There is nothing here, and the weather is cold. It is not safe for us to go out to find things, so I thought about going there quickly."

  After all, it was built by the government, so it would naturally be better. At least personal safety is guaranteed.

  "Okay, wait a minute."

  Ye Mianmian went in. Jiang Yuan looked at the two children. The wounds on their faces had healed, revealing fair skin.

  No wonder those two people were perverted, these two children are good-looking.

  "Xingxing, Yueyue, listen to me. When you go back, get some dirt or something and smear it on your face.

  When you get to the rescue center, don't dress too neatly. Don't make yourself look sloppy and ugly. OK?"

  (End of this chapter)

132. Chapter 132 Educating Daughter

2023-11-21 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian


  Obviously, this is beyond the understanding of the two siblings.

  Children who grow up under the red flag have been taught to love cleanliness and be polite since childhood.

  Jiang Yuan's contrary behavior is naturally incomprehensible to the two children.

  However, the reality is like this, no matter how young you are, you have to face everything that comes next.

  "Xingxing, Yueyue, I know you are all good children, but the road ahead is dangerous.

  There are so many people in the rescue center, how can you tell which one is good and which one is bad. If you are

  too beautiful and too clean, you will be easily targeted, understand?"

  He Xing looked at Jiang Yuan and shuddered instantly.

  This reminded him of the unbearable thing, and he immediately nodded in response.

  "I know, sister, don't worry, I know what to do, thank you!"

  As he said, he bowed to her.

  "Well, I understand.

  Take good care of your mother and sister. Remember, don't trust anyone and don't be careless."

  He Yue also nodded: "We know. It's so chaotic now. No one is worthy of trust.

  By the way, sister, my mother asked me to tell you that the grandmother of 0601 said that if anyone can come and kill you or catch you alive, she will give 100 kilograms of food.

  Let you all be careful. They also knocked on my door and told me about this matter."

  Jiang Yuan was simply shocked. There are such SB people.

  "Thank your mother for me, just tell her that we know and let her rest assured."

  Ye Mianmian also came out and took a cloth bag that can be closed.

  "Xingxing, Yueyue, sister doesn't have much stuff left. You take these and remember, don't let others find it."

  The two children reacted immediately and quickly refused.

  "No, sister Mianmian, we will have food when we get to the rescue center, keep it for yourself."

  Ye Mianmian pretended to be angry and stuffed the bag directly into He Yue's arms.

  "Just take it if I tell you to. If you refuse, someone will see it."

  He Xing was also deeply moved when she saw her like this.

  "Thank you, thank you so much."

  She was about to kneel down again, but this time Ye Mianmian quickly held her back.

  "Don't talk about that. Go back quickly. Be careful!"

  "Well, brother and sister, come to the rescue center later. We'll wait for you."


  Ye Mianmian smiled and waved her hand. The two children tiptoed downstairs.

  "Live well, you must live well..."

  Her words seemed to be spoken to herself, and also to the mother and her two children.

  Yes, live well, what a simple and humble wish!

  When she got home, she didn't talk about the two children.

  Instead, she washed Xiao Nuan. Children's teeth should be well protected.

  I had stockpiled a lot of children's toothbrushes and ointments before. After cleaning up, I took the face cream and applied it to her face and hands.

  The weather is too cold now. If you are not careful, it will easily crack.

  Adults, too, need to take good care of their skin.

  In her previous life, she remembered that the environment of the rescue center was not very good, and many people ran back.

  This time, the He family went there, and they didn't know what was going on.

  Everyone has their own destiny, and this feeling of powerlessness makes her tired.

  "Xiao Nuan, mommy tells you, in the future, no matter who you meet, don't trust them, understand?"


  "Because, except for your relatives, the rest are bad people and you can't approach them."

  Xiao Nuan nodded, not quite understanding, and then asked a soul-searching question: "What about Dad and Grandma?   

  "Mom, why can't Xiao Nuan go out to play? Why doesn't Dad come to see me?"

  Well, it's hard to answer .

  Facing her daughter's clear eyes, Jiang Yuan was a little hesitant.

  The truth is something that she may not understand even if she is told.

  She picked up the little girl, put her on the bed, and squatted in front of her.

  Looking straight into her eyes, she said seriously: "Xiao Nuan, you must remember what your mother told you today.

  The weather is too cold now. Going out will freeze you into popsicles.

  Besides, there are so many bad guys outside. We can't be careless.

  Hiding at home is the safest, understand?"


  The little girl nodded seriously. Of course, she knew it was very cold outside and at home.

  "As for your father, just pretend that you don't have a father."


  I can't figure it out. She obviously has a father!

  "Xiao Nuan, your father is now the father of other children.

  Then he is not your father anymore. Next time you see him, you must run away quickly, understand?

  Dad has turned into a big bad wolf now. If you get close, he will transform and eat you. "


  said the little girl, hiding in her arms.

  "Mom is scared too, so we must stay away from her. And grandma has turned into an old witch.

  Even if you see her, you must run away quickly, okay?"

  "Okay, I get it! "

  She is only three years old. Jiang Yuan had no choice but to tell her this.

  I hope that when the child grows up, she will understand her good intentions.

  She may not have any concept of bad guys, but the impact of the big bad wolf and the old witch is still very intuitive.

  In order to consolidate the results, she specially told "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Rapunzel" as bedtime stories.

  After coaxing her daughter to sleep, she hurried to the space. She had not had time to come in to tidy up in the past two days.

  The beans and cucumbers have begun to grow wildly, and they must be fixed with ropes on the top.

  Take out an old piece of clothing and tear it into strips.

  The zucchini can be picked. It looks tender and very pleasing.

  The rest of the green vegetables are also grown. They are crowded together, and some have to be pulled out.

  The mushroom sticks are also sprouting small mushrooms. The temperature here is appropriate, and the speed should be faster.

  The next step is watering. These vegetables will not do without water.

  It was just one hour of busy work.

  Jiang Yuan felt very distressed. It took so long to do such a small job.

  Cash is so hard to come by now. What should she do?

  She thought of the supermarket above. She didn't know if people would want her clothes.

  Anyway, she had to try.

  If she didn't collect the cash now, it would be more difficult later.

  Ye Mianmian and Zhang Kaiyang didn't want to go out. Both of them were injured to some extent. Song Yi didn't want to go either.

  For the sake of money, she couldn't say some things.

  It would be more convenient to go alone.

  Recently, everyone has been acting together. Suddenly, she has to fight alone. She feels a little uncomfortable.

  However, she should be alone. She warned herself again and again that she should not covet this feeling.

  Otherwise, it would affect her speed of drawing the sword.

  Sleep, sleep. If there is nothing else, she will set off tomorrow. The sooner the better.

  (End of this chapter)

133. Chapter 133 Acting Alone2023-11-22 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  She got up early the next day. It was seven o'clock and it was still dark.

  According to the supermarket's desperate nature to make money, it would probably not stop at night.

  So, she was not worried that she would go too early and there would be no one there.

  "You want to go out? No, my daughter, you have to listen to me. We have enough food at home. Don't go out again."

  "Mom, listen to me, we have enough food, but if there are vegetables and fruits, we still have to stock up some.

  Don't worry, I'm different now.

  Ask my dad, your daughter is now very powerful..."

  As she said that, she stretched her arms and showed her muscles.

  Jiang Xingzhi nodded. Jiang Yuan is really powerful now.

  However, he is still worried.

  "Dad will go with you, and there will be someone to take care of you."

  Jiang Yuan shook her head like a rattle and refused firmly.

  "Dad, you are at home, and those people are ready to make a move. If they come up today, you have to deal with them. My mom still has to take care of Xiao Nuan." After

  explaining the reason and moving the emotion, the matter was happily decided.

  Jiang Yuan hurried to arm herself. The temperature was even lower now, and it was about minus 30 degrees Celsius during the day.

  This was undoubtedly fatal. She wore a thermostatic underwear and pants inside, and a lamb wool cotton coat and pants outside.

  She also put on polar cold-proof clothes, hats, scarves and gloves outside, and none of them could be left behind.

  "My daughter, if you are in danger, you should follow Song Yi. That kid has kung fu skills and is very powerful."

  Jiang Xingzhi especially likes Song Yi. He is envious and admired for his ability at his age.

  "Dad, he won't go. In fact, I'm alone this time.

  But don't worry, one person is a smaller target, and I'm thin, so it's easy to get away."

  Jiang Xingzhi was unwilling to leave when he heard that she was alone.

  "Dad, I have to go quickly, you protect mom and Xiao Nuan.

  It's still early now, and many people haven't gone out yet. I'll be safer if I go early and

  come back early." Jiang Yuan didn't say anything and hurried out. If she kept dawdling like this, she probably wouldn't be able to leave.

  Dad and mom are worried about her, does she understand?

  However, she really needed the money and needed to increase the time she could enter the space.

  Jiang Yuan locked the door of the corridor carefully and quietly.

  The same was true for the 20th floor, without alarming anyone.

  The glass in the corridor of the seventh floor was broken, and no one knew who did it.

  As soon as she came down, she felt very cold.

  Jiang Yuan shivered unconsciously, and quickly adjusted her hat and pulled up her mask.

  There was no one outside the community, so she went out through the small door.

  There were some "bad guys" they had thrown down before, some of them were carried back, and most of them were there, frozen to death.

  The man who robbed the liquefied gas on the side of Building 15 was also lying there, and no one cared.

  She just took a quick look and walked out quickly.

  Now, time is life.

  If she walked faster, her body could be warmer.

  Because of the experience last time, she went directly to the green belt at the fork in the road.

  This side is more hidden, and if there are people next to it, they will not be discovered.

  There was still a short distance from the green belt. Jiang Yuan saw two groups of people behind her, so she sped up. She

  didn't want to meet this group of people. She was alone, so it was better not to be with them.

  To avoid others having bad ideas, the purpose today was very clear, there was no need to waste time.

  The two groups behind her obviously didn't want to meet her either, and followed her not far away.

  Fortunately, they arrived in about ten minutes.

  Wow, there was a long line here.

  It had already lined up from the supermarket entrance to the intersection. There must be at least 200 people.     The people in front of me didn't know how long they had been waiting. Many people's hair and eyelashes were already frozen.

  "Those who are buying things, line up at the back. No cutting in line is allowed."

  Someone was actually maintaining order, holding an electric baton, looking ferocious.

  He didn't look like an ordinary person, but a gangster.

  This boss seemed to be really not simple.

  Jiang Yuan didn't say anything, but quietly stood at the end of the line and started to line up.

  There were more security guards in front of me. They were called security guards, but they were actually there to help maintain order.

  They didn't look like good people. She was alone, so she wouldn't say anything. She

  just lined up quietly. This place was exactly the same as the official regulations before.

  Twenty people went in, one came out, and the next one went in.

  There was no limit on the amount of things she bought, but the unit price was not cheap.

  When she was queuing here, someone came out and complained that the things were too expensive.

  However, they didn't say much, and they were busy coming and going.

  Jiang Yuan's position was relatively far back, and the weather was cold, which made her a little annoyed.

  When she looked back, there were quite a few people queuing up behind her.

  My goodness, how did this group of people notify everyone? So many people came.

  Maybe it was too cold, so the speed was not slow.

  After more than an hour, she had reached the front.

  It was now 9:40, and there were more people. The people in front could not see the end of the line.

  "Do you have cash? Come over and pay a deposit of 1,000 yuan first."

  It was always the same process. Some people had no money, but went into the supermarket and ate the things they saw.

  So, this method was used here.

  People who went in had to pay a deposit of 1,000 yuan first, and there were people patrolling back and forth inside.

  Jiang Yuan had some change in her hand, so she collected it and gave it to the group of people.

  "Go in!"

  "Thank you~"

  She originally wanted to find the person in charge here, but now he couldn't take care of her, so she went in and took a look. If there were clothes, it would be easy.

  If not, she would ask the people at the end to see if there was anything she needed.

  She had never been to this supermarket before.

  It was indeed not small, but now the things were not so complete.

  There were no vegetables or fruits.

  The most common things were rice, flour, grain, oil, instant noodles, seasonings, and fast food.

  These were not what she needed. She turned around but didn't see any clothes.

  It seemed that there was still a market for them.

  She felt very happy and was planning to do something big soon.

  "Jiang Yuan, is that you?"

  She turned around when she heard someone calling her.

  Oh my god, it was Xia Chaoyang and Bai Mengmeng who met each other.

  The two of them were wearing thin clothes. Although they were wearing masks, their eyes were sunken, which showed signs of malnutrition.

  "It's really you, Jiang Yuan. I didn't expect to meet you here."

  Bai Mengmeng was very excited and wanted to hold her hand.

  Jiang Yuan dodged easily. Before she went to

  look for the two people, they actually came up to her. There was a bag of rice in her hand, as well as some sausages, instant noodles and so on.

  These are not cheap. According to the current prices, they would cost at least three to five thousand yuan.

  (End of this chapter)

134. Chapter 134 Reaching an Agreement with the Ex-husband

2023-11-22 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  This supermarket can be said to have made a fortune from the national disaster.

  Now that supplies are in short supply, they deliberately raise the prices to sell.

  Although it is not authentic, the business is really good!

  These two people probably took out the old woman's money, or Bai Mengmeng's.

  That was all her money, at least half of it belonged to her.

  If these two people were killed directly, wouldn't it be too easy for them? It

  is better to find a way to get the money back first, and then take revenge.

  Well, this is more cost-effective.

  "What are you doing? I don't know you well, so don't try to make connections."

  Bai Mengmeng knew about Jiang Yuan's previous sale of clothes. Later, she learned from the manager of Building No. 9 that she had supplies, and quite a lot.

  "Jiang Yuan, I know you are still angry about the previous incident. I apologize to you, okay. Do

  n't be angry, otherwise Chaoyang and I will feel uncomfortable."

  Good guy, this cup of green tea can't be brewed no matter how hard you try.

  "Why are you saying all this? I've already said that what happens to you in the future has nothing to do with me.

  When we meet again, we'll be strangers. Don't you understand what I'm saying?"

  Jiang Yuan naturally couldn't greet him with a good face. The difference between before and after was too big, which made people think too much.

  Moreover, the more she acted indifferent, the more Bai Mengmeng thought she was profitable.

  "What are you guys doing? If you don't want to buy anything, get out quickly.

  Don't chat here and waste other people's time."

  The man who maintained order in the supermarket also had a fierce look on his face, holding an electric baton, like a gangster.

  "I'm leaving now, big brother, I'm leaving now..."

  Xia Chaoyang nodded and bowed to the man, looking like a lackey.

  Jiang Yuan turned around and took a small bread from the shelf. It actually cost a hundred yuan. It was simply robbing money!

  Then, she ran to the cashier, and Xia Chaoyang and Bai Mengmeng hurried to follow.

  They squeezed at the same cashier, and the cashier was also a big man.

  "You're just going to buy this one?"

  "Well, I'm out of money."

  "Come with us, we're friends."

  Bai Mengmeng looked considerate and smiled brightly at Jiang Yuan.

  In that case, she wouldn't be polite. It would be shameful to spend an extra penny now.

  When she came to the door, she took out her cards and exchanged them for her deposit.

  My goodness, the people here actually threw the money directly into a trash can.

  It was the kind of green, large trash can that could be pulled out.

  Most of the money in the bucket was returned to the people who came to return the deposit. How

  much money was there? Her eyes were wide open, but she didn't dare to act rashly.

  There were five people here in total, three standing in the back, one counting the money, and the other collecting the cards.

  The three in the back all had electric batons, and the other two also had them, and they were all placed on the table.

  There was no hope if she went over now.

  There was no choice but to leave temporarily.

  Jiang Yuan deliberately walked very slowly, waiting for Bai Mengmeng and Xia Chaoyang behind to catch up with her.

  One step, two steps, three steps...

  "Jiang Yuan, wait a minute..."

  As expected, the fish was hooked, and she curled up the corners of her mouth slightly.

  "Jiang Yuan, don't walk so fast, I have something to tell you."

  Xia Chaoyang caught up and actually wanted to pull her arm. Jiang Yuan threw her over her shoulder and lay on the ground "ouch ouch".

  The tricks taught by Song Yi are really useful, thumbs up!

  "You came over first, don't blame me."

  Xia Chaoyang grinned. The people queuing around were all waiting to eat melons. He couldn't afford to lose this person.

  "Jiang Yuan, that's not what we mean. Let's go, let's talk over there."

  Seeing that she was standing there motionless, Bai Mengmeng continued to blackmail her morally.   

  "Just because we helped you pay the bill just now, come over here. We also want to help you."

  Jiang Yuan sighed falsely and followed them across the street.

  That was the bank they had visited before, so they were not afraid that the two of them had any bad intentions.

  "What's the matter? Tell me!"

  Seeing her attitude, Bai Mengmeng didn't hide anything.

  "Jiang Yuan, I'll make it short. I know you have a lot of supplies over there. We can pay for them.

  We are old acquaintances, and you trust us. It's the same if you sell it to others. We won't give you less money."

  Jiang Yuan looked at her. This person was still so confident. Even if she was wearing a mask, she could imagine the expression inside.

  "How did you know?"

  Bai Mengmeng looked clear. Now she was completely sure.

  "Don't worry about how I know. I guess everyone in the community knows it now.

  Jiang Yuan, just sell me some."

  She deliberately pretended to be entangled, as if she had suddenly made up her mind.

  "I can sell it to you, but I only have some clothes left, nothing else."

  "What about food? I should have food."

  "No food, only some cigarettes and liquor."

  "Cigarettes are fine, we want this..."

  She said this deliberately, because Xia Chaoyang was addicted to smoking, and there was no place to buy in the end times.

  He naturally wanted to die, and Jiang Yuan had asked him to quit before, but it didn't work at all.

  "How much money do you have?"

  "If we have food, we can have 500,000."

  500,000 is not a small number!

  It seems that Bai Mengmeng is still a character, and she has no money to save.

  Or the old woman really deducted money.

  "Okay, then you go back and wait, and I will exchange with you when the time comes."

  "Okay, it's a deal."

  Xia Chaoyang and Bai Mengmeng were very happy. After walking a distance, the two whispered again.

  "Mengmeng, we don't have that much money, why did you tell her that there was 500,000."

  Bai Mengmeng sighed, looked at him and shook her head.

  "If I say that, she will bring a lot of things.

  You don't really want to give her money, do you?"

  Xia Chaoyang looked at her and reacted instantly.

  "Mengmeng is still smart."

  The two of them happily carried the things and went into the community.

  Jiang Yuan was going to the end of the team to pry open the corner and make some money.

  Of course, she had to be quiet, otherwise it would be a hassle with so many people.

  "Quick, quick..."

  What's going on? Why are those security guards running towards the supermarket like crazy?

  There was also a movement in the team, and then she saw that the people in front began to rush into the supermarket frantically.

  The people behind couldn't figure out the situation. Some of them ran in actively, and some were passively drawn in.

  The crowd was so huge, it felt a bit like the Spring Festival travel rush.

  What was going on? She was confused.

  Could it be that someone started to rob things, or it was a collective crime, so all the security guards in the supermarket were dispatched. Oh

  my god, wouldn't it be a mess.

  Jiang Yuan saw that the people at the exit also ran over, and the people were gone, so where was the money?

  (End of this chapter)

135. Chapter 135 Supermarket Riot2023-11-24 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  No, that's money, a big trash can.

  Let's fight!

  She took out the Tang sword from the space and ran inside.

  Oh, it's all messed up.

  She came later, and most people were in the supermarket.

  There was a passage about ten meters in front, and then there was the cashier. There were not many people at the exit, but now there was no one.


  The group of people were gone, and the trash can with money was dragged by a man to a small door next to it.

  If I remember correctly, this should be the person who was looking for money just now.

  While he was using the key to open the door, Jiang Yuan ran over.

  "Click" the door opened, and she also came in front of it, just about to reach out.

  The big man also noticed something was wrong, and yelled: "What are you doing!"

  At the same time, he chopped down with a machete.

  Oh my god, this is a no-handed person, Jiang Yuan realized the danger.

  Hurry up and squat, the knife chopped on the trash can, and a large part of it went down.

  "Kill it!"

  "Get out!"

  As he said that, the big man tried to draw his knife, but because the trash can was made of a material similar to plastic.

  He just cut it with his knife, and it cracked directly.

  The weather was cold, and the vibration caused cracks on the side.

  This knife needs some effort to pull it out.

  Good opportunity, Jiang Yuan saw this, and quickly took out the anti-wolf spray in her pocket. She

  sprayed it on his face. In order to prevent freezing, she specially stuck two heating pads in her pocket.

  The big man was caught off guard and pulled out the knife with force. The cracks on the trash can were broken.

  Then, he covered his eyes with his hands.

  It's over.

  Jiang Yuan took the opportunity to quickly put the trash can into the space, and while he was rubbing his eyes, she picked up the Tang sword and stabbed it.

  Song Yi said that the lethality of this knife is much more powerful than the horizontal chopping.


  My God, this big man has a strong vitality, and he didn't die.

  She just used all her strength to hold the knife horizontally and then pulled it out quickly.

  The man had already raised his machete, spitting blood from his mouth, and fell down ten seconds later.

  Jiang Yuan let out a breath and saw that the small door of the house opposite was open.

  It was called a house, but it was actually the stairs leading up to the lower part.

  There was a simple place inside, and he just wanted to bring in the trash can.

  Would there be more money?
  She was horny and didn't care about that anymore, and she went in headfirst.

  It didn't look very big inside, probably less than two or three square meters.

  It was obvious that it was used to place surveillance cameras before.

  There were two desktop computers, and she quickly flipped through the drawers, which were all miscellaneous.

  "Bah, nothing!" She

  just cursed inwardly, and then she saw six suitcases in the back.

  They all had passwords, and she couldn't open them.

  She had a strange feeling in her heart, so she put them into the space first, and deal with the others after she finished.

  The situation was urgent, so she didn't dare to be careless, and ran out quickly. It

  was already a mess inside, with shouting, cursing, and crying.

  Some of the people who went in first had already run out.

  In their arms were the looted supplies, and more people were lying inside.

  Jiang Yuan looked around, and she was no more than twenty meters away from the cash register.

  Now, most people are inside the supermarket, and the security guards had a conflict with people who were buying things.     Inside, it was like a living hell.

  Everyone was grabbing things and fighting in the supermarket, but there was no one at the cashier counter.

  Damn it!

  She rushed in headfirst. She had no choice but to go in because she was short of money!
  Otherwise, she wouldn't risk her life to do these things. Fortunately

  , everyone's focus was different, which bought her some time.

  The cashier counters here all required passwords, and with so many people, she didn't dare to go in directly. She

  simply went all out and took out a sledgehammer and knocked it open.

  Wow, there was really a lot of money inside, and it actually overflowed as the hammer smashed it open.

  Maybe it was because the money was not new, so it was not so stable when put together.

  Jiang Yuan didn't care about anything else, and took out a large leather bag from the space and quickly put it in.

  This supermarket is really black-hearted. It sells so expensive, but they don't even give plastic bags.

  There are five cashier counters in total. She took care of the first two, and while busy, she watched the situation inside.

  It was really a mess. Those who had weapons in their hands didn't distinguish between three, two, one, and rushed to see people, just like cutting melons and vegetables.

  She suddenly got a little nervous, and her hands were a little bit weak.

  When she got to the third one, four or five people rushed out, but fortunately they didn't go through her passage.

  Her hands moved faster and more nervously.

  Face to face, seeing such a large group of people and such a bloody scene, she suddenly felt like vomiting.

  Especially the pungent smell of blood, which hit her head!

  Unexpectedly, a person covered in blood rushed over and fell in the storage area in front of the cash register.

  Because it was too close, his hand touched the cash box, which was covered in blood.

  Jiang Yuan was startled and quickly took away the remaining coins and prepared to go to the one next to it.

  But too many people came here, and she had no chance at all.

  The one next to her was okay. Although she felt heartbroken, she had to give up.

  When she got to the last one, she used all her strength to smash it open, and then started to put it in.

  Suddenly, a person came over from behind, and she didn't feel it in the chaos.

  The other person grabbed her bag and exerted a lot of force.

  Jiang Yuan came back to her senses, but it was too late.

  The man may have used too much force and fell to the ground.

  Some banknotes fell out. My god, it was a thief.

  She hurried over and kicked him in the stomach. The man felt pain, but did not let go. Instead, he waved his arm and hit her.

  Jiang Yuan quickly dodged, pulled out the Tang sword from behind, and stabbed it down neatly.

  "Go to hell!"

  Just as she pulled out the sword, someone suddenly kicked her from behind. Because she was wearing a lot of clothes and her center of gravity was unstable, Jiang Yuan staggered forward two steps. She

  almost tripped over the person who had just snatched the bag. She barely managed to keep her balance and heard a sharp shout.

  When she turned around, the man chopped her head with a knife.

  My god, it turns out that when people realize that they are dying, they will subconsciously close their eyes.



  What's going on? Jiang Yuan looked up and saw that the man actually lay down.

  Looking closely, I don't know which hero saved her.

  "Song Yi!"


  God's soldiers from heaven!
  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to be careless. Song Yi reached out to pull her, so she started to move.

  "Wait a minute!"

  Her purse had to be snatched back. Song Yi glanced at the money inside.

  Suddenly, his expression paused, with a hint of displeasure.

136. Chapter 136 The Yellow Bird Behind2023-11-24 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Let's go!"

  Jiang Yuan zipped up her bag and held it in her arms.

  Now that Song Yi was here, she couldn't just throw it into the space.

  Fortunately, she didn't bring too many things.

  The two began to run out frantically, and there were many people with them, all of whom had escaped from the supermarket by chance.

  However, most of them were injured and their conditions were not very good.

  Jiang Yuan herself was also attacked, and she couldn't care about the pain at this time.

  Song Yi saw that she was running slowly, turned around, took her hand, and ran across the road.

  Further down was the way down the mountain.

  The crowd scattered, and a large part of them ran down.

  A very small part ran up, probably the villagers living nearby. When

  there were more people outside, it was even more chaotic.

  One person was hit by another person, and the people behind rushed up and snatched the supplies of the two people.

  The final result was that the three people tore each other apart, and it felt like they were going to kill each other.

  She was pulled by Song Yi all the way to the commercial street next to her.

  This place should have suffered trauma before, and the glass doors were broken. The two did not dare to be careless and went straight to the fourth floor.

  It is not safe outside now. Most people have come out and are swarming at the intersection.

  Compared with the brutality inside, the situation outside is even more horrible. Some people

  used knives to rob things.

  Some people, seeing that they cannot win, just stuffed food into their mouths.

  Regardless of whether they will die in the next second, the two came all the way.

  Jiang Yuan was panting, feeling like she had survived a disaster.

  "The situation below is unstable. Let's hide here for a while."


  Although she said so, it is not safe up there either!

  The distance is too close. There may be other people who are trying to escape and run up.

  When that

  happens, it will be another fierce battle without distinguishing between friend and foe. Jiang Yuan did not want to see that happen. The most important thing now is to save her life.

  From the fourth floor, it can be seen that it is a coffee shop.

  Behind the cashier counter, there are two small windows that can see the supermarket opposite.

  Because they are not the main ones, the two windows are quite high and not big.

  They should be used for ventilation in the store. Song Yi moved a chair over and stepped on it to see the situation outside.

  Jiang Yuan was quick-witted and moved two large tables from the side to block the door.

  Now, the lock inside the shop has been broken.

  When they came up, the door was open.

  Although she knew that these tables would not be of much use.

  But at least it was a psychological comfort. After finishing all this, she also moved a chair over and prepared to observe the enemy situation together.

  "What's going on, what's the situation outside?"

  Song Yi didn't look back, and whispered "hush", and she quickly kept silent.

  Like a thief, she stood up quietly.

  My God, the situation outside is simply horrible.

  The most intense time is probably over.

  In addition to those who escaped, the remaining people were still robbing in twos and threes.

  They were all at the end of their strength. The entire intersection in front of the supermarket was like a purgatory on earth.

  People were lying in all directions, bleeding all over the ground. Because of the cold weather, they soon foamed and froze to the ground.

  There was also a group of injured people who couldn't get up and could only lie on the ground groaning.

  Jiang Yuan smelled the pungent smell of blood, and the experience just now had not disappeared. She

  really wanted to vomit at this moment, and her stomach was churning.

  "What's wrong with you?"

  Song Yi noticed that her face was pale, thinking that she was scared.

  "I want to vomit, ugh... cough cough..."

  She did vomit, but nothing came out. She

  was afraid that someone would hear the noise and expose her position, so she quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

  Seeing this, Song Yi immediately took out a small thermos cup from his pocket.     After unscrewing it, he handed it to her directly.

  "Have a drink of water!"

  It was still hot, with wisps of hot steam.

  "No, I have hot water in my backpack."

  Song Yi was almost subconscious in his refusal, a little unhappy, and put the water directly in front of her.

  It was almost an order, without a trace of warmth: "Drink!"



  In this situation, there is really no need to avoid suspicion. People are about to die, why are you still being hypocritical.

  She was really ridiculous, afraid that Song Yi would not have patience, so she quickly took it.

  "Hey, brothers, it seems that we are here at the right time!"

  After taking a sip of hot water, she immediately felt a lot better.

  Hearing this voice, she was also very surprised, and hurriedly screwed on the lid and ran up to see what was going on.

  I saw a wave of people coming up from below, about 20 or 30 people, all with weapons in their hands.

  The leading man wore a military coat and held a long sword in his hand, which was comparable in size to her Tang sword.

  "Come on, today is the day for you to win glory, charge!"

  The military coat gave an order, and the people below started to run into the supermarket frantically as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

  Those who didn't come out before are in trouble now.

  Jiang Yuan saw the one coming out of the door. It looked vaguely like the boss she met before.

  Seeing that the person coming was not friendly, he was not stupid and ran away.

  But can he really run far?

  The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole is behind.

  The people inside had experienced a fierce battle and were now injured.

  Even if they were lucky enough not to be injured, they were exhausted. With

  so many people rushing in, what good results can there be?

  Moreover, the boss just now seemed to be going to the small room under the stairs.

  What a pity...

  Sure enough, shrill screams rang out, and there were bloodthirsty killing sounds.

  "What are they doing?"

  "We've booked the whole place."

  Song Yi's words were concise, but they made her shudder.


  It's no wonder he was surprised. The man in the military coat actually stabbed the survivor who ran out at the intersection.

  Then he walked in with a "hahaha". Why does this person feel so evil?

  People die for money, and birds die for food.

  There is no good person in this world now, including herself.

  "What should we do? If we stay here any longer, I'm afraid we'll be discovered."

  Song Yi also realized that now this group of people have entered the supermarket.

  But it won't take long to clean up the battlefield.

  "Let's go down quickly."


  Jiang Yuan followed him downstairs, moved the two tables at the door, and then went downstairs.

  If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have done this.

  When going downstairs, I saw a little head popping up from the building next door, and I sighed in my heart.

  Sure enough, what they can think of, others can think of too.

  Song Yi took out his short knife and prepared to rush over.

  No one is here now, and if they come out and find them, they won't be able to catch up so quickly because they are some distance away.

  Jiang Yuan wanted to go around from the school next door, but she was also afraid that there would be danger inside the school.

  After thinking about it, she decided to follow him.


  Song Yi said, pulling her and running away.

137. Chapter 137 Bai Mengmeng was captured2023-11-24 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  After running about ten meters, Song Yi let her go.

  Of course, he could run faster, but he didn't completely ignore her.

  He took the purse and lightened her burden.

  The two of them chased each other down the mountain. On the

  way, they also met five or six people, stumbling, who had just run out of the supermarket.

  Most of them had nothing in their hands. I don't know if they didn't grab anything or were robbed by others.

  Song Yi and the other two ran fast and didn't look like they were injured. Every time they passed by them, they were terrified, afraid that they would do something to them.

  Fortunately, the group of people didn't follow them. It was probably that the supermarket was also very busy.

  Finally, they arrived at the green belt and stopped to take a breath. It was so scary, it was really scary.

  "Let's go this way, it can be faster."


  The two didn't dare to rest and went straight into the green belt.

  Song Yi didn't dare to let down his guard and held the short knife in front. Jiang Yuan knew what he meant.

  They would go here, and the people who came back first were not stupid. What if they ran into them?

  There is no such thing as "friendly". Just because you don't want to touch someone doesn't mean they don't want to hurt you.

  She also silently drew out her Tang sword and followed Song Yi closely, fearing any accidents. There

  were indeed people inside, but they were not in good condition.

  There was also a man lying on the ground with an obvious wound on his stomach.

  He must have tried his best to run down.

  Seeing them, he kept stepping back.

  Song Yi looked at him and held the short knife across his chest.

  "You go first..."


  Jiang Yuan strode forward, not daring to stay for a moment.

  Song Yi caught up with her only five or six meters away.

  The man also breathed a sigh of relief, but he looked like he was about to die.

  He realized that these two people were not enemies, at least they didn't hurt him. He

  shouted "Help" with difficulty, and both of them heard it, but no one turned back.

  In this situation, it's hard to protect yourself,

  so who would have a compassionate heart? Even if you know that he is also a victim, you really can't empathize with him.

  The two people went all the way down, and now there is ice, and their speed has slowed down.

  However, she did not dare to be careless, fortunately the community was very close.

  It was only a few steps away, and seeing victory in sight, her eyes burst into joy.

  "There is someone..."

  Song Yi reminded in a low voice, and sure enough, there was a person beside the road, sitting dejectedly on the curb.

  Awesome, he is not afraid of freezing his butt.

  Before she could give this big brother a thumbs up, she looked more and more familiar.

  This clothes, this loser temperament, isn't it Xia Chaoyang!
  Good guy, what's going on.

  The other party also felt someone coming, and suddenly raised his head. Almost in an instant, he recognized Jiang Yuan.

  "Jiang Yuan, is that you?"

  As he said, he stood up and walked towards them.

  "Don't move..."

  Song Yi drew his knife and pointed it at them, but no one could believe it now.

  "It's me, Jiang Yuan, tell him to put the knife away..."

  Oh, why is his face so big.

  "Xia Chaoyang, what are you doing sitting here, where is Bai Mengmeng."

  As soon as he spoke, he stabbed his lungs.

  This man actually had the urge to cry, and his words were full of tears.

  "We came back with our belongings and were met by three people who took our belongings.     They also took Mengmeng away. What should Jiang Yuan do? Go and save her!"

  She took a deep breath and couldn't believe her ears. She

  asked helplessly, "You want me to save Bai Mengmeng?"

  "Yeah, those three people are from the community. They robbed things and took Mengmeng back."

  "Then why don't you go? You know they are from the community, why don't you fight them to the death?"

  When he said this, he felt wronged.

  "I went, but I couldn't beat them. They also brought knives. Look at my clothes, they are all cut."

  As he said, he showed them his cotton-padded jacket that was stained without any hesitation.

  The cotton was leaking out, which was really pitiful.

  I didn't observe it carefully just now, but now I'm close and can see it clearly.

  Not only was Xia Chaoyang's clothes damaged, but there was also a lot of dirt and ice on his body.

  It seems that he was rubbed on the ground by that group of people.

  "Then you just watched Bai Mengmeng being taken away. You love her so much, why are you so cowardly.

  Although you are injured, what about her, what good result can she have.

  There are three of them, aren't you afraid that the grass on your head will be too long, and the cow will come to eat you? "

  To be honest, Jiang Yuan was a little angry.

  Bai Mengmeng now is herself in her previous life.

  Xia Chaoyang is really cowardly, unexpectedly, he still refused to do it.

  He argued loudly, portraying himself as a victim: "What do you want me to do? I don't want to do it. I finally bought food. I

  met this kind of people again, what can I do, I can't beat them, should I let them beat me to death?"

  Listen, the brain circuits of this kind of people are so strange.

  "The truth does not lie in the loudness of the voice. Since you chose Bai Mengmeng, you have the obligation to protect her.

  You are selfish, don't deny it.

  If you try hard, there may be a glimmer of hope, but you have done nothing.

  And you want me to save her? Go ahead and dream on, bah..."

  Bai Mengmeng's outcome was predictable. The two of them were idiots. There was so much food, and they were so blatant. They didn't have any brains at all. They deserved it.

  "Then tell me, what can I do? What can I do?"

  He asked, almost roaring.

  "Okay, don't take it out on me just because you can't deal with that group of people. I won't tolerate you.

  Why can't you do anything? Don't you always boast that you are handsome?

  Then use yourself to exchange for her. Why don't you go?"

  Xia Chaoyang was horrified, looking at Jiang Yuan as if he was looking at a monster.

  "What are you talking about, I'm a man."

  "What's wrong with being a man? Maybe people like this taste better. Did you try to get it? You didn't, hehe..."

  She deliberately prolonged the tone, which made him more uncomfortable than calling him "national quintessence".

  "I didn't expect you to be such a person. "

  Not enough confidence, but full of shame and anger.

  "I know now, I don't want to waste time talking to you, you coward..."

  After saying this, Jiang Yuan ran away. She had to go back quickly today.

  Who could guarantee that the group of people would not come to kill her in a while? There was no need to waste time with this idiot.

  "Jiang Yuan..."

  Just after she took two steps, Xia Chaoyang stopped her again.


  Yes, she was a little impatient.

  "I just want to ask, does the thing we talked about before still count?"

  Uh, he was still thinking about that thing. It seems that Bai Mengmeng is really insignificant!

138. Chapter 138 Arguing with Song Yi2023-11-25 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Of course..."

  Jiang Yuan sneered and said two words lightly.

  Xia Chaoyang, you chose the road yourself, so it has nothing to do with her.

  Song Yi took a look and saw that the man in front of him didn't say anything.

  He followed Jiang Yuan's footsteps and the two went to Building 13. They

  didn't dare to talk in the middle. It was not safe in the community now.

  They were besieged by people in the whole building before, and there might be someone with bad intentions now.

  After finally reaching the 21st floor, they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

  "I'm so tired, Song Yi, you should go back quickly. I'll go back and pack up and come back to talk to you."

  Jiang Yuan said, and motioned him to give him the purse.


  Song Yi didn't say much and handed it over directly.

  After being outside for so long, he must pack up after returning.

  Besides, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and Jiang Yuan has been hungry for a long time.

  Jiang Xingzhi has been watching here. Seeing his daughter coming back, he hurriedly opened the door to greet her.

  "Go in and talk!"

  She didn't say much, just said it was okay, if her parents knew what happened today.

  Wouldn't that mean they would be worried about it together? There's no need.

  Let Qin Yue cook two bowls of dumplings for them, and send one to Song Yi later. Today is all thanks to him.

  She went back to change her clothes, put on thermal underwear, and put on three layers of quilted pajamas.

  The electric heater was on at home, and the temperature was OK, many times warmer than outside.

  Xiao Nuan was taking a nap, her little face flushed, lying there quietly.

  Jiang Yuan didn't disturb her, and hurried to the living room. She was really hungry.

  Sour soup dumplings, so delicious...

  When she finished eating, another bowl of her mother's was ready.

  She took the dumplings and prepared to send them to Song Yi.

  When she opened the door, she found that he had also changed his clothes, and oily gas floated over, as if something was burnt.

  "Are you cooking?"

  "Yeah, fry an egg."

  Wow, there are eggs, a big deal!

  "I forgot to tell you just now, I asked my mother to cook dumplings, you can eat this."

  "Thank you, come in first."

  Song Yi ate on the coffee table, which was the coffee table that everyone used to use before.

  He sat on a small stool, and Jiang Yuan sat on the sofa.

  His skill in frying eggs was really not very good, all of them were mushy, and looked unappetizing.

  Compared with the bowl of sour soup dumplings, it was simply a delicacy.

  Since moving here, he has rarely eaten a normal meal.

  With delicious food in front of him, he didn't bother to say anything more and ate it all up.

  Seeing him put down the bowl, Jiang Yuan spoke.

  "Is it enough?"

  "Yes, it's delicious, thank you."

  "I should thank you, by the way, why did you suddenly appear there today?"

  It felt really magical, just like a god descending from the sky.

  "I went to look for you in the afternoon, and my uncle said you were out."

  "Oh, no wonder."

  It turned out that it was Jiang Xingzhi who said that, and everything was explained.

  "I didn't expect that you would actually come to find me, otherwise I would definitely not be able to get away today."

  When he said this, Song Yi's face instantly sank.

  "Jiang Yuan, why didn't you tell me you were going out?"

  Why is there a tone of questioning? For the sake of saving her life, forget it.     "I said I wanted to go out before, but you guys didn't want to go, so I went by myself."

  "But, you said last time that it depends on the situation, not that you have to go."

  "Yes, I think the situation is okay, so I went. Is there any problem?"

  The two of them stared at each other. What kind of word game are they playing here? Isn't it childish?
  Song Yi was full of low pressure. Jiang Yuan didn't know why he was so angry.

  Could it be because he didn't notify him? His desire for control is too strong.

  "Wait, did my dad ask you to find me today?"

  Song Yi took a deep breath and was really angry at this person's brain circuit.

  "No, I want to go by myself."

  "Oh, I thought..."

  "Jiang Yuan?"


  "Are you so short of money?"

  "What? Oh, not really, I just want to save some."

  She was still racking her brains to think of some reasons. When she looked up and met Song Yi's inquiring eyes with a hint of anger, she instantly became timid.

  "I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

  "Is that what I meant? Are you hiding something from me?"

  He pressed on, his eyes sharp. For the first time, Jiang Yuan felt that this man was so scary and hostile to her.

  "You think too much. I am short of money, but I don't have any secrets. I just want to save some.

  I am a businessman, it's normal that you can't understand.

  I am very grateful that you saved me today. I will go back first if there is nothing else."

  Song Yi didn't say anything. When she walked to the door, she heard a question.

  "I may know your secret!"

  Jiang Yuan exploded when she heard it. What do you mean by may know? What's wrong with this person?

  Why is he so annoying? What does he mean by saying this?

  "You know, what do you know? Since you know, why are you asking me? I'm speechless."

  After saying that, he opened the door and went out directly. The sound of the door closing was a bit loud.

  However, it was not as loud as her anger.

  Did she reveal something before, which made this person suspect her a long time ago?

  Thinking about it carefully, there are indeed many clues, but so what.

  Who doesn't have their own little secrets? She also suspected that Song Yi was also a reborn person!

  Is it necessary to test it? It seems that there will be no way to play together in the future.

  She had not walked out a few steps when the door was reopened.

  Song Yi looked at her and asked loudly: "Jiang Yuan, don't you trust me so much?"

  "I don't trust anyone!"

  She replied lightly and went back to her home. It

  's the end of the world. Who trusts who? Who is worthy of trust?

  Now, except for her parents and Xiao Nuan, she thinks everyone has bad intentions.

  Although she has gone out with Song Yi and others several times, they can be regarded as friends of life and death.

  However, she really can't trust other people. It is often the people around her who stab them in the back.

  "You're back, so soon. Has Xiao Song eaten?"

  "I have, Mom, I'm tired, I'll go back and rest for a while."

  "Okay, then you go back quickly. If Xiao Nuan wakes up, let her come out to play."

  This is because they are afraid of disturbing her rest. Mom and Dad are different from other people. There is nothing to worry about.

  After returning to the room, she didn't go to bed directly.

  There are so many things at home, she doesn't have time to be sad.

  The purse that Song Yi had given her before was placed on the bedside table. Jiang Yuan took a small stool and sat down. She

  began to count the money, because she had taken it from the cashier, so there were both small and large amounts.

  It would take some effort to sort it out.

139. Chapter 139 The suitcase is full of money

2023-11-25 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan looked at the money and felt much better. There was still so much money in the trash can. It was so beautiful.

  She counted all of them and sorted them according to the denomination.

  She put 10,000 yuan in a pile and tied it up with a small rubber band. That took an hour.

  Every time she added a portion, the corners of her mouth rose. In the end, she actually sorted out 230,000 yuan.

  There were more than 6,000 yuan in change. It was really a surprise.

  One hour is a day. It was so beautiful that she was snotty.

  Her daughter woke up, so she asked her to get up and go play with Qin Yue.

  The child had slept enough and didn't make any noise. Jiang Yuan made her some honey water and some chrysanthemum tea.

  The weather was too cold. Although electric blankets and electric heaters were more effective, they were really dry. Adults would get angry, let alone children. The only

  fresh fruit left at home was apples.

  They were not very fresh after being stored for several months and tasted soft.

  Jiang Yuan took out a bunch of bananas from the space.

  Qin Yue was surprised when she saw them.

  "Did you buy this today?"

  Well, it was a misunderstanding, so let's just make the best of it, since there's no way to verify it anyway.

  "Yes, this bunch of bananas costs two thousand yuan, it's really too expensive."

  Jiang Yuan deliberately exaggerated, and Qin Yue's attention was diverted.

  "Oh my God, before, it was probably only thirty yuan, it's like robbing money."

  "Who said it wasn't, but you have no choice, if I hadn't gone early today, I wouldn't have been able to get it."

  "What's wrong with this world, this is..."

  Qin Yue sighed, still a little hard to accept.

  "Okay, Mom, we got it anyway, didn't we get a lot of yogurt before, let's mix it with bananas today."

  "Okay, I'll get it for you right away.

  But don't get too much, you and Xiao Nuan can eat it, your dad and I don't like these things."

  Jiang Yuan didn't say anything, what do you mean by not liking to eat, it's just that she can't bear to part with it.

  But she doesn't care, there are still a lot of fruits in the space, in the refrigerator that she collected from the Internet celebrity company before.

  There are also a lot of imported fruits, and the quality is first-class.

  When there is a chance, I will make it for everyone to eat.

  I took out another apple, peeled it, cut it into small pieces, sliced ​​bananas, poured yogurt into it and stirred it directly. You

  can eat it raw like this, it feels very similar to fruit soup.

  Jiang Yuan served everyone a bowl, Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue refused.

  But they didn't want to eat it, she didn't want to eat it, and later Xiao Nuan didn't want to eat it either.

  There was no choice, the four of them ate together.

  There were more yogurts collected, so they usually ate a lot, and it would be too luxurious to pair it with fruit.

  Everyone was very satisfied with the food, and even looked a little aftertaste.

  Jiang Yuan was also very happy, at least her parents ate it, which was a good sign.

  Let Xiao Nuan follow her mother, Jiang Yuan went to continue cleaning.

  She locked the door and took the trash can out of the space. There was a lot of money in it, and it was not a small project to count it.

  Jiang Yuan was very happy, and always felt that she had made a lot of money on this trip.

  Although I thought about selling clothes before, I didn't expect to find a bargain, which was really happy.

  Although this trash can doesn't look good, it can hold a lot of things.

  The more she counted, the more excited she became. In the end, there were more than 1.6 million.

  Jiang Yuan wanted to kneel down and kowtow to those big brothers.

  It was really a timely help. It took several more days. It was worth the trip.

  After finishing it, she put the trash can into the space, and it can be used again.

  There were six suitcases in the space. After she entered, she began to think of the specific password.   

  This is a very ordinary suitcase, very heavy, there must be a lot of things inside, she can't lift it by herself, so she can only lie flat on the ground.

  Three zeros, wrong.

  Three sixes, wrong.

  Three eights, still wrong...

  After trying again and again, she was actually a little annoyed.

  She simply went all out, took a sledgehammer and smashed the box open.

  The inside was very heavy, and the box didn't bear much force. The combination lock was broken with one hammer.

  My goodness, the moment the lid was opened, it was blinding her eyes. It turned out that there was all the money she had been thinking about day and night!

  Jiang Yuan couldn't believe it, and quickly pinched her face.


  It hurts, not a dream, so good...

  Resisting the urge to jump on the spot, she began to aim at the next target.

  The further back, the more surprises.

  Six boxes, filled with small bills.

  Moreover, they were all in stacks, probably counted in advance.

  Now the bank is closed, so it can only be left like this.


  When it was extremely hot and it had just started to rain, this place was open for a few days. At that time, the prices were not cheap.

  I really don't know how much money the boss has at home.

  Sometimes, there are things that you can't think of, but there is nothing that others can't do.

  Jiang Yuan slumped next to the six suitcases,

  and the sunlight in the space was just right. These things were also placed on the steps in front of the house. How to use them was another problem.

  Before, I had always thought about upgrading the time to prepare for emergencies, but now there is so much money in front of me.

  She was actually a little hesitant. Apart from anything else, this space is not very safe.

  Before, when I looked at other people's spaces, they were all bound to individuals, which was completely different from reality.

  It is estimated that they were all whimsical, in order to highlight the halo of the protagonist.

  The civilized world will probably come again one day.

  Then this money will still have a time to recover.

  If it is all upgraded, then she will still be a pauper in real life.

  No, absolutely not.

  Moreover, the space may be taken away by others, and these time will also be cheap for others.

  Busy all over, it is not worthwhile to make wedding clothes for others.

  What to do?

  After much thought, the only solution for now is to put the money away.

  She thought clearly that if the space was always safe, it would be great.

  If it was not safe, she could keep some money, which was a blessing in disguise.

  After making up her mind, she started to get busy.

  She found a part of it and added it to the ones she had just sorted out to make up 1,500 hours for the space.

  For the rest, she took out 200,000 and put it in a small bag.

  This will be kept outside in case of emergency.

  For the rest, she also found a small suitcase and put one million in it.

  If something goes wrong, this must be taken away at the last minute.

  The rest was placed under the bed in the bedroom of the space.

  "Girl, what are you doing? Song Yi is here and said he wants to find you. Why did you lock the door?"

140. Chapter 140 What is emotion in the face of life and death?2023-11-25 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Yuanyuan, did you hear that?"

  Qin Yue asked again, fearing that something might happen to her.

  "I'm here, Mom, wait a minute."

  She quickly packed up her things, put on her three-layer quilted pajamas, and went back to her room.

  "Mom, I was just changing clothes."

  "Well, Song Yi came over and said he had something to talk to you about. Go out and take a look."


  Jiang Yuan agreed repeatedly, but she was very suspicious in her heart.

  The two of them just parted unhappily. How long has it been since then, and Song Yi actually came to her house again.

  Did he come here to quarrel with her? That shouldn't be the case. He doesn't look like such a rude person.

  Jiang Yuan was a little confused, but she still came out.

  She was not a willful person. Even if she quarreled, she couldn't delay her business.

  Song Yi seldom came over, and every time he came, it was for important things. In the face of life and death, those became insignificant.

  Before leaving, she deliberately glanced at the surveillance camera at the door and silently pressed the black screen and mute.

  As soon as she opened the door, a light flashed in Song Yi's eyes.

  "What's wrong?"

  Jiang Yuan said in a nice tone, not looking sullen.

  "Oh, I'll come over and give you the bowl back."

  It was the bowl that was used to deliver the sour soup dumplings, and Jiang Yuan took it.

  Song Yi didn't give up, and added another sentence.

  "I washed it all."

  "Yeah, thank you!"

  The conversation between the two was a little awkward, but Jiang Yuan didn't think it was a big deal.

  He could have just given it to his mother, but now it was unnecessary.

  "Um, are you still angry?"


  Song Yi pursed his lips, feeling a little embarrassed.

  "It's just that I just said you were short of money."

  It seemed that speaking like this was a bit insulting to a girl.

  There were relatively few girls among the people he had contacted before, so he didn't think much about it.

  After Jiang Yuan left, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, so he hurried over to take a look.

  "It's okay, after all, I didn't think it through, and you were also worried about my safety.

  Don't worry, I can figure it out."

  Besides, she was short of money anyway, so there was nothing she couldn't say.

  After getting along for so long, it was estimated that everyone knew that she had a deep obsession with money.

  "That's great, as long as you're not angry."

  As he said that, he was visibly happy.

  "Song Yi, I'm not a child, I won't get angry because of a few words.

  We all know the current situation.

  What's the point of being happy or angry? The key is to survive, don't you think?"

  Song Yi was stunned. He didn't think as clearly as Jiang Yuan. No one cared, so why was he still being pretentious here?

  "Well, you're right, we still have to be vigilant.

  The appearance of that group of people today proves that life is indeed unstable now.

  I don't think that group of people got entangled in a day or two."

  Jiang Yuan nodded. This matter was originally very dangerous.

  "Yes, that supermarket was too high-profile. Although a lot of security guards were hired, they were not strong enough.

  Now it has become someone else's meal. This is the result of being too confident."

  Who said it wasn't? Song Yi began to worry, and the gloom in his eyes could not be dispelled.

  "Jiang Yuan, although you are not angry, I still want to say one thing.

  It's chaotic outside now, and many people have died. We have to be on guard.

  Although I don't know what you want so much money for, if you need it, you can come to me. I still have some cash on hand, so there is no need to take risks."

  If it were before, Jiang Yuan would definitely be tempted.     But now, she has a lot of cash herself.

  Although the amount has not been counted, it is relatively speaking not less.

  At least, there is no need to be too nervous in the near future.

  In the future, if there is a chance, I will still collect more.

  The more time, the better.

  If it really won't get better in the future, she will pass it on to Xiao Nuan. If she works harder, her daughter will have a better life.

  However, the money is probably not available until then.

  "Thank you for your kindness, I know, if I need it, I will definitely come to you."

  Her thanks were sincere, but it was really useless at the moment.

  "Let's go downstairs, and what happened between you and your ex-husband, can you tell me?"

  Uh, Jiang Yuan didn't expect him to ask this.

  "Okay, let's go downstairs and talk about it together."

  In fact, it has nothing to do with Zhang Kaiyang and Ye Mianmian.

  But Song Yi wanted to stay with Jiang Yuan for a while, so he suggested going downstairs.

  When they reached the 20th floor, Jiang Yuan went over and knocked on the door. It was Ye Mianmian who opened the door.

  She was quite surprised and quickly welcomed the two people in.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, hurry up, we just cooked canned hawthorn, come and have some."

  In fact, it was the canned food received before, with a little water and sugar added.

  It was sour and sweet, very delicious.

  Jiang Yuan and Song Yi, each got a small cup with a small steel spoon.

  "What, the supermarket upstairs was robbed?"

  Song Yi said simply, and Zhang Kaiyang was very excited.

  "Yes, there were quite a few people."

  "Oh my god, that supermarket is not small, and there must be a lot of things.

  Oh, it's a pity that I didn't go over to share a piece of the pie."

  Looking at his expression, he really felt it was a pity.

  "We have a lot of food in our hands, there is no need to go out again. Didn't you hear Brother Song say that they took it all away.

  If we go, it probably won't be much better."

  Ye Mianmian said this, and Zhang Kaiyang was scared again.

  "How did they gather so many people? Are they all in the same building as Sun Yian before?"

  "It's hard to say. This is all organized. Now the law is invalid, and we have no way to do anything. The most important thing is to protect ourselves."

  "Oh, if they eat up that place, will they come to us?

  Lushan Yayuan is the nearest community to the upper part!"

  Zhang Kaiyang's worry is also what Song Yi and Jiang Yuan fear the most.

  Now there are old and young people in the family. It's better to have a house as a defense.

  But if there are too many people on the other side, they will have no chance of winning.

  "It's hard to say. We have to prepare in advance and can't sit and wait for death.

  There is also a current matter, which is my own private matter."

  She would not hide what she promised Song Yi to say just now.

  "What's wrong, Sister Yuan?"

  Ye Mianmian was very concerned and asked quickly.

  "I met my ex-husband, and he wanted to exchange some supplies with me."

  "Ah? That scumbag is still alive, Sister Yuan, you must not agree to him."

  Jiang Yuan shook her head. He has been a scourge for thousands of years, and he will not die so easily.

  In her previous life, she was dead, but those people were still alive and well.

  "No, I promised him."

  "Oh, Sister Yuan, you are so confused. You must not be soft-hearted in this situation."

  Ye Mianmian looked disappointed.

  "Don't be nervous, I have other ideas!"
