
Chapter 311: Mental Disorder

2024-02-14 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Xiaoling was also treated. She only had superficial injuries, not too serious.

  "I really troubled everyone today..."

  Liang Kang's voice was full of fatigue.

  "Pay more attention to the child's condition. No one knows if she has any internal injuries.

  In addition, observe whether she has a fever."

  "Okay, okay!"

  Song Yi often had external injuries when he was on a mission before, and he had to deal with them more often.

  But the current situation is still different.

  The child is too young and her physical fitness cannot be compared with theirs. It is more dangerous.

  Xiaoling also came over. She prepared a quilt for Jingjing.

  "What happened? Why is it so serious?"

  Jiang Yuan couldn't help asking, otherwise she would also thank him, which was quite boring.

  "When we were there, the house collapsed and Jingjing was hit.

  I don't know what was there, and it broke the glass door. We just came out and were hit."

  These few short sentences are enough to make people sigh.

  What kind of bad luck is this? It's really hard to praise that they were caught up.

  "Kaiyang, Fan Qing hasn't come back yet. Let's pack up and go out to look for him."

  Hearing Song Yi say this, Zhang Kaiyang was very excited.

  "Brother Song, I'm so grateful for your kindness. I'll wait for you later..."

  "Go back and prepare."

  Song Yi didn't want to listen to those empty words. It was more important to do business.

  He had been busy for so long, and it was dark now, so he shouldn't go out again.

  However, he must feel uncomfortable, so he should help to look for them, so that he can feel more at ease.

  Liang Kang also wanted to go with him to save Xiaoling and Jingjing. He participated in the whole process.

  At this time, he couldn't let down his team.

  Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian didn't go. Song Yi felt it was too dangerous, so he asked them to wait at home.

  "You have to remember what I told you before. Don't trust the doctor easily.

  Whether it was his idea or not, those things are inseparable from him.

  Moreover, there may be other dangers. Be fully prepared."

  Song Yi suddenly smiled playfully and installed the sleeve arrow.

  "You care about me?"

  Jiang Yuan rolled her eyes. Why is this person like this!

  "You're done, I'm talking about business, you must be careful."

  Song Yi also put away his sloppy demeanor and became serious and solemn.

  "Don't worry, I will definitely come back safely.

  You can go to sleep later, I won't call you."

  Jiang Yuan nodded. No matter what, she was also afraid.

  The three men set off again soon, but it seemed that they encountered difficulties downstairs.

  The people in the duty room did not let them go out, just because they were afraid of the weather and it was night.

  But a few people insisted and went out.

  Seeing the figure, it seemed inconvenient to walk against the wind, Jiang Yuan sighed.

  No one else knew about the use of human bodies to grow red mushrooms.

  Song Yi's situation was not very good. He was busy all day and his physical strength was almost exhausted.

  It seemed that he didn't even have dinner. She was a little speechless. She was too careless.

  Even if it was just a little snack, it would be fine. Of course, she said it to everyone.

  After returning, she didn't feel like watching it anymore, so she went straight into the space.

  Xiao Nuan was asleep because it was still daytime inside, and the temperature was a problem.

  Qin Yue put her in Jiang Yuan's room, but kept watching her.

  When she came back, it was inevitable to care about her.

  It was also very sad to learn about the situation outside.

  Without much conversation, they went back to sleep.

  Jiang Yuan looked at the number on the timer and knew that he probably came in frequently recently, so she went to the box and took out some cash.   

  All of them were converted into time. After finishing all these, she started to wash and prepare for bed.

  I don't know when Song Yi and the others will be back. Will the doctor make things difficult for these people?

  I tossed and turned in bed, but I couldn't fall asleep.

  I was afraid of waking up Xiao Nuan, so I just went to the sofa next to me to sleep for a while. I finally felt

  a little sleepy, but there was another knock on the door.

  She didn't dare to delay, for fear that something had happened.

  The moment the door opened, a cold wind blew.

  Jiang Yuan quickly hid behind, for fear of being hit by the door.

  Who knew that she was actually pulled by someone, and she knew the glove.

  "Song Yi, how is it?"

  "Maybe I need your help..."

  He spoke clearly with his back to the wind, and Jiang Yuan hurried out.

  Ignoring the helplessness in his eyes.

  In Zhang Kaiyang's house, Fan Qing huddled in the corner, and Ye Mianmian had already come over.

  "Sister Yuan, please help me quickly, what's wrong with Qingqing?"

  Jiang Yuan was also a little strange. It looked like she was under a lot of stimulation!

  There was only one room in this house.

  The men blocked the door, and Ye Mianmian stood inside.

  "Or, you guys go out first, I'll ask her and check her by the way..."

  She was afraid that she was injured, and Zhang Kaiyang didn't want to leave.

  Song Yi patted his shoulder, and Liang Kang followed and took him away.

  Fan Qing's condition was not very good, and you could only see it when you got closer.

  Her hair was messy, and there were obvious tear marks on her face.

  It was colorful, like a little cat.

  She was wearing a military coat, but the buttons were not fastened.

  The white coat inside was exposed, which was their uniform before.

  There were actually spots of blood on it.

  Jiang Yuan noticed that something was unusual and gave Ye Mianmian a look. After receiving it, the other party also nodded.

  Then he walked over and squatted in front of her.

  "Qingqing, how are you, come and sit on the bed, it's very cold here, don't stick to the wall."

  The other party obviously shuddered and did not look up.

  Ye Mianmian looked at Jiang Yuan and asked for the next instruction.

  "Qingqing, you're back now, nothing's wrong.

  Sister Yuan and I are here, you can tell us if there's anything."

  Ye Mianmian tried to persuade Fan Qing, but Fan Qing was still the same, as if she hadn't heard anything.

  Jiang Yuan also came over and sat down on the edge of the bed next to her.

  "Qingqing, what happened? Tell us..."

  "No, no..."

  She finally responded, but it was resistant.

  "Don't be afraid, no one can hurt you now.

  Only if you tell us, we can help you."

  Fan Qing suddenly raised her head, tears streaming down her face, and Ye Mianmian was stunned.

  She must have been wronged, otherwise she wouldn't be like this.

  "Get up first, it's very cold here."

  She was leaning against the wall, so it was naturally not warm.

  However, as soon as Ye Mianmian reached out her hand, she instantly became excited. She

  slapped her hand away, and then huddled a little deeper.

  Ye Mianmian was caught off guard and cried out, "Ah."

  She seemed to be frightened and hugged her head directly: "No, no..."

Chapter 312: Fan Qing's Suspiciousness2024-02-14 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian  Seeing her so pitiful, Ye Mianmian couldn't bear to blame her.

  Jiang Yuan pulled her up and moved forward.

  "Qingqing, did the doctor do something to you?"

  This sentence seemed to trigger some sensitive mechanism.

  Fan Qing immediately became excited, and his eyes were full of fear.

  When he looked up and saw Jiang Yuan, his grievance and uneasiness were all revealed.

  Then, he suddenly stood up and rushed directly towards her.

  "Sister Yuan, it's so scary, so scary..."

  Jiang Yuan was also confused by her series of actions, and hurriedly reached out to pat her back.

  "Don't be afraid, it's okay, it's okay..."

  After comforting her for a long time, this person finally came to his senses.

  He poured her a cup of hot water, sat on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

  "Qingqing, tell us now, what's going on!"

  When she mentioned it, she still trembled unconsciously.

  "Sister Yuan, that doctor, he is not a human..."

  It turned out that after she left, because she didn't catch anyone.

  The two guards didn't have definite evidence to prove that Jiang Yuan was the one who saw the secret.

  So, he suspected the remaining four people.

  "He is really too perverted. He actually asked us to identify each other.

  But we didn't do it at all. How do we know who it is?"

  Fan Qing said, tears bursting out again.

  "Okay, don't cry. That doctor is really not a human. I will teach him a lesson when I meet him later."

  Ye Mianmian said, and stretched out her fist.

  Well, she knows empathy.

  "No, he is too dangerous. We can't identify each other. He actually asked us to visit his achievements.

  I just can't stand it.

  He actually grows mushrooms and other vegetables on people..."

  Well, he really took them to see it.

  "What the hell, Qingqing, this is not a joke..."

  Ye Mianmian also works in the greenhouse and knows a lot about the experimental field.

  At that time, if she hadn't had a shortcoming in her academic qualifications, she would have gone there.

  "Sister Mianmian, I didn't say anything nonsense. How could I joke about such a thing?"

  Yes, but Jiang Yuan had no way to prove it for her. She

  couldn't confess without being asked. It wasn't her style.

  "Oh my god, how could this happen? Did he

  do this to scare you?

  He's a pervert." Ye Mianmian turned on the angry youth mode. Jiang Yuan felt that it was not a big deal if she didn't say anything.

  "Qingqing, what happened to you later?"

  Fan Qing looked at her suddenly, his eyes full of fear.

  It seemed that recalling this incident was a particularly terrifying thing.

  "Later, Dandan said that it must be me...

  I know she doesn't like me, but at this time, she just wanted me to die.

  I didn't refute her, and then she came up to beat me.

  Later, I don't know what happened, we all fought...

  Then, Kaiyang and the others came over.

  I was so scared. Now when I close my eyes, I can only think of those things. What should I do? What should I do?"

  Fan Qing looked a little crazy, and Ye Mianmian hurried to comfort her.

  "Okay, okay, let's not think about it. You should lie down and rest for a while."

  As she said that, she also pulled the quilt for her considerately.

  Jiang Yuan still had a lot of doubts, but she couldn't ask them now.

  She was like this. If she said more, she would make herself look aggressive and meaningless.

  Zhou Jin didn't know what was going on. She still liked that little girl very much.     Forget it, if there is anything, we can talk about it tomorrow.

  After she fell asleep, the two of them tiptoed out of the room and went to Song Yi to call Zhang Kaiyang back.

  It was already twelve o'clock in the evening, and they had been tossing and turning for a whole day.

  Everyone was tired, and the temperature was really low now, it was freezing to death.

  Not only that, the wind seemed to be stronger, a bit like a roar.

  "How is it, is Fan Qing okay?"

  "She is still a little emotionally unstable, Kaiyang, don't stimulate her when you go back."

  "Well, I understand, it's okay, I'll go back first.

  I'm worried about her being alone."

  The rest of the people would not stop it.

  Liang Kang had also gone back a long time ago. Xiaoling and Jingjing were both injured and needed someone to take care of them.

  Ye Mianmian also went back. She was sleeping well.

  There was nothing she could do if she encountered an emergency.

  But now, she still had to go back to sleep.

  In the room, only Song Yi and her were left.

  "Let's go, I'll take you back."

  He knew that the door in the corner was not easy to close, so he was very concerned.

  "Don't worry, Song Yi, I want to ask you, what was it like when you went there, describe the situation to me..."

  The other party looked at her and didn't ask why.

  Jiang Yuan is not a person who makes trouble, she must have found something unusual.

  "When we went there, the door was closed, and we knocked for a long time before it opened.

  It should be a guard who came to open the door, he didn't let us in, and after asking about the purpose, he sent Fan Qing out."

  "Then was there anything unusual about her at that time?"

  Jiang Yuan asked quickly, afraid of missing something.


  Song Yi murmured and began to recall.

  "Her spirit was not very good, she came up and hugged Zhang Kaiyang, and then we left.

  By the way, there seemed to be blood on her clothes, I saw it with a flashlight.

  But I'm not sure.

  Zhang Kaiyang covered her with his coat, and when he came back, although she was in a bad mood, she was wrapped tightly, and I didn't notice it.

  Jiang Yuan, is there anything wrong?"

  After listening to Song Yi's words, she became more certain of her thoughts.

  "She just said that the doctor was a pervert, and didn't say anything else.

  You didn't see anyone else, only her, right?"

  "Yes, the guard saw my ID and knew that we were escorting the workers back.

  After sending Fan Qing out, he didn't mention anything else..."

  Jiang Yuan took a deep breath, feeling a little scared.

  "If I guess correctly, those people are probably gone.

  And it should be related to Fan Qing."

  "You mean, she killed those people?"

  "Not sure..."

  Jiang Yuan shook her head. Although she said so, it was probably close.

  Song Yi looked at her thoughtful look and had some calculations in his heart.

  "It doesn't matter, don't think too much, even if those people died, no one cared.

  As for Fan Qing, we just need to be more careful in the future."


  What else can we do? After all, it's Fan Qing who has a connection with them.

  At worst, there is Zhang Kaiyang in the middle.

  When there is no conflict of interest, we still have to maintain superficial peace.

  Don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face.

Chapter 313: Strange Team2024-02-16 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "By the way, have you eaten? I have some things at home. I'll bring them back to you later..."

  She always felt that it was not good to take advantage of others, especially such important supplies.

  Moreover, Song Yi had ideas about her, so she couldn't accept it with peace of mind.

  "No, I still have some here, you can keep it!"

  "I really have some at home, it's not easy for you."

  As soon as she finished speaking, the other side became depressed.

  Jiang Yuan's heart trembled, not knowing which sentence offended this great god.

  For no reason, it was so inexplicable, and the mood was too unstable.

  "Jiang Yuan, do you think I've caused you a burden?"

  "To be honest, it's true.

  I don't want to talk about feelings, not to you, but to anyone.

  But if you are good to me, I will feel guilty.

  I can't respond to you, but I have to enjoy the convenience brought by your liking me. I can't do it."


  Song Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He knew Jiang Yuan's strong character.

  "I understand the blow your last marriage dealt you.

  If you haven't gotten over it yet, I can wait..."

  "Song Yi, I admit that Xia Chaoyang's matter really disgusted me.

  But, with the situation outside, where you are in danger at any moment, how can you let me have the mood to think about those things.

  If you are willing, there are many good girls who will date you."

  After all, a man with such a strong fighting ability will definitely be very popular in the end times.

  Whether it is true love or just for survival, there is always something to be desired.

  "I don't want to, I just want you."

  "Why don't you understand? I just want to live well. I don't need anything that adds icing on the cake..."

  Song Yi sat opposite her and suddenly felt a little distressed.

  Jiang Yuan was independent and sober. She was struggling alone in the end times.

  It was not easy to take care of the elderly and children.

  "I can help you. Don't make yourself too tired."

  Hearing this, her nose suddenly felt a little sour.

  Although she had been living a good life for a long time and had no worries about food and clothing,

  her nerves were tense every day, especially when she left Lushan Yayuan and faced these unknown risks and unfamiliar environments.

  "Okay, don't think too much. I don't ask you to do anything.

  Don't worry, just treat me like you did before."

  Song Yi couldn't bear it and didn't say much.

  He also knew Jiang Yuan's worries.

  Now, the two of them can still see each other on weekdays, and he is already very satisfied.

  "Let's go, I'll take you home!"

  She couldn't close the door by herself, so she didn't refuse Song Yi.

  She thought she would feel better after talking it out.

  Unexpectedly, the reality was just the opposite.

  She saw Song Yi's cautiousness.

  Such a good person shouldn't give up his life that should be great for her.

  Jiang Yuan took a long time to relax in the bedroom before entering the space.

  Fortunately, her parents couldn't sense the situation outside.

  So, they didn't get up.

  Otherwise, they would definitely be waiting for her now.

  This space was so comfortable that she fell into a deep sleep. There

  was no work the next day. There was a robot outside running around the streets to tell people.

  People also put up a banner considerately, probably because they were afraid that the wind was too strong and they couldn't hear it.

  Early in the morning, she saw a group of people on the road, as if they were cleaning things.

  I guess they were afraid that the lighter ones would fly up and break the glass nearby, causing unnecessary damage.     However, the trash cans were blown all over the floor, so what they did was a drop in the bucket.

  She thought so, but others didn't.

  In such terrible weather, there were still people carrying heavy loads forward.

  It would only make everyone feel warm and hopeful.

  Jiang Yuan once thought that this was a psychological warfare.

  From her position, she couldn't see the situation outside clearly, and could only see roughly through the gap.

  Jiang Xingzhi didn't want to stay in the space anymore. He was really worried about leaving her alone outside.

  Qin Yue felt sorry for the time spent inside, so she also took Xiao Nuan out.

  Although the wind was strong now, it was still safe inside the house.

  They had been in one place, and if there was any danger, they could just go into the space immediately.

  Jiang Yuan understood that if they were not allowed to come out, they would probably be more anxious.

  So, let's just come out.

  They were all in Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue's room, which was closer to the front and had a better view.

  There was really no place to sit. There were only two chairs in the house, otherwise it would be nice to sit in the living room.

  Now, everyone was sitting on the bed.

  Qin Yue accompanied Xiao Nuan to build blocks, which was also a happy occasion.

  "My daughter, look, why are there so many people?"

  Jiang Xingzhi was a little excited. Looking at the people coming from the opposite side, it was like an army!

  At least, there were no less than a hundred people.

  Jiang Yuan quickly took the telescope over. They were looking down with the curtains pulled down.

  There were indeed quite a few people, walking against the wind, and they were running towards them.

  What's going on?

  An ominous premonition came to her mind. Will there be danger?
  "Dad, Mom, hurry up..."

  Everyone knew that the situation was urgent, so they didn't hesitate.

  After entering the space, she didn't even stand still and came out immediately.

  The group of people had already walked downstairs, and the narrow alley was packed full.

  What were they going to do?
  She couldn't figure it out, and it seemed that they didn't mean to stop.

  No, the clothes of this group of people seemed different from those here...

  Could they be outsiders? Jiang Yuan's doubts in her heart became heavier.

  The group of people stopped in front of the house behind their building.

  The eight-story self-built house was just visible here.

  I hadn't noticed it before, so I wonder if anyone lives there.

  The group of people started to go in, and the people behind them lined up right downstairs of their house.

  She thought it was so strange, why did the last group of people seem a little out of place.

  They were all wearing camouflage uniforms and military coats, but the ones behind were wearing her own clothes.

  They walked timidly, not as straight as the group in front.

  Could it be that they were really the people they robbed?

  Or were they survivors they met on the road?
  Now, he was sure that this group of people were definitely not from Changmingzhuang.

  But they were definitely in the army, as can be seen from their clothes and posture.

  Even though the wind was too strong now, they looked embarrassed.

  But habits accumulated over the years can't deceive people.

  Wait a minute...

  Jiang Yuan quickly turned the telescope over, and a familiar figure appeared at the door diagonally opposite.

  Although he was wearing more clothes, she was too familiar with that person.

  What was Song Yi doing there?
  Was it his job to welcome this group of people?

  Also, when did he go out, and why didn't I hear any movement?

  Just as he was thinking about it, the other person actually looked up at him.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 314 Visit2024-02-16 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan was a little scared and instantly sat back on the bed.

  Such a strong reconnaissance ability. If it was an enemy, it would be too dangerous.

  Fortunately, after such a long time of contact with Song Yi, there should be no problem.

  After she recovered, she continued to look at the situation.

  The person in front had already entered, and the ones behind were also walking in one after another.

  The curtains on the opposite building began to be drawn one by one.

  There were also shadows moving in the undrawn ones. It seemed that this was the house prepared for them. There

  should be no one else inside. She had not looked carefully before, but she had never seen anyone there.

  At this time, coming here can only be for refuge.

  This survivor base is not simple. Apart from anything else, the doctor's approach is definitely tacitly accepted.

  Then, how many more things are the same as him, or even more terrifying, and it is not impossible.

  I always feel that things are unusual, plus this strong wind, it is really difficult to deal with.

  She has lived for almost 30 years and has never seen such a strong wind.

  I don't know if it has triggered some special mechanism again.

  Could it be that this strong wind is of the same nature as the previous extreme heat, extreme cold, and blizzard?

  Being part of this natural disaster, it would definitely not be as simple as it is now.

  She was suddenly frightened by her own thoughts. If this was really the case, then the danger had just arrived.

  "Knock, knock, knock..."

  Jiang Yuan was startled by the knock on the door. She

  hurried out to check. It was Ye Mianmian.

  "What's the matter..."

  The wind was too strong, and she could only shout, otherwise she couldn't hear it at all.

  As she said that, she let her in.

  Ye Mianmian quickly waved her hand and pointed to the side: "Go see Jingjing~"

  She also shouted loudly, like two elderly people.

  They understood in seconds, and after coming out, the two of them worked together to close the door.

  Ye Mianmian thought about the kindness of the little girl making flowers for her grandmother, and felt it necessary to visit.

  It was inevitable that she would feel a little embarrassed when she was alone, so she called Jiang Yuan.

  When the two came over, Liang Kang was feeding Jingjing.

  "The child can't eat anything too hard. I soaked the rice and took it to the duty room to cook porridge. There

  's a stove over there with a fire..."

  "That's great. Go get some more hot water and boil it over there..."

  This was what the people in the duty room told every household yesterday.

  The boiler downstairs controls the heating of the entire building.

  This is rare in West City, which is because this side is close to the mountain.

  It has to be a little colder than normal to have this equipment. Even in

  such a serious situation, the boiler downstairs did not stop.

  There is no other way. Once it stops, the heating and water pipes of the entire building will freeze.

  But at that time, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

  Even if it burns less, it cannot be stopped, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

  Therefore, the whole building is not short of hot water.

  "How is Jingjing today? Is she feeling better?"

  Xiaoling looked at her daughter with a look of relief: "Much better. She woke up early this morning.

  I just made some porridge and woke her up again.

  She still has a headache and is sleepy..."

  "As long as she wakes up, it's a good thing.

  You should pay more attention to her and remember to change her medicine in time..."

  Jiang Yuan didn't say anything else. In this situation, comfort is the main thing.

  The little girl survived, which is better than anything else.

  Ye Mianmian also expressed concern for her. Xiaoling couldn't help but redden her eyes again.

  "Don't be like this. The child sticks to her mother.

  Cheer up quickly, otherwise who will she rely on!"

  Hearing this, Xiaoling quickly tilted her head back.

  She tried to hold back her tears, and it was obvious that she had heard it.     Liang Kang also came to persuade her. At this time, he himself was also very uncomfortable.

  "Don't cry. You two have suffered. From now on, I will never let you leave me for even a little bit."

  As he said that, he took his wife into his arms.

  Well, it is indeed inappropriate for them to be a light bulb here at such a tender and sweet moment.

  She found a random excuse and quickly slipped away...

  Ye Mianmian pointed to Zhang Kaiyang's room next to her. She understood that she wanted to go see Fan Qing.

  Jiang Yuan had questions about her, so she went.

  Zhang Kaiyang hadn't gotten up yet, and hurriedly put on his clothes.

  There was a strange smell in the room, and those who knew would understand...

  "Come in quickly..."

  He quickly closed the door, and the air inside was changed once in a few rooms, especially quickly.

  "Sister Yuan, Sister Mianmian, why are you here?"

  Zhang Kaiyang was also a little embarrassed, but he still smiled foolishly...

  He quickly pushed the quilt beside the bed inward and asked them to sit down.

  "Come and see Qingqing, how do you feel today?"

  Jiang Yuan didn't sit down, and Ye Mianmian also stood.

  "Much better. Thank you for coming to see me. Kaiyang, bring that stool over quickly for Sister Yuan and the others to sit on."

  "Hey, OK..."

  "Don't bother. We'll just come over to see them and leave.

  Qingqing, you look much better today. I didn't ask you yesterday, did Zhou Jin and the others go home?"

  Hearing this, Fan Qing shuddered.

  Then, she laughed.

  "When I left, they hadn't left yet. I'm not sure.

  I guess they'll go back later!"

  There was a huge gap between her reactions before and after. There must be something she didn't tell the truth.

  "Really? That's good. There should be a place to live in that house.

  Maybe it's possible to stay overnight there.

  But will the doctor not forgive them?"

  Yesterday, Fan Qing told them about the things that made them kill each other.

  It's hard to say whether those four people are alive or not.

  "I don't know either. I hope so!

  Sister Yuan, it's really scary to use people to grow mushrooms over there."

  As she said this, she also stared at Jiang Yuan. She

  was afraid of missing any of her expressions. Jiang Yuan was not stupid. Seeing her like this, she immediately laughed.

  "You're right. It's scary just by hearing it.

  But I'm wondering, how can you grow things on a person?

  It's not land, isn't it weird?"

  She said, and turned to look at Ye Mianmian next to her.

  "Yeah, I can't figure it out either."

  The two people's eyes, plus Zhang Kaiyang's, were all cast on Fan Qing.

  "It's true. I didn't see it clearly, but there were small mushrooms on their stomachs and arms.

  There were also some green vegetables on their heads."


  Ye Mianmian laughed inappropriately, and when she saw everyone looking at her, she immediately restrained herself.

  "Sorry, I just thought of Slow Sheep.

  Grass growing on the head, has Qingqing watched too many cartoons and her eyes are blurry?"

  Fan Qing sighed, her expression solemn, and tried Jiang Yuan to no avail.

  However, she always felt that the person who broke in and triggered the mechanism was her.

  Otherwise, there is really no way to explain it, only she went out.

  The four of them were all together, she was very sure.

  (End of this chapter)

315. Chapter 315 Let Her Ask2024-02-16 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Seeing that she couldn't get anything out of him, Jiang Yuan didn't try any more.

  There was definitely something wrong with Fan Qing.

  Jiang Yuan followed Ye Mianmian to her home. She didn't have any other intentions, but just wanted to give her some advice.

  "Don't get too close to her?"

  She was very confused. They had always been fine, so why couldn't they play together all of a sudden?

  "Mianmian, I always feel that Fan Qing didn't tell the truth.

  Look at her eyes, she was always dodging. Although she tried her best to hide it, she exposed her true emotions several times."

  Ye Mianmian suddenly felt a little scary. The person you have always trusted suddenly changed.

  But you didn't notice it.

  "If you say so, I also think she is a little strange. She

  was so scared yesterday, but today she is like nothing happened.

  Xiaoling and the others were so seriously injured, but they wouldn't be like this..."


  Jiang Yuan also felt it was very strange. The change was too fast.

  "If she didn't encounter something very scary, then she was pretending. She

  deliberately showed that expression to make us misunderstand."

  "No way~"

  Ye Mianmian was a little unbelievable. If it was true, then what was her purpose.

  He is such a good actor, so scary.

  "Sister Yuan, do you think Kaiyang will be in danger?"

  She has lived in the same house with him for such a long time, and they see each other every day. They have some

  feelings for each other. If Fan Qing has problems, Zhang Kaiyang will be the first to bear the brunt.

  "Not necessarily, they are boyfriend and girlfriend.

  Maybe there are some other inside stories.

  Forget it, never mind.

  Mianmian, remember, be more careful, but don't be too obvious."

  "Well, don't worry, Sister Yuan, I understand."

  Jiang Yuan sighed, and she was powerless in the current situation.

  "Mianmian, grandma asked me to take care of you before she died.

  If there is anything, come to me, I will definitely help you if I can."

  Ye Mianmian also held her hand. She hasn't mentioned Grandma Ye recently, just because she is afraid that everyone will worry.

  But Jiang Yuan still thinks of her, which makes her feel warm.

  "I know, Sister Yuan, thank you..."

  Jiang Yuan used her other hand to hold Ye Mianmian's hand.

  "Okay, let's all live well..."

  Everything is self-evident. Living is so difficult...

  After Jiang Yuan came back, she was not in a particularly good mood.

  Recently, although it seems calm on the surface, there are dark waves.

  Add to that the things about the experimental field and Fan Qing, and it always feels like there are too many mysteries, which gives her a headache.

  They used to fight side by side, but if they really come to the point of confrontation.

  Although she will not show mercy, she feels bad in her heart.

  Song Yi came back in the afternoon, and she saw it through the telescope.

  After about forty minutes, Jiang Yuan was still struggling whether to go over and ask, but he came over by himself.

  Jiang Xingzhi and the others were still in the space, so in order not to reveal their tracks, they went to his house.

  Song Yi was willing, but there were other people at home, and some things were hard to say.

  Jiang Yuan was still sitting on the bed, and he took a bag of bulk dried bean curd for her.

  Seeing that she didn't take it, Song Yi directly pulled her hand and put it on.

  Jiang Yuan felt like she was electrocuted, but the other party's hand was too strong and she couldn't break free.

  "Song Yi..."

  "Don't be angry, eat some dried bean curd to calm your nerves."

  At this time, food is more valuable than anything else.

  "Okay, what do you want to know, ask?"

  Jiang Yuan was a little suspicious, so he still knew that she saw it.     "Did you see me?"

  "No, I just felt someone was there. You also have the habit of observing..."

  Song Yi said seriously, not looking like he was lying at all.

  "You're so scary..."

  Jiang Yuan said subconsciously, and the other party was not angry.

  Instead, he was smiling, which was very different from his usual appearance.

  "Don't worry, I will be absolutely honest with you..."

  Jiang Yuan didn't want to go back and forth with him, and began to be serious.

  "Who are those people, why are you with them?"

  Song Yi sighed, and he knew that Jiang Yuan must have seen it.

  "Do you still remember the group of people in the rescue center?"

  "I remember, you know them..." "

  Well, they came over. That team of people was originally coordinated by the old leader. They

  came over suddenly this time. I don't know the specific reason.

  Because I had a connection with them before, I was asked to receive them..."

  So that's it!

  "Does that mean that the rescue center is abandoned?

  I remember that there were also a lot of people there, but not many people came this time!"

  Some bad thoughts flashed through her mind.

  "Yes, only a part of them came over, and there are still people guarding over there..."

  So, it's normal over there, but why do you have to bring ordinary people over when you have enough people?
  "I saw a lot of people in plain clothes coming over later today. What's going on with them?"

  Jiang Yuan was undoubtedly the one who asked the question.

  Song Yi was not in a hurry and explained to her patiently.

  "Those were selected from the survivors in the rescue center. As for what they do, I don't know.

  But those people are adult men, healthy and strong.

  When I asked them, they said they were called together to help maintain order."

  In other words, they are similar to auxiliary police.

  "Don't you think it's strange?"

  "It's not strange. The situation over there is not good.

  There are too many people, and with the blizzard, many people have died.

  Now only about half of them are left."

  Oh my God, Jiang Yuan sighed.

  According to what she saw before, at least tens of thousands of people died!
  "Leave some of our own people, plus the auxiliary, the situation over there can also be stabilized..."

  However, it is really unnecessary to bring these people over.

  Song Yi didn't say too much, for fear that Jiang Yuan would think too much.

  "The situation is getting more and more chaotic..."

  "Don't worry, believe me, everything will be fine in a few days."

  Song Yi said it firmly, and she had more doubts in her heart.

  "How did you know?"

  "I can still tell you now, you must believe me, it will be over soon."

  She said this, Jiang Yuan guessed that this guy must know something.

  "Didn't you agree to be honest with each other?"

  Song Yi rubbed his eyebrows, he really couldn't continue with this.

  Jiang Yuan curled her lips, sure enough, this guy was not honest.

  "Okay, I won't ask you anymore, the current situation is not a good thing at all, I'm lucky to be alive."

  This is the truth, the reason why she cares about what's happening outside.

  It's also because she's afraid of hurting herself. If it has nothing to do with them, she wouldn't care so much.

  How much free time does one have to have to think about those things.

  "Don't be angry, wait a few days, then you will naturally know..."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 316 The House Collapsed

  Jiang Yuan tilted her head and looked at him.

  Sincerity, innocence, no deception...

  "I know, I'll go back first."

  It was useless to ask, so she didn't bother herself.

  Besides, since Song Yi said so, he didn't want her to know. After all

  , it would be bad to say too much about the relationship between the two of them now, so forget it.

  After being sent back, Jiang Yuan had more things to worry about.

  She didn't want her parents to worry about it, so she didn't say anything.

  Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue have not been idle these two days, and they have taken good care of the vegetable garden in the space.

  They planted more pumpkins, winter melons, gourds and other things.

  They are relatively large, high-yield, and can fill the stomach.

  In addition, a lot of mature vegetables were picked, and those that can be dried are dried as much as possible.

  Those that cannot be dried are blanched and frozen in the refrigerator.

  There are still quite a few at home, plus those that were collected at the building materials and home furnishing city before.

  "Yuanyuan, we have a lot of food, we should eat more vegetables and so on.

  These corns don't have many seeds, so we won't eat them this year.

  We'll save all of them as seeds, and we can eat them freely next year."


  Jiang Yuan also planned this. Corn can be used as a staple food, and it is high-yielding and nutritious.

  It is also a good thing to be able to achieve freedom.

  "Dad, Mom, the wind is too strong now, we have to be careful."

  The family cheered each other up, but they couldn't stay out all the time.

  Occasionally, they still had to go down to get some water or something.

  It doesn't affect her now, she goes out every day, which can be regarded as showing her face.

  Jiang Yuan rarely stays in the space except for eating.

  This night was a little different.

  She took out some melon seeds and was originally reading a storybook happily.

  A loud noise brought her back to reality. She

  quickly picked up the telescope to see what happened. The last house actually collapsed.

  There was an old house over there, and the roof on it was actually blown up directly.

  It fell directly on the house next to it, which was the house where the people at the rescue center lived.

  Oh my god, she was really scared to death. How strong was the wind!

  In addition to being shocked, she was still shocked.

  At the same time, they were a little scared. If that side fell, they would probably be in danger here.

  It was hard to say how long they could hold on.


  There was indeed movement over there. In less than five minutes, someone came out to see.

  Holding a flashlight, it flickered, and was particularly obvious.

  However, there was nothing they could do. After staying for a while, they all went back.

  Jiang Yuan was still curious and didn't know what to do. She

  also had a deep sense of fear in her heart.

  Not long after, the sound came again.

  Just now, only the roof flew off, but now the whole house collapsed.

  Even the building next to it was affected.

  Even the glass was broken. I don't know if the people inside will be injured.

  Not good!

  She was a little frightened for a moment, and she didn't care to look, and ran inside quickly.

  The expected explosion did not come, but she didn't dare to go back, and even the house didn't look very good.

  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to bet, so she went straight into the space.

  It was also night, so she went to bed early.

  In the middle of the night, the situation outside was even worse.

  She sensed it through her mind, and her heart became heavier.

  The sound of "clatter..." was endless.

  Damn it, Jiang Yuan sat up quickly and hurried to wake up Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue.

  The glass of their house seemed to be broken, and this person had to be prepared to go out at any time.

  Xiao Nuan was also called up and dressed tightly.

  Wait a minute, it will probably take a long time, and you must not catch a cold.

  Sure enough, within two minutes, there was a knock on the door.   


  With an order, everyone left the space.

  Jiang Xingzhi went to open the door and met Song Yi's anxious eyes.

  Without saying a word, he dragged him in.

  "Xiao Song, the glass at home is broken. Are you all right?"

  His voice was not small, but the wind outside was howling, otherwise he would not be able to hear it.

  "Uncle, pack up now and follow me."

  "Where are you going?"

  "A safe place, hurry up..."

  Now is not the time to talk. Jiang Yuan also heard it, and did not let his father dig into it.

  There were not many things left at home.

  Except for some commonly used things, they were basically placed in bags.

  In a moment, they were packed.

  Jiang Xingzhi held Xiao Nuan, each of them carried a backpack, and Qin Yue took a bag.

  Song Yi had gone out in advance, and he had to notify others.

  When they came out, there were already many people here.

  Liang Kang also carried Jingjing out and covered her with a quilt.

  She was injured, so it was better to avoid the wind.

  "Sister Yuan, hurry up."

  Ye Mianmian said, and came to pull her.

  Several people hurried downstairs and met many people at the same time.

  They were probably all on the same route as them, and there were people on every floor.

  No one dared to talk, and they were carrying a lot of things and dragging their families downstairs.

  Song Yi was not seen, so he must have gone down.

  The corridor was a bit crowded, but no one was rushing around. Although they were a little slow, they were always moving.

  "Hurry up..."

  The people in the duty room also came to help maintain order.

  Jiang Yuan saw Song Yi, who took his things and followed them out.

  "Hurry up..."

  Someone shouted, and the house next to them collapsed, starting from the roof, and the whole thing collapsed.


  They were all cement and red bricks, rolling over in the direction of the wind.

  They ran towards the crowd and hit them.

  Everyone was stunned, and the next second, they started running wildly.

  Not only the house they lived in, but the rest had changed.

  Imagine that the crowd was running for their lives in the front, and the houses behind them collapsed one by one.

  The wind blew up the construction waste and hit the people behind.

  Screams and cries for help came one after another.

  But who could take care of who?

  People also ran out of the other buildings one after another and ran ahead of them.

  When they arrived at the main street, all the storefronts had collapsed.

  If they wanted to get through, they could only walk over the rubble.

  Moreover, time was limited, so they couldn't be too slow.

  There were inevitably dangerous items such as steel bars in there.

  However, the collapsed buildings at the back were even more terrifying.

  At least, the visual impact was greater.


  Someone took the lead, and the people behind began to follow.

  Song Yi walked up to Jiang Xingzhi and handed him his bag.

  "Uncle, give Xiao Nuan to me..."

  It happened in a flash, and Jiang Yuan was behind, and when she saw it, it was too late to stop it.

  Damn, in this situation, she could send everyone into the space.

  It's so chaotic, and no one will notice.

  Now that Song Yi has taken the child away, she can only follow.

  Although he has good intentions, why is she so uncomfortable?

  (End of this chapter)

 Chapter 317 Shelter

  "Mianmian, follow closely."

  At this time, she couldn't hold Ye Mianmian.

  If people pull together on an uneven road, they are more likely to fall.

  It's better to walk alone, so that it's easier to keep balance.

  The group of people ran all the way, and the sound of falling kept coming to their ears. It was too dark now.


  Someone bumped into her unexpectedly, and she staggered back a few steps, but she didn't fall.

  However, the person behind her had already come up, and was pushed from behind.

  Jiang Yuan felt a little speechless and followed forward.

  "Give it to you..."

  Oh my goodness, a person came over and snatched the high-intensity flashlight from her hand. It

  was too dark just now, and I couldn't see it clearly. It was probably the person who bumped into her before.

  Because I was not prepared, he really snatched it away.

  Ye Mianmian saw that she didn't catch up and shouted.

  Damn, a good man doesn't suffer a loss in front of him. She remembered the man's appearance.


  Jiang Yuan quickly grabbed Ye Mianmian's hand, and the two began to run madly. Song Yi in front could no longer be seen.

  She was anxious, Xiao Nuan was still following him.

  Now, they could only follow the main group.

  After finally crossing the main street, they arrived at the wall.

  Most of the people who followed them out were gone.

  "Go in quickly..."

  someone shouted over there, and the people in front squeezed in frantically.

  The door was very small and dark, and it was hard to see what was inside.

  Someone was pushed down, and then there were curses. When it finally stopped, the speed slowed down.

  People behind were coming in continuously. Jiang Yuan was a little scared and held Ye Mianmian's hand tightly.

  There were no familiar faces in front of her except her.

  "Ah, look..."

  I don't know who exclaimed, and everyone turned around.

  There was a lantern they hung up here, and a whirlwind about three meters high flew towards this side. There

  were also some messy things mixed in. Someone nearby touched it and screamed.

  This was a beating. Although it didn't blow people up, the lethality was not small.

  "Hurry, hurry..."

  The guard at the door was anxious and called everyone to hurry up. Jiang Yuan and the others had just come in.

  The door slammed behind them, probably because of the desire to survive.

  The group of people actually pressed against the door and couldn't close it.

  The dark crowd blocked the door.


  Pulling Ye Mianmian, the room was very big and they could only run inside.

  It was still dangerous to stay far away from the door.

  Sure enough, the whirlwind actually came to them.

  The screams were getting louder and louder, and the impact of the wind could be felt inside.

  The door was finally closed, and there were still many people behind, and even the sound of knocking on the door was so clear.

  Ye Mianmian couldn't believe that this group of people ignored the lives of others and just closed the door.

  "Don't look, or we will all die..."

  How could Jiang Yuan not see it, but now they had to make a choice, otherwise everyone would be doomed.

  "You, come here quickly..."

  Someone shouted, and the two came back to their senses.

  They began to follow the crowd and walked forward.

  This was a place similar to a "cave", and you could still see the original appearance of the surrounding and top stone walls.

  There was a table in front, and two staff members were registering at the door.

  The hall was packed with people, but fortunately the hall was big enough so it wasn't too much of a problem.

  Jiang Yuan began to look for Song Yi and his parents. Where was her Xiao Nuan now?

  The crowd was so dense that it was hard to see clearly.

  There were at least a few hundred people coming in.

  It was like a train station during the Spring Festival travel rush, with people queuing here. There was not enough room at the back, so they had to go around.

  "Sister Yuan, don't worry.

  Song and the others are in the front, they must have come in a long time ago."


  There was no other way, so they could only queue up and go inside.

  They simply registered their names, what they did here, where they lived, and then let them in.

  Time was running out, and there were four halls here.

  Everyone made their own choices, and no one cared.

  However, if enough people entered, they could not go in anymore.

  "What should I do, where are they?"

  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to go in, so she just watched at the door, trying to find them.

  The guard looked at her and asked a question, but his attitude was not good.

  "Jiang Yuan, here..."

  When she reached the third door, someone called her. It was Song Yi who was waiting for her there, holding Xiao Nuan.

  At this moment, tears welled up in her eyes.

  This guy was so scary.


  Jiang Yuan went over, held the child in her arms, and kissed him again and again.

  It seemed like she had lost something and found it again, and Xiao Nuan also called her mother softly...

  "By the way, I still have to go find my parents..."

  Song Yi seemed to know what she was thinking, and pointed inside.

  It was the old couple, making the quilt.

  There was luggage over there, but not much. Only those

  who run fast can grab it.

  "My daughter, come here quickly, your mother sprained her foot..."


  Jiang Yuan took two steps at a time and ran over.

  "Mom, how are you? Does it hurt?"

  Qin Yue looked at her anxious daughter and glared at Jiang Xingzhi with a reproachful look.

  "It's not a big deal, why are you so worried?

  My daughter, don't worry, mom is fine. The road was not easy to walk on just now, and she ran too fast.

  That's why she sprained her foot. I'll just take a rest. You sit down and rest for a while."

  How could Jiang Yuan be at ease? She quickly rolled up her mother's trouser legs to see the specific situation.

  "It's swollen, and you said it's okay."

  It was indeed quite serious, red and blue, and swollen high.

  She quickly took the backpack and prepared to find a bottle of safflower oil to rub it on.

  This was really prepared in advance, and there was no need to take it from the space.

  "Auntie, bear with it.

  I'll check it first. If the bones are fine, just take care of it."

  The implication was that the bones might be injured.

  Jiang Yuan was a little worried and quickly gave up her position.

  "Come and have a look at my mother..."

  Song Yi was not hypocritical and went over to pinch her leg.

  It was indeed painful, because the injury was at the ankle joint, and the situation was not very good.

  Qin Yue was also a little overwhelmed, and she endured it without shouting.

  "It's okay, the bones are fine."

  With these words, everyone was relieved.

  Jiang Yuan took out safflower oil and was about to wipe her.

  "Use this..."

  Song Yi handed over a white bottle without any words.

  "What is this?"

  "The medicinal wine I mixed myself is better than this..."

  As he said, he glanced at the safflower oil in her hand.

  In this case, it must be used.

  "Thank you..."

  When she was applying medicine to her mother, Zhang Kaiyang and Fan Qing came over, also looking embarrassed.

  Seeing them was like seeing relatives, and some of them were in tears.

  "Have you seen Liang Kang's family?"

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 318 Provocation

2024-02-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  When Song Yi asked this, everyone shook their heads...

  "At the beginning, they were still together, but later they got separated because of the chaos.

  Brother Song, it's terrible.

  That group of people was like crazy. When a child fell down, they stepped on him recklessly.

  He cried so hard, how could they do this..."

  If it were an adult, he wouldn't say anything. But

  the child still couldn't accept it.

  "Kaiyang, calm down. Many times, powerlessness is the norm."

  Song Yi said, silently looking at the hand that was holding the corner of his clothes.

  "I know, Brother Song."

  He let go of it a little dejectedly. Although he knew that these things could not be reversed, he still felt bad in his heart.

  Jiang Yuan also felt speechless. After so many life and death, he was still full of sympathy.

  How could she say this? She'd better not say anything and wipe the medicinal wine for her mother seriously.

  "You guys are here too. There are quilts over there. Hurry up..."

  Ye Mianmian went to get it, and now she brought back a quilt.

  Tonight, she is destined to stay here.

  It's very uncomfortable when there is nothing.

  Hearing this, Fan Qing confronted him, then belatedly ran over.

  When everything was quiet, everyone spread the quilts on the ground.

  The only extra quilts were given to Qin Yue and Xiao Nuan, and the rest of the people just covered themselves with their clothes.

  One after another, the door would open.

  I don't know if the whirlwind was over or someone gave the order.

  People kept coming in. At the beginning, the guards at the door had announced that it was full.

  Now people started to come in again, and the place became visibly crowded.

  Some people even asked them to continue squeezing in to narrow the range.

  Jiang Yuan sat on the side. She wanted to ask Song Yi what was going on.

  It wouldn't seem too abrupt with the chaos here.

  Seeing that she was hesitant to speak, people sat over directly.

  "Don't worry, it's safe now.

  This is the emergency shelter built by the base. We all knew about the existence of this place before.

  I was very worried when the house over there collapsed, so I called you here directly.

  As for Xiao Nuan, I'm afraid that your uncle is old and the road is not good.

  If she falls or gets hurt, it will make you feel uneasy."

  In fact, he also had a selfish motive.

  Jiang Yuan loved her daughter so much, as long as he took her, she would follow even if she had to fight for her last breath.

  Those people outside, if they were a step slower, what would happen, it is self-evident.

  "I know you are kind..."

  Next time, don't do this, Jiang Yuan wanted to cry but had no tears, but couldn't say it.

  If she wasn't afraid of angering him, she would definitely thank his whole family.

  "Quick, clean up this place..."

  A loud voice sounded outside, and the two looked at each other and looked over at the same time.

  It was the group of people from the rescue center, and they also came over.

  The situation was not very good, and it was also very embarrassing from the door.

  "Don't you want to go and have a look?"

  "What is there to see? I can't protect myself either."

  After saying that, he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, as if it had nothing to do with him. It was agreed that

  comradeship is more important than anything else.

  Jiang Yuan rolled her eyes and lay down next to Xiao Nuan.

  This noisy environment was really a torture.

  No, she must find a chance to leave here.

  It would be better to leave alone, and use the space whenever she wants.

  "Oh, are you blind?"

  She was a little confused just now, and someone beside her started screaming.

  "You stretched your legs so long, and I don't have eyes under my feet, you deserve it..."

  The man was very imposing, and although he stepped on someone, he didn't regret it at all.

  Zhang Kaiyang also got angry, and stood up to confront him.   

  The people around him didn't dare to speak, and all looked over.

  "Hu Zi..."

  "What the hell..."

  The man said in a bad mood, and when he saw Song Yi sitting on the ground, he immediately became timid.

  "Captain, why are you here?"


  What a guy, the momentum is so strong that Jiang Yuan felt that the surroundings were getting tense.

  "Ah, that, big brother, I'm really sorry, please forgive me."

  He was very excited and directly held Zhang Kaiyang's hand.

  "Let me go..."

  "You must forgive me, otherwise I'll be finished."

  The words were earnest and the eyes were sincere.

  Zhang Kaiyang was confused by this sudden reversal: "Let me go, I will forgive you..."

  "Great, thank you, big brother."

  After saying that, he came over with a flattering face.

  "Captain, he forgave me."


  "Captain, we are all here and are now placed in the corridor outside.

  Do you want to go over and take a look? We all miss you."

  Song Yi looked up at him and sighed imperceptibly.

  "Tomorrow morning..."

  Yes, it was night now.

  Before this happened, they were still sleeping.

  Now, everything was interrupted.

  Hu Zi was a little disappointed, and it was obvious that he wanted to get close to Song Yi.

  "By the way, where's Little One? Why didn't I see it?"

  After searching for a week, there was really no one.

  "Where's the commander? Don't worry..."

  He was really afraid that Little One had been eaten.

  "What are you doing here?"

  Hu Zi scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

  "There is no toilet outside, I have to pee..."

  With this interruption, he actually forgot about it.

  He hurried over. There was a toilet here, which was a very user-friendly design.

  Song Yi twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, with a little doting in her reproach.

  Although it was well concealed, she still caught it.

  This group of people is probably different from him.

  Brothers who have experienced life and death together and have endured so many difficult years.

  Not long after Hu Zi left, another person came over.

  Seeing Song Yi, his face was also very happy.

  "Brother Song, you are really here. I thought Hu Zi had seen it wrong."

  The man was somewhat smug, and his words sounded respectful, but in fact he had a faint sense of superiority.

  Jiang Yuan was a little speechless. It was late at night, one after another, and when would it end?

  "Yes, are you settled?"

  The man's face looked bad for a moment, but he recovered immediately.

  "Well, those who came temporarily wasted time, otherwise it would have been settled long ago.

  Why are you here? Didn't the commander keep you in the office?"

  This joking voice made Jiang Yuan completely recognize him.

  This is the man who fired the gun at the rescue center. He seems to be Song Yi's former deputy.

  No wonder such a villain looks successful, it's hard for him to take on big responsibilities!

  "Is it hard to figure it out?"

  Good guy, the atmosphere instantly became tense.

  This person really can't stand any loss. The other party's mouth twitched, a little disdainful.

Chapter 319: Uprising

2024-02-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  There was a flash of murderous intent in the man's eyes, and Jiang Yuan saw it. Song Yi was so close to him that it was impossible for him not to feel it.

  However, he said nothing.

  The deputy also smiled indifferently and patted the non-existent wrinkles on his body.

  "I forgot that Brother Song is not even a non-staff member now."

  Song Yi's mouth twitched, and he didn't take him seriously.

  "Yeah, otherwise this team wouldn't be so embarrassed.

  Mo Qi, you still haven't made any progress!"


  He was annoyed, he was annoyed...

  As expected, the one who can't keep his temper will lose first!

  "Captain Song, it's really you..."

  A surprised voice came, Jiang Yuan looked up and saw that it was the Er Gouzi she had seen before.

  He sat down in front of Song Yi and nudged him with his shoulder.

  "Captain Song, that's great, we can be together again."

  Mo Qi, who was ignored next to him, turned pale.

  "I'm afraid it's not possible. Er Gouzi, watch your words and actions, get up quickly..."

  "Seventh Brother, this is Captain Song!"

  "You should call me Captain Mo now, find your place."

  Even though he was innocent, Er Gouzi still noticed the unusualness here and the tension between the two.

  Or rather, it was Mo Qi's unilateral hostility towards Song Yi.

  Song Yi pushed him, and Er Gouzi stood up reluctantly.

  He didn't know why it became like this.

  It was good for everyone to be together before!

  Hu Zi also came out at the right time.

  "Hey, you are all here, Captain Song, let's go back and chat together."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that something was wrong here.

  "What's wrong, why do you have a stern face?" Is

  he a big-hearted person or a lack of heart?

  "Brother Song is a busy man, don't bother him, go back."

  After this person said this, the two of them were silent.

  Mo Qi left first, and Er Gouzi and Hu Zi hurriedly followed.

  He didn't forget to turn around and gesture to Song Yi.

  There is no way. People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

  "Brother Song, you don't get along with this Mo Qi!"

  "How can I let others sleep soundly beside my bed? This person is too jealous."

  Jiang Yuan listened to Zhang Kaiyang's conversation with him and didn't say much.

  This Mo Qi is probably not as capable as him, and now he has replaced him.

  Naturally, he doesn't want him to come back. It seems that those people are still on good terms with Song Yi.

  As a superior, he naturally can't figure it out.

  If they stay together, it is estimated that there will be endless troubles in the future.

  Jiang Yuan sighed, this day will not be peaceful.

  Because it was night, everyone recovered from the panic. After the noise,

  they all started to close their eyes and sleep.

  However, it was not peaceful after all.

  Jiang Yuan was also going to rest for a while. There were too many people here, so she couldn't sleep too soundly.

  It was inevitable that someone would have bad intentions.

  When those people came out, some brought luggage, and some didn't.

  There were also many people who were lost on the way.

  Their luggage was a bit conspicuous.

  It was naturally not okay if they didn't take precautions.

  Fortunately, within a few hours, the day broke and everything was peaceful.

  People started to get up to use the toilet, and as the number of people increased, a line formed.

  This reminded her of the situation on the train, where people also lined up to use the toilet on overnight trains.

  There were many people over there, and the discussion here was also very heated.

  "Yeah, we haven't had food for two days, we can't starve to death!"   

  "That's right, the dining room of this base should be in good working order. There are so many of us.

  How can we survive without food?"

  It seemed to be true. More and more people began to show their support.

  Jiang Yuan and the others did not participate, but just sat and watched. They

  were fighting against each other with eggs. I'm afraid these people still thought it was the same as a civilized society. They thought that

  if there were more people, they would attract attention.

  It was just a pipe dream. Similarly, many people stayed. They

  were probably just waiting to see the show. If they really got it, they would also benefit.

  Soon, a group of people came to the door in a mighty manner.

  "What are you doing?"

  The people outside were from the rescue center, and naturally they were not so easy to get through.

  "We want to see the guards. It's been two days, and people are starving to death..."

  "Yes, we want to see the person in charge."

  The people behind them were watching the excitement and didn't mind the trouble.

  They also shouted. The people on the opposite side were also hungry.

  This hesitation made them not bother to stop them.

  The person in charge did not show up, but many guards came.

  "What's the matter? It's you, right? What do you want to do?"

  The man came aggressively with an electric baton in his hand, and the people here immediately became timid.

  "It's like this, we want to get some food. We haven't eaten for two days. If we continue like this,

  we will starve to death if we are not blown to death by the wind."

  "That's right, we want to eat, we want to eat."

  One call and a hundred responses, this should be the scene.

  In an instant, everyone followed and shouted.

  The situation was really scary, and the whole hall was filled with shouting.

  Jiang Yuan was a little scared and quickly blocked Xiao Nuan's ears.

  "Song Yi, what should we do now?"

  "Wait, if you think it's noisy, go over there..."

  Connected to the toilet, there is a separate place similar to a water room.

  Although it tastes bad, it is quiet after all.

  Jiang Yuan thought about it and thought that this matter today could not be let go.

  Then let everyone go over and send it into the space, so that she can be alone.


  As she said that, she called all the family members over.

  When she came out again, the place was already white-hot.

  "Today, this problem must be solved. There are so many elderly people and children."

  "That's right, open the door and let us go out to find it ourselves..."

  So many people came out yesterday, they must have brought a lot of things.

  Moreover, no matter what they do, they will definitely find a way.

  Some people have their own little plans in mind.

  If it is not this point, who would be willing to take the risk.

  However, there are so many foods here. If we go to the dining room,

  just take some and it will be enough to eat for a long time.

  "Are you crazy? You want to go out in such a strong wind.

  But there are many people who want to come in but can't."

  "That's right, you are still alive now, so don't instigate others to die."

  The guard was also a sharp-tongued person. He looked at the leader with an unhappy face.

  "We just want to eat, why are you stopping us?"

  "I've said it eight hundred times, don't you understand, the dining room is gone, it's all collapsed."

  "The dining room is gone, but there is still food, give us food, we will cook for ourselves."

  "That's right, give us food..."

  "Yes, food is fine, you don't have to worry about the rest..."

  The crowd was indignant, and a person suddenly came over from the opposite side.

Chapter 320: Fan Qing's Strangeness

2024-02-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  This is a middle-aged man, who looks mature and steady, and his aura is even more overwhelming than Song Yi.

  Just standing there, people are sweating.

  Jiang Yuan also followed, but she was at the back and couldn't see clearly.

  Ye Mianmian pulled her to the side.

  This one is equipped with glass doors, including the wall, which is also made of glass.

  "Young Commander!"

  Mo Qi hurriedly greeted, and his humble attitude should not be too obvious.

  The other party didn't even pay attention to him, and looked directly at the leader.

  "It's you, you want to go out?"

  He spoke very slowly, pausing half a sentence, but the pressure was full.

  "Young Commander, the Qing Dynasty has been gone for many years, and I thought it could be inherited. It's ridiculous."

  Ye Mianmian was beside, teasing herself.

  Jiang Yuan felt that this person was definitely not easy to mess with.

  "That's right, we all want to go out. There is no food, and we can't let everyone wait to die!"

  The man just brewed up his emotions, and he didn't say anything.


  He actually agreed, and everyone was stunned.

  This is too unconventional, and I always feel that something is wrong.

  "Come on, open the door. If you want to go out, hurry up..."

  When he said this, the people on the other side hesitated. They were so arrogant just now.

  Now they are all silent, maybe they feel that they can't admit defeat.

  The leader actually stiffened his neck, gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and made a desperate gesture.

  "There is no way out now. Everyone come with me. Staying is waiting to die.

  Let's go~"

  Although he said this, there were very few people who responded.

  Everyone wanted to eat, but they wanted to get the protection of the base more.

  Now, it is undoubtedly against the will.

  In this situation, the man did not stay.

  The wind outside was howling, and it was so strong that it was unbearable.

  This group of people still ran out without hesitation.

  "Song Yi, who is this young commander?"

  Jiang Yuan turned around and saw that he was staring at the front tightly, and he didn't hear her speak.

  She went over and pulled the corner of his clothes.

  The other party turned back suddenly, and there was murderous intent in his eyes.

  "What's wrong with you?"

  To be honest, Jiang Yuan was a little scared...

  "It's okay, don't worry."

  Song Yi said, and looked ahead again.

  "You can go out anytime if you want, just go and tell the guard, but it's impossible to come back."

  The young commander solved the problem with a few words.

  Mo Qi wanted to go up and say something, but no one paid attention.

  Good guy, he was so arrogant, but he also got frustrated.

  Then, he was actually looking for something in the crowd.

  Oh my god, this guy must be a pervert. He also involved Song Yi in this kind of thing?

  Or if it was Song Yi, he wouldn't be treated so coldly?

  Just thinking about it, Fan Qing came over.

  "Sister Yuan, come with me, I have something to tell you."

  Now, everyone went out.

  Except for the remaining quilts and a few people, the rest of the seats inside were empty.

  "Qingqing, what's wrong?"

  She, Ye Mianmian, and Song Yi all followed.

  "Sister Yuan, Sister Mianmian, do you still remember the greenhouse and experimental field we went to before?"

  This is nonsense. In just a few days, are the two of them so forgetful?

  "Remember, what's wrong, you said..."   

  "I thought, if they don't give us food, we can go over there..."

  The implication is that there is food over there.

  Jiang Yuan was a little surprised. Can that thing be eaten?

  "Qingqing, didn't you say before that it's always like that?"

  She didn't dare to say it too clearly, for fear that someone with ulterior motives would hear it.

  "Sister Yuan, this is a different time. It can save lives, why don't we go."

  Ye Mianmian also looked tangled, a little bit unable to accept it.

  "If it's always like that, I don't dare.

  I feel sick just thinking about it, and I'll probably have nightmares in the middle of the night."

  As she said that, she hugged her arms and shivered all over.

  "That's true, we still have to think about it more.

  I think there are other places. At least there is a place to store food in the dining hall!"

  "No, I asked Brother Liang before, he said that whatever is needed every day is delivered by a specific person.

  We can't find their warehouse at all, this method is not feasible."


  This group of people actually did it so secretly.

  That's right, this is food, life-saving stuff.

  Moreover, now that there is food, it proves that we have everything, and all difficulties can be solved.

  Otherwise, people will starve to death, what's the point of talking about construction.

  Jiang Yuan thought to herself that she didn't lack food, so there was really no need to get involved in this matter.

  "I still won't go. I can't accept it. I'm sorry, Qingqing..."

  Seeing that she was not going, Ye Mianmian was definitely not going either, and hurriedly expressed her opinion.

  "Me too, Qingqing, I'm afraid too, I don't want to go."

  In the end, only Song Yi was left.

  He didn't say that Fan Qing had never dared to face him.

  Without even asking, he sighed.

  "Sister Yuan, please think about it again. I don't want to starve to death either.

  Besides, if we don't go now, and someone else gets there first, then we won't have anything left."

  Fan Qing was a little anxious, the danger over there was self-evident.

  Not to mention whether the house was still there, the dangerous experiments inside were daunting.

  "Qingqing, don't think too much, I just said that we'd better not go there, otherwise it's too dangerous.

  You see, Sister Yuan and the others don't want to go either, so don't go."

  Zhang Kaiyang came over, hugged her shoulders, and comforted her repeatedly.

  "What do you know?"

  Fan Qing was a little excited and shook his hand away.

  Everyone was shocked. She had never been like this before!

  "Qingqing, did something happen to you?"

  Jiang Yuan asked, she sighed, lowered her head, and looked dejected.

  "I'm fine, Sister Yuan, I'm sorry, I lost my composure."

  This doesn't look like nothing happened at all.

  Several people looked at each other and looked at Fan Qing who was walking to the side.

  This girl is too bad at hiding her emotions. Who can't see that she is dejected.

  "I'll go and see!"

  Jiang Yuan pulled Ye Mianmian, her intuition told her.

  After she left that day, something bad must have happened to this group of people.

  Or it left her with a huge psychological shadow.

  Fan Qing came to the position just now and sat on the quilt.

  She hugged her knees with both hands and rested her head on them.

  The people at the door also started to walk back.

  "Qingqing, what's wrong? If you don't tell me, how can we help you?"

  Jiang Yuan sat opposite her, a little helpless.

  "Sister Yuan, I really can't say it. Can you go with me?"

  As she said that, she raised her head and tears filled her eyes.
