
After I showered I got dressed in some black leggings then threw on my army colored Nike hoodie then my jean jacket, I throw on a gold chain then my black timb's. I dry my hair and leave it naturally curly.

I spray myself with a thousand wishes then shut my door and locking it. I walk near the living room and see Bianca with a needle in her arm.

I grab the broom and start sweeping up the broken glass then I clean up the drugs and hear a horn, I exit the house and get in Matt's car.

"Took you long enough" He rolls his eyes dramatically and I smile "Your lucky I'm even going" I say and he drives "Guess what" He says and I turn my head towards him.

"There's German Shepherd puppies there an-" I cut him off "I'm taking one" I say grinning thinking about a little baby puppy "Uh I don't think Armani is giving out any, I think he has them for different uses" He furrows his eyebrows thinking.

"I don't give two of my tacos I'm taking a puppy even if I have to steal it" I say with all seriousness "Your gonna have to take that up with him" He laughs "I will" I smirk.

"So where's your boyfriend been at" He questions "Uh Mason was visiting his mom for a couple of days supposedly" I say thinking about him and what he told me. 

We arrive to the huge mansion and I jump out "Show me where he is" I crack my knuckles and Matt laughs leading me around and opens a door where Armani sits at a desk.

He raises his gaze and I smirk walking past Matt and sitting in one of the chairs "So I hear you got puppies" I smile and he just looks at me with no expression. "And so what if I do" He sits back in his chair" and I imitate him.

"I want one" I say seriously "They're not up for sale" He says and I sigh "Come on dude" I groan I reach over grabbing a pen and clicking the button multiple times and he just glares and I smile.

I start tapping my foot as well and I hear Matt laughing making it hard to keep it serious. "You know I could have you dead like that" He snaps his fingers and I nod "Yeah but frankly I don't care" I say and he rubs his forehead.

(5 minutes later) 

I was still tapping my foot and clicking the button as we sit just staring at each other, He was glaring but I was smiling. Also my foot is hurting so bad. 

"Fine" he growls and I grin "Really" I hop up and he glares "I could just hug you" I say holding my arms open and he points "I can always change my mind" He says and I smile "And I could always go back to aggravating you but your not ready for that convo" I say and he shuts his eyes.

"Matt take this human away" He says and I grin "Wait where are the dogs even at" Matt says and Armani looks like his head is gonna explode his vein is popping out of his forehead and its scaring me honestly but hey I'm getting a doggy.

Armani gets up and starts walking little bit fast but ill go with it, I look at Matt and grin following Armani.

We soon reach a room and I see at least 11 little baby German Shepherd puppies "And you didn't want to share" I say and one puppy runs up to me and I grin picking it up "HIIII" I smile and the puppy starts to lick my face "Ill take this one" I grin and Armani leaves.

"He's so angry" I say looking at the puppy and walking out with Matt "I cannot believe you even pulled that off" he says "I was shitting my pants, His glare is scary bro, I thought he was going to kill me" I say and we begin walking around.

(6:00 p.m.)

We finished the tour over an hour ago and then Me and Matt went and bought what I needed for my little puppy "I'm going to name him Zeus" I smile getting out of the car and Matt helps me carry the bags to my room.

I go out to the front porch and hug Matt goodbye and then there he is Mason. 

Holy mother of god I let go of Matt and grin and Matt goes to his car and I hug mason and look up seeing anger and My grin drops, He told me before if he seen me around Matt again he was going to beat me.

I couldn't just not see Matt that's my only friend, My best friend.

I enter the house and he slaps me across the face and I fall to the ground dropping Zeus and Mason kicks him across the room "HEY" I yell tripping him and Zeus runs over to me and I hold him close to me.

I stand up and I'm slapped and punched to the ground, Tears escape from my eyes "Beat her ass mason, She had two guys over here the other day" Bianca says "I didn't d-do anything" I cry out and Mason goes over to the table of drugs and I get up running into my room and locking the door.

I slide down against the door and cry holding Zeus in my arms. 

About 10 minutes later I hear the laughs and things breaking and I get up and get into my pajamas and put down some puppy chow and water. 

My phone goes off and I see its a message from Matt

Matt- I'm going down to the race tomorrow, Want to come?

Mia- Yea Ill be there I'm thinking about going for a race.

Chapter 4

What it do yallllll? Did you like this chapter? What do you think about mason?  Whats to come?

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day.

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