
(9:30 p.m.)
I took a shower and was now dressed in a grey t-shirt and shorts paired with some black jordans.

I pick up a energized Zeus and walk out lugging my suitcase out where Matt awaits. 

I grin and hand him the suitcase and he shoves it in the car and we head to a private area "Were going on one of the private jets" He says and I nod "So is Angelica home" I ask getting out of  the car and he nods and I almost scream.

"I'm so excited" I grin and Zeus stares at me and I kiss him. "Is the dog your lover or something" Armani comes out of nowhere "Duh" I smile and he looks away with amusement evident.

"Alright so when we get there she goes to your moms right" He says and I walk over listening and my arm touches his and he looks at me "Yeah" Matt says "Personal space Mia" He says and I just stare "I don't know what that is" I say trying not to smile "But I can pop bitches to you know" I smile.

"We still need- Wait" Armani cuts himself off looking over to me "Are you any good with computers and hacking" He asks and I smirk "I told you I can pop bitches" I say and he nods "Yeah but from a distance" He says and my smile drops and Matt snorts.

"Yeah she could use my old room it has a whole set up in there" Matt comments "Alright come on we got to go" some guy runs over. 

I follow behind Matt and then Sit between him and Armani and everyone stares at me, Here comes a long 10 hours.

8 hours later 6:00 a.m.

"Matt get off" I say as his whole body almost smashed Zeus who I snatched from my lap as Matt's body lays slump over my legs. 

2 hours later 8:00 a.m.

"Mia get off" Armani grumbles pushing me off and getting up "Matt" I smack at his arm a few times but he doesn't move "Matt" I attempt moving my legs but I cant "Matt get up" I grab his hair and pull him off of me and he stays sleeping.

I sit up and my legs tingle as they awaken "Matt wake up" I say and then one of the guys comes over and kicks matt and Matt jumps up "wha- What happened" He rubs his face and gestures me to come on.

I grab Zeus and follow him out into the warm air "MY CAR" Matt hugs this cherry red Ferrari and I smile "Can I drive" I grin and he looks at me crazy "No" he says getting in and I scoff getting in as my Suitcase is handed to me by someone.

(At Matt's moms house)

I eagerly jump out of the car with my suitcase as Matt leads the way and knocks on the door, Soon after Angelica answers the door "MATT" She yells and hugs him then sees me and I grin "MIAAA" She pushes Matt out of the way and pulls me into a hug.

"Its been so so long" She squeezes me then looks at Zeus "Oh gosh" She touches his nose and smiles "Come on mom's inside" She hurries inside and me and matt follow.

"Oh my Matt" His mom grabs him and hugs him and I smile at the sight "Oh my you brought Mia" She gasps and hugs me "Hi sweetheart how have you been Bella" She calls me that nickname and I can only smile "I've been good Ma" I pull away and Matts phone rings

"Come on I gotta get you set up Mia" He runs to his old room and I follow, I set my bag on the bed and he starts plugging stuff in and giving me an ear piece "Ok I got it from here" I say and pull a seat.

"I gotta run guys Mia remember be ready by 6:45" Matt says running out the door "That damn boy and trouble" Ma is heard and sits back down. 

Angelica comes and sits next to me watching me "Matt whats the address" I ask "2153 Maine street its the place on the street" Armani comes through "I was not told I'd be talking to you" I grin "Expect the unexpected" he says and I laugh. 

I search the address and see that they have a good security system "Alright I'm going to hack into their cameras and see how many people are around and guarding then Ill shut off all of their cameras so they wont know your coming if your careful" I let him know "Alright sounds like a plan" he says lowly.

I got into their cameras and see at least 100 people in the main house then around 10 guarding a shed like thing "Armani" I call out "Hmm" He responds deeply and I smile "Alright there's got to be at least 100 in the main house, Then there's 10 people guarding a shed 2 outside and the rest inside" I say and he sighs "Its what I expected" he says "I Suggest you take the shed out first because the two guards will see you and inform everyone" I say and he chuckles making my stomach do some weird flutter.

"I know this Mia" he says with a amused voice "Ok just let me know when your close so I can cut off their cameras or wait I could even cut off the electricity" I say "Do exactly that in about 10 minutes" he says and I nod and smile to myself I got big brains.

I look at Angelica who was grinning at me while playing with Zeus and I shake my head and mouth 'no' to her and she nods her head rapidly then a familiar big puppy comes in "COOP" I yell and hug the big dog "Mia What the fuck" Armani raises his voice and I grin "I'm sorry I had to give cooper some love" I laugh and look at the screen still petting coop.

10 minutes later 

"Alright Mia Now" He says and I get into it. 

I cut off the electricity making the cameras crash "Alright its done I cant see anything until they get back up which should be soon so hurry in" I say and get no response. 

After about 2 minutes I heard the guns fire in my ear "That's ear rape" I screech then then I get access to the cameras again and see Armani and Matt and others making there way through the house leaving bodies everywhere.

I give a look through all of the cameras "Okay it looks like you took everyone out I'm gonna watch the road" I say "You do that" He says and I keep my eyes open and hum the lyrics to get yo ratchet right "I know her baby daddy mad and cant stand it ay, go baby go mammas swe-" I sing until Armani cuts me off "Mia shush" He says and I scoff.

around 5 minutes later 3 big Suvs make a turn down the street "Armani" I say loudly "What" "Get out of there" I say "What" he comments and I zoom in seeing guns "GET OUT OF THERE" I yell and he yells to others to leave "There's three suvs coming your way and they got guns" I say "EVERYBODY OUT LETS GO" He yells and I sit back in the chair anxiety taking over.

"Thanks Mia I got it from here" He says and then ends the call and I take the ear piece out "holy shit"
Chapter 7

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day.

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JadaBoo out
