
"Mia" I shoot up and see John looking at me crazy "I've been yelling at you for 5 minutes, Wha-" the dizziness kicks in again and I'm out.

1 a.m.

I open my eyes and see that I'm in a dark room "John stop fucking with me" I groan trying to sit up but I cant "Hey hey take it easy" I hear Armani say as a light turns on, I look to the side seeing him with a bruised up face making me gasp.

"What happened" I say looking around but it was just him here, I reach my hand out and touch his face and he flinches and I go to pull my hand away but he grabs it holding it there.

 "Trouble" He sighs and I deadpan "I took care of the guys calling you a cheater and unfortunately that cop got away" He says staring at me.

I just sit there lost in his gaze because what else was I gonna do? Move yeah no. 

He looks from my eyes to my lips then back to my eyes and butterflies swarm my stomach. 

Then he leans in and presses his lips to mine and I was shocked but did not hesitate to approve and kiss back as my heart pounds out of my chest.

Moments later he pulls away and his chain hits my chin and he just looks at me with these pure happy eyes and I smile making his smile appear "Ill be back later" He smiles and puts my hand on the bed and hurries out.

I touch my lips and sit up looking around my room then my door swings open and Matt and John trample over each other coming in.

"Did he do it" Matt pushes John off of him and I furrow my eyebrows "Do what" I ask and John groans "DID HE KISS YOU DAMN IT" John yells and I gape "Why" I ask.

"HE DID" Matt jumps up and down "I TOLD YOU NOW YOU OWE ME 10 DOLLARS" Matt screams holding his hand out "WAIT HE KISSED ME I WANT THE 10 DOLLARS" I screech and try standing but it didn't work out to well.

"The 10 dollars is mine" I say trying to be serious "shut up you old cripple" John says and I launch my full water bottle at him "MIA" He yells "I'm sick of your shit" I groan rolling over and pulling the blanket over my head.

"Look what you did dumb ass" Matt says and then Matt sits next to me and I jolt up snatching the 10 dollars "MINE" I yell laughing and John snorts out a laugh.

 "MIA NOT COOL I THOUGHT YOU WERE CRYING" Matt yells trying to get the money back but he was not getting it back on my watch "DUUUUUDE" I say.

"You should go get me some taco bell" I close my eyes thinking about it "Its almost 2:00 in the morning" John says "Okay and"

"And its closed" Matt says scrolling through tik tok "Bullshit" I look it up and sure shit its closed "BUUUUT I want a baja blast" I say and then John re-enters the room carrying his PlayStation "Wait what are you doing"

"Were kicking it back in here" He shrugs and starts connecting his shit "Matt" I call out and he hms "I haven't had a bacon egg and cheese in a while" I say very concerned for my well being.

"ARMANNNEH" John screams and I look at him crazy "JOHN" He yells back "WHAT" John questions "WHAT" Armani asks "WHAT" John asks "GOD DAMN IT JOHN" Armani groans "WHAT" John screams.

I shake my head laughing and see Armani in the doorway and my heart speeds up again "What" He glares at him "Were kicking it in here, Are you joining the party" John smiles sweetly and Armani nods "I just gotta finish some paper work and Ill be up here" He looks from john to me and smiles walking out and I about swoon.

"So cheesy" Matt grins "Listen I didn't get on your fermunda ass when you were with Jane" I say and he coughs "so your together now, and we don't talk about her" He says and I hear whining "Wheres my Zeus" I look around and don't see him.

I get out of my bed and my body starts hurting "Shit" I grunt and look at the bottom of the steps seeing him sitting there and then he wags his tail.

"You left my baby downstairs" I glare at them and slowly make my way down and pick him up and Armani looks from his office seeing me, I smile and I go for the steps and he comes out. 

"One of you dipshits couldn't get the dog" He glares at Matt and John "She has feet" John says and I laugh and turn around seeing a shoe being launched at John "Oh shit" I gape as it hits him in the forehead.

"MIA THIS IS YOUR FAULT" John yells and I grin entering my room "How" I grab some pain killers and drink them down and grab some jogging pants and a shirt.

I go in my bathroom and change into my clothes and throw my hair in a bun and then walk out and climb in my bed next to Matt who was playing GTA with John.

Zeus crawls in between me and Matt going to sleep.

My door opens and in comes Armani carrying a pillow "ARMANI" John yells and jumps on his back "John get off" Armani groans shrugging him off and then throwing his pillow next to me and I scoot over and he lay's down but pulls me closer causing me to smile.

I cannot believe this guy right here, Armani kissed ME, ME. I soon fell asleep with good vibes all around me.
________________________________________________________________________________Chapter 19

BOOM BOOM BOOM goes my heart.

Whats the next step for Armani and Mia?

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day.

Please vote and comment maybe even follow much appreciated
