Matteo Kol De Luca

(7:00 p.m.)

After they ran their tests and got me situated it was now time for me to deliver my baby. I couldn't help but think back on Jasmine "Wait a minute what if I die what happens then" I sit up and she smiles pushing me back down "You're not going to die" She says calmly and I just go with it.

"Alright who do you want in here" She glances around at everyone in the room which was Matt, John, Milo, Antonio, and a few other guards "BITCH WAIT I'M HERE DON'T START YET" Alisa screams falling in the door panting, I smile widely and she gets up "I'm here" She hurries over to me and I look at the doctor.

"Her" I say and she nods getting the guys out "I heard about everything, I'm sorry but your best bitch is here" She nods and I smile but a contraction hits "OHWAH" I groan and doctors come in ready. 

"Its time for you to start pushing" The doctor sits and Alisa nods grabbing my hand "On the count of three give it your best" The nurse says and I nod "1. 2. 3" I Shut my eyes pushing "AHHHHHH" I Scream trying not to shit all over the doctor.

(8:00 p.m.)

"Come on one more big push" The doctor says "YOU SAID THAT 10 MINUTES AGO, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I push and then hear crying making me start crying.

"Its a boy" The nurse smiles at me as she dries him and cuts his cord and I cant keep my tears from coming out "Hey" Alisa beams and hugs me "You did it" she says and I nod as the Nurse brings him crying.

She lays him in my arms and I gaze at him as he stops crying "Any name ideas yet" She asks and I nod and she gets her writing pad "Matteo Kol De Luca" I smile and she nods "Ill get your friends" She walks out.

"He looks just like Armani" Alisa says and I nod "I hope he isn't gonna be trouble" I laugh and she nods "NO I WANNA SEE FIRST" John is heard "DUDE YOUR RUNNING WITH A BABY" Matt yells.

I smile and they all trail in at once and the first to reach me was indeed John "Lemme see" He whispers and looks at Matteo "Just like Armani" He says and Milo and Matt nod in agreement "Can I hold him" Matt asks and I nod.

He washes his hand and comes back over and sits next to me and I place Matteo in his arms softly as a nurse comes in "After everyone see's the baby if Ms. De Luca here is uncomfortable with everyone watching her breastfeed I'm going to need you to leave the the room" She says and they nod.

He hands me back Matteo and stands up "Come on guys lets give her her privacy" Milo says and everyone trolls out and leaves me with the nurse and Matteo. 

She comes over and guides me on what to do and soon enough he latched on and was eating.

(5:00 a.m.)

I look around the room, Alisa was sleeping on the small couch, John was laying on a blanket on the floor and Matt was in the small space in the window and Milo was sitting next to me in a chair half awake. 

They took Matteo for some tests to make sure there's nothing wrong "Milo" I look over and he shoots his eyes open "Yeah Otis" he sits up "Are you hungry" I ask and he smiles nodding "Well me to, Go get us some food" I say and he nods.

"Taco bell" he says and I nod and he leaves. I get up out of the bed and grab my bag and go to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and get on in.

Once done showering I get out and pull on some cotton underwear with a giant, I mean ginormous pad. I then pull my black and white flanneled jogging pants on then my grey tank top. I pull on a light sweater and go back to the bed.

The nurse comes in with Matteo in a see through basket bed. "Everything looks good, You should be able to go home at 9 or 10" She smiles and I nod taking Matteo into my arms as she leaves "Hi baby" I beam as he gazes up at me while sucking his binkie.

"You are the most handsome boy I have ever seen" I say rocking him to sleep. 

Soon after he fell asleep Milo came back in carrying food "Yes" I whisper yell laying Matteo in the small basket. He hands me a bag and inside I found a chalupa and potatoes with cheese and sour cream.

"You the best" I say and he nods as he eats his burrito and I take a bite into mine. "I need to tell Armani" I say and he nods "he gets one call a day and you can visit once a week" he says and I frown "This shit is stupid" I grumble aggressively shoving food in my mouth.

"We need to expect the highest amount we need to make for his bail" I say and Milo nods "That means start collecting money from all the stocks sold off, Make a date before next month and bring in as much as we can because if we don't make bail he's gonna be in there forever" I say and once again he nods.
Chapter 53, 

What it do y'all? I cannot believe this book is coming to an end :( I started this book near the beginning of quarantine and was a bit lonely but this was an escape!

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day.

please vote and comment 

JadaBoo out
