
"Armani before I answer I need to tell you something" I say grabbing his hand.

He nods squeezing my hand for comfort "The other night you promised me you wouldn't leave me" I start off looking at our hands before closing my eyes.

"I'm pregnant"

I hold my eyes shut and tears fall through them and he isn't saying anything "I know and its All the more reason why I want you to marry me" He says grabbing my chin and I open my eyes as he speaks "I'm keeping my promise because not only do I love you Mia, I'm in love with you" He says and I smile before nodding.

"Then yes, I will marry you" I say and he grins before sliding the ring on my finger and pulling me down on him and kissing me and the fireworks start going off.

We lay there floating in the gondola as we gaze up at the sky "Wait how did you know" I turn and look at him and he smiles "Alisa was drunk and started yelling at me about how I am not leaving you once you told me about the baby" he says pushing hair behind my ear.

"I'm going to kill her" I say and he nods "How long" I ask "Only two days" He says and I pout "I was supposed to tell you" I say and he kisses me "Your not mad" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No not at all, It takes two to make a baby so why would I be mad" He asks and I shrug "You ready to head back" he asks and I nod and he gets up helping me up and pulling me onto his lap as he rows us back to the doc.

"I asked Alisa to help me find you a ring and she agreed but literally yelled at me the whole time" he says and i laugh "why"  I ask and he shakes his head "She was explaining how if I hurt you she'll torture me and give me a slow and painful death" He says and I laugh.

"She made me feel like I was a little bitch and I'm the boss" he says confused "I guess people just go crazy for you" He beams and I nod.

(12:15 a.m.)

We arrive back at the doc and I see Milo grinning "HEY" I scream standing up and Armani lifts me so that Milo could grab me "How'd it go out there" He asks as he helps Armani up.

I bite my lip smiling as I raise my hand "Way to go man" He fist bumps Armani then high fives me. 

(12:30 a.m.)

We arrived back at Matt's moms house and I open the door seeing John Alisa, Matt, Jasmine, Angelica and her boyfriend and then I see Lorenzo Matt's dad.

Armani shuts the door behind us and then Lorenzo turns around and grins "MIA" He walks over with his arms open "Congratulations on the baby" He smiles and brings me into a hug.

"honey you weren't supposed to say anything in front of everyone" Mom scolds and I smile "its fine I just told him" I say hugging Lorenzo.

I pull away and everyone was staring at me "YOUR PREGNANT" John yells before dropping himself on the ground dramatically and then Matt runs over and hugs me "I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE" He yells then Trvgiic joins along with Angelica Mom Lorenzo Alisa and Jasmine.

"MOVE BITCHES I NEED TO HUG MY FRIEND" John yells pulling people off. Once everyone let go John hugs me "You cant be my drinking buddy for a whole 8 months" He cries and I laugh patting his back.

"MIA YOUR ENGAGED" Angelica screams and then the screaming starts all over again and I look seeing Armani laughing.

"MOVE LET ME SEE" mom shoves people out of her way before she grabs my hand looking and then pulling me into a hug "I Told you bella" She says and I smile.

(1:00 a.m.)

I was now sitting on the couch with Armani and Lorenzo stands in front of us "OOOOOOH Armani's in trouble" Matt and Trvgiic instigate and Lorenzo sends them a glare shutting them up making me laugh.

Armani stands up as Lorenzo wanted and Lorenzo holds out his hand for a shake and Armani accepts and they keep a strong grip as they see eye to eye making me nervous "I know I'm not her father but I love her as if she was one of my own so you take care of her" Lorenzo says sternly keeping eye contact.

"Always" Armani says and Lorenzo nods letting go and walking away as Armani sits back down and grabs my hand.

"You ready to leave" He gazes at me and I smile before nodding "Come on" He stands up pulling me with him "Bye guys" I say and they all wave me off. 

(At the hotel)

Once we got to the room Armani immediately stripped out of his clothes and jumped in the bed. I grab pajamas and he groans "No, No clothes" He says and I smile as he gets up taking the clothes from me.

He pulls the skirt and shirt off of my body before pulling me to the bed on top of him "I love you like so much" he mumbles against my skin and I smile "I love you too"
Chapter 45,

What it do y'all? Everyday is sad gorl hours for me! Nah im just kidding... Unless

If you can make it  through the night there's a brighter day

please vote and comment

JadaBoo out
