
(8:00 p.m.)

I just got out of the shower and I should be leaving in an hour so I dry off and pull the dress on then throw on my robe walking out and sitting in front of my mirror and blow drying my hair which took some time.

I straighten my hair and then I put on a little bit of makeup which was a nude eye and nude lipstick. I put on my hoops then my bracelet and necklace.

(9:00 pm)

I pull my heels on and then swing my blazer over my arms. I kiss a sleeping Zeus and walk out and down the steps where Armani waits with a small smile making one appear on my face.

"You look pretty" He says and my heart skips a whole 3 beats "Thanks" I say and he opens his car door letting me in. 

(At the place) 

"OK so the first thing i'm gonna do is run the package to the basement and I'm gonna leave you with John over there by the entrance, from now on If me and Matt leave with the gang and leave you he's going to stay with you" I frown and look "Why" I groan and he smiles "John's nice" He says and I shake my head "He don't look it" I say and he laughs then opens my door and guides me over there after grabbing three duffel bags.

"John this is Mia, Mia this is John, I should be back in like 20 minutes or less" He says leaving me with the tall scary man, I force a smile and he grins.

"Come on I don't bite" He says and slings his arm around my shoulders pulling me inside.

"Come on Matt told me you can dance" He smiles and I laugh "Well he lied" I'm lying tik tok has taught me many things.

"Lies" He pulls me on the dance floor and I hear a familiar song and he starts dancing. After like a minute of standing there watching John fail "Look John It's not that FucKing hard, Swing, Snap, ROCK" I say imitating my words and he starts laughing.

(20 minutes later)

I walk off the dance floor with John as people start slow dancing. I turn around and and watch then men and women dance swiftly on their feet. 

"John did you even ask her to dance" Armani walks over and John holds his hand over his heart "Excuse you we were dancing" He says and I laugh.

"Do you wan't to dance" Armani asks and the butterfly's flutter in my stomach and I smile nodding and walking to the dance floor where he grabs my hand and places his other hand on my hip and pulls me to dance.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face and my heart was pounding out of my chest as I felt his gaze on me. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, We've got Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, and our finest wine" Some man says through the speakers and Armani pulls me to a table where he and John sat with a few other people.

I sit down and Armani sits next to me and I hear the metal utensils hitting the glass through out the room. I scoop a section of spaghetti and take a bite and spit it out "That violated my mouth" i say and Armani nods laughing "Lets get taco bell after this" I suggest.

(an hour later)

I was standing with Armani as he talked to someone. I look around the room and see the familiar faces from that one place in Italy. My heart clenches at the thought. My whole mood changes then I see a small red light.

I follow the light and I see a red dot on his chest. HE'S BEING SNIPED "ARMANI GET DOWN" I scream jumping on him but he doesn't fall he tumbles back and I feel pain in my arm. 

"SHIT" I look at my arm and Armani starts yelling at someone and gunfire was everywhere.

"Holy mother of god" I look around with wide eyes then Armani pulls me outside and shoots anyone who comes close.

He lets me in the passenger seat and shoots at people coming at us, He gets in the driver seat and drives off "Let me see it" he says and I shrug my blazer off and see a wound.

He grabs my arm and looks "There's no exit wound, I'm gonna have to take the bullet out" He says speeding to the house.

(at the house)

I walk inside with him and he pulls me to my room and sets a first aid kit on the bathroom counter and sits me on the counter as well.

He dabs rubbing alcohol on my wound and I shut my eyes clenching my fists, He then grabs tweezers and I look at him with a scared face "I can't" I say and He sighs "You have to" he says and then starts the search for the bullet. 

I shut my eyes again and a tear slips out "You should have just let me get shot" He says and pulls out the bullet and starts to wrap my arm "You would have died, there wasn't a hospital for miles and it was aimed at your heart may I add" I say and he shakes his head helping me off the counter.

"ARMANI YOU IN HERE" I hear john yell "YEA" He yells and then turns to me again "Ill check on you soon, I'm gonna go take care of that problem, and I'm sorry again" He says and walks out and I sit on my bed as Zeus comes up to me wagging his tail.

"Hey buddy" I smile and he licks my face as I pet him. "I know I missed you too" I say and get up and change into some pajama's.

My door opens as I lay on my bed and in comes John with a grin "Hey friend" He says sitting on my bed and I smile "Armani sent you" I state and he gasps "No.. Okay yes but I wanted to see if you were okay" He says and I nod "I'm fine I'm just going to get some sleep" I say and he nods.

"Well I'll be right downstairs if you need anything" He pats my head and leaves the room.

Chapter 15

No questions 

Now for all my pretties if you can make it through the night there's a brighter day.

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