Skinny dipping

(2 weeks later 8:00 a.m.) Armani's pov

I'm out, They did it. I open the doors and see Matt and he grins throwing himself on me "I missed you buddy" he says and I nod "How could you not" I ask and he gets off and I look around "just you" I question and he nods.

"Mia was sleeping and she's gonna beat my ass for not waking her" He says and I smile at the thought of her.

"You look like a bum" he says with a straight face and I nod "I need to get myself together before I see her.

(At the house) 11:00 a.m.

I walk inside and John jumps on me "What the hell" I grunt "I missed you" he cries and I push him off and walk up the steps and into my room.

I shut the door and look over seeing her laying in our bed wearing my shirt with no pants, I smile getting closer and seeing a small baby next to her sleeping ever so soundly.

Just then she turns around seeing me and gasps.

Mia's pov

I turn and see Armani I gasp at the sight of him, He had a fresh cut and was dressed nicely, I start crying as I get up and hug him.

He pulls me up and into his arms and I hang on tightly "I missed you" I say inhaling his manly scent "Not anymore than I missed you" He says sitting down holding me in his lap.

I missed his touch, His smile, His everything and now I have it all back. I pull back and smile and he kisses me "Do you want to see Matteo" I grin and he nods letting me get up. I grab Matteo and sit next to Armani.

"Here" I beam and he shakes his head and I nod laying Matteo in his arms "He looks just like you" I smile and he gazes in awe at our baby.

"We sure did a good job" He says and I laugh "I'm surprised he wasn't bigger with all that pasta you fed me" I say and he grins and grabs my hand. 

"What do you want to do today" I ask as he rubs my hand "I wan't to hang out with you and this little guy, Maybe take you out for dinner" He suggests with a smile looking up from Matteo.

I smile and nod "I'm down" I say and he pulls me closer "Lets cuddle" He asks quietly and I laugh nodding and getting up and getting back in the covers, He hands me Matteo and then gets out of his clothes before getting in the bed and pulling me closer.

(7:00 p.m.)

I am now dressed in a tight white dress with a diamond necklace and a light blue jacket and 

"You ready" Armani comes in and smiles instantly making me smile "Yeah" I beam and he comes closer dressed in a white dress shirt that was rolled to his elbow and some dress pants.

He hugs me from behind as he looks down on Matteo "He's just so perfect isnt he" I ask and he nods "I made food to take to a picnic" He informs and I grin "What did you make" I turn around and his smile grows.

"Its a surprise" He says and I nod before placing Matteo in his car seat.

(At our picnic place)

I get out of the car and see a closed off place with just grass and a pond. Since Armani insisted he carries everything he did. He carried Matteo's car seat and the picnic basket while I held the blanket.

I lay the blanket down and he sets Matteo down before himself. I sit down and he grins "What" I ask looking at Matteo who looked around curiously. 

"I can't believe I have a baby, A beautiful Fiance, And-" He grunts as Axel jumps on him "And this damn dog" He says and I laugh "He loves you" I say as Zeus lays next to me.

"I made your favorite pasta salad, I made sandwiches that contain mayo, chicken, lettuce and toasted bread, I brought some strawberries too" He says taking out all of the food and I cannot keep the smile off my face.

I love him, He's just the biggest teddy bear and hes sweet only to me and I love that because I am a jealous person. "What" He asks looking at me and I shake my head "Enjoying the moment" I beam and he nods kissing me.

(After eating) 8:30 p.m.

We now sit enjoying the presence of each other "So did you see my mom" He asks and I grin "That lady is bat shit crazy" I laugh thinking about it and he smiles "Yeah that she is" He says and I continue.

"So like my plan worked perfectly even with her but When I was digging all I hear is 'Hey you little shit heads'" I laugh loudly "And then that's when she shot a shotgun and I his Lucas in the head with the shovel" I say and he smiles amusingly.

I start laughing loudly again "She was you Dayum really loud" I hold me chest and Armani just keeps smiling "And then everything went emo from there" I sigh with a smile "No regrets" He asks and I shake my head "Nope he was just in my way".

"You know I met this dude In the prison, He killed his abusive stepdad or something and He reminded me of you, He talked non stop and didn't get offended by my opinions" he says and I smile "You made a friend" I grin and then I see a couple running naked and Armani immediately gets alerted.

They're skinny dipping "Hey" I say sitting up and Armani growls covering my eyes and I reach for his face feeling around and covering his eyes.

"Come on" He says standing up pulling me up with him then picking up Matteo and the basket.

He sets Matteo in the car and opens my door and letting me in "I love you" He says and I smile as he kisses me "I love you" I beam.
Chapter 57, 

What it do y'all? I'm sad I only have 1 or 2 more chapters left to write! I hope you guys enjoy this book as much as I did.

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day.

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JadaBoo out
