
(11:00 a.m.)

I open my eyes from a very good sleep and look around seeing I was sleeping on top of Armani literally. Oh shit.

Then there was John passed out next to him and I'm sure Matt was sleeping next to me.

I sit up slowly and there laid Matt cuddling Zeus, I get out of my bed and decide on getting dressed. 

I take some pain killers and grab my clothes before entering my bathroom and stripping down to my undergarments, I rub my scented lotion on my body then I pull on my ripped jeans and my white tank top. I straighten my hair and then pull my cardigan on, I slide my sandals on and walk out.

I look and see snacks everywhere, Did they have a party when I passed out or something.

I start picking up the trash and I realized that I had completely forgot about Michael, Armani made me forget all about it.

I sit in my swinging chair and look at my bed seeing Armani sit up and look around for me. When his eyes meet mine he smiles.

He had some serious bed head and I love it. 

He stands up and stretches showing his lower stomach, I hurry and look away. "You hungry" he says walking towards me and I shake my head "Bullshit come on" He says pulling me up and guiding me downstairs .

"Ill be right back I gotta use the bathroom" He says and runs off leaving me in the kitchen I start grabbing ingredients but Armani grabs it from me "I'm cooking" He says and I laugh "So you think I'll burn this place to the ground"

"Not taking any chances" He smiles and I grin "Good because you know I'm kinda like seth rollins when it comes to cooking" I shake my head "BURN IT DOWWWWWWWWN" John jumps from the steps and I just look.

"Eves dropping piece of doo doo" I laugh and he grins "Eves drop eves drop yeah that's me" He says running the other way.

"So today there's rematch race at 5 and I was wondering if after that do you want to go to the state fair and see where things go with us" He asks making me grin "OF COURSE" Matt yells sitting on the counter with me.

"I wasn't talking to you dip shit" Armani groans and I nod "yea ill go" I say and he smiles handing me a plate that had fluffy pancakes with Powdered sugar and fruit.

"Just letting you know, If I dig this food you will probably be my personal chef "I say and take a bite and look at Matt who had a mouthful already "Holy shit its decided" I say and he laughs making his plate.

"HEY WHERES MINE" John yells and looks at me "John I swear to you I will kick your shit in" I say and he comes closer and Armani stands in front of me and I flip John off. 

"Simp" John shakes his head and I shove more in my mouth

(5:00 p.m.)

I sit next to Armani on his all black Mclaren "So basically its just you and the same guy racing but double the money since its a rematch, You have to watch out bec-" I cut him off "Because he will try and cheat me out I know" I smile and he nods. 

"ALRIGHT MIA COME ON" The guy yells and I get in the car sending a smirk to John Matt and Armani.

I pull up to the line and wait "READY GOOOOOOOOOOO" The flagger yells and with that I was off, I keep my eyes everywhere and see that there's a passenger in his car oh well, I hit the radio and one more chance by biggie smalls is playing. 

I drift a corner and catch a glimpse of Lucas "No" I say and they fall behind a bit as I lay on the pedal leaving them in the dust as I pass the finish line.

I get out the car and grin as their car comes to a stop behind mine "FIRST THINGS FIRST I POPPA FREAKS ALL THE HONIES, DUMMIES, PLAYBOY BUNNIES" I sing hitting my waist triple h style.

"WHAT THE FAAACK" The guy in the suit screams as I'm handed the money "ARMANI" I scream looking around and he comes up to me.

"Lucas is in the car" I say and he glares looking over and I look and see him getting out with a hard face. Wait he has bruises OH SHIT I start laughing dumb bitch.

He glares my way and then looks at Armani whose glare was harder, yikes I'd hate to be him.

I Literally felt the angry vibes coming off of Armani and it makes me nervous but I match his energy and glare at Lucas who finally walks away. 

I turn around and all three of them looking at me I raise the bag in the air shaking it "I GOT THE MOOOONEEEHHH" I scream making them all laugh.

Chapter 19

Hehe Next chapter is gonna be the date.

What's gonna happen?

If you can make it through the night theres a brighter day.

Please vote and comment and maybe even follow!

Jada out
