"Bye otis" Milo twirls me to the next "Hey Matt" I smile and he grins "Whats up" he says looking somewhere, I turn and look and see a girl dancing with Armani "HEY" I yell and let go of Matt but he pulls me back.

"let me go" I growl "No stupid he's waiting for his turn with you and I get that girl" he grins and I keep the glare "I don't like her" I grumble "Get over it toots" Matt twirls me and I land perfectly in Armani's arms.

"Hello gorgeous" He beams and I couldn't help the smile that came upon my face. "I don't like when you dance with other girls" I mumble into his shoulder and he laughs "I don't like when you dance with other guys" He says and I deadpan.

"But they're the boys" I grimace and he smiles "Still feels the same" He says and I groan "Fine your right" I say and he just holds me close to him "A little deja vu right here" He says and I nod "Yeah I remember that purple dress was amazing" I smile thinking about me and Armani dancing that night.

"I thought you really hated me" I say and he pulls us off the floor "I did for a moment and then I hated you more because you were kinda cool and then I just decided to give you a chance" He says and I smile squishing his cheeks "AWWW YOUR SO CUTE" I scream and he looks around.

"I swear if anyone seen or heard that" He says and I grin "You'll what" I bite my lip "Don't do that" he says and I laugh "why not" I ask and he gives me a look.

"BITCH" Alisa yells then grabs my hand yanking me with her "Holy moly doughnut shop" I say and then I hear love on the brain playing "THIS IS MY STUFF" I scream and start rocking to the beat.

"BABY YOU GOT ME LET GO" I scream and Alisa pulls my body to hers forcing us to rock together.

12:00 a.m.

"Alisa I need you to stay sober enough to talk to me tonight" I say "Bitch that's no fun" She whines but nods "but for you I shall be sober" She says "Thank you" I let her go and pick up my jacket and see Jasmine sitting alone.

I walk over, She may be a bitch but she's pregnant and alone because John is lit somewhere. "Hey" I sit next to her and she looks over with a glare but I seen a little thankfulness in her eyes. 

"What" She asks "I see your alone, Want someo-" "I don't need your pity" She cuts me off "Well then don't take it, But your dancing" I get up and pull her up "Mia I can't dance" She whines and I grin "Neither can I but we'll make it work" I say and she glares "Bull shit I seen you dance" I smile "Then Ill be your teacher" I smile as hollaback girl plays.

"CAUSE I AIN'T NO HOLLABACK GIRL" I yell throwing it back on her hearing her laugh and finally give in and fake throw bills.

(12:30 a.m.)

"Okay Mia my feet hurt" Jasmine laughs and I nod walking back to the couch with her and plopping down "That was fun thank you" She smiles and I nod "It was no problem and now we can be friends" I smile and she nods "I'd like that".

"Baby" Armani says and drops himself on the couch and lays his head in my lap with a big smile on his face and spills his drink "Shit" He grumbles and I grin "Are you drunk" I ask and he opens his eyes slightly.

"nooo" He mumbles with a small smile and I nod "Yeah okay" I say and he gets up and grabs a drink and holds his hand out to me and then John runs up "RKO" He screams and jumps up pulling an Rko on Armani taking them to the floor.

"Holy shit" I sit up laughing with Jasmine "YOU FUCKING BitCH" Armani growls getting serious "Hey" I say reaching out to his hand but John keeps laughing his obnoxious laugh making it hard for me to get Armani calm.

He stands up and then does an F5 on John "NO" I yell seeing Armani send his body down onto John.

Everyone is in uncontrollable laughter "I'M GONNA PEEEEEEE" Jasmine screams and I smile looking seeing John and Armani laughing "What the hell" I say and Armani struggles as he stands and pulls me up with him.

He walk's us over to the dance floor and I hear 3 musketeers playing.

"BITCH THIS IS THE SHIT" Alisa pops out of nowhere and starts twerking "COME ON MIA GET INTO IT" She yells and I bend over some and go to town and Armani lays his hands on my hips.


"I GOT 3 BITCHES ON ME LIKE THE THREE MUSKETEERS" I keep it going "BITCH SHAKE THAT ASS OR KICK ROCKS" me and Alisa yell and I stand up as all over my legs burn.

"Why'd you stop" Armani pouts and I smile "Its your turn" I say and he looks at me crazy but shrugs getting in position making me surprised but that doesn't stop the grin.

"GO MANI GO MANI GO MANI" I scream "YOU GOT BITCHES MANI?" I ask "Yea" He responds "HOW MANY" I grin "3 Musketeers" He says  "But for real you better not" I say and he stands up and pushes his lips onto mine.

(1:30 a.m.)

"Come on Armani" I say as he slumps over my shoulder "I can't carry you" I grunt struggling to keep us up and he pouts "Why not" He asks and I smile "Because your to big" I say and he holds his head up "You calling me fat" He asks.

"Yes you've got the jelly rolls" I grin and he scoffs "We'll just have to see about that" He says ripping the dress shirt off and starts flexing and I see girls literally drooling.

"Armaniiii" I whine stomping my foot and he grins "Girls are staring" I groan and he nods "I thought you said I had jelly rolls" He says and I glare "You do they are just hiding under these ice cubes" I say and he nods "I think you might be right" he says really thinking about it.

He then pulls me against him and kisses me "The girls, Are they glaring now" He asks with his eyes closed and I look "Yes" I smile then he throws me over his shoulder and smacks my but really hard.

"Armani" I squeal and then laugh flipping the bitches off "ALISA LETS GO" I scream and she comes running.

Armani sets me down and I push him to the passengers seat "Ill drive" I say and he nods getting in. "Make up some excuse why we have to stop at a store" I whisper and she nods.

A few minutes into driving Armani had his hands all over me touching and grabbing you name it "I GOTTA SHIT" Alisa screams in agony.
