1 week later 9:00 a.m.

I was laying in Alisa's bed waiting for her to get out of the shower so we can make tik toks.

I had some type of white shirt on with some jean shorts and a blue flannel paired with some white nike high tops.

Alisa comes out dressed in some jean shorts and a orange and green flannel paired with white forces and a green hat.

"Finally" I grin standing up as she sets her phone up.

10:00 a.m.

" be quiet" Alisa whisper yells through her silent laugh as I laugh a little bit over a whisper after she let it rip while twerking.

"Your gonna wake them up" She holds her hand over her mouth and I hold my stomach because I can't stop.

"BiTcH I can't" I attempt breathing it out but it came out as wheezes and as she stands up but then she falls and I hold my breath but I Just couldn't.

"BAHAHAHAA" I scream but she holds her hand over my mouth muffling my laughs.

"Shush" She laughs and then john walks in "Your partying without me" He comes in and I breathe finally containing my laughing.

"Guys I'm hungry" I say giving it a real thought "You are always hungry" John says and I scoff.

"yes I am and I'm going for cereal" I run out of the room and down to the kitchen where I pour some fruit loops.

"Guys come stand outside with me" I say and go out the front door with them "These loops smack" I say satisfied with the taste "Guys what is that" Alisa points and I squint and my heart drops.

"BITCH THAT'S A TANK" I scream and drop my food and the bowl breaks "NOOOOOO" I scream but they drag me inside "Wake up anyone and everyone" Alisa panics causing me to panic and sprint up the steps and into the room.

I jump on Armani and his eyes shoot open and he reverses positions so quick. That's kinda hot, NOT THE TIME MIA, I scold myself and Armani gives me a 'are you crazy' look.

"There's a damn tank headed this way" I let out and he furrows his eyebrows 

"I'M SERIOUS" I scream as the panic kicks in again and he gets up and looks out the window and growls before pulling on a white wifebeater and some sweats.

"Stay here" He bosses and I scoff "No" I follow him out and call Zeus and run to matt's room.

"MAAAAAAAAAATTTT" I scream causing him to shoot up "WHAT" He yells angrily "WARRRRRRRR" I yell then run away to Trvgiic's room.

"HEY" I yell and he falls off the bed "What the fuckin-" I cut him off "WARRRRRRRR" I run away from him and Armani grabs my arm.

"I said to stay in the room" he shuts his eyes for a moment "You need me" I negotiate and he stares.

"NO!" He roars "GET IN THERE NOW" He yells and I tumble back and Zeus growls "NOW" He pulls me to the room and shuts the door leaving.

"Dude you seen what she did the other day we need her" Alisa and John are heard "No" Armani says.

"Stupid man" I grumble feeling the need to cry as I sit on the bed with Zeus.

I don't like being yelled at. It hurts my heart.

Minutes later all I heard was gunfire I look through the shades and see people running everywhere. I run to the door attempting to open it but it wont move "SHIT" I scream looking for a gun anywhere.

I find a machine gun and open the window and aim at anyone I knew wasn't in Armani's gang.

"Take that puto" I shoot many people and then they look for where the shots are coming from and they shoot the window causing it to shatter "SON OF A BITCH" I scream ducking.

I run to the door after shoving a knife in my pants and throw myself at it but nothing happens, I get on the ground and kick through the door until there's a big enough hole "Come on Zeus" I slide through and then Zeus comes out.

I run down the steps and people are everywhere. There's fire and broken glass. I shoot about 5 people who raced my way then another 3.

I look around and see someone aiming at Alisa's head "NO THAT'S MY FRIEND" I jump over the banister taking the man to the ground and shooting him along with everyone surrounding her.

"Come on Zeus" I help Alisa up and she stares with shock "He said to stay" She says and I shrug.

"You guys need me" I grin and she nods and I shoot at everyone and soon I made a dent "MIA" John screams seeing me and I smile.

I run out the back door and shoot any of the lurkers then someone jumps on me causing me to fall.

"ZEUS" I scream and then the guy is off of me and Zeus has him on the ground and I shoot him "Good boy"I grab the guys sniper then round a corner and nobody is there but I can see the tank.

There's people guarding it and the guy in the tank is shooting anywhere and everywhere.

"Come here Zeus" I call him behind a bush "Stay" I say then climb the tree to a decent height so I can run if needed.

I lay on the branch and wrap my legs around it for safety, I hold the sniper and aim for a moment before taking my chances and Successfully get a head shot "Hell to the yeah" I say and the people look around as the guys body collapses.

I jump out of the tree and crouch behind a bush as they run my way "Holy hell" I send a silent prayer as I prepare to fight off this group.
Chapter 28,

What it do y'all? I like the fighting chapters, gives me a rush

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day

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JadaBoo out
