Milo and Otis

December 25th 11:00 a.m.

"MIAAAAA" Someone screams and then their weight is on top of me "ALISA" I scream wrapping my arms around her and Armani groans.

"BITCH ITS CHRISTMAS I GOT PRESENTS" She yells dragging me but Armani pulls me back "Guys I am not a tug a war rope" I mumble and Alisa lets go "GUYS GET UP" She yells and then Armani sits up letting her drag me. 

"No" I mumble as my skin touches the cold floor. I soon reach downstairs where all the boys were sitting waiting I sit on the couch and hug my Zeus "I got the ones with red wrapping" I smile and they start digging in.

Armani plops next to me laying a bunch of wrapped gifts in my lap with a smile "ARMANI THIS IS YOURS" Alisa throws something and it hits him in the face "Fucking Alisa" he growls and she grins tearing open her present.

I open the first present and laugh seeing Lingerie "That is what your wearing to bed every night" He smirks pointing at the red material and I smile "You got us a hoodie" He smiles and pulls it on over his bare chest.

I open another present and more lingerie "Armani what the hell" I grin "Its so that when I rip it off you wont be mad because I bought it" He winks and Alisa gags. "I've been needing a new wallet" He says opening it and smirks "Sexy" He says examining the picture.

"I GOT A GUN BITCHES" I hold it in the air "Bitch hurry and get to mine" She groans and opens my present to her "BITCH" She wipes her imaginary tears looking at her diamond bracelet "That's for you to wear on a date with me" I wink and she nods sniffing.

I open one and find winnie the pooh vans "I'm going to cry, Armani" I pout thinking about the pooh bear he won me.

A little later I had opened tickets and a few other things "Holy shit these are car keys" I say and he nods "Where" I grin and he points to the door. I get up and sprint opening the door seeing two cars. 

I slip on some shoes and go straight to the old school pink car. I get in and admire the interior then Armani gets in shutting the door. I look around and then see a small box. I pick it up and my heart beat picks up as Armani takes it from me.

"Now I know its far to early to propose to you but one day I promise, But until then I promise to be here for you and to love you" He opens the box and grabs the ring "So will you have me" he ask and I start crying.

"Duh" I say and throw myself at him and tighten my arms around him and he takes my hand sliding the ring on my finger "Merry Christmas baby" He hugs me "Come on before you get sick" He mumbles getting out with me.

We walk inside and nobody was there "Where did everyone go" I ask and he shrugs "Oh well" He picks me up and runs up the steps making me smile.

(later 9:00 p.m.)

I had just finished getting dressed and I'm laying with Zeus with my red fuzzy jacket on "BITCH CHECK OUT MY FIT" Alisa screams smacking my butt "Ouchies"



I turn over on my back and Alisa struts around my room wearing a tight gold dress with a white fuzzy jacket like mine "You go bitch" I say smiling and she pulls me up "Armani awaits for his queen" She grins.

"Wait after the party I need to talk to you" I say and she nods pulling me with her, We walk down the steps with no falling for once, I high five her and then see John sprinting around the living room with Trvgiic.

"I WANNA PLAY" I scream going to but Armani grabs my hands "You look amazing baby" he smirks eyeing my clothing.

"JOHN YOUR GONNA BE SWEATY YOU SHIT" Jasmine yells standing by the door ready to leave, I grin watching as John stops running and flips her off "Oh shit JAWN that's bad" I laugh and he shrugs "MILO" I scream and he grins walking over.

"Otis" he nods at me and I laugh "Milo and Otis" Alisa grins "Well then who am I" She questions "The cows" Milo says and I gape "HEY" I yell and she jumps on him.

"Come on" Armani grabs my hand guiding me outside and into a car "Were going to a different place I own" He says and I nod and he opens the Suv door for me allowing me in.

"BITCH ITS FREEZING" Alisa screams getting in the back and Jasmine follows with John to the far back. Then Milo gets in with Matt and Trvgiic and others take different cars.

"None of you ever drive along with me when Mia isn't here" Armani grunts turning to look at everybody and they grin. 

"MIA IS MY BITCH" Alisa yells and everyone nods "Shes just that bitch" John snaps his fingers and I laugh. 

"GUYS WAIT" I look and see polo running to the car and I hear Armani groan as Polo jumps in climbing his tall ass over everyone as he gets in the trunk.

(At the place) 10:00 p.m.

We were the first there of course and when we walk inside I seen a snack bar "OOOH YES" I hurry over and John shoves me out of the way "YOU LITTLE BITCH" I grab his hair and pull back causing him to tumble back and allow me to grab a brownie.

"Bitch" He rubs his head "Jerk" I take a bite of the brownie and walking away with Armani "So why do you own this place" I question as we sit on the couch.

"Well I'm not going to hold parties in the place I stay" He says and I nod "Smart" I say and he nods.

Soon enough people start to come in and since I'm dating the host everyone made sure to greet me as they did him. I don't want the attention and Armani finds it funny.

"These are people from your Mafia here right" I question and he nods "Yea I've got my mafia everywhere different states and countries, we're everywhere. I have them come to me every Christmas to give me information on the year that wasn't major" He says and I nod.

"Sounds very annoying" I smile and he nods taking a drink of his bourbon. "May I have this dance Mia" I look up and see Polo "Of course polo" I laugh and Armani glares "Its fine maybe join me" I wink and walk to the dance floor leaving my jacket with Armani.

"Armani probably hates me right now" He laughs placing his hand on my waist out of respect and I place my hand on his shoulder and let him guide us.

"Well I only asked you to dance because I wanted to say thank you for getting me out of that place the other day" He admits "It was nothing" I smile "No it was, You did not have to do that but you did, You grew some balls and helped me escape even though you were scared" He smiles.

"Are you calling me weak" I fake a pout "I always had balls, Thank You, Plus I was only scared someone was gonna recreate the michael myers vent scene" I say and get a shiver then laugh "But it was no problom" I smile and then realize "WAIT, This is the walts dancing song, Which means right now we-"

"Switch" Polo laughs twirling me off and then I'm with Milo "MILO" I grin "OTIS" He laughs.
Chapter 40, 

What it do yall? If you don't know who milo and otis are what are you doing with your life?!?! 

If you can make it through the night theres a brighter day!

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