
He scowls "Alright tell me what you know"

I nod "Well its not much, but when we got to my house this car stopped and then they started shooting and then Matt got shot" I hold my lips in a straight line and he nods "What color car" He says still having a moody face.

"uh it was dark red but it had some green rims it was very weird bu-" He cuts me off "Those god damn Jamaican's " He says before storming off.

I go back into the room and see Matt with his shirt off and a bandage on his side. He looks over to me and grins weakly "What happened to just watching Netflix" I smile sitting next to him.

"I got a TV in my room that has Netflix" He says and I shake my head "I gotta get home I got work from 9 am to 2 pm" I sigh "Why so short" He asks "Because Jose needs to get hours in plus I worked extra hours and I wasn't supposed to but I needed the money and after tomorrow I got three days off" I say sitting back in the chair.

"I could help you out you know" He sighs "Yeah I know but its not right, I should be making my own money" I say "You make more than enough for just yourself but you gotta take care of those assholes" He states looking at the wall.

I look down at my shoes I always have clothes over it all, I always made sure I got at least one thing I want out of my paycheck "come on your staying the night" He says getting off the bed and slowly walking out holding his side.

"I got work" I groan "Ill drive you" He says making his way up the stairs and I follow behind him having no choice as random dudes start staring at me.

We get into his room and he plops on the bed and I look in awe at the room "Your TV is amazing" I say and he laughs and I sit down next to him. 

He gets up throwing me a shirt and some shorts before getting his own stuff "Bathroom is right there" He points and I go in and his bathroom and Jesus his shower looks like heaven.

I slide on the shirt and the shorts and fold my clothes and walk out and find Matt putting on Netflix. 

I sit on the bed and then the door opens and in comes Armani looking at his phone. He looks up and sees me then looks at Matt "I need to talk to you" He says in a aggravated tone.

"Talk" Matt says and then Armani motions me "No no its okay shes a friend" Matt says and Armani shakes his head "The Jamaican's are planning on taking us out which isn't going to happen but we need to be ready, I got a meeting scheduled at our main base tomorrow be there" He points and then walks out.

"He's always a ass if you were wondering" He grins and I laugh "But you learn to be okay with it" He says turning on La Bamba. 

"You know you should really come stay here with us, There's a room right next to mine" He points and I shake my head "I don't think Armani likes me too much" I laugh and Matt grins "He doesn't like anybody" He says and I smile.

(6:00 a.m.)

"Move Mia" Matt kicks me off the bed and I hit the floor hard and gasp instantly, I sit up my heart beating so fast "What the hell" I groan seeing Matt sprawled out across the whole bed. 

I stand up and squeeze back in the bed and see its only six I got an hour until I have to leave and go home. 

(6:30 a.m.)

"I said to move the fuck over" Matt shoves and I fall off once again "You little shit" I stand up and forcefully get in the bed "I am going to beat you if you push me off this bed one more time" I say andhe sits up.

"Look at all that room right there" I point to his side and he grins "This isn't funny" I glare and he gets up "asshole" I say and pull the blanket back up as he goes and gets dressed.

Minutes later he comes out of the bathroom with fresh clothes and hair slicked back. "Lets go" He says and I sit up and slide my shoes on and grabbing my clothes.

(At my house) 

I open the unlocked door and see Bianca passed out on the ground and then Liam passed out with his head on the table. I shake my head and continue to my room unlocking my door. 

"You know its sad I gotta lock my bedroom door or else I wont have anything" I say letting Matt come in and he nods before plopping down on my bed.

I grab some clothes and head to the shower.

 After I shower I dry off then slide on my undergarments then my ripped jeans a white t-shirt and a yellow and blue flannel. 

Best thing about working as a ock is you wear what ever you truly desire.

I go back to my room to and grab my brush seeing that Matt found my candy stash "That's mine" I say and he looks at me and shrugs "Mine now" 

I laugh and brush my hair out and then blow dry it then straighten it and pulling it into a low ponytail. I slide on my socks and my beige Nike air force 1 high tops.

"Ready" I ask and he nods getting up and we walk out making sure I locked the doors.

(at work) 

I unlock the doors and go in getting the place all set up "I'm gonna stay here for a little bit" He says and I nod.

________________________________________________________________________________Chapter 2 my pretties

Do you like the book so far? 

I might have some juiciness next chapter!

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day.

