
12:30 a.m.

I double check the scanners and look around for Armani and see him talking to Matt and John, I get up and hurry over there.

"We can leave now, Polo got almost all of the cops on his ass, we have to hurry before they realize that your not in the car" I say and he nods "You go with John wait for me, Matt come on lets let everybody know" He says and runs off before I could say anything "Wait" I say and john pulls me.

I pick up Zeus and get in the backseat as the cars begin to roll out, Soon enough Matt and Armani run towards us, Armani gets in the front seat and Matt hops in right next to me.

Once we get going I look at the laptop "They got Polo" I say and they all sigh and I shut the laptop and I lean against the door and cuddle Zeus.

(8 hours later) 9:00 a.m.

"AND I WAS LIKE BABY BABY BABY OOOOOOOHH" someone's terrible singing wakes me "Dude shut up she's sleeping" Armani says and I open my eyes "Look dip shit she's awake" John points from the front seat.

Armani looks at me and smiles before looking away, I look in front of me and see Matt sleeping with his legs on mine, He then kicks me in the stomach.

"Shit" I groan smacking him and he jumps "What the fuck is wrong with you" I ask and he just looks "Hey guys can we like stop somewhere I got to pee" I ask and John gasps "I NEEEEEEEED GAAAAAAAASSSSSS" He yells swerving and Matt smacks me with his head.

"Ow" I whine and he still just looks at me with wide eyes, I shake my head and the car stops, I get out and rush through the doors of the store "Do you got a bathroom" I say quickly and the guy smiles handing me a key "Right outside" He says and I take it and run outside.

I struggle pulling my pants down and then I was able to let it all out. I Pull my pants up and then the door handle moves "HEY" I hear Armani yell, I zip up my pants and open the door seeing him send a punch at the man from the counters face.

"Fucking perverts" He says and guides me back in the store with him and I go straight to the ock "Hey Ock lemme get a bacon egg" I say and he looks at me "Baconeggandcheese" He says and I nod.

I grab a blue calypso drink and go back to the ock and I see Armani paying him "Hey I have money" I say and he smiles "And" He says and grabs a apple juice and we walk out without paying for the drinks.

I get in the back again and this time Armani follows "Hey did you get me some" Matt asks from the front seat "No" I say and then Armani hands him a sandwich "Wait last time I checked that was mine" I say getting worried for my sandwich.

He then hands me mine "Oh" I smile and Matt starts driving I open the wrapper and see my beautiful Bacon egg and cheese, I take a bite and shut my eyes hearing Armani laugh but it was to good so I didn't care.

(Another 8 hours later) 5:00 p.m.

"I am soooooooo bored and my phone is dead" I groan out and look at John who was sitting next to me as Armani drives and Matt sits in the passengers seat holding Zeus.

John leans over and turns on the radio and My type by saweetie comes on and he starts throwing it back on me "OH SHIT GET INTO IT".

"New wrist New whip ride around dipped, I can see why these basic hoes pissed, Bust down wrist not a bust down bitch SAID I WANT YOUR MAN NO THE FUCK I DON't SIS" He screams then laughs sitting down.

"What in the hell was that" Armani asks and I giggle "a Pure crackhead in its Natural habitat" I say and John nods.

(Another 8 hours later) 1:00 a.m.

"Were here" Matt says and I sit up grabbing Zeus and look seeing a big mansion with people coming outside to greet us, Armani opens my door and grabs my hand making my heart go boom boom boom.

"YO MIA" I hear that familiar voice and I turn around and grin "GLIZZY GLADIATOR" I Scream and he grimaces "Gross" Trvgiic-Matt comes over and hugs me "You got short" He says and I gasp "Excuse you" I say and then Matt jumps on him.

"PETTITO"He yells and I walk with Armani "Uh you can share a room with me or Matt because these people stay here and work mafia things here in Texas" He says and I nod "Ill share a room with you" I say and he smiles "Really" He asks and I nod "What could go wrong".

I enter this dark room and he flicks the lights "Perfect room for scary movies" I smile looking around "Yeah you should see my room in new york" He says and I sit on the comfortable bed.

He grabs a hoodie and a pair of shorts "Here if you want to change, Ill be back i'm going to taco bell real quick what do you want" He asks and my eyes light up "I want a chalupa and their potatoes with a baja blast" I say and he nods with a smile and walks out.

I strip out of my clothes and hurry pulling the black shorts on then the grey hoodie. I fold my clothes "I met this woman from Hawaii, Stuck it in her ass and she said-" The door opens "AIIIIIII" 

In comes Matt Trvgiic and John "Hey dudes" I say jumping in the bed and they follow "So you and Armani" Trvgiic grins and I smile "yeah what about us" I ask plugging my phone in "Never would have guessed it" He says and I grin "Jealous" I ask and he laughs "Yeah right"

"Its okay" I keep going and he groans "I wont tell" I laugh and John grins "BUT I WILL" He jumps up "There's nothing to tell" Trvgiic says and I sit back.

Minutes of laughter later "So were having a sleepover in here" Matt asks in his girly voice "No" Armani comes in.

"YOU GOT THE BELL" I yell making him smile "HAHA he got me taco bell and got you shits nothing" I say and they all gape "Armani you bitch" John groans.

"You didn't even ask if I wanted anything" Matt states and Armani shrugs "I didn't want to order the whole menu" He says sitting on the bed and handing me my food, I stick my tongue out at Matt and he sits in front of me "Let me get one bite" He pleads and I shake my head.

"No can do" I say and then Trvgiic tries snatching but I hold it in the air "Bitch ill bite you" I say and Zeus growls "Oooooh" I say and Trvgiic just looks at me "Alright you guys get out" Armani says and then shoves a nacho in his mouth.

"But were doing movie night in here" They both pout "OOOOOOOOHHHHH YEAH WE GOT PIZZA BITCHES" John is heard and I laugh and both Matt's jump up and run out to get some.

After we ate Armani turned on the exorcist "This movie traumatized me when I was younger" I say and Armani laughs "It's not that scary" he says and I choke "Not scary, the bitch was on all fours and not the normal way running down the steps like a damn spider" I say defending my side and he just smiles.

"Lets not forget about when she was spinning her head" I say and he nods "Yeah that part was weird" He says and I shake my head "Weird, That was crazy" I say and lay back holding Zeus and watching the movie.

(After the movie)

"I told you that girl is bat shit crazy" I say and he laughs getting up "Where are you going" I ask "I'm going to sleep on the couch you can have the bed" He smiles and I shake my head.

"Nope we can share the bed or ill sleep on the couch" I say and he just looks  at me.

"It's fine really" he says and I shake my head and he drops his pillow back on the bed and lays down turning off the light.

I smile and lay down and realize I'm kinda scared, well shit, WHAT DO I DO, I frown realizing it would look weird if I used my flashlight to look around the room.

"Uh Armani" I call out to him wanting to slap myself "Yeah" He responds instantly "Can you like hold me" I ask quietly and he laughs.

"You scared" He asks in a humorous tone moving around "That movie is scary" I say and he wraps his arms around me "Yes Ill hold you" he says and I smile.

Listen its all fun and games when your watching the movie but when it comes down to going to sleep its a whole different story
Chapter 22

Cute ngl Cute.

What do y'all think about Armani and Mia? Trvgiic? (Yes i loved him but he got a girlfriend and I still loves him)

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day.

Please vote and comment and maybe even follow 

JadaBoo out

