Angered my soul

I pop out of the bush and shoot with the machine gun taking a few out every couple of seconds, ITS NOT FAST ENOUGH.

"ZEUS" I call out and he sprints and jumps on the first guy he seen.

Moments later I thought I took out everyone but of course someone takes me to the ground but as soon as he did it someone shoots him. I look and see Armani, Oh shit he's angry.

"I told you to STAY IN THE ROOM AND WHAT DO YOU DO" He roars and I just sit there angered by his yelling.

"I'M TALKING TO YOU" He yells and I stand up "You are not my boss" I grunt walking away from him with Zeus before I end up crying.

I enter the house and grab a bat and Angrily swing at people.

Someone swings me around and I don't notice the person so I swing the bat sending them to the floor and behind him is Armani looking angry but concerned.

I turn back around and reload my Machine gun and shoot "Mia Stop" Armani grabs my hand but I yank it away from him and move away from him then some girl jumps on me throwing punches and I flip us over and put all my anger into one punch causing her to lose consciousness or die, I don't know.

I push myself up and Alisa looks at me concerned "Are you okay" She questions and my eyes well up but I blink and nod "Yeah ill be fine" I say shooting the person coming at Alisa.

Later 5:00 p.m.

I Lay on Alisa's bed with my head in her lap "I don't like being yelled at" I sigh "What" She asks "He yelled at me two times and it hurt my feelings" I say and she laughs "Babe he was just frustrated and he wanted you safe" She says and I groan "But he didn't have to be so angry" I glare at the bed.

"I mean considering we were under attack he was already angry and you kinda added heat to hell" she says.

"well dear, If you can't stand the heat, stay out of hell" I say with a rowena accent "But why are you taking his side"

"I'm not I'm on your side no matter what" She winks and there's a knock at the door "Come on Mia were leaving" Armani says and my heart drops.

"Come on your going with me I can't go alone" I say sitting up with fear evident.

"I can't I gotta keep it running here sweetheart" She smiles standing up "So what let someone else do it" I groan "Girl you literally took out how many people earlier, why are you scared" She asks and I blink.

"Because" I say and she guides me out of her room and past Armani "John put the suitcases in already" He says and I nod continuing with Alisa and as we reach the bottom step I let out a tear.

"Oh no Baby don't cry" she pulls me into a hug and I tighten my arms around her "I'm going to miss you" I pout and she nods "Ill miss you too" She mumbles "Your the bestest girl friend ive ever had" I say and she laughs "It goes both ways"

"Ill see you soon" She winks pushing me out the door but smacks my but while she's at it "And remain a bad bitch for me" She says and John pushes me in the Suv and I climb to the way back with Zeus.

(at the Airport) 6:00 p.m.

I walk Beside John with Zeus as we board the plane "John help me sneak off this plane" I whisper and he grins.

"I'm gonna get my ass kicked" He says and I sigh "So, You scared" I question and he nods "Bitch he'll kill me" He says and I laugh "It's okay I won't let him" I smile.

"Bitch that's all the comfort I need" He says sarcastically and I nod "It should be"

(1 hour later)

"There's some hoes in this house" I say laughing "I said certified freak seven days a week" John sings pretending he has long nails on "Wet ass pussy make that pull out game WEAK" Trvgiic screams and I throw my head back as I lose control of my laughter."

(Mexico) 9:00 p.m.

I jump from the last step on the plane and the thick warm air devours me.

"Hey Mia" Matt comes up to me and I smile "Yes" I ask as we walk towards a suv "What's up with you and Armani" He asks and I drop my smile.

"Why did you have to remind me" I groan and he lets off a small smile "He angered my soul" I get in the back of the Suv "Come on Zeus" I say and he jumps over the seats.

"Mia move the dog" John says trying to move Zeus who growls "Why" I ask as more people get in the car "I need a seat fool" He says and I pat my lap and Zeus jumps on me "your to big" I say and hug him.

"That's what she said" John giggles and I shake my head "Stupid" I say and then the car starts moving and nobody is talking nobody.


"Oh shit I shouldn't have ate those beans" He says and this horrible smell fills the air "JOHN YOU STINK" I gag and then he starts laughing this gross laugh "John what the hell" Matt rolls down a window.

"Were going to a hotel by the way" John says and I furrow my eyebrows "The place he has here is full" he says and I nod "I'm rooming with you" I say and he shrugs.
Chapter 29,

What it do y'all? First fight, I feel like its stupid but its what came to mind.

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day! 

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JadaBoo out
