Just letting you know

(11:00 a.m.)

I open my eyes to see Armani gazing down at me with a small smile playing at his lips making a smile come upon my face.

"John took Antonio" He says and my heart falls a bit "Willingly" I question and he nods "Surprising" I mumble tightening me arms around him.

"Were going home at 12:30" He says and I nod getting out of his arms and he grumbles making me smile. 

I walk in the bathroom and get dressed in my black leggings a yellow longsleeved shirt and then brush my hair up into a bun and pull my jean jacket on.

I exit the bathroom and see Armani full clothed and waiting on me, I grab my shoes and sit on the bed trying to put my shoes on but I couldn't bend enough "Shit" I say as I get one on.

"Here" Armani says getting up and grabbing my shoe before getting down and sliding it on my foot and tying the ties. He gets up and I smile "Your so sweet" I say kissing him "Only to you" He says with a small smile and grabbing my hand guiding us out.

"Zeus" I let out excitedly as he comes up to me wagging his tail. We walk outside and I let Zeus get in before me "Ill go get Axel" Armani says walking away.

"BITCH WAIT" Alisa screams and I smile turning around only to be pulled into a hug "Hi" I mumble into her shoulder. "BITCH I MISSED YOU, and yesterday that shit was crazy" She whispers the last part and I nod.

"You going to new York with us" I ask and she frowns "No I gotta go out to Texas, but ill be around sometime" She says and I groan "Damn it" I say and then Armani comes out with Axel.

"Okay I've gotta go but I love you bitch" She says walking away "I love you back" I say sitting in the car.

(10 hours later)

"Armani its to cold" I complain as I watch other people from his mafia get off the plane. "Come on Ill keep you warm" he says pulling me into his arms and guiding us off the plane and to a Suv where Milo sat in the drivers seat.

"Milo" I get in the backseat and Armani shuts the door as he gets in the front "Otis" he nods and I grin and then the door opens and Matt gets in then John with Antonio.

I sit back and Armani reaches back and grabs my hand, I smile as he rubs small circles on my palm.

(At the house)

"Come on Zeus" I call as he jumps around in the snow with Axel "Zeus and Axel" I complain then they run inside and I follow. 

I go upstairs into my room and pull off the jean jacket and before I was able to lay with Zeus I hear John yelling "PLEASE JUST STOP CRYING DAMN IT" He screams and I cringe before exiting my room with Zeus.

I walk to his bedroom door and open it seeing him holding his head in his hands as Antonio screams. I shut the door behind me and I walk up to Antonio's crib "How longs it been since he's ate" I ask and he shrugs.

"I don't know, I didn't feed him on the plane" He says and I sigh "He's supposed to eat every 2-3 hours John" I say grabbing a bottle with water in it. I put similac in and then pick up Antonio and sit in the recliner and put the bottle in his mouth.

"Armani told me to stay away from you" He says and I nod "I'd Imagine, But I came to you so" I say rocking a hungry Antonio in my arms.

Once Antonio finished his bottle I laid him back in his crib "Thanks Mia" John mumbles and I nod "No problem" I say going to leave "Mia wait" he says and I turn around "What"

"Look I'm sorry about yesterday, I was overwhelmed with the fact I could be a single father, And I didn't grow up with a dad around so I was scared, And I know I wasn't the biggest fan of Jasmine but you know I-" He starts crying and my heart falls "I didn't want her to die" He cries out and I rush over pulling him into a hug.

"Its okay, I'm not even mad at you because I understand" I say and he nods "But you should be, You should be pissed at how I was acting" He says and I shake my head "But I'm not" I mumble and he sighs "He's mine" I nod "I know"

He pulls away and wipes his tears "Don't tell anyone about this please Ill never hear the end of it" He says and I smile "Pinkie swear" I hold out my pinkie and he accepts.

"Get some sleep you'll need it" I say and he nods getting in the bed and I leave the room with Zeus. I walk downstairs and smell something cooking.

I go into the kitchen and see Armani hunched over the counter while Axel steals pepperoni's off the other counter "Hey you little shit" Armani scolds Axel and I smile as he wags his tail.

Armani turns around and sees me then smiles "Your dog is greedy" He mumbles pulling me over to him "Don't act like you don't love him" I say and he stares at me "The dog is fat" He says and I shake my head with a smile.

"You told John to stay away from me" I ask and he nods "Yeah he pissed me off" He glares at the thought "Well I forgave him" I say and he gives me a confused look "Why" He asks "Because its not his fault" I say and He scoffs "Ill kill him" he says opening the oven "You don't have to" I assure.

"Just letting you know"
Chapter 50,

What it do y'all? The end is somewhat near! I'm sorry for those whom may really enjoy my book.

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day!

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JadaBoo out
