Find it

(10:00 a.m.)

"Okay you are free to go make sure you attend scheduled appointment" The nurse leaves me as I buckle Matteo into the car seat. "Ill carry him out for you" Matt says and I nod "Thanks" I say grabbing my bags and walking out with him.

I get in the car and Matt hands me the car seat letting me buckle him again.

(at the house) 

Matt gets Matteo and I follow him inside and Zeus and Axel run at me "HEY" I get down to them and they lick my face "I missed you guys to" I say and stand up and go upstairs taking Matteo with me.

I sit on our bed and Zeus jumps on the bed with Axel "Calm down" I say calmly taking Matteo out of the car seat and sit down on the bed "Its a baby" I say as Zeus smells him and Axel looks frightened.

"be gentle" I say moving to the middle of the bed and start to feed him. I pet Zeus who laid his head on my thigh looking at Matteo.

12:00 p.m.

"Otis wake up Armani is on the phone" Milo says and my eyes shoot open and he hands me the phone and leaves.

"Armani" I call out "Hey baby" He answers and I start crying "No please don't cry" He sighs "I miss you like so much" I say wiping my eyes "I miss you more mama" He says making my heart beat harder.

"I um I don't know if Milo told you but I had our baby yesterday" I say and he's quiet for a moment "Really" He asks a bit excited "Yeah its a boy" I smile "Matteo" He says and I bite my lip "Matteo Kol De Luca" I say "My middle name" He groans "I told you it was a surprise" I giggle.

"I think I'm gonna bring him with me to see you someday this week" I say "No, I don't want you coming up here, Its not safe" he says and I sigh "Armani I'm coming" I say and he groans "Listen I know your not going to listen to me but don't bring Matteo up here, I don't want him to see me here" He says.

I furrow my eyebrows "Why not" I ask "Because this place isn't a place where I want to meet my child for the first time" He says and I nod "I've gotta go but I love you" He says and I pout "I love you too" I say and it disconnects leaving me to cry.

"Otis you done" Milo asks from the other side of the door "Yeah" I wipe my eyes and he comes in and I hand him his phone as he frowns at me.

"You need a hug" He nods sitting next to me and hugging me. "Its okay Otis, We'll get him out, I believe in us" He beams standing up and i nod.

"Where's Alisa" I ask "She's downstairs ill send her up" He says leaving the room and soon enough Alisa comes in and lays in the bed with me.

(2 weeks later) 11:00 a.m.

I was now dressed in some light jeans and a red hoodie, My hair was curly and I had a black polo hat on paired with some white vans.

I'm on my way to see Armani, Milo was driving in a car following mine along with Matt and John. Alisa decided she wanted to drive along with me Matteo and Zeus. 

Matteo is a pretty quiet baby. He doesn't cry much, I mean he doesn't really have anything to cry about besides being hungry.

I packed Armani some books and pictures of me because that's all he wanted.

(12:00 p.m.)

I park the car and immediately my heart starts pounding "I can't, I'm scared" I say and she smiles "Go you got this" She says then Matt appears at my door. He opens it and I hop out and walk with him.

We get inside and I had to sign papers and go through metal detectors. I soon reach a seat with  a phone and glass separating the inmate from the visitor. I sit down and wait.

Then he comes to view, Wearing dark blue scrubs with a white t-shirt, He looks hot. He sits down and smiles at me making a smile appear on my face as I pick up the phone.

"Hey baby" He says softly "Hi" I beam and he looks down "I'm going to get you out I promise" I say and he laughs "Yeah if we cant get the millions of dollars, Jailbreak" He says and I grin "Ill bring out my inner assassin".

"Are you sure you don't want to see Matteo" I ask "I'm sure" he frowns and pulls out a paper and slides it under the glass and I grab it "What is this" I say looking at the numbers and two letters "Find it before the 4th, There should be enough and have someone start collecting stock money" He says lowly looking around.

I nod shoving the paper in my pocket and grabbing the books and pictures, I slide them to him and he smiles looking at the picture "How am I supposed to even find this" I groan "Your smart, you can do it I believe in you" He says standing up.

"I love you" he says and I smile "I love you more" I assure and he grins "Impossible"  He puts the phone down and walks away leaving my heart to hurt again. 

I get up and head out and meet Matt outside the door "We've got work to do" 
Chapter 54,

What it do y'all? I'm tired and wrote this while skipping class.

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day.

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JadaBoo out
