The fights are gonna blow up

" what is that supposed to mean " I say accusation filling my voice

" you are just so naive can't you get any of this through your head can't you just think about it " he shouts

" think about what , what are you talking about " I shout back

" you just you confuse me one minute your flirty next minute your pissed make up your damn mind
And then one minute your moving my hand to your ass and your putting your hand on my crotch
Then your rolling away and your complaining and just make up your damn Mind " he screams

I pause for a second
" you fucking confuse me , you have girls throwing themselves all over you and you flirt back and then you come to me and your putting your hand on my ass and the small of my back and your flirty with me
Then your screaming at me and all I do is care about you and your the closest thing I have I love you but yet you drive me insane because you fucking confuse me " I scream back at him

" right no just stop im not doing this because your never gonna see it any of it
You just have your own versions of it and you don't actually see any of it " he screams

" well if you feel that way then just leave get your stuff and go " I scream and he picks up his stuff and stuffs it in his backpack

Then he grabs it and gives me a evil glare before he slams the door opens and reveals my mum and shelley standing there
He storms past them and out the door

" he put his hand where " my mum asks

" on my ass okay he put his hands on my ass
And when I was sleeping my hands went to his crotch
Are you happy now just leave me alone " I scream at them
They walked away and I slammed my door shut
I was so pissed off what is wrong with him
And what the hell was he talking about
I picked up the glass that was next to me and I threw it against the other wall it smashed and went everywhere I screamed
And slid down the wall to a pile on the floor
I just started crying
