I'm a real mess

We had never fought like that before
Never ever ever
He was the closest thing I had and now I had screwed that up as well

About an hour later
My mum opened the door and I looked up at her with my teary eyes as I still say on the heap on the floor smashed glass still everywhere and a cut in my hand from when it smashed
She stepped in and closed the door sliding down next to me
She took my uninjured hand in hers and I leant my head on her shoulder

" I'm sorry I'm so so sorry " I say

She rubs my hand
" it's okay it's okay "
Then the tears start flowing

" you heard what on earth is he talking about why is he so angry with me "

" I think honey he is a bit more sensitive than you give him credit for
Just maybe let him cool down for a day or two and then you speak to him then " she says

" I don't understand and I want to understand , I wanna know why my boyfriend i mean best friend just lost his temper at me
Why on earth did I just call him my boyfriend why would he want me we are close friends that's all " I say

I look up at her " I'm a real mess " I say
She nods her head and laughs her little sweet laugh trying to make me feel better
" oh honey it's gonna get better " she says kissing my forehead

" cmon lets get your hand fixed up and the glass all cleaned up and then we can get you something good to eat" she says as she stands back up

I grip hold of her hand and pull myself up
" okay"

So after a good half an hour just cleaning up the glass
More and more blood had been bleeding out of my hand
And by now I was feeling a bit faint
I leaned down to pick up the cloth and then it all went black I remember falling backwards
