Panick mode is what i call it

"when she leant over to get the glass she must've cut her leg and foot as well but because she was so distraught the pain never registered with her so when she passed out it was because with her foot , leg and hand bleeding it was just too much blood loss to keep her conscious " her mum says

" oh god I did this " I say putting a hand over my mouth I did this to her

" no you didn't darling , you guys both were angry "

" yet but what was I angry for because she didn't love me back how pathetic do I sound " I say

She smiles with a lot of tears in her eyes
" she is gonna be fine I donated blood so she is getting a blood transfusion the now but she will be fine " she says

I pull a chair over and sit down next to her bed

" you want me to go get you some coffee Mrs Hayes " I ask

She shakes her head " no I will get it you just stay with her " she says I nod and then she leaves the room

I grab ahold of Tami's hand
" you do not get to die or anything on me tami Hayes " I say
I lean over and kiss her forehead

" I'm so so sorry I'm just i'm so sorry tami " I say over and over again

After a while I feel her squeeze my hand
I open my eyes and she was just groggily opening her eyes
I gave her a soft smile
" I'm so so sorry if I hadn't of said anything you wouldn't be like this I swear I'm so so sorry " i sputter out she squeezes my hand again

" it's okay it's not your fault I swear but I'm just so confused I don't understand what happened how the hell we ended up in a fight
And how the hell I'm in the hospital "

" well seemingly when you went to pick up the glass it cut deep in your foot and leg and obviously your hand and you lost loads of blood and you passed out and now you are getting a blood transfusion because your mum donated blood you only have like 20 mins left of it " I say
She nods
" okay okay I understand that but what about you I mean it got a bit ridiculous don't Ya think " she says

I softly laugh and smile " yeah it Got a bit ridiculous it's just cause I uh I um" I start stuttering I couldn't get the words out
I went into panick mode what if it recked our friendship she meant to much for me too lose her
