For now we were doing great

we were walking through to my room and he put his hand on the small of my back just guiding me to the room

But it was like a warmth spread through my body when he did

After our studying we were lying in my bed about to go to sleep when he says

" you know tami sometimes I think about a future with you , you know imagine how great we would be together , how great a marriage would be with you and how great a mum you would be and how good looking our kids would be
But then realisation hits me and I know that you would never love me like that and we are just friends " he murmurs
I smile im pretty sure he thought I was asleep
So I squeeze his hand and then I close my eyes
Letting myself drift off to sleep

I wake up during the night after I feel the warmth disappear that was around me
I am a very light sleeper

I opened my eyes to see him walking out my bedroom door
I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eye
I sat there for A few minutes
Then I stood up and walked to the kitchen
Where I saw the light leaking through from the crack at the bottom of the kitchen door

I open it slowly and he is sitting there drinking a glass of water at the table
I sit down next to him
" what's on your mind eric cause I know I am one of the very few people who could read your mind but I can't right now " I say

He smiles " I don't know " he says

I walk over and sit down next to him at the table

" well it is only 1am I don't think your meant to know what your thinking at this time " I say

He smiles again
" do you think of me as a brother " he asks

I go silent and think for a little bit
I cock my head to the side smiling at him
" no I don't why do you think of me as a sister "

He smiles and shakes his head

" no never have " he says finishing his water

" now that that is sorted c'mon lets go sleep " I say grabbing hold of his hand and attempting to pull him up

He stands up and we walk back to my bed
I climb in first then him
He wraps his arm around me and one hand goes to my ass
I laugh
" what have we discussed " I say
He laughs
" not even just a little bit " he begs

I smile " no hands off " he moves his hand to the curve of my waist

I hold his hand and move it down a bit so that his fingers were just touching my ass not too much

I smile , that will do

I close my eyes and fall asleep

A/N a little hint things are gonna turn a bit ugly in the next chapter ๐Ÿ™ˆ
