Playfulness is what we do best

I walk over and put my hand on his shoulder

" sorry mum but he promised me a day out and I'm adding breakfast to that as well " I say

He laughs " fine fine cmon then
Good to see you Mrs Hayes " he says
As we are walking away I hit him over the head

" ow what was that for " he says

" that for trying to watch me get changed " I say

He laughs " what I thought we were cool with that we used to do it when we were younger "

" what when we were 5 and had no clue what puberty was
Or the difference between a Vagina and a penis " I say

" well puberty did very well to you " he says trying to look round at my ass
But I hit him across the head again
" are you gonna behave or am I gonna have to do that the rest of the day " I say

He laughs
" okay okay I'm sorry
Where are we going " he asks

" you can take me to go get something to eat " I say

He smiles " let's go then my fair lady" he says in a posh British accent

I laugh " on we shall go " I say in the British accent

He hooks his arm in mine and we skip
Laughing our heads off
I stop and push him playfully

" you can be such a girl sometimes " I say

" you can check I'm all man " he says I laugh he was laughing too

" cmon we gotta keep moving I'm hungry " i say grabbing hold of his arm and pulling him along the path
He starts laughing as he places his feet firm on the ground so that it is impossible for me to move him
" what are you doing " I ask
" a kiss if you want me to move " he says
I laugh " you think I want to kiss you "

" cmon pay up " he says smooching his lips
I step forward to him and I put my hands on his face and I move to the side and kiss his cheek my lips lingering for just a second before
I pulled my face back

My hands still on the side of his face I stroke his cheek with my hand and laugh softly looking him in the eye
" your gonna have to try a hell of a lot harder if your gonna ever get these lips on yours " I say pulling back And turning away from him and I start walking
I looked back over my shoulder and he was just standing there still frozen on the spot I laughed and kept on walking

I walk into the diner and sit down in a booth and eventually he walks through the door
He sits down and I laugh

" what didn't think I would actually do it " I say

He laughs " no I did not "

He was single I mean so was I but he was good looking and he had girls fawning over him constantly
Two of the stupid girls come wandering over
And put their hands on his shoulder

" hey eerric " they say drawing his name along and twiddling their hair around their fingers

I actually had to hold in a laugh
" hi Amber and Stacy we umm have to go " he says
Pulling my hand so that I stand up leaving the girls at the table and we walk out
