School days

The next morning I wake up to my alarm clock blaring in my ears
I hit snooze and I roll on my back and rub my eyes
Then I feel the pain from the cuts on my leg and stuff

I get up regretfully
And I pick up the medication I was given for the pain

I take two tablets and then I get dressed for school
We don't have a uniform to wear
So I just grabbed some jeans and a black top with my leather jacket which was my signature thing
I wasn't a pure girly girl but I wasn't a Tom boy either
I love wearing dresses when it comes to an event but I prefer to wear jeans and a t shirt on more casual days

I pull on my shoes and I grabbed my bag
And then I left out the door

I just made it to the bus stop on time

When I got into the school
I went straight to my locker
And got out all my stuff and put it in my bag
All the groups lockers were next to each other and we were all in the same classes
Chelsea's locker was next to mine she was my girl best friend
And mark her boyfriend was Eric's best friend
Then there was Marks younger brother owen
Marlene Who's older sister was Sophie
We were all very close together and we were a family
Marlene and owen were dating
Chelsea and mark were dating
And all the boys felt like brothers to me and the girls all felt like sisters

When I shut my locker we all walked to maths

I sat down in class in between Chelsea and eric
The teacher just blabbed on and on about the test
I wasn't really paying attention
It was pretty easy actually thank god I had revised

I wouldn't say I was the badass girl of our year group but it was pretty close
For instance if I had a boyfriend I would prefer to skip unneeded classes and spend lunchtime just making out with them

All our group was kinda badass , Chelsea was suspended last year cause she was caught smoking
I have been in lots of detentions because of skipping class
Owen and mark set up a huge day when it was all about them planking everyone , so water balloons over door ways , pies hitting people in the face when they opened their locker
Green goo in the girls PE changing rooms
The gym hall was filled to the top with plastic play balls that you get in the ball pits

It was truly amazing and they got suspended and had lots of detention time.

The day went by pretty quickly and now we were all sitting at lunch
