I love you means different to us

" hey eerric " I say putting my hand on his surprisingly strong arm and then i twiddle my hair around my finger coping them
" oh eric won't you date me , because I'm a whore and I haven't had sex with you yet " I say taking the Micky out of them

" shut up it's not funny " he says

" it is funny but who would you choose I mean one had a good ass and one had good boobs
So what do you choose boobs or ass " I ask
His eyes drop to my boobs and then my ass
I smile pretending as if I didn't see it

" I like a girl with both " he says I smile God how does he do that make me smile that much

" I'm sure you do , give me a piggy back ride " i ask

He stops walking and I move to the back of him
I jump onto his back wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around him

He starts walking and I laugh
" hey are you staying tonight cause we have to study for maths " I ask

" yeah sure and I will keep my hands off your ass and eyes off of you when you change " he says
I laugh

" good it's disgusting when you do that we are just really close and your my best friend " I say

" I know I love you tami " he says in his friendly usual way

" I love you too now cmon speed up " I say
And he starts walking faster

We get to the house and we walk into the living room to find my mum reading the paper

" mum eric is just gonna stay tonight cause we have to study is that okay " I ask

" yeah it's fine but you must already know that considering you slept over last night eric without asking " she says

" no he didn't stay he knocked on my window at 6am and I told him to get in the bed and sleep so that I wouldn't wake you guys and I really needed sleep " I say

She nods
" alright then "
