
When I woke up shelley was prodding my arm
Holding the house phone in her hand

" it's for you " she says and I take it out of her hands rubbing my eyes
" hello " I say groggily

" morning advantages of me being your boyfriend as that I pick you up and take you to school be ready in about an hour " he says

I smile " oh boyfriend are you "

" yeah it sounds nice coming from your mouth "

" so does that mean that I am your girlfriend " I say

I could hear him smiling through the phone
" yeah I guess it does , cause I mean you kiss me like that and it's hard to not start dating " he says

I laugh " I will see you in an hour and you know 5 minutes " I say

" oh right see Ya " he says and hangs up
I climb out of bed and get dressed and ready
By the time I walk into the kitchen and grab a piece of toast
He was walking in the front door

He leant against the kitchen door frame
Smiling at me
I smiled back
" I'm just coming " I say and I quickly eat the toast
Shelley was sitting at the breakfast table with mum

I walked over and kissed mums check and then I walked over to him
I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together
He looks down at me and smiles

I laugh
" shelley i'm right next to you no need to shout " my mum says

"Yeah shelley you saw that what about this " I say I wrap my arm around the back of his neck and pull his lips down to mine
He kisses me and I kiss back
I heard shelley gasp
And I smiled into the kiss eventually pulling back
I grab hold of his hand again
" c'mon we gotta go " I say pulling hun out the door
" love you guys see you later " I shout through to mum and shelley as we walk out the door
As we climb in the truck
He smirks at me
" well that was certainly something" he says

" yeah well mum already knew so might as well show shelley " I say laughing

" I'm certainly not complaining " he says smiling as he drives towards the school

" you have no reason to complain " I say

He laughs " exactly "

I had my hands folding in my lap so he moved his hand across to reach mine after a while he moved his hand to my thigh
Just holding his hand their then he rubbed circles with his thumb
Just casually it was a sweet gesture it made me smile
