Black panties

Later that day

I drove to Tami's
She lives kinda far away from most houses
Her house is surrounded by fields and woods and it was autumn time which happened to be her favourite season
She loved going on walks in the woods during autumn
It is the most beautiful thing you could see , she gets so mesmerised in the beauty of autumn
And she just has this permanent big grin on her face

I parked my dads truck and i climbed out

I just walked into her house I mean we have been best friends since we were like 4 and this is like a second home

I say hi to Mrs Hayes as I pass her in the hallway
And I walk straight to Tami's room
I knock on the door
" it's just me tami " I say and I open it
She was standing looking in the mirror
In her very short shorts that she sleep in
And she was looking at the scar on her leg from the cut with the glass
When she sees me she immediately covers it

" eric go out just give me a minute " she says
She was really self conscious of the scar it was quite a big one
I doesn't change anything about her or make her ugly in any way
She still looks sexy as hell

" tami if it's about the scar then don't even bother telling me to leave " I say

" eric just go the now , just go sit in the living room or whatever just go " she says

" tami "
" I'm being serious now go sit in the living room or just leave and don't come back " she says her voice getting angrier

" it is a scar tami just a scar not even a bad scar , it is just a scar and you going all self conscious and closing me out isn't going to help anyone
You think pushing me away is gonna work then something's going wrong because there is no way I'm leaving you alone
Your my best friend " I say

" eric please just please " she begs I nod my head and I back out of her room I close the door and slide down the other side of the door

Soon after the bedroom door opened and I fell backwards and landing at her feet she laughs as she puts out her hand for me I grab hold of her hand and pull my self up

" you ready to go " I ask

" yeah umm can you grab my jacket from my wardrobe while I go get my shoes on at the front door " she says walking past me heading to the door

I walk in her room and head for her wardrobe
When I slide the wardrobe open something fell I looked down to see her black lacy panties
Oh god what was she trying to do kill me
But it has feel from a gap in the wall where she was obviously trying to hide it

I grab her coat and I take one last look at her panties then I walk to catch up with her at the front door
