Little talks

Tami pov

" oh Mrs Hayes no need to go through any extra trouble for me I should probably get going " he says and I smile at him

" okay " I say

" I will see you tomorrow " he says winking at me and waving as he walked out

I heard his truck reverse out the drive and I leant against the hall
Wall for support as I felt my knees go wobbly when I thought about his kisses God he was a good kisser
That's literally all I want to do from now on is just kiss him

I sunk to the ground my back against the wall
As I went into a day dream a big smile plastered on my face

After dinner I sat in the living room with mum and shelley but at 10 I just went to my room and laid down on my bed
I heard my phone go off as I got a text I reached across and flipped the screen up it was eric

E: Can't stop thinking about that kiss

T: And which one would that be " I text back teasing him

E: Definitely the end one

T: That was a pretty damn good kiss

E: It was pretty damn amazing

T: Yeah it was

E: I got homework and I need to go over the playbook so I will see you tomorrow

T: Uh okay see you tomorrow

I put my phone down and 5 mins later I got another text I looked at it

E: I love you tami
I smiled
T: I love you too eric I text back and then I turn off my phone

I just lay there smiling a big wide smile

I knew mum would be in her bed by now just resting
I stood up and walked through to her room

A/N lets just say they had mobile phones at that time ๐Ÿ˜‚
