Its time for the fighting to begin

And when I wake up I am lying in the same way we were yesterday
Except from this time his hand is properly on my ass
And mines was on his crotch I quickly moved my hand away
And I grabbed his hand and moved it off my ass to his stomach

And I rolled away from him to the other side of my bed

I buried myself into the pillow and pulled the covers tight over me

And I fell back asleep again god I just couldn't get a full nights sleep when he was here
Well that was a lie I actually slept better with him with me than I did other wise

I woke up with a knocking on my bedroom door
I opened my eyes and he was lying basically on me pressed up close behind me
Half of his body leaning over me
I smiled and then I looked over to my bedroom door to see my mum peeking through the door

" morning mum " I said
" you guys are a bit close " she says
I smile
" yeah I had actually moved to the other side of the bed but he moved to lie like this but he had a rough night " I say

" right well I was just coming to see if you guys are coming for breakfast " she says

I look to him at how he was still sleeping peacefully

" umm nah we will just get something later " I say

She smiles
" okay see you guys soon " she says and she closes the door

I just relax back into his arms
I just kept my eyes open just studying all my posters on the wall

Until I felt him move his hands from my waist
I turned back to look at him and he was rubbing his face
I smile " during the night I did move away to the other side and you seemed to want to get close to me " I say

His cheeks flush a little pink
" c'mon get off me " I say he moved to the other side of my bed

" you can't even talk because you moved my hands down to your ass and I stayed awake for a bit after we were in the kitchen and you cuddled into me and moved your hand to my crotch " he says
Now it was my turn to go red
" and your hand was properly grasping my ass " I say

" let's just pretend nothing happened it's not like you want any of it " he says climbing out of the bed

I climb out of bed and stand across from him

" what is that supposed to mean " I say accusation filling my voice

A/N next chapter it's gonna be the fight
