Kissing against the trees

"I wasn't unconscious , and I love you too and that was a damn nice speech" she says

" will your mum let me stay in your bed now " I ask cheekily

" well what mother doesn't know can't hurt her right " she says and she leans up kissing me on the lips I put my hand at the back of her neck holding her head still , holding her lips as close to mine as I could

I pulled back smiling
" that's never gonna get old " I say grinning like a little boy

She laughed and put her hand in mine lacing our fingers together and she pulled me along
I squeezed her hand and she squeezed back
It felt good holding her hands and we walked the other way heading back towards her house

Once we got at a distance where you could see the house

I pulled across next to the trees and I pushed her against one of the tree barks
Moving my lips down to hers and kissing her roughly and She was kissing back with the same amount of force and damn it was hot
I ran my tongue over her bottom lip begging for entrance and she let me in
And our tongues were swirling in the Dance for dominance and it felt like we had be doing this all our life's

When we pulled apart she was smiling and out of breath
" I always wondered why people do that all the time but if it's like that damn no wonder they do " she says

I laugh " I just got it all i mean a good kisser , good looks , good genes, definitely good man parts I mean just wait till you see that " I say in my cocky playful way

She laughs and hits my arm
" shut up c'mon lets go " she says and we walk side by side our sides occasionally bumping together and our hands would skim past each other as we walked towards the house

" eric are you staying for dinner " Mrs Hayes asked as we walked in the house

" oh Mrs Hayes no need to go through any extra trouble for me I should probably get going " I say
