I'm here i'm here

" you what , eric cmon I have known you all my life just tell me what's wrong " she asks
I give her a smile

" I just I'm glad your okay " I say
She gives me a confused look

" I don't know I guess we were just both tired cause we had a rough night" I say

She nods

" yeah yeah we did " she says

Tami pov

After a while eric left I still had this weird that he was lying to me

But oh well just leave him be
God my body hurts

The blood transfusion is finished now and they said I could leave in a few hours

I moved so that I was curled into a ball in the hospital bed
And I tried falling asleep but God it was so much nicer in Eric's arms

I mean what , what am I talking about he is just my friend my close close friend

When I woke up mum and shelley were sitting on the chairs and the doctor was signing my discharge papers

" can I go home now " I ask

" yeah baby just getting it sorted " mum says

I smile
" did eric leave and not come back " I ask

She gives me a sad comforting smile
" yes he hasn't came back yet " she says with a sympathetic smile

" oh okay " I say trying to hide my disappointment

When mum was wheeling me out to the car in the wheelchair I was provided

He came running up
" I'm here I got it " he says and he takes over the pushing for my mum
I move my hand up to reach his on the handle of the wheelchair
I smile up at him he smiles back

My mum walks up the side next to me and holds my hand

Once we reached the car he helped me in and then he returned the wheelchair to the reception
" will I see you tomorrow " he says when he comes back

" yeah at school " he nods

" remember to study " I shout as he walks away he turns back to look at me and he smiles

" okay " he shouts

My mum shuts the car door and she drives us home

A/N I know it's not what you guys what but just give it time
