He's missing

A month later

Me and eric had now being dating for a month

It was lunch time and me and eric were outside
Near the side where the trees and stuff were
I was pressed against the school wall and we were making out

He ran his tongue along the bottom of my lip and I let him in
Our tongues were swirling in the dance of dominance
He was kissing me full on with passion and heat and God it was God
I kissed back with the same force

My phone started ringing in my pocket
" tami your phone " he says pulling back a bit
" just leave it " I say and then I claim his mouth as mine again
We continued this for 5 mins but my phone was still going
I pulled back from the kiss and I answered my phone
Leaning forward and pecking his lips softly as I held the phone to my ear

It was Eric's mum her and my mum were very close

" oh hi mrs taylor , I'm sorry were you wanting eric " I say
He gives me s confused look and I shrug my shoulders

" oh no tami there is something I need to tell you that your mother can't quite say the now "

" what's wrong , what's going on "

" tami I'm sorry I'm so so sorry but it's your dad he .. He is missing in action im sorry so so sorry " she says my Eyes go wide

" hows my mum " I ask

" oh honey she umm she's not doing so well but how are you "

" have you told shelley " I asked

" yeah I will tell her after school I just I thought you should know " she says

" okay uh thank you for telling me and watching over my mum for me "
I say and I hang up
I look up at him and tears filled my vision
Oh god my dad was missing during a war what if he was dead then he was never gonna walk me down the aisle or be a grandad
He wasn't gonna see me graduate
He wasn't gonna see any of it because he's probably dead
I burst into tears and I was full on crying
Tears streaming from my eyes

He kisses my forehead
" oh no tami what's wrong " he says trying to wipe away the tears but they just keep on flowing

He pulls me to his chest
I bury my face into his chest and he wraps his arms around me tight I cling to his t shirt as if my life depended on it
" oh no Tami what's wrong babe "

" my dads missing in the action " I mutter through the tears
My voice was so quiet so scared like that I didn't even recognise it as my own
