I love her

" I love her dammit I love her and she thinks it was just a damn rough night and that's because I told her that but really
I am damn in love with her and you know what happened while I slept over
She moved my hands further down to land on her ass and when she turned round to cuddle more into me during her sleep her hand was at my crotch and then we started arguing in the morning and she says I flirt with other girls I haven't flirted with any damn girls for the past 2 years because I have been in love with her and I'm just pissed off all the time

And then she goes and puts herself in damn hospital because she decided she was gonna smash some damn glass and walk around without covering up her cuts
And dammit I couldn't even kiss her when she woke up in that hospital I couldn't even kiss her
I had to settle to a kiss on her damn forehead as she was fucking unconscious and I'm pissed off okay so I'm sorry for shouting at you guys but I am pissed off " I say angrily
And then I slam my hand against the lockers again
We heard someone gasping at the end of the hall but by the time we looked whoever it was , was gone

" dude I'm sorry "

" yeah no fucking shit God I just need to calm down " I say

" why don't we go see if coach will let you throw some footballs and use the weights because anyway we have P.E next " he says I nod in agreement and we walk to the coaches office

He of course lets us because he knew how pissed I was and it would be extra practice

Tami pov

I was just about to head to the bus when someone was shouting my name I turned round to see Chelsea running up to me

" you know how I went to check on the boys " she says

" yeah "

" I heard some much stuff that I want to talk to you about but I can't but I so want to " she says giggling and screaming

" calm down its fine just leave it be I don't want to hear what they were talking about
Probably a new whore he likes " I say

She giggles
" it so was not a whore but it was someone he likes " she says

I nod my head " okay right Chelsea I gotta go catch my bus but see you tomorrow " I say
She nods her head and I run to catch my bus
And I see it drive right past me and down the street and the pain of my Cuts were starting to get worse

I knew eric was at training
So I just sat on the floor next to his truck until he eventually came out

He gave me a confused look as he walked up to the truck
His bag with his kit in it thrown over his shoulder

" what's wrong tami "

" I missed my bus and I couldn't walk home because the pain in my cuts has been getting worse for the past hour and a half and I don't have my tablets because I was meant to be at home
I waited on you hoping you would drive me home " I say

He smiles " get in the damn truck " he says and helps me up
I climb in and so does he
He was driving when he reached over and held my hand
I laced our fingers together
He rubbed soothing patterns on my thumb
" is your pain really really sore "

" no no not really really sore but it is painful but you doing that helps " I say
He smirks
" well I don't have a problem with it either " he says

I smile
" you gonna get me home quick or you just gonna take your time " I say

He laughs " why I like driving around with you " he says
I smile and squeeze his hand
" I like driving around with you too but I'm hungry and I need to get my medication "

" oh right yeah let's get you home " he says and he speeds up very quickly
With the new speed we were at my house very quickly
I climb out the truck and smile at him as I shut the door

" see you tomorrow " I say and I turn round and walk into my house

The first thing I did was take my medication because damn it hurt everywhere
