
Leorio: Come on guys, keep it movin!!

Kurapika: Kil and gon we already have snacks come on!

The whole morning everyone was running late. The plane had been delayed an hour so this gave everyone a chance to make it to the airport but the designer still hadn't made it. The plan was for The 4 boys, the wedding planners and the designers all boarded the plane at the same time. And later the wedding planners and designers would meet up with a wedding coordinator that was already in Lukso Province.

Killua: we should just board!

Kurapika: if the designers not here or didn't call us-

Once Kurapika said those words he got a call. After he was done talking he signed in relief.

Kurapika: Okay we can board now!

Everyone started to move quickly to the plane.


Once everyone got on the plane everyone started to calm down. Leorio let out a sigh and looked over at kurapika.

Leorio: So who was that on the phone?

Kurapika: It was nori (designer) who said she was in bad traffic and to make it worse she had forgotten killua's tuxes. So she told us to go one without her and she'll wait.

Leorio nodded and laid his head back. Kurapika picked up Akane carefully examining her.

kurapika: hey leorio.

leorio: hm.

Kurapika: Have you noticed that Akane's been growing really fast.

Leorio: I'm surprised you don't know it's just like when she is still inside of your stomach she's gonna grow faster than normal babies, maybe even a few weeks she'll be crawling. Some kurta babies skip the crawling stage and just start walking.

Kurapika took another look at Akane and smiled.

kurapika: hey can you go check on killua and gon i haven't heard them once since we got on the plane.

Leorio nodded, getting up.

Leorio: I hope they're not doing anything.

He mumbled and started looking around the plane. After a few minutes he still hadn't found killua or gon.

Leorio: where the hell are they?


Gons pov

Gon: uh guys?

Where did everyone go? I turned my back for one minute and no one was there. Maybe everyone took a bathroom break. Right? I then went to go check the bathroom and now one was there. When I left the bathroom I saw a man with blond hair looking at the flights.

Blond man: damn, it's gone already.

I walked up to him.

Gon: Do you mind telling me where that plane left to?

Blond Man: the plane to xxx damn i really needed to get there today.

That's the city Lukso Province is in and they left me. I started to panic. walking around in circles.

Gon: They left me!

Blond man: are you okay?

Gon: They left me!

Gon: I feel so betrayed. How dare they do this to me!

The Blond man backed up.

Blond man: I'm gonna leave.

and he ran to the exit.

Gon: I can't even go home, I don't have a key!

I started looking through my pockets to call them, noticing my phone wasn't in my pocket.

A/n pov

gon groan remember that about a week ago Kurapika had taken his phone for accidentally calling the police to the house at 3:00. Gon had sat on one of the chairs and frowned.

Gon: Maybe I should miss their wedding. How would they like it since they left me- NO that sounds like something Killua would say.

He threw his head back.

Gon: Why did I say that?! That's so mean. First I got left at the airport and now I'm turning into killua!


finally leorio had found killua.

Killua: Have you seen gon?!

Leorio shook his head.

Leorio: I was gonna ask you the same thing. Have you tried calling him?

Killua: he doesn't have his phone.

Leorio put his hands on his hip.

Leorio: shit... did he even get on the plane.

Killua shrugged.

Killua: I didn't see him so I thought he had boarded first with miki ( wedding planner ) so I didn't think much of it.

Leorio: Well he couldn't have. I just saw Miki. She said she doesn't know. I also asked everyone if they saw him.

Killua rubbed his forehead.

Killua: We left him, that's the only reasonable thing...

killua: THAT DUMMY.

Leorio pulled out his phone and started to call someone.

Leorio: I'm calling nori and i'll ask her if she can pick up gon.


Once leorio was done talking to nori he walked back to kurapika.

leorio: we left gon.

he said sitting down.

kurapika: Wait what?

Leorio: I told nori could she pick up gon and they'll be arriving at the same time.

kurapika: I feel so bad.

he said putting his hand over his face.


9:20 Thursday

miki: So we're off.

The 3 wedding planners all got in a car together driving away.

Leorio: We should get to our hotel now.


Everyone had gotten comfortable in their hotel room until Leorio and Kurapika got a knock on their door. Leorio sat his head up and answered the door. And there was killua.

Kil: I'm bored.

leorio shrugged.

Leorio: Okay?

Kil: OKAY OKAY did you really just tell me OKAY.

Leorio: What's the problem? I can't do anything about your boredom.

Killua groaned.

Killua: Let's do something. I don't want to stay in a hotel doing nothing until Gon gets here.

Leorio: Well, we're not going anywhere until Gon gets here.

Kil: come on!

Leorio shook his head

he rolled his eyes walking away. And leorio closed the door. Kurapika was lying on the bed with Akane on his stomach. Leorio laid next to Kurapika, rubbing Akane's back.

Leorio: I love them so much.

Leorio mumbled.


friday 8:00

Finally 2 days had passed and the 3 went to pick up Gon from Nori. The ride back to the hotel was silent.

Kurapika: Sorry gon.

Gon: It's Okay I had lots of fun with Nori so I'm fine.

Leorio: What did you guys do?

Gon's eyes lit up and smiled.

Gon: Well before we went to her house we dropped by the work so she could close up. Then we went to get food...

Gon went on and on about what nori and him did and killua just glared at him.

Gon: We also flew first class!

kurapika: what how!

Gon: There were too many people in the main part of the plane and no one in first class so we got in first class.


Sunday 7:24

It was the morning of Kurapika and Leorio's wedding and both of them barely got any sleep from how excited they were. Right when they woke up they were separated. Kurapika was in the process of getting his hair done. nori was flat ironing his hair also giving him a small trim. Kurapika couldn't stop smiling if he tried to it would just creep back on his face.

nori: is everything okay kurapika?

kurapika: yeah. why?

Nori turned him to the mirror and tilted her head.

Nori: your eyes.

Kurapika: oh... I'm just excited ya know.

Kurapika laughed and looked down.

Nori: Well okay then.

nori pulled out chapstick slowly guiding it against his lips.

nori: time for your tuxes.

Nori jumped up and down and guided him into a changing room. When Kurapika was finally done, Nori smiled at him.

Nori: You look so handsome!

she squealed.


Leorio: Are you sure this isn't too much!

Anzu: Now stop complaining!

Anzu, who was Nori's assistant and also younger sister, helped Leorio get ready for the wedding. she brushed the makeup brush in brown eyeshadow roughly putting it on Leorio's eyelid.

Leorio: Do you have to be so rough?!

Anzu: shhh let me do what I have to do!

Leorio groaned and let her do whatever.

Leorio: hey! What's that for?!

Anzu was ready to put mascara on him until he started yelling again.

Anzu: Could you stop yelling! It's clear mascara. Come on now I can barely see your eyelashes, nothing is uglier than a dude with no eyelashes!

Leorio: Excuse me! First of all, I'm all around handsome with no eyelashes and you've been throwing insults at me ever since I got here.

She shrugged.

Anzu: You're a grown man acting like a baby.

Anzu rolled her eye's and passed him his suit. As he was about to get up she pulled him back down.

Anzu: are your sideburns always like that?

Leorio: huh.

Anzu grabbed clippers moving closer to his face.

Leorio: NO NO NO.

Leorio slid out of his chair and ran to the changing room.

Anzu: What a baby.


(I'm kinda stupid and I'm not to sure how a wedding would go never been to one plus i'm to lazy to look it up also there are a few time skips so i didn't write the whole wedding reception it's 1:44 AM and my fingers are started to cramp )

The couple was finally done. Leorio had made it to the wedding first. Now it was finally time to get the wedding going but leorio wanted to socialize a bit before kurapika came. People were still arriving. He didn't see any of his family yet but killua and gon were sitting in the chairs joking around. He spotted morel Palm knuckle and shoot when they saw him they immediately walked over to him.


Leorio started to see his family members come in first, his mom and his younger siblings following after her.

Rose: Oh Leorio!

She tightly hugged him.

Rose: I can't believe you're getting married.

He felt someone hug his waist.

hina: Leo!

she chuckled.

Hina: congrats! Also where's Akane?

Leorio laughed and pointed to where Killua and Gon were.

Leorio: you see that green haired boy he's holding her.

She nodded and ran over to them. Leorio greeted the rest of his family; he was just waiting for his auntie, Marco, And daichi. After a few minutes he saw Marco and daichi come in with along side with Marco's boyfriend and a gray colored hair boy leorio didn't know ; )

Marco: I told auntie not to do it but she did anyway.

Leorio: Do what?

Soon after, Leorio said that his auntie was rolling in their grandpa. But that wasn't the only thing he looked pissed. He was wearing a tuxedo but to add onto this outfit he had a pride flag hanging off of his shoulders and pride sun glass. It was also the same with his auntie.

Leorio: What the hell?

Marco: sorry.

He whispered slowly, backing away.

Auntie: congratulations love!!

Leorio's mouth was hanging open from shock.

Leorio: What did you do to grandpa?

Leorio's Auntie laughed and put a hand on the old man's shoulder.

Auntie: weeeell your grandfathers an ally now!

grandpa: NO I'M NOT STOP!

Leorio laughed.

Auntie: how dare you be rude at leorio's wedding.

She said glaring at him.

Auntie: I'm gonna have to have another talk with him. He didn't finish his granola bar this morning, so he was upset.

Auntie: such a baby.

She mumbled rolling him away.

Leorio nodded and walked in the daichi direction.

Leorio: So who's this you with daichi?

The gray headed boy smiled and handed leorio his hand.

s: I'm suga-

wedding coordinator: Okay everyone settle down!

Leorio's heart started to pump. Leorio was pulled to the front in front of the altar. Leorio looked around and noticed Gon and Killua were gone. Leorio hadn't noticed before but he saw hisoka socializing with his family. He rolled his eyes.

the wedding coordinator stepped back in and walked over the morel.

wedding coordinator: you're the best man right?

Morel nodded.

wedding coordinator: you need to be up there.

She handed morel a small pillow with the rings on it. Soon the real wedding started. music started to play and everything got quiet. Leorio started shaking. This was really about to happen. A few seconds later you could see Killua, Kurapika, and Gon walking down the aisle. Killua to kurapika's left and gon to kurapika right. When the 3 of them got to the arch, Gon passed Kurapika's hand to leorio.


Priest: You May Now Seal Your Marriage


The wedding was finally over and Kurapika and Leorio had received many congratulations and some even brought gifts. Everyone had talked for about 2 hours but that's when the after party started.

Finished this chapter at 4:37 AM. published atย  2:48 PM
