kurta men

Kurapika was drying his hair as leorio buttoned up his shirt the whole morning had been silent but that moment kurapika broke it.

kurapika: so about last night are we-

leorio smiled walking over to kurapika to kiss his forehead.

leorio: yeah kurapika... i'm your boyfriend and your mine.

blush covered kurapika's face.

leorio: well sunshine let's hurry i want to spend as much time with you as possible. 

kurapika nodded and grabbed his clothes.

kurapika: may i know what was in the black bag you brought in yesterday.

leorio: oh...

leorio rubbed the back of his neck going to go get the bag from his side of the bed. When the bag was handed to kurapika he started to look in the bag as he look in the bag his face got even more red

leorio: i kinda wanted to be prepared you know.

kurapika nodded his head and smiled.

kurapika: sorry for making you spend your money.

leorio: no! it's fine i promise if you said your not ready i would respect that i'm not going to make you do anything you don't want!

kurapika handed the bag back to leorio.

kurapika: again thank you for understanding.

leorio nodded.

leorio: anything for my beautiful boyfriend. 

Leorio planted another kiss on kurapika's lips after finishing  putting on his clothes.

Gon & killua Pov

Gon: i wonder what kurapika and leorio are doing.

killua nodded 

killua: i don't know it would be a bummer if they didn't end up together.

gon: well if it's meant to happen it will.

killua: i'm sure. 

gon: do u think that leorio and kurapika would ever have kids together if they happened to get married?

killua: you mean adopt right?

gon: no i did some digging and found out that kurta men can also give birth just how woman do.

killua: to bad one of us isn't a kurta.

gon: why would you say that-

killua: nothing don't mind it let's just go get more cards.

gon nodded running off with the white haired boy.

8 days later Leorio & kurapika's POV

kurapika and leorio both were in the kitchen drinking tea not so much leorio tho. kurpika was sitting on the counter with on of leorio button up shirts on with leorio between kurapika legs. leorio non stop kissing kurapika skin that the shirt didn't cover.

kurapika: stop that or your going to make me spill my tea.

his last kiss was placed on kurapika's lips.

leorio: i'm just so happy i'm aloud to kiss you this way.

kurapika smiled and looked down.

kurapika kept drinking his tea has he felt leorio's eye's on him.

kurapika: stop leorio!

leorio: what?!

he whinnied hugging his boyfriend waist.

kurapika: your being a perv and i don't like it.

leorio: only for my sunshine.

leorio smirked

we got to 100 reads and 5 votes!  Also sorry for the short chapter i have plans for the next chapter so it will be longer :)
