
this chapter is going to be short because i have big plans for the next chapter ; )

Killua and Gon had set the paint and other materials on the floor.

killua: first we need to move everything out of the room and the first thing we can start doing is painting.

gon nodded.

gon: i'm on it!

gon start to remove all of the things that were sitting on the floor. While killua took tape out of the bags and started to tape the outlets. When Gon was done he started to get the paint rollers and paint trays.

killua: we should get changed before we start things may get messy.


The boys got changed into shorts and white t-shirts When they arrived back in the room, they placed floor coverings down.

killua: we should get started now.

Killua smiled.


After about an hour moving into the 2 hours the boys had painted the first layer of the walls.

killua: we should get a snack before we start the second layer.

Gon dropped the roller and rubbed his forehead.

gon: agreed.

The both of them sat on the floor and pulled out snacks. Killua took a bite off his chocolate and laid back on the floor.

killua: i wonder how it's gonna be with a baby running around here.

gon shrugged.

gon: I don't know but I wonder if Kurapika will be able to breastfeed.

he said, rubbing his chain.

killua: what... why the hell would you say something like that?!

gon: well i don't know... YOU can't talk killua you say weird stuff all the time.


Both of the boys were sitting on the bed killua on his phone and gon on the the game.

killua: gon.

Gon turned his head to killua.

gon: hm?

killua: you know if you tease a man's prostate a certain way you can make him squirt.


~end of flashback~

Killua laughed and hopped back up.

killua: we should finish painting then and let it dry overnight so we can start more tomorrow.

gon nodded.


After a few more hours of painting the two were finally done.

killua: ughhh i'm gonna take a shower.

Killua reached for the doorknob before he could open it gon pulled him by his wrist.

killua: uh what are you-

Gon quickly pulled Killua in for a kiss for about 6 seconds then let him go.

killua: w-what was that for?

killua said blushing.

gon: it kinda feels like we're not dating you know.

killua: what do you mean?

gon: what i mean is that it's like our relationship isn't serious. I always look at Kurapika and Leorio and they always kiss and hug. It's just like we're still only best friends, nothing more. We haven't even been on a real date and we're also 17. There's things we can do now.'

Gon smiled, rubbing his neck.

killua: well how about Saturday huh we can go on a real date!

Killua said, grabbing Gon's shoulder.

killua: and we can kiss more i guess.

he mumbled. Gon smiled again and kissed Killua a second time.

gon: I'm tired.

Killua covered his blushed face following gon out of the room.


Kurapika and leorio had both woken up. No words were exchanged and both of them just stared at each other.

kurapika: you know your eyes are really pretty.

he said, rubbing his cheek.

leorio: what?

Leorio laughed.

leorio: they're just brown, nothing special.

he shrugged.

kurapika: not a lot of people like brown eyes but i love them.

Kurapika smiled.

kurapika: I hope our baby has your eyes.

Leorio: Well I love your eye's too!

kurapika: huh...

Kurapika laughed as Leorio covered his face.

Leorio: NO NO please don't take that in the wrong way.

Kurapika laughed again, pulling himself close to leorio.

Leorio: i love y-

Leorio got cut off with a groan coming from Kurapika's mouth.

Leorio: Kurapika you okay.

Kurapika flinched and nodded.

kurapika: I can feel the baby moving.

Leorio's eyes lit up and he smiled.

leorio: can i touch.

Kurapika nodded in approval. Leorio placed his hand by Kurapika's stomach waiting for the baby to move again. when she finally did. Leorio smiled and kissed kurapika.

leorio: it's not gonna be long until the baby is born.

Kurapika nodded.

Leorio: wait!

Leorio sat up and looked at kurapika.

Leorio: names we didn't choose for the baby!

kurapika: you're right.

Kurapika said, also sitting up.


After minutes of searching and thinking, Leorio and Kurapika found the names Akane meaning brilliant red and Akako meaning red.

kurapika: which one are we gonna choose?

Leorio: I don't know, I like both.

Kurapika nodded.

kurapika: we can decide later or when she's born.

leorio: You're right, are you hungry? I can order food.

kurapika: I'm not hungry but I can still eat.

Leorio nodded and grabbed his phone.

leorio: i'm gonna ask kil and gon do they want anything.

Kurapika nodded, laying back down as Leorio walked out the room. leorio walked down the hall first going to killua's room he opened the door seeing killua and gon both sleeping together. Leorio smiled and turned the night off, closing the door.

Leorio: I love them so much.

He showed a light smile and started to call the food place. placing the order.

kurapika: LEORIO!

Kurapika called from the room.

Leorio: yeah!

he said, running back to the room.

kurapika: It's kicking again.

kurapika muttered.

baby time lol. I honestly don't like babies or kids. I would never have kids.
