clubbing part 2 (smut)

Kurapika: Why wait until we get home? Hm I could take you right here if I wanted to, how about it Leorio?

Leorio bit his lip

Leorio: you shouldn't talk like that right now especially if you don't mean it.

Kurapika: And who said I don't mean it.

Kurapika leaned closer towards Leorio placing his hands on his thighs slowly rubbing his thumb back and forth. Leorio groaned, grabbing Kurapika's wrist.

Leorio: K-kurapika

Kurapika: hm?

Kurapika slowly moved his thumb over Leorio's dick rubbing it with his thumb as he did with his thigh. It was heaven to tease Leorio and he could do it as long as he pleased. Kurapika's look in leorio's eyes as he gave it a soft squeeze.

Kurapika: Now Leorio I don't think you can make it home like this can you? How about I finish you off here and I'm all yours once we get home? How about that?

Leorio swallowed trying to get his words out.

Leorio: Come on and do it.

Kurapika slower than before unzipped Leorio's pants. He could already see moisture in Leorio's boxers. Kurapika licked his lips sliding under the table to get in between Leorio's thighs. He once again placed his hands on leorio's thighs but he wasn't done with the teasing yet he glided his tongue over the wet spot.

Leorio: God dammit pika

Kurapika smiled and continued licking his clothed dick. Kurapika loved the feeling of Leorio twitching from his touch. Fuck it was like heaven to kurapika to just know how he was making his husband feel.

Leorio: I had enough of this teasing kurapika.

The smaller male did enjoy teasing him but he knew if it continued Leorio would do the same to him but ten times worse so he finally pulled down his boxers once he did so leorio's dick sprung up slightly hitting Kurapika's nose making kurapika shut his eyes giggling. He finally started to slowly lick up to the tip staring Leorio in the eyes as he didn't rush to swallow all of Leorio.

Leorio: ah shit

Leorio's groans sent vibrations into Kurapika's mouth the more he sucked Leorio the more horny he became himself. Soon enough Kurapika bobbed his head up and down faster. His saliva started to build up at the corner of his mouth slowly dripping down to his chin as he made his movements faster. But he felt like this wasn't enough so he took his right hand also moving it to the pace his mouth was moving.


Leorio grabbed a handful of Kurapika's hair slamming it on his dick over and over. Kurapika's eyes started to water soon becoming tears dripping from his cheeks down to his chin. Leorio thrusted hard into Kurapika's mouth over and over again at this point Kurapika felt like he was gonna pass out if leorio went deeper into his throat.

Leorio: fuuck yes~

Kurapika grabbed onto Leorio's pants using his other hand hitting Leorio's thigh to signal to Leorio he couldn't breathe. Did he think Leorio was gonna pay action to this? No he didn't but he still did it always. Leorio's moans started to become louder but only Kurapika could hear it from over the loud music. After at least 2 minutes of Leorio mouth fucking Kurapika he was at his limit. The thrusting started to get sloppy and slow. Finally Leorio yanked Kurapika's head back. His cum squirting out onto Kurapika's lower face and the rest oozing out onto his pants.

Both of the boys were panting trying to recover from what just happened. Kurapika laid his head on Leorio's thigh and leorio laid his head back on the set patting Kurapika's head.

Leorio: So when is it your turn?

He said still out of breath

Kurapika: Wait, let me catch my damn breath, you horse.

Leorio chuckled and played with Kurapika's hair

Leorio: Kurapika's I'm not gonna drive drunk so I'm gonna go see if this club has private rooms.

Kurapika moved from under the table and sat back at his seat.

Kurapika's: make it quick please...

Leorio nodded, pulling back up his underwear and pants.

Kurapika: shit...

Kurapika was rock hard so hard that it almost hurt. He wanted to touch himself right then and there but that was for Leorio to do so he endured it for longer.


Finally Leorio was back and he had a key card in hand.

Leorio: They have rooms in the back. It's kinda like hotel rooms we're going back there.

Kurapika: Just shut up and take me to the room.

Leorio grabbed Kurapika's hand, standing him up on his two feet. And both of them started to walk all the way to the back pushing threw drunk dancing people and more as Leorio looked through the crowd he saw familiar looking people. The green haired one had the other backed up against a wall making out with him as his hands creeped down his pants Leorio quickly looked away and kept walking.

They were now in the room. The hallway was dark and quiet. You could hear faint noise from the music in the front.

Leorio unlocked the door and brought Kurapika's in. He didn't take a second to get Kurapika on the bed. Kurapika's hands had been pinned above his head Leorio started at his neck softly kissing him then moving to his jawline. This soft kissing quickly turned into rough sucking the longer Leorio sucked on one spot the redder it got when it was finally the dark color Leorio liked. He licked the spot and moved to another. Next was Kurapika's lips. He looked Kurapika in the eyes before attacking his lips. He tasted of alcohol so much that he could just about get Leorio even more drunk. Tongues had met once Leorio started to kiss Kurapika Leorio had taken full control of all of this and Kurapika loved it but he couldn't wait any longer for Leorio to be inside of him.

Kurapika: Hurry Leo please

He whimpered

Leorio: be patient.

He kissed Kurapika once more. Then after took off his shirt he started to do the same with Kurapika undressing him. First he started with the top half of his suit leaving Kurapika to unbutton the red button down. Next he went to Kurapika's pants pulling them down along with his underwear. Kurapika's was rock hard and dripping. Leorio almost felt bad for leaving his husband in this condition for this long.

Leorio: get on all fours

Kurapika's quickly did has Leorio said trying to fucked by him as soon has possible. Leorio rubbed Kurapika's ass and harshly slapped it causing Kurapika's to jerk up and whimper once more. Leorio got on his knees rubbing his thumb over Kurapika's already wet hole slowly sinking it in.

Kurapika: A-aaah

Leorio slowly moved his thumb in and out next adding his tongue moving it around his thumb also kissing Kurapika's ass a few times. He then took out his thumb using both of his hands to grab Kurapika's ass continuing his licking motions from before.

Kurapika: NGhh

Leorio then added in two fingers thrusting in and out this time he didn't go slow he also made his fingers go in scissoring motions to stretch Kurapika out Kurapika was so wet he practically made his own lube he was dripping down to his thighs looking at Kurapika like this made Leorio go crazy he thrusted his fingers in and out of Kurapika a couple more times before he unzipped his own pants again throwing them to the side along with his boxers. Leorio stroked himself using the hand that he had just finished fingering Kurapika with, covering it in Kurapika's liquids.

He slowly started pushing his tip in this was just enough to push Kurapika off edge. He grabbed Kurapika's waist slamming Kurapika's down on his dick over and over again

Kurapika: Ah shit!

Kurapika gripped onto the bed covers and shoved his head into the pillow. He's moans became muffled as he did so

Leorio: oh fuck yes

Kurapika still had his red shirt on so Leorio grabbed it and also Kurapika's waist going deeper and faster every thrust Kurapika's started to see stars from how rough Leorio was being he didn't complain because he loved every second of it.

Leorio: god dammit kurapika

Leorio kissed Kurapika's neck and next his cheek

Kurapika: Mffmp! AH

Leorio dug his fingers into Kurapika's waist, kissing him again. Kurapika finally lifted his head up from the pillow letting his moans go wild. Leorio threw his head back, slowing down; he was still as deep as ever. Kurapika could feel Leorio twitch inside of him but as soon as he felt this Leorio started brutally fucking him once again. Both of the boys' moans and groans echoed throughout the room.

Leorio: fuck!

Kurapika: ahh mm-ah

Kurapika was so close and Leorio knew that Kurapika started to tighten around Leorio and Leorio sped up his movements.

Kurapika: L-leo I'm gonna- AH FUCK

Leorio took a hand full of Kurapika's hair kissing him

Leorio: I know baby hold it in for me.

Kurapika's bit his lip and did as Leorio asked after a few more thrusts. Leorio finally said Kurapika could release himself so he did and seconds after Leorio shoved Kurapika's face into the bed pulling out and releasing on Kurapika's back.

Leorio: That was so damn good

Kurapika: mhm

Kurapika could barely get any words out from exhaustion. Leorio took a tissue that was sitting on the nightstand and wiped Kurapika's back off. After he sat the used tissue back on the nightstand.

Leorio: I love you pika

He whispered

Kurapika nodded from that being the only thing his could do at the moment but Leorio knew he would have said it if he had the strength to and after a long night the couple drifted off to sleep

The enddd
