sleep over

killua: well kurapika's here now how about a sleep over.

gon: yeah that would be fun we haven't done anything all together in along time.

leorio: only if kurapika agrees 

kurapika: yes that would be fun.

kurapika looked up at the boys and smiled.

leorio: well do you guess want to go now.

gon: yeah let's go now.

leorio handed his keys to kurapika.

leorio: I'm gonna ask for our stuff to go you guys get in the car.

the 3 nodded and made their way out the door.

killua: sooo kurapika where have you been.

kurapika: I-

gon: that doesn't matter at least his back.

killua: you are right.

when the 3 boys  got to the car kurapika unlocked it all of them getting in.

kurapika: i bet i missed out on a lot how have you guys been.

killua: better then ever really.

gon: living with leorio is so fun but some times it can be... you know it's leorio so.

killua: the only thing that wasn't so fun was when we got a pool in the basement. It over flooded when we were with mito-san. we were scraping mold for days.

gon: he said we couldn't use his card for a week and screamed at us for about an hour.

all kurapika could do was laugh 

kurapika: i'm sure you guys give leo a hard time.

gon: we also did something else to piss him off and tried to make up for it and made him dinner

kurapika: aw.

killua: but we broke the stove.

all of the boys were to busy laughing to notice that leorio was knocking on the window. when kurapika noticed he let leorio in.

kurapika: sorry i didn't notice you.

kurapika said as he wiped tears for his eyes.

leorio: what where you guys talking about?

kurapika: killua and gon were just filling me in on some stuff.

leorio: oh okay... well lets go to the store and get some stuff.

killua: me and gon can go in together i want chocolate robots.

When the 4 arrived to the store only the 2 younger boys got out of the car. When the younger boys were out of sight leorio grabbed kurapika's hand putting it on his lap. 

leorio: i'm still so happy i'm here with you right now.

leorio smiled and rubbed the blonds hands.

kurapika: i'm happy i'm here too.

leorio laid his  head on the smaller males shoulder.

leorio: please don't leave again pika i been having important things to tell you.

kurapika: you can tell me now if you want.

leorio: maybe later.

leorio pov

i wanted to tell him i love him. But i'm not has confident as before i wanted to have the prefect timing to do so. It was going to be soon because i couldn't wait for kurapika to be mine. 

a/n pov

 the two stayed like that for a few minuets 

killua: hey let us in!!

killua screamed from outside the car leorio sat up and unlocked the car. Both killua and gon getting in.

gon: we got a lot of good stuff!

leorio: lets hope you did.

he gave kurapika's hand a little squeeze and drove off.

at leorio's house

gon's pov

we putting the bags on the counter and started to unbag the snacks

leorio: hey did you guy even buy real food all of this is so unhealthy.

killua: being a doctor has really gotten to you head old man you haven't let me eat chocolate in 2 weeks!!

leorio: that's because you and gon got it on my bed!

kurapika put his hand on leorio's shoulder.

kurapika: come on leorio loosen up.

leorio: i swear if you guys get candy every where i'm sending you with mito.

we both nodded.

killua: hey gon we should go get blankest

we went to the empty room that was only had things to sleep with like pillows ect.

killua: you know i kinda think that leorio likes kurapika.

gon: why would you think that.

i said picking up a pillow.

killua: because no matter how much we ask or beg for something he would say no but it's different for pika.

gon: yeah kurapika is the amazing who would say no to him.

killua: that's not the point do you see the way they look at each other and you remember when we were coming back to the car how leorio was laying on kurapika they clearly like each other.

gon: well that would be cool it would be like a family like we both have 2 dads even tho the two are our friends it would be cool for both of them to date.

killua: right that's what i'm saying and i have a plan but i will tell you a little later.      

i nodded 

and we left out of the room.

we went into the living room and placed all of the pillows and covers down.

killua: I'm going to pick a movie.

kurapika pov

leorio had his arms wrapped around me tightly i didn't know why he was doing it but i liked it. He pressed his body against me more. He was so warm it made my cheeks heat up. I kept putting the candies in bowls enjoying each bit of his touch.

leorio pov

i wanted to kiss him

 that's all i wanted right now but i couldn't, not right now at least i had to wait. I pressed my cheek against his.

kurapika pov

i froze and smiled why was he making me feel this way. I haven't been this close to human in a long time and i loved it. I slowly turned around and put my hands on leorio's chest. I could see the blush on his cheeks and could see him smiling. My arms wrapped around leorio's neck and i pulled him in for a hug.

kurapika: I'm going to see where killua and gon are at.

killua pov

killua: hey gon did you just see that!!

gon: see what...

he said turning around.

killua: how kurapika and leorio were hugging.

gon: no.

he said sitting down

gon: where are the snacks!

killua: gon that doesn't matter right now it leorio and kurapika I know their in love with each other i know it and i'm not wrong!!

kurapika: your not wrong about what?

he just came out of no where 

killua: it's nothing really

he nodded and walked back into the kitchen and leorio came out of the kitchen with 2 big bowls he moved the table up and sat the bowls on the table next kurapika came out of the kitchen with 2 other bowls

kurapika: kil and gon can you go get those cups on the sink.

we both nodded.

A/n pov 

at least 5 hours has past the 4 had watched 4 movies now looking for another. killua and gon were sharing a cover. Leorio and kurapika on the floor with 2 covers wrapped around them. kurapika had his head on leorio's shoulder.

killua: hey is there anything you want to watch kurapika your the only one who haven't watched anything.

leorio: oh he's sleep he may wake up soon it's still early

killua nodded

gon: well then i will pick again!-

kil & leo: NO!
