Chapter 27

There's gonna be a lot of time skips in this chapter.

1 week later

A few days ago Gon and Killua had finally completed the nursery and Leorio treated them to dinner. As the days went by the baby movements were more often and harsh. making kurapika not want to leave the bed for even a second.


Leorio walked out of the room slowly closing the door so he wouldn't wake kurapika. He went to the living room where Killua and Gon also were.

leorio: he's finally asleep.

he said plopping down on the couch.

killua: you had to put him to sleep like a baby?

leorio: yes he wouldn't let go of me it took me almost 10 minutes to get out of his grip even when he was asleep.

gon: well i don't blame him he's been in pain this whole week.

Leorio nodded and laid his head back.

leorio: he hasn't even been getting sleep at night because of all the moving the baby has been doing.

gon: well at least we know the baby will be coming soon.

gon: so have you guys found out which name you were gonna pick.

Leorio: I thought Akane was really cute and Kurapika didn't really care about Akane.

killua: I really like Akane.

gon nodded.

The three of them sat in silence until leorio heard kurapika scream his name. Leorio jumped off of the couch walking back to the room.

Leorio: yeah?

kurapika: it hurts so bad.

Kurapika was able to handle a lot of pain obviously but pregnancy was nothing to joke about. Kurapika had tears in his eyes as he tried talking to leorio.

leorio: you know that in the hospital you won't be as comfortable as at home we can go if it gets any worse.

Kurapika nodded and Leorio got back in bed with him.



Kurapika: Leorio...Leorio!

Leorio: yeah yeah what is it.

he said, rubbing his eyes.

Kurapika: i wanna go to the hospital now it's getting worse

he said clinking onto leorio.

Leorio: Okay we're gonna go right now let me just make a phone call.

Kurapika nodded and Leorio walked out of the room. Beforehand leorio decided that he wanted pacific doctors to deliver the baby because if a lot of people knew kurapika was a kurta he could be put in harm's way. Leorio started to call the doctor to make sure that she was at the hospital.

aoi: Helloooo?

Leorio: Are you at the hospital right now? Me and Kurapika are gonna come in.

aoi: yeah i'm here what do ya need to come in for.

( I don't know if it would make since to make kurapika have contractions since he doesn't have a uterus but i'm gonna put it anyways : ) )

Leorio: Kurapika's contractions have been getting worse and we're gonna come in.

aoi: I'm gonna get a room ready for you guys to take your time.

Leorio: Okay thank you.

They hung up and Leorio went back into the room with kurapika.

Leorio: Are you fine with going with the clothes you're in now.

Kurapika nodded. Leorio picked up Kurapika and grabbed his keys, phone and wallet.



nurse: ok so your baby mostly will not come tonight but if it does the baby will be premature which would be really bad if it comes anytime these few weeks that also wouldn't be good. you at least have 1 or 2 months to go. I'm not sure why your contractions are like this. Maybe it has something to do with you being a kurta but I really hope the baby doesn't come tonight. I'm gonna run a few more tests and see what I can do.

Leorio nodded and rubbed his forehead.

kurapika: I hope nothings wrong with the baby.

nurse: don't worry everything will be fine.

Leorio: I hope you're right.

When the nurse walked out, Leorio walked over to Kurapika and kissed his forehead.

Leorio: don't worry, okay.

Kurapika nodded.

after a few minutes the nurse walked back into the room

nurse: I'm gonna do another ultrasound.

Kurapika nodded and the nurse started the ultrasound.

nurse: hmm nothing seems to be wrong with her. But you're gonna have to stay here for a few days just so we will know there's really nothing wrong but don't worry, okay everything looks fine. If you guys want anyone else to come for comfort, you're welcome to.

Leorio: yeah i will keep that in mind.

And the nurse left back out.

Leorio: at least nothings wrong with the baby.

kurapika nodded and closed his eyes

3 week later

Kurapika was sitting in the rocking chair inside of the nursery watching Leorio get the baby's diaper bag ready.

Leorio: Do you even know how to change a diaper?

kurapika: yeah of course.

Leorio nodded

Leorio: What about bottles?

kurapika: Leorio, I know how to take care of a baby.

Leorio nervously chuckled.


The past weeks were pretty boring. Nothing at all happened during those weeks. Leorio and Kurapika had explained the baby thing to Leorio's family which they obviously supported.

Killua and Gon had worked on their relationship more and even told mito about their relationship and even their other friends and somehow killua's whole family and hisoka found out.


killua pov

I pulled my hoodie over my head walking into the place me and illumi decided to meet up at.

killua: what did you wanna meet up for?

I said looking down.

illumi: I wanted to tell you that I'm happy for you.

killua: okay? You telling me that you're happy for me means nothing.

illumi: i-

killua: if you're trying to win my trust over it won't work okay. you wanted me to come all the way here to tell me bullshit. if you aren't going to do anything to benefit me i don't care.

illumi bit his lip pulling me into a hug.

illumi: i'm not here to brainwash you kil i'm here to tell you we're all happy for you...

Ok so does this kinda feel rushed or make since i'm not sure i wanna make sure people are really still enjoying this and it's not boring at this point i kinda had a brain fart and don't know what to do but in this next chapter it will officially be baby time Kay! And should I add illumi and hisoka into the story?
