leorio's family

btw the events that happens in this fanfic sometime won't follow what happens in the anime or manga somethings are changed up. also a small smut

Saturday 8:00

Leorio: kurapika do you have all of your things.

kurapika: yeah.

Leorio: well then we should get going.

gon: bye!

killua waved at leorio and kurapika and both of them walked out of the door. Leorio unlocked the car doors both of them getting in.

Leorio: you ready.

Kurapika nodded and grabbed leorio's hand

Leorio: you're shaking?

Kurapika: I'm just excited.

Leorio kissed Kurapika's forehead starting the car.

Leorio: I'm just gonna tell you now my grandfather is a little homophobic and really religious so if he says anything just don't mind it he's close to death anyways.

kurapika hit leorio's shoulder.

Kurapika: Don't say that.

Leorio: He just really gets on my nerve my mom can't stand him either.

Kurapika: what about your grandmother.

Leorio: she's been sick lately so i don't know if she's coming or not and it's worse that her and my grandfather are on a bad note right now he's so rude but has to get pushed around in a wheel chair.

Kurapika: Hey leorio can you stop some where i need coffee.


the drive was about 2 hours away from where the boys lived by car. The house was bigger then where they lived of course since it was leorio's childhood home and there were a lot of kids living there but the outside and the house it's self wasn't the best looking kurapika wasn't surprised tho.

Leorio: kurapika were here.

kurapika slowly opened his eyes his heart started to beat and his legs started to shake.

Leorio: you ready to go in?

Kurapika: not yet can we sit out here for a few minutest.

Leorio: yeah.

kurapika grabbed leorio's hand and looked at his feet.

Leorio: take how much time you need.

kurapika nodded not a minute past and there was a hard knock on leorio's side of the window kurapika looked up and saw a young girl. leorio let down his window to talk to her.

Leorio: hina don't hit my window like that!

hina: nothings wrong with it anyways what are you just doing waiting out here-

The girl named hina stuck here head in the car and smiled.

hina: who's that Leorio~

kurapika looked up at her and nervously smiled

Hina: i'v never seen you before what's your name?

kurapika: uh kurapika kurta

kurapika stuttered

Hina: sounds familiar. and leorio hurry up mom needs you in the kitchen.

leorio: what ever get back in the house.

kurapika: i guess we should get out now.

Leorio: only if you're ready to.

kurapika nodded

kurapika: i'm ready  

leorio got out of the car and next kurapika. he held kurapika's hand has the both of them walked up the stairs to get inside the house. The door was already unlocked so the boys walked right in there was a taller man sitting on the couch with his legs up on his phone. The boy looked up at both kurapika and leorio it was marco. Marco smiled and got off of the couch.

Marco: Hey guys at first i didn't think you would come.

Leorio: why wouldn't i come?

marco shrugged.

Marco: hey kurapika!

kurapika: hi.

he said in a soft voice.

Marco: don't be shy we know each other!

Leorio: moms in the kitchen right.

Marco nodded

Marco: go let kurapika taste some of the food she's cooking you smell it right?

Kurapika: yeah it smells really good.

a few seconds of the boys talking another male that kurapika never seen wrapped one of his arms around marco.

Marco: oh yeah leorio and kurapika this is my boyfriend Eiji.

the boy was also tall and had his hair pulled back into a ponytail he was muscular also having a really nice face to go with it.

Eiji: this is your brother right.

Marco nodded.

Marco: and that's kurapika his boyfriend.

Eiji: nice to meet you both.

leorio nodded

kurapika: you to.

leorio pulled kurapika into the kitchen and there was his mom cooking she didn't notice the two until she turned around.

leo's mom: oh lord you scared me.

she walked over to leorio and hugged him and looked over to kurapika.

Leo's mom: And that's kurapika right.

she walked over to kurapika and hugged him like she knew kurapika for years.

leo's mom: I'm so happy to meet you i heard a lot about you.

Leo's mom: your so handsome.

kurapika: thank you

kurapika blushed.

Leo's mom: should i show you to you and leorio's room.

kurapika: please thank u.

after kurapika said thank u someone walked in he was wearing knee highs a long shirt with a skirt under. Kurapika watched him walk over to the fridge grabbing something about to walk to walk out until rose ( leo's mom)  grabbed his arm

rose: hey alex could you take kurapika to him and leorio's room

( i'm not good at coming up with names sorry about some of these names)

he nodded and looked at kurapika walking out the kitchen.

alex: do you need anything out of leorio's car?

he said in a raspy voice.

kurapika: uh yeah.

he nodded and walked out the door in just his socks. He walked to leorio's car a pressed the button on the trunk to open it.

alex: is this all?

he said picking up the bags.

kurapika: you don't have to get those i can.

alex: no it's fine.

he closed the trunk  and went inside of the house. He started to walk up stair kurapika following him. Alex stopped at a door putting the bags on the floor and opened the door.

alex: this is leorio's old room but we made it into a guess room.

kurapika: it's nice.

he picked up the bags and sat them on the bed.

alex: hey you wanna come in my room you may get bored since leorio is helping mom in the kithcen.

kurapika: sure.

the 2 walked out of the room and started to walk down the hall alex stopped at a door that had loud music coming out of it maybe rock? kurapika sure didn't know. when he opened the door the music got louder. Also the room was dark the only thing that was bring light to it was purple LED lights. There were also two other boys in the room one was laid on the bed with his phone and the other was sleep on a beanbag chair.

boy 1: hey Alex who's that!

he said sitting up

his hair was covering his eyes.

Alex: vic this is my brothers boyfriend.

vic: oh which one?

Alex didn't answer his question.

Alex: is there anything you want to listen to kurapika.

kurapika: no im fine.

vic: how old are you you're small.

kurapika looked at him and smiled but didn't answer.

Alex: leave him alone and sorry about the music i can change it.

Kurapika: No no it's fine i don't have a problem with it.

alex picked up a head set and a controller passing it to kurapika.

alex: you play.

Kurapika: not much but i can say im pretty good.

alex pulled out a chair and turned on a random game.

Alex: this is one of my favorites.


2 hours later.

both alex and kurapika were both still playing the game which kurapika was really good at.

alex: damn i'm really impressed i'm so good at this game but can't get a win.

kurapika: this is my first time playing too.

alex yawned and took his head set off rubbing his ears.

Kurapika: is he okay his been sleep ever since i got here.

Alex: yeah that's eric he sleeps a lot he's okay.

kurapika: so these are your friends right?

Alex: mhm but vic is my boyfriend.

kurapika: oh how did you guys meet.

Alex: one of my other friends introduced me to him what about you and leorio.

kurapika: during the hunter exam.

Alex: i thought he was lying about that at first.

He laughed.

alex: good to know my brothers a hunter!

alex and both kurapika talked as vic was in his on mind and eric was sleep.

a few more minutes of the 2 talking someone knocked.

alex: yeah!?

the door opened and leorio stuck his head in.

leorio: the foods gonna be ready in about 7 minuets and mom said the only one that can stay is your boyfriend and the one has to leave.

alex nodded getting up kicked the sleeping boy.


leorio and both kurapika were walking down the stairs. the dinning room was full of people and also the table in the kitchen was full.

kurapika POV

there were a lot of people which made me anxious holding tighter to leorio's hands  when we walked in the kitchen i saw a man in a wheel chair glaring at everyone and a lady came to leorio and gave him a hug.

auntie: oh my goodness leorio your auntie's so glad to see you!

leorio: i'm happy to see you to.

he let go of my hand and hugged her back. But then she looked down at me.

auntie: oooooh who's this!

Leorio: that's my boyfriend.

he smiled.

auntie: you are so cute what's your name.

kurapika: um im kurapika

my heart was pumping fast i was so excited but nervous.

auntie: come on come on everyone one else is waiting.

she grabbed both me and leorio's hand dragging us in the kitchen. she passed both of us plates she first started to plate mine. next leorio

kurapika: thank you.

auntie: your welcome sweetheart.

leorio guided me to the dinning room but before i could make it out the door the old man in the wheel chair grabbed my arm.

A/n pov

grandfather: are you dating leorio.

he stuttered.

kurapika: y-yeah.

a smiled started to come across his face. still not letting go. Leorio's auntie which served leorio and kurapika ran over and sat the food on leorio's grandfathers lap.

auntie: hey what are you doing to this poor boy!

she removed his hand from around kurapika's arm.

auntie: stay away while you can and try to avoid him.

she whispers.

i nodded and kept following leorio into the dining room and sat down starting to eat in between small talk with leorio siblings and other family members.


2: 00 Pm

kurapika was at the moment with leorio's older sister and her fiance

Aiko ( leorio's sisters fiance)

aimi ( leorio's sister)

Aiko: so i heard your a kurta.

kurapika nodded.

Aiko: i did stuides on kurta's and i didn't now there where still leaving kurta's

she laughed

aimi: that sounds kinda rude stop.

kurapika: no no it's fine.

aiko: so that means your the only surviving kurta right  that's fucking cool.

aimi: don't kurta men have babies?

kurapika: mhm

aimi: are you and my brother going to be having any, anytime soon~

she said teasingly

kurapika: oh i- yeah

he quietly said.

aimi: looks like i'm gonna have some kurta nieces and nephews.

aiko: yes Repopulation!

( i imagination aiko having like a hange personalty )

kurapika chuckled

kurapika: yeah

aimi: we should be go in now.

aiko: yeah lets go.

all of the 3 got up ready to walking in but then a white car honked it's horn aimi ran down the stairs and waited for the car to park. someone got out the car with a army uniform and a bag in hand.

aimi: Daichi!

she hugged her older brother and kissed his cheek.

Daichi: did you guys save me a plate of food.

aimi: is that all you can think about.

daichi: i'm really hungry.

aimi and both daichi started to walk up the stairs.

daichi: i'v never seen you before.

aimi: oh that's leorio's boyfriend.

daichi: i'm daichi.

kurapika: kurapika.

daichi ruffled kurapika's hair and smiled going into the door.

aiko: let's go pika- can i call you that! sorry if i can't!

kurapika: no your okay all my friends call me that.


marco was sitting really close to daichi eyeing him then his bag.

daichi: what do you want?

He said annoyed rolling his eyes

marco: you got guns in there?

he whispered.

marco: if you do can i see em please?!

daichi: no all of my stuff is at  home i just have some clothes in there.

marco: next time bring them.

daichi: no and get away from me.

daichi pushed marco over to his boyfriend an moved away from him.


incoming smut


Everyone started to move into their rooms everyone that was there outside of leorio siblings had left and the only one's in the house were kurapika, leorio, leorio's siblings, and mother

leorio and kurapika's pov

kurapika: ahh leorio are you sure we can do it here.

leorio: it's fine the walls are thick no one will hear.

he said kissing kurapika's neck. leorio hands slipped his kurapika's shirt rubbing his thump over his nipples. soft moans left kurapika's mouth as leorio moved his other hand into kurapika's pants.

kurapika: we don't have to do much foreplay just hurry and put it in.

leorio removed his shirt. and kept kissing kurapika. He took off kurapika pants throwing them to the side. kurapika unbuckled leorio's belt pulling his pants and boxers down with his feet. leorio's dick sprung out hitting kurapika's

kurapika: hurry and fuck me already leorio.

kurapika moaned.

leorio didn't take a second to pulled down kurapika underwear he lifted up legs putting them on his shoulder. he held his dick to kurapika's hole slowly pushing it.

kurapika: come on leorio.

kurapika cried.

leorio pushed harder causing kurapika to throw his head back. Leorio started at a slow pace going faster as time went on.

kurapika: l-leo ah faster~

leorio bent down and kissed kurapika's nose and did as kurapika said. leorio bit and licked kurapika's neck. He licked around kurapika's ear. making his movement faster.

kurapika: Nghhh

kurapika's hands held tightly onto leorio's back.

kurapika: A-Ahhh oh my god leorio


i wanna give you all prego pika right away so time skip if you don't mind  

5 weeks later

kurapika morning sickness were getting worst and worst everyday leorio and kurapika hadn't yet tried a test yet but kurapika that morning told leorio when he got off of work could be pick up a test. the couple for course told killua and gon about the baby plan and the two were happy for their best friends since gon never knew what it was like to have siblings he was more then happy. during these 5 weeks kurapika finally  went back to be a zodiac's. He had just finished his shower and went back to him and leorio's room to get the his kurta clothing. when he was done getting changed he grabbed his phone keys etc.


kurapika walked into the build he went right up to the zodiac's meeting room and sat down.


4: 58

leorio killua and gon came in the house with bags and sat them on the counter.

leorio: hey pika i got the test you should go use it.

kurapika nodded. leorio handed kurapika the bag.

leorio: i will get the food ready kay.

kurapika kissed leorio and walked into the bathroom ready to take the test.


2 minutest later

kurapika looked at the test again running impatient then back at his hands. kurapika waited another minute.

kurapika: that should have been 3 minutes.

kurapika looked back at the test and smiled. His cheeks were hot he was full of happiness.

kurapika: Leorio! Leorio!

  not even a second past and leorio came running in the bathroom.

Leorio: is everything okay?!

kurapika nodded and showed leorio the test. leorio got on his knees and hugged kurapika.

leorio: god im so happy

leorio hugged kurapika tighter and kissed him.

kurapika: i'm happy too.

kurapika rubbed leorio's hair.

kurapika: i love you leo

sorry for the crappy chapter and the short smut i haven't been really motivated the next chapter well be more of prego pika and happy birthay gon i know it's really late
